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Pos Malaysia Complaints 967

5:48 am EDT

Pos Malaysia pos laju

My parcel has not be deliver and never attempt the day also
I'm very disappointed with the service
I paid for the charges but received sms to collect
Very annoying and very disappointed
Pls delivery my parcel to the provided address on Monday or else I will raise the concern over other channel about the poor service .
Pls contact me [protected]

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10:21 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia barang tak terima sehingga hari ini

Saya belum menerima parcel saya EN362734384MY daripada Waarna Apparel Group Sdn Bhd sehingga hari ini

Semakan di tracking mendapati parcel telah diterima oleh Mohlis dan drp pejabat pos Klang sedangkan nama saya bukan Mohlis dan alamat di Bukit Damansara

Saya mohon jasa baik pos laju untuk kembalikan barang yang di order dalam kadar segera kepada saya memandangkan saya memerlukan barangan tersebut.

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5:35 am EDT

Pos Malaysia profesional

Pada jam lbh kurang 2 lebih td saya telah memasukkan wang dlm asb.. Setelah selesai berurusan. Saya bertanya pd kaunter pegawai bertugas di kaunter 3, berkenaan limit pengeluaran asb.. Pegawai tersebut menjawab tiada limit.. Tiba2 pegawai di kaunter 1 memperlekehkan apa yang saya tanya.. Dihadapan pelanggan lain.. Saya bertnya semula pegawai di kaunter 3 adakah soalan saya salah.. Pegawai berkenaan menafikan.. Diharap pihak tuan/puan dapat lah menasihati pegawai2 pos malaysia supaya lebih bersikap profesional dan menjaga integriti pos malaysia.

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8:58 am EDT

Pos Malaysia service

I received an sms from postman that he "attempted" to deliver my parcel and it was failed. He then asked me to collect from branch.
But there Wasn't any SORRY NOTE. What does that mean? It seems to mean that the Postman on duty did not make any attempt to deliver and yet requesting customer to self-collect. This is a very low class, self-humiliating and extremely poor service from POS Malaysia.

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12:35 am EDT

Pos Malaysia broken cosmetics

I ordered cosmetics products ( foundation and concealer - worth RM 85 ). I received a call from the delivery guy saying that the product is leaking. I immediately asked him to send it back to the seller. I also reached out to the person who sold me this. She told me that she sealed it really well and bubble wrapped it. I want a refund and she will be launching a repost as well.

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2:43 am EDT
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Pos Malaysia staff attitude

please advise your staff park their vehicle at designed parking lot. they cannot simply park their vehicle at common area .Designed parking lot very nearby only . from the first photo, you can see carpark only few feet away, security advise your staff to park in the carpark premise, but he refuse.
second photo, your staff also refuse to park at designed motorcycle parking after advise by security

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10:34 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia i'm complaining about poslaju gelang patah

I want to complain about the pos laju gelang patah Johor. They just left a notice and update in the system that the premises of closed and delivered failed. Actually I was at home everyday and didn't receive any calls from the postman. I suspended the postman is lazy to deliver the item because the notice of unsuccessful delivery is inside my mail box which is located at the ground floor (since I was live in apartment). Why they didn't put the notice at my front door!? There is two of my parcels are also face this problem. I also called to the customer center for the second delivery and they just arranged a date(few days after). But when the date was passed, I call to them again. They told me the parcel is sending back to the sender. And will ask the in charge person of gelang patah pos laju call me back. What my feeling is only 3 word WTF. First time I'm facing this problem as usually the parcels is deliver by pos laju Johor Bahru but not gelang patah branch.

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12:52 am EDT

Pos Malaysia barang yang diterima rosak

barang di pos di PosLaju Puchong pada 08 April 2019.

client terima item tersebut pada 10 April 2019. item di hantar ke alamat . no. 55, jalan harimau taman broleh, 8300 batu pahat, johor . no tel. [protected] .

client terima barang dari PosLaju Batu Pahat. bila client buka, 2 daripada 3 barang yang diterima telah pecah.

nilai 2 barang yang pecah tersebut ialah RM 60.00.

jadi saya mohon pihak PosLaju Malaysia bertanggungjawab di atas kerugian ini.

