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Netflix Complaints 1418

11:33 am EST
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Netflix chelsea handler the bigot

My best friend has an accent. He is a intelligent, smart person who speaks 4 languages fluently. I think it would be funny if Chelsea Handler makes fun of my friend for no reason. Oh Wait, Chelsea thinks it is okay to mock and humiliate Melanie Trump's accent even though she is educated and multi-lingual.

Fire Chelsea Handler the bigot. She is not funny, nobody watches her shows, and mean spirited bigotry has no place here. If you cannot fire her, or she cannot issue an apology then I am canceling my Netflix.

Govern Yourself Accordingly.

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Feb 09, 2017 8:14 pm EST

I couldn't agree with you more. Melania Trump is fluent in French, Italian, German, English and Slovene. Chelsea Handler is fluent in racism and xenophobia. She was the perfect liberal cretin to lead the Women's March.

Minneapolis, US
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Jan 27, 2017 1:09 am EST
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Please go ahead and cancel your service if this is how you feel. Not everyone feels the way you do and if the show is still available on Netflix that means it has some level of popularity. She also has a cable television show. While I am not a fan, I know many people who are.

I'm sure Netflix employees would be happy to see you go.

8:03 pm EST
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Netflix a netflix original movie

Title: black mirror
Season 1, episode 1

This is the most disgusting show i've ever seen. I don't know why I watched it past the first 5 min. I wanted to see just how far they would take the absurdity of the story.
A guy is forced into having sex with a pig—and a billion people watch it on tv. It sickens me even to write it.

The people who wrote this are sick, and should be getting psychiatric help.

Netflix will hopefully not survive by making this sick crap.

I sincerely hope that a majority of viewers reject this show. If not, I wonder about the abyss the viewing public is descending into.

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12:17 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Netflix lacking real customer service

Recently i just wrote about the poor and what i beleive to be intentional delay of turn around times of Netflix rentals, well they are still at it. if you read my complaint of a few days ago nothing has changed, even after talking with them and a supervisor, they had their movies back but did nothing as far as processing the next set of rentals til the following day and then there is the shipping time. Netflix must be trying to make as much as they can for their investors while sacrificing their customer base, if true then that also begs the next question is Netflix getting ready to drop or side alley their U.S. business and direct their attention to the markets over seas which are finally opening up and are not saturated yet?

I suggest folks start using Red Box, now they may not have some of the older stuff, if at all, never know what they may do, but they do have movies, i don't think the Netflix fees are really any better when it takes a whole week from sending and receiving and turn around times that Netflix has gone too.

If you want to prevent the detailed info that Netflix is building about you then the elimination of the bar code above the nearest Netflix Facility on the return envelope, may prevent them from knowing where and when you placed it into the mail stream as they are not first scanned until they reach a USPS regional section and sorting center, the USPS will still get the envelope back to Netflix in the same amount of time it appears, you will just be protecting the info being gathered and stored by Netflix and whom ever else (USPS)from having access to the info. Placing your disc without the bar code being displayed will also not stop your return from getting to Netflix, rather a different on site at Netflix or an actual person will have to handle that piece(s) individually you might even effect them to have to hire someone.

If Netflix with all of the programing and technoligy can't keep or improve your experience then there should be no reason to assit them in their informational gathering of your stats, if you call them don't do the survey,

For those who don't know this the USPS sells your info to business and especially when you move if you use their change of address form. Want to prevent most of the junk and other mail you want to stop from following you, then take the time and only give the change directly to those you want to hear from. It can take years for your mail to junk up again if ever. If you don't think they are gathering info pay attention to the clerk when you get additional mail services they are just typing away your name and other info about you as well as the recipients info and they are storing it all.

The USPS is also getting ready to offer a way that you can see what is sitting in you mail box or is out for delivery and from whom it came. You have to wonder who else will have this access and will you ever know?

Netflix and the USPS are not your friends.

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11:27 pm EST

Netflix racism in your broadcasting

Why do you have a host on one of your shows who hates immigrants? My wife is from Mexico and does not speak very good english and I do not appreciate your host making fun of people who "don't speak properly". Chelsea Handler is a hateful Xenophobe who is intolerant of new immigrants and I will never watch a Netflix show again. I am boycotting all your shows and I will tell all my friends and family how you treat immigrants ! Please cancel my subscription IMMEDIATELY !

