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Pos Malaysia Complaints 967

2:08 am EDT

Pos Malaysia delivery service eh843598490my


It doesnt make sense the service that suppose to be delivered on the next day delivery, until now yet delivered?
Ive sent my parcel on 8th March, understand the weekend is not counted, suppose the parcel arrived either Monday or Tuesday. Checked the tracking was not updated since 9th as attached,
This is not the first time Ive experienced this from Pos Laju. The customer is not protected and nothing can be done for the compensation of late delivery.
So suggestion others not to use this service anymore but go for other alternative courier service because poslaju not reliable at all

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11:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia slow services by poslaju national courier

I'm helping my Assistant General Manager to courier an urgent document to Singapore by using Poslaju National Courier in Tesco Pusat Bandar Puchong on the 15th Feb 2019. I proceed to the staffs at the counter name Linda and ask her how long to takes to deliver a document to Singapore and then she replied me it takes 4 working days to deliver to Singapore. Then in my mind i thought it can be reach Singapore on time. The document is weight 30gram with the charges of RM32.50. Today date 12th March 2019, we checked the status at website and trace the tracking number given by Poslaju EE013314541MY and it shows latest date 18th Feb 2019 with "Shipment bound for SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE". Then i quickly call the customer service at 1300-300-300 to find out why this document is not yet receive by recipient. Customer service lady cannot answer me why earlier promised me that it takes 4 working days to deliver to Singapore but now is almost 1 month and not yet deliver to recipient. She just said the document will deliver by this week. I said if i know it takes 1 month to deliver to Singapore then from beginning i will not using Poslaju national courier to send this urgent document. Anyway, i'm not going to use Poslaju anymore due to slow services.

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1:16 am EDT

Pos Malaysia haven't received my parcel

Pos laju messaged me twice about unsuccessful delivery at 3 am in the morning! The next day I saw the Pos Laju man infront of my house putting the self-pick notice in the letter box. When I call the customer service they said that they will deliver it again on Monday and again I received the unsuccessful delivery again... Do you guys even come to deliver? I was at home 24 hours! There wasn't any horns or bell ringing that day! This is not the first time Pos laju did this to me! Please do something!

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10:57 pm EST

Pos Malaysia 3 weeks hold

I thought when I use Pos laju to send a MAIL to Australia, it would send it in a duration of 2 or 3 weeks, but guess what? my mail got held up for 3 weeks! and it took a month to send the MAIL to my friend. That means it is way better for people to use SNAIL MAIL than an express one like this. Plus it is way cheaper when you use snail mail than pos laju mail. It's not even that "laju" at all.

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1:42 am EST

Pos Malaysia service barang hold banyak hari di pejabat poslaju jitra

Tracking No: EP609267841MY

I'm so sorry tapi barang dah sampai pos laju Jitra dari 6/3/19.

Tapi harini 9/3/19 sampai sekarang barang tak sampai lagi kat tangan saya.
Ni bukan kali pertama jadi. Sebelum ni sy pos brg utk customer mesti barang hold dekat poslaju Jitra 2-3 Hari. Please take action for this problem. As a poslaju user, I'm really disappointed with poslaju servis. Please.

Thankyou for your consideration.

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5:15 am EST
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Pos Malaysia sikap tidak wajar posmen

Pejabat : 5613
Id : 43496
Konsol : cg207841355my
Komen : ambank
Tarikh : [protected]
Masa : 110948

Merujuk kepada gambar (sila rujuk lampiran) saya ingin membuat aduan tentang sikap posmen yang bertugas (nama tidak diketahui).
Pada hari ini, 06/03/2019, sekitar pukul 3.00 petang, posmen berkenaan telah datang kepada saya di wisma ambank jalan pudu dengan seguni barang dan dokumen. beliau kemudiannya meminta saya menandatangai dokumen pengesahan penerimaan barang/dokumen tersebut. saya meminta beliau untuk mengeluarkan barang/dokumen tersebut untuk mengesahkan jumlah barang yang diterima sama dengan yang tertera di dalam dokumen pengesahan tersebut. beliau enggan berbuat demikian dengan alasan beliau ingin cepat. saya tetap menegaskan pendirian saya. tetapi beliau masih enggan mengeluarkan barang/dokumen sambil merungut tentang permintaan saya.
Secara tiba-tiba, beliau mengangkat semula guni berkenaan dan ingin beredar sekiranya saya tidak mahu tandatangan dokumen pengesahan berkenaan. saya amat terkejut dan marah dengan tindakan biadap beliau. saya membalas tindakan tindakan beliau dengan mengatakan terpulang sekiranya beliau ingin berbuat begitu. mendengar jawapan saya, beliau membatalkan niatnya dan muka yang masam dan terpaksa, beliau baru bersetuju mengeluarkan dokumen/barang di dalam guni yang dibawa. selesai saya mengira jumlah barang dan ianya sama dengan di dalam dokumen pengesahan itu, baru saya turunkan tandatangan. tetapi posmen berkenaan tetap mempersoalkan tindakan saya. disebabkan terlalu marah sehingga menggigil satu badan, saya nemberi amaran kepada beliau, sekiranya saya diperlakukan sebegini lagi, maka saya ada hak untuk tidak tandatangan dokumen pengesahan itu. beliau diam dengan kenyataan saya.

