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Malindo Airways Complaints 168

12:03 am EST

Malindo Airways Crew cabin so rude

Saya penumpang malindo air pada 5/01/2021 penerbangan od1236. Pada masa kejadian penerbangan berlepas lewat jadi saya terpaksa duduk di tempat duduk belakang sedangkan no tempat duduk saya 16a kerana saya memberi tahu crew penerbangan saya perlu turun awal kerana ada kecemasan. Crew penerbangan telah menyindir saya sambil bercakap dengan crew lain mengatakan kenapa diorang suka tukar tempat duduk, lepas tu crew kata teruk la diorang ni. Saya dengar dgn jelas apa yang dikatakan oleh crew tadi. Saya tersinggung kenapa ini boleh berlaku tidakkah crew2 telah dilatih untuk menghormati penumpang. Saya serta kan boarding pass saya dibawah. Kedua2 crew adalah berbangsa india dan lencana nama pun tidak di pakai. Terimakasih

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3:53 pm EST

Malindo Airways Cancelled flights and refund refused

I booked flights for myself and my wife in 6th Jan 2020 with malindo airways to take us from India to Perth via Malaisia on 23 april 2020
But due to covid the flights were cancelled.
I filled out the Refund request form straight away but it kept crashing eventually after a week it went through.
I hadnt heard anything back so I emailed customer services on 22nd April and heard nothing so I emailed again on 4th may and again 14th May and still had no reply. I then found they had a Facebook page so I messaged the page on 18th May and they replied to say they had passed the message onto the relevant department. Having heard nothing back I messaged them again on 31st May they replied on 1st june and said my refund was being processed and I just needed to wait. I waited until 17th june and messaged again this time they replied and said they were going to esculate it. Finally 23rd june they messaged back to say they were doing my refund via a voucher to be used on flights and valid for 12 months. I replied straight back and explained that I do not intend to fly in the next 12 month or even longer and that I wasnted my money returned not a voucher. They repied back and said no money will be refunded. Since then I heard nothing back and had no refund or a voucher. As you can imagine with covid 19 im not in a hurry to go abroad and I need the money refunded as im currently unable to work.
Ticket Number 8162118156529 booking ref LJGXYI
Ticket Number 8162118156530 booking ref LJGXYI
Document Number 8161501818113
Document Number 8161501818112
Document Number 8161501818115
Document Number 8161501818114
Document Number 8161501818117
Document Number 8161501818116
Document Number 8161501818118

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5:35 pm EDT

Malindo Airways No cash refund on cancelled flights.

Booked return flights from Melbourne to Denpasar for Sept/Oct 2020. Flights cancelled by Molindo Air due to Covid 19, fair enough. Have been emailing them requesting a cash refund as stated in their T & C's they will refund in currency paid. They are now only offering travel vouchers which is not sufficient given the Australian Govt has bans in place prohibiting its residents flying internationally and we don't know we it will be safe to travel internationally again. I am reluctant 1. To take the offer of travel vouchers as they may expire before we can travel again 2. MA T&C's on our ticket state refunds will be in the currency paid. If MA had of given us the cash refund I would've booked again with them but there is no way I would book with them now! MA your customer service really needs some work if you ever think it will be business as usually and people will book to fly on your airline out of Aust. again. I will not be ever booking with this airline again. Extremely disappointed and frustrated.

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7:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Malindo Airways flights cancelled by malindo refund not forthcoming

re reservation SQASNS
On 7th February I booked 2 return flights with Malindo air. I paid for both return tickets and have a receipt from eGHL. On 27th February Malindo cancelled our flights and I immediately applied for a refund via the website form as advised. Malindo sent an email receipt in response to my request on 29th February indicating that I would be reimbursed within 30 days.
It is now well over 30 days and, after several emails that received no response, Malindo now states that they did not receive my website refund requesting reimburse despite my emailing a copy of my receipt for this. The Customer Care Centre, Australia now requires me to apply again via the website form. I am reluctant to do this as no doubt this would involve another 30 days delay and there is no guarantee that my application will be honoured this time. I just want the return of my $1068.66 which was paid in good faith for a service that the airline failed to deliver.
Dr Fiona Buchanan

