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Jewel-Osco review: Terrible experience! 59

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12:00 am EDT
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On March 19, 2007 between the hours of 1AM-2:30am I went into the store to purchase some peanuts and I noticed the self check out line was closed. I requested to speak to a manager and the plain clothes security guard said what I can do for you. (Note: he had no name tag to show who he was) I assumed he was the manager and I told him I don't think its right that every night there’s a long line of black customers. I don’t see why the checks out lines are closed because I’ve shopped in here and I know those lanes were open. I also said do I have to go wake up some of my white friends to get the self help line open?

The security guard got upset and said, "I don't want you in my store." and I said I've done nothing wrong I was only speaking of the self help line. I stood in line and the security guard came toward me and stood in front of me and ask me to leave and I said I just want to pay for my nuts and go. He bumped me and I said if you trying to hurt me you will lose your job and that’s a liability. The security guard swung at the nuts in my hand and the bag busted. He stared at me and immediately grabbed me in my collar and slammed me to the floor and said, "That’s it you are going to jail." I said I did not do anything wrong. As I was lying on my back he put his knee in my chest and stomach and I was yelling someone please call 911. I was telling the security guard he hurt my back when I went down and he said, "There nothing wrong with your ###." He was trying to put the cuffs on my and I continued to yelled for help because I was scared.
Note: I did not try to fight back and I did not grab the security guard. I keep my hands to my side at all times because I did not want to give him any reasons to justify why he attacked me.

The customers were standing around taking pictures and yelling at the guard saying if he stole something I'll pay for it. I yelled to the customer I did nothing wrong and I was not stealing.

The second security guard came and put his knee toward my neck and I was yelling I could not breathe because I take medication and my mouth is dry. I yelled and cried for help several times and the security guards kept telling me to shut the ### up so they can take me into the back room. I yelled please to everyone to call the police I need help and I asked the security guard to call 911 and he said we're taking you into the back room first.

The security guards were trying to pull me into the office because there are no cameras and they could have done anything to me. I asked multiplies times for someone to call the police. I both security guards to call 911 but they insist on taking to office first. I was yelling loud when they pulled my arm with the cuffs.

Finally, one of my arms were cuffed and the bigger security guard was tired and rested his knee on my chest and I told him I could not breath because of the medication and he said, "There's nothing wrong with you with a smile. One guard picked me up by one arm and the other guard picked me up by the hand cuffs and I screamed loud that I was in pain, I yelled for help and for someone to call 911. I was dragged about 8 feet with the security guard pulling me by the cuffs and the other security guard said, "And you said you hurt your back there's nothing wrong with your ###." The customers yelled and were taking pictures of what the security guards were doing to me.

The Pharmacy Manager came over and said if I get up and go to the room he would give me a glass of water. . I told him I take Adderall which has Amphetamine in it and it makes your mouth dry. I told him I was not going in the room by myself and to call the police for me. He walked away and said nothing. You would think the Phymarcist would have known the side effect.

I was dragged again another 3 to 7 feet and I yelled because of the pain in my wrist. I said you’re hurting my wrist, and the security guard said, "It's your fault." I begged the security guard to call 911 again but they refused because they wanted to get me into the back room. I was scared and I yelled please call 911 and finally I heard a customer call stating the guards were jumping on me.

The security guard choose not to call 911 because they were trying to get me into the office where they take a lot of homeless black people and jump on them and let them go. They reason for that is, it’s cheaper to beat the heck out of a person oppose to going to court.

