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CB Drug Store CVS I smell a huge heep of dung

CVS review: I smell a huge heep of dung 21

Author of the review
5:48 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Caremark sucks, they violate any sense of ethics and legally I'm sure they border on the negative but who is going to help you in a republican set up society. These idiots have carte blanche to do anything they want including violating your rights. Just quit using them and if everyone would get a clue that making complaints on a meaningless board like this is fruitless and just to quit using the idiots they would eventually feel the impact. Unfortunately the government would just bail them out so just chill, get a new pharmacy and take your pills from the "new nice pharmacy man or woman" and live your life with happiness. Dwelling is just going to get you more upset and they win. Fight back...your weapon? Don't give a ###. It's not worth your health and sanity. Flowers for everyone and go get a medical marijuana card...that really helps...(exhale) :)

Update by Jack Arsehol
Feb 22, 2011 5:59 pm EST

You should have gone right over to the middle of aisle 2, squatted and done your business!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Apr 01, 2010 7:01 pm EDT

I have been bringing 2 prescriptions to the CVS, located at the Rt. 35 and Shrewsbury Av. intersection, for some time now. Collectively, these priscptions cost just over $200 a month. Most of the time neither priscription is in stock, meaning I must make a minimum of 2 trips; one to drop off the priscrption and another to pick up the medicine and I have been doing this every month since January of this year, since moving to the area. Remebering other pharmacies that have filled these prescriptions in the past, I asked if it were possible to telephone a week ahead of each dr's appointment so that they could have my medication in stock and I could avoid making 2 (sometimes 3). Essentially everyone I spoke with, including the phamacist and assistant manager, din't seem to think making 2 or 3 seperate trips was a waist of resources - the best reply I was given was a condescending "we'll see what we can do". I have utilzed the suggested arrangement with both Walmart and Walgreens in the past and both pharmacies seemed grateful for the business. In fact, Walmart's pharmacist volunteered the idea as well as asking what more she could do to help me. I have since moved away from the area, but there is a Rite Aid just up the street from me and they voluntered the same offer of calling ahead so the medication could be ordered and can avoid making any unecissary trips. I think I will change back to Rite Aid...

Largo, US
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Apr 19, 2010 10:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Have you tried calling ahead? You mention that you asked about it, but you don't say if you actually tried it.

I would suggest speaking with the Pharmacy Manager and express to them what has been going on, and about how frustrated you are. If anything, why not ask your doctor for 2 prescriptions. 1 prescription for the full month amount and the 2nd just for a 3 day supply. That way, you have a couple put up for when this happens. Or, try and fill each prescription 3 days early until you have a week or two supply saved up. You can NOT fill a prescription more than 3 days early, but you don't have to wait until day 30 to fill or drop off the prescription.

Good luck

By the way...if you have such a nice pharmacy down the street (Rite Aid) I don't understand why you are even bothering with CVS at all at this point.