Berkenaan dokumen pengesahan penerimaan, saya tiada masalah dengan posmen lain sekiranya saya ingin membuat salinan dokumen tersebut untuk rujukan saya. tetapi posmen yang ini, beliau telah berkali-kali merungut dengan alasan beliau ingin cepat. setiap kali itu saja alasannya. sedangkan untuk membuat fotokopi tidak sampai 1 minit pun!

Ingin saya beritahu di sini, ini bukan kali pertama, servis yang tidak memuaskan diberi oleh posmen berkenaan, tetapi saya biarkan saja. tetapi apa yang berlaku hari ini adalah yang paling teruk kerana ia seperti satu ugutan kepada saya.

Saya harap pihak pos malaysia ambil perhatian tentang sikap yang tidak wajar ini.

Sekian. terima kasih

Wisma ambank jalan pudu

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2:12 am EST

Pos Malaysia service pos laju rawang mutiara lembab macam khinzir

Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera. Saya sangat tak berpuas hati dengan service penghantaran pos laju rawang mutiara. Banyak kali saya beli barang, barang saya kena hold ada yang sampai 2 minggu. Lastly saya sendiri kena menapak ke pos laju rawang mutiara untuk collect s e n d I r I barang saya! Buat apa saya bayar service! Kalau saya sendiri kena collect sendiri! Buat sekali dua. Tapi hampir setiap kali saya beli barang online saya sendiri kena collect! Kau faham tak service rawang mutiara tak ubah seperti khinzir! Tolong la ambil tindakan terhadap staff asap! Saya call cakap baik baik dia jawab nak tak nak! Barang overload la apa la. Barang aku dah dekat dua minggu tak hantar hantar. Barang org lain elok dapat dulu. Babi. Tutup salam.

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5:28 am EST

Pos Malaysia item delivered to the wrong person / no way to contact

Tracking Number : ER757453563MY

Yesterday I checked the tracking number of my item and it says Delivered to AWANIES, unfortunately I live alone in this house and I have no way of knowing or contacting whoever this is. I'm left off not knowing what to do next.

The address stated in there is already correct, but delivered to the wrong person anyway, not the one stated on the package which is my name.

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11:30 pm EST

Pos Malaysia parcel stuck at parcel hub

I had bought some items from hermo, and supposedly I need to received in between 1-3 working days, but I already wait for 1 week and my parcel still stuck at the parcel hub, and got some days you're not updating my parcel, after update the parcel is still at parcel hub🤦🏻‍♀️ can you do faster and fix the problem faster? Because the things are very urgent to use! Your company name is poslaju btw, not poslambat excuse me!
Eu013017486my pls check for me and do faster!

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Update by Jocelynx
Mar 01, 2019 11:36 pm EST

I already wait for my parcel almost 4/5 days and it always stuck at the Parcel HUB🙄 Can you do faster and check for me ? Actually 3 days can received but I already wait for 4/5 days helllo can poslaju do laju skit x ?

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8:33 pm EST

Pos Malaysia item not received

This is Chloe. I make an order on 18 February 2019 from due to the record I am supposed to get my parcel on 26 February 2019 but I have waited for the whole day in my house that day and there is no one else from POS Laju staff visited to deliver my parcel. How come today I check on the status of my parcel, it become "Delivery attempted. We found premises closed and left a Delivery Arrangement Notice. Item will be kept for 7 days. Please contact 1-300-300-300 or the number on the Notice for delivery arrangements"?
What do you mean by "Found premises closed' and "left a Delivery Arrangement Notice"? I am in my house the whole day and I don't receive any Notice from my security guard too. In fact, I didn't receive any missed calls from your staff also. Your staff are supposed to call me before he leaves at least to confirm that I was not around, wasn't it? Your staff must have my contact details, wasn't it? Your staff never visited my place but intend to ask me to collect my parcel at Pos Laju Gelang Patah by myself? Then what are the purposes for me to pay for the shipping fees?