Finally a customer called 911 for me and I assumed CPD was coming to save me but instead I get arrested without question. The Chicago Police department came and made me lay my stomach and while the CPD was hand cuffing me he look at my wrist and said, "Dam! We going to put in the report that our cuffs did not cause those marks and swelling. I asked the Chicago Police Officers to get me to a hospital because I had breathing problems and my wrist was hurting the officers ignore my request. The Security Guard did not know what charges to filed because the Chicago Police asked the Security Guard, “What did he do? Was he shoplifting.” The Security Guard said, “No. But I did ask him to leave and he refused.” The officers ask the security guard, “What charges would you like to file?” The Securtiy Guard said, “No, I don’t want him in this store.” The officers said you can file a complaint for Trespassing. The Chicago Police Department did not do their jobs because I should not have been detain because their was no grounds to arrest me. The Chicago Police Department coach the Security Guard into making charges against me which were false. The video tape shows I did not nothing wrong and you will see the mistreatment of the officers. When I was taking out of the door in cuffs my arms were lifted by the officers which added more pain. You will see in the video of me trying to get my breath and asking the Chicago Police Department to take me to the hospital and they refused several times. I was told I was going to the hospital but I went straight to the police station.

I get arrested for Trespassing which is a bogus charge because Jewel-Osco / Monterrey Security / Albertson / Supervalu had no probable cause to arrest me. I was standing in line with an item until the security guard knocked the bag of nuts out of my hands.

I was told to quit acting and I told the Police I take medication and that my mouth is dry please give me some water. I take Adderall which has Amphetamine in it and it makes your mouth dry as if you're eating sand on a hot day. I told the cop my mouth is dry and that's why my lips were turning white and the cop response was, "You're faking it." I said please help me take me to a doctor because I can't breath and my wrist is hurting. He said he's going to jail and they put me in the police wagon.

1. My rights were not read 2. The cops did not look at the video tape 3. The cops refused to take me to the hospital and I asked for medical help 4. Ask me if I was on Cocaine 5. I was handcuffs on top of the injury
I begged for water for about 15 mins and there was one cop asking me if I was on cocaine and I told him no and I've tried drugs or drinking. I was searched and I bagged for water and the cop said you can drink out of the dirty facult. I went to the dirty facult and drink and another cop came with a cup of water and I was drinking fast and the cop said, "Slow down before you chock." This is when they realized I was telling the truth and they became nice to me. I explained the situation to the cops and the medicine I was taking because they never heard of it before. I asked the cop why did I get arrested and you did not look at the video? He said, "That’s not my job and if you think you were treated unfairly get a lawyer."

I asked the cops when will I go the doctor and at that time it was 3am in the morning. I told the cops I could not miss work because I will lose my job. So the cop said, if we take you to the doctor you are not going to make it to work on time. It will be easier to go through the process and go yourself. The cop ask me if I was denying medical help at this time not knowing they were compromising my time and their time to avoid taking me to the doctor. I said ok, so I should be out of here before 5am and I was told yes. As the cops were leaving I told them not to forget to lock my doors because all my personal items are in there and they said, "We will take care of you.

I got out of jail at 6:30 this morning and I went to the Jewel to get my truck and it was towed. The security guard changed tours and the new guard said, "We towed your car about 10 minutes ago because it should not have been parked here and that's a fact. Enjoy your day." The female security looked at me and smiled and said, "Sorry." I said the cops told them not to touch my car and the male security guard said, "I have nothing else to say. We towed it and now what?" He walked off again and that was it. I spent my last $150.00 to get my car out of the pound.

I spoke to the vice president of sales at Jewel-Osco and the following conversation took place.
V.P: What if we don’t show up? It would not count against you.
Joseph: You’re wrong because it’s going to show up on my record that I was arrested.
VP: It’s going to show the case dropped and that you were never convicted.
Joseph: Your wrong, it’s going to show a false pattern of trouble and you know and I know this was a bogus charge.

I’ve served Jewel-Osco/Albertson/Supervalu/Monterrey Security with a subpoena to request copies of the investigation report and a copy of the video tape and to this date I have not received any answer or copies of my request. I’ve called Jewel-Osco/Albertson/Monterrey Security/Supervalu on several occasion and to this date I have not received any answer as of yet.

Jewel-Osco Loss Prevention and Monterrey Security takes customer accused of a crime in a room without cameras and beat them up. I had a situation with Jewel-Osco and Monterrey Security Company on March 19, 2007. I was harassed by loss prevention and Monterrey security up until my court day.

