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CB Travel and Vacations Unlimited Vacation Club Misleading and lies - I know because I worked there
Unlimited Vacation Club

Unlimited Vacation Club review: Misleading and lies - I know because I worked there 238

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7:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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It's a scam. . . Do not purchase with this club! I went through training there and they teach you how to sell ''air''. The managers teaching us referred to this product as ''air'' and showed us how to sell ''air'' to clients! They sell a discount program. Members of unlimited vacation club receive 25% off hotel rooms, but if you go through expedia or any online travel service, you'll find cheaper rates than they can get you. The cost of this membership to stay at secrets, zoetry, now, dreams or any other am resorts is $50, 000 for a 50 year membership! If you continue to say ''no'' to the price, they will drop the price all the way down to $5, 000 for a 10 year membership! The more you say ''no'' the lower the price gets. It's all about the commissions to be made and their paychecks.

Am resorts / unlimited vacation club is a new company, just a few years old and it's the worst company i have ever worked for. I have been in the vacation industry for many, many years and i do own a vacation club membership, as well as a timeshare, but never would i buy anything from am resorts / unlimited vacation club. It's companies like this one who give vacation clubs and timeshares a bad name.

Many people complain about how timeshares and / or vacation clubs rip you off and don't work, but if you know how to use them properly, they definitely work. My husband and i, along with our family, have vacationed all over the place, including going to different countries, and i can honestly say that we would have never been able to go and stay in 2 or 3 bedroom suites if we didn't have our timeshare or vacation club membership. It's been great being able to travel and stay in luxury, but with am resorts / unlimited vacation club, to pay even $5, 000 upfront just for a 25% discount is crazy. They also use rci, the same exchange company we use, but to exchange my time to go someplace different, we pay $200. 00 and unlimited vacation club charges $549. 00 to make the exact same exchange! They rip you off in every which way they can and have no problem doing so. They don't have the consumers best interest in mind, only how much money the company will make.

The resorts that am resorts / unlimited vacation clubs have are absolutely beautiful, but to pay that kind of money to get only a 25% discount is ridiculous. If you do decide to join the club and find you have a problem, forget about it, you're on your own.

For the first time in my many years of being in the vacation industry, i had some problems with discrimination and defamation of character and i tried to resolve these problems by trying to contact the ceo of am resorts / unlimited vacation club, alejandro zozaya gorostiza, and after numerous emails and calls, i received no response at all from her. I also emailed numerous times with absolutely no response to the executive vice president, gonzalo del peon, the vice president of sales and marketing, collette baruth, and the senior director of sales, matthew mullen. These people in this company didn't even have the courtesy to respond to any of my emails just to see what was happening at the unlimited vacation club. It has been 2 weeks with no response from anyone. If they can't respond back to the people who make them money, do you really think they will respond back to you if you need some help? No, no and no!

There are so many timeshare and vacation clubs out there that have what am resorts / unlimited vacation club does not have like integrity, professionalism, compassion, and honesty. Do your research about the company before you ever give any company your hard earned money. If you go on a presentation and they say '' this offer is good for today only'' they are lying. You can go back anytime and receive the exact same package they offered you. They do that because they want to earn your business that day and for no other reason. This applies to both timeshares and vacation clubs. Even if they have you sign a paper stating you can not come back the next day, or any other day, and receive any of the first visit incentives, you can. Those papers are all bogus! They try and tell you it's a legal document and it is not.

So my advice to all of you is to stay clear from am resorts / unlimited vacation club. They are filled with empty promises and all they want is your money for purchasing ''air'' so they get a paycheck that week. Trust me, i worked there, but only for a few days. I quit after i saw how they were scamming the consumers.

Best of luck to everyone and happy vacationing:)

Sep 05, 2014 11:35 am EDT
Unlimited Vacation Club customer support contacts
To all Unlimited Vacation Club members,

Please be advised that no official Unlimited Vacation Club staff member will ever request personal information other than your membership number. In order to avoid fraudulent offers and services we do not recommend that this information be provided to any external persons or companies. All official email addresses will always end in

For further information regarding the privacy notice of Unlimited Vacation Club please refer to the official webpage or
May 06, 2015 8:59 am EDT
Unlimited Vacation Club customer support contacts
freddylaurent, we are sorry that you feel that way about Unlimited Vacation Club. We have on record that you cancelled your membership with a full refund in 2012 less than 5 days after purchasing. If you have had further issues that we can assist you with please send us a message and let us know.
May 06, 2015 9:06 am EDT
Unlimited Vacation Club customer support contacts
GarryM, We appreciate you offering to assist our Unlimited Vacation Club members however as we have informed you several times in the past we do have a dedicated customer service department that are more than capable and willing to clear up any doubts and/or complaints that our members may have.
Feb 07, 2019 10:03 am EST
Unlimited Vacation Club customer support contacts
Hello Nic

We are sorry about the incovenience but this process is for your personal information security, is done in that way our customers are the most important for us. thank you for your comments.

If you have additional questions, you can contact us at

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Frisco, US
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Aug 13, 2013 7:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Too late. How do we get our deposit back with no cancellation clause protection in contract!

Santa Clarita, US
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Aug 22, 2013 11:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same here. Only upon our return i noticed that there was no cancellation clause in the contract. I did however mail out a letter signed by my husband and I that we want to cancel our contract and mailed it out to the Miami office. We bought our membership on Aug. 13th so we are within the 10 days of rescinding our contract, but not sure if it will go through.

