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Costco Complaints 1971

12:44 pm EDT

Costco kitchen aid stand mixer professional 5+

I opened the box, one part of a mixer is missing, a lot of stcratches on a main body of a mixer, like it's been used for years!😡😡😡. It doesn't even work! How is it possible?! I paid for a brand new product! I need it for my class today! Not tmr or yesterday! Today! Why do you sell used products as new?! I am extremely disappointed! Awful customer service! Awuful product!

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5:57 pm EDT
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Costco gas station

On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, at about 2:25 p.m., I went to a Costco gas station for the first time, at Costco Hunt Club in Ottawa. The female attendant was rude and unhelpful, unlike all other contacts I have had with Costco employees. She rudely complained about how I positioned my car after she signaled me to go around the truck in front of me. She was curt with my wife regarding where you tap the card. She was impatient and rude when I was slow in using the unfamiliar gas pump, commenting "Just like any other gas pump, sir." I was shocked and very angry - I am reluctant to return to a Costco gas station. The extra money that I pay at my nearby self-serve Drummond's Gas for a quick and peaceful fill-up, and friendly, courteous service, when I sometimes go inside, is worth it.

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6:03 pm EDT
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Costco employee complaint

Sooo, I just want to complain about a worker that I unfortunately ran into today, more specifically, a chasier Im not sure what her name was but I belive it was Audra. I cant belive that in all of the time that I have shopped at the SAME costco location for years and I mean years like since was a child I was treated so poorly and with such disrespect. I went in today to go shopping for the family usuing my fathers card, yes I know the policy cards do not transfer like I said my family has been costco members for years now, and the lady told me that he had to be present which I understand but I told her it was my father and showed no understanding at all in return she gave me attitude and the guy helping her just chuckeled like could he of been more rude you do not need to laugh at people when I clearly was not talking to him. I have been in and out many times before getting groceries for my family while my parents are at work and doing other errands. I do not need somebody to give me attitude and throw my groceries just because I was trying to communicate. All I ask is an acknowledgement that not everyone have time to go grocery shopping and not everyone is always at home sometimes older siblings has to take some responsablity in helping out the household. She could've clearly asked me anything about the card and I could've answered everything, address, name on card etc... please tell your employees to be more respectful its okay to try to enforce policy but it is defiantly not okay to give attitude and to throw my groceries I go to costco for good quality not to come home with beat up fruit and smashed up containers.

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11:28 am EDT

Costco removal of polish dog

I can't believe that Costco is removing the polish dog from the food court menu. This is one of mine and my wife's favorite lunches when we are shopping at Costco. I'm not a hot dog fan, but the polish sausage is an exception and the price is amazing. Isn't a healthier alternative our choice and not Costco's? I think that we have the right to choose what we eat. Looks like we'll have to make other lunch plans in the future. What's next...samples? Shame on you Costco.

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11:13 am EDT

Costco food court

First you took away the chocolate covered ice cream bar, then you take away the chocolate frozen yogurt, next to go is the berry sundae. Now your dessert options are disgusting! Today I find out you're getting rid of the polish dog, very upsetting. You have lost the business from me, my family and everyone I know! If people want healthy options then let them eat salad! Better yet bring back the chocolate frozen yogurt they can eat that! The only silver lining to my costco trip was getting myself a snack. Which was needed after dealing with the crowds, horrible lines, and the nightmare parking lot. I will not be renewing my elite membership if this isn't resolved. Very sad day for me and you, but not for Sam's club. I will be looking into getting a membership there.

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Jul 11, 2018 5:25 pm EDT

Removing the polish dog will go down in history as the biggest business mistake ever. SAMs Club from now on.

7:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Costco directv

Please see following documents provide and note I'm being charged for equipment of 21 dollars and when I signed the 2 year contract at Costco I did not agree to the amount I'm being billed. I have called Costco and Directtv several times and neither company is taking responsibility for the mistake. I went to the Costco located at 4696 gardens Park blvd, Orlando, Fl 32839 was told that Kurtis the dept. manager would help me so when I arrived at the store I was told to go talk to Directtv. Directtv called in and they were only able to get this month waived. Directtv said this will not correct your issue and yes your write Costco waives that fee for there customers. I then went back to talk to the dept. manager Kurtis and was told now he was in a meeting and they just handed me the Costco phone number. I told them I have all ready tried contacting the Costco Directtv and At & T. I didn't want things to get ugly so I just left Costco without my issue being resolved after spending nearly 2 hours with Directtv. Please provide me with a contact person I can get to honor what Costco sold me?

