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CB Banks State Bank of India [SBI] non payment of pension arrears revision of pension
State Bank of India [SBI]

State Bank of India [SBI] review: non payment of pension arrears revision of pension 26

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3:29 am EDT
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I retired from IndianAir Force ON 30 Apr 1987 after 26 years of service in the rank of Wing Commander. I have SB account no. [protected] in Shivaji Nagar branch of SBI at BHOPAL, where my pension is credited every month.

GOI issued orders about upgrading of the rank of Lt Col and eqv ranks in Air Force and Navy to Pay Band 4 on 26 May 09 and instructed the pension disbursing agencies to consequently revise the pension of retired personnel and disburse the arrears due from 01 Jan 06.

I regret to say that as on 03 Sep 09 neither my pension has been revised nor the arrears credited to my pension account. What is more surprising is the fact that other pension disbursing banks have disbursed the arrears and revised the pension of concerned Defence Officers, more than a month back. Even State Bank of Indore which is subsidiary of State Bank of India has disbursed the arrears and revised the pension. Immediate action to pay the arrears and revise the pension is requested.

J S SHRIKHANDE (6673) Wg Cdr (Retd)
PPO No. : 08/14/A/Rev/1127/2000


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Apr 17, 2010 9:59 am EDT

I, IC-21699X, COLONEL RBS GAUR, have a pension account with SBI Aishbagh, Lucknow and my AC No is [protected]. As per GOI orders pensions were to be revised and arrears paid by the Banks disburssing the pensions to the pensioners followinc the acceptance of the reccomendations of the sixth pay commission by Oct, 09. The SBI Aishbagh has neither revised the pension so far nor have paid arrears so far.My personal contacts with Bank authorities including the Chief General Manager and my written requests have yielded any results so far. The Bank have only been farwarding my written applications to AGM, SBI C.P.P.C. CIVIL LINES Allhabad since 16 SEP 09 like a Post Office and I wonder if they have ever persued the matter with SBI Allahabad to have the matter resolved.Will the Bank pay me the compensation far physical and mental harassment to which I am being subjected to at this old age as also the interst on my arrears ammount which is being usfd by the Bank far their gains.I am electronic media as a last resort hoping that the concern Bank Authorities will take a note and do the needful at the earliest. at

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Jul 22, 2010 3:56 am EDT
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To: The responsible officer incharge

a) I am G. Jaganthan drawing my defence pension from SBI Teynampet Branch chennai since year 1993.
My account number is [protected].

b) i received a letter dated 12 aug 2009 regarding sub : Fwd of Corringendum PPO of in respect of No 15303191w ex spr G.Jaganathan and Pension Payment Order (attached) D/CORR/1391/2009 addressed to the manager SBI, 267-A, royapettah High road, chennai 600614 and copy to Manager SBI teynampet chennai -18 and another copy to my address advised as to collect my disability together with arrears at SBI from the date 18-feb-2009 .

d) My record office has sent another letter [protected]/pen(D)/101 with annexure sent to me and copy to SBI teynampet branch dated 07 may 2010 (Sub: revision of disability...)

e) But till date the Disability Element pension not reached to my bank account, i approached to the bank again and, i was informed by them that the payment didn’t come to their end.

Even after 17 months i am still waiting for my disability pension and arrears from the bank .

will i get any response to this complaint from SBI ...please give reply to email id -
jaganathan G

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Jul 26, 2010 8:59 am EDT
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(As the dictum goes, not only justice be done, it must also be seen to be done”)

Sub: Non-payment of family pension after 24th September, 2004 to Smt. Moolo Devi widow of Ex-Defence employee late Sh. Chandan Lal Rajpal.

S.B.A/C No.[protected]- State Bank of India, Branch Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110 018

Ref: PPO No. C/AOC/834/86, issued in favour of Chandan Lal Rajpal by CDA (Pension) Allahabad (Copy enclosed marked Annexure ‘A’).


With deep sense of hurt and disappointment I beg to submit as under:-

1. That my late husband Sh. Chandan Lal Rajpal had been working in the Defence Deptt. As VMM, CVD, Palam Delhi Cantt. retired on superannuation on 30.4.1986 and subsequently expired on 29.11.1989.

