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National Football League [NFL] Complaints 647

6:23 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] BLM

The NFL is a Disgrace to this country! You stand behind BLM when they are a racist Marxist group. The two cops gunned down in LA the blood is on your hands. You need to wake up and look at the facts that blacks are listed in every poll as the most racist group in this country. You think cops are the problem and its not. More whites and cops are killed than blacks getting killed by cops. It starts with you teach blacks and others to respect cops and to listen to what they say. When you fight with cops that is when things happen. Since you are standing behind BLM that gives them a free pass to go out and kill cops. This needs to stop now the people have spoken and we are sick and tired of black pulling the race called when they are the most racist in this country and that is even to other black by calling them uncle tom or your not black enough? What does that mean not black enough? Is that mean you have to be a thug to be black? Wake up and if more cops are killed the blood is on your hands. The people have spoken!

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Sep 29, 2020 4:51 am EDT

Im sick of you people saying its a Marxist group, im not a Marxist! I'm multi racial y grandfather is over 70 and retired and bought a house in a small town and ever since then, he has been pulled over and treated like a criminal, even though he was doing nothing at all wrong, be drives a Mercedes, and I think they automatically think be stole it or something, also they act like this black man wouldn't be living in this nice expensive house... So please stop acting like all black people are pulling the race card, when you have no idea what its like for a elderly black man to be treated like a criminal, when he never been arrested in has life. He came to America from Jamaica when he was 18 and joined the Army in the 50s, and after that would put application in for work, he would go in later to "change" something on his application, and guess what, they would pull it out of the trash can! Just bc he was black! My grandfather sent on to owning his own store in New York and married may grandma, who was white, and they got treated terribly. But he loves his country switch he fought for yet be didn't have the same rights as yourself! He fought for the freedom of speech, and just bc someone is protesting something you age against, you call them thugs, assuming they are criminals.. And as far as saying more white people are killed by cops then black people, you need to remember that the majority of the population in America is white, over 70%, and therefore logically of course more white people are killed bc the is way more of white people then black! However you need to also take into account that black people are 3 times more likely then a white person to be pulled over, they are also 3 times more likely to be questioned that argument of more white people are killed isn't correct when you take into account the amount of white people versus black people in America. But also remember that black people are targeted more so and assumed to be armed(this is ignorance on the police, which in not saying that all cops are bad, but their are definitely bad cops, who are racist) unfortunately systematic racism against black people today his still a very big problem in America, and my grandfather has had issues himself, so we in my family know this to be true sadly. So please, educate yourself and have a conversation with some of your fellow black Americans, and understand what they have went through, bc you have never experienced what they went through personally. Its sad but true. So before you deem people that support Black Lives Matter, as just "thugs" or criminals, they are people like you, trying to live a normal life... My mother who is white bad never experienced police brutality, but my father has, and so have I, im mixed and have been treated terribly by an officer over pulled over just driving home from work one night, I was not doing anything wrong, my tail light was out, and I sad handcuffed and very violently handled even though I was following all directions, I was crying uncontrollably, and shaking bc I have never been b treated with such force or violence, and over what? A tail light? The cop was definitely racist, and treated me like I was some sort of criminal that be thought I had drugs or maybe stole the car? I have never committed a crime or even had a driving ticket... Im 5'1 115lbs, there was no reason far him to treat me the way he did! My mom is always scared that if my dad is pulled over he may be shot, bc he looks black, my mom does not ever get scared when she is pulled over, she white blonde, and has been pulled over and treated with nothing but respect... However not my dad, or even my elderly grandfather, they have had guns drawn on them far simple routine stops (traffic) ...I doing understand, if you love America and believe in the constitution, why are you so mad at people exercising their first amendment, I bet you would be agreeable if it had to do with our 2nd amendment! I fell you may be racist, I hope not... I hope you remember that my family who is half black deserves the same respect your family gets! And we obviously support black lives matter, but we are not Marxist! Stop bring ignorant! Support your fellow black Americans!

Mark Kiemele
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Sep 17, 2020 12:57 am EDT
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BLM and the current NFL are working together to divide and thus destroy our country. I am appalled that the NFL supports a Marxist organization that encourages killing people, most notably gunning down police . If one support BLM, one also supports killing. As bad as the killing of George Floyd was, he was still a thug. But even thugs don't deserve to die that way. Police do NOT hunt down black people. Police are drawn to thugs of all colors because they are asked to respond to all kinds of calls, because people are breaking or suspected of breaking the law. But police ARE being hunted down and killed. Say his name: Ryan Hendrix and many others. Life is a process, and I am disappointed that the NFL is only concerned about the last 10 minutes of a thug's life. Kids need to be taught the game plan for success from the beginning and it means that some generation has to break that chain of generation-to-generation state of victimhood. Get involved in the early decision making, i.e., education, of a person's life, like Danny Wuerfel is doing in Atlanta and New Orleans. Why don't you contribute to his organization, Desire Street Ministries and publicize it? As a former military officer I will try my best to no longer support or watch any NFL games and be lectured by a group of young, rich, pompous, know-it-all athletes that espouse unity but are actually promoting divisiveness and racism. I love my country and its system that allows these rich young athletes to prosper. I also love football, and it will be hard for me to not watch, so this will be a test of my military discipline. It is a welcome challenge, and I would challenge the NFL to support the police as much as they support BLM, but I don't believe the NFL has the fortitude to do that. Please prove me wrong. Thanks for listening. Mark Kiemele

