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Pos Malaysia Complaints 967

12:04 am EDT

Pos Malaysia delivered to the wrong address

My consignment no: ED348028964MY
I track from website that my customer's parcel has been delivered to Zuraini but my customer don't know who is this person and she not yet received any parcel.
I have called many times to the Poslaju Bukit Mertajam Branch to ask about this matter, but forever no people pickup the calls or the line is busy always.

Kindly settle this problem as soon as possible. Thankyou

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11:53 pm EDT
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Pos Malaysia bad services

Kenapa barang saya tidak dihantar sampai sekarang? Saya check tracking barang saya telah sampai di pos laju pasir gudang dari hari khamis 8/5/2019. Sampai sekarang barang saya tidak dihantar. Bila saya call center complain untuk membuat penghantaran semula, center memberi tahu sudah buat report untuk penghantaran semula. Tetapi bila saya semak melalui track & trace poslaju meminta untuk saya self collect. Why? Saya bayar postage. Bukan free. Pos laju pasir gudang memang pemalas ke macam mana ya? Sebab dah banyak kali saya terkena macam ni. Bila datang tanya tahunya minta maaf jeh. Tapi bila saya order barang, dan dihantar melalui pos laju, selalu jadi macam ni. Please tolong jadi amanah.

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10:01 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia bad service

Pos Laju Ipoh cakap drive sudah angkat barang keluar, tapi tak tau saya barang sudah pergi mana.. 3 May 2019 sudah sampai pos laju ipoh,sekarang 13 May 2019 pun belum tolong settle.. panggil saya report HQ.. saya 6 May 2019 4.20pm sudah report HQ.. report number [protected].. tapi sampai hari ini 13 May 2019 belum settle again.. sangat sangat sangat bad service..

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4:25 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia service

Poslaju cawangan kulim selalu update tracking lambat dan suka simpan barang lama2. pernah sy call tanya item ada ke tidak, staff kata ada. dan sy tanya boleh ambil tak, staff kata boleh. bila sy p... staff di kaunter kata barang belum punggah lg. dah la tunggu banyak hari. nak p ambil diorang buat macam tu plak, balik la dengan tangan kosong dan menunggu lagi. mmg sy takkan pernah halalkan setiap sen yg sy byar pd korang yg buat kerja main2 mcm ni. habis pahala puasa tunggu korang hantar barang. dah bnyak kali kena, kalau baru kena sekali dua tak da la rasa nak marah2 mcm ni. please... buat kerja betul2. org byar. bkn minta hantar free... tak kan nk mkn gaji dengan duit haram kot. klu cust dah haramkan. mmg tak halal la gaji korang.

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Update by Penunggu
May 12, 2019 4:32 pm EDT

mohon maaf la kasar sikit bahasa... sebab korang tak buat kerja. nasib korang la... org bkn tak da kerja lain selain tunggu korang buat penghantaran... patut ke nama poslaju kalau tunggu smpai seminggu, sudahnya nk kena p beratur sndri tebus item di pos office plak... jadi tak kan la senang2 nk dihalalkan duit servis yg kita bayar tu. betul tak? renung2 kan dan selamat beramal...

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2:17 am EDT

Pos Malaysia poslaju malaysia services

Staff pos laju sangat biadap.. Cara bercakap pun biadap dan saya bayar kos penghantaran mahal2 untuk hantar barang sampai ke rumah.. Tapi langsung taknak hantar sampai ke rumah.. Siap suruh saya pergi ambil barang dengan dia.. Kalau dekat takpa lah jugak.. Ni jauh haaa.. Buat apa bayar kos penghantaran kalau saya yang kena pergi ambil jauh2? Lepas dah ambil barang.. Belum sempat tanya apa2 dah tutup tingkap terus.. Muka masam dan sombong.. Cara bercakap pun sombong.. First time dapat service macam ni sebelum nie semuanya terbaik dan okay smooth

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8:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia barang pesanan masih belum diterima

Barang pesanan dari POS LAJU KLANG masih belum diterima sehingga sekarang 11/5/2019 sedangkan kemaskini akhir tracking no adalah pada 3/5/2019.

