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CB Mortgage Companies America's Servicing Company [ASC] Bunch of crooks! Fee to pay mortgage by internet!
America's Servicing Company [ASC]

America's Servicing Company [ASC] review: Bunch of crooks! Fee to pay mortgage by internet! 127

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

After paying a $15.00 phone service fee every month to pay my mortgage because Americas servicing company had no website is bad enough but to add insult to injury the company now has a website and has the nerve to charge $10.00 to use that service as well. Americas servicing company is ran by a bunch of crooks!

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Frustrated Consumer
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Dec 07, 2006 6:13 am EST

How is it possible that a company responsible for handling the money for a person's most valued possession, their home, does not demonstrate the fiduciary fidelity that one would expect? Simply put: consumer beware - it is in their interest to mishandle the prompt posting of your payments! They only care about money. They could care less about your home!

Cher L Welch
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Dec 12, 2006 4:29 am EST

I did not know America's Servicing Company have a website. I am on limited disability income and the $15 fee is outrageous enough. But to charge $10 to use a website has got to be illegal.

I am willing to join any class action suits against America's Servicing Company. This is the first time I have done a search on ASC and was flat out amazed at how many 'sites' popped up. Mostly against this non-American mortgage outfit.

Thank you

Mary Martin
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Dec 26, 2006 10:16 am EST

I too experience the late posting with ASC. My payments are past the due dates due to mail service sometimes, but still takes almost 2 weeks after mailing for the money to clear my bank. My last payment was late because I had major auto repair bills. I sent in the late fee with a note stating the next payment will be paid on the 3rd of jan. I received a call from ASC on 24 about my payment being late. I explained I'd mailed the late fees with a note stating with the payment will be made. I was informed that the late fees were not received, but the money was withdrawn from my account on the 21st of Dec. Withdrawn by the same entity that submits electronic debits from a paper check. (ASC) The last mo payment was received and electronically withdrawn, using the same description as the late payment. Yet they did not receive the late payment. Something is wrong with this company.

Maureen Mintzer
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Dec 28, 2006 9:53 pm EST

I want to say that I have never dealt with anyone the likes of this mortgage company. In July they took it upon themselves to raise my mortgage, they went ahead and paid my homeowners for the next year, when I had been paying it for well over a year on my own. Then In December they said my escrow acct was -$2.000 and that increased my mortgage another $200.00 per month. My mortgage has now gone from $850/month to well over $1,300 and I cant handle it...They sure can get in touch with you when they need to tell you your mortgage is late but, none has the common courtesy to return a phone call...thats customer service? pretty sad ):

Yvonne Beasley
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Jan 05, 2007 7:41 am EST

I also agree with all the comments about American servicing company. Our loan was sold to them about a year and half ago, and with making all of our payments on time, they have never posted them to my account until after the due date, thus charging me late fees. I will not them withdraw my payment automatically because I don`t trust them. No other company that I pay online charges fees to do this. American servicing company charges $10.00 to payonline Why?
I started research on the company and I was amazed to find the same complaints from each and every person posting.

San Antonio
San Antonio, US
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Jan 12, 2007 6:54 am EST

These guys are a bunch of crooks . They are a rip off. 10 to pay my mortgage.

Jack Prescott
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Jan 15, 2007 11:18 am EST

ASC is the absolute bottom of the lending bucket. Anyone who has anything positive to say about that companies business practices is either a plant or a fool.

Wendy Withers
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Jan 25, 2007 8:52 am EST

Reading over everyone's posting, it is nice to know we are not crazy. My husband and I are real estate investors and have several mortgages. Three of our mortgages were sold to ASC and it has been a nightmare ever since. Along with the harassing phone calls, (reminding me before the due date) that my payment was due, (mind you with three accounts we got triple the phone calls. We have two mortgage payments that are similar to the cents, different only by .10. Two payments were applied to one account mistakenly and one account showed past due, I was assured by an attendant that it would be corrected right away. Months later, after they threatened to repossess my house etc, and reported to my credit report, I finally had to pay an additional payment. They fixed my credit report, but I still have an account that is paid a month in advance. They refuse to refund that amount, saying if it's paid a month ahead I have them automatically draft my account because I am terrified I will fall into their nightmare web of customer (non)service.

