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Krystal International Vacation Club [KIVC]

Krystal International Vacation Club [KIVC] review: Fraud 45

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8:53 pm EST
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Dear NH Krystal International Vacation Club:

I am writing to you to file my dispute against NH Krystal International Vacation Club located in Cancun, Mexico. My husband and I arrived in Cancun, MX on July 2, 2008 for our honeymoon. We were approached by employees of the Krystal Hotel at the airport to attend their 90 minute presentation and in return we would receive discounts on activities. On July 3, 2008 we arrived at the Krystal hotel. We were shown the presentation by a sales representative who used high pressured sales tactics. They bombarded us with numbers, statistics, and information about a time share which were never clear. They made promises that we would see return on our investment quickly. After returning to the states, we were contacted by Peter Dunne from Global Resort Services. He said he had received our information from Krystal, and he would be our primary contact on this account. He said that he was affiliated with the Krystal hotel, and we would be renting out our weeks through him. At the time, I did not know that this was all under false pretense and Mr. Dunne was not affiliated with the Krystal Hotel. I reluctantly gave him my account information. I found out that Mr. Dunne and Global Resort Services was a rental scam and they obtained our personal information through a “leak” from the Krystal Hotel.

After further research it has been made public through the following website,, “Vacation Network Inc, aka: the Vacation Network Advertising Corporation, aka: Global Resort Services, aka: VNAC, etc. The names of the people associated with this company that we hear most often are Peter Dunne and Laurie Peck, ” are associated with rental scam and fraudulent behaviors. I have filed a complaint letter with this company and a fraud report with my Bank of American Visa card

Unsure about this whole timeshare, I did some more research, and I found several unsatisfied customers who also purchased a timeshare through Krystal. I have included these unsatisfied consumer’s letters of complaints which were filed with the resort, Bank of America, PROFECO, the Texas and California Attorneys General and the US Department of Justice (please refer to the websites I have listed below):
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Clearly we have all been victims of this fraud.

The fact that my husband and I’s personal information was “leaked” to a rental scam agency is a clear sign that Krystal International Vacation Club operates unlawfully without concern to their client’s confidentiality and does not serve under their client’s best interest. As you can see within the complaints written by other unsatisfied customers, promises of rentals made by Mr. Rafael Septien and his team of unethical employees had never taken place.

In conclusion, my husband and I’s personal information and account information has been breached. The confidentiality of our personal information and financial information has been exploited. When I tried to contact Krystal on July 20, 2008 in regards to the leak of our personal information, the only response was that it was going to be looked into and that someone would be in touch. We have not received any information regarding our complaint since then.

I am requesting that our contract with NH Krystal International Vacation Club be cancelled immediately. I request that a full refund of our account totaling what has been charged to the Bank of America Mastercard in the amount of $5, 718.11 in addition to the charge through CHCC Chicome/Suntrust Bank in the amount of $4, 900 be refunded at once. I have filed a billing dispute with the Bank of America Mastercard. I have also filed complaints with PROFECO, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Connecticut Attorney General’s Office.

Jennifer Nguyen

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Feb 05, 2009 4:01 pm EST

I too am involved in contract problemes with NH Krystal. No one has mentioned this but all the agreements discussed were there on the table when I signed. After all was said and done they offered to put my paperwork in a nice neat binder. When I opened the binder later ( when I got home) sections of the agreement were missing. Particulaly the ones explaining the free stuff and the rental buy back. I did happen to notice the rental buy back paper on Ray peaces desk and asked him to make me another copy. That should have sent up a flare. Attempts to contact Ray Piece and Ray Rubio have been futile. I have stopped all payments. Bank of America is being very cooperative in this matter. The othe rlender is Krystal. I would like to establish e mail contact with anyone that has had this expierience with NH Krystal. Air fare to Cancun is cheap right now. We could do a group trip to our time share and visit Ray Rubio and the likes off him.
Subject : NH Krystal ripoff

Hawthorne, US
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Feb 11, 2009 4:47 pm EST

I am sure N.H. Krystal pays a lot of money to Mexico government, so that they can operate scam freely and catch innocent tourist at the airport.

city, US
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Feb 18, 2009 3:39 pm EST

Who is interested in some class action?