2. That after the death of my husband, I had been regularly drawing the family pension being widow of the deceased employee till 24.09.2004 but after that no family pension has been paid or credited to my above said S.B A/c, the reasons best known to the Bank or concerned authorities.

3. That I have sent numerous representations to the Branch Manager SBI, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110 018 but all have fallen on deaf ears, what to talk of action no body cared to acknowledge as is evident from one of the receipted copy dated 23.11.2008, copy enclosed for ready reference (Marked Annexure-B), but it seems that even then the callous authorities have not woken up to guide or intimate the reasons for non payment.

4. To add insult to injury, I am still running from pillar to post at [censor] end of life for redressal of my grievance. Although on two / three occasions Bank staff visited for personal verification and told that a week would take to complete the investigation of the matter and every time assured that from next month family pension along with arrear of unpaid pension would be paid/ credited to my above said SB pension account, but till date neither the same has been credited nor any reasons therefore given / communicated.

5. This is a serious violation of Pension Rules. The Bank has no authority whatsoever to withhold the Pension / family pension indefinitely citing case in point, the power of withholding pension in full or part rest with the President of India only and non else.


In view of the foregoing, it is prayed that:-

i) Get the payment of family pension along with arrears expedited and,

ii) Stern action be taken against erring officials who are responsible for causing mental agony and harassment to the widow (aged 75 years) of deceased employee for about more than five years (i.e. since October, 2004).

iii) Any other relief considered deem fit for the financial loss and injury caused to the undersigned.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Smt. Moolo Devi)
W/O Late Sh.Chandan Lal Rajpal
262, Tihar (Near Sanatan Dharam Mandir)
New Delhi-110 018

please giveresponse to email id-->

m jitamitra
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Jul 26, 2010 11:19 pm EDT
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Good Morning. I am PPO holder bearing No.[protected] (dIARY nO.pn31012690 Central Civil Pensions) dated 07/07/2010 received from P&AO CPAO NewDelhi on 20-07-2010, addressed to The Manager, SBI, CPPC, Musheerabad Main Road, Hyderabad-500 020. Request intimate whether I can approach my paying branch located in SBI Main Branch, Bank Street, Kothi Hyderabad (Code-0000847) for drawal of pension.

Kindly guide me at once. Thanking you, Sir
Yours truly
m jitamitra

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Dec 11, 2010 1:38 pm EST
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Dec 12, 2010 4:50 pm EST
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From :
BSNL Pensioner SBI A/c No.[protected].
The Branch Manager,
SBI CPPC Bhopal,
( M.P.)
Through :

Ref : Modified PPO No.CCA/MPT/101/015/PPO-015/5/KKS/1128, Dt. 28/06/2010.
Name of BSNL Pensioner K.K.SONI A/c No. [protected] SBI Branch code 0478.

Sub : Non Payment of Arrears Consequent upon the Revised Pension Order regd.

Respected sir,
This is to bring in your kind notice that I am bsnl pensioner since 01-01-07 and receiving my pension regularly thro SBI in my A/c No. as given above. In due course my pension has been revised as per the modified PPO No.
Mentioned under referenced. The modified PPO along with my A/c No.has been forwarded by my bank branch to CPPC Bhopal for early payment, But the amount of arrears not yet credited in my bank account.
Therefore I request your kind self to look into the matter and make arrangement for early payment please.

SEONI Yours sincerely,

Dated: 12-12-2010 ( K. K. SONI )

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Feb 04, 2011 10:32 am EST
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Sir or Madam,


My father Mr. Gorakh Namdeo Patil was ex-employee of Western Railway he was Retired on-31-03-1986 is drawing his family pension through the State Bank of India, Branch Sindkheda Dist-Dhule (Maharastra) My fathers SBI pension A/Cs No-[protected] and The P.P.O.No is- PPO/BCT/PEN/E789/85/3/22 of Divisional A/cs Officer, Western Railway, Bombay Central Dated-14-05-1986. He is expired on 27-07-2010. My mother Smt Kokilabai Gorakh Patil is apply for family pension after expired my father we are submit all necessary documents like PPO Order, Death Certificate of my father, Passbook front page xerox of my father & mothers A/c & life certificate of my mother to State Bank of India Branch Sindkheda Dist-Dhule (Maharastra) my mother A/Cs No- [protected] but till on today 04-02-2011 my mother can not received her pansion.