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Apr 29, 2010 7:24 pm EDT

On october 16th, 2017 my mother had dropped off a perscpription for percocet at one cvs location, the pharmisist said they did not have the medication to fill it that day it would be the 18th, so she left it there.On the 18th we went to pick it up we were told she had picked it up later that day, me, her daughter thought that was odd because she doesn't drive and has no car i always take her where she has to go...etc.Well i ask the pharm tech if she would check to see if maybe it had been filled at another cvs store she checked and sure enough it was filled on the october 16th at 8:20pm.Someone other then her or myself had picked it up, they took it to cvs on Boyscout rd, Augusta, Ga.So i go there and ask the pharmacy tech, Miranda if i could see who signed for the meds, she was kind enough to do so, it was not my mothers signature i ask her did they get an I.D. she replied No, i said why not it's the law on controlled substance, she replied "that they normally didn't check them because they were familure with just about everyone who came into the store".I ask her did you know the person who signed for the medicine she said no, and then i said do you know me? So i ask her to ask the manager of the store if it was possible for me to see security video for that day and time? maybe i could I.D. the person, that they so freely gave my mothers medicine to, also, cvs ran the medicine through on my mothers medicaid! anyway the manager told me " we don't have any security camera's, anywhere because soon they would be moving to a new location new store.I was just in shock!Not only are very wrong for not following protocal when picking up a controlled substance.I'm thinking their safety and security should be important to the people who own CVS as well as the CUSTOMERS! So anyway mother had to file a police report wait until it was in the records department, pick it up take it to her doctors office, which by the way was 5 days later, her doctor was out of town it took 2 more days to get in touch with him so he could authorize the doctor on call for him, to right out another perscription, so during all this mess thanks to CVS, mom had to go without her meds for days.she almost ended up in the hospital because she had go so many days with out her medication, CVS told the both of us after we informed them about the police report and HOW WRONG they were.The pharmisist Rick said, "when you get your perscription and the police report bring it to me and we will try to get medicaid to pay for it since it was stolen"! They seem to think they have no liability for this at all... I just can't believe that a company of this magnitude can be so irresponsible and STUPID... OH let me tell you America the manager offered a gift card for the inconvience...I'm still in awe about all this & the way CVS treats their customers (GET THE MONEY AND RUN) SHAME ON YOU CVS.

Your mom, US
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Apr 29, 2010 9:01 pm EDT

Obviously it was someone who knows your mother who stole the script. How else would they know her name to ask for it back from the original store?

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May 17, 2010 6:49 pm EDT

I was at CVS shopping picking up percriptions went to the counter to check out and the manager was checking me out. After I finished got my bags and turned around to walk, My foot went into a shopping basket of which there were three of them right in the line of walking out the door, not placed in the rack where they belonged...I slipped...tumbled several times ended up clear around the counter with the manager...with my foot clearly mangled inside this basket still. She asked me if I was alright, and took me to fill out a form and called someone. I went the ER where they placed a Knee immobilizer on me for two weeks with crutches and referred me to ORtho two weeks before xmas. Do you know Not one person called me to check on me after this until I finally called them to see what they were going to do about it? They acted very unconcerned and I still havent heard from a single soul. I have shopped at CVS my whole life but I will never go there again. They are very unconcered about your well being as a person. I had to contact an attorney and still have not heard anything. It was def negligence of the store to not place the baskets back in the rack where they belong. I COuldve been injured way worse. Terrible terrible service. They are just lucky I Didnt break a leg or arm. From now on I Will go to walgreens right around the corner.

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May 19, 2010 6:10 pm EDT

The cvs store in Chatham on Shunpike Rd. and the cvs in Florham Park both gave me a hard time trying to use the $3.00 coupon for this past Jan. 16-18. I didn't print out the coupon because prior to this time I was able just to give them the scan #, since I don't have a printer. They always took the scan # with no problem, this time they would take it. I ask them just this last time could you take it, then I will know for the next time to print it. Alsolutly NO they said. Let me tell you I spent so much time in both stores over this, cause now I had to gather up all my stuff to leave, then when I got home, I realized I left my cvs money card at one of the store. I had to then drive the half hour to go back to the store. I am finished with CVS over this. I would always save up what I need and wait for the coupon to show up on my computer. Many times a friend would come and buy stuff too. Give the customer a little break, well, I;m finished.

Spring Lake, US
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May 29, 2010 11:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is a month old but what in heaven's name does it matter if the person knew the mother or not! It was the whole attitude of the company and too many companies are like that now. Everyone is a number and doesn't matter unless they are some rich or important person.

I've gotten good treatment from uncaring doctors because my daughter is a doctor. When I hear how they treat "ordinary" people, I won't go back. If they can't treat everyone with respect, I don't want them to treat me.

We have Caremark and have always used the mail. Now they tell us we can use a local CVS. After reading this I will continue using the mail service and will never use a CVS at all. We have no choice about our provider because part of our premium is paid by my husband's company. But I sure don't have to walk into a CVS and won't.

