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Kirby Complaints 103

12:00 am EST
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Kirby Kirby sales tactics solution

Okay, I have read many experiences of the Kirby sales tactics and here are my solutions

1. If you want one go on ebay and buy one, the older ones like the Sanitronic and The Classics are still good vacuums. And 2000 dollars for the Sentria? Try 800 on ebay.

2. If you already have a kirby just simply tell the salesperson you do

3. If that doesnt work say you've worked for the company before and you know what he/she is trying to do

4. If that doesnt work just simply tell them "If you do not vacate my property willingly I will call the authorities and have them do it for you"

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Nov 18, 2015 1:39 am EST

I dont understand what some of these people dont get about pay. I been in kirby for over 13 years and ppl think just because they show up to work n screw around they gonna make money. Its called being responsible and accountable and most of young ppl these days are scammers their selfs. Dont want to listen, follow simple directions, or work hard. Putting hours in isnt working hard because most of the time they on their phone txting or on facebook but blame companies because they are scammers and liers. Thers not one person iv ever seen not make great money working hard following program, how ever iv seen hundreds if not thousands of people who came through doors wanting a handout, screw around, not take serious, dont listen amd blame companies and pay structure n not listen. Hey my top salesman in office has asburgers hahahah hes a great example because he is doing better than people that dont have any mental diagnosises like that they are normal. And i tell people that that come in. Look this kid has a mental condition and doing great u know why? Because he listens and works hard doesnt screw around like everyone else. Some people dont get it and most young people dont understand what hard work is being dicipline and listening is. Thats y they answered ad on CL because nothing else they done worked andexxpect us to fix em but dont want to listen. It dont make sence

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May 29, 2015 10:37 am EDT


Joseph Richardson
Columbus, US
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Jan 01, 2015 6:25 pm EST

I worked for kirby for 2 years was the best 2 years of a "job" i can remember I only stopped because of personal reasons . I earned trips was even the lead sales person for the daytona beach vacation ( in the beginning i almost quit like [protected] times). I have Earned the 5 diamond award also. This business is not for the faint of heart like most businesses most people will fall flat on their face its not kirby's fault you dont have the intestinal fortitude to learn your craft. There were 30 people in the training class guess who was left after 4 wks? ME. that is the nature of the business 99% will fail because they are not enterpreneurs/sales people you NEED to have that mind set. When you buy a kirby on ebay or whatever that is probably a distributor that went out of business. Kirby is the best cleaner you can buy there is no doubt in the 2 years i have seen it all and i never EVER felt that whoever house i was in didnt need a kirby and i always showed them the value even if they didnt buy they were left saying ill stay with the dirt there are people like that. Kirby is more than a expensive "sweeper" its a home cleaning system hell i made over 2000 dollars cleaning carpets with it. A proper salt test will prove to anyone the difference between a KIrby and EVERYthing else...Now to shady people in kirby you cant blame kirby for that, there are shady people anywhere you go . I have never seen a kirby sell for 2000 and the salesperson get 50 there is no way unless the sales person owed $ to the distributor...Mr bolden my distributor in Columbus ohio at the time was a honest man he even fronted me money 1000's at a time when i needed it but i always paid him back so there where times i made 2500 in a wk but only saw 500 from expenses he fronted me.
Every situation is different, Kirby has been around since 1914 and NEVER sold in a store says it all. Make sure you buy on from a good salesperson i know i worked hard in every home i was in esp older folks i was sweating at the end of the demo and their carpet looked fantastic! You have to earn peoples business and learn salesmanship its not lying or swindling its integrity, honesty, and being informed about your product. Its also telling people they have 3 days to cancel its part of your job to inform them so you should handle that as soon as you sell it. And make sure they know how to use it properly before you go.

I knew a lady that said she hated her kirby... I asked why? I didnt even work for kirby at the time. She told me it didnt pick up anymore and it was junk i went to her house to find she didnt have the belt on...It was so easy she loved the kirby again alot of times its just information, people forget alot of what you show them when you leave make sure you see them take the power head off 3-4 times before you leave and make them promise you they will watch the video...Hope this helps anyone selling kirby's its simple but will cut down on cancellations. This business is for serious people but as with all door to door sales only a few REALLY get what is going on and you have to filter thru many people to build a GOOD organization (when i was recruited i answered an ad that said needed people to install electrical systems lol the kirby was the electrical system!) . If you dont have a good distributor find another one.