Matt Preston
Flushing, US
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Jun 29, 2009 12:11 pm EDT

While in Cancun we were invited to a 90 minunte timeshare speech. The salesman tour us that if we bought, he would help us renting the week because NH Krystal is very close to the convention center. He assured us there were lots of people looking to rent weeks at Krystal because of the proximity to this place.

Dumb enough, we believe him. Six months after, we were still waiting for this rental income. We called him several times asking him what was going on until he decided not to take our calls anymore. We searched the internet just to find out that everything we were told was a total lie. We went back to Cancun to cancel and they tried to sell us more! It was unbelievable.

On the way back to the airport, we found an ad of a law firm specialized in timeshare matters. We contact them and they help us cancel and recover our earnest money.

Please be aware that if you go to a timeshare presentation in Mexico these salesmen will try anything to get you to buy their product. Timeshares are worthless!

If this advice is too late for you, contact, they will help you cancel. Once they see that you have legal assistance on your side they will give you the respect we all deserve.

Matt Preston

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Jul 10, 2009 12:45 pm EDT

We cancelled our contract with Krystal within 5 days of signing. I read the contract very carefully and would not have signed but for the provision of cancellation clause.

We attended the timeshare and all the promises made to others were repeated to us - they even had some RE agent in the US fax a letter stating there's a high demand for weeks at Krystal. I felt that it sounded too good to be true, but decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. Five minutes of research on the Internet proved I should have gone with my first instinct and unfortunately they don't believe in honouring the letter of the contract. They completely ignored our cancellation notice, which we hand delivered, faxed and e-mailed, so when my American Express bill came in, I disputed the charge. After 30 days NH Krystal failed to provide any supporting documentation, so American Express credited our account for the full amount of our downpayment.

Now they are sending us notices demanding monthly payments. After the first one I send a letter to their office in Miami, stating we had cancelled the contract and included a copy of the cancellation notice. Just 2 days ago they sent a "Late Notice: Third Notice" demanding payment and threatening to send it to a collection agency - ooh I'm scared! I have replied to their notice with a e-mail to asking them to stop sending notices or we may take legal action against NH Kyrstal.

Gregory Burns

Fraudulent Business
Milwaukee, US
Send a message
Jul 10, 2009 8:43 pm EDT

Krystal Scam!

Please be aware that NH Krystal is scamming US and Canadian Citizens and you could be the next victim. if you want to know a bit more on how they work their deceitful sales practices, log into

South Bend, US
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Jul 19, 2009 8:29 pm EDT

Thank you to everyone who is sharing their information in regards to the complaints to Krystal in Cancun. My family also has been a victim of fraud from these people and we were ripped off $13, 515.oo, on July 5, 2009.
It seems so unreal that so many people have been victims and these people are still operating!
Why are these people still able to rip off so many USA and Mexican citizens?
I am trying to fight this with Hotel Krystal, cancel this unrealistic membership and to recover all of our money. Please give me some help!
All the personnel including the people we talk to during the 90 minute presentation; Ray Rubio, Victor Osorio, Sergio Treviño, refuse to answer any of our phone calls.
We are desperate as we cannot pay the credit cards these people have already charged, including the Bank of America credit card. Which bring's my attention to say: how is it possible that Back of America works with these people?
Please help us!
Rosa Isela

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Jan 25, 2010 3:56 pm EST

Same thing happened to me too. Has anyone had any success in getting a refund or making reservations at the rate they promised? Sallyc Tennessee


alise beccaria
Brookfield, US
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Jun 11, 2010 12:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We had a similar issue with those [censor]. We are fighting with BOA but not going anywhere. Any suggestions or advice?

pleae email


braselton, US
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Aug 26, 2010 6:15 am EDT

As per the contract, you have 5 days to cancel your agreement. We as well, sent certified letters within the timeframe per the contract to cancel. Today is the 15 th day in which our money was to be refunded. We shall see...if not they will be sued for double what we paid them and a class action lawsuit will be filed and you all will get your money back and maybe they will be forced to stop operating.

Brenham, US
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Oct 16, 2010 11:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Krystal Club got us too! The same thing has happened to me and my husband! We were just there September 2010. BOA told us they will NOT dispute the charge! Because we signed the contract and it's a "Mastercard" policy that they cannot dispute...that has to be bull crap...anyone have any advice?

