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Pos Malaysia Complaints 967

9:11 pm EST
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Pos Malaysia servis sgt teruk, brg di pos tidak dihantar dan tidak dimaklum kpd penerima, malah terus di return kembali kpd penghantar tanpa makluman.

Parcel saya telah Di poskan Dr Kulai Jaya pd tarikh 20 Dec 2017, telah sampai di Poslaju Langkawi pd 23 Dec 2017, setelah Di semak dlm sistem tracking poslaju, parcel tersebut TIDAK di hantar kpd sy(penerima), tetapi TIDAK Pula Di maklum utk mengambil parcel tersebut Di pej.Poslaju Langkawi melalui panggilan Telefon, SMS atau apa2 Slip Nota yg sepatutnya di tinggalkan dirumah penerima.
Pd 18 Jan.2018, setelah membuat pertanyaan kpd pengirim, barulah sy Di beritahu mengenai PEMULANGAN kembali parcel sy kpd mereka. Sy berasa amat kecewa terhadap servis POSLAJU LANGKAWI yg seolah-olah membuat kerja sambil LEWA dan TIDAK BERTANGGUNGJAWAB. Diharap perkara ini di beri perhatian dan TIDAK BERULANG LAGI..TERIMA KASIH.

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2:36 am EST
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Pos Malaysia service is bad no notice at all

Salam, firstly this is my third occurrences of bad courrier attitude/manners
don't posmalaysia trained their staffs?

My parcel trekking no.EP435656084MY suppose to arrive on 14/1/18 however is now lying in Pos Msia Kota Tinggi centre for no reason and without any notice. Is this how parcel suppose be delivered if yes I better change to other courier services.

PLS look into the matter as this not only happen to me ..

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10:38 pm EST
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Pos Malaysia attitude staf perempuan sangat teruk... (tersangat kecewa)

Assalamualaikum... Sy nak report staf perempuan pos laju butterworth yg sgt biadap jwb fon dr saya. Sy bg salam xjwb salam... Suara kasar sy faham mungkin cara dia bcakap mcm tu tp nada bcakap sy xpuas hati. Sy bgtau 2 brg sy xsmp. Sy bg dulu track id brg pertama. Dia trus check.. Sy bg peluang dia check dulu... Kemuadian dia bgtau brg mmg dh lama smp. Die tya sy nak selfpickup atau posmen hantar. Sy jwb posmen hntar. Die tya lg selfpickup atau posmen hantar... Sy jwb lg posmen hantar. Kemuadian die mcm buat nada y sy xfhm lps tu tya lg... Sy jwb jwpan pendek posmen... Mn tau jwpn pjg xbrp dgr. Kmudian die buat nada mcm nk mrh... Dia terang detail nak self pickup atau posmen hntar kat rumah... Sy fikir btul la sy jwb smp 3x td. Sy jwb lg dgn detail sy nak posmen dtg hntar kat rumah... Br dia faham. Kmuadia y paling sy geram part y last... Die bgtau dgn nada y xsedap dgr... Dia kt esok hantar skrg posmen dah keluar (nada kasar dan laju). Sy ckp baik2 lg... Sy kt ade lg satu brg... Die ckp kasar, dia kt tadi bg satu jer... Satu lg xbg... Ya tuhan staf mcm ni pelanggan xblh buat baik dgn dia. Sy xkisah lg cara dia ckp. Sy diajar budi bahasa... Klu die tel tpt keje sy ape perasaan dia klu sy bahasakan macam tu... Last skali sy ucap terima kasih dan bg salam. Die xjwb tus letak fon. Sy xpuas hati dgn org mcm ni. Klu nk buat keje klu xikhlas xperlu buat. Disebabkn org mcm ni, pelanggan lain akn mengata... Mnjejaskn imej pos laju. Setiap adik2 posmen y dtg rumah sy, tel sy, sy jwb tel mcm kwn2. Sy tau mereka penat. Klu pihak pos laju nk ambil tindakan, check staf y suara mcm makcik bawang! Terima kasih...