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9:07 pm EDT

Costco removal of the polish hot dog

Please do not remove the Polish hot dog, many people really look forward to have their polish hot dog. I know I speak for many customers when I say: We do not go to the Costco food court for "organic" or "veggie burgers". We go there for our favorites the hot dog, pepperoni pizza, and the chocolate yogurt. I know that if you delete the good stuff to add the "healthy" stuff I will go elsewhere for my hot dog or pizza. It is so nice to do a day of shopping at Costco and buying a polish dog or whatever no matter how bad it is for us..

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Vicki Bassett
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Jul 26, 2018 6:05 pm EDT

My favorite! I'm sure gonna miss it! 🤨😫🤐

4:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Costco organic carrots 10lb bags

You used to carry Organic Bunny Love Carrots. No More.
I suppose It was just another Bean counting miracle

Profit over quality:

You never can make quite enough can you.
How much Is enough? More right"

Anyway...Your Brand change sucks! California Organic -
That we get here, In Las Vegas NV always come in ROTTEN"

Imagine that" Rotten carrots at Costco. Who New"

Apparently your skids of 10LB bags of Organic carrots;
sit somewhere warehouse, In trucks? Then like much of the ruined
produce In Las Vegas Nv. It's most likely Frozen and then thawed out.

By then you guessed It It's Now spent! Rubbery Salmonella carrots.
I noticed the Summerland and North Decatur stores are much worse
then the MLK business store here In town.

I got a Costco card mainly for your cheep carrot prices.
At that time you were the only store who carried Bunny Love Brand.

The quality was superb! Always fresh" carrot orange from end to end.
No Mold. No salmonella. Now. forget about It. If I have to pay more I will.

I can not continue this any more your quality just gets worse and worse.
I'm not eating your moldy carrots anymore. All cal organic produce sucks anyway.

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Update by Novas Noshipop
Jul 08, 2018 4:58 am EDT

Your I am not a robot last about 10 minutes can you giniuse's not have a different very process
that ends the same day.

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11:52 am EDT

Costco Public allpoint atm

Estos racistas cerdos no dejan entrar a nadie al edifici ni siquiera a usar el atm o el bano del lugar a menos que tenga la puta membrecia sucia y cara de ellos. Son unos rasistas descarados que denlberiamos de meterlos a corte al igual que metimos a la corte a starbucks.

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8:35 pm EDT

Costco service food

Your Bend store no longer serves polish dogs or sauerkraut. Very disappointed and I'm not the only one we drive all the way 30 mins to shop and have a quick and great priced lunch. Really the only reason to have a costco membership. You will be losing several memberships from our small town. I would pay more for them, please bring it back. I don't want a hamburger!

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5:35 pm EDT

Costco tires

I bought tires approximately 2 years ago and have been back several times because 2 of them will not hold air. I am single and they were extremely expensive tires and I cannot afford to buy new ones when I paid like $800 already. I have on tire that since I bought I have to fill it about every 3 or 4 days. The other tire goes low about 1 time per month. I have gone into the tire department 3 or 4 times and each time they say they have tested them, they are not sure why, because they cannot find a leak. I do not have time to take off work and go every time they go and I am so irritated that I spent that kind of money and for 2 years I have to fill up my tires all the time. This is not okay and no matter how many times I bring them in they do nothing to correct the issue.

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11:10 pm EDT

Costco food court

I went to Costco food court on July 05th around 5pm, The woman who took my order like she hates her job completely. B'cos I wanted order slice of vegan pizza, she said no they only sell whole pizza but they advertisied they sell slice and whole pizza . Ok so I moved on I said give me chicken baked, strawberry Sunday which was advertised again she said she doesn't sell that, so I was fine then give me vanilla and burger, for burger she said I have to wait another 10 mins . Top of everything she messed up my order gave to somebody else and I had to wait another 15 mins . No apologies, nothing . So I wanted to make a complain about but no name badge, all other workers had but not only her . I spoke to temporary person in charge but I know they just didn't give a dam . They took almost 45 mins just to give hamburger and no apology from her atall after all her behavior.

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Jul 11, 2018 4:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi I felt the same thing today. No line mark was there to stand. No one was guiding with responsibility.

