I am 70 years old and have been enjoying a #2 no lettuce no onions for probably more than twice as long as most of your employees have been on earth. This evening around 5:30 I ordered my usual was wearing my Hooked on Christ cap that I have worn every day for 23 years. Young man who waited on me said he liked Christ dug into his shirt pulled out a gold plated cross. When we pulled up the person who I later found out was manager was outside and remained outside through out the ordeal until they knew I wanted to elevate my concerns. That being said she knew nothing nor heard nothing during cooking time my eating time and my being disrespected as a paying customer. My daughter got code used restroom followed in by an employee who asked my daughter if she had seen anything with no specifics as to what it might be. The employee then began to speak with other employees concerning something to speak with other employees even walked outside spoke with manager who was still outside. The young man who showed me his cross walked over and began asking questions about God tto my daughter and me which I don't mind answering or talking about my Lord and Savior but his line of questioning continued through most of my meal. He asked about our love for God our faith said he was Catholic and his belief in saints while I ate. He asked if we had ever lied if we thought lying was a sin at which point my daughter went outside to smoke, he remained asked about drug use I am not ashamed I am a recovering addict and that my daughter was a sober former meth addict. My hamburger done I am now a little curious as to the extended line of questioning and asked to speak to a manager. Young man in blue shirt came over I explained my concerns he said it was first time he heard about this and that one point one of the employees had lost something. He said he was a visiting manager that the store manager was working I asked to speak to her. Tried to explain my concerns she says something was lost but was found when I asked about the God conversation she said the kid really likes God which is good but not through an entire meal. When asked about the lying part of conversation she returned to his love of God the item had been found lets all move on. I said no I was accused of being a liar and found it disrespectful and my voice at this time was elevating as she was siding with her employee and pretty much calling me a liar as well. Before the young man walked away he admitted he was sent over to see if he could pry any info out about missing whatever and that was his sole purpose. As my voice elevated the manager threatened to hit silent alarm cops would be here in five minutes I was going to be in trouble. At this point I stood to leave and I did flip over my tray with some fries and ketchup but no hamburger as I refuse to waste a morsel of a #2. I dont want money dont want anyone to lose a job I do want more training beginning with customer is right and you cant manage employees from outside the store.
Claimed loss: loss of respect and dignity and being talked down to
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