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Jun 21, 2010 7:32 am EDT

I was a cvs caremark customer up until a year ago. On 5-14 I noticed a withdraw on my acct for $160 from "caremark mail". I have not ordered anything from caremark in a year. This doesnt make sense. Reps are nice, but case is now turned over to billing" - for a week now (Conveniently has no phone #)! Meantime, I am $110 negative balance in my checking acct and I need to pay bills. Caremark has no record of a $160 charge on my acct, yet now they have my money! I need it back asap plus overdraft fees!

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Jun 21, 2010 7:40 am EDT

CVS is a brand new player in Puerto Rico. Marketing is going well and it seems you will gain a lot of marketshare from Walgreens. One hour ago I visited a store (# 5219)that was opened last Monday and for security reason they said I was not able to used the bathroom. Yahaira mentioned that was a store policy. Later she authorized me to use it. Your company is violating a law from the Puerto Rico Health Department.

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Sep 23, 2010 3:31 pm EDT

Yes, because I'm sure at Walgreens ALL of the customers put their baskets back where they belong!
You do realize that it's the lazy customers that use the baskets in the store then can't be bothered to walk the extra two feet to put them back.

When you have 2 employees running the entire front store, how in the world do you expect them to dote on every item left by the laziness of others?

And how YOU missed seeing THREE RED baskets is beyond me. Guess people are just sue happy these days!

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Sep 25, 2010 11:21 am EDT

I would be more pissed at the person who stole her script not cvs..some ignorant CUSTOMER stole it not cvs...and its not their fault they don't have cameras if ur store isn't physically robbed at gunpoint multiple times, your store isn't given cameras. Do you think that makes us Feel safe as people who are there 40 hours a week?

Galax, US
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Dec 17, 2010 12:15 am EST

I agree with Jerry2970, its lazy and rude customers who cant put their baskets back, when there is a line of 5+ customers and only 1 or at the most 2 people running the front and also the photo lab, how in the world are we going to wait on customers every need and want, run the photo lab to get 20 orders of film out in a hour and also put up your baskets. If you cant put up one little red basket i would hate to see what your house looks like. And for another thing just because im a cashier does not mean im dumb or don't know what i am doing. Most of the cashiers you find are COLLEGE Students working there they get out of school. So treat us with a little respect because you never know who will one day be your doctor or your accountant and will want to get back at a rude customer.

Neighbors helping Neighbors
Hackettstown, US
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Jan 01, 2011 7:36 pm EST

Get a life and go to the library and print out the coupon. Why freak over 3.00 anyway I think these stores should stop all of these programs because people expect everyone to bend over back wards for them. The rules should be the rules no exceptions ever, you should be glad you ever got your way, cus know one has to make special exception just for you not anywhere in the whole world. Try being thankful for the one that do bend the rules for you and except responsibility for your own lack of effort to do things the right way.

New York, US
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Feb 25, 2011 2:05 am EST

Are you serious? Do you not understand why people are forced to use Caremark? Let me explain it to you. My company brokered a prescription plan with Caremark (CVS). If I want a prescription to be covered under my prescription plan, which I already pay into and cannot separate from my benefits package, I need to order through Caremark or get my doctor to write a prescription (usually 90 days) that Caremark will cover. It's not as easy as just going to another pharmacy. If I go to the Target pharmacy, for instance, maintenance drugs are not covered under the Caremark plan. This means for a Ventolin inhaler, I would need to pay the full price of $43.00 instead of the 90 day Caremark price of $90. Now, there are some things that you can get a good price on by using the generic, and for those, I go to the same pharmacist I have been going to for 10 years, who is not covered under Caremark, but for those larger purchases, there's just no way I could afford that. Don't get me wrong. I think Caremark is awful. They are not health care professionals and are therefor not qualified to be making some of the calls that they make. It's like expecting someone who watches TV to know how to direct. Hopefully businesses will be dissuaded from using Caremark, but it's not going to happen until all these complaints come to light.

