DISHONEST MANAGERS WITH NO INTEGRITY - Bought 6 dining chairs, two were "missing". Chritsian t (he manager) calls to tell me one chair is at Brandon and one is at Dale Mabry and he has "put the legs on them to help me out". I didn't pay or request that as they would arrive damaged. That "help" he offered was because he was trying to pass off the floor displays at both places to me as NEW. When they arrived, the legs and buttons on the chairs were trashed and visible Sharper marker rubbed over all the numerous scratches. I was livid and said I bought NEW chairs, not used. Trip # 4 back to the store and they took the legs off the floor displays and shoved them in a box 1/3 the size the chairs come in and Pete the other manager tried to pass them off to me as NEW keeping quiet the whole time. Not until I said "no way" did they offer the discount. IF I had said nothing, they would have been DISHONEST enough to charge me full price. I figured out why I spent 4 hours at the store with them searching non-stop for those 2 missing chairs in a box... it's because the people in pickup were looking for new boxed chairs when all along Christian had manipulated it to give me the discontinued floor display beat up "as is" chair and pass it off as NEW. I bought 6 chairs and the 2 floor models are not even the same grey color as the 4 new ones I purchased. completley different cloth. I well NEVER buy from these dishonest scammers again as if this is how MANAMGENT Christian and Pete treat their customers with such a lck of integrity, they work together to cover each other's dishonest [censored]. All they had to say was, "We have 4 new left in stock and 2 floor models on this discontinued chair, do you want to proceed"? But no, they lied the whole damn way that they were NEW and waited for me to figure it out. Wasn't hard when you had no boxes or even the RIGHT bolts for the 2 floor display chairs wrapped up like a child did it!
Desired outcome: $290 ADDITIONAL returned for me for their lies and scheming to stick me with mismatched chairs and to shove off "as is" as NEW. I'm stuck with these mismatched chairs: 2 chairs are light grey and 4 chairs are grey/brown.
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They attempted to deceive you with old, worn out, awful items and were caught. Good example of a bait-and-switch. You clearly understand they are trying to scam you, so without thinking any further, cancel the purchase, ask for a refund, and give a bad review on every platform. If they deny, sue them in small claims court. They make a killing hoping clients just roll over and quit — show them that they should have never messed with you.