2:08 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Unethical behavior

Where was the Asian national anthem? how about the Latino, American Indian, Aborigine, Ungar, Yorkshire Terrior, or Siamese kitten national anthems? What a [censored]ing joke you have made of this game. I have watched this league since Super Bowl 1 until now. This is a sport for the masses but you and your flunky leaders have attempted to form a new political party out of social issues that have nothing to do with the purity of the game. I have always applauded these young athletes for working for their dream of playing in the league but now that they made it they seem to thing they are better than the rest of us peons who pay their salaries. Was really looking forward to attending in the new Raiders Stadium but guess what? You can keep your political [censored] as I won't spend a dime to support this league. Re-runs of Beverly Hillbillies is more entertaining than listening to your players, commentators, and your two faced commissioner spew divisive garbage from their mouths.

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9:30 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Team name not next to logo on redzone

I am trying to follow football with my family. It's impossible to know which teams are playing with just the logo. This is on RedZone. Furthermore I don't like being told my complaint needs to be longer to be seen to. My complaint stands as it is. I need the name of the team not just their logo. I am referring to RedZone. To be more accurate the team logo is next to their score. It would be nice if I could tell who the logo is. Example: a picture of a bird. Who knew it was a seahawk from Seattle? Is that more exact as you requested?

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6:18 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Pondering to blm and antifa

I've been watch the NFL for over 55 years. I seen your [censored] commissioner ruin this game and I watched the owners kiss the players [censored]. This year you have allowed criminals to be elevated and decent people who have supported you to be insulted and [censored] on. [censored] YOU for the last time. I will NEVER watch another game as long as I live. Breaks my heart that a game so enriched with decent tradition would allow criminals and terrorists to ruin what Gooddell has left to be pissed on.

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Sep 29, 2020 4:57 am EDT

My family is half black and we support black n lives matter, we are not criminals! My grandfather was in the Army in the 50s and a hard-working American. Have he has experienced lots of racism even today, as an elderly man, he gets pulled over and treated terribly, for nothing other than he as black man, he lives in a small town more bc he retired, but since then had been pulled over and questioned like a thug, bc he drives a very expensive car and has an expensive house, however most of the town is white, and I think they just don't want black people there. Please remember that this its why blm exists, bc people like my grandfather are still treated differently and treated without respect, just bc he is black

6:10 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Turning a sport into a political tool

I'm disappointed in seeing what the NFL has decided to turn a great sport with great fans into a political tool. We see enough politics, racial unrest, killings, looting on the news. We don't need to see it when we turn on a "game"!

I grew up as a Steeler fan watching Rocky Blier and Terry Bradshaw and "was" looking forward to seeing Big Ben back in the saddle, but with the new NFL agenda, I'm going to pass. As your ratings and ad revenue go down hope you see football s football and politics is separate. If the high paid athletes want a forum to speak they should vote, run for office, volunteer, etc and not tell you s fans what we should think or feel or see.

Signed, Losing another Fan

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4:20 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Fake fan noise volume

Fake fan noise is too loud and makes it difficult to hear announcers during game play and referees during penalty calls. The announcers sound like they are yelling, but they are at the same volume as the fake fans. The fake fan noise should be at a lower level to ensure announcers and referees can be heard clearly. Also the length of the loop is way too short making the sound incredibly repetitive.

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Sep 14, 2020 2:40 pm EDT

Why have broadcasters and color analysts if we as viewers cannot hear them above fake crowd noise? I for one will not watch again if this persists and have heard the same from several friends

2:52 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Interjection of politics and supposed, assumed racism.

The interjection of politics and supposed, assumed and alleged "racism" into the coverage of your games is deplorable.

Regarding the NFL's assumption of racism being prevalent in America is disgusting and bordering evil. This has no place in football.

If the NFL is a racist organization, that is for the NFL to deal with. Don't project it on the rest of us. You are stirring up a bunch of unnecessary problems. There is not a systematic racism problem in the America. Painting "END RACISM" on the field is prejudicial, wrong and damaging to all americans by insinuating that the players and / or fans are racist. By comparison, it is obvious that almost all of the players are black. No racism there, unless it's reverse racism.

