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CB Appliances General Electric how a freezer door handle ends up being handled at the chairman's office level!
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General Electric review: how a freezer door handle ends up being handled at the chairman's office level! 15

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12:00 am EST
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This posting is almost as long as the issue itself. An interesting and frustrating tale of how bad customer service escalated to the GE Chairman's office. All could have been resolved if the uncooperative GE appliance customer service staff had handled my initial calls properly. However, it didn't stop there and even at the highest levels of GE, there are issues. The following letter was sent after numerous calls... read on, it only gets worse.

December 12, 2006

GE Headquarters
Ray Graft
GM of Consumer Relations
AP6 Room 129
Louisville, KY 40225

Mr. Graft,


I am writing in frustration and as a last resort since my multiple phone calls to GE customer service have resulted in inadequate results with no return calls and no information on file of any of my previous calls, orders, or the current status of our problem.

In October, our freezer door was inspected and a frozen water line was discovered by Ross the repair technician. He ordered a new door. When delivered, he discovered it was incorrect and the handle did not fit properly. He said he would order a new door. Weeks went by and I called GE customer service and his cell phone. There was no order for a new door and he never returned my call. After talking to several people, a “manager” said someone would be out to fix the problem.

On the day Wes, the new technician, arrived he had no idea what the problem was. As I was explaining the handle issue, 3 incorrect parts arrived. He said they were wrong and that we needed a template for drilling holes in the door to attach it. He took the incorrect parts, and said he would order the template.

When the template arrived, he came back to install the handle only to discover that the template was wrong. After drilling several holes, Wes “made the handle fit” by adjusting a gap so that it was not that noticeable. He indicated that he would inform someone of the problem, since we were not satisfied.

I gave up calling and waited to be contacted by someone as to how they would rectify this situation. Instead, yesterday a freezer door arrived. I called customer service again and was told by a “manager” that there was no record of any order. I am disgusted with the lack of professionalism and proficiency of the customer service staff for a customer who purchased an extended warranty, their inability to track calls for the last several months, and the unresolved issue of the incorrect freezer door handle.

After the letter was sent I received a voicemail from a Natasha from Customer Service informing me that I should call the customer service line again. At this point, I broke through the voicemail system in Lexington, KY and left a message for Mr.Graft. It was returned by KJ of the GE Chairman’s office.

After many discussions, and another visit by a repairman the following email was sent to KJ on 2/6/2007

Dear KJ,

I am writing to clarify and summarize yesterday's voicemail and conversation regarding the freezer door issues. And most importantly to point out two glaring inefficiencies: First, that a representative from the chairman’s office had not previously contacted the repair staff until I suggested it yesterday, and second, that the recreation of my freezer door problem was conducted at your office on the refrigerator door instead.

1. You stated that Ed, the engineer, had recreated the door handle assembly without any gap appearing between the handle and the top and bottom piece. Therefore, my situation was unique.

2. I asked if you had contacted the repairman who had experienced the problem with our freezer door, and you said no. You said it was difficult to contact GE appliance repair staff. I suggested that as a representative of the chairman's office that you should, since they have cell phones, etc. You did contact him and he indicated on his third visit, I appeared satisfied when he was here and had filed the holes in the freezer door to get a better fit for the handle in order to eliminate and/or reduce the gap in the handle and align it with the refrigerator door handle.

3. I said that I was not satisfied with the last service call, where the repairman had said "it was the best he could do", and I at that point agreed that there appeared to be nothing more that could be done.

4. You also stated that the engineer in your office had actually recreated the handle situation not on the freezer door but on the refrigerator door instead, since the freezer door was unavailable. You offered to have the repairman come again and file the holes further to get a better fit. I indicated that I did not want any more service calls where filing the holes would take place. I also pointed out that it was not an accurate recreation of my issue if the refrigerator door handle was assembled, instead of the freezer door.

5. We agreed at the end of the conversation that since the assembly at your office showed no gap, a new freezer door and handle would be ordered and the installation started again from the beginning. You checked and found the freezer door is now available and will call and let me know when the new equipment is to be delivered and arrange an installation service call.

What I would recommend is that since the freezer door is now available, you:

a.) Order a freezer door for your engineer and have him assemble it, and

b.) Determine if the freezer door and handle align with the refrigerator door handle, since that is the problem we have been having since November. I hope our conversation was recorded for future use in resolving customer issues that are elevated beyond the general customer service staff.