Tarikh/masa tel: 17/1/18 1203
No pjbat y dguna: [protected]

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11:22 am EST

Pos Malaysia parcel not received & tracking status unknown since 3 jan 18

Tracking system showed no updates since 3Jan18, poslaju office never pick up my calls, [protected] forever busy no answering my call as well. Quite frustrating spending minutes to listen to advertisements in line. I don't even know if my parcel arrive at Miri or still stuck somewhere else universe. Please take action or at least update its status in your system, thanks!

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3:16 am EST
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Pos Malaysia posmen throw things and the items have broken

EH 635891026MY
Pada 15/01/2018, pukul 1650hrs semasa saya balik dari kerja nampak barang saya dicampak dan ibu bapa saya berada di rumah kata tiada dengar bunyi hon mahu pun orang memanggil

Ini bukan sekali atau 2 kali sudah berape kali.
Kiriman pos tu belakang ade tulis jangan campak tapi pekerja tetap buat. Saya nak balasan dari pihak atasan atau saya akan membuat report polis tentang perkara ini.

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9:24 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia more than a month did not receive the goods / feedback did not reply

All the time, my goods EJ622573395JP from December 9, 2017 until today, January 15, 2018 have not received the goods. The feedback I wrote before waited a month without reply. Also skip my previous reply @ pos4you, in the end poslaju how the work is poor.Your staff asked me to waited that feedback and wait for the second month now. Did not pay attention to my goods.How long have I been waiting.

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2:21 am EST
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Pos Malaysia the quality of a service crew

The service crew or postman or despatch man in my area Happy Garden with postcode of 58200 have a very poor service that he did not came out of the van to pass the parcel to me and ask me to unlock the gate and go near the van to receive the parcel and sign the consignment note! What type of this service is this? It is ridiculous and indeed very poor quality of service ! What is the jobs of a despatch man or postman or service crew, he should get out of the van to pass the parcel or letters to the receivers !It is really waste my time to unlock my gate !I really hope Post Malaysia can change this type of workers ! Thank you!

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2:39 am EST

Pos Malaysia failed delivery even though I was at home the whole time

I still havent received my parcel that was purchased from other country as the delivery kept on failing even when I was at home the whole day and did not even get any phone calls. The parcel was processed at 'DELIVERY OFFICE RAWANG' on 10th January 2018 at 8am and was ready to be delivered on the same day. So far both day 10th and 11th failed to deliver the parcel (according to the tracking) and when I tried to contact the Rawang's Pos HQ it keeps disconnecting as the line is always busy.

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12:43 am EST
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Pos Malaysia not receiving any letter

I would like to draw your kind attention on the fact that the postman in Taman Hui Sing, Kuching, Sarawak is very irregular in his duties. He does not deliver the letter regularly. Most of the time we did not receive the important letters on time. This have cause a lot of difficulty for us to keep track our statements.

Please take necessary action. Your corporation is must appreciated.

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1:56 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia postman working attitude

I parked my car in front of my house, not entirely blocking the letter box but it still can be reach if the postman is willing to get down from his motorcycle. The Post man leave a confidential letter by MPSJ on my car's front mirror wiper. I didn't realise and drive in the rain and the letter was wet and Mesh, blocking my sight and dangering my drive. I had to stop a side to clean it. Below picture is what's left and we can't figure what's the content of it. I would like to file a complaint towards this postman on his bad working attitude.

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3:22 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia items not delivered

The postman whose phone number is +[protected] is very unprofessional. He called me yesterday at 5.30 pm when I had left the university and he refused to leave my parcel at Taylor's University's administration (CW006146715MY). In fact, I doubt he really came to the university because it is not the first time it happened. A few weeks ago, he had called me at 6 pm for another parcel (ER085092977MY) and he said he was at the university when everybody had left at that time. A few days later, someone from PosLaju called me for a second delivery the next day. I was at the university the whole day, but the postman did not come. He called me the day after at lunch time but I was not at the university. Finally, I went to PosLaju PJ to collect the parcel. I hope you will be able to convince this postman to be more professional and do his job properly so that I can get my second parcel next week. I cannot be at my office all the time waiting for this guy. He can deliver the parcel at the administration's office, all other companies do that.