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9:34 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia parcel tidak diterima/sampai lagi

Pada tarikh 25/2/2019 parcel bernombor LG247633964MY daripada Haswaniah (no tel: [protected]) dari alamat Lot 100, Kg. Parit Buluh, Ayer Kuning Selatan, Gemencheh, 73200, Negeri Sembilan masih tidak smpai ke alamat penerima Nur Fathiah Syahirah (no tel: [protected]) C-16-5, PPR Desa Rejang, Taman Setapak Jaya, 53300, W.P.K.L. Tiada surat atau panggilan dari pihak pos laju mengenai parcel saya lagi sehingga ke hari ini bertarikh 24/4/2019. Diminta maklum balas dari pihak pos laju malaysia untuk selesaikan masalah saya.

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3:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia I am complaining about postman service

19/4/2019 (Friday)
The mail was opened and inserted with other incoming mails, please respect the private and confidential of the recipient. Mailing address is at No. 28-1, Jalan 4/146, Bandar Tasik Selatan, 57000 Kuala Lumpur. Furthermore, the incoming mail is not inside the respective letter box, is on the floor sometimes and the condition of the letter is bad (dirty, wet).

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12:59 am EDT

Pos Malaysia I am complaining about the postman service

I wonder why my things so long also havent sent it to me so I have check my things status on poslaju track nd trace and i saw the status showing already sent to my house but no people sign, left attemp need to arrange the delivery again.What the hell is this i was in the house for whole day and never hear any horn or calls from postman.The postman also never left the paper for me .Means that the postman were lazy to sent things to me and just simply update the status.Because he thought no customer will complain.Pls improve the services.And dont espect customer will collect them self when they saw the status that the postman simply update .

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2:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia penghantaran pos laju

Tolong tingkatkan servis di pos laju Bintulu Sarawak...kami dah byr utk guna perkhidmatan anda namun kami yg kutip sendiri barang di pejabat pos...inikah dinamakan pos laju?xpernah sampai barang ke rumah malah customer pula yg terpaksa dtg dan ambil brg...apa guna kami byr caj2 pos laju?nak bagi kenyang korang je ke...kalau kawasan kampung kami mmg xpernah lah posmen masuk nak hantar surat..segala surat yg penting tak dapat ke tangan empunya...susah kalau macam ni...keje malas, bayar mahal...hantar barang pon setakat kawasan bandar dan pejabat2...habis kami ni buat apa bayar pos kalau kami sendiri yang kne kutip... nonsense betul pos laju bintulu ni...bila xde yg kutip habis burn barang di hantar nya balik...bangsat punya servis! Tolong ambik serius la wey dengan aduan yg dibuat...surat2 rasmi dan barang2 yg urgent semua delay mcm tu...fuel charge bayar tapi kami pun terpaksa kutip naik pos laju jugak...apa bangang nye lah...ordee barang dari china boleh smpai 3 hari...order barang dr sama negari pon ambik masa 5 hari...delay lagi sehari sebab xdapat hantar?wtf!last2 naik sendiri self collect? please take action to this matter...we need your services improvement not kebangsatan!

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8:29 am EDT

Pos Malaysia kerosakan peti pos rumah..

Harap poslaju ambil tindaka pada pekerja poslaju yang suka2 hati membuka pos box penghuni rumah yang berkunci di pangsapuri alam budiman, shah alam. Ini nombor tracking barang yang sampai, ep 58 424 033 8my. Barang bersaiz besar dan tidak muat untuk disumbat masuk ke dalam pos box. Pekerja poslaju secara kasar telah membuka pos box tersebut dan merosakkan bahagian kunci. Sekarang pos box tidak boleh dikunci lagi. Diharap pihak poslaju mengambil tindakan sewajarnya ke atas pekerja tersebut atas tuduhan merosakkan harta benda penghuni rumah.

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6:59 am EDT

Pos Malaysia kaunter khidmat pelanggan yang tidak berbudi bahasa & barang di pulang semula atas kesalahan melebihi berat yang di tetap kan

Tarikh: 29 Mar 2019
No Rujukan Parcel: LP003512088MY
Pada tarikh tersebut, saya telah membuat penghantaran parcel ke NEW YORK, US melalui Pejabat Pos The Starling, Damansara Utama SS2 Petaling Jaya. Proses penimbangan tersebut telah di buat oleh pihak Pejabat Pos The Starling . Mereka ada menyakan kepada saya sama ada penghantaran ingin di buat melalui Pos biasa atau Poslaju...Saya telah bersetuju untuk memilih Pos biasa. Selepas itu, pihak Pej Pos telah menetap kan harga RM 38.00 dan jumlah berat 500gram.