Update as of 3/6/2007

After yet more visits, Wes the GE repairman came with another door, and ran into the same template problem. I called KJ and Wes, Ed the engineer and his technical staff had a conference call on my cell phone. Wes informed them of the quarter inch discrepancy in the template when attaching a freezer door, and the engineering staff didn’t believe that there could be a problem. He stated that in order to make the door handle fit, the holes drilled needed to be adjusted and then filed in order for the plastic handle not to have a noticeable gap. The engineering staff said they had not had that problem when they “recreated” the situation, but Wes informed them he had seen it before and that maybe they were not getting reports, because no other customers had complained. (I would not have except I was exasperated by customer service and decided to see how big a mountain this molehill would become!) The engineering staff seemed to be in denial and never really admitted that a problem could be possible- this is my observation since my phone was in speaker mode.

After installing the door, adjusting the handle Wes and I realized there was a noticeable dent in the door. He said he would order a replacement. I called KJ and she said I would probably not be satisfied and they would send a new comparable refrigerator. I agreed to that and on 3/6/2007 a new one was delivered only to find that it too was damaged according to the delivery staff. I called KJ and requested another one by Thursday 3/8/2007.

Update 3/9/2007

Although I requested delivery yesterday, I just received a call that they are delivering it today.

Here is the email I sent KJ in the chairman’s office today.

I just received a call stating the refrigerator would be delivered today! This is incredibly inconvenient and causing us more distress. When talking to the scheduler, I stated that I requested yesterday and the next day I would be available for delivery would be next Tuesday which she stated was already booked. Therefore I am going to try and be available today after major rescheduling.

This is another example of poor communication in this ongoing saga.

Update by Rick Bassett
Mar 10, 2007 12:48 pm EST

Freezer door Chairman's office Part 2

After finally installing an undamaged new model yesterday, I sent this email to Kelly at the GE Chairman's Office.

(The installers were supposed to call 30 minutes prior to arriving... instead they called 60 minutes. Also, the delivery had been scheduled for Thursday, but it didn't happen until Friday causing me a major scheduling conflict. BUT, the issue which began in October 2006 is finally over in March 2007.)

Here is the final email which is really the heart of the matter for GE:

The only outstanding request is for GE to arrange for the extra freezer door to be picked up as soon as possible.

The only outstanding issues which you may want to address internally are:

1.) Why did Ross the initial repairman not order the door as promised in October?

2.) What was the GE Customer Service staff on the toll-free phone line so unhelpful, resulting in multiple visits where nothing was accomplished, and wrong parts delivered to our address?

3.) Why did the engineering staff seem to not acknowledge the template discrepancy when Wes the repairman so clearly stated that based on his experience, there is in fact a quarter inch flaw in the design when replacing the plastic handle for the freezer door?

And finally and officially, thanks for your assistance!

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Gary T. Carson
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Nov 24, 2007 8:56 am EST

I too have been treated BADLY by Customer Service in the Diswasher Recall area... promises of call backs not kept, forms for the $300.00 claim not sent out when twice promised on Oct.02/2007 and again on Oct.12/2007... NEVER Received, until Nov.23/2007 with a post mark date of Nov.11/2007. Fortunately I went to a local Library & downloaded forms and sent my claim in on Oct 11th complete... the Recall Center now tells me that my claim has been processed on Nov.8th but my cheque will not be sent out 'till mid December! Talk about the Grinch that Stole Christmas... GE is just That in my opinion. Hours spent on the phone & purchase of a new $900.00 GE Profile Diswasher mean nothing to them. and all the CRAP on the Recorded system saying that "Your Call Is Important To Us " or "This Call may Be Recorded for Quality Assurance"... Bull! In Future when considering any major appliance purchase, why should I,or any of my friends, family or members of my 5000 strong International Antique Car Club ever consider a GE product...? With this kind of service no wonder the American Way of Life (anbusiness) is faultering. G. Carson, Ocala, Florida.

Steve Middel
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Feb 05, 2008 5:53 am EST

Regarding the issues faced by the above people regarding the GE refrigerator and dishwasher, I have had similar frustrating experience with our oven/microwave unit. GE's Customer service process is badly broken and they seem to be in absolute LA LA land about it. I don't think they even know how ridiculous it is to have to deal with endless recordings, computer generated bookings (from Pheonix, AZ) for service rep appointments in CT with a technician who doesn't confirm with the customer, and then doesn't know how to fix an appliance. We have taken 5 or 6 days off from work for appointments that have been missed by the service rep or have been unproductive in fixing our problem. I want a new appliance and not another round of BS.

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Feb 05, 2008 8:12 am EST

Also having numerous problems with GE about Range doors not matching and their customer service is the worst at all levels. They are not capable of taking care of issues and the so called managers are uneducated about simple things such as what exactly stainless steel is, the manager I spoke with thinks it's a color like black or white. Any contact info posted would be helpful. The last thing I received from GE was to fax a letter which I did but received no response.

