This is a horrible company to work for. I nearly had my faced cut due to one of their employees leaving a knife in the walk-in on a box above everyone's head. When attempting to get the box, over my head, off the shelf, a deli knife fell from above and nearly sliced my face. Anyone with a slower reaction time would have definitely been cut. This was the third knife safety in one month that was a near disaster. Management not only dismissed the incident, gave only a soft warning regarding knife safety to other employees, denied me an incident report, gossiped about it with all the other employees and never even addressed me directly. Then, after I quit for these safety reasons, they had the audacity to deny my unemployment that I waited months to receive. Come to find out why I never received it, Wawa downright lied about the incident. I was a damn good employee who always went above and beyond to do my job (and other people's jobs) extremely well. This company is garbage.