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Lisa Duxbury
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Jun 22, 2020 7:37 pm EDT

I also processed my refund request in March due to the cancellation of the flight because of COVID19. I understood that I needed to wait approx 30 days for the process to complete, so I did that and when I didn't hear anything from them, I emailed their customer care team asking for information.
I was told that due to the global crisis, it would take approximately 30-60 days for my refund to process, and thank you for my patience.
Okay, so I'll wait another month then.
Another month later, I emailed again, receiving the same generic response, but still no refund.
I have contacted them again today, but after reading a lot of reviews and complaints against this airline, I'm not convinced I will receive my refund in cash terms, if at all.
Ik'm not sure I've received such terrible customer service in my life before. To be honest, if they were transparent and kept the lines of communication open, then I wouldn't mind having to wait, however, they can't even do that.
Lisa Breidi

Andre Amour
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Jun 24, 2020 2:13 am EDT

I’ve been waiting since March for a refund. Heard nothing from them after emailing several times. I messaged them on Facebook and got a reply and was promised a refund. Now they are offering a voucher and refuse a refund.its an absolute joke.

12:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Malindo Airways Food served was stale-butter chicken

I'm kalpana mariappan travel to cochin on 10/2/2020 on od231... flight was at 10:05pm from kl... food was already spoilt/stale... butter chicken... had funny taste & smell... I told the stewardess & she gave me a paper to write the complaint, I did that but no feedback from. malindo until today. I ate 3 mouth full & told the stewardess it's spoilt.. but no other meal was given as replacement too! I really think the crew needs extra training on dealing with issues like this.

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4:18 am EST
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Malindo Airways forced to buy baggage allowance when my travel documents clearly show I am entitled to 20kg

After purchasing my tickets (Perth - KL- Kathmandu - KL- Perth) I was sent a link to my ticket information which I was asked to download.

The wording on the e-mail was:
Important! Please see attached your booking confirmation containing all your necessary information about your trip! Please print this confirmation and present at check-in.

At the top of the downloaded forms was the wording:
'Please print this confirmation and present at check in.'

On the outbound trip, it stated that I had no bag allowance. Seeing this, I purchased a baggage allowance in advance.

For the return trip however, it clearly stated that I had an allowance of 20kg, so I did not realise any need to purchase baggage allowance for return trip.

( I attach copies of the forms below)

On checking in at Kathmandu airport I was told that I had no baggage allowance and would have to pay US$ 630 for my one piece of baggage (US$35 per kilo)

I was told that the papers I was showing to check in (which were the documents that Malindo Airlines had asked me in writing to present at check in, and which I had already used once to check in at Perth International Airport) were not valid and that my ticket information had been changed.

The ground staff were not at all interested in trying to assist me in any way, focussing instead on delay tactics and knowing that in the end, I would have no choice but to pay if I wished to board the plane.

It felt like a mafia ruse.

In an attempt to have them see reason I explained that, had my documents, issued by Malindo airlines stated that I had no baggage allowance, that I would have purchased baggage allowance in advance for a fee of approximately US $120 but that, because they clearly stated that I had a 20kg allowance, I had not even thought to do so.

To ask me to pay anything, in light of the information on my documents, I thought was robbery, but in an effort to at least minimise the costs, I asked whether the airline could not at least sell me the allowance at the online rate but they refused to enter into any discussion, repeatedly telling me that I was in the wrong.

I have never, in thirty years of travelling (I am a journalist and have worked in the South East Asian region since 1989) been treated so poorly.

In the end, their only solution was that I pay (Nepali Rupee 32000) US $300 for an upgrade, which, of course, in the end I was left with no choice other than to pay.

I will be interested to hear what Malindo proposes by way of a refund, not only for the financial costs but also for the stress and the embarrassment caused.

I shall decide on my next course of action after hearing from Air Malindo.



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10:28 pm EST

Malindo Airways booking: admk (dmk to kul) double charged for baggage in rm and baht!!


