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Pos Malaysia Complaints 967

2:51 pm EDT
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Pos Malaysia parcel/pos laju

Tracking Number: ERA157020447MY


Still not receive this parcel since 22 May 2019 from Jerteh. There was no record in system after out from Jerteh.

Refer the attachment below. Please let me know any updates in the future about my parcel.

I hope your company can solve this issue and may contain information from Jerteh post office.

Thank you.

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10:22 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia xhantar sampai rumah.

Jangan sesekali pakai abx. Kalau dari arah kemayan. Terus stuck kt kemayan. Customer pulak kena ambik kt abx kemayan. Serupa aku gi ambik direct kt tempat aku beli online tu.. Xpayah pakai abx ni.. Menyusahkan pulak.. Bayar untuk direct sampai rumah.. Tp aku pulak kena gi ambik.. Rate servis.. Dari 10 start.. Aku boleh bagi 2 star je.. Amat teruk. Banyak kali dh kena.. So lain kali pakai pos laju je.. Lambat xpe.. Janji sampai rumah.

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1:32 am EDT

Pos Malaysia poslaju / damaged and cracked delivered item

I'd like to make a complain on my artwork posted to Selangor (as stated in the poslaju form). The frame was badly damaged /cracked might be due to mishandling of your staff (refer photos attached)

I hereby would like to request for compensation worth RM149 (value of the artwork) from your good office.

Your prompt response on this matter is highly appreciated.



Puan Siti
Salam Calligraphy Art

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12:48 am EDT
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Pos Malaysia lex my (hub batu caves) kurang ajar

first call pagi2 marah2 sebab sy takde di rumah

kedua dia hantar barang tapi suruh saya turun pegi ambil dekat tangan dia...

ketiga hantar barang tak sampai kt tangan sy.. kalau sy tiada di rumah boleh letak di rumah ada di rumah..knp tak tekan bell or call..? tahu2 je dapat mesej..barang ada di rumah jiran..

staff ni ZULKIFLI MD ZIN sangat kurang ajar. (hub batu caves)

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6:32 am EDT

Pos Malaysia improper handle about parcel and item received in extremely broken condition

I've chosen to post my parcel by ship and I posted it over PosLaju kiosk at 1 Borneo Hypermall Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on 1st of June 2019. My parcel was carefully wrapped with wrapping paper and fragile tap around the box. However, after around 2 weeks, I received my parcel in an extremely broken condition. The item is actually an induction cooker. I even wrapped it with bubble wrap before putting it into a box. But when I unboxed it, the item is crushed and cannot be used anymore. If the parcel is handled carefully, this situation will not happen. So what solution can I get from PosLaju?

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1:46 am EDT

Pos Malaysia pos laju memulangkan kembali barang yang diposkan didalam keadaan rosak

pihak kami telah pos bungkusan (frame sijil) berbentuk kaca dalam keadaan yang baik kepada penerima pada 29 mac 2019 di pos laju catu caves. Dan kami telah mendapat panggilan daripada pos laju untuk mengambil kembali bungkusan tersebut di pos Laju kuala lumpur, oleh kerana pihak Pos Laju telah cuma menghubungi penerima, tetapi tiada balasan daripada penerima. sehubungan itu, pihak kami telah menerima kembali bungkusan tersebut didalam keadaan rosak (pecah), tetapi pihak pos laju sertakan sekali memo dan surat bertarikh 2 MEI 2019, memaklumkan mereka telah menerima barang yang rosak dari Pos Laju Rawang, sedangkan pihak kami poskan didalam keadaan yang baik.

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12:50 am EDT
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Pos Malaysia unethical behaviour of poslaju crew

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.

Pada 17 Jun 2019, pukul 12.15 tghr telah terima bungkusan melalui poslaju (van) tetapi sekali lagi orang yang sama menghantar bungkusan tersebut.

Dari dalam rumah saya lihat wajah anak lelaki saya yang menyambut telah berubah dan saya tahu perkara yang sama telah dilakukan oleh lelaki tersebut.

Biasanya lelaki tersebut akan menunjukkan muka yang sombong, bercakap seakan menjerit, marah-marah dan sangat menyakitkan hati walaupun berada pada jarak yang dekat.