Pada tarikh 9 April, saya telah menerima panggilan daripada pekerja penghantaran mengatakan ada penghantaran ingin di buat kepada saya..Saya tidak pasti sehingga menerima parcel tersebut. Rupa rupa nya parcel yang sepatut nya di hantar ke US telah di pulang semula kepada alamat saya atas alasan berat KG melebihi berat yang di tetap kan.

Pada tarikh 10 April 2019, lebih kurang jam 5.30 pm, saya telah pergi ke Pejabat Pos cawangan The Starling kaunter 1&3 untuk bertanya tentang masalah parcel. Saya telah membuat permintaan untuk memulang duit saya semula memandangkan kesalahan penimbangan itu ternyata adalah kesalahan pihak Pejabat Pos The Starling. Atau sekurang-kurang nya untuk membuat penimbangan semula dan membayar jumlah selebih nya mengikut jumlah berat yang betul.

Kaunter 1 telah berkata bahawa kadang2 ade risiko yang barang akan dipulangkan kepada pelanggan. Bila saya kata apa sebab2 dipulangkan dia diam sahaja. Bila saya cadangkan yang mereka sepatut nya bertanggung jawap, staf kaunter dengan sinis nya memberitahu saya itu bukan salah dia bukan dia yang timbang. Habis tu nak salahkan siapa? Saya pening kepala dengan sikap staf kaunter sungguh tak beradab.

Mereka malah tidak membenar kan saya untuk menuntut kembali wang saya dengan cara yang tidak berbudi bahasa. Mereka telah mengarahkan saya untuk mengurangkan jumlah berat parcel saya. Tindakan mereka tidak masuk akal memandangkan saya tidak boleh mengurangkan berat parcel di sebab kan saya perlu menghantar kesemua parcel tersebut ke US.

Saya membuat permintaan untuk berjumpa dengan pegawai cawangan bernama En Khairul Nizam, tetapi dia tiada di kaunter atas alasan pergi ke solat. Saya telah bersetuju untuk menunggu kedatangan beliau sampai dia selesai solat, namun kehadiran pegawai tersebut gagal atas alasan tidak pasti.

Saya berkeras untuk meminta wang kembali dan baru lah pihak kaunter memberi saya sehelai kertas borang yang harus saya isi kan. Saya bertanya kepada mereka beberapa soalan tentang borang berkenaan malah tiada siapa yang memberi respon dan membantu saya.

Saya ambil semula parcel saya dan memberitahu saya amat kesal atas perbuatan mereka dan beredar dari Pejabat Pos berkenaan. Saya juga terdengar perbualan staf di kaunter 1 & 2 mengata kan supaya tidak perlu melayan pelanggan yang membuat aduan seperti ini tanpa mereka sedari. Ini adalah sifat yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan sangat memalukan..

Saya amat kesal dan amat kecewa dengan tindakan pegawai dan semua staf Pejabat Pos cawangan The Starling. Saya harap pegawai dan semua staf di sana akan di kena kan hukuman/tindakan keras atas perbuatan mereka yang sangat tidak beradab.

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2:22 am EDT

Pos Malaysia menyusahkan orang

saya order barang dr shoppee

1. Barang dah sampai di backend Poslaju Rawang pd 2 april 2019
2. Dari 4 april 2019 saya call poslaju rawang tp line bz, tak berangkat n best part bile angkat letak.
3. saya dan seller cume byk kali call dari 4hb sehingga 9 april pagi br berjaya angkat... die x dpt trace brg saya dan kata nk kene cek dulu dan akan call semula dlm pukul 11.30.
4. 9 apr, 11.30 die x call...smpila harini 11 apr. pd masa yg sama sy dan supplier call pej pos dr pukul 12 tga ari 9 april sehinggala pg 11 apr 2019 xde berangkat & engaged.
5. saya sampai ambil cuti kerja dan pergi pej pos rawang... dan diberitahu barang sy hilang dan perlu buat report di shoppee...