Numerous email to MALINDO customer services, however until today problem haven't been solved.
They just ask me wait n wait for the related PIC/DEPT follow up mycase and keep sending me forward email without further info update.

Please find my email to MALINDO customer services dated 12.01.2020 as per below:-

12.01.2020 (FDQXMK FLY BKK (DMK)10.01.2020 - 12.01.2020)
Please be informed that I do made a payment for ADD ON baggage return way as per below RM125.00
KUL to DMK 10KG RM50
DMK to KUL 15KG RM75

However, TODAY when I check in baggage from DMK to KUL, system shown I didn't buy any baggage. Being wasting my timing investigate n rushing, they advised us to buy for the check in baggage of 4000BAHT!

wierd is: baggage can be detected for fly from kul to dmk 10kg
rm50 but fly back from dmk to kul failed to detect baggage bought 15kg rm75

At here I am so disappointed with the services that given to me! I had made double payment for my baggage in RM and BAHT for coming back to KUL!
I wan to request a refund Immediately!

Hope can hear u soon on the above matter!
Appreciate your prompt action!

Kindly acknowledge by replying me via this email

Joanne Lau CC

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10:40 pm EST

Malindo Airways excess baggage

Good morning,

My partner Mr Ian Drummond-Hay and myself were charged $420 USD for baggage form Kathmandu (KTM) Malindo Air OD183 to Kuala Lumpur KLIA International (KUL) on the Monday 27/01/2020.
This was charged as excess baggage at $20 USDollars per kilo, $627.90 Australian Dollars.
I checked your website prior to our travel and thought we had 20 kilo of check in luggage each.
I did not fully understand theat I had purchased a ticket through a travel agent Jetabroad, who I also tried to verify but was told to take it up with the airline, who I had difficutly contacting due to no telephone or internet coverage due to our travel.
This amount was high way robberey and are very disgruntled by the service we recieved and the amount we were charged.
I would request some amount of refund as this was too much regardless of who's fault it was. A full receipt is available.
I look forward to your response.

Kerrie Bouquet.

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6:06 am EST

Malindo Airways bad customer service staff over the phone

The whole story begin like this :
I was online booking my flight ticket, when reach payment page out of sudden your website down & there is no respond for my payment. When i click refresh then it came out message saying "Booking Pending".
After that i called & managed talk to your customer service staff (this staff is the first who attend me with pleasant & helpful manner, but I'm sorry forgot to ask her name). She guide & explain to me how the procedure & what action i need to take to cross check with the bank.

45mins later, I try my second call to your customer service team. The staff who pick up & answer my call, at that moment when she speak out her word with poor attitude & I feel offended. Her voice & tone speak like arrogant & 'lecture' me when she ask the relationship of passenger & me. She sound no manner & cut off my explanation. She keep telling me that she need to do verification & i do understand but please your verification action makes her sound like 'Police' to investigate. Don't we have the right to book air ticket on behalf of our friends & relatives?!
As a customer service staff you suppose to listen my problem & query completely & no to stop me and ask weird & funny question!
And you are the one who stop me & interrupt my sentence yet you asking me back same question which i told you right before.
As an international Airways company i cannot accept your staff attitude sound like 'Gangster'. You should well train your staff and be careful select your front liner staff.
I am as a consumer paying money to your company is to enjoy your services not let your staff to 'lecture' me or giving me bad face.
Your customer service staff who answer my second call named Preylah. Please go take up your phone caller recorder & listen this girl how she talk & what kind of manner she speak.
I'm very disappointed what a big company with such bad staff 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

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10:53 pm EST
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Malindo Airways customer service/refund team

I requested for a refund as my wife was pregnant with a condition(only found out after booking the flight). Submitted the form first time with only the scan of the uterus. Waited weeks but no update. Called them only to find out then that they don't accept the scan as a verified document.

1. Couldn't`t they update me by calling me or sending me an email?
2. Why do I have to call them to get THAT update? I`ve already wasted weeks waiting for them.

So I submitted the form again, now with a verified gynaecologist letter stating that my wife is not fit to travel on plane.

Waited 1 week plus, only to receive an email stating that they'll refund me in Travel Vouchers.