You are requested to take necessary action for my above quoted facts and kindly to pay my father's pension into mother's pension A/C.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Pravin Gorakh Patil
Dated -04.02.2011

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Feb 04, 2011 10:33 am EST
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ok please send it.

Binaya Nand Thakur
Binaya Nand Thakur
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Jun 28, 2011 1:37 pm EDT
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I am Binaya Nand Thakur, a retired IAF personnel and drawing my pension from SBI Purnea since April, 2010.My pension acct no is - [protected], I recd my corrigendum PPO no 08/14/B/CORR/64756/2010 as per 6th CPC in the month of April, 2010 and same was received by SBI Purnea also when I visited and enquired. From than I have visited the branch several times to get my arrears and start of new rate of pension but still nothing has been done. The person dealing with pension says that it will be done from Patna. Even I have submitted certified zerox copy of above said PPO but still no progress. What shall I do now? This is the treatment SBI gives to exserviceman who served 20 yrs for the service of nation.
Hope now it will be resolved at the earliest.

Binaya Nand Thakur
Exserviceman( IAF )

Binaya Nand Thakur
Binaya Nand Thakur
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Jun 28, 2011 1:42 pm EDT
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I am Binaya Nand Thakur, a retired IAF personnel and drawing my pension from SBI Purnea since April, 2007.My pension acct no is - [protected], I recd my corrigendum PPO no 08/14/B/CORR/64756/2010 as per 6th CPC in the month of April, 2010 and same was received by SBI Purnea also when I visited and enquired. From than I have visited the branch several times to get my arrears and start of new rate of pension but still nothing has been done. The person dealing with pension says that it will be done from Patna. Even I have submitted certified zerox copy of above said PPO but still no progress. What shall I do now? This is the treatment SBI gives to exserviceman who served20yrsforthserviceofnation.

Exserviceman( IAF )

LT Col B L Sapru
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Jun 29, 2011 8:01 am EDT

I am Lt Col B L Sapru drawing my pension from SBI Air Port Road Bhopal vide account no [protected] . I have been drawing pension of Rs 34695 from 1st April 2010 upto july 2010. Rs 37265 paid from 29/10 /10 with arears on 12/10/10. Rs 38807 paid from 25/4/11 with no arears. . and now Rs 36338 paid on 29/6/11. Do not understand how my pension has been reduced. why no arears have been paid with pension of 25/04/11 and how much are the reaers . Kindly revert at the earliest. Thanking you B L sapru

Cdr RP Mahato
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Jul 01, 2011 12:48 pm EDT

I am Cdr Rajendra Prasad Mahato drawing my pension from SBI (Kondwa) Pune, SBI account No.[protected] and PPO no.09/97/A/S/000044/2010. I have been drawing per month Rs. 37438/= . In the month of Jun 11 my account has been credited only Rs.25438. Why Rs.10000/= has been deducted from my pension. Reasons for deduction, kindly reply at the earliest. Thanking you RP Mahato
e mail address:

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Jul 09, 2011 1:29 pm EDT
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Non adjustment of amended PPO By SBI
I am a 14561591F Ex HAV/ARMOURER Prabhakar Panda retired from Army Corps of EME wef 09 Dec 2009.Sir, I have received a ammendment PPO No S/CORR/640761/2010 Dated 04 Jan 2011, which have ammendment in my pension per month Amount from Rs-3828/- to Rs 4200/- not adjusted till date. Other hand I forwarded application to EME RECORD THROUGH NE CELL

In view of the above, you are requested to issue necessary instruction to SBI Berhampur (Code No-0033) Dist -Ganjam, ORISSA to issue the mentioned PPO and its interest immediately to avoid infructuous correspondence both ends. And inform the status of my application on e-mail id which is
Your kind co-operation will be highly solicited.