N Mitzel
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Mar 19, 2008 1:54 pm EDT

GE is a joke! WE have been waiting for 5 weeks to get our brand new advantium microwave oven repaired. This is the second of our brank new GE Monogram appliances that have needed repair, all less then 3 months old. From the emails posted above, 5 weeks to get an appliance repaired seems to be fast track. Our experience with Customer Relations is anything but helpful, they have given us bogus fed ex numbers, that the part was supposed to have been sent, 3 no show no technican calls. I strongly agree, I would NEVER purchase another GE part EVER! They certainly don't stand behind their products and have absolutely no regard for a customers time. If anyone has Mr Ray Grafts phone number, I think we should post for all disgruntled cutomers to access. I also will tell anyone that is willing to listen, that GE Sucks! and so does their products. I can't imagine that anyone would ever want to work for a company that can't stand behind their products.

We also have taken off work countless number of days to be here for technicians that never show. Our time is valuable and its time we all sent Mr. Graft our bill for our waiting time, especially for no show no calls. Perhaps they will figure out that we are the life line of their company.

Kim Platupe
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May 08, 2008 7:03 pm EDT

Wow, where do I begin? Well first of all I can certainly say that I can empathize with the way GE has treated their customers; my husband and I have delt with for lack of a better desciption, the incompetent and inefficient Customer Relations staff. Our issue has been present since December 17th 2007; my husband and I built a new home and have all but 1 of the appliances (we did the 2 drawer Fisher & Paykel - WHICH ARRIVED IN FLAWLESS CONDITION) in the GE Monogram. Pathetically, every single appliance was damaged! Let's see...from day one...our double oven doors had dents in them - THEY'VE BEEN REPLACED THREE TIMES, likewise with the counter depth microwave door - REPLACED ONCE, panel above the 48" built-in fridge had 2 dents - REPLACED ONCE, face of 36" range top STILL REMAINS DENTED and SCRATCHED, and lastly the professional hood has DISCOLORATION SPOTS, A KNICK and CAME WITH A BROKEN KNOB.

Here it is May 8th and the range top and hood have yet to be delt with. I have contacted the Customer Relations dept. numerous times; no one ever seems to find the log history of the calls I've made. Now I'm being told there's nothing they can do; it's over the 30 days...when I've been trying to get the damn appliances fixed/replaced from day 1! The service men they send out are a JOKE; they arrive with no instructions and when you advise/identify the issue the reponse is "Oh, I'm going to have to call this in; there were no instructions for me." What the hell is the use!? And having to consume an entire day to wait for them is absurd! Well, I am sending a letter to Ray Graft as one last attempt; if I receive no response...I will see GE in court and they will pay for the time I've wasted; the pain and suffering with respect to the stupidity of the Consumer Relations staff - AT ALL LEVELS!, the stress they've caused in lack of documenting call histories, and lastly for my attorney fees charged as a result of the case. The smart thing would be for them to resolve the issue, but if not - SEE YOU IN COURT GE! ***A special thanks to the people who have commented on this site; I am printing this out, so it is known that the Customer Relations lack of providing exceptional customer service is an ONGOING issue that has yet to be addressed***

Mrs. Muse
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May 28, 2008 9:18 am EDT

I will never again purchase another G.E. appliance. The extended warranty is a waste of money if I have to wait three weeks to have my appliance repaired. My box is a year old and already it is acting up. I use to have confidence in G.E., but now I don't. It is no wonder people buy disposible appliances. After having spent over 25 years as a brand loyal customer of G.E., I feel it is time to think about another brand.

Carolyn Wall
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Jun 11, 2008 9:05 am EDT

We purchased a side by side refrig/freezer-afew months back. My husband purchased it at his work place where they install the same model/type in every new house that the build.When we got it home and hooked it up- the light in the water/ice place in the door didnt work. And there is no light at all in the freezer. And the ice maker drops ice everwhere in the freezer. I called the 1-888-GE-CARES-they scheduled an appointment-for a service rep to come out.-He came out and ordered the part-using our model #, and said that he'd be back a week from that day to put the part in. He arrived and opened the part box, and said that our frig doesn't come with a light in the freezer-If that were the case HOW&WHY would he order a part-to do the repairs. Even the booklet that we got inside the box-taped to the frig shows that it has a light in the freezer.What can we do about this.

Poor Richard
Melrose Park, US
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May 22, 2009 11:03 pm EDT

I'm a former refrigerator repairman. Retired.