I sat in my car and some guys drove up and hit my car with a bottle and drove off. I was sitting in Starbuck's and I notice a face I recognized from Monterrey Security Company and Jewel-Osco loss prevention. I was at caribou coffee and two guys came and sat next to me and talked about the medication I take and there is no way I will win in court. I took down several plates numbers because I know they are trying to intimidate me not to show up to court and to file a civil suit. I noticed a plan clothes detective that was following me talking to Jewel-Osco and Monterrey Security before my name was called. They security guards from Jewel-Osco and Monterrey are thugs and they try to intimidate you by following you.

1663997 il plates
f646185 il plates
8238249 il plates
6084929 il plates
8348834 il plates
g22121 il plates
hmw765 il plates
jxm668 il plates
4722155 il plates
6424239 il plates
8632938 il plates

On April 30, 2007 I went to court for the Trespassing charge I was going to fight myself because I was standing in line with an item when I was attack and I knew the charge of trespassing was not going to stick. I asked for an continence because Jewel-Osco / Albertson / Supervalu / Monterrey Security told the judge they wanted to file additional charges of Battery and Disorderly Conduct because they knew the charges of trespassing was not going to stick by itself. The additional charges were filed because they are trying to avoid any civil suit to protect them. I told the judge I did not agree with the charges because if there was any truth to the charges they would have been filed the same day and not April 30, 2007. The reason the additional charges were filed was based off my arrest record because they are trying to create a pattern to get me convicted to avoid any civil suit.

The night I was arrested for Trespassing the cops asked the security guard, “What do you want us to charge him with?” and the Security Guard said, “Trespassing.” But when we get to court the security guard filed additional charges of battery and disorderly conduct. Which is wrong.

I can’t apply for employment because no one will hire you if you have a case pending. With the additional charges I’m really scared because I don’t know what the outcome is going to be. Why did they wait to file additional charges? I never touch the security guard I never used profanity I was only yelling for help. They were allowed to file additional charges and it’s not right.

In court you had people sitting from Loss Prevention on the left side in the back and you also had Loss Prevention sitting in front of me to intimidate me. The one employee that had as a witness is a know gang members and he got into an argument when a customer was taking pictures with a phone.

I’m tired of Security Guards pretending to be cops and I’m tired of retired cops using the loop hole to avoid misconduct charges because the same law does not apply to Security companies as they do to the Chicago Police Department. The Chicago Police Department did not do their jobs because I should not have been detain because their was no grounds to arrest me.

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Oct 06, 2008 8:36 am EDT

this was bullshyt..

i would rather kill tat security aft couple of dayz...
idc if i went to jail aft killin him

do u still knoe.. is he still wrking at jewel as security?

gary, US
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May 13, 2013 3:45 am EDT

They don't have security at that time. 1am-2:30 am

Albert Vena
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Sep 10, 2015 11:49 am EDT

Ad that started on 9/09/15 thur 9/15/15 in the Osco section has Viva towel for $6.99 a roll of 8ct..Photo show a 8=12roll at the check out they told me it would be 9;99 ea not 6.99 ea after a price check I ttied to explain the ad showing it to the check out and I was told no please correct the sign or retack the ad as an error I still did purchase the 3 rolls at 9.99 trx:65 oper 310 term 7 store 3426 9/10/15 time 10:57:32
the operator at the check-out was very nice and friendly the the entire store.3

albert vena [protected]

Holmes A
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Oct 31, 2017 12:51 pm EDT