1. Travel vouchers are to be used within 3 months, and travel dates are only available within 1 year from booking date. The latest I can book is probably March 2020. My wife is due May 2020. 1 year from March 2020 is March 2021. By then my new born baby would only be 10 months old. How absurd is it for us to travel then?

2. I called them again requesting if I can get refund to the bank account I made payment with, and the refund team(via the customer service) said that because it is a medical refund claim, they can only give travel vouchers.

3. I emailed them stating how ridiculous it is that they can only provide travel vouchers as refund and not refunding back straight to my banking account. 5 days later and still no update from them.

4. Called them today to get an update. Call was picked up by customer service no.1. After explaining the whole situation, I was put on hold, and she came back to me saying that the refund team will get back to me. I then explained that it's been 5 days since my email and they have not gotten back to me. I also mentioned that the last time they said they'll get back to me, I did not get any updates from them, but I had to call them to get updates. So I demanded for a time frame for the refund team to get back to me. Was put on hold again, but somehow I was suddenly transferred to a different department(group booking) line.

5. Group booking department line agent transferred me back to the customer service, and I had to explain the WHOLE situation again(even though I gave the booking number), because the customer agent no.2 is not aware of the situation.

6. Customer service agent no.2 put me on hold and checked with refund team. She got back to me saying that the scan that I provided is not a valid document. I then asked her if she knew what I sent in an email previously, and she confidently told me yes. So I asked her to verify what was said in the email, and she couldn't`t reply. Gave her an ear full about lying to me.

7. Customer service no.2 went to check back with refund team, and came back to me saying they'll get back to me in 2 days. I asked them if they have any case reference ID, and they said they don't have one. Customer service no.2 said that I can just call back and mention her name, and magically EVERYONE will know the situation. Well see...

Very inefficient method of working. I had to explain my situation at least a good 3 times within 1 call. Couldn't`t they have put it in a remark of my booking number? Why is it that every time I call, no one seems to know what's going on, and even the refund team seems not to know what the whole situation is, and the solution they give is just pure incompetence.

Very bad ethics from the customer service saying they know the situation but actually they do not. Do they always LIE to their customers? It's like the term in Malay "Berlagak bodoh". Don't they realise that they're just shooting their own gun into their [censored]s?

VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED with MALINDO AIR because of this situation.

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11:46 pm EST

Malindo Airways baggage charges when the website had an error


I have been communicating with customer service and not getting any resolution, please see one of the emails I sent to them this should give you are fair picture

I am aware of the baggage policy however the website kept giving me an error for 2 days, we also called the contact centre and there was no response As it was the 1st of jan and may have been a public holiday, also while purchasing third party tickets this information is not mentioned anywhere that I am unable to buy my luggage allowance online.

I did arrive at the airport to buy my luggage but I was made to wait in 2 long queues only to be told that I cannot buy it online as it was too late . This information has been mentioned in my first email, hence I would like a refund for the amount paid $686 minus the $75 actual luggage charge online .

I refuse to accept just an apology when I am almost $700 out of pocket and you guys have given me incomplete and incorrect information . If you cannot resolve this please give me your CEO's email address and I will escalate it to him our to consumer protection . Also please assign one case manager as I am getting responses from different agents and I have to repeat everything mentioned in my previous emails .

I will take this up with consumer protection if unresolved .

Thanks and Regards
Charmane Dennis

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2:09 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Sir, I am retired Prof.of UTM, Johor (Jahangir Bakhteri)traveling from Kabul to KL via N.Delhi(transit)on 9.12.2019.My MM2H visa in my old passport([protected])stepled with my new passport (P01126478).In spite of lot requests your ground staff didn't come to attend my prob &misd flight.I used MAS with same case in 2015with no prob.I need my tket refund

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8:41 pm EST

Malindo Airways failed to refund within the timeline with unreasonable excuses given and worst experience with the customer service team.

Subject: Failed to refund within the timeline with unreasonable excuses given and worst experience with the customer service team.

On 18 Oct 2019, received email informing the flight to be canceled and requested to send in the refund request. Refund request submitted within 2 days from the notice.