saya tak kesah brg hilang sy boleh dpt refund balik...yg sy kesah ialah attitude pekerja kenapa nk kene susahkan orang... call x berangkat...janji nak call tp tak call..
apa procedure bile org complaint? staff beritahu sy "sy pun br hari ni tau brg takde" habis tu tak boleh ke just call and inform "barang puan masih belum dijumpai"
saya sgt suspecious line telephone tu...akan 9-5 bz memanjang...byk betul masalah pos laju rawang ni smpi org call 9-5 tanpa henti...

pihak pos laju nk kene buat improvement, kbyakan company dah pakai whatsapp untuk terima complaint dan pertanyaan. sbg customer kite just spend x smpi satu minit tuk buat aduan dan pihak pos laju akan reply secepat yg mungkin termasuk status... xdela customer nk mengadap phone berhari2...bile dh berjaya call kene tgu lagi utk dpt jawapan... barula tecapai moto poslaju... ni nk return call pun amik masa 2-3 hari...

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1:52 am EDT

Pos Malaysia my product was wrong delivery to other state

I was order some product from Shoppe application. The product supposed be delivery to my address at Kuching, Sarawak. But when i track my tracking number, it was send to other state that is Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I confused either my product had to go through Kota kinabalu poslaju at first or the product was send wrongly. I hope I can received product as soon as possible. Thank you.

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12:47 am EDT

Pos Malaysia item dispatched out

This is third time happen to me. The item take 2-3 day stuck in post office (poslaju) kota kinabalu and the item did not delivery or dispatched out to my place. Please take seriously to this action. Please do strictly and integrity with the time management. If cant send the item to the house, just let us take it personally in post office. 1🌟 for delivery service. So disappointed.

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11:29 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia refund

Refer no: [protected]

I was trying to send a parcel to Australia, however it got rejected as dangerous item. I got my parcel back and staff in Kota Kinabalu branch mention that I would get my money back. That was dated 23/1/19. I thought they processing my case as i received another call from PosLaju to acknowledge they will refund the money to me. Until yesterday 8/4/19, i have not received any refund to my account. So i called to PosLaju. Today 9/4/19 Poslaju calling for MAKLUMKAN saya, i would not get any refund at all.
What kind of that service are? at least poslaju should settle my case before they change the T&C. At least the time i submitting my refund, it is eligible to get full refund.

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1:31 am EDT

Pos Malaysia worker not serious of their jobs

Date of incident: 8th April 2019 8.30a.m

I had request to collect items by myself at the counter, however after waiting for almost 3 hours i was told that postman had already went out to deliver the parcel. After that i went upstairs to get assistance from customer support to contact with the postman, however the postmen did not pickup the phone. The item was in urgent use, and it was clearly seen that the postmen did not pay attention to his job.

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12:11 am EDT

Pos Malaysia issue product yg sy hantar kene campak ngn staff pos laj mlysia

hi selamat petang chen sy nk aduan tentg.. staff pos laju...bila sy hantar brg tuk pos laju brg masih elok tapi bila da smpai kepada custrme sy, brg tu da rosak smpai tudung tu trcabut.. staff pos laju campak brg pos dari johor bharu terbrau ke kedah jitra.. skg apa yg perlu sy buat nk ganti balik atau mcm ne.. knp ganas sgt campak brg.. sy guna post yg ade fom taw..ats da pesan jgb dicampak.. biasa sy pos ke tmpt laen ok je.. bila kne tmpt kedah terus jd mcm nie..

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About Pos Malaysia

Screenshot Pos Malaysia
Pos Malaysia is Malaysia's national postal service provider, offering a range of services including mail delivery, parcel shipping, express courier services, international shipping, and logistics solutions. They also provide financial services such as bill payments, remittances, and insurance. Customers can access services online or at various physical outlets across Malaysia.
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- Provide detailed information about your experience with Pos Malaysia. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

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- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of Pos Malaysia complaint handling

Pos Malaysia reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 28, 2009. The latest review Poslaju poor service where rider didnt inform deliver registered mail. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint postman simply put attempt fail status was resolved on Nov 21, 2019. Pos Malaysia has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 967 reviews. Pos Malaysia has resolved 7 complaints.
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    Tingkat 8, Ibu Pejabat Pos, Kompleks Dayabumi, Kuala Lumpur, 50670, Malaysia
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    Jan 13, 2025
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