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Indane / Indian Oil Corporation

Indane / Indian Oil Corporation review: gas distributor not caring for customers 81

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12:00 am EST
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Agency of Indane Gas in Asal Durg building, Jaipur, Rajasthan, is not bothered to attend phones, doesn't care for honoring bookings, is selling cooking gas in black, is indulging in malafide business practices. Is anyone there to to listen? IOC is a public sector compnay, so it doesn't matter if it looses business. There are no private players as of now. Don't we in India need more privatisation / competition?

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Feb 01, 2008 5:16 am EST

Dear Sir
I am complaint to Puskar Agency at Raikhad, Bhadra in Ahmedabad. my complain is this firm are alway landline phone busy. There is one Phone . I Suggusation t to you, You are booking Internet Booking or Mobile Or Other Two ya Three Land line phone.

M Denny
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Feb 02, 2008 12:00 am EST

I have been trying to get a new gas connection from this company. When ever I approach the concerned agency I am being told that no new connections are being released. I am driven in circles. Getting a new connection is a pain in the wrong place.

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Apr 29, 2008 4:51 am EDT

The Senior Manager (LPG),
Punjab State Office,
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (MD),
Plot No.3A, Sector 19A, Madhya Marg,

Subject:- Complaint against Deep Indane Service, Agency, Majri, District, Mohali.

I, the inhabitant of Village Mullanpur Garibdass, submit as under:-
1. That my village Mullanpur Garibdass, which is situated at a distance of hardly 3 kilometers from Chandigarh, inhabits the population of around 12000 people. Of late, every family is solely dependent on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for its cooking needs. I wish to highlight to your goodself the very genuine grievance and hardship being faced by me and people of the village, that there is no LPG agency or Godown of the Indian Oil Corporation in the near vicinity of Mullanpur Garibdass.

2. That the only Gas Agency through which LPG cylinders are supplied in our town, viz. Deep Indane Service, Majri, District Mohali, is situated at a distance of about 12-14 kilometers. There is no door-to-door service for supplying cylinders in my town. The persons running the said agency dictate their own terms for supplying LPG cylinders to the poor inhabitants of the town and sometime charge more price than the fixed by the corporation. There are no fixed working hours of the said agency. The persons running the agency do whatever they like and they unnecessarily harass and humiliate the poor inhabitants of our town. The employees deputed for supplying the cylinders don’t have any etiquette/ manner how to communicate with the customers and they always used such a rough language to the customers. Moreover, the telephone/mobile numbers installed at the agency for gas booking are always out of order. As such, in this computer-age also, one has to waste his/her entire day, sometimes more than one day or two, to get an LPG cylinder refilled from the aforesaid agency, which is very humiliating and embarrassing too. Therefore, I submit number of complaints against the said agency before your goodself which are as under:-

1. No –door-to-door service is provided to the consumer.
2. They openly sold LPG cylinders in black in the market.
3. Communication of the employees deputed for delivery of LPG cylinders alongwith dealing of the proprietor Mr.Sukhwinder Singh with the customers is not good.
4. Gas in cylinders always underweight and the seal of the LPG cylinders always found broken as the employees deputed in the godown may pilferage the gas.
5. The phone/mobile numbers installed at the agency for booking are always out of order.
6. There is no time fixed by the agency for the delivery of LPG cylinders in the area that also in working days. Due to that reason, employees working in the Govt. offices face severe problems.
7. I don’t have any male member (except my father who is suffering from brain hemorrhage) at home to carry the LPG cylinder from the place where the tractor-trolley of the agency comes in working hours, for distributing the LPG cylinders which is far from my home. I also put my grievance before the Area Manager, Mr.Shakula verbally on his mobile [protected] so many times, though he assured me to sort out my problems but he did not take any action against the proprietor Mr.Sukhwinder Singh. I feel that they both seem to be hand and glove that is why my genuine problem is not solved.