On 1 Nov 2019, received an email from Malindo informing the refund procedure including personal bank account details.

On 20 Nov 2019, called to follow up on the refund status. One of the customer servive officer (CSO) informed that the refund is in progress and shall refund within 30 days without informing that i must reply the email by providing my personal bank account details in order to activate the refund.

On 27 Nov 2019, called again to follow up on the refund status as the promised 30 days timeline due on 30 Nov 2019. Only got to know that i must reply the email by providing the personal bank account details. The reason being in case that the refund failed to make through the payment mode that i made for the booking. I agreed to reply the email after the telephone conversation with the information given that the refund will be made within 2-4 days.

On 29 Nov 2019, called again to follow up on the refund status. This round i have spoken to a total of 4 different CSO. Conversation with first CSO, I was shocked with his update that the refund takes 30 days from the date that i reply to the email on 27 Nov 2019. I have requested to speak to his superior. The 2nd CSO came in the picture by given the same answer. I have told and explained to them the scenario and facts; 1) Nobody informed that i must reply the email 2) Personal bank account details is personal information, alerted me on PDPA, told them that i cannot simply reply the email with my personal data which never disclose from the beginning stage when i purchase the air ticket 3) CSO on 27 Nov 2019 informed that the refund takes 2-4 days only 4) It is unacceptable to wait for 30 days start from 27 Nov where my refund request sent in within 18-20 October 2019. At last, CSO 2 informed that the reason being for personal bank account details due to the refund team failed to refund to the payment mode that i made for the booking. Requested for proof of failed to refund but she unable to provide, not even the date. CSO 2 added on that the email mentioned i must provide the details, I have challenged the CSO 2 whether she read that email, she denied to answer but put me on hold without reason. There came CSO 3, this CSO 3 was helpful but her offer of 2 weeks time frame for the refund was unacceptable too. I told her the hassle caused to me to relook for the replacement flight was a pain as i have to pay more. Moreover, the refund took too long and bank imposing interest on me as i am waiting for the refund to clear my credit card outstanding. CSO 3 put me on hold again by informing that she need to refer to her refund team to confirm the earliest refund date. However, came CSO 4 on the line with informing that the refund process takes 30 days. I was pissed with many versions given for the refund process. CSO 4 accused me of do not understand/read the email from the beginning place that's why lead to i have to faced the consequences. I have challenged CSO 4 to pull back or rephrase his words as he has no proof that I understand/read the email. CSO 4 refused to pull back but firm in judged me on his early statement. I told him that that I will bring this matter to next level. The CSO 4 said that i can go ahead to do that and he will hang up the phone call as there's no agreed deal. He hand up the phone call right after without greeting supposed customer service should do.

Conclusion: The overall conversation on 27 Nov 2019 with all four CSO was a nightmare for me as I felt cheated and worst customer service experience that i ever had.

Request: I would like to seek for the right body to look into this matter to provide a fair treatment.

Note: I do not remember all CSOs' names due to at the point i was very pissed off with the services rendered to me.

HAU (+[protected])

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2:29 am EST
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Malindo Airways malindo staff - naveen shekhar, (id - m08234) the ground staff at kolkata airport

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I would like to officially complain about a Malindo airline ground staff Mr Navin Shekhar (ID -M082340) of Kolkata international airport, India.

I was travelling along with my wife, from Kolkata to Kuala Lumpur on 05/11/2019, on Malindo airways (OD 282). It was our return flight. We often travel with Malindo airways in Kuala Lumpur - Kolkata route.

As per protocol, after scrutiny of checked-in luggage, we reached the Malindo airway check-in counter where a lady staff checked-in our luggage which was way within the weight limit. After receiving our boarding pass we went for immigration with our cabin luggage.

We were in the queue for almost 5-10 minutes and was about to reach the immigration counter, the lady staff who issued our boarding pass approached us and asked us to re-weight our cabin baggage. She told us that she was forced by Mr Navin Shekhar (ID -M08234) to do so, she had no other choice and apologised for it. We obliged her even it was a very embarrassing moment for us to return from immigration counter.