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Sep 06, 2013 11:06 pm EDT

Terrible service its, a scam i feel i threw away my money . The benéfits you are supposed to get Don't exist, i have tried to make the most of it but everytime i book and i go i end up complaining because they give you the worst rooms. And i paid for a platinum membership! Very dissapointing really.

Plymouth, US
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Sep 18, 2013 2:47 pm EDT

Signed a contract too, gave a deposit, got home realized I got scammed. I stopped payment on the contract, now they have threatened to send to legal dept. to collect. Would like to know if any else has done the same as me, and were threatened, what the out come was, and did it affect their credit. Thanks Scott

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Nov 28, 2018 6:34 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of SAL1963

I’d like to know what your outcome was... I too bought into the scam.

West Coast 01
Newport, US
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Sep 20, 2013 2:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We signed up for Unlimited Vacation Club almost 1 year ago. This first issue we had and that was resolved was the charges to my credit card. All the representatives on the sales site indicated that this was a US company located in Miami Florida. That is not 100% truthful. UVC has a location in Florida, but the corporate headquarters is located outside the US. That means for most credit cards, there is a monthly foreign transaction fee. UVC did change the billing to automatic debits from my checking account and credited my charge card the one or two months of payments that were charged. Then my credit card company refunded the fees. That worked out. The latest communication from UVC is for about a 7% discount to payoff my balance early. 7% is not nearly enough. Please read the reviews at trip advisor prior to your vacation so you know what to expect. The resorts are beautiful. But an individual can get a better deal on the internet with a little effort. I wish I had done that. Now for my current issue, UVC and/or GBS International will not honor with any member benefits reservations made outside of their proprietary reservations system. UVC claims a 25% reduction in hotel prices, excursions and transfer from the airport to the resort. You can get a better deal, buy doing the work yourself or even going through a travel agent for a total package. We made a reservation through a travel agent and UVC/GBS International is not honoring the member benefits. This is not even using the weeks the contract has provided. We will use the weeks and then cancel the membership. There is not a value with this club.

Napa, US
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Sep 24, 2013 9:16 pm EDT

They are dishonest and try to renegotiate any chance they can... After you fight with them to get what you were promised, they give it to you but only if you sign away something else you were promised. There is supposed to be a 10 day recision period in the contract per Mexican law and an organization called profeco, but there isn't and they tell you there is no cancelation period.

Hawthorne, US
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Oct 03, 2013 1:28 am EDT

Not worth the price, I too feel that I got taken for my money. I have searched for vacation packages from travel sites and compared to UVC, there isn't any real savings, sometimes its cheaper thru other websites. Stay away, these people take advantage on the fact that we are on vacation and we are not really thinking about working by researching the club before purchasing. UVC is really building a bad reputation and hopefully every traveler gets this information.

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Oct 09, 2013 8:04 pm EDT

Cierto es una estafa porque te venden un sueno de esos maravillosos descuentos de hasta un 60% y esa semana por u$250.00 dolares, cuando todo es falsedad porque lo que dice el contrato es un 25%, todo es una fabula, te cobran por adelantado los descuentos que te van hacer en 30 o 50 anos, eso es solo negocio para ellos AM RESORTS, si dejas de pagar recibes amenazas de la dichosa obligación de pago que firmaste sin nada a cambio, pero no se dejen intimidar con dichas amenazas, porque a los que hay que llevar a los tribunales es a ellos por deshonestos, por no vender cosas concretas y reales.
Esa es una de las tantas formas de obtener dinero fácil enganando a otros descaradamente. y quien sera capaz de recomendar dicha empresa? porque fui victima y me da pena que sigan enganando a otros.

Mario Villanueva
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Oct 14, 2013 10:44 pm EDT

I have a membership with UVC 2 years ago, and always i received great service, also discounts every time we go to The resorts, i can say is The best product in Mexico and very nice Resorts, get your membership AMResorts are The best hotels in Mexico

Diane Railton
Aurora, CA
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Nov 05, 2013 6:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My husband and I bought into this membership in March of this year. We regretted it immediately but because we like to travel a lot and liked the Dreams resort we stayed in we gave it a shot. During the presentation they gave us a tour of a beautiful 2 bedrooms suite. We were told that if we bought the membership we would have access to this. We've tried to book a few vacation since and the discounts are never available and they told us that we were not eligible for these 2 bedroom suite. It's a total scam and you get better prices through the internet. We were also told that we could get 25 percent off airfares through ICE ( another vacation club) that was given to us during the presentation. This is not the case either. They totally lied to get us to sign the contract. We gave them a huge deposit and now are stuck paying a monthly fee for nothing. DO NOT BUY!

Mashpee, US
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Nov 19, 2013 9:07 pm EST

We fell into the same situation we realized when we got home they lied about everything. We stopped payment from our credit card company as well. They real red flag came up when they sent us the contract to sign again saying we missed something and now they keep e-mailing after we sent them an e-mail saying breach of contract on their part and pointing out all the discrepancies in the contract. They replied we have the signed contract and you can't cancel. I told them well if it's a valid contract you have of ours why did you send us every document to sign again? Has anyone had any legal action taken against them by UVC? We also didn't give them our SSN so we wondered how they came up with the interest rates we were given plus we didn't trust writing that information down in foreign country. We did this in October this year.