Saya sudah pun menghubungi pihak POS LAJU KLANG mengatakan bahawa barang telah sampai di hub POS LAJU AYER HITAM, JOHOR. Saya hubungi pula pihak POS LAJU AYER HITAM tetapi langsung tiada jawapan.

Saya mohon agar pihak POS LAJU AYER HITAM dapat hubungi semula mana2 penerima barang yang kelewatan dan sentiasa mengemaskini tracking no.

Harap tiada alasan yang kurang munasabah dari pihak mereka dengan menyuruh penerima mengambil sendiri barang di hub tersebut sedangkan bukan semua tinggal berdekatan dan mungkin memakan masa serta perjalanan yang jauh.

Bersama ini saya sertakan tracking no ERA091401332MY untuk tujuan rujukan.

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7:09 am EDT

Pos Malaysia 2 unsuccessful delivery

Today said the items is out for delivery but suddenly said that uncessussful delivety and I called the number phone that ask for question but damn they doesn't answering whenever I am called for over 10 times... What the service is.. I am must complain... Why the service is bad like a rubbish... We paid for the postage but we didn't receive any items? Plz I want its company been fired or what I don't care anymore because many person same like me the situation... Thankyou plz give me reason if not I am not satisfied with your posting service... Ok

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4:42 am EDT

Pos Malaysia delivered but item missing (teared poslaju flyer)

Selamat sejahtera,
saya telah membeli (online) Jam tangan jenama G-Shock dari seller di Johor. Parcel telah di pos pada 5/5/2019 @ 2:45pm melalui kaunter poslaju Skudai. parcel kemudian dikeluarkan dari Poslaju Bandar Dato Onn pada hari yang sama, 5/5/2019 @ 7:16pm. Very efficient service.
Tetapi, parcel hanya tiba di Poslaju Sibu pada 8/5/2019 @ 12:21pm. Kenapa ambil masa Tiga (3) hari untuk sampai di PosLaju Sibu, Sarawak? Yang buat lagi confuse, Parcel saya Sekali lagi sampai di Pos Laju Sibu pada 9/5/2019 @ 8:30am. Parcel kemudian dikeluarkan utk penghantaran pada 9/5/2019 @ 8:38am. Kemudian parcel telah berjaya diserahkan (delivered) bersama lain2 parcel di pejabat pada 9/5/2019 @ 10:29am. Ini Kronologi kes.
Apabila saya membuka parcel tersebut, saya dapati kotak jam G-Shock telah terbuka dan ada bekas kemek pada penutup kotak dan didapati jam tangan saya
telah hilang (dicuri). Setelah memeriksa Flyer Poslaju yang digunakan, terdapat bekas koyakan, terlindung di belakang Consignment Note. Ini taktik yang licik untuk mengaburi mata penerima semasa serahan parcel. Tidak pasti sama ada posmen (yang menerima/ menghantar/ scan parcel) tahu yang flyer telah koyak dan item telah dicuri. Tetapi Bar code & QR Code & alamat penghantaran tertulis pada consignment note dan koyakan adalah di belakang consignment Note. Sungguh mengecewakan lagi, parcel yang telah koyak tidak patut diproses sehingga ia diserahkan kepada penerima tanpa diberitahu keadaan parcel terlebih dahulu.

saya berharap kes ini akan di siasat oleh pihak pengurusan Poslaju Malaysia supaya pencuri ini dapat diberkas dan kejadian tidak berulang lagi. Sempena bulan Ramadhan yang mulia, saya berdoa kepada ALLAH SWTsemoga pencuri ini ditangkap dan dihadap ke muka pengadilan, Amin. Sekian.

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8:17 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia tracking no tidak updated

Tracking nombor tak updated. Saya hantar parcel ke poslaju 7hb jam 1 ptg. updated terakhir di poslaju bandar dato onn (parcel sepatutnya sampai di kuantan). Tetapi sampai harini 10hb Tiada apa2 updated dari sistem poslaju. Mohon kepada pihak poslaju sila buat pengurusan dengan betul, walaupon kami tahu pihak anda terlalu banyak parcel nak di uruskan. Sekurang kurangnya updated lah track no dimana parcel kami berada bagi memudahkan pelanggan menyemak.