It was our first such encounter after travelling in an international airline for years, in particular travelling multiple times with Malindo airways in this route. We couldn't understand why we were treated like that.

We reached back the counter again, where we met Mr Navin Shekhar (ID-MO8234) who shocked us with his misbehaviour. He was very arrogant, his choice of words was inappropriate, his body language was very offensive and he created such a scene that even check-in counter staff were trying to ignore him and ran away. People and staff gathered around us to see what exactly happened. He forced us to re-weight all our baggage again.

Our cabin baggage was also approximately within weight limit then he forced us to weigh our hand baggage and laptop bags. He forced us that our handbags/ laptop bag would be counted as an additional bag and would be charged for an extra 8 kgs (Rs 1000 per kg - a total of Rs 8000). We were totally annoyed and frustrated due to his unacceptable unprofessional behaviour. We couldn't tolerate him anymore.

Being professionals, we know how to deal with the client and behave properly in awkward situations but this gentleman had crossed all his limits of unprofessionalism. Hence, we requested to talk to other staff.

Finally, his colleague (Mr. X) turned up. We explained to him what all happened with us. He too requested Mr Navin Shekhar to let us go but Mr Navin Shekhar wanted to charge us. Mr X advised him to charge for lesser kgs (6 kgs).

We were soo tired and totally frustrated with his unprofessional behaviour that we told we will pay whatever you want to charge, as money was never the issue it was embarrassment and humiliation caused by him.

I was ready to pay Rs 8000 and told Mr X that we need the receipt and staff number of Mr Navin Shekhar to file an official complain. Mr X persuaded us to pay only Rs 6000 even though we were ready to pay Rs 8000 and apologised for the entire episode. But Mr Navin Shekhar, in his full attitude and arrogance, gave Mr X his Staff Id number (M08234) and told him to let us complain where ever we want to as he doesn't care and walked off. We asked for the complaint form, but Mr X told us that there is no such complaint form available the and we need complaint online on Malindo website

With all this embarrassment, humiliation and unforgettable unprofessional behaviour of Mr Navin Shekhar (ID -M08234), we boarded the flight with a thought that we will never travel with Malindo airline ever.

We would sincerely like to request you to take strict action against Mr Navin Shekhar (ID -M08234) with a hope that such an embarrassing incident will not happen with other Malindo passengers in future and your action against him will set an example for others.

Awaiting for your response.

Dr Ashish Kumar Singh
M: +[protected]
Email - dr.[protected]

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4:44 am EST

Malindo Airways customer service

I just sign up as one of Marlindo air company loyalty program. And this is my first ever online purchased using marlindo air website. Due to unfamiliar interface, i accidentally key in wrong name of flight passenger as i was booking the flight for my sister but because of the unfamiliarity, the passenger name was pre-key in as program as my name. After payment only i came to realized the wrong passenger name, thus proceed to marlindo air counter at kota kinabalu to seek for assistance, as their company hotline is unavailable (called multiple times). However, encounter very awful experienced there as they told me name amendments even with three letter changes will incur rm50 charges (which is ridiculous, as i have similar experience before with other airline which is free of charge). So i requested for a waiver as favor since this is my first online booking, the counter staff named Cynthia which is kind enough to seek for her supervisor approval for waiver, but she told me she needs to write in to request (Email on the spot), so i waited patiently for 15mins for the feeback, however another staff named Stacy came in shortly and told her immediately why bother to request, just charge me on the bill and that's it. She doesn't even bother to explain to me and speak loudly to her colleague when I'm there, very rude and not friendly. I explained softly to her regarding the request as her colleague willing to discuss with her boss, but she doesn't even bother to listen and speak rudely to me when i requested for waiver she ask me to pay even for fare difference. What kind of customer service company offering? This is my first and last online booking with this airline. I hope marlindo company will investigate and please do some discipline action to the staff name Stacy at Kota Kinabalu branch for her unrespectful, rude service. Or send her back to a mandatory customer retraining program. And kindly revised the name amendments fee as other airline provide free of charge services for this matter.

