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Wish review: Pricing is wrong 55

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1:06 pm EST
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When an item says it's $4 and you go to bring it up it says $26 and that's regardless of the size there's several items that I've been trying to purchase but the price that it brings up is not the price that is said it is supposed to be therefore I can't order anything that I want to, nor can I find a way to get in touch with the company to let them know about this problem as their customer service part of their app is not got anything listed other than pertaining to past orders and the business of them.

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Eileen Beattie Smith
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Nov 30, 2017 8:45 pm EST

The above poster is wrong. This happens with every single item on the app. NO prices are what they are listed as, always substantially more.

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Oct 05, 2018 6:41 am EDT
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Wow! Your rude. Not to mention, no using good character

Sylvia Vargas Andrews
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Nov 15, 2018 9:17 am EST
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I tried putting each size of one item in my cart and the price changed from the advertised price to a significantly higher price. Not one size, and all were available, came up as the advertised price.

Jerome Baldosa
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Feb 12, 2019 11:17 pm EST

Wrong, there ARE items where once you click on it, there is no clickable option for any item at that price. I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOURE DESCRIBING “wine is good.” Some sellers have managed to list prices below any purchasable item.

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Oct 10, 2019 12:54 pm EDT
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In the 2019 app there is no pictures with different sizes and prices! In The MAIN pic that lists the price, i.e. reads, $1.00.. sizes xs- 6x. It does NOT say, starting at $1.00! Nor does it say plus size extra! And just for argument sites even if that is how it was why is all the skinny people the only ones to have the opportunity to buy a such a low cost? It's unfair this lady and false advertisement this company is based in the United States and I feel like they should have to follow all the rules and regulations just like anyone else should have to regarding false advertisement

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Oct 11, 2019 9:52 am EDT
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You're very wrong. It changes the price before you choose a sz, color, pattern. It's as much as 300%. If you're telling people they don't know how to shop wish, than it's you ma'am that's getting ripped off. As far as being a wish guru, I wouldn't brag about that too much.

Darla Saari
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Nov 03, 2019 6:51 pm EST
Replying to comment of Virtue

Don't let that rude [censored] bother you bc she is Wrong. I have 2 family members, myself & a friend dealing with same issue. Oh but wait, ig All of us don't know how to read or shop right lol.

Darla Saari
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Nov 03, 2019 6:56 pm EST
Replying to comment of Virtue

Don't let that rude [censored] bother you bc she is Wrong! I have 2 family members, myself, & a friend dealing with same issues. But wait ig we have all read it wrong & don't know how to shop Wish lmao. They false advertise big time

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Nov 11, 2019 10:39 am EST
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That is not true! I saw boots advertised for $8.00 both from an email they sent me and when I went to their site. I chose the exact color they advertised and instead of $8.00, it was $25.00 in the cart. It is bait and switch and it is against the LAW!

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Jan 01, 2020 11:57 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had the same issue with almost every product i want to order- i check every size and color and it will say 8dollars in the add but you click and its 23 dollars plus 11 dollars shipping

linda merchette
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Jan 03, 2020 7:48 pm EST
Replying to comment of

Wine is good, you are wrong. Just about everything I purchase from wish, is advertised at an extremely lower price, than actual price you pay, everyone I know who buy from Wish says the same, if you see somnething advertised at 5 .00. When click to buy its as much 30.00 dollars higher.

Melissa Hughes
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Dec 08, 2020 7:19 am EST

I have noticed this as well, albeit to late as it was on my cc statement. My "awesome good deal" on these super cute grey boots listed for $8 was really just a scam. Can anyone say fraudulent B.S.? They do this purposefully, hoping that people (like myself) will be so busy shopping & clicking, picking their noses, or placidly staring off into space daydreaming about how kickass her new grey boots are gonna look with her vintage grey princess jacket, that they fail to notice the last minute 75% increase in price. Another possibility is that they simply prey upon the common beliefs held by most people, which is that the majority of people are inherently good and long to do the right thing, that businesses would never screw a customer this way lest they lose all their patrons & revenue, and their faith that the department store era customer service counter can & will make it right. This exact complaint is all over Google when I did a search, with instances as old as Wish itself. Obviously, this is not a miscommunication, misprint, or mistake and the lovely people who run the Wish show aren't interested in fixing anything if it lowers the amount of money they make. Tell me, is the HQ for Wish based out of Wuhan? lol

Robin Jane
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Jan 09, 2018 5:21 pm EST

@Wine Is Good - I have checked every combination of size and colour but all of them are priced higher than the advertised price. In Australia this is called false advertising and is illegal. Just repeating, I totally understand that it could be only one specific size /colour that is cheaper than the rest, but NONE of the combinations were found to have the low price indicated on the ad. They are trying to lure you with a false price.