Netherlands Antilles
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Dec 17, 2013 11:47 am EST

I have some questions.
You said you receive training but at the same time you said you've work there for just a few days. Training takes at least 1 month. I know cause I worked there also. So now I understand one of the reasons why you are giving half information. I say one of the reason cause I sense true this letter that you feel that you have been neglected, discriminated etc and no one did care to help you in any way. I'm not saying that some things you are writing might or might not be true but you're hurt and this is how you choose to deal with it. By bashing the company. And let's be honest, there are issues in every company, organization and even churches.

Chevy Chase, US
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Dec 18, 2020 4:14 pm EST
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Replying to comment of Arrr

You sound like you’re apart of the scamming company. UVC is a complete scam - period !

Draper, US
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Feb 04, 2014 4:58 pm EST

My husband and I joined UVC 2 years ago and have been very happy with it! If you find a great price on Expedia or Travelocity you get 25% off of THAT price. How is that a scam? If you use the membership as intended (a referral program) and refer people you get free nights. My husband and I just returned from a 7 day stay at Dreams Puerto Vallarta where we only had to pay a $20 booking fee. PLUS they were going to upgrade us to the preferred tower, but we wanted to stay in the regular tower with our friends. We love our membership, and when we have the money are planning on upgrading. Hope this information is helpful!

Leawood, US
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Feb 14, 2014 10:11 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Why don't we all get together, find an attorney and do something about it?

Karen Robert Duffy
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May 22, 2017 8:19 am EDT
Replying to comment of MIJDM

My husband and I would be interested in talking with you.

Frank Simmons
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May 06, 2019 7:00 pm EDT
Replying to comment of MIJDM

I’m in as we were scammed as well. Please advise on any updates to afrikeber

They do not have our SSN’s and we canceled our credit card so they have no recourse as a foreign ripoff company anyway.

Unlimited Vacation Club
Unlimited Vacation Club
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May 07, 2019 10:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello Frank

We are sorry to hear that. Please, could you tell us more information about the situation? Your opinion is very important to us and we would like to assist you in any possible way.

Please send us your member ID and phone number through inbox. We will contact you as soon as possible. GK

Roberta Edwards
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Nov 19, 2019 5:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of MIJDM

count me in! disputing the CC charge now also locating an attorney to handle my case; ; sending out letters to formerly cancel.

Roberta Edwards
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Nov 19, 2019 5:29 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of MIJDM

Has anyone proceeded any further?

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Feb 17, 2014 4:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just joined last month and booked my "free" or Premier week at Secrets Capri. I didn't have any problems booking and only had to pay airfare. I just received a promotional email and did some comparison pricing. On average, with the deals I looked at, I would be saving roughly $100 - $250 per night for a basic room (after just a few searches). Then I am supposed to get a one category upgrade. Although I feel like I have been SLIGHTLY mislead in ways, the benefits were made pretty clear to me when I signed up. I only invested $8000 for a Gray Pearl however. I have not tried to exchange with RCI yet, so I do not know how that will go, but even if I do NOT use RCI, thus far, the savings appear to be pretty evident. Every time I have called UVC, they have been very helpful as well. Maybe I am just in denial of a poor decision, but so far, I am pretty pleased. I almost got sucked in to all of the negative comments on here as well...

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Feb 25, 2017 12:36 pm EST
Replying to comment of richyt

you paid 8000.00 to save a few 100 dollars >>>? you don't see the scam
i was told that all rooms i book were not going to be more then 512.00 and when i went on the rooms were 3000.00 + dollars
that is a lie and a scam .

Tom valle
Merrick, US
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Feb 18, 2014 9:15 am EST

Help! We just bought yesterday under great pressure and feel we were misled and lied to. We want to rescind the contract. Any advice please

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Nov 04, 2018 7:54 pm EST
Replying to comment of Tom valle

I just purchased this and started looking at info did you get out of contract or demand money back? And it worked?

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Feb 18, 2014 9:41 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am pretty sure under Mexican law you have 10 days to cancel any contract. In the contract you signed, I believe it stated that you cannot cancel. However, I believe the law supercedes that. Stop payment and insist they cancel. Judging from the posts, they may make it difficult and apply pressure, but I believe you have a legal right to opt out at this point. Good luck! PS. I am one of the few who doesn't think the club is all that bad. Maybe just naive at this point...

Valleyview, CA
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Feb 23, 2014 9:12 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Scam or not? And how many days to cancel under Mexican law

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Feb 25, 2017 12:39 pm EST
Replying to comment of Ed11

they take 10 days to get you the password so that time is up and then they tell you you have to go to DR to fight this .
that is bull

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Apr 19, 2017 4:06 pm EDT
Replying to comment of MYOB66

In our case, the presentation is extremely tiring, you just runned out of energy to think. The problem with latest presentation(2017) is a lot worst, you sign online using an ipad and they will email you your signed copy. When you are on vacation, you don't have easy access with computer, internet or even time to read. The 10 days does not apply to us since when we get back home to get the email, the 10 days is already over. Lesson, don't sign any contract with fine prints, do not leave the presentation without your hard copy signed documents, do not get carried with promises not even in the documents you signed, its hard to see the written promises, if there really is when you are signing using an ipad and you are really tired while you get serve with wine. They don't have hard copies for you to see up front. STAY AWAY.