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9:16 am EDT

Malindo Airways stewardess acts like a bad person


I was a passenger of yours for the flight OD 572, dated 21 October 2019, journey from Hanoi to Kuala Lumpur at 12:30pm.

I would like to make a complaint on your stewardess who acted like a [censored] and provided the poorest customer service to the passengers. (please refer to the attached photo of hers)

It was the time for food delivery, first this stewardess called my friend's name. "Mrs Kah Hoe Cheong..." apparently my friend is a guy but was addressed as "Mrs". This stewardess did not apologize to my friend but she questioned impolitely my friend as if he switched the seat, in addition she started to roll her eyes in front of us of the "technical mistake" where she wrongly called my friend as "Mrs".

And then she called my name "Chin Han Ong", and she requested for my boarding pass. I told her mine was placed in my bag in the overhead compartment. There she was, her signature rolled eyes again and then she was so rude and "lectured" me on the spot, "Next time please take your boarding pass with you all the time".

This is the rudest customer service that I've gotten so far as if I have never let a stewardess to "lecture" before. What kind of attitude is this? If the stewardess didn't wish to serve the customers, I would advise the high management to sack this staff away because her bad attitude would for sure deteriorate the Malindo brand!

I am not a frequent passenger for Malindo, I won't know procedure that "I need to hold the boarding pass all the time", and I personally feel it is so stupid that physical boarding pass should be visible all the time in the plane. After this experience, Malindo airline will not be my choice anymore, really upsetting that I got a rude and [censored]y stewardess to "lecture" me...

Thumbs down 👎🏻

I attached her photo for your review of her performance. She needs to be counseled seriously.

(I don't make up the story, 100% true)

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6:48 am EDT

Malindo Airways meals were not served in flight

My wife and myself travelled by malindo airline in the 20th of october. My PNR is FHQESH. I booked my flight in February 2019 and meals were included in my ticket, even i have the email confirmation of the same. I also asked the person at the malindo airline counter and he also assured that we ll be getting the meals in both the flights. But to my disappointment, meals were not served to us in the flight no. OD801. That's very sad because we are not getting the things for which we paid.
I would like to lodge a complaint about this and want a resolution about the same.

Dr. Sanchit Mehan

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3:06 pm EDT
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Malindo Airways cabin crew service

I had the worst experience traveling with MapInfo Air today. On my earlier trip to KL on 9/10, meal was included. However no meal was provided on my way back to Perth today despite the flight ticket was booked together with my earlier flight. . The crew member informed that notice was provided but I am very sure no notice was given to me by email about the change of policy. The worst situation was no hot meal was available for sale even if I was ready to purchase. It was an evening flight and I was only given the snack options. As KLIA doesn't allow the passengers to bring water and there wasn't any drinking water available at the waiting area after the security check.
I did not have the chance to fill up my bottle with water .
I was starving and thirsty throughout the trip! I think the cabin crew did not provide good customer service as they didn't even provide at least a cup of water. What they care was only about money! Kept on telling the passengers that the policy has changed since 15/10 without considering that not all passengers are aware of the notice. Malindo used to pride itself to provide better service than AirAsia due to the drink and meal provided and your company usually charge higher price than other no frill airlines. Now, you guys are charging the airfare of serviced airlines but provide the service of budget airline. It is dodgy practice! Owing to this bad incident, I will think again to travel with Malindo in the future.

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8:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Malindo Airways entertainment

I booked 5 seats on a Malindo flight on the 29th Sept to Bali and 5 seats back on the 11th Oct.
I booked Malindo as it advertised on board entertainment.
On both flights only 1 out of our 5 screens worked.
We asked about our screens several times only to be told we will reboot the system.
Our screens never rebooted and we had no entertainment to and from Bali.
Very disappointing as this was our main reason for booking.
Other passengers on our flights had the same problem.
There was no apology and we have tried many times to contact Malindo by email but they keep bouncing back.