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12:12 am EST

Pos Malaysia poslaju

After submitting my tracking sheet, I then waited for 1 hour and i haven't even get to collect my parcel after everyone that came later than me got the parcel! So I ask the counter the counter people was like no we didn't see you paper and even ask about my tracking number! I was like I don't even know what item is it how should I know the tracking number! In the end, they found my tracking sheet in the trash where they place all tracking sheet the parcel that has taken!

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7:55 am EST

Pos Malaysia haven't received my parcel purchased from other country.

Hi, My name is Cheryl. I would like to make a complaint about the parcel that I have been ordered since three weeks ago, I still haven't received it although I have been asked the sender and she told me that the order has arrived in Malaysia on 26 Dec 2017. I have been waiting for almost one month but still can not get my parcel. I am so upset about this matter. Can you please help me to check whether is there anything happen? Hope to get your reply soon. Thank you.

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3:10 am EST
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Pos Malaysia customer service

please take action towards the staff working at pos laju hulu langat branch since they are rude and does not servicing the customer as they should. people had queue so long and once customer queue number had been called, the staff just simply said transaction for asb information update is close at 4pm. There is no information or signage stating that the transaction can only be done up until 4pm anywhere in the post office, but yet the post office let the customer waited for hours and end up with service denial by the staff with such excuse. There was no apologies and the staff treat the customer such in a rude way. No smiling, harsh word, rude body language. The manager just stand at the back saying nothing and act like its a normal practice done in post laju services. Please take an action to ensure customer who is using the post malaysia service in hulu langat area is well treated and services rendered by the staff is according to the pos malaysia policies.

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12:52 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Pos Malaysia service/I am complaining about my undelivered parcel

Track no : CP130448444MY
Source Penang to Delhi
Courierd my luggage bag on 22nd Nov 2017. After one month + 1 week I still not received my Parcel. My parcel reached to India 22nd Dec 2017. I am complaint about
1. Delay in parcel delivery to India.
2. Multiple mails sent to customer care mail mentioned at poslaju website. No response due to experiencing high volume of application as mentioned in the automatic reply.
3. Indian foreign post office based on Mumbai saying that this parcel does not have any destination address. So they sent back this luggage to source Malaysia.

I already relocated from Malaysia to India. Now please let me know the expected delivery time for my luggage.

I trust poslaju so sent my luggage without any doubt, I thought It will safely reach to my destination in India. I already paid nominal charges for this.

I hope you understand my concerns and I look forward favorable response.

Ravikant Tamrakar

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Posmalaysia email me and asked updated address and contact information and resend it back luggage on my communication address.

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1:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia delivery and customer service

I believe the Pos Laju item number is EN [protected] MY
20/12 I received a notice that pos laju had delivered an item
21/12 Emailed #276875 to [protected] and scanned the notice informing that I am not able to read the item number as I wanted to reschedule the delivery.
Also called [protected] and informed the agent that I am not able to read the item number. He said he will get the tun Sambanthan to locate the item.
26/12 NOBODY called me back from Pos
Emailed #279796 again to [protected]
No reply from Pos
27/12 Still nobody from Pos called.
Emailed #282443 again.
28/12 Called [protected] and explained my issue. Said he will escalate the issue. No one returned call.
29/12 I went to the tun Sambanthan centre and since they cannot find the item in the system. She told me the item has been sent back to the sender.
If the item number was entered in the system, she would be able to trace the item. I can only assume the item was never even entered in the system. So the easy
response is to say the item has been returned to the sender.



1. Effective delivery. Don't just take the easy way out and leave note.
2. Get your delivery guys to WRITE clearly the item number.
3. Responsive and responsible Care centre.
4. Be customer oriented. If you cannot find the item in the system at least try to search for the physical item.

