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CB Satellite and Cable TV Sirius XM Radio Consumers beware of sirius radio!
Sirius XM Radio

Sirius XM Radio review: Consumers beware of sirius radio! 56

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I activated my Sirius radio that was factory installed in my vehicle on February 23, 2007 and paid for two years. My credit card was charged immediately but I had problems with the signal. I called right back and ended up holding for more than an hour for technical support. I had them test the signal again and it came through.

Later the same evening I lost the signal again and had to call back for technical support. This whole process of calling and waiting for long periods of times was frustrating so I called on February 24, 2007 and canceled this service requesting a full refund. I was told on February 24, 2007 by the representative that the credit would take 3-5 business days.

On today, the sixth business day I called Sirius back because the credit was not applied to my credit card and waited 28 minutes to speak with a representative. The representative then informed me that the person on the 24th of February forgot to send through the credit and I would have to wait another 3-5 business days for a credit. I told her that this was poor customer service and asked to speak with a supervisor. A gentleman named "Carl" who identified himself as the floor-walker was extremely rude and said there was nothing else that could be done according to the senior level. I then requested to speak with a senior level person and he hung up on me. I make yet another call to Sirius to request an address to send a customer complaint and the representative put me on hold for 24 minutes before I was disconnected.

I still am not sure I will receive my credit and will have my attorney contact Sirius.

CONSUMERS BEWARE OF SIRIUS RADIO! They take your money and provide you with horrible customer service.

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Mar 05, 2007 7:01 pm EST

I activated my Sirius radio that came in my new truck, and it was the best thing I have ever done.

The programming is terrific and the quality of commercial free music is equal to CD's.

When I had a slight reception problem with another Sirius radio I purchased for my wife, a customer service representative spent 45 minutes helping me through the problem, and it has worked perfectly ever since (over 1 year.)

They were so courteous and helpful, that I have told all my friends at the Church Family Center all about their excellent customer service department.

I am very surprised that you could have had a negative experience with the nice people at Sirius.

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Mar 05, 2007 7:45 pm EST

I am the ultimate computer/electronics "Geek."

I have pestered the customer service reps at Sirius for hours, and they have been so courteous and friendly to me that I really appreciate it.

I think they are terrific, and am giving a Sirius radio to my mom for Easter.

I disagree with the criticism.

william walters
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Jun 16, 2007 11:14 pm EDT

They don't tell you about an activation fee till you install it and call, on top of that i talked to michael at sirius he said to mention his name and they would waive the activation fee. I call the next day to activate it the sorry, well never mind they basically called me a liar if xm and sirius merge, they will go out of business, if they treat a person like this before you activate it, then how will they treat you as a customer?

Clint F
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Jun 23, 2007 12:28 pm EDT

I have had sirius for 3 years and have had no problems with it. Customer service is fast and friendly and knowledgeable.

Bill High
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Jun 23, 2007 5:55 pm EDT

I was a satisfied Sirius customer for two years but when they dropped my favorite music channel (WSM) I decided not to renew my annual subscription that expired in October 2006. Sirius continued to bill me for monthly service and calls to customer service accomplished nothing even though I was reassured that the billing would stop. Finally, I sent them a certified letter and for about four months the bills stopped and I thought the ordeal was over. Then last Thursday 6-21-06 I received a letter from a collection service threatening me if I didn't pay up. My patience in dealing with these incompetent is at its limit and I am preparing complaints with the Attorneys General of New York and Kentucky. The bill is only 32.58 and I would gladly pay it if they would just leave me alone and take their petty thievery somewhere else but there is absolutely no reason to believe they won't try to bill me again. I don't even have the radio anymore. Customer service here is a joke and I would advise anybody considering their service to think twice before signing up. Chances are you will regret it deeply later.

beaware, US
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Jun 30, 2007 1:56 pm EDT

Sirius customer service is AWFUL, i recently subscribed to a lifetime subscription, under the impression i had a lifetime of sirius radio on my receiver(s). This believe was also enforced by the customer service rep in which I was speaking to, confirming I could place my service onto 3 radios in total. When I purchased another receiver and called customer service to add the receiver, the female rep told me I would have to purchase another Lifetime or paying subscription for this radio also, when I explained the terms that I agreed to pay for their lifetime subscription, she told me I misunderstood the terms and she cannot speak for another customer service reps quote on the deal, so I asked to speak to a supervisor. I spoke to someone by the name of Adam who was completely unempathetic to my needs, plainly stating in a rude fashion that I either buy a subscription or return the radio and take my business elsewhere. Is this the customer service that sirius is handing out after I just forked over over $400 dollars of my money?