I need an acceptable and reasonable explanation immediately.
Don' t try to push away the responsibilities.

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10:31 pm EST

Pos Malaysia postal & delivery services

Penghantar pos laju utk slip number EP612400687MY adalah seorang yang pemalas. Hantar brg ke menara ambank jln yap kwan seng tapi suruh customer turun amik barang dari dia. Saya tanye knape tak naik, just amik aje pas kat security lobi. Dia jwb, saya tak boleh naik. Haiiii sejak bila staf pos laju tak boleh naik atas ofis. Slama ni dah berpuluh delivery, boleh aje staf pos laju naik atas, antar sndri barang kat customer.
Saya suruh jugak dia naik ofis tapi tak naik2 jugak. Kali ke 2 dia kol, saya tak jwb tapi trus turun lobi. Ingatkn brg utk saya aje. Rupanye ade brg utk org lain yang sama level dgn saya di level 43. Dia suruh saya amik kan tapi bile cek list, nmbr slip kawan saya takde. Sudahnye dia tulis dgn tgn aje fan suruh sy sign.

Management pos laju, tlg check duty staf utk 26/2/19.

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9:21 am EST

Pos Malaysia unethical behaviour of staff poslaju wangsa maju

25 Feb 2019 / 8.10 p.m
Tracking No: EP593294572MY
Penerima : Farah Zawani Mokhtar

Punca posman update dalam system, alamat silap dan akan returned to sender. Sebenarnya alamat bukan silap, tapi posman tak jumpa & tak buat call untuk pastikan alamat.Selepas saya tgk dlm system yg barang akan return, saya terus call poslaju wangsa maju. Disbbkan waktu tu 8.06p.m jd mereka tak layan. Sbb dah lebih dr jam 8.

Memandangkan saya berdekatan dgn kawasan poslaju wangsa maju, saya terus ke sana untuk maklumkan kpd pihak poslaju wangsa maju supaya jgn return barang kpd sender. Jam 8.10pm saya sampai di poslaju wangsa maju, 3 kerani di bahagian pengeposan, kaunter 1, 2, 3 buat2 tak nampak saya yg berada di pintu poslaju. walaupun telah diketuk dan panggil.

Untuk makluman saya wanita mengandung 34 minggu yg sedang menunggu masa untuk beranak dan bersama anak kecik yg berumur 2 tahun setgh. Disebabkan saya dtg lebih dr waktu sepatutnya iaitu jam 8.10pm mereka terus menjadi buta dan tak nak layan saya. Mereka terus hilang sikap timbang rasa dimana keadaan saya yg tengah sarat mengandung dan bersama anak kecik di depan pintu poslaju wangsa maju.

Tidak lama kemudian, dtg seorg kerani perempuan untuk bertanyakan masalah. Saya menerangkan tentang perkara sebenar bahawa pihak poslaju telah update dlm system untuk returned barang kepada sender. Dia kata, barang akan disimpan selama 7 hari baru akan pulangkan kpd sender. Saya mintak kata muktamat bahawa barang betul tidak akan returned to sender sbb dalam system telah update seperti tu. Dia kata betul, barang tidakkan dipulangkan dan mereka akan simpan selama 7 hari baru dipulangkan kpd sender. Saya risau sekiranya malam ni barang akan dihantar balik kepada sender, dan saya terpaksa menunggu lama untuk mendapat balik barang saya.

Saya tanya mcm mana klu saya nak mintak pihak poslaju update dlm system bahawa saya akan dtg collect barang esok di poslaju wangsa maju. Dia kata sekarang dah lepas jam 8 pm dan mereka dah tutup.

Tambahan lagi die berkata "klu ikutkan saya tak boleh nak layan akak dah sebab dan lepas jam 8!". Waktu tu baru jam 8.15p.m. Staff perempuan yg terlalu berkira untuk melayan saya yg tengah sarat mengandung bersama anak kecik yg bergegas dtg ke poslaju disebabkan staff poslaju sendiri yg update dlm system bahawa barang akan returned kepada sender.