In the end the people working Kirby 360 days out of the years DESERVE any money they make. They are out there rain sleet or snow knocking on doors and meeting people old, young, rich, poor, conservative, crabby, Wifes home alone, whatever the situation perfect your salesmanship and you are deserving of ALL the money you make. You are doing them a service and it takes a professional to sell a Kirby cold from a doorknock to show enough to get the prospect to buy and feel good about it. Hats off to the Kirby people knocking doors doing it right always with integrity...My Kirby is from 1995 and the only things i have bought are bags and belts it still cleans like the day it was bought shampoo and all. How much $ do you think i saved using it ? More than the price of it in the end the kirby COST you nothing if you use it! It can actually make you $.

LIsten to Youtube "must listen the strangest secret Earl nightingale" Zig Ziglar "Reaching the TOP" or youtube Napoleon HIll " if you can conceive and believe you can achieve" if you feel like giving up in the business you can HAve success!
Joseph RIchardson Columbus Ohio

Wilmington, US
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Jul 24, 2014 9:39 am EDT

There are horror stories that stem from every company that deal in sales and every employee out there has one. If someone gets fired for not coming to work on time, not putting forth their best effort, no call, no show, the employer is the worst tyrant in the world for being concerned about his business and profit. It is not a Kirby distributor's job to hold your hand and make money for you. If you are not making money and are not good at sales, quit! Go to Burger King or McDonald's. Most of the time, the people that are complaining don't succeed at anything anyway so no distributor wants them on their team. I would also like to say that I am not taking up for all Kirby distributor's everywhere because there are a few who make everyone look bad. Just like the few child molesting priests, the few judges that have been caught taking bribes, the few law enforcement official that get caught stealing drugs from the evidence room, ect. I could go on and on. Of course you have people that practice deceptive sales also have day cares that abuse children but you don't want ALL day cares closed do you? If you don't like the Kirby Opportunity or do not want a Kirby in your home, then DON'T WORK THERE AND DON'T BUY IT! Simple enough? And this idiot Kniguh talking about a revolver, whatever loser! People, stop being silly naysayers because Kirby is a BILLION dollar a year corporation and all you guys are doing is showing intolerance and ignorance. As far as blaming the dealers for doing their jobs and being nasty and rude to them for trying to feed their family in a legal manner, if you think a pushy salesperson is a problem check out some of the guys that would run up in your house and just TAKE what they want, screw trying to work for it. Maybe this site is only for people who can't make money with Kirby and customer's who can't afford them.

Jp bez
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Jan 21, 2014 1:44 am EST

Good day,
After reading the complaints of other people make me realize Kirby has a wonderful product but NEVER, NEVER had a good after sale service. I live in South Africa and it' just as bad as elsewhere. I bought my machine Legend 2 in 1989 and is still working, that tells you it is a excellent product. I live in the North West province for the last 17 yrs and is it a problem to find a reputable dealer that can service my machine. I managed to get in contact with somebody in Rustenburg but they are 21/2hrs away from us. I have contact them but also experience problems, there office in Potchefstroom in our province now try to establish a workshop but they failed they cannot give service. I think the best thing will be to contact our Minister of Trade and Industry to STOP trading with KIRBY to South Africa, this is not now but ever since I have bought my machine in the Free State Province.
I have reported a serious case to your Mr Gedard tel [protected] about fraud, which UK office followed up and removed him
Please can you respond to my complaint and let me know what we can do it has become unacceptable.,

Robert Sandler
Las Vegas, US
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Aug 19, 2013 2:46 pm EDT

I have had Kirby salespeople come to my door. Always dress professional. i have let them in a couple times. Going door to door has got to be a hard job for anyone.each time I have let a Kirby salesperson into my home they have been respectful and done a good job at what they do. They have also done a great job cleaning my carpet. I bought a Kirby from the salesperson after a 3 hour demo (I asked a lot of questions and they cleaned a whole carpet better than I ever had done before. I would never pay $2, 000 for just a vacuum. But than again Kirby is not just a vacuum. it shampoo's carpeting and furniture and with a life time rebuild contract I'm proud to say my home is cleaner and healthier than people's home that do not have a Kirby . As for buying used Kirbys from Ebay. Come on I don't want someone used dirt sucker in my home. Kirby is a great American company that builds a product better than anything else available. hands down. Kirby is the only true Full home care system on the market. As the salesperson said. "Just $2. a day for a short time to own something that will protect the thousands of dollars I have invested in my home is a very small price to pay. After all people spend a few thousand bucks on rider mowers and then buy a $1500 shed to protect their $2, 000 rider lawn mower that does not cut the grass any better then a walk behind.