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Jul 16, 2007 7:50 pm EDT

I have had Sirius radio for about a year the quality of sound is excellent however i spent $200 on my radio and a week ago i lost my remote i then called customer service they transfered me and gave me different numbers to call and gave me the runaround it all led nowhere. Finally i spoke with someone who had half a brain( thats half of a brain ) and she told me theres no way to order a new remote. So if you get a radio with a remote don't loose it.

Gwen Break
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Aug 21, 2007 6:06 pm EDT

I bought an S50 and activated it in Jan. 2007. I am not about to send back the third radio. This one worked less than 36 hours. The problem seems to be, or at least they tell me, is the antenna keeps going bad. They don't pay for return postage which by the time you add insurance is more than $15, plus the first radio I returned they charged me a $70 transfer fee and a $15 activation fee, both of which were later waived. Nor will they pay for the "professional installation," which I sprung for this time thinking it was something I was doing to make the antenna died. They won't send just the antenna; you have to take the whole radio. Customer service most always has a smile they are just impotent. I wish I had saved my $500 lifetime subscription and bought a really good mp3 player; I would have still had money left over. To hell with satellite radio.

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Oct 17, 2007 5:56 pm EDT

I have to say that I love the music and have no signal problems but... but customer service is another story. If you haven't had a bad experience with them yet, you will. Just wait until you want your rebate or refund or want to cancel your subscription. Wow. I have only had one good experience with their team of "experts" in the 10+ conversations I've had with them. But this last call was the worst and now I'm mad. Not only did the non-English speaking woman lie to me, she gave me a number to a local singles hotline for rebate help. Nice. The second man I spoke to only had about an smidgen more of a brain then she did. I was not only not helped but lied to. Apparently I am going to have to write the president of Sirius, the president of operations and sales, and CEO to get my rebate. I'm still not sure if the whole thing is even worth my time at this point.

Dan Shamberg
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Nov 17, 2007 12:00 pm EST

Holy Smoke! I was given the number for the singles hotline as well! I wanted badly to relay that story but figured no one would believe it. Very strange in that my initial calls to customer service went very well, were quickly handled by pleasant people. That would be in September 2007 to take advantage of a rebate offer on a second subscription. From then on, each call has exponentially declined in quality. The whole point was to make sure they didn't renege on the rebate - I wanted to make I sure I mailed them exactly what they wanted. So today I get the little index card telling me the UPC code I sent is not good enough. That would be the one and only UPC code which I cut out of the box and placed in the envelope (and incidentally was ordered online directly from Sirius). I tried calling and the woman on the other end kept saying "hello.. hello...?" and hung up. I called again and got disconnected while on hold. This is pretty grim... I really don't want to cancel, I enjoy the service, but if they don't honor the rebate I don't know what else to do... I'm not going to stand for that.

george prigge
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Nov 21, 2007 7:39 am EST

I have had sirius radio for about 4 years. Everything was fine until my radio was stolen and I called their "Customer Service" dept to cancel my account. I called 4 times, was put on hold all 4 times for about 20 minutes each and cut off on two of the calls. The last time I called, I asked to speak to a supervisor and again was put on hold and after about 10 minutes I was cut off again. I sent them an email explaining all this and asked that my account be canceled. After 2 days I received an email back saying I should call their "Customer Service" number to cancel my account. Needless to say, my email reply was not as friendly as my first one. This is the worst example of service I have encountered in many many years.

Shawn Gray
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Nov 28, 2007 9:03 am EST

Sirius radio "customer care" is a joke at best! I vote to rename it Customer Don't Care Service. It's been my experience that the only thing they are good at is giving people the run around. Dan S. I know your pain. Rebate issues was my last troubles. They know all the tricks for passing the buck. For example hang up, long hold times, give wrong numbers to call for help, give wrong information. This was just some of problems I had. The only good thing I can say is that the radio itself is great.