Pekerja poslaju ini sangat tidak berbudi bahasa, kurang ajar dan sangat sombong.

Lelaki ini juga tidak akan menjawab salam apabila diberi salam.
Maaf sekiranya dia bukan Islam tetapi biasanya orang yang bukan Islam akan beritahu secara berbudi bahasa yang beliau bukan Islam jika kita tersilap.

Sudah lama saya tidak membeli online kerana tidak sanggup terima kiriman dari poslaju untuk elak kemungkinan pertengkaran atau pergaduhan suatu hari nanti.

Seorang yang seperti ini akan menutup punca rezeki ramai yang lain.

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4:08 am EDT
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Pos Malaysia 22690704691 i’m not receive my parcel

The parcel arrive at delivery facility Ipoh since 4/6/19 but until now I'm also not receive yet, I went there to ask them, they said can't find out the parcel and just ask me to keep waiting,
How come the parcel would be disappear at delivery facility? who is on duty and responsible this part at the time? I'm feeling disappointed of this

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2:44 am EDT

Pos Malaysia delivery pic was rude

Dear Poslaju,

today I received my parcel. However the delivery man was very rude.
My mother was in the kitchen. The delivery person did not even ring the bell neither knock on the gate. He called my mobile number the 1st time, and I immediately called my mum, however she did not answer the handphone, probably cooking. The 2nd time he called me back, he rudely said, "how long more to wait!", when he was there just for less than 5 minutes..
His Number : 019-2744518
First time experiencing this kind of delivery guy from Pos Laju.

A disappointed customer.

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12:41 am EDT

Pos Malaysia pampers

Awat pos laju makin trok lani...sbb poskod pun jdi masalah... Sblom nie alamat yg sama... Poskod yg sama elok ja smpai... Lani xblh nk smpai dh... Bila call bgtau masalah poskod...kepala pos laju awat duk buat rules menyusahkan org... Hub nie xblh masuk kawasan nie..xguna kami bayar postage klu parcel kna p ambik sndri kat hub.aku dh bnyk kali kecewa dgn pos laju nie...dlu brang aku lambat 6 hri.. Bila p dekat hub.. Depa kata xdk org kat rumah..bodoh ka apa... Station minyak 24jam xdk org.hampa mai tngah mlm pun ada la..

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9:29 am EDT

Pos Malaysia not helpful, stress with bad service

Tracking no. Lp020841225hk. I checked online item reached30may but my mobile rosak, I did not receive any call. Then, on friday night only I receive whatsapp message from poslaju postman that he called but cant reach me & they (poslaju/pos malaysia) already arranged to send it back to hong kong. Why? I thought poslaju can keep 1 week? Have your phone not damaged before? And my package is not on cod terms, is already fully paid & sent from hong kong! Are you going to pay for my 2nd delivery fee? So I quickly go lts warehouse pos malaysia (also my destination address for my package) on 3jun 1.40pm, trying hard to stop it being sent back to hk which I really do not understand why as its fully paid & sent from overseas so faraway from hk, just keep it for 1week & for sure people will claim it. But the staff at lts warehouse said its already on the way to hong kong, asked me to call myself though they're very leisure with no customer. I thought okay, nevermind. Then, I called klia few times only success but they checked & said not in klia, still in shah alam. So I quickly called shahalam branch but for 1.5hrs no pick up call. Then I called lts warehouse again 3jun 4pm to assist me & complain that if they helped me earlier to call their colleagues, my package may not even left shah alam branch & gave them my contact number & name. However I did not receive any call after that & already hari raya, so I thought since I did not receive any call, it maybe good news & don't want to disturb the staff there for raya holiday. So, I keep waiting for their call but I am really very worried they did not do any action & later blame it back on me that I did not follow up. Then I called lts warehouse again today12jun 12.30pm & being told my package already at klia branch but asked me to call again later at 2.30pm. When I called lts warehouse again 12jun 2.40pm, shida to answer my call said that the line is very weak, cant do the checking for me & take down my name & contact again. All this while for 3-4years online purchase has been using poslaju, felt that poslaju is the best. But with this time poslaju/pos malaysia service really makes me very very worried, they seems to help me in front but actually not at the back. Not helpful at all. What if you are on my shoes? Jika you beli rm300 barang dari hk, delivery fee dah bayar semua tetapi handphone rosak, tidak dapat terima call atau notification dan hantar barang kau balik hk? I think what I like of poslaju is the postman service but not the office staff, not the staff at the counter. Thank you the postman for at least whatsapp-ing me. Hopefully & appreciate the staff to help me stop the delivery back to hk & return it to lts warehouse. Please please please!

