You take your prescription in, drop it off with your insurance info and when you pick it up they inform you your insurance will not pay or can not connect with thier system. They suggest you pay full price for the medication - which you do - cause you need the meds. Afterwards, they file your insurance claim and collect and then refuse to return your money... Nice scam, surprised the insurance companies haven't caught on. Oh, BTW, the insurance company doesn't care and the store manager is always in a meeting. Better yet, try to find a human on thier company number... Good luck!
... Yeah, I know the feeling
IF you call your insurance company and explain to the fraud and abuse department what you think is going on ...they WILL investigate. This type of behavior is not tolerated.
I happen to work for target as a pharmacy intern and I deal with incompetent people like you on a daily base. Just because your doctor prescribes you a medication does not mean it is covered by your insurance company. These insurance companies go through routine system updates and computer network failures. When these happen, a pharmacy can not electronically submit the claim for your prescription. What this then means is if you want this medicine you are responsible for the full price until the link is restored. Once the insurance company fixes their network problem, a pharmacy can resubmit your claim within 14 days and get paid for the cost of the medicine up to what the INSURANCE decides YOU are responsible for...aka as your copay you idiot. You then go back to to the pharmacy with your receipt and get reimbursed the difference. Get a [censor]ing education you [censor]ing idiot before you complain nonsense. Insurances already have a tight grip as they do routine audits. That's why your doctor cant just say 'prozac 20mg #30 use as directed' it has to specifically say how often it's taken or they won't pay for it.
@StephConnor: Dude... to admit that you work for Target, then rip a patient of your company apart like that using such vulgar language, all while using what I presume is your real name as your screen name? Maybe you're the one who needs the education. I hope someone from Target corporate figures out who you are and hands you a pink slip.
Target is a terrible company to work for.