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1:30 am EDT

Malindo Airways poor customer service of malindo air staff in penang airport

I had a bad checked-in experience with Malindo Air at Penang International Airport on 10 October 2019.
I would like to file a complaint on your staff who handled my check in request poorly and his manager.
I My flight is OD1161, 10 Oct 2019, 16:25, from Penang to Subang Airport. The attending staff who is certainly incompetence, did not managed to help me process my check-in request thus I cannot board the plane even though I have paid for the ticket.
I am a frequent flyer and also a loyal Malindo customer, I have not experienced such poor service by an airline but today Malindo has proven me wrong. I couldn't check in online due to your system error, and I decided to check in at the counter. I arrive at Penang airport and had to dash to the counter to request for check in, however you incompetent Staff told me that I were late and the counter had closed. After collecting my identity card he started to make call by his mobile phone, I believed that he was calling someone to seek for approval in allowing me to check in. However, there was no answer from the other party though he tried for several times. After that, he stood up and tried to call again through the landline telephone, someone answered his call but I can't hear clearly the conversation. He sit down after the conversation ended and continue to use his the mobile phone to make calls. Unsure how many calls that he has made, I just stand there waiting for him about 8 minutes, then just merely told me off. I am a paying customer but I cannot get my boarding pass? In fact, the time when I requested to check-in is definitely more than 30 mins of the standard time of departure and I know I still can make it to the boarding area. But instead of assist me on the check in process, your staff refuse to help me do counter check-in and purposely delay the time so I cannot make it to the boarding area. On top of that, he is totally lack in customer service decorum as he was impolite and ill-mannered. I didn't ask for his name, but you can easily trace the duty roster on 10 Oct, he was the only Chinese guy sitting at "Business Class Check-in counter". I was in disbelief of what just happened, while Malindo always position itself as a premium airline, your staff definitely didn't live up to your airline standard and provide such terrible service, no solution or alternative option provided too. I also request to see his Manager but he refused and told that even seeing the manager the outcome was also the same. After I insisted, he used his mobile to text message and finally told me "If you want to see my manager, you need to wait until 5pm." He even challenged me on the airline's policy and claimed that he was not RUDE but spoke nicely to me when I said his service is unprofessional, I just couldn't believe that this just happened after I have fly with Malindo for so many years. It is a huge difference of servicing standard comparing with Malindo staff in Subang and Penang airport!
In the end, I had to purchase another ticket from Firefly whose staff immediately helped me checking the next available flight and processed the boarding pass, everything was done swiftly in just 6 minutes. For your information, the purchase of ticket and boarding on plane all happened in less than an hour time. While your competitor - Firefly managed to deliver amazing service in such a short time, Malindo staff should be ashamed that she can't even print out a boarding pass for me while there's still plenty of time.
Now I am here to request the compensation for my lost, which obviously is a human error that could have been avoided.

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About Malindo Airways

Screenshot Malindo Airways
Malindo Airways, operating as Malindo Air, is a Malaysian airline offering domestic and international flights. They provide passenger travel and cargo services, with a fleet that includes both narrow and wide-body aircraft. The airline offers various classes of service, in-flight entertainment, and a frequent flyer program. Online booking is available through their website.
How to file a complaint about Malindo Airways?

Here is the guide on how to file a complaint or review about Malindo Airways on

1. Log in or create an account:
- Start by logging into your account. If you don't have an account, create one to proceed.

2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Malindo Airways in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Malindo Airways. Mention key areas, transactions, steps taken to resolve the issue, personal impact, and the company's response.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents to strengthen your complaint. Avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

8. Submission process:
- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint or review.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure to follow these steps to effectively file a complaint or review about Malindo Airways on

Overview of Malindo Airways complaint handling

Malindo Airways reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 27, 2015. The latest review Disappointing Experience with Malindo Air was posted on May 22, 2024. The latest complaint Ticket and reservation was resolved on Dec 16, 2022. Malindo Airways has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 169 reviews. Malindo Airways has resolved 2 complaints.
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    +60 378 415 388
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    C-5-05 Oasis Ara Damansara (2 Jalan PJU1A/7A), Selangor, Petaling Jaya, 47301, Malaysia
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    Jun 13, 2024
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Malindo Airways is ranked 96 among 518 companies in the Travel and Vacations category

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