Ellen H
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Dec 27, 2007 4:07 pm EST

I activated my Sirus Radio 2 years ago when it was the hot item for Christmas 2005. So on 12-27-05 I activated my radio. I was going to purchase a month to month but was told if I paid for a 2 year contract up front I would get 3 months free.
Now to my way of learning 2 years equals 24 months and 3 months is 3 months equals 27 months or my contract would expire March 27, 2008. I confirmed this with the agent I spoke with and wrote all the info down inside my sirius operation manual and paid by my debit card. So to review for $271.95 I was getting a 2 year contract PLUS a free 3 months.

Today $271.95 was deducted from my bank account. for a renewal that I never authorized. When I called them I was told my 2 year contract was for 21 months. Hmmm. 2 years now equals 21 months. In what country? On what planet?

Some nasty guy told me I did't know what I was talking about.
I got a supervisor and she told me the same 2 years equals 21 months. Well that may be what they are hawking this year but I know what I was told 2 years ago and I am sure those 2005 sales people have all moved on to other jobs and this is now the new policy. I was also never notified of the auto renewal, even though they have my name address, phone # and email address. I was told they can do this. I told them they can just refund me as fast as they debited my account.

I have cancelled my account and they have cheated me out of 3 free months. I am sure in the next few weeks all those other jerks like me who fell for the 3 free month gimmick will be complaining and cancelling their subscriptions. I haven't even addressed the lack of service I had when the trees in my yard sprouted leaves each spring, but thats another subject.


justin michaud
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Feb 05, 2008 6:03 pm EST

I have been having problems with them sending my rebates. I called several times, and been emailing back and forth with a debbie from The original rebate I had was for $50 for purchasing my sportster that I never received 2006. When I called at first to check the status of it they said they didn't receive it, and to resubmit the info. By that time I didn't make a copy of the box, because in the rebates they ask for the originals. I figured it's my mistake since I didn't make a copy so I didn't make an issue with it. Now in September 2007, the rebate was for a free sportster to existing members and an additional rebate if you purchase the boom box. The rebate total comes to $200. This time I photo copied all the rebate info and resent it. I still haven't recieved my rebate, and I have been getting the run around. So I e-mailed them the photo copy of the items I purchased and the reciept, and they tell me they can't except it and has to be resubmitted. So I decieded I will try again and resumit it because I want my $200 and now I want my additional $50 for the past one since they are giving me so much grief. I asked for there past rebate forms and I will resend them to them, and they give me a sight for current ones, not past ones.
They are definately are not helpful at all when it comes to rebates.

I have called them on several other occations with radio issues, and they are pretty good about helping out with those issues, but when it comes to rebates, I can tell you that they're definately shady. If it wasn't for listening to NFL, Howard, and the comedy I would drop them immediately.

Rebecca De Lany
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Feb 14, 2008 8:33 am EST

Sirius sent me a renewal notice. I answered NO RENEWAL. They proceeded to charge my credit card without my permission and renewed it anyway. They laughed when I asked to have it removed. They have written notice two weeks before the expiration saying I was not renewing so fraudulently charged my account anyway.

I am fighting the credit card company and Sirius and to date have gotten nowhere.


David Marciniak
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Mar 29, 2008 9:18 am EDT

I have to agree with the complaint and would like to add another. . .We moved from our home in Minnesota in July. I sent in
a address change with the US Postal Service. Apparently my renewal for service with Sirius came due sometime in NOVEMBER.
which of course I wasn't made aware of at the time. I did not receive any mail from them until December. I called Sirius at the
time and explained that I didn't want the service any longer. I was told that I would be taken off list and that I did not owe anything. That was the last I heard from them until this week when I received a notice from a COLLECTION AGENCY for $28.80
(for service from November to January! Becareful - when you sign up for service it NEVER ends... When I called customer
service to explain to them again, I was treated terribly from a VERY RUDE customer service agent. You are better off with another
type of service, STAY AWAY FROM A BUSINESS THAT DOES BUSINESS LIKE THIS. Caution Stay Away from Sirius,

Jeffrey & Virginia Samons
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Apr 18, 2008 9:46 pm EDT