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Mar 04, 2018 10:01 am EST

I have also found some items to be falsely advertised... and no, I am not "reading the ad wrong" lol The hoodie my son wanted was advertised for $6, but when I added it to the car, the cheapest option was $13. Still affordable, just not advertised correctly.

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Jun 02, 2018 7:31 am EDT

I have noticed this too, and like others said it's not a matter of reading it wrong, this never used to happen. I was looking thru and an item said free just pay shipping. Go to buy it and it's $4 but on top of that the shipping was even more then was said in the items description! I haven't been enjoying shopping on wish lately due to this. You have to go thru and pretend to buy it just to see accurate pricing. And I've already set it to show in my currency.

I hope this is some sort of bug they will address soon. It's not fun to shop on there anymore with nothing accurate like that!

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Jan 14, 2020 12:12 pm EST

I totally agree.. same happens to me.. it is highly frustrating!

Nicole Ross Winstanley
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Jun 29, 2018 10:34 am EDT

Just loaded the app hoping to enjoy some cheap and cheerful shopping. Every thing I looked at was advertised one price and then when you add it to the cart, completely different. $4 became $26.
Will be deleting the app now. I figured it was a scam and have been proven right.

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Jul 01, 2018 10:55 am EDT

Yep, very annoying and stops me making purchase! It IS false advertising, it even gives you an option of buying with someone else to get it cheaper! And it doesnt work!
Its the 1 thing that puts me off wish :(

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Jul 01, 2018 6:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree! I've been mislead about posted prices vs the price that comes up when you click buy. And there is no way to complain about this issue which is unfortunate.

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Aug 01, 2018 5:20 am EDT

I added lots of items I intended to purchase on a wishlist, the next morning I wake up and find that prices for about 60% of the items changed, they even increased cost of shipping by about 20%.

Now, when you add items in cart, prices change again, always upwards.

Wish is run by deceptive people. They think they will succeed by deceiving people.

Don't buy anything from them.

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Aug 01, 2018 1:07 pm EDT

Thought I would try the Wish Shopping and all I got was the bait and switch too. DO NOT USE !

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Nov 11, 2019 10:41 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Exactly, I went on there to buy some advertised boots and the price for the exact color advertised went from $8.00 to $25.00 in the cart, They also showed free shipping on everything, yet shipping was added. I left the site but I will be calling them and complaining, if I can reach someone!

Angela Weir
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Aug 20, 2018 6:02 pm EDT

No one is reading it wrong. Hence the submitted info straight from wish itself. They do it to OPTIMIZE exposure and sales. Its false advertising.

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Sep 17, 2018 6:02 pm EDT

I am deleting this app. This has been going on for 3 weeks now. Shoes, jewelry, clothes, even stickers, all advertised as one price, and when you go to check out, it is 3 times as much. It is a scam.

Aubry Martin
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Sep 27, 2018 9:04 am EDT

I used to LOVE wish and shopped the app frequently. This bait and switch crap is a new phenomenon and it should be illegal. It used to be that occasionally there was a color or size that was higher than the advertised price, but most options coincided with what you saw on the banner add, and if they didn’t, it was clearly visible which ones were more when you viewed the selection options after clicking the buy button. Now NONE of the options match what’s advertised and you can see the real price until you add it to your cart and go to check out. What happened? My favorite shopping app is complete trash now!

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Sep 29, 2018 8:19 pm EDT

Class action law suit should be filed against their false advertising tactics. Price shows one amount but changes to a higher price at checkout. What used to be a good deal is now a fake one. Adios WISH, you were good while it lasted.

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Oct 21, 2018 2:17 pm EDT

Agree with the above. I thought chair covers were one price got to checkout and shipping and went whoa. Deleted app got a great deal on Amazon with 2day delivery

Julie Farley
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Oct 23, 2018 7:19 pm EDT

Totally agree. I am horrified at the sudden jump in prices. I have attached a perfect example. The thumbnail says Free - just pay shipping. Opening the link (and this is a single item, no additional options like some of the comments above have mentioned), the price displays as $26. I am a long time customer who has purchased hundreds of items from Wish. If the prices are as substantially inflated as they appear to be now, I won't be purchasing anything anymore. Particularly when the shipping jumps to upwards of $10 per item. I am shocked at the difference in Wish prices now.

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Justin Berenholz
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Oct 27, 2018 10:20 am EDT

This is so true! I wanted a desk chair from Wish and when I first found it the chair was only $85 but when I went to pay for it the price went up to $120. I got the $120 for the chair and then the chair went up to $132. The price changed like 3 times on me and the shipping is BS too. When I pulled up the ad it said that it would take one week to be delivered but once the order was placed it said it wouldn't be here for a month! WTF wish!? They seriously need to get their [censored] together and stop with the bait and switch BS that they pull.