Your are, therefore, requested to kindly look into the matter and take necessary action against the erring agency and sort out the aforementioned problems faced by me and make necessary arrangement for opening a Godown or LPG agency in the Mullanpur Garibdass, at the earliest so that the residents of our town may not be subjected to any further harassment and inconvenience.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Dated : 28.2.2008 [ SUDHIR KUMAR ]
s/o Nirmal Singh, V.&P.O Mullanpur Garibdass, District Mohali.
Consumer No.D-3111

Akhilesh Mishra
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May 04, 2008 10:51 pm EDT

The Senior Manager (LPG),
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (MD)

subject: Complain against poor service of Agnihotri gas service, sector- 37 Noida.

I am Akhilesh, residing sec-37 NoidaI have a connection of your cooking gas. Sir I have transffered this connection from Shibabad(Ghaziabad) to Noida sec-37 Agnihotri Gas Service on 3rd of May, till now date they don't have any record in their system to book the gas. when I went to ask why it is so, they are saying that you just transffered it before some days, it will take 2 to 3 days to feed your data in system, and after feeding in system it will take 3 or 4 days more to deliver the gas.
Now you please tell me how much time you take to get transffered a connection and to provide the gas at home. This is really ridiculous, we are just fed of it. Please take a necessary action regarding this issue.

Akhilesh Mishra
phn: [protected]

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May 09, 2008 12:06 pm EDT

I am domestic gas customer of Indane since last 10 years.

Since last five- six months, I faced a lot of problem to get refilled cylender from our distributor. It will get minium 18-20 days to get refilled after booking. After 13-14 days of booking I call to my dealer and know my status to how long should I wait for a refill cylinder, the person who received the phone call ask about consumer number and date of booking and he checked the status on computer and replied that today it will be send and he dropped the line. This procedure happen minium four or five time every month and finally I got a refill cylender after 25 days.

Sir, this procedure is only for harrase the customer, that there is nothing about scarcity of cylinder from IOCL.

Kindly take the matter seriously and save us from this type of problem in future.

A E Mudduveerappa
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Jul 17, 2008 3:22 am EDT

Since from past 14 months we have not booked gas for our Domastic pearpes plz find our Booking no. that we have lost

Shiv Kumar Tiwari
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Aug 01, 2008 3:34 am EDT

Form, Date: 01/08/2008
Shiv Kumar Tiwari
Vill.: Niyamatpur
Post: Sonvarsa
Dist: Faizabad (U.P.)
Pin. 224208

The Proprietor
Eagle Gas Services
Cant Faizabad (U.P.)

Ref.: Consumer No. 4443411/ E24320

Sub: Cheating with Poor Services

Dear Sir / Madam,

With reference to the above, I would like to inform you that the consumers of Village Niyamatpur had taken a gas cylinder connection on the commitment from your gas agency that we will get an on road service from our nearby market area Haringtonganj with extra charges of Rs.10 at the time of every cylinder refilling for some period and after that we will get the service from your branch office at Harigtonganj which is opening shortly.

Since last three years, we found that the on road services for gas cylinder refilling has quit from your agency and the same is selling from private shop keepers with the extra charges of Rs.150/- to Rs.200/- approx., which is against the Rules and Regulation of Indian Oil Corporation.

As we are getting a poor service from such a reputed agency, requested to investigate the matter on the priority and start the services as given earlier, otherwise failing of which we shall be constrained to take recourse to Consumer Forum in the interest of justice.

In case of emergency, to whom should consumers will approach for help in the absence of Service Centre or Help line in the nearby area. Requested to do the needful at the earliest.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

(Shiv Kumar Tiwari)
Correspondence Address
A/205 New Sai Samarth CHS LTD.
Sri Prastha Rd. No. 2
Nr. Mother Mary School
Nallasopara (West)
Thane- 401203
Cont.: [protected]

C.C. 1, Customer Service Cell
2, Indian Oil Corporation

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Aug 19, 2008 5:41 pm EDT

The Manager
Customer complaints dept,
Indian Oil Corporation.

Dear Sir,

I am bringing to your kind notice of the very poor service of ' Nirmal Indane Gas' at Avarampalayam, Coimbatore.