Renee in Texas

Luci K
Naperville, US
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Jan 17, 2011 8:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

also ripped off by Krystal, scam still going on, january of 2011!

Carol Arthur
Bronx, US
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Jan 26, 2011 9:13 pm EST

I have been scamed as well we all have to stick together and fight to get our $$ back. iam not surprised that they r still scamming ppl as of 01/2011. I am in the process of going thru everyones complaints to c where we begin. Trust me with every breath in my body they will not get away w/ scam little old me! Beware Krystal has the nerve to have CONCORD SERVCING CORP COLLECTING maintence fees. "THEY ONLY WANT CKING A/C INFO NOT CREDIT CARDS" ****RED FLAG*** wHY was i sent to collection when i was never sent a bill from Krystak Cancun. The collection agency call every wk to obtain my cking a/c info. I dont think so! if u rec my credit card info why not chg the card Oh i was told that they have to sd the credit card info back to Cancun for processing, WHYAT u call yourself a collection angency
my emil (ppl pls post ur email so we can get a class action suit going) Carol Arthur

Send a message
Feb 03, 2011 1:49 am EST

we are still within the 5 days of paying $5200 USD cash for this "investment" through Krystal and because of everything we've been reading here and other websites, my husband just typed up a notice of cancellation and we plan to certify and overnight it tomorrow morning. I am really bummed about not getting the membership and the access to the RCI properties. My husband is the one who wanted to do this for the investment, me only for the perks and discounts. We just about spent $25, 000 for the investment and thank God we went with our gut and said 'no' to that first pitch (out of many more to come).. They got us at the minimum, and that was after they already told us we can call back to get the same deal if we call back within the time we said we will.. what happened to "this is a one time offer and you will not receive the same one again.".. BAH! Does anyone know if they at least follow through with all the discounts? I guess we will never know :( my email is and a class action suit against Krystal would be great. What gets me the most is that the American guy who did most of the sales pitch says "So what you mean is that you just don't trust me... " "oh no that's not it at all", I say... HAHAHHAHAHA oh man...

Sam SS
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Feb 04, 2011 8:20 pm EST

I just returned from Krystal and my girlfriend and they got my girlfriend and I too. I can't believe I'm reading all of this, I am cancelling my contract today. My gut told me not to do this, I just can't believe it. I have been trying to call Krystal and ALL of the numbers are not in service. I would be all for a joint class action law suit. my email address is

Palm Beach Gardens, US
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Feb 20, 2011 4:31 pm EST

My wife and I purchased a timeshare in Cabo, and we were told by the salesman that we could rent our unused weeks and actually turn an annual profit. The salesman said that he owned 2 timeshares at the resort and that Peter Dunn was successfully renting them for him. We were connected with Peter Dunn and his company Vacation Network (VNAC) to handle the rentals. We paid an up-front "listing fee" of $599, and in exchange we were supposed to get marketing services from VNAC. In speaking directly with Peter Dunn, he stated to me that he would have no problem quickly getting our unused weeks rented and that he would be in touch. It has been over a year, and we have never heard from Dunn or VNAC again. Calls and messages to Dunn have gone unanswered. When I finally got through to someone, they told me that Dunn was no longer "on my account" and that the unit was being marketed, and they're not brokers and they don't "sell" the units. This is 180 degrees different than what Dunn told me directly and also not consistent with what the salesman at Cabo said. Both are likely working together on this scam.

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Mar 01, 2011 9:09 pm EST

Karlee again... well, we're over 30 days from when we submitted our cancellation letter and we were definitely within the 5 day guaranteed cancellation period. We certified and overnighted a letter to their supposed Texas headquarters and also to the place in Cancun where we paid them. they said allow them 15 days to refund our money.. well, still no credit to my bank card or any luck with correspondance with Krystal. rrrrrr!

Bothell, US
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Mar 26, 2011 5:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We were told the same lies about the investment opportunities at Krystal. The next morning I read through the paperwork carefully, realized we had been lied to and decided we needed to cancel. We attempted to hand deliver our cancellation, which was refused. We then hired a lawyer in Cancun who delivered a certified letter. Later we got a letter from the Krystal that basically asked us to sign away all of our rights, but was supposedly to "verify the amount of the refund". Under the advice of our lawyer we did not sign, but told them we would sign after we received our refund. We are now over 15 days and no refund. The lawyer will now go to Profeco in Mexico to pursue our claim. These crooks need to be stopped!