I do know that the individual is not lying, as I've been shopping at the Jewels food store on 12th and Wabash, and their attitude there is that most "black" people who enter the store are suspects for pilfering. The reason I know is that I live in the neighborhood, and I have gone to that store since it's inception, and have noticed that every time I shop there the supposedly inconspicuous "security" staff (that is in fact very "obvious") is always following me around the store. However, I have a "white" neighbor who we both shop at Jewels frequently at the same time, and no matter how many times show goes into the store she is never followed around. At one instant when we were at the store together she monitored the security's staff behavior toward me without them noticing it, where she confirmed that they were following me. The sad news is that the "black" security staff there is more aggressive, and acrimonious toward the "black" customers only. I remember once being in the store where the "bears" fans were all in the store and remember them being loud, and roaming the store without being accosted. But then again no way will an African American or Mexican security staff dare approach anyone of the Caucasian ethnic background or follow them around the store, as they are afraid of white people or have the image that white people don't steal, as well as knowing that White people have lawyers where they pay retainer's fees, and will sue Jewels and their security company to the max. I mean wouldn't it stand to reason that why if I'm shopping in the store and purchasing over $50 or more of food items, then stand in the line to pay, why would I then decide to try and take something! I mean why would I want to embarrass myself for taking something and then get caught?! Oh Sure I'll just put a rack of lamb in my purse, or take cans of food before leaving the store. But then again when you are programmed to perceive people in a limited way I guess reasoning or logic doesn't come into play especially with the education level, and pay scale you wouldn't expect any better from a person in that job position. I now understand the quote "there is nothing more frightful than "ignorance" in action". The Security staff people at Jewels are "ignorant" and "hostile" and their general demeanor is to provoke black people to engage them into confrontation, as they know they have the backing of the store manager, and the police department (as evident in the report of the recent victim Joseph Robinson), along with the employees that have also been trained to collaborate with the security staff in cases such as this, and that is why they will always prevail just because they have the title of security, and backing of the police officers who we know do no respect the rights of African Americans under any circumstances, along with the management at Jewels. I sure hope the individual will be able to receive "justice" in the matter, as the cameras don't lie! To bad is wasn't any white people on the scene as it may have turned out to be a different story! This should be a wake up call for all African Americans who shop in the "south loop" area. I mean how can a Security person say to a customer "I don't want you in my store! Does he own the Store or even have stock in Jewels Food Stores? I thought is was low-down, inhumane, and reprehensible for the way they treated the customer, and for the pharmacist to be insensitive, and the manager to lie blatantly. God Speed to you Mr. Joseph Robinson. Sometimes these situations seem insurmountable but David did slay Goliath!

Wall Marq
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Mar 31, 2018 11:11 pm EDT

They destroyed groceries picture of ruined bakery goods.

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Aug 14, 2018 3:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have visited and shopped jewel osco today AUG 1 at the Montrose 4355 N Sheridan Store to get the all groceries items including ready made chicken pcs. The lady who served in this department was so rude ( time around 4:40PM). She need a training about customer service. Thank you.

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Aug 15, 2018 1:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Jewel Osco branded milk expired before its expiration date, and we are worried this is happening to others, because we found that the skim milk I purchased from another store also expired before its expiration date. Please look into this as we are not the only ones.

Tim hh
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Aug 15, 2018 9:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Every time we go to jewel to get chicken it's no longer available. We go between 7:00 & 7:30 and they're out and not making anymore. We then go to KFC. Please tell me if this is usual or not. We work late at my house and can't get to jewel earlier

Debbie Br
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Aug 15, 2018 10:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Today in Jewel Woodstock Illinois. Wanted to but buttermilk. Product in cooler expired. Sell by date June 18. I often find expired products at this Jewel. Store manager is never to be found and only thing service desk employees say "oh we will be sure to take it out". Always an excuse. I should not have to take pictures of items ever. ! !

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Send a message
Aug 20, 2018 4:38 am EDT

I can no longer shop at your store. The prices keep going up but the quality consistently goes down. You never have enough staff, cashiers. Your store is very dirty. When you do have sales, the shelves are bare. Staffing that you do have are often very rude including the people behind the customer service counter. Prices are absolutely outrageous!

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Aug 20, 2018 9:16 am EDT

Hello My name is Neah Franklin and I live in Chicago. I have applied to several jewels for employment and I haven't heard anything from anyone. 75th StoneyIsland, 87th Dan Ryan, Roosevelt, and 95th. I am a hard worker and need a job for my short and long term goals.