9:37 am EDT

Costco 880198

Hi I bought a wiper blade at one of PR stores. when I was going to install it, I found out is not only not the size, but not the brand and not in new condition. I contacted support stating that I was mad with the situation especially, how can I buy with confidence that I'm getting what I pay for. Also I was encourage to cancel my membership by CS. The item I was supposed to get was a goodyear 510mm or 20" wiperblade instead I got an used Duralast wiper, how can an used Item that I can asume it is a returned item get to the aisles and get sold as a new item? Not only that I fell that this create mistrust in your products and company, as I told CS this may seem as a small thing but it isn't. The closest Costco store is 1:30 hors away from my house, I have to plan ahead to go and I go because I love Costco. But now I have to spend gas and my time to go to the store and exchange this item. As you can see it create an inconvenience for me, and since that is my only option I got 3 time screwed because I ave a blown wiper blade on my car.Again how is it possible that an used item got back on sale without being at least verify for accuracy.

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11:57 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Costco trying to order a desktop online

I submitted an order online for a desktop computer. A half hour later I got a message that my order was cancelled. I called customer service who after asking around said it was just a glitch to submit again and it would go through. I submitted again and a half hour later I got an email that said my order was cancelled. I called again. They said it was because my billing address didn't match my citi/costco credit card. I have had three orders with the same information this summer with no problem. So I changed my billing address to match my citi/costco credit card and tried again. A half hour later I got an email that my order was cancelled. I logged on to Amazon. Tried once. My computer will be delivered tomorrow.

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11:15 pm EDT

Costco josh at tire shop in stockton ca

I purchased new tires and my at Stockton Costco and thing we're great tires came timely and service was good. Then when I returned the follow day to have my tires installed I was unable to locate the lug nut key. The guy who sold me the tire and the tech said they can break it off and put on a new one. I said well let me check another place and if I can't find it we can break it and jus use regular lug nuts. So I left for like 25 min and was unable to find the key. So when I returned I said go ahead and remove the lug nut with out the key. A new guy was behind the counter and said we don't do that and I said well I was told u would. So he went to look for the other 2 guys but they were no where to be found. So a second tech JOSH came out and said we don't take lug nuts off without the key. And I said if u can't take if off how can I put my tires on espically since I was told by to other workers that u can. And he said I can go to auto zone and buy somthing or take it to the Honda shop. And I said well if I take it there I might as well get tires from them and he said we can give u a refund and I said fine then if u can't find the people who I tAlk to the first time I'm not going to wait around for them. He was all to happy to give me a refund. As I was get a refund he was laughing with the refund work and most likely at my expense. He was high fiving all the workers and making my bad experience worse I have never seen that behavior at any Costco he had to respect for the customer and I was not out of line or raising my voice at all so I would suggest that the policy and communication factor as well as proper behavior be address with this department especially josh the tire tech

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9:31 pm EDT

Costco rude person at checkout


Today I visited Costco at Union, New Jersey. At the checkout line, I realized zed that I had lost my card. The person at checkout, Mr Gainsley (Mr G on his name tag) was very unaccomdating given that I had a nagging toddler in my arm. After a few minutes to get my customer Id, he scanned my items but did not put my items in the cart. I said, I have a child in my hand, why do not you help me. He refused to help and told me I have to put the items in cart myself.

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9:59 am EDT

Costco fresh packaged cod fish

I purchased a package of cod fish from my local costco at 8000 parramore rd. Jacksonville, fl 32244 on 7/2/2018 at around 7:00 p.M. I took the cod fish home to prepare a meal for my family and when I opened the package there was a worm in the fish. I called the local costco store to advise them of what happened and your employee advised that this is normal. Normal, a worm/parasite in my fish... I think not... I advised your employee that I would be returning the fish to the store. Once at the store, again your employee tried convincing me that it is normal to find a parasite/worm in my fish. I said if this is normal then why is there not a sign out on display saying that it is a possibility that a worm/parasite could be found in your fish and let me make the decision if I would like to buy it or not. I am very disturbed by this as I just spent hours in the emergency room last week with my son having a case of food poisoning and I don't want to go through that again. I have purchased fish many of times from sam's and costco and have never experienced this. I am requesting to speak with someone within your corporate office to rectify this situation. I have video and will be posting it on social media and taking this to my local news station. My family has been traumatized to the point they would not eat last night or this morning. I just upgraded my membership and am a loyal customer with costco and held it to very high standards only to have been let down by this incident.