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1:14 pm EST
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Netflix movie turnaround times and shipping and nearest netflix facility

Netflix has a system in place that identifies your movie return while it is in the postal system mail stream as well as the when you actually received your movies as well as when they actually put them into the mail to you. In the recent past besides letting you know they knew they were in rout to them they would process you next movie(s) and send them off to you. They did this all by email which you would receive. Now emails about what they have received come in a day or so later, and shipping/history will say they will send your next movie(s) when they become available, available, with a large queue and their stated operations they go to the next available movie(s) and send them, they now are even going blank after the system shows they have your return.

It appears that Netflix in my opinion is slowing down turn around time to give you less movie(s) even though there is no stated limit to how many you get a month except the limit to what you get per your plan(s) size of DVDs. We were getting from 2 to 3 groups of DVDs depending upon the day of the week they were sent, Mon, Wed, Fri, or Tue, Thur per week. Now it is 1 set per week after they do their delay and slow down.

How is this good customer service, as well as how many jobs have been lost due to their consolidation to less processing sites such as elimination of the Providence, RI and Portland, ME processing facilities. Now a very large area is going through Boston, MA. They have a very unique Postal bar code setup system, they should be getting better not worse by slowing down, Knowing the postal system they can't blow smoke on this issue towards the postal system.

Maybe besides spreading the word that their service is intentional maybe when you call do not answer the service quality question at the end or if you do, give them a thumbs down. They are now responding to questions like they are reading a prepared text like they do foe overseas customer service groups do.

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9:48 am EST

Netflix worst chefs in america removed from netflix

The TV show, Worst Chef in America, was removed from Netflix in 2017. My family really enjoyed this show! We were about to watch the 2nd season finale, but it was gone. Please bring back Worst Chefs in America! I believe live TV is on season 9, so there are many seasons of this great show Netflix could bring to viewers. You do not offer a comparable show.

My email is [protected]

Thank you.

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9:23 pm EST

Netflix password reset

After over 3.5 hours that started at 3:11pm and ended at 11:57pm creation of new email address with different providers and speaking to 4 - 1st line customer support folks and 3 different floor supervisors who all were unable to call be back in case of "mysterious" disconnections, and the fact that they could NOT add a phone # to send a reset text to they were unable to help me reset my password after trying to say it was my email providers network, thou all 3 of the email providers (yahoo, Gmail and work) could communicate with each other, and thou I kept saying that the issue is not the provider as when I enter my email address to send the reset to the error message kept saying that the email address was not associated to an account... and explaining that it was an account set up issue... left me googling Netflix alternatives...Hulu. very very very disappointed as I have never had any issues and up until was a happy customer, this was just beyond comprehensible. the kicker was that there was no offer of any type to offer a solution to reset my password that did not come via email! nor at the end of the ordeal did they even attempt to retain me as a customer by offering me any type of compensation to keep me! Wow super sad and disappointing as clearly if I was willing to spend over 3 hours on the phone trying to reslove I clearly wasn't inclined to leave them. Jeepers is this where we've reached with these larger companies?

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8:20 pm EST

Netflix removed show

I adored Netflix, an absolute mega-fan. However, taking away my favorite shows really put a sour note on the start on my 2017. I tried shrugging it off, but without those shows, I really have no reason to continue with Netflix. I really would like to maintain my subscription with Netflix because you have been so great up until now, but I don't want to spend money on something that I have no point in using. Please bring "Murder, She Wrote", and "Columbo" back. I can't see how that is too much to request. My grandmother and I would watch them together, and now we can't. Sounds silly, but those shows really brought us together. If Netflix does not bring them back then I will regretfully cancel my subscription. If needed, I can put together a petition to bring the shows back, I simply want this situation to be resolved so both parties can benefit.

Thank You

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5:28 pm EST

Netflix your edited version of my little pony, the episode, "where the apple lies". it's off putting and ruins the story continuity!

In the overall ongoing story of the series, it's a major plot point that the Applke Family produces apple cider, not juice. Your edit changing it to juice is absolutely ridiculous and uneeded! Not all cider is alcoholic, and that's honestly rather a weak point at best if it was your reason for the change. There is an entire episode in season two devoted to cider based plot, and its mention many, many times. You ruined it, seriously. It spits in the face of the shows plot and development, which just to let you know, is watched by nearly as many adults as children. We notice.