I have another package, tracking no. Ly012643798de also put destination address to lts warehouse. Please please keep it for me, send me a message if you cannot reach me. As I know many people's job also cannot keep their mobile with them. Please be considerate. We also pay poslaju/pos malaysia the delivery fee. Last time if poslaju cant reach us/item not delivered, will give us a message and keep for few day, somemore just local delivery. While my package this time from hk and somemore expensive item, why so fast already sent the package back to hk?

011-[protected] (new number)
[protected] (not using anymore)

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8:52 am EDT

Pos Malaysia parcel

im here to complain. im very angry n disappointed on every post public holiday. my sender sent my parcel on 4/6/19. until today 12/6/19 i keep tracking but yet still no updates. i already file a report via myparcelasia. parcel after that i already received. why still stuck in kl hub? raya is not an excuse to rest more. work means work. i hate poslaju! the worst courier! many time the people will not call us..just hang the leaflet at my gate. not responsible. please sent it fast. n upgrade your system and worker's attitude!

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3:28 am EDT

Pos Malaysia my item

Hello,, i've been waiting so long to get my item from johor bharu to ranau sabah.. My tracking number is eh658881234my... It's been arrive at kota kinabalu 3 jun 2019 but until today 12 jun 2019 the item still not arrive at ranau sabah..? My question is why it take so long to arrive at ranau... As u know kota kinabalu to ranau only take 2 hour... Please I need the item as soon as posibble... Im very dissappointed with pej pos ranau... Because its been 9 days already...

My contact no [protected]

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Update by Mr razzz
Jun 12, 2019 8:41 pm EDT

Im so angry right now...pej pos ranau so slow...i will not use pejabat pos again...please take action on this matter...Your company failed to manage yr staff and branch...i've paid to get the best..but your company disappointed me so fact, i already went to pej pos ranau two times...but still i didnt get my this is my last use your courier sorry

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10:50 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia unsuccessful delivery

Pihak Pos Laju Malaysia kerap gagal membuat penghantaran barang pengguna. Ini adalah kali ke lima barang saya gagal dihantar. Tiada sebarang panggilan telefon yang menyatakan mereka telah tiba di premis jika tiada penerima di premis, melainkan menerima pesanan ringkas (sms) yang menyatakan kegagalan menghantar barang. Kami sebagai pengguna faham keadaan Pos Laju Malaysia yang banyak menerima dan perlu melakukan kerja-kerja penghantaran barang secepat yang mungkin tetapi perlulah melakukan kerja-kerja penghataran dengan lebih efisian tidak terburu-buru atau sambil lewa bekerja dan tidak mudah "claimed" tiada penerima di premis. Tambahan pula, pihak Pos Laju Malaysia gemar menghantar pada waktu "Lunch Hour" dimana sebahagian pejabat tidak beropersi pada waktu berkenaan.
Berikut merupakan nombor item barang saya:
1) ERA192902390MY
2) EP627236275MY

Mohon kerjasama dari pihak Pos Laju Malaysia.
Terima Kasih.

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12:44 pm EDT
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Pos Malaysia barang shopee delivered tapi tak sampai ke alamat penerima

hi...saya ada buat pembelian melalui shopee dan postage update di shopee sudah delivered tapi barang tidak diterima. pada 2/6/2019 saya menerima panggilan dari nombor +[protected] yang memaklumkan sudah menghantar barang tersebut ke alamat penerima. mohon pihak tuan mengambil tindakan segera atas kegagalan penghantaran @ penipuan dari pihak POSLAJU JITRA.