My six year old GE Side by Side water dispenser stopped working with the water freezing in water line in freezer door. It had been doing that on and off briefly for two years, now chronic.

GE said they would ship another upgraded freezer door to solve problem. In two weeks all I received was a template to switch handle from old door to new door.

Yes, after calling again they never ordered the door. About a week later I received the new door. Everything went fine except the holes they have you drill to use the old door handle, are too big (3/8) for the plastic handle-studs to keep handle tight to door, now loose. Also the vertical trim is flopping in the breeze attached to the handle. There are 6 holes they have you drill under said vertical handle trim but nothing but old door plastic studs to put in them (?) It is like teats on a bull, absolutely useless. I called GE today and given the wrong phone number to the moisture control department who is taking care of this problem. When I called back even though they announced their hours to 8pm EST they were closed at 6pm.

San Antonio, US
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Aug 11, 2009 10:20 am EDT

I too am having problems with GE about my dishwasher. Their customer relations is terrible. I will never own or recommmend any GE appliances . What is the point of the customer protection plan?

San Antonio, US
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Aug 11, 2009 10:21 am EDT

I am EXTREMELY unhappy with GE and it's customer service!

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Feb 21, 2010 4:31 pm EST

por favor necesito manual de desarme de la lavadora ge wwa 8852RBMWH
SERIE GM463287A.

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Oct 11, 2010 3:43 pm EDT

GE is horrible! I can't beleive the lack of customer service at a company as large and as profitable as they are. I purchases my house in a development that had all GE profile appliances installed...we had no choice in the matter. Everything is GE. The GE microwave/oven wall unit is installed. It is all one piece. It is 3 years old but microwaves do last for least alot of ones I have seen do. Being that the unit is sold as one piece, it should be better. If you have to replace oven or mirco, you have to replace both. It is over a $2, 000 item. Well, my mircowave has paint bubbling and chipping on the top of the inside of the micro. I had a serviceman come out and tell me it can't be fixed and I have to replace the whole unit. They would give me a discount, thanks but no thanks. I should not have to replace my oven, that works fine, for now because they made it all one, very expensive, unit! Also, I think paint chips going into food is almost a danger to the consumer and GE should suck this one up as a defective unit and replace it as customer service should be. I wrote a "certified" letter to Ray Graft at GE headquarters per the customer service department and Mr. Wilson. I have had no response in 2 weeks and it is mind boggling to me that they can just throw the letter aside with no answer whatsoever. How has GE been around so long? Why do people still by it. We should band together and try to do something.

Los Angeles, US
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Mar 13, 2011 4:33 pm EDT

I just stumbled upon these posts after questioning who is Ray Graft, ASI President. I have been pursuing monies for clothes that had wholes eaten in them by GE's washing machine. I just completed a letter to Ray Graft that I was planning to send to him "certified" tomorrow. These posts are not very encouraging that I will get results. I had GE servicemen at the house four times. One told me to go to Home Depot, purchase some coarse sand paper and sand the inside of my washing machine drum yet said he saw no logical reason for the problem. One of the service technicians admitted that there was no way this machine could ever have an actual "delicate" cycle b/c the washer in fact had only a single speed motor. That was the cause for the wholes in my more delicate clothing. I have been told by a couple of friends that it is helpful to cc: the letter to the Attorney General of the state you live in.

Madeline Nelson
Brooklyn, US
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Jul 29, 2011 8:00 pm EDT

I'm in the midst of a problem with GE now where they billed me for work one one of their dishwashers, that the serviceman refused to do. He refused to open the sealed door (not do-able by customer) because I said I suspected there was a cockroach infestation. (Gross, I know-- but this is New York City and it was not due to filth, but due to a dark moist place in the apartment that could not be unsealed and cleaned or treated.) The whole reason I had scheduled service was that, and I had been honest with customer relations, and customer relations had scheduled him to come! Subsequently I hired another company to do the job and they did it without complaint for a very reasonable price. Then, the kicker, GE sends me a bill for the service person who refused to work! Grr. Not paying.

Goldfinger 61
Grandy, US
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Nov 12, 2011 1:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Welcome to my world! After building our house we furnished it with all General Electric appliances. Let's see...right now I have a chair propped against the dishwasher door to keep it running. I have a refrigerator/freezer inwhich the icemaker went out within the first year, and the freezer side leaks so bad I have to leave a thick beach towel under it. My hardwood floor is now ruined because of the water. No one seems to be able to fix the leak. The oven's fancy electronic board went out. It would cost the same to replace it as buy a new oven so...I bought a new oven! I will never buy another GE again. It is sad to think this is the same company that is building jet engines.

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