Kejadian itu disaksikan oleh seorg staff lelaki bernama Basrul. Dia memanggil saya dan bertanyakan masalah saya. Alhamdulillah die sudi membantu. Dia amik no tracking saya dan check dalam system. Selepas membuat semakan dia kata barang akan keluar untuk penghantaran esok. Sekiranya ingin dtg collect barang, boleh call poslaju untuk maklumkan kepada pihak poslaju awal pagi esok.

Selepas mendapat penerangan En Basrul, saya merasa lega kerana barang tidak akan returned kepada sender. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada En Basrul kerana sudi membantu dan prihatin terhadap masalah pelanggan. Tahniah poslaju wangsa maju kerana mempunyai pekerja seperti ini.

Dan agak malang kepada poslaju kerana mempunyai pekerja seperti pekerja2 di kaunter bahagian pengeposan dan pungutan baik wanita mahupun lelaki. Sikap yg terlalu berkira, tidak bertimbang rasa dan tidak prihatin ini telah mencemarkan nama baik poslaju wangsa maju yg baru sahaja di buka dikawasan ini.

Untuk menjaga nama baik poslaju, sikap seperti ini harus dihapuskan dan bertimbang rasa kepada pengguna. Sekiranya kita memudahkan urusan orang lain, in syaa allah Allah swt juga memudahkan urusan kita.

Sekarang barang saya masih berapa di poslaju wangsa maju, esok pagi saya akan membuat panggilan untuk maklumkan pihak poslaju bahawa saya akan dtg collect barang di sana.

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7:09 am EST

Pos Malaysia staf tuan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan malas untuk hantar barang ke atas rumah saya (+[protected])

Pada hari rabu(20/02/2019) jam 1410. Saya telah menerima satu pesanan ringkas dari staf tuan(+[protected]), yang membawa maksud barang saya perlu diambil di pejabat pos kapar pada keesokkan harinya kerana tidak dapat menghubungi saya. Saya sebagai seorang guru, telefon bimbit tiada pada setiap waktu kerana berada di dalam kelas dan kebiasaannya staf tuan yang lain atau syarikat penghantaran lain akan naik ke rumah saya tanpa menghubungi saya. Rumah saya memang sentiasa ada orang. Bila saya cakap saya ingin buat aduan staf tuan memberi alasan yang no. Jalan rumah saya tidak jelas. Bagi saya ia sangat tidak logik. jadi saya buat keputusan untuk menyemak kembali alamat saya dari pihak pembeli dan ternyata ia jelas tiada kabur seperti yang didakwa. Staf tuan juga ada mengugut saya jika dia tidak menghantar barang saya satu apa pun tak jadi. Masalahnya sekarang dia tidak lampirkan sebarang bukti pada saya hanya memberi pesanan ringkas sahaja. Sebenarnya ini sudah jadi dua kali kepada saya tetapi kejadian pertama saya diamkan kerana saya naif pada waktu itu tapi tidak untuk kali ini. Saya akan lampirkan pesanan ringkas beserta bukti yang lain. Maaf saya sangat kecewa dengan staf pihak tuan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan malas. Jadi tolong nasihat staf tuan supaya lebih proaktif dan lebih rajin dan tidak memberikan pelbagai alasan.

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10:53 am EST

Pos Malaysia haven't received parcel in 2 months

Tracking no. LE183230174MY
I bought something using pos ekspres, i waited for 2 months still haven't received my parcel, i didn't even receive a notification card to go pick up myself, i paid RM5 for your service and this is what u do? Pls do send my parcel to me ASAP, I have already waited long enough. Am very disappointed towards this kind of service

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Sabatino Giacomantonio
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Feb 23, 2019 7:34 pm EST

I am waiting for parcel number, SYBAA51486182

4:19 am EST

Pos Malaysia bad counter service and not comply to ticket/number system

Incidence place: Pejabat Pos Baru Pahat. Upon arrival, I was given instruction one of the staff to get service number. I took the ticket number to purchase stamp. As I was waiting I notice that there counter no 2 was the only counter where the people queue and no number called from the counter. I notice the other counter were not that hectic as counter 2- which was poslaju/mel. Few customers were served at counter 2. I noticed my number was the only number satarting with no 4xxx and was not called. I panicked and i quickly queue with other customers at counter 2. The person who serve counter 2, En amir suddenly called my number just before I my turn. I asked him why didn't call my number earlier and his respond was not satisfactory. I got my stamp and asked the other staff about complaint form but to my surprise the post office did not have any complaint form and ask me to see her boss. I went yo see her boss at the counter and asked for official complaint form. She also denied the form exist and only verbally tell her. I am quite surprise with her respond and I told her what was happened and request for counter stamp purchasing improvement and staff compliance with the number system. She only take note my verbal report. I am disappointed with the counter service and uncompliance os number system. I am hoping to get back the feedback report for the improvement of servce. Thank you.