Brenham, US
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Mar 26, 2011 10:07 pm EDT
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We too hired attorney in Mexico and they have taken our case to PROFECO. Our hearing date is set for 5/9/11. I will post the outcome. I just don't understand why the Mexican Government doesn't stop these criminals!

Brenham, US
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Mar 29, 2011 12:40 am EDT
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I received an email today from the attorney's office in Mexico and they are very confident we will receive a refund. I will post the outcome in May.

Carol Arthur
Bronx, US
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Apr 03, 2011 9:40 pm EDT

Too Krystal and Renee pls forward any info to me there is a group of us who have been scammed as well. what attorney did u use and what lettet did u sd to Profeco

Carol Arthur
Bronx, US
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Apr 03, 2011 10:39 pm EDT

All ppl who have been scammed pls contact me we have a grp thats trying to get a class action suite against the Krystal Cancun. We all have been scammed so pls lets keep everyone in the circle as to how to fight back

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Apr 10, 2023 4:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same thing happened to me too. This feed is old and I am late to the thread, has anybody found an outcome of all this?


Bothell, US
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Apr 04, 2011 1:42 am EDT
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We are supposed to receive our refund this week, after PROFECO decided in our favor. We'll see...

Flemington, US
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May 18, 2011 6:24 pm EDT

I have sent things back to CHAZ DEAN many times it takes about six weeks for the refund. You will get it.

Flemington, US
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May 18, 2011 6:27 pm EDT

Did you ever get your money back? We have a similiar problem in Pennsylvania with IGLOBE.

Bothell, US
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May 21, 2011 4:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We did get our money a couple of weeks ago. They actually started charging us loan payments and when we contacted them, they credited us the full amount plus the loan payment. I am so relieved this ordeal is over.

Bothell, US
Send a message
May 21, 2011 4:39 pm EDT
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And by contact, we sent email...heard nothing back but got the credit a couple of days later. Sigh.

annoyed with Krystal
Toronto, CA
Send a message
May 26, 2011 3:46 am EDT

HI KrystalCrooks, we're in the same boat. Did you end up going with a lawyer? If so, who did you go with? We have sent an email to PROFECO as well and they are aware of our case but it hasn't been 15-20 days yet, so they can not jump in.

Bothell, US
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May 26, 2011 3:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We did go with a lawyer. Her name is Silvia del C. Herrera Salas you can reach her at We also filed disputes with our credit card company. Good luck.

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May 24, 2012 8:33 pm EDT

We were very aggressively and fraudulently pushed into buying a vacation club timeshare at KRYSTAL INTERNATIONAL VACATION CLUB. We were sold a studio unit for a total of 30 weeks over a period of 5 years. We were guarenteed that we would with out any doubt be able to rent the unit for those weeks if we chose not to use them ourselves, and make a profit. We were also told that we would be able to sell the unit if we chose after the first year. The sales person that would absolutely not let us leave was an old Dallas Cowboy football player by the name of RAPHAEL SEPTIEN. Raphael could see we were have serious doubts and really didn't want to sign the contract, so he filled in a rental Application document with the heading of the rental company they refer to for the timeshare owner to have their units rented out, documenting that the amout of the checks we will receive starting March 2012 will be $5, 500. March 2013 $5, 500. March 2014 $5, 500 March 2015 $5, 500 March 2016 $5, 500. and he signed it under Resort Rep. We we got home and contacted Continenetal Connections and spoke with their rep Tim Davis, we were told that they have no affiliation with Krystal and that there is no guarentee of renting the unit or selling it. He also stated that we would be responsible to pay a $695 rental fee and he would not state if he could rent the unit for any of the annual 6 weeks. The rental rep also stated that Krystal had no authority to sign a document under the representation of the rental company documenting any possibility of prices or actual success of renting the unit. So with this circumstance we are going to try relentlessly to cancel our contract and get our money back. It's a complete travesty the way these sales people steel the money from average people with average incomes under frudulent, dishonest, and misleading terms. Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