Augusta, US
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Feb 26, 2014 3:14 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My wife and I signed up for the unlimited vacation club on our honeymoon at Secrets Maroma in September of 2013. We were extremely hesitant at first but after deliberating for a few hours, we purchased the silver package for 40 years and 500+ nights worth of redeemable nights and two weeks of free nights at any AM brand. We spent a little of $14K for the plan at a 7% interest rate over 48 months with NO early pay off penalty. We usually spend about 2-3K on other secrets vacations, so al the perks and the savings on bookings of at least 25% or more seemed like it is worth it. I spent a few hours crunching the numbers before and reading all the documents over before I signed any paperwork and sat there at the table using their wifi to lookup up the comments and reviews about the club. Most of the reviews were negative but a few positive ones were also listed. After several hours of deliberating and negotiating, we said yes and they popped us a bottle of champagne but I opted for a few shots of Patron instead (hard to come by at a resort).
The break even point happens after about 10 vacations/trips to one of their resorts but keep in mind you will have to pay for airfare separately, so it's kind of a trade off. However they gave us 14 free nights and the plan is good for 40 years of about 2 vacations per year and any of our family or friends can also use the discounts too and can travel with us or separately. I also have been reading that they are also expanding their brands to Aruba and Hawaii in the next few years! SUHHWEET!
I do suggest to make sure you read over all the fine print and understand how this plan works before making a split descion during your vacation. I made them wait several hours on me while I reviewed all the documentation to be sure I understood all of the terms before I signed up for the plan especially since we were in Mexico and not in the states. It seemed like the longer I made them wait, the more they were willing to discount the offer.
Secrets provided a "legal representative" who basically explains the purpose and meaning of every document in the contract (just like the lawyer or rep who reads you every paper when you close on your house). It is definitely an intimidating experience and big investment for sure, but we decided to go for it. We have minimal debt and good credit and we love the secrets resorts; so it made sense for us. The girl who took us on the tour and signed us up at the Resort was extremely nice and never pressured us into anything. She was also about our same age and was very nice to spend the day with. The day after we signed up, we had a special hand written note under our door that said to meet her in the lobby at 2:30PM. We met her in the lobby and she gave us a very rare bottle of aged tequila from her fathers collection and we took a group picture together. She gave us all of her contact info to call her any point in the future when we come back to maroma and she will also show us around the city. I'm sure we paid he salary for a full year, so I was pretty happy that she went out of her way to give us a generous token of appreciation and also several resort coupons. Once we arrived home, we received all of the documentation within about week. All the documentation is very detailed and thorough and all of the promises and terms of agreement were in writing. I received a welcome call the next day and the representative informed me about all of the benefits of the club and to go over again how it all works. She sent me my login info for the vacation club website and instructed me how to use it. The website is very simple and easy to use and they even offer additional promotions above the 25% discounts for members only. They send out the email promotions a couple times per month. They released one of our 14 free nights after every 3rd monthly payment. I just booked our vacation at the new breathless in Punta Cana using the UVC website and it was very simple and it also gave me my free nights that I redeemed. I saved about $975 for the paid nights at Breathless versus what I would have paid using a travel site. The UVC plan will also credit you back any money if you find a price that is lower that what you paid as a member through their website and also beat that price by 25%. I have not had any problems thus far with the club and I have been telling all my family and friends about it and inviting them to travel with us. I do like trying to search around to see if I can turn up a better price but i have not been able to find anything that beats the UVC prices yet.
I see there is a lot of people bashing the club immaturely and I'm not sure why. I would have to assume they did not understand what they signed up for or have buyers remorse after reading others reviews?
My wife and I are in my late 20's and I'm really happy that we have our travel plans available for the next 40 years. Once we decide to have kids, we can take them to family resorts that AM offers too. Thus far I have already saved $975 off of our vacation this year alone and we plan to travel at least once a year for the rest of our lives. I hope this helps anyone out there considering the plan.

Springfield, US
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Mar 10, 2014 7:34 am EDT

Hello all! I am the most recently on this board scammed by UVC. I just purchased into the club the last week in February. As soon as I got home I found out what a rip off it was. I was quoted prices I can't even come CLOSE to while going through their website. I travel 2-3 times a year and always have. They kept me for 5 hours during the presentation promising the moon and stars so by the time I received the contract, I was upset at missing the entire first day of my vacation and had to go find my children. I regretfully signed without going through it line by line because I believed it would mirror all that they told me. I was so mistaken. I contacted both the transfer company purchasing my timeshare and UVC and kept being told my call would be returned in 24-48 hours. Of course this time put me over 7 days of signing the contract. Now, they are stating I will owe 50% of the purchase price (this is in the contract but only enacted if payment is breached which I haven't had the chance to even do yet). I will be contesting the 25% down with my credit card company but it hasn't even been long enough for me to do that yet! I am in the process of filing a complaint with the Attorney General's office here at home but am seriously going to look for a lawyer to take on a class action suit against them if any of you want to join!

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Feb 25, 2017 12:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of jae112


i just got scammed too is there any help you can give me as to what happen to you .

Joann email address

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Apr 19, 2017 4:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of jae112

I love to, I 'm in Canada, here is my email address:
Please help.

Karen Robert Duffy
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May 22, 2017 8:26 am EDT
Replying to comment of Irving2017

Karen Robert Duffy
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May 22, 2017 8:28 am EDT
Replying to comment of jae112

MY husband and I would be interested in a class action Law suit.

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Jun 20, 2017 4:58 pm EDT

I have same experience and will be interested in a class action Law suit.