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Jun 19, 2011 5:39 pm EDT

I was very excited to see your ad that showed Net Books for 98.00 before the holidays. My two children both requested computers or laptops for Christmas. My husband and I thought the Net books were a fairly priced and a good compromise for the children. We called CVS to make sure they were still in stock and unfortunately, most stores did not have anymore left. We have family in Indiana and found out that there were Net books still available in Highland, IN, close to them so we made the drive. When we received the Net books we wrapped them and placed them under the tree.

After Christmas we traveled so the kids had no time to really play with their Christmas toys. So approximately two weeks after Christmas we begin to hook up all of the devices they had received for Christmas and to our surprise the Net books did not work. So we contacted the IT helpdesk that was indicated on the boxes. It was close to the New Year so they did not get back to us for several days, after which only one Net book even came on, so we decided to exchange the Net books on our next trip to Indiana which was on January 21, 2017 at which time my husband was told he could return the Net books (to that store) for a refund if we had any further problems. After several attempts only one of the Net books would even come on so we decided that with all of the devices "not working" correctly and at this point a total of four, we decided to take them back for a full refund in Highland, Indiana. And because we live over an hour from Highland, IN we did not make it back to that store until yesterday 2.12.11 to get a refund on the Net books.

Yesterday my husband was told by the store clerk that he could only have a $200.00 store credit well he requested to speak with a manager. The manager was not available, so he was told to contact the manager on the next day. My husband contacted Ron today 2.13.11 to discuss this matter at which time my husband was told that the reason he did not get a refund was because the clerk said he wanted cash, which was not true, my husband offered her the card with which the merchandise was purchased. This clerk expressly lied to Ron. Ron went on to say that because he had exchanged the Net books on the 1.21.11 the 90 day refund period started over from 1.21.11 and not from the original purchase date, which made since to us and that we could go any CVS locally in our town Antioch, IL. or other for a full refund to the card that we used to purchase the Net books. Today 2.13.11 I went to CVS in Antioch, IL. and spoke with Andy and Lori, shift supervisors who told me that we were only eligible for a $200.00 store credit.

I then requested that they speak to Ron at the Highland, IN at CVS store # [protected]) at which time Andy contacted him. Andy told me to come back when the store manager is available tomorrow and gave me name and number to call in Antioch, IL. Joe [protected]. We have made a total of three trips from having the Net Books exchanged to trying to get refunded our money for Net books that never even worked and yet we still do not have a resolution to this problem. In addition, we never had working Net Books and we just want the money returned to our card at this point. We exchanged the items within the period indicated on the receipt, followed the rules and yet I feel we still are not being treated as customers, moreover, every time we speak with someone we get a different and many times conflicting stories almost like we are dealing with different organizations within one. It's quite scary!

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Aug 26, 2011 3:58 pm EDT

I'm sending this complaint and intent to take this issue to the insurance commissioner, channel 8, and the BBB if need be. I never had a problem with getting my rx filled and now that my husbands company decided to use this mail order plan I've had nothing but problems. My medication was denied at the pharmacy and I was told they have no information on why I would need to call caremark. The next day I was on the phone with caremark and spoke with a cs rep to get my mail order setup. I asked her how I would go about getting the meds I needed until the mail order went through. I also asked how the program works as far as my contract goes. There is an 8-10 day turn around time. I didn't have enough of meds to cover that time span. I was told by her to purchase the meds and submit a claim with the receipt. I was then transferred to the rep that sets up the account. Not knowing how this program works I called a few more times that day questioning how my scripts get to them and what information my doctors needed to fax over.