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Sep 14, 2020 12:04 pm EDT

I totally agree with the above statements ! I have been a fan for over 50 years and though difficult I am walking away from this stupid, political agenda that belittles my flag and the heroes that died for us all ! I won’t by anything sponsored by the NFL . Also I am finished with the NBA and the MLB for their same false and disgraceful agendas! I will always remember the NFL that played football and not political nonsense !

2:45 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Kneeling and no show during national anthem is disrespectful

I am a football fan but most important an american! I am proud of my country and the people that have died for our country and continue to fight for our country. These football players have a voice because of the great men and women and yet they disrespect everything the flag, the national anthem stand for. Take away their million dollar paychecks until they understand respect! If they tried doing what they are doing in another country the would not be collecting millions of dollars disrespecting a country. Stop kneeling show your face and start respected the country that gave you so much! Hopefully true americans will boycott the nfl. If americans stand up and boycott no more million dollar paychecks. I'm disgusted with the nfl.

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Sep 15, 2020 11:27 am EDT

Millionaires who hate us, hate the USA, hate the police but love hollywood.

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Sep 13, 2020 6:40 pm EDT

I am a proud 76 year old women that has traveled with my husband to many countries. there is no place like the usa. my grandson now 14 got me into football when he was 6 yrs old. he knows his nana & papa pray everyday for the military past and present and our firefighters doctors and nurses. all those on the front lines. it sickens me what has happened to the nfl... and yes we are boycotting all the teams that do not stand for our flag=america. you all in the nfl need to wake up before its too late. and that brings me to our election. if you are reading this and claim to be a christian vote for the man that believes in america. does not believe in killing the unborn. who does believe in god and israel. may god bless us all and keep his protective hand over america.

9:52 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Marxist theses interjected into our american pastime

Please stop. I cannot support you if you continue. I vote for a separation of sports and politics forever. If you continue to support those who would destroy this great nation and NFL, I will now longer be a supporter but a rabid adversary, protesting every game in defense of this great nation. Please do NOT be a tool for those wanting to divide this nation in order to over-throw it. You are acting like the complicit Germans in WWII. The want blood and the you are giving it to them!

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1:14 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] 2021 nfl season

Roger and the NFL, and it's puppet players are a disgrace to The United States Of America! To allow kneeling and raised fists, to go to the locker room, during our national anthem is a slap in the face to all our ancestors, our founding fathers, our veterans and fallen heroes, our 1st responders, our elected officials, our flag and greatest free nation in the world, our great country. If you can't respect the great nation that allows you the freedom to earn an incredible income, playing a game and using the platform to disgrace the USA, do us all a big favor and move to the leftist, Marxist, communistic countries you and and the BLM, Antifa fascists you support. Move to China, Russia, anywhere but here. F U NFL

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9:31 am EDT

National Football League [NFL] National Anthem

Me again.. I just realized you [censored]s planned your disrespectful anthem ceremony for the "opener" on 9 / 10, which, I case you didn't know, is the night before the 9 / 11 attack on america... It is also the night that the "attackers", the islamic terrorists, we praying, etc in support of their planned attack on america... You don't deserve to have the word "national" in you franchise name... And you don't deserve any tax benefits you receive from americans...

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Sep 15, 2020 11:28 am EDT

Been reading comments - this is the best one

3:30 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Commercial Bias

As a group, we will boycott all the purveyors that pay for the game-time advertisement

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7:47 pm EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Disrespecting the American flag

Considering that you are allowing the players to kneel and disrespect what the American flag stands
For is the last straw. It Is not only a slap in the face
to all the millions of men and women that caught and died so people can be free and protest but also for what the flag stands for.
Most of these overpaid players will disrespect the flag yet won't out their money where there most is and help the poor communities that they say they are protesting about. What's bad is it's against your own rules to stand for the anthem.
Instead you are letting the players run your company, letting them support protesters that rob, kill and burn down buildings and destroy statues of history. If they think this country is so bad, let them find another country and leave.
I can see watching the pre game of your first game of the season and it's already started, Otho f but being political, I will never, and I mean NEVER watch or have anything to die with the NFL again, almost all my family for generations served
In the military and I am so disgusted at theses sports leagues that I hope people stop watching and your precious NFL goes under.
I suggest management gets a set of balls and do the right thing, but I know you won't.

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7:42 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization trying Thu o take down the United States and everything we stand for. Kneeling during our National Anthem is disrespectful to our nation's heroes. Until the NFL decides to support our great nation, I will no longer support the NFL and neither will my family. As a veteran myself, everyone I work with and all my family agree with me on this.