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Oct 18, 2017 12:49 pm EDT
Replying to comment of jae112

us too and they are relentless.

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Jan 27, 2018 7:29 pm EST
Replying to comment of ekjb

Hello, of course, my wife and I were scammed the same way. We purchased a vacation plan and put down a payment of $3000. We have not used any of the services and we have not made our first-month payment. What we are trying to find out is how does this effect your credit if you refuse to make further payments.

Please add me to the lawsuit as well

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Feb 03, 2018 1:53 pm EST

We're in the same boat and are very interested in getting these scammers in a class action lawsuit. Please contact us or add us at

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Apr 20, 2018 2:10 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Vinilum

I would also be interested in this please add me to any legal discussions.

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May 28, 2018 9:38 pm EDT
Replying to comment of No2UVC

My wife and i just returned from Uvc Cancun secrets, scammed too. We were promised in the presentation by paper charts that by becoming members and wanted to stay at the dreams the price $49 night person secrets $59 per person zoetry $119 per person. That was their selling point, which was no where in the contract when we got home, we were on microwave fire, how dare them flat out lie like that, I’m in for a class action law suit, or even a 60 minutes undercover investigation because this is bullcrap dishonest to the max stealing and misrepresentation of products. I’m glad I’m not the only one and justice shall be served. For our hard earned money.

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May 28, 2018 9:44 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ricoisis

THEY ARE USING VERY DIRTY SELLING TACTICS OF PROMISING THE UNIVERSE WHEN IN FACT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE, and intentionally make you sign something that says anything other than what is on contract is not valid knowingly that during the presentation they promised all this lies with an iPad signature contract that doesn’t show everything and they emailed the contract later on so by the time that u arrived at home is to late cause they already got u in to the scammm. HIGHWAY ROBBERY THEY NEED TO BE JAILED””

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May 28, 2018 9:47 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ricoisis


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Aug 29, 2018 10:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of jae112

My husband and I would be interested in joining any class action lawsuit too. We are just starting to realize what a total scam this is having just signed up 8 days ago. Lynn,

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Nov 04, 2018 8:02 pm EST

Did you get this resolved I’m thinking about calling bank and canceling tomm but dk if that’s possible!

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Nov 11, 2018 6:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of jae112

I would like to join this class action law suit. has anything been started as of yet?

Leslie -

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Nov 11, 2018 6:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Irving2017

I am also in Canada, have you found out anything yet or how to get out of UVC?
Please help is needed.

Pierre Cis
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Dec 28, 2018 9:36 pm EST
Replying to comment of Ricoisis

They told us the same exact thing and even wrote those same prices on a paper. We just purchased on December 15th, 2018. I need help!

ripped off person and mad as hell
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Apr 04, 2019 6:47 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Pierre Cis

I need help too, this place is a crock of [censored], they're bait and switch, I havent'even been a member for 3 months.

ripped off person and mad as hell
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Apr 04, 2019 6:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Pierre Cis

I need help crock of [censored],

ripped off person and mad as hell
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Apr 04, 2019 6:49 pm EDT

me too this place is hightway robbery, stealin gmy mcney

ripped off person and mad as hell
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Apr 04, 2019 6:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of alynnH

I will join a class action they steal and lie and its a bait and switch

Unlimited Vacation Club
Unlimited Vacation Club
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Apr 05, 2019 10:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello @Pierre Cis

Good morning Thank you for writing to us. We are sorry about the experience. Please send us your member ID by email: and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.

If you prefer, log into and select your country of residence from de box on the left, type your telephone number suitable time you wish to be called by one agent. GK

Unlimited Vacation Club
Unlimited Vacation Club
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Apr 05, 2019 10:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello @Karen Robert Duffy

Good morning. Thank you for writing to us. We are sorry about the experience. Please send us your member ID by email: and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you. GK

Unlimited Vacation Club
Unlimited Vacation Club
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Apr 05, 2019 10:25 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello @alynnH

Thank you for contacting UVC. We are sorry for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you. Your opinion is very important to us and we would like to assist you in any possible way.
Please send us your member ID and phone number by email: We will contact you as soon as possible. GK

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May 15, 2019 12:44 pm EDT
Replying to comment of MYOB66

lied to and mislead would be interested too

Jezebelle Martinez
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May 27, 2019 11:51 am EDT
Replying to comment of jae112

yes I would like to join I know I am so late to this forum but I just got scammed on may 24 2019

Burlington, US
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Mar 12, 2014 5:07 pm EDT

Unfortunately I don't think people read these things until they're already purchased... so hopefully this is helpful to those out there that already purchased. I'm trying to be neutral and take responsibility for me decision... My husband and I bought Gray Pearl for around $7K. We just booked our first Secrets vaca since we bought the membership in 2012. We booked through a UVC special and upon researching heavily we saved ourselves and our friends around $1000 per couple. So this makes me feel good about the money I already paid to be in the club. However, there were some things I expected that I don't think I'm getting 1) what I thought was 2 free weeks, will actually cost us $1500 per week - and you have to book these weeks at least 60 days in advance and within 2 years of membership purchase; 2) guaranteed upgrade when you book - nope, this is subject to availability and you can't even ask for it until you arrive (and of course the hotel can just tell you no availability; 3) access to the prefered club anytime you book at Secrets - nope, not unless you book a preferred room. All of this is in the fine print. And once you sign that contract... shame on you (and me) for not reading it. The lesson I learned... NEVER buy something like this on the spot. If you don't have time to review it thoroughly so you know what you're getting yourself into, don't sign. Having said that, I'm looking at every little benefit I can get and trying not to be bitter about what I "heard" I was getting (because they do promise the moon and the stars - they are very misleading when they're trying to sell you) and I'm taking full advantage of the benefits for myself and my friends. Everyone I know vacationing this year will book trips using my 1 year ICE membership and every time there is a good membership deal, I will let everyone I know know about it. RCI is my next benefit to tackle and we'll (or friends) will be using EVERY WEEK we got! I may not get everything I heard I was getting in the sales pitch but I will get my money's worth from this membership. Best of luck and most of all just let the frustration go and get on with enjoying GREAT VACATIONS!