I purchased my script and paid $55.00 out of pocket. My claim was denied and only because I called to get a status update I was told my claim was denied. I didn't get a denial by mail or a phone called. It's amazing how when my credit cared didn't go through a rep was right on that and new how to get a hold of me asap. On 4/26/10 I spoke with Arturo P. who was unwilling to help in every way. I'm a medical biller and worked for many insurance companies so I no calls are logged and I no how the systems works. I was trying to go through the dates with him of all the phone calls I ever made to caremark and that was like pulling teeth. I've never called caremark other then to get an rx over ride then to setup this account. It was not that difficult to get this information. It's very disheartening to think how unwilling people are to help someone in need who was given the wrong information. I will do everything I can to get the word out about how bad the customer services is and how unwilling your cs reps and managers are on giving help to someone. Also I will make sure to advise as many companies, doctors, and patients that your cs reps are not trained correctly and when a problems accrues the reps and managers try to blame you for not knowing your contract. Seeing as I got no documentation as far as my plan goes you would think that's what you pay cs for.

Harrisonville, US
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Sep 13, 2011 1:55 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Did you call and speak with a representative from Customer Service, or possibly ask to escalate the issue if you were not satisfied with the results? Speaking from experience, if you request to escalate the issue, someone will research what has happened and will be able to explain if not resolve the issue for you.

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Sep 20, 2011 11:30 pm EDT

CVS is always wanting people to transfer their prescriptions to them from other pharmacies, but it taks forever to get them to do anything. We went to the Haughton, La pharmacy on [protected] at Noon to get a prescription moved from Walgreens to CVS. When I call CVS today January 16th at 10 a.m. I was told it would be about another hour before they could call Walgreens to make the transfer and the prescription would be filled in about another hour.
This is not the first time it has taken 24 hours to get a transfer.
My son moved to within 1 mile of the Haughton store so he wanted to transfer his son's medication to that store from Wal-Mart in Minden. After 3 days of wainting he drove an additional 20 miles to Minden to get the medication because CVS STILL HAD NOT MADE THE TRANSFER.

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Oct 20, 2011 8:11 pm EDT

I went to my local CVS Pharmacy in Bowdon, GA 30108 to get a prescription filled and noticed a few things that just wasn't right. First when I walked up to the counter the Pharmacist was being very harsh to the girls working in the pharmacy. They asked him about when he would have a prescription checked for a customer and he replied very snappy to the employee in front of the customer "if the customer is in such a rush tell her to take her business elsewhere!" I am sorry but I thought customers are always a priority?! Anyways the second and last thing was that when the man in front of me asked to speak to Pharmacist the Pharmacist replied "I have other things to do" and told the foreign looking employee to take care of it. I have a cousin that works in a Pharmacy that told me that techs aren't allowed to do counseling only the Pharmacist can because you have to have a license to counsel. So if this is true someone needs to inform this Pharmacist. The man was upset because the Pharmacist neglected help to him and asked him for his name which I believe was "Howard". Anyways this visit was my first and last visit to this pharmacy!

cuntsville, US
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Nov 20, 2011 11:23 pm EST

$98 netbook. should have seen that one coming..

Pittsburgh, US
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Oct 23, 2012 8:52 am EDT

I have seizures. When selecting my insurance policy I contacted my companys insurance company (Caremark) to the medication I take was covered. I was told it was.
When I went to pick up my prescription I was given generic which my doctor had told me that I was to only take brand name. The pharmacist informed me to contact my insurance to make the correction
I did and followed procedures as to what I had to do to ensure I was able to take brand name and be covered. I enformed my doctor who filled out and submitted the request and reasons for taking brand name medication.
It was reject for the reason that Caremark believed the generic was the same as brand name. I notifed Caremark that I had been taking the brand name medication which I knew too be good and put me on generic had the risk of failing which could put myself as well as others at risk since my job required driving. They informed me that the policy required me to take generic first and if that did not work then I could switch to the Brand name.
It did not work
I now have no job and no insurance.
If anyone knows anyone at Caremark and knows if they are looking for a test subject for their drug aproval list please let them know I am available and willing since I have no job thanks to them .

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CVS is ranked 2 among 61 companies in the Drug Store category