Thanking you.

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Sep 24, 2011 5:07 pm EDT
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sir, I have retired from Indarmy in Apr2011 as a Subedar /AEC and my PPO and all the pension documents have been sent to CPPC, BHOPAL for further actions by sbi Morar Branch, Gwalior M.P. but till to date nothing done in my account No, [protected]. Pension For04 months and other Pension Benefits not paid to me. due to non adjustments of credits by CPPC Bhopal.My daughter's marriage in Nov 2011but still I am helpless Without money. Kindly do favour me by taking immediate action in this matter please. JC-802557M Subedar Jayant Prasad

ali sajjad
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Nov 02, 2011 8:35 am EDT

sir i am adefence pensioner retired honnbsub from signals and drawing pension from sbi ujhani br distt. badaun u.p my basic pension is rs=6790 +58%da it comes to total as rs=10728= but ss.b.i. is paying me rs=9912 it means they are paying me some 816 rs= less per month i think this is from 1.1.2006 i may pls be paid full pension along with arear from 1.1.2006

gopal krishna
gopal krishna
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Nov 07, 2011 11:29 am EST
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Dear Sir,
This is with reference to above the corrigendum PPO bearing no.corr/09/97/B/S/9243/10 dated 27/Sept/2010 in respect of GK KHANDELWAL, EX.CPO NO.202899-K has been forwared to you. vide letter DP/S/BOYS/202899-K dated 06/Oct/2010 & the PDA details has been forwared for settlement/Revision deference service pension vide my letter dated21//2010.The arrears on account of difference in rates has not been paid to my account till to date.The bank Manager informed that your case has been forwardtoPCDA (Pension)
Allahabad.The correspondence details not provided by SBI bank.The difference in rates & 5CPC/ 6CPC arrears not paid to my pension A/C.In view of above you are requested to issue necessary instruction to concern authority to issue the revise pension and the difference of arrears.
I request you to expedite promt action in this regard.

Yours faithfully
GK Khandelwal
pension A/c no.[protected]
SBI SIROHI, Rajasthan 307001

J seshagiri rao
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Jan 30, 2012 10:33 am EST
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Sub: delay in implementation of revised pension -request.
With reference to the letter (vide No.P/set/Rev/pen/pre-2006/BNP ) from Sr. DPO, SE Railway, Adra dated 24/11/2011 and
copy of the revised PPA issued by Sr.DFM/Adra vide No.ADA/Pen/Comml/296/552/Rev-415/[protected], dated 27/09/2011.,
my basic pension revised from Rs.5416 to Rs.6152/- per month which has not been implemented
so far. Being a 90 years old senior citizen and having pension as the only source of income, you should have not neglected the government orders months together. Which in turns leads me in to financial loss and mental agony at this age. So Iam reminding you to modify the necessary changes and implement my revised pension immediately as prescribed by the concern department correspondence to you, along with the interest on the total amount to be disbursed ( revised pension + age pension + )from the October 2011 onwards.

I am enclosing the above referred documents for your reference along with my personal details document.

Awaiting your immediate response in this regard.
Thanking You,
(J.Seshagiri Rao )
PPO No.ADA/PEN/293/L110-99/Bank/Book-3/P-200/3799 Dt.6/[protected]

ali sajjad
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Feb 07, 2012 10:18 am EST

sir i am retire defence pensioner drawing my pension from sbi ujhani br my pension as per the recent revision is rs 6790 and d.a rs=3938 tatal rs=10728 where as bank is paying me rs=9912 it means rs=816 per month is less paid since 1.1.2006 you are requested to correct at your end and arrange for early paymentincluding arear thanks
my p.p.o.nois p.p.o.srmodp318852001

D. Kantha Rao
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Dec 29, 2012 12:28 pm EST

I am central Govt. Pensioner.
My SB A/C. No. [protected], Pendurthi Branch.
Life Certificate submitted in SBI, Pendurthi branch on 5.11.2012.
Pension not credited for December 2012.
Please inform reasons immediately.