O Ramirez
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Mar 21, 2014 12:11 pm EDT

Most of the people placing these complaints are competitors, have gotten fired from the company or simply just don't know how to use the membership and regret buying it because of ignorance.

Andrea Minnick
New Hampton, US
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Apr 01, 2014 5:51 pm EDT

"I have been in the vacation industry for many, many years and I do own a vacation club membership" hahaha thats a lie all the way... all ur review is a lie... Why the hell do you own a vacation club IF YOU HAVE TO PAY MANDATORY MAINTENANCE FEE.
No maintenancee fees or bills in UVC you morron!

Auburn, US
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Apr 14, 2014 10:11 am EDT

For anyone fortunate to live in Maine, USA, the "Maine Implied Warranty Law, " (MRSA 2-314) and "Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act, " (MRSA 5-213). Implied means how you should be able to expect a service or product to perform. Probably applies to Apple Vacations / AMResorts / the Club deal. Applies equally to whomever sold the trip to you (like AAA for us). These laws extend the Warranty to include "implied" to 4 years, regardless of how long the "Expressed" (written or oral) warranty. Other states may have something similar.

Indianapolis, US
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Apr 14, 2014 6:04 pm EDT

We, too, have been completely ripped off by this scam. Yes, we feel stupid. And we are angry. jae112, please count us in if you file a class action suit. We will be right there with you!

Every time we try to use a certificate that was supposed to give us something "free" for a pre-pay, we find out there are many hidden charges. We are getting ZERO value out of this disaster. If anyone finds legal recourse, please let us know. I'll help to spread the word!

clarck a
Alexander City, US
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Apr 24, 2014 12:18 pm EDT

UVC have more than 25, 000 members in all the world according to the Secrets Maroma staff when they give us our update the last December in only 3 years and this complains don´t represent even the 0.00001% of all the active members.

We buy a Dimond membership in may of 2013 and we really pay a big amount of more than 60k and all the things that they offer us so far so good, they always give to us the type of rooms that they offer us in Zoetry and Secrets brands, they give to us so far 13 nights free with the rewards program for send our friends and family's and they are very happy too.

We always receive room upgrades, complementary services like golf and yatch club, 25% additional discount in our final bills and like we say so far so good.

My suggestion, read and understand what are you really buying if they gives u a person who explains you the contract take as many time that you need for don´t have questions or misunderstanding in the future and if you don´t like the terms and conditions you have 2 options, Don't Buy or don´t be cheap and buy a better membership with all the benefits that you really need.

Be smart and think by your self and ask if you have question's nobody denied the answers and if you are a really elite traveler, i think you are enough smart for know if one membership like this is for you or not.

Montclair, US
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Apr 27, 2014 9:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Can someone please let us know if you were actually able to get out of this contract within the 10 days? If so, can you help us? We need to get out. We bought it 1 week ago at NOW Jade and have serious doubts.

Vineland, US
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May 04, 2014 2:05 pm EDT

Smiling Couple, are you a guest or a former employee of this company? I read a complaint from you as a guest and now I read this advice as a person who was on training with them, I don't get it!

San Antonio, US
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May 27, 2014 7:09 pm EDT

Personally I think it is pretty safe to say that the original complainer was never an employee but more a disgruntled client. If you're going to start the complaint off with a lie then what is to say that you are not lying throughout the entire complaint. There are several painfully obvious mistakes throughout the text when referring to the company. I have to agree with several of the other comments on here, you know what you are signing up for when you pay and if you take advantage of all of the benefits and offers, as I have for a few years now, it truly is a great deal! I've always had great service and had any doubts taken care of immediately. For all those wanting to cancel, why not try and negotiate the terms to a more suitable arrangement directly with the company. We have done that twice now and always come out better on the other end!
Just my personal opinion but I highly recommend the vacation club as it suits our needs perfectly!

Jorge Páez
Cupertino, US
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May 31, 2014 11:03 pm EDT

I saw bad things about this product, all the resorts has it.
Why not say about the great resorts they have, if you are member
You can make your reservations easy in the website.
I can tell this is the best membership program in Latín América.

New York, US
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Jun 18, 2014 12:49 pm EDT

Hi everyone, my husband and fell for this while vacationing in Playa del Carmen last week. However, we were able to cancel our membership. We are now waiting for the refund, which UVC stated in writing they would do over the next few days.
Needless to say, like you all, we were sucked into it and convinced for a moment that this was a good "investment." But a couple of days later we realized we had made a colossal mistake. Immediately we reviewed the contract and researched online about consumer protection laws. The contract did not have anything about the cancellation policy, but online we found that under Article 56 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law of Mexico a party can cancel a contract within 5 days, without any penalty or obligation. The other party has 15 days to refund the deposit. Otherwise, one can put in a complaint with PROFECO (Procuraduria Federal del Consumidor) (
So we drafted an email to all the addresses we could find on the contract:,,,,, saying the following:

By means of this letter, under the Mexican Consumer Protection Laws and US New York State Law, we, (name) and (name), hereby cancel our membership with Unlimited Vacation Club by AMResorts, Membership Number (number), without any penalty or further obligation immediately.
Refund the new sale payment of $(amount) and the closing cost of $(amount), amounts which total $(total amount), immediately.