Ana Troncoso
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Jan 31, 2007 11:26 am EST

I totally agree! My mortgage was sold to these people also. They are always taking forever to cash the checks then want to charge a late fee, and I am fighting with them cuz they messed up my credit and have numerous times applied the payments incorrectly causing my balances to be all over the place, from the escrow to the principal. I will join all suits against these people and I hope that for our sakes, they get closed down. I had perfect credit. These people are a disgrace. PLEASE SOMEONE SHUT THEM DOWN!

Jillian Horn
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Jan 31, 2007 2:35 pm EST

I've never had any problem with ASC. I really don't like them, other accounts I have are much easier to deal with. I use the automatic deduction from my checking account and they are very good with that. I have never had one problem with a payment being posted. About charging $10 to use an online payment...I don't know if this is true. As of last month my account still was not available to be accessed online. A company who handles so much money should be able to set up an online service. Or I should be able to choose my mortgage not being sold to a company that does not have this 'standard' service.

Really though, ten extra dollars is nothing compared to the mortgage balance. If this method were reliable I would just pay the ten dollars and be happy to know my payment will be posted in a timely manner.

JG Reid
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Jan 31, 2007 7:09 pm EST

Nothing but problems with these bozos! They keep saying my payments are late when I send them on time. The only way I can get them posted on time is to mail them Fed x or registered mail, return receipt. That way I KNOW they got the payment and exactly when they got it and who got it. No excuses for them. However, they also said my taxes weren't paid and set up a $2000 escrow increasing my payments by double, despite the fact that I sent them a copy of the tax receipt. I don't know how they manage to stay in business. I used to work for a mortgage company and know the original lender - I'm going to have a chat with them about selling paper to ASC!

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Feb 06, 2007 5:52 am EST

Just put a strap on it and pay it on time and you will not need to pay the fee for the online payment option. Remember its a courtesy they offer you that option. They don't have to...per your note, all they have to do is offer your a mailing address... so grow up!

Christie Betancourt
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Feb 09, 2007 10:38 am EST

My mortgage was also sold to America's Servicing Company. This company is the worst company I have ever dealt with. They should not have the word "America" as there name. They don't deserve to call themselves America's Company. They are full of crap.

Margaret Forestier
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Feb 15, 2007 11:06 am EST

Unfortunately the complaints are valid.

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Feb 16, 2007 6:11 pm EST

I make my payments online thru my bank every time so that it would go faster. They say that it's still late for some reason. They have got to be doing something dirty just to make more money. I've already had a bad feeling about this company. I came through this website when I was searching for their website. Didn't know that this company got so many complaints. I will be checking them out in the BBB (Better Business Bureau). We're going to be refinancing soon and we won't be coming back to this company most definitely! What goes around comes around!

Danny Bradshaw
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Feb 25, 2007 4:37 pm EST

I just don't like this company thou i have had no real big problem with them it seems as if they start to call you for there payment the day it is due and not just once to give you a reminder but three four times i have had to adjust the day i make my payments to ten day before the due date i would hate to really be behind in my payments I'd bit they would start to take body parts.

Angie Allan
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Mar 01, 2007 11:39 am EST

I also have had my mortgage sold to America's Servicing Company and am very disappointed. I mail out my payments ON TIME...and somehow every month when I call to see why my payment hasn't cleared yet, they say they haven't received it and they can look for it. I started sending it out 2 day Priority Mail and when I call 2 or 3 days later to see if they received it, THEY STILL DIDNT HAVE IT! Which, they should have received it by then. I haven't gotten any late fees yet, but it is still confusing as to why it takes so long for them to post your payment. Oh, I know they can add more interest to you loan!

Sheila Washington
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Mar 03, 2007 6:36 am EST

I too did not select ASC as my mortgage holder... my mortgage was sold to them... although as of yet I haven't experienced any problems with my payment posting... I do agree that in this day and is a disgrace that they charge to make a payment online... so, I continue to do it the old-fashioned way... because they get enough of my money already!... it seems that most of the bills I have, prefer online payments. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Shirley Beckner
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Mar 05, 2007 4:57 am EST

I am a little behind on my payments. My husband has had a light stroke and heart attack. I sent them a check to try and get caught up. I wrote a note with it and ask them to hold it until march 3rd and even dated it march 3rd. And they went ahead and sent it to my bank. Now it has caused it to be over drawn. I have ask and ask them to work with me on this and they refuse.