Erika kilpatrick

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9:39 am EDT

Costco online service

I ordered a Vitamix package online. I waited a week for delivery and the package never arrived. I went online to check the order and it stated cancelled with no explanation. I called the number and was on hold for 25 minutes. When I finally got to speak with someone I felt like I was treated like a criminal and here is why. When I asked why my order was cancelled the response was Costco could not verify your address. How long have you been living there? ( I receive my mail at a PO Box). I stated 3 months. She said you have to receive your mail at the site for three weeks before the site will verify your address. She said, "This is an expensive item, we can't just send it anywhere." I said I know, I am paying for the item. You have the card and money, it is not like it is not paid for. I said I am sitting in the house now. She said we will have to speak to someone in the house to verify that you live there." It was just ridiculous! I did not even receive a cancellation notice or phone call and I had been a member for years in the State I had lived prior. Very, very disappointing to be treated like that.

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8:56 am EDT

Costco membership cashback

I have been a member of Costco for almost two years now. Last year, we signed up for the Exclusive level membership, as we planned to shop heavily at Costco and were sold on the cash-back option. Fast-forward to a year later, in Jan 2018, when we decided that we would renew at the base level instead of Exclusive. We have requested on five separate occasions - twice at the store, three times over the phone - to receive our cash back from last year's Exclusive membership. We have yet to receive it. Our last request was over the phone in May 2018 when we verified our address again.

This is my only complaint about your company, but it is a serious one. How is it that you sell a membership with certain benefits, and then make your customer's jump through hoops to get it? Our cash back value is something like $65 - not a lot of money. The fact that you're making it so hard to receive, per our signed membership contract, does not say much for your company ethos and priorities.

Furthermore, how is that a company of your size has refused to update this process and are still using mailed paper cheques that your customers have to wait for for 4-6 weeks? I understand that you want only certain departments to be in charge of cash back. But that could just as easily be done with a credit applied to our customer card. Your system is antiquated, inefficient and, right now, seems solely aimed at making it harder for your customer's to get what they were promised, and easier for you to get away with it.

I will be escalating this complaint privately until I receive a reply.

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10:17 pm EDT

Costco nature's domain turkey & pea stew for dogs

I have 5 dogs and have been feeding your Kirkland Nature's Domain Turkey & Pea Stew For Dogs for years and the last case I bought the consistency is very watery to the point where I took it back to the store and they replaced it with another case, but this is exactly the same. I don't know what has happened, but as I said before I've been using the same Turkey & Pea Stew and it's never been like this before. Can you please check with your producer and see what the problem is as I really like the product the way it was, but not the way it is now. I don't want any replacement unless the consistency is corrected.
Jeff Magid

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Aug 19, 2018 11:43 am EDT

I just purchased my first cans of Nature's Domain Turkey and Pea stew. I am looking for an quality and affordable canned food for my 3 large dogs. I am holding off feeding my dogs any more of this food until I hear back from you with regard to the the watery consistency. Based on the comments from other long time users, this is an uncharacteristic quality. Your swift response to this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Jul 16, 2018 11:19 am EDT

I just wrote out a feedback to Costco about the dry product Kirkland Signature Nature's Domain Turkey and Sweet Potato. Much lower quality than before.

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About Costco

Costco is a well-known American multinational corporation that operates a chain of membership-only warehouse clubs. The company was founded in 1976 and has since grown to become one of the largest retailers in the world, with over 800 warehouses in various countries. Costco's mission is to provide its members with high-quality products at affordable prices, and it has become a go-to destination for shoppers looking to save money on everything from groceries to electronics.

One of the key features of Costco is its membership program. Customers pay an annual fee to become members, which gives them access to the company's warehouses and online store. This membership model allows Costco to offer lower prices than traditional retailers, as it can buy products in bulk and pass the savings on to its members. In addition, Costco's membership program helps to create a sense of exclusivity and loyalty among its customers.

Costco is known for its wide range of products, which includes everything from food and household items to electronics and clothing. The company's focus on quality is evident in its selection of products, as it only carries items that meet its high standards. Costco also offers a range of services, such as travel booking and pharmacy services, which further add value to its membership program.

Another key aspect of Costco is its commitment to sustainability. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing waste. Costco also works with suppliers to ensure that products are sourced ethically and sustainably.

Overall, Costco is a highly successful retailer that has built a loyal customer base through its membership program, commitment to quality, and focus on sustainability. With its wide range of products and services, competitive prices, and strong brand reputation, Costco is likely to remain a popular shopping destination for years to come.

Overview of Costco complaint handling

Costco reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 20, 2007. The latest review Website was posted on Jul 16, 2024. The latest complaint Service at Costco north lakes was resolved on Aug 21, 2022. Costco has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1971 reviews. Costco has resolved 131 complaints.
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