1. If we phone to get cylinder, most of the times nobody attends.
2. Even if somebody attends, no proper reply is obtained.
3. If the staff commits 4 days delivery time of LPG cylinder, we get the cylinder only after 10 days - that too we have to remind them every day.
4. The lady who interacts with the customer never responds respectfully. She doesn't know how to behave properly with a customer. She uses rough words in an arrogant manner.
5. Services like Billing, Printing, or any document is not done properly- always done erratically.
6. Looking for every opportunity to bill more or charge extra on customer.

We have been interacting with so many offices, Banks etc, but we all ( we are a group of people- not a single person writing this mail ) got disgusted with the service of Nirmal Indane Gas especially the way the Lady there behaves. ( to identify - she is a dark-complexioned round face lady- name we think Koilkani or so)

This lady must be sent out - at least to save the Name of Indian Oil Corporation

atul singh
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Aug 30, 2008 9:54 am EDT

The Senior Manager (LPG),
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (MD)

Sub: non regular gas distrubution

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am Atul singh residing chowk
bazar mankapur dist-gonda (up)

Niveden hai ke aap ke vitrak messers" RAJ KAMAL GAS SERVIS" maskanava (gonda)(up) ke dawara MANKAPUR TOWN me kabhi bhi suchare roop se gas aapurti nahi ke jati hai tatha naye connection main logo se 1000 Rs extra liya tha.
vada kiya gaya tha ke pratak week hum aapne van se dilver karenge paranyu kabhi kabhar chodke gas nahi aati hai.
please take an action imdetely to solve this problem.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,
atul singh
chowk bazar
(gonda) (up)

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Sep 17, 2008 4:51 am EDT


The Managar
Cusomer Complaint section
Indinan Oil Croporation.

Dear sir,

I am bringing to your notice the non co-operative attitude of your agent Ajitha Gas company, Chennai.

i had informed about the reflling of the cylinder on First of Septmber, 2008, till date they have not supplied the clinder and when we contacted them i am getting the same reply of sending the cylinder by the evening. They have been telling these for the last one week. I had also contacted personlay, enver then they are not caring to attend my complaint.
i request the company to take seroious action against the concerned person and supply the gas cylinder in time to the customer.

Thanking You


B. Naveen Kumar
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Sep 21, 2008 4:29 am EDT

The Customer Care Centre
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd


I am the Asst Legislative Counsel to the Govt of India. My aged father is having gas connection and his distributor is Jai Jawan Gas service situated at Sector 7, Dwarka, New Delhi.

My father wants to transfer the gas connection in my name. I am the only son. I have no other brother or sister. My mother also expired long ago.

Our distributor told us that my father cannot transfer the connection in my name as the new rule introduced by ioc. I want to know whether this is true. I also want to know if my father wants to transfer the gas connection in my name what is the proceedure. Please advise us. My cell No is [protected]

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Sep 24, 2008 1:49 am EDT

My name is K.Santhanam and I am staying in West Mambalam. I am getting gas connection from M/s.Vir Gas Agency and their code no is 5584891. Some time back the government announced that without Ration card stop supply of gas cylinder. In that time since i dont have ration card and the gas agency stopped supplied cylinder to me. Now the government announced to supply cylinder even without ration card. Please inform them to release cylinder to me immediately. MY CONSUMER NUMBER IS 41192.

vir Amrit Singh
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Sep 25, 2008 12:13 am EDT

respected sir/madam,
i am bringing my problem in your notice so that it can be sorted out as early as address is vpo ghanauri kalan, teh dhuri, dist sangrur(pb).i am a customer of venus gas agency dhuri [protected].gas agency send trolly of 40 cylinders to our village on every thursday.but there was along que of customers who wait for trolly from early in the morning 4 a.m.trolly usually comes between 11 to 12 p.m.everyone dont have free time to wait for trolly.when we go to gas agency to take a filled cylinder, they denied us to give cylinder from their warehouse tat is just at the back of the agency.they told us that when trolly is going to your village take cylinder from there.i heared that they do so because of customer number is 231161.please solve my problem .i will be very grateful to you