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5:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia parcel is stuck at transit office

Hello Good Morning.
I am here to lodge a complain on a parcel (Melaka to Sarawak) which was posted at the counter on May 3rd 2019. Until now I have not received my parcel containing my wedding card invitation. It was stated at the tracking system that my item had been dispatch out from transit office on May 7th. Report had been made yet the status remains the same. Kindly look into this matter as I need the item urgently. I do not have the privilege of time to order another set of wedding card invitation if you fail to solve this issue. I am upset as I read that I am not the only one having this problem when using your service and it definitely bring down your reputation as a courier service.

Tracking number ER925462555MY

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8:25 am EDT

Pos Malaysia unsuccessful delivery

Hi, I want complaint Tracking number:
En344683417my this parcel already arrival 3 days... But I still never receive it.
The reason is unsuccessful delivery & apologize will send it next working day... Everyday I checked the status always give me same message ( unsuccessful delivery)... today is the 3rd day ... So can I know when I will receive my parcel... Please reply me as soon as you can

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12:47 am EDT

Pos Malaysia sampul pos express

Macam mane kome design sampul pos express ni yeop? Texture tempat tulis lembut bebenor, nak tulis pakai ball pen dakwat kering bagai hilang akal ke kome ni? Payah benor teman nak nulis nyer... Mane nak lekat dakwat...designer kome tak try tulis ke atas tu dulu? Kome pegi la ngantor desiner sampul tu pegi sekolah balik blajo egronomic.. Bengap! Makan gaji bute je kerhoje nyer. ... Langsung tak practikal...stress teman.. Naik darah tinggi.. Leboh duit teman beli sampul poslaju pulak.. Ate lepas teman ngadu ke staff pos pon takde nak nolong... Semua buat banggang je...tau la pose, takkan jadi zomba banggag kot.. Tolong2 la teman cari altenative nak settle mcm mane... Hish.. Sekian, abih pahale pose teman harini.

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4:38 pm EDT
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Pos Malaysia barang masih tidak diterima

Hi, saya nak buat aduan kenapa barang saya masih belum bergerak dari pasir gudang sedangkan bila saya check pada tracking 3/5/19 dia tulis 'item dispatch out' tapi sampai hari ni tak dek pape update lagi.. Selalunya sehari je barang dah sampai ke saya.. Ni barang masih di situ tak bergerak.. Kenapa kena tunggu lama ye untuk barang tu sampai ke saya sedangkan sebelum ni bila pos barang hanya ambil masa sehari dua sahaja nak sampai ke rumah.. Can you please check and track my order 'ERA097495721MY'.. I wanna know wherebout my consignment and please update me about it..

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7:17 am EDT

Pos Malaysia service

Hi, saya nk complain, , sudah beberapa kali staff poslaju tidak menghantar parcel ke rumah, tetapi sebalik nya hanya meninggalkan note di peti surat untuk ambil sendiri di pejabat pos. Saya boleh mengesahkan 100% bahawa rumah saya sentiasa ada orang. Saya membayar untuk caj penghantaran terus kerumah, tetapi kenapa pihak pos laju tidak melakukan tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya. Jika tidak boleh hanta terus kerumah bagi tahu awal2, supaya jurujual boleh menggunakan khidmat lain untuk penghantaran. Ini tracking pos er925808739my.

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4:57 am EDT

Pos Malaysia postman unprofessional and rude

Our family has small toddlers that naps during the day.
As such we have put a note near the bell that says only to ring the bell once.
One day a postman from Poslaju rang the bell twice.
When I asked him why he rang twice, he replied rudely that he is also fasting, had been going up and down stairs, and that I should not been angry when I am not.
He did not apologize at all for his mistake.