Deborah Dougherty
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Mar 05, 2007 1:29 pm EST

OH MY GOSH! This has to be the worst case of fraud I can imagine. ASC has given me such a headache (literally I get a migraine having to deal with them) They have held my check. Said I owe taxes that have been paid. I cant access my account on line. They charge an outrageous $15.00 "just in time fee" when you make a payment over the phone...just in time what the heck are they talking about...they charge it even if you pay early. I have started paying over the phone because when I mail a check they claim They dont have it..B.S. is all I have to say about that. "I HATE this company. I wish my loan was never sold to them and I would love to be involved in the class action law suit that should happen for these crooks. I actually pray for this company to have to pay back all of the people they rip off every day.

Cary Newborn
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Mar 05, 2007 2:39 pm EST

I found this page accidentally. I Googled ASC so I can find out about their prepayment penalties because I now have my 2nd client of the DAY trying to refinance and get out of their loan. It looks like I will be able to help both clients and give them great benefits on top of their dissatisfaction with ASC. If anyone reads this and would like a FREE analysis to see if it's worth refinancing out of their ASC loan, feel free to email me or call me at [protected] ext. 148 and ask for Cary Newborn.

Norma Garcia
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Mar 07, 2007 10:27 pm EST

My parent's mortgage just got sold to this company this month, I submitted payment, but still see no posting on it. I haven't inquire about it or not. I just google this company and I saw all this information. This is my parent's first mortgage and I don't want to deal with a company like this. Can someone give me more info of what's going on? help! I'm scare now after seeing everyone's complaints!

Jason Kosmicki
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Mar 08, 2007 2:35 pm EST

This company is such a joke on so many different levels. a 15.00 phone fee and a 10.00 internet fee? Are you kidding me, Im paying you money to pay you money?

Check this out...I bought my moms house in Texas because she is sick and cant work any more. ASC holds the mortgage on it. 6.85% interest on a 53.000.00 note and the monthly payments are 520.00 per month? Does that sound right?

She told me that her payments were much lower than that, but "Once i got to this new mortgage company they upped my payments." With her being an elderly person, she didnt know any better. But now theres a new Sherrif in town, we have to take this company down.

While surfing the net, i saw a number to a lawyers office and it appears they are putting together a class action law suit against this company.

PLEASE CALL THE LAWYERS [protected] they will call you back and give you some great advice.

We need to unite on this thing, this Americas servicing company is an oxymoron, it is anti-American.


EM Hall
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Mar 09, 2007 4:06 pm EST

I have had all of these problems and more with ASC. They are unreachable and did not apply insurance I purchased for our home to our account. We got a bill for $1,952 a year we owed to escrow because our other insurance didn't post. I can't get them on the phone, I can't get anything to them in the mail, they don't respond to faxes. To add insult to injury my credit is screwed too because they don't post payments made by mail for weeks. Of 3 years in a home I have made all but 4 payments by phone and have a whopping 4 late pays on my report. It sure feels nice and safe to be with such an ethical company.

S Chaney
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Mar 11, 2007 2:26 pm EDT

I've read some of the other complaints. WOW! I'm shocked that there are so many. My loan was transferred from GMAC two months ago (without notice). I have had nothing but problems with this company. Yesterday I received a voice message from them, so I called them back. The rep asked me if I plan to refinance my house. I said I don't know. I was thinking maybe they wanted to offer me something. Then he tells me that I'm 4 days late and if I plan to keep living in my home. I did loose my cool and hung up on him. I have never received a call like this. Why would you ask someone who is 4 days late if they plan to keep living in their home? What kind of customer service is that? Everyone know that customer service is the key to repeat customers. I do plan to refinance. I can't imagine dealing with this company long term.

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Mar 12, 2007 1:07 pm EDT

Like most of you I was outraged to find out that I had to pay a company money, to pay them money that was due. I am glad to hear that there is a class action law suit in the makings and I would love to be a part of it. these guys are truly a bunch of crooks and I would like nothing more than to bring them DOWN!