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Sep 26, 2008 5:57 am EDT

Velliyakkattil House
6/3 Chelavoor PO

Chief Area Manager
Indane Gas Area Office
Kerla State Office


Sub: Home Delivery of LPG Domestic Gas cylinder—Complaint—regarding
Ref: Consumer No. 28678 at CHAND GAS AGENCIES, Nadakkavu Cross Road, Calicut-673 001

I am the consumer of the above referred Gas Agency since 26-06-2008. The agency has supplied gas cylinders to the consumers nearby my house. My house can accessible by them for home delivery but the Gas Agency denied for supplying the refill cylinder to my home. I have collected the refill cylinder from the Agency directly.

In my house, I am the only person to do such type of works and I have my own limitations. I have to attend my old aged husband so leaving the house is very difficult to me. I have several times requested the Gas agency regarding the matter but they informed me the inconvenience.

In these circumstances I have no other way but to pray before you for taking necessary action to get me the home delivery of the Gas Cylinder refill.

Thanking You
Yours sincerely


Murali Krishna
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Sep 27, 2008 2:13 am EDT

Respected Sir,

I am residing at Chennai, Kanagam area. Recently the TN govt relaxed the rule 'Ration Card' to get new LPG connection. I have enquired about the prices at, where it is clearly specifying total amount at the time of taking connection is "1786" for 14.2kg connection, apart from this amout, we must show an LPG stove and Tube according to the ISI standards specified there in.

Today I went to an IOC gas distributor at "TU C S Kamadhenu Coop Super Market", surprisingly they are telling the price as 4500 (four thousands five hundred) including Stove and rubber tube and I have asked the same question and they are replying this is the price and no other details available with them.

The question was why these distributors are selling Stove and rubber tube themselves and imposing on customers as they needed? According to IOC, these people should not collect more than whey IOC specified. Are these distributors are doing other business by giving good hand to the Stove makers? Why you sir not taking proper action against these type of distributors?

The another question is, accorind go IOC it is 1786/- but according to distributor it is 4500. There is nearly 2700/- difference is there. There almost 1.5 timer higher price the distributor is selling. Please take proper action aginst thoise kind of distributors.

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Sep 29, 2008 2:13 am EDT

Dear sir
Nalasopara (E) HP Gas very bad service 21 din ke baad hamara cilender aata hai complent deneke liye jaate he to koi complent bhi nahi leta, krupya karake ishke bare me aap kathor karvai kijiye,

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Sep 29, 2008 2:33 am EDT

My consumer No 11058 . My gas agency name is Padma Gas
Agency. It is in BROADWAY . w ehave booked it on 19th September but till now we have not recieved the gas... we do call them regularly but there is no proper response to the the customers...this it wat is happening in regular basis... we all hope that the management will take necessary action and solve the customers problems

thanking you

Puranik Sunita S
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Sep 29, 2008 11:51 pm EDT

Distributor code no [protected], Prayag Indane, Propriotor Mr Indrakumar D Jevarikar in Aurangabad, Maharashtra is not bothered to attend phones, doesn't care for honoring bookings. Is anyone there to listen? IOC is a public sector compnay, so it doesn't matter if it looses business. There are no private players as of now. Don't we in India need more privatisation / competition?

My customer no is 006227, I have booked the cylinder personally with them on 16-09-2008, since last 10 days I am regularly following for it personally, he is honouring or attending it. During these festival season, it is very irritating and this is their regualr practice.

Goswami Bijnan Mihir Dash
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Oct 23, 2008 7:41 am EDT

Dear Sir,

I Goswami Bijnan Mihir Dash Living in house no -1-10/298/6, Lane no -6, Road no-1, Bharmanwadi, Begumpet, Hyderabad-16, my consumer number is 51686 and i am customer of Shri Balaji Gas Service.Begumpet.AP.i am consumer more than 4 years.
I always booked my cylinder timely through over the phone, but last 4(four) months i am not receiving my cylinder timely .When ever i asked they say it will take 7days for the deliver, but i have not received within 7day last 4 month.
I have already applied for 2nd cylinder dt 2nd jan 08, but till date i have not received .when i asked to Distributor regarding my 2nd cylinder he said i don't know. you check with head office.I have facing so many problems last two months, we are using Stove for cooking the food.
i request the company to take seroious action against the concerned person and supply the gas cylinder in time to the customer.when i can get my 2nd cylinder.please let me know.

