Flight booking - HDE5FI
Flight - Taipei to Manila
Flexible flight ticket plus additional baggage included in the cost.
(1) First I decided to change the flight date. Flight ticket was flexible, I went online to change the date, chose a new date that was showing no additional cost would be incurred for that change. I submitted the change request. After 24 hours I had not received any confirmation of the change and as the date was not far off, I chased eDreams up.
They said I needed to now pay an additional £60+ for the change as prices had gone up since I applied for it. I went back online and their website was still showing no additional cost. I queried this and asked them to find me a flight that did not incur additional costs but again they went silent on me for a few days and I had to chase them up again. They tried to call me but my phone would not allow the call as it was a premium number and I was abroad. They insisted I had to pay the extra, so I did, but was not happy.
(2) I turn up at the airport and was told the additional baggage I’d paid for on the original booking ref had disappeared and I had to pay AGAIN for the baggage. Again, told no choice, pay or do not fly, so I paid another £58 for the bags I’d already paid for.
Complained to eDreams and was told their system showed the additional baggage and that it was a Cebu Air problem. Cebu Air told me it was an eDreams problem and neither are refunding me.
(3) When I complained, I was told I should be grateful that they allowed me to change the date of my flight in the first place as it was unchangeable. When I pointed out I had a flexible ticket and had paid for that, they doubled down and told me I should still be grateful that they offer that service in the first place!
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I used eDreams to book a flight from Taipei to Manila. I paid extra for a flexible flight so I had the option to change it if necessary as my plans were up in the air. I then tried to change the date of the flight and the website showed no additional cost to change to the flight I wanted. However after 24 hours my change had still not been confirmed. I chased them up and they said I had to pay an additional £60+ for the cha he as the cost had moved, I went back on the website and it said it was still £0 to change to that flight. After protesting they said I had to pay the extra, so I did.
However I then turn up at the airport and was told that the additional baggage that I had paid on the original ticket had not been transferred to the new booking reference and I had to app an additional £58 to get my bags on the flight!
I had no choice, I had to pay it or not fly! So I did pay it and then complained to eDreams about it. They claim the additional baggage was included on the new booking reference and sand it was a problem at the airlines end. I complained to the airline and they said it was a problem with eDreams. They had no record of my additional baggage.
Went back to eDreams and got a lot of abuse when I accused them of bad customer service - in fact the agent actually told me I should be grateful that they allowed me to change the date of the flight given it was in changeable. I pointed out I’d PAID for that privilege and that my ticket was in fact flexible and that’s what a flexible ticket is for, but they continued with the customer bashing regardless. See below.
To this day, I have not received a refund for the bag I paid TWICE for and have given up hope of ever seeing that again. So do not trust eDreams - they unjustifiably add on costs everywhere, it is difficult to get hold of a human, when you do get hold of a human they give you no help and then proceed to abuse you for asking for it!
In light of the change of date, their disregard for the “no additional cost” display on their website could, I stress this, be a violation of the laws protecting the consumers – bring this to their notice in your complaint. Their poor handling of the baggage issue once again brings their negligence to the fore, and the passivity of both eDreams and Cebu Air is quite shocking. Bring this issue to the attention of the eDreams corporate office, tender a thread of specific ticket terms as well as payment. If there is no agreement reached, think about taking action against eDreams through consumer protection agencies.