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Mar 14, 2007 2:53 am EDT

My loan was sold to American Servicing Company, and while I have not had any complaints. I am a licensed real estate attorney and would like to look into filing a class action lawsuit. For those who have had problems with this company please email me at Please explain the nature of your complain and contact information. Let' stop these people from harming others and ruining our credit and lives.

Candice, California

Diane Johnson
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Mar 19, 2007 2:26 pm EDT

This company has ruined our credit by putting our home in foreclosure status while we were waiting for help from them. By the time we got help we were three months behind and was told to ignore the letters from the trustee office for sale of our property, the posting that was hung on our garage while we were out, as well as the constant calls and visits by investors and real estate agents. During the three month we were told all actions would be suspended when our payment plan started. We started the payment plan with a down payment of $4,000.00 in July as well as signing a payment agreement of 2091.00 on August of [protected] plus 481.00 on the rears)to avoid foreclosure. Although we were not aware or told that they had reported it as a foreclosure on our credit report, it will remain in the county public records until the plan is over in 02/2008, 90 day lates would continue every month until 02/2008,while they collected interest. We now have our house on the market for sale even though we will have to pay 6000 in pre-payment penalty because of an 2 yr arm that ends in Dec. 2007. We fear that we may lose all equity if we miss a payment and go to foreclosure. This has been a huge financial burden. We are finding out that we can not purchase a less expensive property or rent an apartment because of our credit. We fear we will having difficultly finding a place to live and re-group. I am interested in a class action law suit. This is not right!

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Mar 23, 2007 7:44 am EDT

My loan was also sold to ASC about a year and a half ago. This is my first home so you can understand how happy I was to finally be in a financial position to be a home owner. I did everything right, built my credit, looked into all the loan options, searched for a reputable mortgage broker and real estate agent, and made DOUBLY sure I was not getting in over my head payment wise. For the first six months of my loan I was a proud home owner, but that all ended when my loan was sold to ASC.

I have an 80/20 so I have 2 accounts with ASC (lucky me) and from month one I have had nothing but problems. First they applied all payments to one loan causing the other to be late, and then after 2 months of arguing with them that it was their mistake they were finally able to get my accounts straightened out. Needless to say this little event was the first bad mark on my credit report with them, and has since been followed up by many more.

There has not been a month were I haven't been harassed 2-3 times a day on the phone when they haven't "received" my payment yet even though it was mailed a week earlier. I was forced to get an escrow account even though I was paying my taxes without issue(200 dollar increase in my mortgage payment), I switched insurance companies and they harassed me about that saying I had no insurance when my agent sent them all the information the day I switched.

They have lost my payments for an entire month telling me I'm two months behind at which point the foreclosure letters start coming in the mail. There is one late notice after another on my credit report now, and my score has dropped 100 points causing it to be hard for me to refinance to get away from ASC. All I wanted was to own my own place, and feel like I have accomplished something huge in my life...

Now I curse the day I purchased my home every day. ASC has turned my "American" dream into a nightmare that I can't wake up from. I miss the days when all I had to deal with was a noisy landlord. I'm behind any class action suit 100% this company has made my life a living hell.

MIchael K. TYson
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Mar 28, 2007 7:21 am EDT

When and how can we file a suit? I have two loans that were sold to them and am completely baffled that not only do they charge to pay online, they have the nerve to call me after the 1st for a payment that is not technically due until the 15th. I have tenants that have until the 8th and I am not moving there dates up. This company is a joke! I sent in payments and were told they were late, but I get a two month grace period. What happens after that?

Chris Barrett
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Mar 28, 2007 5:34 pm EDT

What the hell is wrong with this company? I do short sales with people who are loosing their homes and it takes me 2-3 hours on average just to get off of hold and talk to a live person. Even if i get to speak with someone they never have a clue what is going on plus they drag their feet doing everything. Example: i sent in a short sale packet in early December and still haven't gotten an answer and its almost April! Dont think i haven't called these people... 3-5 times a week a talk to someone who tell me the same thing... Were really backed up right now and were short handed so were still reviewing the materials... Holy crap these people are screwing up peoples credit and could care less

Elsy Rubio
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Apr 14, 2007 5:59 am EDT

This company should not be rendering services. They are charging a $10.00 fee for payments online.