Thanking You


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Oct 31, 2008 5:14 am EDT

Dear Sir,

I have booked for gas cylinder just 20 days before but still I could’t get the cylinder and now whenever I recall the same the phones are not working . kindly send filled cylinder immediately, my cons. No is V 2270 and the address is K.Kumari sec.3A/277 Vaishali GZB,

Thanking You

Send a message
Nov 03, 2008 12:01 am EST

The Managar
Cusomer Complaint section
Indinan Oil Croporation.

Dear sir,

I am bringing to your notice the non co-operative attitude of your agent Naveen Gas, CIT Nagar Chennai.

i had informed about the reflling of the cylinder on 22nd of Septmber, 2008, till date they have not supplied the clinder and when we contacted them i am getting the same reply of sending the cylinder 10 days. They have been telling these for the last . I had also contacted personlay, enver then they are not caring to attend my complaint.
i request the company to take seroious action against the concerned person and supply the gas cylinder in time to the customer.

Thanking You


Send a message
Nov 03, 2008 12:05 am EST

We have same problem in every month we have single clynder
if its two clynder some what manage please help us this problem
please advivce Naveen Gas agency Cit Nager Chennai

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Nov 04, 2008 9:51 am EST

आपके रिटेल आउट्लेट पर पेट्रोल में मिट्टी के तेल की मिलावट की जा रही
हे। गहलोत सर्विस स्टेशन जसपुर, जिला-(उ0सि0नगर) उत्तरान्चल में आपकी एक आउट्लेट हे यहां पर पेट्रोल में मिट्टी तेल की
मिलावट की जा रही हे मेने स्वंय अपनी बाइक मे पेट्रोल लिया था जिसमे
मिलावट थी जिससे मेरी बाइक खराब हो गयी। क्रपया ध्यान दें इसी प्रकार
होता रहा तो ग्राहक इन्डिन आयल का नाम भूल जायेगे मेरा ध्यान इस ओर आपको
दिलाना हे क्रपया इस ओर ध्यान देवे।

Send a message
Nov 16, 2008 3:35 am EST


vidhan kumar
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Jan 07, 2009 11:28 am EST

sub-for gas agency
i am vidhan kumar .i want to open a gas agency in my town so sir plz say what is the requirement for that.i m a engineer.and our town is sixty km from patna, a gas agency is very neccesary in our town so sir kindly look at this matter for that i will always oblise to you.

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Jan 16, 2009 1:12 am EST

I am having adomestic gas connection with Agnihotri Gas Agency, Sector 37, Noida. My connection No. is A-19930. This connection is reported to have been transferred to Mithila Gas Agency, Sector 18, Noida.When we asked for booking a gas cylinder for the first time, they mentioned that you got a refill on 24-12-2008 and as such your booking can be made only on 15-01-2009.How did they say that we got a cylinder on 24-12-2008 when we are approaching them for the first time? On enquiring from Agnihoti Gas Agency, we were told that your refill got due on 24-12-2008 itself. Rest they do not know. How ioc changed our gas agency without telling the consumer? Shall any body reply to this. I must also be told as to why Mithila Gas Agency is refusing to book gas refill before 15-01-2009 and on what grounds? S.S.BHAREL Mob.[protected]

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Mar 03, 2009 2:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

No.3/636 K.K.Nagar,
Backside of Remuki Stores
The Manager,
Indian oil Corporation Grievance Cell

Sub: Some difficulties and bottlenecks in getting the
Indane Gas connection to the consumers – Reg.