Fort Lauderdale, US
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Aug 07, 2013 1:06 pm EDT

I know how you feel, and it seems like this is a common problen in Mexico. I purchased a travel program through Sandos Playacar at Royal Elite Timeshare Resort in Playa del Carmen last March and I requested to cancel within the 5 day grace period but they still have not refunded my down payment of over $9000 US dollars. I have been in touch with people there and they say they are working the process but it takes time. It has now been almost 5 months and I am losing faith they will ever pay me back. This is another forum with more complaints about this company:

I believe we should do something about it, as I understand Mexican regulations forbid the offering of gifts, free vacation certificates or any other promotion strategies without informing the consumer the specific purpose of the offer. I want to complaint with PROFECO about this, and get my money back

Washington, US
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Aug 08, 2013 1:38 pm EDT

I know how you feel, and it seems like this is a common problen in Mexico. I purchased a travel program through Sandos Playacar at Royal Elite Timeshare Resort in Playa del Carmen last March and I requested to cancel within the 5 day grace period but they still have not refunded my down payment of over $9000 US dollars. I have been in touch with people there and they say they are working the process but it takes time. It has now been almost 5 months and I am losing faith they will ever pay me back. This is another forum with more complaints about this company:

I believe we should do something about it, as I understand Mexican regulations forbid the offering of gifts, free vacation certificates or any other promotion strategies without informing the consumer the specific purpose of the offer. I want to complaint with PROFECO about this, and get my money back

Brittany Smith
Hayward, US
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Aug 21, 2013 12:14 pm EDT

Timeshare scams are HUGE problem in Mexico. We purchased a Royal Elite Timeshare last year. We were promised all kinds of opportunity, while they kept serving us cold Coronas. Between HSI, RCI, and Royal Elite it seems that this is all a scam. We initially made three payments of $800, and now after Royal Elite has made a mistake with their collections back in the end of 2008, Monterey Financial has been threatening to send me to court to recover the unpaid portion ever since. Royal Elite is almost impossible to contact. This has become a huge pain, and a troubling financial burden. These are more complaints made on the Royal Elite timeshare resorts:

We will not go down without a fight. We are working now with PROFECO and will continue to haunt them

Alex Rios
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Mar 06, 2014 12:39 pm EST

I'm a victim of these ### too, please if any one knows about a class action lawsuit against these ### please let me know they ripped me off with over 10.000 dollars.

Contact me at.

Morehead, US
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Feb 06, 2015 11:42 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Is this type of complaint still going on? We went to the Krstal in May 2013 for our honeymoon and were also duped. our agreement was to trade our other timeshare to the cost of the new one. Mysteriously, none of the paperwork showed up in our packet. Is there a possible class action lawsuit in the works? I see that no one has posted on here for quite some time. We just now found out about this scam.

Anna Nebrat
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Aug 26, 2015 10:12 pm EDT


I'm facing a similar situation. They've got be going through loops and refuse to refund the money (i paid in full last year). Is anyone aware of any class action law suits taking place, or has anyone personally had any luck getting their money back? If so, please advise how.


Anna Nebrat
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Aug 26, 2015 10:16 pm EDT

It appears i'm in the same predicament. I paid in full last year (for the 25) years only to find out how horrible the service and property is. I have requested a refund, and even managed to reach the manager of the hotel. Ultimately, they gave me the run around and refused to do anything. Is there a class action lawsuit currently underway? Alternatively, has anyone been successful in getting their money back? If so, how?

Anna Nebrat
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Aug 26, 2015 10:44 pm EDT

It appears i'm also in a similar predicament. Has anyone heard of any class action law suits taking place, or of any customers successfully getting a refund back? If so, please advise on how.


Anna Nebrat
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Aug 26, 2015 10:48 pm EDT

Jennifer Nguyen - were you successful in getting the refund when you involved PROFECO, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Connecticut Attorney General’s Office?

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Sep 26, 2015 10:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We sadly signed a contract with Keystal March 2015. It has been a nightmare. Can anyone recommend a lawyer?

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    Avenida de las Garzas S/N, Zona Hotelera Norte, Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta, 48333, Mexico
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Krystal International Vacation Club [KIVC] is ranked 51 among 73 companies in the Timeshares and Vacation Rentals category