Ole' Kirby Spirit
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Feb 28, 2013 7:20 pm EST

I am a DPS for Kirby. While I agree that the hours are long, there is certainly a lot of money to be made if you have proper work ethic, and are a good people person. If the product was junk, do you really think we would be celebrating our 100th year in business? I want to know how it's a scam? My house isn't real? My nice clothes were stolen, I guess? No. I started out as a dealer working 80+ hours a week. I knocked doors and yes, 1 out of 3 said no. However, my first month BECAUSE I am a people person, and am easily liked, I sold 18. I won a free trip which was amazing. From there on I sold like crazy and started winning "Kirby prizes" like a 5, 000$ Rolex watch, 6 pairs of Oakley sunglasses and an Ipad. All for free. Demos=sales and if you do 3 a day, 1 will say yes. The product will sell itself, it's the dealer who has to get the customers trust and respect. You have to know your selling points. You have to know how to overcome objections. When you pull a pad, don't be rude and make a statement about how dirty their house is. Simply ask a question and continue asking questions. It's a lot easier than you think, but heck. As a DPS I recruit and do the training and while the turn around is high, we get some good salesmen through that door and everyone is given a fair opportunity. You will get paid for what you sell and we are straight up from the get go. TO ask a fair question, if I came up to you and said "You will be selling Kirby vacuumes." Do you really think you would want to go into training all happy? Hell no. You work for the money and to people who dont know Kirby, don't get it and don't understand it. Bash all you want, but I will leave on this last note: Look at the people giving you advice. . . .If they are in a position that you would like to be in 5-10 years from now, go ahead and take it. If they are some lowlife dirtball who thrives on laziness then I guess pick your poison. Regardless, you people that lasted a week? Take a hike, bro. You have no room to trash talk something that you didn't even give a chance. In training when I say "If you don't try it for 30 days, don't try it for 30 seconds" you better make that decision to either leave immediately, or ride out 30 days. If you choose the in between, I don't think you have any room to make any comments. Any person who has lasted longer than 30 days have great things to say and are considerably rich, like myself. Were not paid to say these things, we do have a choice. . . I hope this helps to those who are chancing Kirby in their future.

Lewisburg, US
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Nov 08, 2012 1:02 pm EST

I agree Kirby is the biggest ripoff on the planet. NEVER BUY A KIRBY VACUUM!

My wife bought a Kirby from a door to door salesperson. Was told she could pay off the loan without any interest or penalty at any time. She went in and paid off the loan after 4 weeks and was told $2600 was the final amount. $1400 of that was loan charges. Now six months later they are telling her she had a $53 balance on the loan and after six months she owes them $850 in interest. This is after paying $2600 for a $400 vacuum you can buy on the internet. So now this $400 vacuum is going to cost about $3000 in loan interest. RIPOFF...DONT TRUST A WORD THE SALESPERSON TELLS YOU...United Credit is in on the ripoff with Kirby !

portland, US
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Jun 19, 2012 8:16 pm EDT

I'm working for these scamming f***ers. I'm quitting tomorrow. They even lie to the employees and don't give breaks. I'm working for UNDER minimum wage, for a check I won't be getting because I didn't scam 45 people in a week. f*** kirby and all its ###

Salem, US
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Jul 20, 2011 10:48 am EDT

So I almost worked for Kirby. I got hired, went through training, and decided to turn down the job. Training was only for two days(which I thought was rather short), and I was getting really bad vibes about the job. During training the supervisor kept talking about how much money we could make, but also said "If you're not gonna give it 30 days, don't give it 30 seconds". They only pay you if you work there the FULL month, which I think is extremely unethical. I talked to a girl who had worked there for quite a while and told me that most people work 6-7 days a week, who does that?
When I looked up the company I also saw TONS of bad reviews about people not getting paid and having to work long long hours. I considered giving the job a shot, but I don't want a job where I'm afraid of being coerced into working 6-7 days a week or that I won't get paid if I for some reason decided to quit or got fired.
It's obvious to me that people get paid, otherwise the company wouldn't exist, but it's also obvious to me that the company exploit their employees and treat them like slaves.
The supervisor also talked about manipulating a customer into letting them stay in your house for 2-3 hours. I heard tons of stories about them tricking old people into buying things that they couldn't afford. Those situations probably weren't ALL because of them, but I'm sure some were.
ALTHOUGH i can say that the Kirby vacuum in its SELF is an amazing product. If I had the money I'd for sure buy one.

poor company.