I wish to add the following few lines for your kind consideration.
It is conventional to the Indane distributors for demanding the new addresss for issuing the cylinders to the customers who proceeds on transfer. I welcoming the rules and regulation of the Indian Oil Corporation for regulating the Gas supply to the customers and the steps taken by the Corporation to avoid the misuse of the domestic gas supply In this connection the following example is furnished for your kind consideration.
An officer ‘A’ is working in Madurai and lodging in a location. His family is residing in another far away town due to some reasons. He is having the Gas connection and other identifications in the town where his family resides. At this time the Officer ‘A” shifts his family where he works after surrendering the gas, Ration Card, Telephones and every thing, observing all formalities. Now he is having only the papers with out any addresses where he shifts the family.
Then the officer ‘A” approaches the Indane Distributor in the town where he works for receiving the gas connection, and now he is informed to produce any one of the documents like, Ration Card, Phone Bill (BSNL), Passport, Bank Pass Book and some other identification bearing the new address.
 Is it possible to any body to submit any thing ( Identifications) having the new address within 24 hours?.
 The Indane Distributor demands either Phone Bills (BSNL) or New Phone connection demand (BSNL) notice having the new address
 The Customer Service Centre of BSNL also demands the identification having the new residential address for giving the new telephone connection.
 The Revenue Authorities also take their own time at least 3 to 4 days for registering the new address in the Ration Card.
 Nowadays it is a Herculean task to change the new address in the Bank Pass Book which is already bearing the officer “A” old address ( lodging address). The Bank Officers also demands either Ration Card or the Telephone Bills having the new address for changing the address in the Pass Book.
The Officer ’A’ is having every thing like Bank Pass Book, LIC Premium Paid Receipt, PAN Card and Pass port and others having either the old address where his family resided or where the officer lodged. In these circumstances, the Officer “A” has to wait at least 4 to 5 days until the receipt of the Ration Card having the new address. This is the fate of an officer who shifts his family from one location to a new location and on the other hand what is the fate of a common man who shifts his family from one location to another location who does not have any of the above other than Ration Card and Bank Pass book.
Either the Officer or the common man who blessed with school going children, then there is a big hue and cry until he gets the gas connection. There are so many out of ways to overcome this situation. But here this is not the question. How this situation can be overcome? in a right way or legally.
My only suggestion is,
 it is highly difficult to get the documents having the new address in a short period ( one or two days). The procedure for entering the new address in the documents only starts after arriving at the new location it self.
 On receipt of the transfer demand of the gas connection by the distributor, the new address of either the Officer ”A” or the common man should be verified personally by the Indane Gas Distributor by sending some responsible person from the Gas Agency.
 For this purpose a Nominal Charge may be fixed by the Indian Oil Corporation and also be levied from the customer.
 Then a temporary gas connection may be provided for a short period observing all formalities as in force in Indian Oil Corporation till the customer produce the documents having the new address.
Request kind actions and reply from Indian Oil Corporation.

Thanking Yoy Sir,

Your’s Sincerely,

( V.C.Ramakrishnan)

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Mar 12, 2009 5:45 am EDT

Respected sir,
I am R.Lakshmi bai residing in Palani Dindigul district, Tamilnadu.Recently TN Govt have ordered that ration card is not required for boooking the gas connection.But the jothy gas agency in palani is insisting to have the ration card despite the govt order.I have been suffering for two months without gas connection.So I kindly request you to take nessary connection in he way of solving my problem.

mallika verma
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May 06, 2009 2:57 am EDT

i am living in pathankot, punjab.i am having two gas connections of sood gas agency in pathankot itself.
we have to wait for many days for the booking of cylinders.they do not send cylinders to our home.
the phone of theirs is always busy and they put the reciever down.pls solve this problem immediately, otherwise i will complain to the prime minister of india
my first connection is S-17212 NAME-SUKHBIR SINGH and second is S- 7336 NAME-PUSHPA

sunil kumar sinha
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Jul 10, 2009 5:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Sir,

I am a consumer of indian oil gas agency registered under Anand Gas Agency at Ashoknagar Ranchi. and have booked my at sl No. 7881 on 28-05-09 but regret to say that They have not given me gas .

pl look into the matter and take suitable action.