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4:10 am EDT

Pos Malaysia I have not received my item

I don't seriously get it with the service from poslaju malaysia! I ordered a pair of lenses from a particular store on 02/05/2019 and around 10pm that night, i've got the tracking code from the seller. So when I keyed in, it shows me that the item has been dispatched out at kuala kangsar on 02/05/19 (7.12pm) and the item has already been picked up at kuala kangsar on the same date at 7.25pm. Sadly, till date (06/05/2019) I did not receive my parcel and the worse part is where the system still shows the last progress as the item has already been picked up like I mentioned just now. I'm from kluang, johor and should be getting my order from kuala kangsar. This is so obvious that it's not the mistake from my seller but it is to do with the courier service! I hope poslaju malaysia will take an immediate action about this and for reference, this is my tracking code : en373156735my. Thank you

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3:47 am EDT

Pos Malaysia pejabat pos tangkak, johor - unfriendly, slow and not efficient staff

5/5/2019, 2.45 pm. It was a humid day outside seems like its going to rain. The car park of the post office is full so I have to park outside the compound of the Tangkak Post Office. When I entered the post office, there were a lot of customers inside, some customers had to stand while waiting for the service. The air conditioner is not cold enough and the post office was smelly. I only needed to buy a 60 cent stamp, so I asked the woman staff at the counter to give me convenient so that i wouln't need to wait for long queue. It was so rude in the way that the waman asked me to tekan A ( She should said, Sorry, please tekan A, and wait for maybe 15 minutes... ).I told her I just want to buy a stamp, Its not disturbing others customer. I asked her lama tak tunggu Then she just turned her head away, ignored me and said tekan A. I'm very disappointed why shouldn't the post office set up the special counter for buying stamp or for the senior citizen and so on. I also not satisfied with the attitude of the staff!

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11:20 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia servies no good

Hari ahad 05.05.19, Jam 10.00 pagi, saya ke POS Office aeon tebrau city shopping mall untuk BANK IN DUIT.. my number 1012 ada 3 counter.. counter 3 akan panggil semua number tapi servis saya hanya dipanggil di counter 1 atau 2 sahaja.. ketika counter 3 memanggil semua number tapi perlu menunjukkan muka untuk dipanggil semula ke counter 1 atau 2.. kalau tidak berbuat demikian number tidak akan dipanggil semula. selepas saya sedar number saya tidak dipanggil saya bangun untuk bertanya ke counter namun seorang staff lelaki berbadan besar meninggikan suara terhadap saya kenapa saya tidak memberikan respon ketika counter 3 iaitu counter pelbagai memanggil, number saya terus tidak dipanggil. saya kesal kerana mereka langsung tidak memanggil number saya tetapi langkah ke number yg lain. apa guna kita ambil number kalau mereka buat peraturan sendiri.

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9:56 am EDT

Pos Malaysia poslaju service

What a great service from poslaju where nobody intended to deliver my consignment to door step after item dispatched out from Pos Laju Bayan Lepas on 25-April-2019 . No call and no delivery arrangement notice given. What kind of service pay service for when you need to hassle and call up bank for tracking number and collect your contingent yourself?

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Update by Frust11
May 04, 2019 10:00 am EDT

What a great service from poslaju where nobody intended to deliver my consignment to door step after item dispatched out from Pos Laju Bayan Lepas on 25-April-2019 . No call and no delivery arrangement notice given. What kind of service pay service for when you need to hassle and call up bank for tracking number and collect your consignment yourself?

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9:24 pm EDT

Pos Malaysia pos laju rawang mutiara

Tracking no. ER963275805MY. Masih di back end pos laju rawang sejak 2 may. Bila panggilan di buat pada 3 may, parcel masih berada di dalam lori dan tiada jangkaan masa diberikan bila parcel boleh tiba kepada saya.Berapa lama lagi parcel nak stay dalam lori? Kalau ada masalah staff tak cukup then sila maklumkan.Saya boleh amik sendiri parcel kat pejabat pos. Sila ambil tindakan segera.

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About Pos Malaysia

Screenshot Pos Malaysia
Pos Malaysia is Malaysia's national postal service provider, offering a range of services including mail delivery, parcel shipping, express courier services, international shipping, and logistics solutions. They also provide financial services such as bill payments, remittances, and insurance. Customers can access services online or at various physical outlets across Malaysia.
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- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

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Overview of Pos Malaysia complaint handling

Pos Malaysia reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 28, 2009. The latest review Poslaju poor service where rider didnt inform deliver registered mail. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint postman simply put attempt fail status was resolved on Nov 21, 2019. Pos Malaysia has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 967 reviews. Pos Malaysia has resolved 7 complaints.
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    Tingkat 8, Ibu Pejabat Pos, Kompleks Dayabumi, Kuala Lumpur, 50670, Malaysia
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