Copy of this letter has been submitted by mail to all related parties to the addresses provided in the contract. This note serves as time-stamp proof of our cancellation in effect immediately.
We appreciate your prompt response to this cancellation.

We drafted three letters stating the same and quoting article 56, printed them at a nearby internet cafe, and sent them to GBS in Miami, FL, the UVC headquarters in Anguilla, BWI, and to the representative in Quintana Roo, Mexico, who was there at the time of the signing and whose name appears as mediator in the contract. We sent the letters via special couriers and tracked them online.
They did contact us trying to persuade us to not to cancel the membership. We stood our ground this time. Later we received an email stating they have cancelled the membership and will refund us the money minus the cost of the day past, which was part of the "incentives." This is ok, we are just happy to get out of this mess in time.
We hope this information helps you all!

Wayne, US
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Jul 28, 2014 1:21 pm EDT

We already own 2 timeshares in US and 2 outside. We use them a lot and think it was good deal. At least we got what they promised.
This April we stayed in Now Larimar in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We have attended Unlimited Vacation Club presentation there. We liked what we saw and what they offered us. After three days of negotiations we bought Silver membership. Two months later in June my wife called to Unlimited Vacation Club ( UVC )office in Miami to make a reservation in Zoetry resort. We planned to exchange our 2 VIP weeks for one week in Zoetry according our contract. Our contract says “At the time of reservation request, per each week, Customer should pay preferential $1, 500 fee.” Sounds very simple. But customer service asked us to pay twice more. We were shocked because this vacation cost only $2, 500 on UVC web site even without giving up 2 VIP weeks. We have tried to explain that it doesn’t make any sense for us to lose 2 VIP weeks plus pay $3, 000 if we can buy it for $2, 500. Customer service recommended us to go back to Dominican and talk to a person who sold us the contract.
We have called and e-mail to our sells person Martin in DR. He never replied back. I left him a message that we plan to come to meet him. When we came back in Punta Cana in June we found that Martin took a week off. Then we asked for refund of our down payment because UVC made breach of contract. Soon we were contacted by Mr.Guzman ( I still don’t believe this his real name ) from Mexico. First, he refused honor the contract. His role was to keep us happy by offering us free “gifts” that had no value for us. Then we were contacted by another person who even didn’t put his ( or her ) name in emails. She was asking us to pay another half of our contract. By this time we filed dispute with credit card company, filed Better Business Bureau and Attorney General.
My lawyer studied our contract and concluded that this was most likely an international fraud. There were several companies listed in our contract: AMResorts -> Unlimited Vacation Club -> GBS International -> Club De Desuentos Vacationales. The last one was the main party and was registered in British West Indies. It’s address on the contract was false. I ‘ve tried to request any contact information for this company from UVC and they refused to provide it.
Meanwhile I found that AMResorts and GBS International have the lowest rating possible on Better Business Bureau ( F ). Also, we found hundreds complaints of American consumers against these companies on the Internet. Just google and read angry articles from victims of this fraud.
We ‘re surprised that American authorities still don’t go after these companies that commit fraud.
We’re still in the process of fight for our money we paid as our down payment.

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May 19, 2019 9:28 am EDT
Replying to comment of kxgofma


This just happened to us as well and we purchased from the same resort as you. Were you ever able to cancel without paying half the contract price? they keep threatening to send us to collections but havent yet. Curious if they ever did this to you? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are already 7K in and refusing to pay anything more no matter how many more Benefits and free vacations they offer.

Unlimited Vacation Club
Unlimited Vacation Club
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May 20, 2019 9:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of KJD16


Good morning. We are sorry about the experience. Please send us your member ID through a private message and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.

If you prefer, log into and select your country of residence from de box on the left, type your telephone number suitable time you wish to be called by one agent. GK

Send a message
Aug 17, 2014 11:38 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The person who wrote this scathing report obviously did not go through the approved AMResorts training program. There is no AIR to be "sold". The company offers options for vacationers and travellers at several different levels of luxury and use. In fact, most of the company's sales rooms stress the fact that they are not there to SELL but to show the options available for those who like the concept of returning to an AMResort or travelling the world and saving money. Instead of turning guests off with a pressure sales experience, when the club program doesn't fit with a guest they'd rather guests come back happily as paying guests than never come back because they were pressured!
I proudly work for the company and know the benefits available to members. The only real problem is that many members don't understand what they buy into and instead of going to the Club for assistance air their grievances on-line. Or, of course, they happen to run into a sales person such as the writer of the article who doesn't know what he's "selling" and makes up lies to earn a commission!