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Sep 01, 2009 3:41 am EDT

The Manager,

Sub: Home Delivery of LPG Domestic Gas cylinder—Complaint.

Dear Sir,
I am LPG INDANE GAS Consumer; I deal with Mithila Gas Agencies, Sector-19, NOIDA, who are the distributor of my area, My consumer No.1186. My problem is after booking they have not supply the gas home delivery. Presently I book the gas 22 October 2009, today is 1 September 2009, no cylinder reach at my home. When complained about that over there nobody took it seriously and when I said I will complaint about this they said do it. The Man who interacts with the customer never responds respectfully. He doesn't know how to behave properly with a Customer. He uses rough words in an arrogant manner. I request you please solve my problem and take some serious action as soon as possible.

DATE : 01-Sep-2009.

Yours Truly,
P-2, SECTOR-11,
NOIDA - 201301.

Send a message
Sep 07, 2009 5:55 am EDT

Repected Sir

My name is Lenin I am an authorized gas connection holder of M/s Cosatal Gas Agency, 6/226 P & Q Gods Own Building, Valappu, Malippuram P.o.Vypin, Ernakulam, Kerala, Pin-682508 . My consumer number is 2424. Since last July 13th 2009 i have booked for gas and the booking no is 2929. but till date ie. on [protected] days ) they have'nt delived a single cylinder to us. when we phone several times regarding this, they will neither not take the phone nor tell us to come and take the cylinder if we want .

So sir please take necessary actions against the above mentioned Agency.

Thanking you
yours fatihfully

Lenin P K
Puthanveetil House,
Vypin, Ernakulam,
Kerala District.

s.k. singh
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Jan 07, 2010 7:28 am EST

Dear Sir

I live in Shukla Ganj Dist: Unnao, Here is onle one indane gas agency “M/s Shuklaganj Gas Servicee” there are huge corruptions .

Ist I goes to agency and take the date, The date after 20 days on 7th jan.2010
In 7th jan I go to take the delivery and 4.00AM in this winter and fog
I stand 4 hours then at 10:am agency staff come and told the load is not come today if you need then go to magarwara which situated in 20 Km. from shuklan ganj.

Sir here are very corruptions . the brokers are easly take delivery and normal people could not many people stand at 4.00 am but they can not take delivery at this winter time

Sir, I request you to please check the matter and take hard action bcoz we are very suffer this problem.

We are tired to take one cylinder bcoz we got it process of 20 days.

Yours truly,
S.K. Singh

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Jan 12, 2010 7:41 am EST

i smt khuku dutta the consumer no is-t02621 of north end gas, north barasat, prasadpur, kolkata.this doesnot supply the gas properly every month.line told the customer that short supply .i konw the line man black the gas high last booking date10.12.2009, pl.see this matter and inspection this service.other wise i informed to ministery

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Jan 18, 2010 12:07 am EST



Ashok Kumar Pal
Send a message
Feb 10, 2010 7:46 am EST

The Manager
Customer complaints dept,
Indian Oil Corporation.

Dear Sir,

I am bringing to your kind notice of the very poor service of ' Shri Krishna Sai Indane Service' at 3/174, A Vishnupuri, Kanpur.

1. If we phone to get cylinder, most of the times nobody attends.
2. Even if somebody attends, no proper reply is obtained.
3. If the staff commits 7 days delivery time of LPG cylinder, we get the cylinder only after 10 to 15 days - that too we have to remind them every day.
4. The staff who interacts with the customer never responds respectfully. They don’t know how to behave properly with a customer. They use rough words in an arrogant manner.
5. Agency staff said that we have book refill cylinder after 21 days form the last date of delivery, while your rules the refill cylinder should be supply in 21 days interval that means they have to supply next refill cylinder after 40 days & above.
Please take the suitable action against gas agency and also inform me.
Your faithfully
A.K. Pal
Consumer no. 6634S
Mobile no. [protected]
E-Mail :-

Send a message
Feb 12, 2010 8:34 am EST

Senior Manager (LPG)
Indian Oil Corporation
Sector 19,

Sub: Request for supply of domestic LPG cylinder at our door steps.