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8:30 pm EST

Pos Malaysia surat tak masuk dalam peti dengan betul dan surat di letak di merata-rata.

Merujuk perkara di atas saya mewakili penduduk Taman Prima Selayang ingin membuat aduan berkenaan segelintir posmen.

Buat makluman tuan, ada segelintir posmen tidak memasukkan surat yg mereka hantar ke dalam peti surat dengan sebaiknya, ini menyebabkan surat kami di ambil oleh org lain dan di buka.

Ada juga segelintir posmen yang hanya meletakkan saja surat kami di mana-mana saja menyebabkan kami tidak dapat surat tesebut.

Baru-baru ini saya telah menjumpai surat BSH pada peti surat orang lain, saya amat rasa terkilan dengan posmen yang tidak bertanggungjawab itu.

Surat BSH itu mempunyai nombor kad pengenalan saya dan itu adalah surat privacy yang harus di jaga.

Saya berharap pihak tuan dapat mengambil tindakan ke atas posmen berkenan.

Terima kasih di atas kerjasama dari pihak tuan

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11:02 am EST

Pos Malaysia cheat to attempt delivery

Dear poslaju bayan lepas area

I am very upset on your courier service to my place. Every delivery left sorry card to my post box. I was at home every day but still not make any delivery to door. The service is to deliver to door. Yet still left sorry card. This is not my first experience. Every delivery using poslaju are failed. Other courier was successful.

Please look on this matter and if still no action, I will bring this to media.

Recent unsuccessful tracking no. : er830855376my / [protected]

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6:45 am EST

Pos Malaysia service very slow.. saya punya barang pecah tidak diganti kan balik sudah berbulan

Pos laju servis memang terok gila... Barang dah lama pos tapi  check tracking no barang dah sampai di pejabat pos laju kilang lama kulim... Tapi tak hantar2 lagi dah nak masuk 1minggu lebih barang xdapat lagi.. Janji 2 atau 3hari barang sampai.. Buat kerja main2 kaa... Kami bayar duit tau bukan xbayar duit.. Rm8 caj tuu dah mahal tapi servis tu bagi level 1.. Ni x servis poslaju macam kura2 tengah berjalan.. Buat kerja kew xbuat kerja.. Kalau kura2 berjalan xtau dah sampai mana dah.. Poslaju xsampai sampai lagi.. Memang teruk dan lembab.. Lebih baik poslaju tukar nama jaa jadi pos lambat sampai.. Yang aku geram tunggu xsampai sampai lepas tuu pergi pejabat pos nak ambik barang... Ambik2 barang2 pulak rosak dan pecah adooiii korang buat apa.. Orang dah bayar duit buat laa kerja elok2 servis tip top.. Nie x barang semua habis rosak terok.. Kami bayar duit tau barang yang di pos jagan baling2 jaa.. Jaga larr barang orang sama.. Ya allah buat kerja macam siput.. Ada otak guna sikit.. Nie semua bukan barang aku barang customer.. Bila telefon pejabat poslaju tanya mereka barang bila nak sampai sudah 1minggu dah nie.. Pihak mereka cakap esok saya hantar.. Padahal xhantar hantar barang pun sudah lama menunggu akhir nya baru tau barang pecah terok.. Dah larr bayar rm8 kena pergi tuntut pulak barang dekat pejabat pos.. Lain lar kalau rumah saya dekat degan pejabat pos laju.. Saya duduk jauh tau.. Mai dari jauh nak tuntut barang2 pulak rosak.. Lepas nie jagan harap larr aku nak guna perkhidmatan poslaju lagi.. Lebih baik aku guna servis yg lagi cepat.. Barang banyak macam mana pun tetapi servis lain cepat sampai dalam 2 atau 3 hari dah sampai.. Pos laju berminggu minggu... Ini barang kali terakhir aku guna poslaju... Lepas nie aku xakan guna pos laju dah.. Aku guna servis lain yang level a+.. Poslaju memang lambat macam taik kucing.. Lain kali barang orang jagan main campak jaa.. Aku yang kena maki hamun degan orang barang x sampai2.. Barang tuu barang kali terakhir aku guna perkhidmatan pos laju.. Lepas nie aku xguna pos laju dah.. Lebih baik aku guna perkhidmatan lain.. Dah laa kaki penipu.. Dah berbulan barang yang bagi pecah tuu tak diganti balik.. Apa cerita diam terus.. Saya bayar duit bukan percuma.. Servis terok gila r.. Berkali-kali janji macam mana.. Buat kerja tuu bagi lar elok sikit.. Service drop.. Poslaju kulim janji akan sampai secepat mungkin tapi tak ada apa2 berita.. Call office poslaju panggilan tak di angkat.. Emel di care pos hari tuu tak ada balasan apa2.. Diam terus.. Apa cerita.. Jagan sampai hal kecil jaa jadi besar.. Hampa ingat kami nie xbayar kaa.. Dah lama dah nie.. Saya bagi tempoh minggu depan tak sampai jugak benda macam nie akan jadi isu besaq