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Update by niza_nan
Jun 04, 2019 12:47 pm EDT

poslaju jitra call on 2/6/19 cakap nk hantar brg esok harinya tapi dh 5/6/19 tak sampai2...barang shopee...update dh delivered. +[protected] nombor yg call.

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2:16 am EDT

Pos Malaysia parcel tidak diterima

Parcel saya ERA101061247MY.Saya track still lagi pending dekat pos transit klia hhb dari 31/5/19 lagi.parcel stuck dkat sana dah 3-4 hari..kenapa jadi macam ni?parcel saya yg pos slpas tu pun dah sampai dulu.pihak sana buat apa dengan parcel saya sampai lama macam tu sekali?bila saya boleh dapat parcel tu?saya nak pakai barang tu untuk raya ni.adakah saya perlu tggu parcel saya tu sampai untuk raya tahun depan?

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4:05 am EDT

Pos Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Salam saya nurul amalina. Sy mohon rungutan berkaitan dengan parcel saya . Tracking no. :ERA119017629MY. Mengikut rekod barang saya sepatutnya sudah sampai ke rumah pada 30/5/2019 bersamaan hari khamis jam 4 ptg dah diterima atas nama saya nurul amalina ic no [protected]. Tetapi untuk pengetahuan pihak pos laju saya langsung tidak menerima sebarang parcel saya..pintu rumah jgk tidak diketuk n tiada sebarang msg mengatakan barang sudah hantar. Kenapa dalam rekod sy dah terima barang. Terlalu byk isu dari pos laju. Mohon ambik tindakan dari pos laju. Jangan senang2 aniaya kami. Sukati ckp barang dah smpai senangkan barang langsung tidak di hantar. Untuk pengetahun pos laju semalam 31/5/2019 hari jumaat ptg sy sudah pun telefon pos laju berkaitan isu ini tp tiada sebarang tindakan..mohon sangat2 pihak laju ambik tindakan segera. Di sini saya sertakan brg yg sepatutnya sy terima. Terima kasih.

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11:20 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia poslaju kaunter in lahad datu, sabah

I reach poslaju counter in around 10.55 just now to collect my item but unfortunately the staff at the counter not allow me to take que number with reason there is too many quere and they will be close at 12.00 p.m and asking me and other customer to come back next Monday.

This is not fair to us, morover i had come from Felda Sahabat which is 90km from lahad datu town and this post office. They makes me very very in trouble when i have come twice from this far place to collect my item.

Please stricly take action on this matter. Thank you.

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12:09 am EDT

Pos Malaysia pos laju campak barang

1) pada 28hb, poslaju datang hantar barang saya(EN398950147MY) semasa saya tiada orang dirumah, poslaju tidak call saya dan cuma tinggalkan barang diatas lantai dalam pagar.
2) pada 30hb poslaju tinggalkan brg saya didepan pagar tanpa ada call saya, itu adalah barangan elektronik. kalau hujan rosak

cara penghantaran dari poslaju SANGAT TERBAIK, poslaju satu satunya company malayu.

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9:14 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia tiada makluman dari staff pos laju

Pos laju malaysia

Sy nora azlina sepatutnya saya terima barang sy dr staff anda ke alamat seperti diatas, tetapi staff anda tidak menghubungi saya setelah tiba dihadapan pintu berada dirumah dr pagi 30/05/2019 hingga hari ni 31/05/2019.kesilapan ini berlaku dari pihak staff pos laju.jadi sy minta brg sy dihantar pd hari ni jumaat 31/05/2019. Barang tue utk kegunaan pd hari raya akan dtg.harap maklum

Terima kasih

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About Pos Malaysia

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Pos Malaysia is Malaysia's national postal service provider, offering a range of services including mail delivery, parcel shipping, express courier services, international shipping, and logistics solutions. They also provide financial services such as bill payments, remittances, and insurance. Customers can access services online or at various physical outlets across Malaysia.
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- Provide detailed information about your experience with Pos Malaysia. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

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- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of Pos Malaysia complaint handling

Pos Malaysia reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 28, 2009. The latest review Poslaju poor service where rider didnt inform deliver registered mail. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint postman simply put attempt fail status was resolved on Nov 21, 2019. Pos Malaysia has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 967 reviews. Pos Malaysia has resolved 7 complaints.
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