Respected Sir,

It is brought to your kind notice that we the residents of Village Kajheri, UT Chandigarh using LPG of Indane through Sunshine Gas Agency, Sector 44, Chandigarh. The deliverymen of the agency visit the village three days a week (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) and distribute the booked cylinder at a particular place near the school instead of giving it at our door steps.

Most of the male persons of village left their houses for occupation in the morning and it is very difficult for the ladies at home to carry the cylinder far away from the house to the site where the deliverymen stands to replace the empty cylinder. The deliverymen visit the village with a 1-2 three wheeler loaded with 25-30 cylinders and the line of the empty cylinders at site is about 200 to 250 and some time they cannot cover the full supply. So a whole day of a daily wager go waste to get a refill. A long queue of empty cylinders exist before the arrival of the deliverymen. Many times it is also found that empty cylinders were stolen from the crowd.

It is also brought to your notice that some outsiders who are not residing in the village also visit the place to get their cylinder refilled.

Your are, therefore, requested to kindly look into the matter and take necessary action against the erring agency and sort out the aforementioned problems faced by us and make necessary arrangement for distributing the cylinders at our door steps, at the earliest so that the residents of our village may not be subjected to any further harassment and inconvenience.

Thanking you and hoping for favourable action.

Yours faithfully
Residents of Village Kajheri

A M Joshi
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Feb 13, 2010 1:13 am EST

Dear Sir,

I have applied for the new Gas Connection in Noida Mithila Gas Agency. They have enetered my details in the database and said that you will recive the letter from us in 15-20 days. Already more than a month has passed and i have not recived any letter. When i approch to them they said due to unavailability of Regulaters they are not despaching the letters to respactive people.

Request to please look in this side.


Send a message
Feb 16, 2010 4:29 am EST

The Senior Manager (LPG),
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
No.1, Arobindo Marg,
Yusuf Safar,
New Delhi.

Subject:- Complaint against S&P Agencies, Alaknanda (Aravalli Shopping Centre), Near CR Park, New Delhi-19.

I am a regular consumer bearing no. 17211 since the year 1995 of your gas connection services.

Each month i have requirement only of 1 cylinder. Now a days i am facing tremendous problem with the services of the agency. they never bother to the problem we face in terms of non comliance of timely delivery of the cylinder.

They never answer to the telephonic queries. Every time they will make false commitement. resulting which i borrow cylinder from others, or my wife goes to prepare food to someone's house.

The teoephone no. of the agency is 011-[protected] person name is Ms. Kanchan.

Can u please help in this matter? This morning also they assured that the cylinder will be delivered within 11am but till now they have not delivered the same. My kids are back from school and waiting for food.

As both we are working, I don’t have any other member at home to carry the LPG cylinder from the place of the agency in working hours.

Your are, therefore, requested to kindly look into the matter and take necessary action against the erring agency and sort out the aforementioned problems to avoid any further harassment and inconvenience.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Sourav Chakraborty
RZ 2558, St. No. 28,
Tughlakabad Extn. Kalkaji,
New Delhi-110 019.
Date: 16.02.2010

Send a message
Feb 23, 2010 8:22 am EST

Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that we are resident of
#, 1112, Nai Basti B-14,
Behind Punjab & Sindh Bank,
Civil Lines, Bijnor (UP) .
and user of Indian gas . In our Bijnore Gas services is authorized for indian Gas (LPG -domestic uses) Distribution.

our consumer no.153553
booking date is 05.02.2010.
Expected delivery was 9.02.2010

but regret to inform that till today (23.02.2010) we have not received .
When I went to the agency to enquire about it, the staff had used filthy language against me.
I request you to please..kindly look into the matter and do the needful if possible.

Best Regards

Rahul Agarwal
mob:- [protected]

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