Richard Haught
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Aug 20, 2018 3:06 pm EDT

Could you please reconsider your choice to discontinue the Coffee Mate Cinnamon Vanilla Creme Coffee Creamer (liquid, 32 oz bottle, refrigerated.)?

This is my families favorite flavor and we are unable to find it anywhere in the 60008 area anymore.

If you could even special order it I will but it by the case!

Wall Marq
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Aug 21, 2018 2:11 am EDT

A regular Jewel customer for over 30 years I was disgusted with the service provided by the checkout counter at the Jewel located at 120th and Pulaski Rd in Alsip Illinois on 3/31/18. I was forced to bag my own groceries due to the incompetent service providers. When I complained they were uninterested and asking for management was told Jim left

Lori Moore-pasquale
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Aug 21, 2018 2:51 am EDT

These game pieces do not coincide with the game board . I have been collecting pieces for months. I'm not sure how they can distribute pieces that we can not even use. Is this some kind of scam.

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Aug 21, 2018 6:41 am EDT

Lately when I shop at this store the register receipts ink is not printing clearly should be check the cashier knows this because they have to look at it to give you the Monopoly Game pieces so if this can be fixed it would be appreciated.

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Sep 03, 2018 12:28 pm EDT

The joliet store is selling expired hamburger meat and the meat smells really bad. We brought hamburger meat from there returned it because of the smell and then bought another one and it smelled too. Complained to manager about it. This is ridiculous. Never had I ever had a problem with your store before. Now I am going to get my meat elsewhere.

Mimi Marina
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Sep 04, 2018 6:41 am EDT

I am sick of the cheap see through bags, come on, your prices went up yet bag quality stinks. Can't ever get anything home without them ripping and groceries falling out. It's right by my house and very convenient but I won't ship there while they continue to be cheap. I go there for quality.

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Sep 11, 2018 4:42 am EDT

I shopped for the first time at the Jewel/Osco in Countryside on Brainard today was so dirty in there and flies in the donut container.. ….It made me so sick ...I doubt I'll ever shop there again … The isles are set up so stupidly...I can't even imagine who the coordinater could have been … Worse Jewel ever!

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Sep 18, 2018 11:48 am EDT

Hi there I am a frequent Jewel Osco shopper I love ur stores they are convenient and I always find everything I need.
Last Saturday I purchased a loaf of bread from a Naperville Illinois location and the bread was hollowed out inside. Attached are the pics. Really disappointing.

My name is Lynell

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Oct 16, 2018 5:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was in the Kankakee il store today expressed my complaint when the rude cashier named Tammy gave the receipt price and I told her multiple items were priced wrong she had 1 checked turned out the stockers put the item in the wrong place must have been my fault the basicly said

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Oct 22, 2018 11:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got 2 bags of the mini bagel dogs and the first one had mold on about 6 of the pieces and the other bag the bread part was all soggy on all of the bagel dogs. I'm only reaching out because I was unable to eat any of them.

Natalie Gould
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Nov 11, 2018 7:40 pm EST

This is the 4th time in 2 weeks I have gotten expired meat at your store. Old meat is being sold after the sell buy dates. Produce is moldy and store is dirty. Something needs to be done or I will start shopping elsewhere. bought chicken in picture yesterday

Cheryl missClark
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Dec 04, 2018 9:21 am EST
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Misspelled squeezed !

Cheryl missClark
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Dec 11, 2018 7:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Why is there not offered fresh orange for $3.99 at Jewel on 87th Dan Ryan?
Other stores on the Southside of Chicago offer the Orange Juice .
The store sells manufacturers brands of Orange Juice .
Why are you limiting the availability of this product ?