12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Kirby Company charges unbelieveable interest!

I have owned my unit for four years. We are very unhappy with our unit and with the company's customer service policy! Our unit hasn't performed as it was demonstrated to us. We were convinced through the salesman's pitch that it was a deal not to be refused. After four years of payments ranging from $42.00 to $52.00, the principle has remained at or around $1699.00. After four years the principle has not decreased by any noticeable amount! When we further investigated the issue, we were appalled at the 29% interest rate, obviously we did not agree to. All our attempts to remedy the situation have fell short. We are seeking some form of legal action! This isn't the type of obligation any person would responsibly accept. My wife and I can only define this situation as a credit scam! We would gladly return the unit if there was an agent in our area!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Sep 05, 2018 6:56 pm EDT

I bought my Kirby about a month ago. I hate it. This is my third Kirby. My old Kirby does a better job. First the electric cord will not stay in the holder, it's harder to push, I know how to use the little buttom D&N. I don't put it to close to the carpet or too far. REMEMBER this my third one. It's alot heavier then the old one. Now when I vacume, it is too hard to manver around the furniture. What have you done to it? I want to cancel my contract. I don't want it.
sooo now what should I do? So you know, my sales man was very nice and really wonderful with the infro. Do I call him? Thanks

12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Kirby Deceptive business practices

Everything about Kirby that is said about consumers is true... but not only that it is WORSE. I just got back from over seas and wanted a quick easy job. i saw an ad reading 'customer service reps needed' i thought i would make a good temporary ordeal. Well i got the job the same day. When i went in for the orientation i looked around and it seemed as though someone scrapped the bottom of the society barrel. they told us nothing of the job... just about making money. They actually said that they did not care who we were that anyone who applies for the job, gets the job! Kirby is sending ANYONE to doors to represent that stupid vacuum! Finally the next day they bring out a KIRBY! They informed us that we were going to SET appointments and that people knew we were coming. Was I ever wrong! after 4 days of learning about this stupid vacuum so that we could 'help' people, we were given a script on what to say at these peoples homes and i realized it was a sales pitch. I was naive though because i thought that clients were expecting us. then before we went out, i was informed that if i told a customer about the 3 day refund... i would be fined $50 by the company!

I was on my way to what i thought was my first 'appointment' and i was dropped off in a neighborhood to knock on doors. I was HORRIFIED! I never wanted to be that person. when they saw i was just walking down the street, one of the Kirby guys dragged me to a house and started PESTERING someone to let me clean their carpet! i did not sign up for that! not only that but he would not leave the people alone after they politly turned down the offer. after that day i had quit. then i was told that if i did not want to do that i could do another job... i was tricked again... needless to say and i quit for the second time.

I had walked in the hot sun and was roaming streets for 12 hours! I did not receive one penny for showing up... nothing. I will be honest (unlike Kirby) i did not sell one vacuum to a poor unexpecting victim. Only 1 person from the 30 people orientation was still employed there when i quit... so that doesn't say much for Kirby employees. I know that i will get bad feedback from the Kirby door to door vampires but you made the decision to stay in a 'profession'. I understand the need to make a living but the tactics that i saw taught by kirby were absolutely disgusting. I have one thing to say... if a kirby salesman ever comes and thinks they can stick their foot in MY door, and refuses to leave MY property... they will have a BIG surprise waiting on the other end.

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Cape town, ZA
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May 12, 2024 11:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Az vacuums kirby servicing excellent service.

mountainview, US
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Nov 15, 2010 1:16 am EST

hey ihatekirby, I really need to talk to you seriously. My daughter just got a job with them and I am very concerned. Please email me at I got some questions for you.


Concerned dad

Kirby Killer
Culver City, US
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Jul 22, 2009 11:08 pm EDT




They do not tell you about their return policy and when I called within 2 days, the number provided DID NOT WORK! When I finally got a hold of someone they were extremely rude and unforgiving. If that is not pulling a fast one on someone I don't know what is. I want to make their lives a living hell!

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Kirby reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 21, 2007. The latest review Salesman lied and it cant be used ore returned was posted on Dec 8, 2023. The latest complaint Complaint sarah sessions was resolved on Jun 30, 2020. Kirby has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 103 reviews. Kirby has resolved 56 complaints.
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