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Sep 15, 2020 11:30 am EDT

We should watch a game or two and write down names of the sponsors

9:43 am EDT

National Football League [NFL] Players out of line

I am no longer a fan of the nfl you let your players put criminals names on there helmets, you let them disrespect our flag what is wrong with you people? Thanks for ruining my fall and winter sunday's because you allow a political agenda to be brought onto our athletic enjoyment! I will not be watching professional football again! Thanks to you ingrates! I'm gonna make it a point to all my friends and family not to watch or buy anything to do with the nfl! I hope your league goes broke you mother [censored]ers!

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4:35 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Politicizing and disrespecting the USA

I am informing you that after 55 years of watching and loving football you have finally by caving in to blm and the left you are politicizing and disrespecting our country. Hence you have forced me to not watch or listen to any of your broadcasts. I am finished with the nfl and you have taken all enjoyment out of the game and there is not any point in continuing watching and supporting the nfl.!

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1:48 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Decision to play black national anthem

As a result of your decision to play the black national anthem before games, I will no longer watch the NFL games or purchase anything involving the NFL. We are supposed to be "One Nation Under God"! Their is another professional football team now and I have a choice. The Negro Football League is something I will not support. I strongly suspect that my decision to leave the NFL is of no real concern to you. I will work to encourage anyone who will listen to divorce themselves from the league. You really don't need anymore negative press. You started this, lets see if I can keep it going. Have a nice day.

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8:45 am EDT
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National Football League [NFL] Politics in football

Since you have decided to bring politics into football, I will no longer watch NFL football and I am cancelling the NFL Ticket. I am not interested in watching political football. BLM is a Marxist organization and does not have any positive message for the youths you hope to attract to the game. You have caved to the mob and this decision will ruin the game. Good luck with your new venture, bit its really not your game.

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Parkersburg, West Virginia, US
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Jun 02, 2021 7:30 pm EDT

You completely ruined nfl football.

2:29 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] Ruining football

I will no longer support the NFL. I am going to watch hockey from now on. I am sick of seeing my country spit on by players I help support though my partispation. We all have jobs to do. I didn't stop repairing people's cars or ringing up groceries because I didn't like or agree with something. I don't talk about bad stuff while I'm working on cars in front of people or ringing up their grocers. I'd get fired. No one would want to work or deal with me. This grandstanding is all political and only because somebody has dirt on you. Well at some point it will all come out. Might as well let it go like I did with you. The NFL. Later...p.s. Never thought a bunch of grown [censored] men would be so soft.

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Parkersburg, West Virginia, US
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Jun 02, 2021 7:38 pm EDT

You completely destroy nfl foot and the madden nfl game BECAUSE 2k sports should take the nfl liensce from you destroying the nfl community with politics is ruined football league extending the game towards 17 regular season games to make tje Pittsburgh steelers to have the TOUGHEST schedule on earth of pure jealousy is just wrong, shamed on you BECAUSE you completely ruined NFL football for ever.

6:37 pm EDT

National Football League [NFL] NFL promoting Marxist overthrow of the US government

BLM is a Marxist political organization aimed to overthrow the US government! Their website also shows they are funded by Soros (sworn enemy of America) and they're promoting communism in America! Soo, by supporting BLM, the NFL has made itself an enemy of America and the American citizens! The NFL needs to regroup its Vision Mission Goals making sure you include values and a belief system that drives responsible citizenship! As long as the NFL promotes the overthrow of the US government through supporting BLM, I'll bring the bells about the NFL being an enemy of America and the American citizens!

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About National Football League [NFL]

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The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league comprising 32 teams. It offers live games, scores, and news, as well as merchandise through its website. The NFL also provides a platform for fan engagement, fantasy football, and game statistics.
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3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with the National Football League (NFL) company. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Jersey Shipment" or "Refund Not Processed for NFL Game Pass".

4. Detailing the experience: Provide a detailed account of your experience with the NFL company. Include key areas such as customer service interactions, product quality, service delivery, or any other relevant aspects of your experience. Mention any transactions you had with the company, including dates, amounts, and what the transactions were for. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including what you expected versus what actually occurred. If you attempted to resolve the issue, detail the steps you took and the company's response. Explain how the issue has personally affected you, whether it's a financial loss, inconvenience, or disappointment.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents, such as receipts, emails, or screenshots, that can substantiate your complaint. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking from the NFL company, whether it's a refund, exchange, apology, or any other form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint or review to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure that all the information provided is factual and relevant to your complaint.

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Overview of National Football League [NFL] complaint handling

National Football League [NFL] reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 12, 2006. The latest review Refusing to refund was posted on Dec 5, 2024. The latest complaint officiating staff was resolved on Dec 29, 2014. National Football League [NFL] has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 654 reviews. National Football League [NFL] has resolved 9 complaints.
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