Gretna, US
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Aug 29, 2014 10:13 am EDT

My wife and I also bought this stupid membership. I feel so stupid for falling into this scam since I saw the writing on the wall at the time of the presentation. They made a lot promises, and they lied to their tooth to make us buy the membership. I think they are breaching the contract if they do not produce what they offered. I am requesting the annulment of the contract and the refund of my down payment. I have contacted my CC and filed a dispute and stopped any further charges to it.
By the way, I am not a disgruntled employee, nor have any relationship with the UVC, GBS or any other of the names they use. I am a customer that was scammed recently and I seriously PO about it. I will fight this issue to the end.

AccountKiller, US
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Aug 29, 2014 10:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I unfortunately signed a contract with them but
cancelled it on the 5th day allowable by the Federal Consumer Protection law of
Mexico Article 56 I Sent a letter certified return receipt, and emailed all
appropriate parties they have failed to process my original Cancellation request
and refund us our down payment. Sad to say that I have Vacationed in Mexico many
times and always thought the people were humble. Try speaking to a quality
analyst and that will change your mind immediately. I have been in contact with
Profeco my credit card company. ETC Hoping for a resolution soon. But I doubt it
based on the reviews on here. Its sad that when I asked to speak to my quality
analyst supervisor Ms. Fabiola Enriquez failed to put me into contact with one.
I sent her my original letter with a copy of the certified return receipt. She
indicated that the legal department reviewed it, and it wasn't sufficient she
also indicated that I was a liar. The reason for cancellation was strictly
because when I tried to take advantage of our discount the SAME DAY they refused
to honor it. It puts a bad taste in your mouth especially since I Have enjoyed
staying at there properties in the past, she also indicated that in order to get
out of our contract we had to pay 50% of our contract per Article # 13 but in
review of the contract:

Article 13 indicates and I quote " In addition to
any other remedy available to mediator, if customer defaults to any of
its payment obligations under this agreement Mediator will be
entitled to liquidated damages in an amount equal to the higher of any amount
paid by the customer up to and including the date of the breach or 50% (fifty
percent) of the Total Consideration set fourth in the cover page of this
agreement. This will terminate the agreement.

In addition to any other
remedies available to the mediator, If the customer at any time during the term
of this agreement is in default of any payment obligations hereunder, the
Mediator shall have no obligates to reimburse the customer any of the amounts
paid prior to such breach or default, in addition the mediator will be entitled
to an indemnification for damages equal to 50% (fifth percent) of any amount
paid by the customer from the total consideration set forth in the coverage page
of this agreement. This will terminate the agreement.

Mediator may
terminate the agreement at any time without any cause by Providing Customer
written Notice atleast 90 days in advance to the effective termination date;
provided, that the Mediator shall reimburse the customer any amount paid to and
received by the Mediator with proportionally correspond to the time remaining on
the agreement had it not been terminated by the Mediator in accordance with this

My husband and I first and foremost did not DEFAULT on any
payment we just simply decided to cancel our contract within the 5 day
revocation period. They fail to abide by the Mexican Federal Consumer Protection
law even when I sent the original letter with a copy of the certified return
receipt which they have failed to acknowledge . When I sent my 2nd request
that's when they "all received it" being 15 days past the revocation period. I
hope everyone reads this and really takes into consideration that this company
will not work with you, respect you or try to help you. They are unprofessional
& unethical.

Send a message
Aug 29, 2014 5:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

All of that is spelled out at the time of signing. But why cancel? What caused you to want to cancel the most flexible and comprehensive loyalty reward program in existence? It's also the most transparent . . . no tricks no hidden fees. If you still have the program you should use it and appreciate the benefits. You must have been given some free stays, no? use them and prove that the program works. I'd be interested to know where exactly you purchased . . . I'd also be prepared to help you understand what you have and help you to see how it works.

Send a message
Aug 29, 2014 5:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is the most comprehensive and transparent loyalty-reward program in existence. Everything (all of the above) is spelled out at signing. Why would you want to cancel? You must have been given some free weeks. Use them and prove the program works. I'd be interested to know exactly where you became a member and I'd also be prepared to help you see how well it all works.

Gilda M.
Kill Acount, US
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Sep 05, 2014 10:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

First, and foremost, the above information posted on behalf on GM0824 is incorrect and was posted with no authorization or authority. In addition I have been in contact with Unlimited Vacation Club and they have exceeded in there customer service department. The Quality Assurance Representative has done EVERYTHING in there power to assist me in handling my matter. He has handled it with the utmost respect and care. He has been extremely helpful and efficient. Every issue that I have had with the company has been handled such a professional manner! Mr. Mora thank you for everything you have done to make this process smooth. I look forward to one day meeting you.

Gilda M.
Kill Acount, US
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Sep 05, 2014 11:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Weird that all of my positive posts are not posted immediately. But the ABOVE posting by GM0824 was posted with out authorization. They have exceeded my expectations, and have handled my requested very professionaly

Send a message
Feb 25, 2017 1:20 pm EST
Replying to comment of Gilda M.

do you work for them?

Gilda M.
Kill Acount, US
Send a message
Sep 05, 2014 11:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Unlimited Vacation club/the Quality analyst department has been very helpful in resolving all of my questions and or issues.

More Unlimited Vacation Club reviews & complaints

Unlimited Vacation Club - Cancellation of membership 70
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Unethical behavior and misleading sales tactics (class action lawsuit) 143
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Falsified promises 7
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Ability to cancel within the mexican statutory time 10
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Unethical sales practices 7
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - membership 1
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Refund of voucher/coupon
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - Misrepresentations 1
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
Unlimited Vacation Club - UVC silver scam membership 1
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment to this complaint.
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