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5:12 am EST

Netflix netflix removed all christian, and updated flash and cosby episodes.

Hello I have been a Netflix customer for many years and have enjoyed the many programs on Netflix but recently I have notice that you have been remove different TV show like the updated Flash episodes, and The Cosby show, but the thing that really upset me is the fact that you have removed all the spiritual and Christian movies but left on or put the lesbian and gay shows in its place. This is wrong please put back on the Christian movies at once it should have never been removed, this is the main reason why I chose Netflix in the first place we are a Christian family and live by Christian values. Please return the Cosby show, the new flash episode, and the Christian movies or I will take my business some were else. Thank you Tony Fletcher a concerned and loyal customer.

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11:38 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Netflix free trial

I signed for the free trial only to discover that Firefox's claim to support it was not working. I use Ubuntu and not interested in any Silverlight BS. Finally found the fixes to make it go. Nothing that support would have a clue about since they can't even type in correct sentences. An account check revealed that I had only 3 days left for trial. Opened a dialog with customer service to ask for an extension. My service was cancelled by me the entire time until I fixed it. And surely they can see I never watched anything. All I got was questions and diversionary tactics. I called it unfair practice and cancelled for good. Won't deal with a company that deals with me using a script reading dirtbag from another place who cant make an english sentence right. This is not racism. This is quality of service. Too bad I wasted so much time reasearching and fixing it.

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8:12 am EDT
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Netflix online video streaming

For the past month my Netflix at home video streaming has been worse than ever (the past 2 years it's had real bad buffering issues). I barely even plays after 10min of getting a show to turn on, then in the middle of the show, it'll just stop and go back to the menu and it takes ten more minutes to get it playing again. This is a great service and I choose not to get cable because of it, but I find it ironic that I've paid 8 dollars a month for MANY years and right after a mandatory upcharge to 10.59 a month, my Netflix has basically stopped working, making it just a waist of money and added frustration. Fix the streaming or you'll become obsolete when people are willing to pay stupid amounts on cable or other streaming video companies to deal with no hassle and oh yeah, getting to ACTUALLY WATCHING SOMETHING. The service is not worth even the cheap price if it doesn't even work. I have great internet and wi-fi extenders in my house that make all other electronics and types of streaming work great everywhere, only NETFLIX IS THE PROBLEM.

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10:06 pm EDT
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Netflix cuts out/no good movie selections

For the last 2 months Netflix cuts out every time after 2 minutes of running. My internet service is fine on the computer and the BlueRay. It is only Netflix that won't work. The movie selection and other titles are bad. Anything great you search for is non existent. I never quite get why their selection is SO limited, you can't even select any basic classic movies, as they are not featured. Netflix offers and shows a lot of contemporary garbage . Anything worth watching is only featured temporarily. One month later, you go and search for the one thing you liked from a month perior and it no longer exists in their selection. It is not even worth the $10/ month. They should pay the consumers to watch, not the other way around.

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Update by socalbearman
Oct 26, 2016 10:07 pm EDT

They suck, everybody knows it. Total ripoff, piece of crap.

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3:48 am EDT

Netflix multiple payments

I called Netflix on the 17th August to say they had debited my account twice once on the 8th again on the 17th.
I provided them with a screenshot of my August statement, that wasn't enough I then called my Bank to get the two authorisation codes that wasn't enough for them.

They are requesting a statement which I have to go into the bank and get as these days I don't get statements posted to me.

I don't understand how they can't track my two payments with the two authorisation codes I provided them with.

Doe's anyone know who relegates them in the UK, is it ofcom? I also find netflix customer services is very poor.

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2:32 am EDT

Netflix audio cut out

The sound for most of the newer adult cartoons (I.E American Dad, Futurama, Family Guy, Archer) cuts out in 15 minute intervals. The only cure I've found is just exiting and continuing the episode, which takes a lot of bandwidth. The problem isnt super important and I've lived with it for six months, but it needs to be addressed eventually. It only occours with full screen, high def episodes. I REALLY don't want to lower my video qyuality for POSSIBLE audio continuity, since I pay for good service and therefore should receive it.