Jean Donaldson
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Oct 28, 2018 12:48 am EDT

So basically what I found is that they do the bait and switch by design.
I found this on their Merchant's Help Center page. Even the merchants want to know what's going on.

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Oct 28, 2018 8:45 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is very frustrating. I used to love shopping on Wish. Now it’s become too time consuming to add everything to your cart in order to see the true price...and then delete it!

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Nov 05, 2018 9:24 am EST

If you’ll see that the price in listing shows one but add to cart and it changes back. It’s a glitch.

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Airi Chari'a
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Nov 24, 2018 2:51 pm EST

They actually are aware of this and do it intentionally. Read this post from their merchant site right from them to their sellers.

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Lauren S.
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Dec 19, 2018 9:25 pm EST

So what can be done about this? This is NOT legal, this is the makings of a class action lawsuit. It IS false advertising and bait and switch and there are laws against these practices, but I don't know what do do or how to get anything started about it. But its illegal for a reason and I don't understand how they are continuing to get away with it. Let's rise up people! I'm ready! Just tell me what I need to do...

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Jan 13, 2019 3:21 pm EST

I too have been having this problem for months. When I first signed up my account was restricted. I had issues getting that removed so I could actually use the app. Bought some good items. Had one not turn up so contacted them. Waited until the day it told me to In order to arrange refund but should have apparently applied the day previous so only got wish cash credit. Then during this the issue with pricing arises. I've contacted them two or three times explaining it to them and get a generic answer pretty much telling me I don't understand how it works, it's down to the sellers and not them. I told them they are the ones who don't understand and clearly didn't read my messages properly.
I went so far as removing the app and reinstalling it, nothing fixes it, and yet a friends works perfectly fine... something needs to be done.

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Jul 24, 2019 2:31 pm EDT

Doesn't look like Wish is going to do the right thing as long as they continue to have shoppers. I for one will not be using their website or app anymore. Amazon is more reputable, their prices can sometimes be comparable and with Prime 1-2 days deliver included, can not be beaten.
Do yourselves a favor and stop shopping at Wish, who is just ripping people off.

Kurt Koathanger
Tracy, California, US
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Feb 21, 2021 12:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of Alexia02

Yes I had them do the same but I didn’t check until it was too late

zaba zulu ♛
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Dec 30, 2019 5:31 am EST

I have been shopping a lot on wish and all time upp to now was been good, but now they did something i did not think was posbisilt. Im always careful to check price and shipping cost. But after i ordre something i never think on to go back on the produkt and check the " Item Details " and the " View Order Details "

I did that when i one day se on my " Klarna " ( mellanhand between my bank and shopper ) that something was totally wrong.

The item cost 26 SEK kr about 2.78 USD and the shipping cost was also 2.78 USD so total 5, 56 USD
But when i view Order Details the story change...

Order: 5de21967877a2ac3e7ab3321 ($74.88 / kr717.10)
Total Cost of Item: $41.66 / kr399.00
Total Cost of Shipping: $37.38 / kr358.00
Promo Code DEALS - $4.17 / - kr39.90
Date of Purchase: November 29, 2019

and it was not only that order, the same was happen to 7 other order that the price was change. okay ofc a price can change thats one thing but in the same time even the price for shipping was also going upp. When i check the iterm online they still have the same price as was when i was ordring.

Ofc i contakted Wish support but no help there ...

Wish (Wish)

25 dec. 14:01 PST

Hello S***,

I apologize for any confusion and understand that you're seeing a different price for this item. I've taken a look at your order and can confirm that you paid the correct price at the time of purchase:

Order: 5de21967877a2ac3e7ab3321 ($74.88 / kr717.10)
Total Cost of Item: $41.66 / kr399.00
Total Cost of Shipping: $37.38 / kr358.00
Promo Code DEALS - $4.17 / - kr39.90
Date of Purchase: November 29, 2019

Order: 5de21967877a2ac3e7ab3321 ($74.88 / kr717.10)
Total Cost of Item: $41.66 / kr399.00
Total Cost of Shipping: $37.38 / kr358.00
Promo Code DEALS - $4.17 / - kr39.90
Date of Purchase: November 29, 2019

Order: 5de227a7f01f84cb82e6dc93 ($39.86 / kr381.55)
Total Cost of Item: $25.60 / kr245.05
Total Cost of Shipping: $16.82 / kr161.00
Promo Code DEALS - $2.56 / - kr24.50
Date of Purchase: November 30, 2019

For reference, stores on Wish reserve the right to change the price of an item at any time. As a result, we're unable to offer rainchecks, retroactive discounts, or other price changes to an order that has already been processed.