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12:10 am EST

Pos Malaysia services

My items unsuccessful delivered due to premises closed. I went to collections counters and I'm waiting for longer time for the service. After a long time, then they said that my items are in deliveryman hand. On the next working day, I contacted deliveryman and he said he not delivered in the area. I'm asking for the other deliveryman phone number but he refused to give me.
And now, how about my items? I'm really upset on this 😑
Please advise..

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5:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Pos Malaysia delivery to the wrong person. I havent receive the item but tracking detailed status already delivered.

Status barang diterima: 31 jan 2019 (11.55am)
Item delivered to: firdaus (orang tidak dikenali)

Nama penerima asal: solehah binti roslan ([protected]) sk desa petaling, jln 2/125, taman desa petaling, 57100 kuala lumpur.

Tracking no.: er850467415my
Harga barang:rm65
Barang: kad kahwin daripada (one smile enterprise)
Daripada pos laju kota bahru ke poslaju cheras
*barang tidak sampai di tangan penerima

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About Pos Malaysia

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Pos Malaysia is Malaysia's national postal service provider, offering a range of services including mail delivery, parcel shipping, express courier services, international shipping, and logistics solutions. They also provide financial services such as bill payments, remittances, and insurance. Customers can access services online or at various physical outlets across Malaysia.
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- Provide detailed information about your experience with Pos Malaysia. Mention key areas of concern, transactions with the company, steps taken to resolve the issue, the company's response, and the personal impact of the issue.

5. Attaching supporting documents:
- Attach any relevant supporting documents but avoid including sensitive personal data.

6. Filing optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting.

8. Submission process:
- Submit your complaint by clicking the 'Submit' button.

9. Post-Submission Actions:
- Regularly check for responses or updates related to your complaint on

Ensure to follow these steps to effectively file a complaint or review about Pos Malaysia on

Overview of Pos Malaysia complaint handling

Pos Malaysia reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 28, 2009. The latest review Poslaju poor service where rider didnt inform deliver registered mail. was posted on Dec 31, 2024. The latest complaint postman simply put attempt fail status was resolved on Nov 21, 2019. Pos Malaysia has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 967 reviews. Pos Malaysia has resolved 7 complaints.
Ratings on other review websites
221 reviews
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  1. Pos Malaysia Contacts

  2. Pos Malaysia phone numbers
    1300 300 300
    1300 300 300
    Click up if you have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 300 300 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 300 300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 300 300 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 300 300 phone number
    Customer Service
    1300 225 258
    1300 225 258
    Click up if you have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 225 258 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 225 258 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 225 258 phone number 6 6 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling 1300 225 258 phone number
    Confidence score
    On Demand Pick-up Hotline
    +60 376 261 900
    +60 376 261 900
    Click up if you have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 376 261 900 phone number 91 91 users reported that they have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 376 261 900 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 376 261 900 phone number 244 244 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 376 261 900 phone number
    +60 1-300-30-0300
    +60 1-300-30-0300
    Click up if you have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 1-300-30-0300 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 1-300-30-0300 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 1-300-30-0300 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 1-300-30-0300 phone number
    Customer Support Hotline
    +60 3-2705 9900
    +60 3-2705 9900
    Click up if you have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 3-2705 9900 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 3-2705 9900 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 3-2705 9900 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Pos Malaysia by calling +60 3-2705 9900 phone number
    More phone numbers
  3. Pos Malaysia emails
  4. Pos Malaysia address
    Tingkat 8, Ibu Pejabat Pos, Kompleks Dayabumi, Kuala Lumpur, 50670, Malaysia
  5. Pos Malaysia social media
  6. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Jan 13, 2025
  7. View all Pos Malaysia contacts

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