Thank you,
Cheryl Clark

david soemo
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Jan 05, 2019 4:07 pm EST

Rolling Meadows Jewel is selling lettuce for $4.00 a head and organic for $5.00 a head! Why is that so high? I left the store and got it for $1.99 per head for larger heads! That is ridiculous! You make a couple of bucks but overall you lose customers and create poor attitudes. Former Loyal Customer

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Feb 11, 2019 11:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This store is always an embarrassment to the community. The poultry/meat shelves are frequently empty. This was no holiday. No excuse. I only see this type of crap in your AA stores. I have included a picture. I will also reach out to the alderman and head of Albertsons. Please fix fix and upgrade this store as you do in non AA areas.

Mary Beth Delaney
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Apr 16, 2019 8:08 am EDT

My son was in your store for less than 20 minutes this evening. He parked under a light in the parking lot for safety. His window was smashed and all property inside his car was stolen. Your security guard and manager on duty at 8:00pm were not helpful and would not even loan him a broom to sweep the broken glass out of his car. Unacceptable!

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Apr 27, 2019 4:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please fix the website for monopoly. It has not worked from the get go. Many of your customers are annoyed. It's like fraud. When we try to go onto the site is flashes but never stabilizes and does not allow anyone to get in. Think it might be fixed before the game has ended? It would be nice. Thanks.

Jeffrey Hofst
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May 05, 2019 3:15 pm EDT

This product is the worst pizza my family has ever had. My wife and I couldn't swallow the first bite and when our boys attempted to eat it, all three spit their bite into the garbage. I would highly encourage you to have your category buyer try the pizza. Please do not let another family experience what we went thru on a Friday night.

Jordyn Reiland
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Jun 01, 2019 2:36 pm EDT

I purchased two four ounce salmon filets, one of which had several bones in the filet that I did not expect. I've purchased these before and have not had this issue.

Jordyn Reiland
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Jun 01, 2019 2:40 pm EDT

I purchased two four ounce salmon filets, one of which had several bones in the filet that I did not expect. I've purchased these before and have not had this issue.

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Jun 29, 2019 3:18 pm EDT

There was a 1/4 inch triangular shaped piece of metal resembling a knife tip in my burger. Although I didn't swallow it, It could have caused internal damage. This is unacceptable. It was packed on November 01/2018 at the Kirk Rd. Location in St Charles, IL.

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Jul 15, 2019 4:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I some times wonder if anyone examines the products sold as Organics from the source.
Inside 5 lb bags, so many bad, smelly, cracked opened, moldy carrots than you can't even believe. Usually Jewel is known for excellent produce.

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Bob Angsten
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Jul 15, 2019 11:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

the restroom was dirty, needed cleaning, smelled like urine. the toilet was broken.
see attached picture. one of the worst restrooms i've ever seen.

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Aug 04, 2019 7:42 am EDT

keep getting the drop down to select my store but it won't let me and I can see my u savings and credits to select item.

Please process soon. home phone [protected]

Kayla Ewing
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Aug 05, 2019 2:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Walking in the store and was attacked about stealing and literally had nothing we paid for everything and they caused problems with us going out the door and they could have looked at the cameras literally shopping some security that does not have any uniform or anything can out of no wear.

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Aug 27, 2019 11:07 pm EDT

The employees gave me and another girl nothing but attitude because they were busy talking to a friend or something that came in. I repeatedly asked if an item was added to the bundle I purchased and got ignored. The other girl asked another question and was snapped on.

Jeffrey Dinkha
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Oct 08, 2019 3:18 am EDT

When I walked by the hot food buffet. I got Disgusted and you guys need to fix this issue before you guys lose business.

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Oct 14, 2019 5:26 pm EDT

Only one cashier, really? I just waited for over 15 minutes in line. I stop by for two produce items and I wish I had gone somewhere else. I always stop at this location because it is close to my house but I end up paying the price because most of the time there's only one cashier, very disappointed!

paul contreras
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Sep 01, 2020 7:01 am EDT

Was hired customer service was rude said I would be back. When I called explain how rude the director didn't care said not to come back. So they gave me a job but accommodate their white Caucasian employees. Bill discriminates and is a racist to minority

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Jewel-Osco is ranked 18 among 48 companies in the Grocery Stores and Market category