D. Kantha Rao,
Cell: [protected],

gopal krishna
gopal krishna
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Jan 29, 2013 7:58 am EST
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Dear Sir,
I regret to inform you that on my complain dated 7/11/2011, the concern authority not taken any action.My PDA SBI SIROHI BRANCH forwarded the letter dated 22 /2/2012 & 08/12/2012 & the copy of revised PPO, file no.230 & due & drawn statement of A/C no.[protected] for your reference for non payment of correct rate of pension to the Chief Manager State bank of India CPPC THIRD FLOOR, SBI BUILDING, CHANDNI CHOWK, DELHI to settle the correct rate of pension /arrears issue as per my corr/PPO 09/97/B/S/09243/2010.I have not received the arrears & the correct rate of pension.I request you to expedite prompt action in this regard.
yours truly
NO 202899K

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Sukumar Mondal
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Feb 07, 2013 3:00 am EST
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Sukumar Mondal Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:31 PM
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
Subject: Interest on delay in payment of pension
> From: Sukumar Mondal
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Earlier against my complain a paltry sum of Rs 263/- was credited to my acount viz
19 05 2011 INTT ON ARREAR PENSION FOR 6 MONTHS RS. 263/- Till now I have got no intimation from the State Bank of India or CPAO how this figure has been arrived at.How you calculated >>>> it as Rs 263/- and how it has now been calculated as Rs 132 + Rs.2772 =>> Rs. 2 904/- More over why the pensioner have to fight for the dues caused due to sheer negligence of the Pension disbursing Bank ( SBI Haldia Port Br.) in paying the Pension while RBI Circular No. RBI/2011-12/98 DGBA.GAD.No.H- 1/31.05.001/ 2011-1, July 1, 2011 has prescribed detail provision for payment of interest @ 2% more than usual interest paid by the Banks in S B A/cs.
>>> Will you kindly give me the detail calculation of the interest paid Sir?
>>>> Sukumar Mondal PPO No.[protected] dt 08-01-2010

hony fg.offr dkshukla
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Jun 25, 2013 6:16 am EDT

i have retired as hony fg.offr pension account is in the sbi branch a f station makarpura vadodara gujrat orig ppo no is08/14/b/11527/2010 dated18feb10&08/14/b/corr /20455/2010. i am awaitng new ppo &dues, due to new one rank&one pay.thanks

sangeeta chakraborty
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Aug 06, 2013 2:52 am EDT
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Dear sir,
My father Ex W.O Mr Sunil Kumar Upadhaya expired on 8/8/2012. My mother submitted all the required documents timely. After 6 months of my father's death my mother received a letter from Indian Air Force that everything is clear and she will start receiving pension. But my mother continued to receive full pension in her account which the bank people told she can't withdraw till the family pension start arriving. It's almost a year my father has expired and my mother is yet to receive her family pension. She is unable to withdraw money from her pension account. On enquiring the bank people told the manager is in maternity leave and nothing can't be done now. I am worried why the bank is open. why don't they close the bank till manager delivers the baby and join her duty. I think bank employees are also not receiving their salary because the manager is on maternity leave.

Sangeeta Chakraborty(daughter of Mrs Sefali Upadhaya)

jagat singh pargai
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Nov 13, 2014 9:34 pm EST

I No15385170k sigmn Jagat Singh retired from india Army dt 01 March 2013 and drwoing pension from SBI Gangolihat(02543) and I have received corrs PPO No s/corr 33690/2014
dt 16 may 2014. Till date no action taken from your bank no credited my SBI a/c no [protected] .
I am facing financial problem by you.
Kindly credit earlist my PPO amount with intrest and issue desability pension also.
I again request take nessesory action in this regards
jagat singh
mob [protected]

jagat singh par
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Nov 13, 2014 9:42 pm EST

where is going my PPO NO s/corr/033690/2014 status
no 15385170k
name jagat singh
a/c no [protected] at SBI Gangolihat
mob no [protected]

Raj kumar singh
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Jun 28, 2019 1:16 am EDT

Sir my ppo no-[protected] Name-Rajkumar Singh not paid my commute & gratuity

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