Please keep in mind that if you're unhappy with the price of an item, you'll have the option to cancel the order within 8 hours of purchase by visiting the Order Details page.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Wish Customer Support

So all you ppl out there be really careful and check over and over again when you make your order there.

Salyersville, US
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Nov 28, 2021 12:29 pm EST

Every item I try to buy listed cheap is higher once you add it to the cart. This is very misleading and fraudulent and needs reported. I no longer shop with wish. I prefer honest more legit companies.

Julie Rogers
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Jul 10, 2020 10:43 am EDT

As of July 10/2020 this is still happening. I see a product listed at $4, click it and then it jumps to $26. This absolutely blows! So disappointed in Wish.

Phoenizlx, US
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May 07, 2021 10:28 am EDT

Yep. Same thing every single item I picked . Now they're claiming that they "always try to keep it as close to the price that it suppose to be as possible". However every single item ive tried ( which is dozens by the way) have a marked up priceanywhere from [protected]+ + once youve added it to the cart. You're right its very disappointing they didnt use to operate like that now when you take that into account with the ridiculous shipping they've always charged PER ITEM regardless if they were all purchased in one transaction they each have a individual shipping cost which the Rates are almost as much as the product itself. Makes it not worth it at all your paying way more than you would at most places and that wqs suppose to be the point of buying feom them to save now its a joke.

Deb Tucker
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Jan 28, 2021 10:41 pm EST

I find it very odd that all 4 different items all jumped in price. I am not ordering again or I will let my credit card know not to exceed the dollar amount shown. Next step is Better Business Bureau complaint.

Kurt Koathanger
Tracy, California, US
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Feb 21, 2021 12:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of Deb Tucker

Yes I’ve had same issue. Said it was .50 and charged 34.

Dallas, Texas, US
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Mar 01, 2021 4:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

March 1st, 2021 Just received NEW terms of use, to accept from Wish.If you ACCEPT these terms be advisez it seems you are basically RELEASING your rights as to any " BAIT & SWITCH " tactics or your rights to complain in any fashion other than a highly structured Arbitration process. As to my opinion, ANY possible type of bargain cannot be worth the chance of dealing with this entity. Be Warned.

Barb Warner
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May 26, 2021 6:09 pm EDT
Replying to comment of 1shot1k

I agree ! Everything I want to order shows a great price but when you buy it can be a lot more. I have never seen the price listed of what I would like. So, no ordering for me.

Carolyn Cook
Lexington, US
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Jul 18, 2021 11:10 pm EDT

You are absolutely correct.. He finds something pretty and you want to buy it you want to buy it and when you check out it's 3 to 4 times as much 8 or 4 times as much. The shipping also is so much higher now. You're losing the business and I've spent thousands with you over the years.

Call for Fairness
Smithfield, New South Wales, AU
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Jul 06, 2021 10:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

July 2021- Glad I am not the only one getting confused by this 'bait and switch model.'( Ad says $, but cart says $x3 and free shipping is equal to the cost of the item) I tried to search if others had experienced this too and all the first entries to come up on Google Search takes you to Wish's FAQs page (attached) and which tries to explain it away, but if you look further at independent reviewing websites like this, they have been doing this for years.
Their page says: "Merchants may update their costs, which will change the price and shipping for an item based on supply and demand."
based on this, if you want to buy it (demand), it seems they believe they are justified to increase the price.

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Mam ….
Gurgaon, Haryana, IN
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Sep 18, 2021 5:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am also tricked in. I ordered many things and now see the prize I paid was 3-4 times than tha prize quoted. We should complain about them so that they can stop cheating peoples. Do you know how to contact their customer care? Last time they started debited some amount automatically and I tried to get in touch with them but no success. Then I removed my bank account. Last time they delivered something wrong and when I ask for refund they just kept on talking but no money back, that was the time when customers care was not machine but humans. Very poor business idea, cheaters, disgusting. Now I know why my friends said never trust this app from star, as see the origination of app.

Ashley Whalen-Sigler
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Apr 28, 2022 2:14 pm EDT

I ordered from wish, it all adds up to $27(that's including shipping cost) but when I reviewed my orderthe price came to $52. My bank statement says $72. Something is not right.

Valerie Statts
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Jan 29, 2023 8:16 am EST

I think the shipping prices are outrageous, It doesn't cost as much as they charge for shipping. I don't like adding something in my cart for $4, then view my cart and the price is now $9, with shipping cost is now $21, then you go to pay, it's now $27. can't say it's because of taxes or shipping charges, because your original total included everything, and the location that the item is going to ship too. You don't save any money at all. This site use to be a good place to go about 8 years ago, but not anymore. I don't like a site that can't get it together.

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