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6:14 pm EDT

Netflix do not have any old movies

When I look up movies that were on Netflix they are not on the app any more and I think that it is unfair that your company deleted the movies that were orginally on there are not on there anymore and also that you guys do not automatically update the tv show so my suggestion is automatically update the tv shows and add the deleted movies and shows back on or you will start losing account members on your application

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11:00 pm EDT
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Netflix small list of titles

Netflix' list of movie titles available for rent is tiny. The amount you pay per month to not be able to watch any of the classic movies you might want to watch is outrageous. The company has obviously made a policy decision to not license many good movies, so paying customers are restricted to a very limited number/variety of movies for rent. Because of the lack of choice, I immediately ditched them and cancelled my subscription even before paying them a cent once I realized what a scam their operation is!

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3:15 pm EDT

Netflix charging for service we did not order or use

I am so upset with Netflix ! I was looking at movies on their web site to add to my list. I noticed that they were billing us for Streaming, which we never added to our account. When I was looking at my account, I saw that they have been charging me $7.95 a month for years. We opened an account in 2010. We only ordered the plan which includes 2 DVD'S a week with BLUE RAY. This should only amount to $17.95 a month. After speaking with 3 different reps about their mistake, they refused to refund my account for the whole amount that I was over charged. They said that they would only refund for one year. I told them that this was their mistake and that I never requested this extra service. I plan to contact the Corporate Office on Monday. Look out for these people! Check and re-check your account for accurate billing notations!

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2:01 am EDT

Netflix unequal customer service

I would like to address that Netflix provides different content for different places globally and that we are all paying for the service but are unable to access the same tv shows and movies. I see this as unfair as many of the tv shows that I and many others would enjoy, in particular anime, are of a much limited availability in the UK when compared to the USA. Just because we are from a different country does not mean we would not enjoy the same shows and this is evidenced by the popularity of breaking bad in the UK. Therefore, there should be a greater equality between countries on what we have access to watch.

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4:49 am EDT

Netflix they took money without my permission!

I joined Netflix and signed up thinking that it was a free account, but later they took my money for some sort of membership. All I wanted was to try their service and I was never planning to buy a membership. I contacted their support and demanded my money back. They said I will be given a refund and that was the last thing I heard from them. Then I contacted my credit card company and they blocked Netflix. I don't recommend this site. They are running some kind of scam.

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Apr 08, 2016 8:42 am EDT

It says right on the signup screen that it is a FREE TRIAL... Stupidity doesn't deserve a refund...

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About Netflix

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Netflix is a popular streaming service that offers a vast collection of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content to its subscribers. The platform has revolutionized the way people consume entertainment, allowing them to watch their favorite shows and movies anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Netflix was founded in 1997 as a DVD-by-mail service, but it has since evolved into a streaming giant with over 200 million subscribers worldwide. The platform's success can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, personalized recommendations, and affordable pricing.

One of the most significant advantages of Netflix is its extensive library of content. The platform offers a wide range of genres, from action and adventure to romance and comedy, catering to the diverse tastes of its subscribers. Additionally, Netflix has invested heavily in producing original content, including award-winning shows like Stranger Things, The Crown, and Narcos.

Another key feature of Netflix is its ability to personalize recommendations based on a user's viewing history. The platform uses algorithms to analyze a user's viewing habits and suggests content that they are likely to enjoy. This feature has made it easier for users to discover new shows and movies that they may not have otherwise found.

Netflix is also available on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and gaming consoles. This flexibility allows users to watch their favorite content on the go or from the comfort of their own homes.

In conclusion, Netflix has become a household name in the entertainment industry, offering a vast collection of content, personalized recommendations, and accessibility across multiple devices. Its success has paved the way for other streaming services, and it continues to be a leader in the industry.
How to file a complaint about Netflix?

Here is a guide on how to file a complaint or review about Netflix on

1. Log in or create an account:
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2. Navigating to the complaint form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the title:
- Summarize the main issue with Netflix in the 'Complaint Title' section.

4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Netflix. Mention key areas of concern, any transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the nature of the problem, and the personal impact.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting.

8. Submission process:
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

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Ensure you follow these steps to effectively file a complaint or review about Netflix on

Overview of Netflix complaint handling

Netflix reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Sep 1, 2006. The latest review Double overlapping languages was posted on Jul 11, 2024. The latest complaint videos and movies won't stream was resolved on Oct 04, 2019. Netflix has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 1437 reviews. Netflix has resolved 68 complaints.
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