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8:48 am EST
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Pos Malaysia backpacks

i just get may parcel around 2.00 pm, and my mom get it from me. she said that employee put the parcel that show the front parcel at my car and want a signature . He doing that so fast and just go. after that my mom just checked that parcel has a scratch marks. that bag just been screw with the service that you give.. i pay from what i buy.. so i hope i can get the refund, for what you do or change this bags with the new one.
i hope you guys improve their working because they get paid what they do be honest..

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7:55 am EST

Pos Malaysia poslaju malaysia - parcel keep delay no any update

Dear In Charge Person,

Since the parcel send out on 21 December 2017, Its been 6days for me to wait for my parcel ER119056945MY. I don't know need so long to delivery the parcel since 21 December 2017. It was keep delay and delay, the system never update anything. I don't think before need take so long to delivery, but why not it's being so slow and keep on delaying it.

Poslaju by right is our trusted national courier service provider and what has exactly gone wrong with your service?

The item first dispatched out on 21 December 2017 from Consignment dispatch out from transit office at Pos Laju Johor Bahru.
Then on
22 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
23 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
24 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
25 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
26 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
27 December 2017 NO ANY UPDATE,
And till now I don't get ny update about recent status of the parcel. I understand its public holiday but why my parcel keep pending at Pos Laju Johor Bahru?
And can someone explain why keep pending my parcel at Johor Bahru Since 21 December 2017 6days agos ?Thanks a lot for your responding.

Kindly improve your service and update as soon
Please kindly update me the parcel status as soon at +[protected], [protected][protected]

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6:53 am EST

Pos Malaysia customer service complaint at taman cheras makmur

Please take action
I need to complaint about the poslaju office branch at taman cheras makmur the staff service .and fake she is the manager

Today 26/12/17
Let me so angry, this of the service staff, and saying the modal like pasar, when I was waiting my number to calling pay the payment to the bill, she saying like pasar aunt, why before that when I press the number won't say, calling us to pay at the machine, after that continuously Force the customer, and no one to answer her, when my number are calling at the counter, I stand up and going the counter there, the staff like pasar aunt, call the counter staff don't take my payment bill and call me to pay at the machine , force me to go and pay at the machine, that I waste feeling so angry, because have some of the Customer are there, and shilly-shally for the payment bill machine, and need me to take the line again, waste my time, and my mum say call your manager coming out, she say she is the one of the manager at this poslaju office at taman cheras Makmur ...that time I feel if you are the manager, your modal saying become like ... oMG ...
The Manager moral also become like this, so how about the staff

What the service of this ... sorry i won't be going again at this area poslaju office ...saying the modal like the No education.

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9:26 pm EST
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Pos Malaysia pos laju nilai worst service ever

I try to track my parcel for a few days to know that i have to collect my parcel by myself? So why i have to pay? Do you gonna pay my fuel consumption to go there? (nilai) On 20/12 the item posted over the counter. Yesterday, 22/12 item out for delivery from POS LAJU NILAI and at 3.44pm it cannot be delivered without telling any reason. THE WORST PART. I try to call POS LAJU NILAI since yesterday and they don't ever bother to pick up the phone? I try to call few number for example POS GIANT NILAI. I just need to make a single call for them to pick up the phone. Thanks for their responsiveness. So what happened to the worker at POS LAJU NILAI. Dead already ah?

Call me back for any enquiries thank you ☺️

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About Pos Malaysia

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Pos Malaysia is Malaysia's national postal service provider, offering a range of services including mail delivery, parcel shipping, express courier services, international shipping, and logistics solutions. They also provide financial services such as bill payments, remittances, and insurance. Customers can access services online or at various physical outlets across Malaysia.
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3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Pos Malaysia in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Pos Malaysia. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
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Overview of Pos Malaysia complaint handling

Pos Malaysia reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 28, 2009. The latest review Poslaju poor service where rider didnt inform deliver registered mail. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint postman simply put attempt fail status was resolved on Nov 21, 2019. Pos Malaysia has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 967 reviews. Pos Malaysia has resolved 7 complaints.
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    Tingkat 8, Ibu Pejabat Pos, Kompleks Dayabumi, Kuala Lumpur, 50670, Malaysia
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    Jan 13, 2025
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