Walter Stinnett
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Apr 16, 2007 7:40 pm EDT

I am trying to make a payment and discovered that you can't, at least online, pay with a credit card. I wanted to make a partial payment and there was no facility to do that. All you could do was pay the total. What really got me was the fact that they charge $10 to pay online, $15 for the automated service on the phone and $20 for a customer service rep to help you. Apparently they don't want you to pay so that they can collect the late fee. I have never heard of a company that did not allow you to pay by credit card. Those extra fees are highway robbery.

Carrie Porter
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Apr 17, 2007 6:01 am EDT

OH MY GOSH! Frustrating is all I can say... I have never been late on my mortgage in 5 years until now! I was sold to this company and I have been charged a late fee every month... SAME STORY DIFFERENT VERSE... Just like every one else has said, if I mail it it is still late. I was told this month to pay by phone it was a $20.00 charge not $15.00. As far as paying online I can't find a website, only negative responses from their customers... The customer service rep I talked to could barely speak english, and argued with me for 15 minutes... I finally gave up and told him I would mail the payment in minus a late fee and I told him they could just start adding those babies up! I refuse to pay them... MY house is going on the market just to get away from this company. I too would love to be involved in a class action suit!

Krishna Barua
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Apr 18, 2007 11:42 am EDT

I had the same exact issue with making payments. When you send a check it takes forever to cash. I dont know how many times I had to fight with them to waive late fees because of this. I got so fed up that I kept telling them they needed to have an option to make a payments via internet.Not forgetting to mention that it took them forever to get one, when they finally did, my excitement quickly turned into disappointment. Suddenly, I have to pay just to... pay? This is the only company I know that charges you for this service. The worst part about this is that I have to deal with them for another year.

Rick Burton
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Apr 19, 2007 12:05 pm EDT

I wasn't aware of the fee to pay your mortgage over the internet, but I pay my through my own banks (bank of america) free online bill paying service. I have had my problems with this company and have complained to the Federal Reserve. Good luck all.

Shirley Beckner
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Apr 23, 2007 7:21 pm EDT

If someone wants to start a lawsuit against this company let me know because I am having problems with them to they are fraudulent company they are on the government fraud list. Thank you, Shirley Beckner

Michelle George
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Apr 24, 2007 6:22 am EDT

I am total agreement with all comments that ASC is fraudulent company with obsessive charges:

$10.00 for on line payment
$15.00 for phone payment
$20.00 for customer service payment
$35.00 for payments posted after 1he 16 day of the month

I would also like a knowledgeable ASC representative explain how the interest rate regulated. If the index rate is going down why is interest rate on an adjustable rate increasing by 1% . the increase in 6 months is was 4% now in May will go up another 1%. I have spoken to customer service and there are rude and inept.

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Apr 24, 2007 10:18 am EDT

I dont know what is going on with them i too have had problems.however it has been my fault. They say now you can go to to see your account. Also their number is [protected] if anyone needs it. I was off work for 3 months for a broken leg.had to have surgery. Not fun so i did get behind. This is our first place. I thought there could of been some medical something out there if this happened? Anyone know anything? Thanks, michelle creve coeur, il.

John Henderson
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Apr 24, 2007 2:04 pm EDT

All you who spend your time complaining are wasting your time. Complaining about making a over the phone fee. UHHHHHH... mail your payment on time instead of waiting till last minute. Or better yet while not take advantage of the free auto withdrawal. stop complaining. your responsible for making your payments on time, no one said you had to pay a fee to make a payment. Its 39 CENTS. Be responsible and stick to your agreement when you signed your loan. And all of you complaining about the reminder calls, who cares, they offer great programs, which are not even necessary to provide to us. I think you all are upset because most of you cant make your payment on time, and need to blow off some steam. Lets be a little more mature here america... GOSH wow. Complaining about a fee over the phone. I know about 98% of you all wait to the last min. Do yourself a favor and stop crying. ASC is a great company.

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