Sirius radio has taken unauthorized money from my account more than once and said it would be refunded because we were unable to use our radio because it wasn't working so of course we had to pay to send it to get it fixed and also had to pay for service while it was getting fixed and not able to use it..on two different occasions. We there for cancelled our subscription and they still charged us for several months more after we cancelled. We mistakenly bought a gift card thinking we would give them another try but without giving them access to our accounts. We have now lost more money and still do not have service. Their reps are horrible and rude and inconsiderate and not very bright. We have yet to receive any of our promised refunded money and they have actually sent us to a collection agency for $17 for another month or service after we cancelled surprise surprise. Which we never received anything in the mail regarding. At this time we still do not have service. The rep we are speaking with at this is Eli Ruz "Supervisor". Again not very bright. The other idiot was named Kevin supposedly. I will never ever ever do business with these money stealing #$@%& again. I would really like for everyone who reads this that considering Sirius Radio...they are the most money grubbing &&%$# people I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. I will never recommend anyone to go thru Sirius Radio. We also tried to get any kind of information out of them and they lied and gave us the runaround surprised? No! After spending $400 over the past year we actually used the radio a couple months when it worked. If you are thinking about get Sirius please please think again or just write them a check to whatever $$$ you have. Better yet a blank check would be better. Then maybe you will get great customer service...if they speak english. They are the worst company that is only after your money period.

Signed very unhappy and no-longer customers.

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Apr 20, 2008 12:56 am EDT

Well I too have been scammed by Sirius. Apparently once you get their service you can NEVER cancel it. After a couple of months when I had called to cancel my subscription I got a letter in the mail from a collection agencey saying I owe Sirius. I was like WTF?!

So first thing I do is call the collection agency... Turns out they have a dedicated line for Sirius, and I thought to my self, "Well this doesn't sound good." But upon calling them I get the message "We are experiencing higher than normal call volume please leave a message and we will call you back" So when I get to their answering machine it's full. Crap. But to shorten things up I end up calling this place up several times and never getting an agent. I leave several messages which none have been answered.

I take the matter to Sirius basically after several anal holes I get nowhere with much frustration. All I get from Sirius is that this matter is out of our hands and all I can do is call the collections agency NCO Finical.

I have now taken this up with the BBB and from what I read may help a little. But we will see.

Lucy L.
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May 03, 2008 11:01 am EDT

Oh Brother, It looks as if most of the people in this board have gotten the slap on the face as well as I did by Sirius. The customer service wait is out of this world and the Representatives are as stupid as the billing system and so call terms and conditions they have. I got my service with a six months subscription from my dealer as the system was factory installed in my car. A few days before the 6 months expire I received a letter notifying me that the service was about to expire and if I would like to sign up. I did sign up for only six months and paid over the phone with my check card... I was not informed of any contractual obligations, notifications, terms and conditions changes out of the blue, etc. Little that I know and per lack of communication or so call GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE... after this last six months expired Sirius end up charging my check card with a renewal subscription for a year.

This is without email notification that the account was to expire soon, mail, or a courtesy phone call. They went ahead and charged without negotiating with me or even asking me if I was interested in renewal. To my second surprise I called customer service to dispute the illegal transaction and the automated system as redundant as it is, not to forget annoying put me on hold for about 45 minutes before I spoke with "The Rep". He told me that I should have known better that Sirius holds the credit card information to renewal after each service is over. They do an automatic renewal without the customer's consent or banking approval.

I requested a refund and the termination of the account due to such violation... the surprises keep on coming when the cancellation department informed me that I would have to pay a $79 dollar cancellation fee due to the fact that the new service was already active and that I was not following the terms and conditions that the company has established. I asked the rep what terms and conditions as I was not under a contractual obligation with them. She responded well the latest one was established this last April 1st, 2008. I asked her why I was not notified and she responded... that they don't have to notify the consumer about any changes to their policies. DOUBLE SLAP ON MY FACE really! To make the story short they waited until I noticed the charges to my account two weeks after the service expired and now the so called policy benefits them by charging me a cancellation fee.

AFTER TWO WEEKS OF RENEWL. I end up signing up for another six months and requesting to have the account terminated after the end of this term. I know have to change my check card number as I would not want to re-visit my angry haft day wasted on the phone with idiots. I don’t want to give them the chance to charge my account and have to deal with the same issue again. I AM ABOUT TO SEND MY COMPLAINT TO THE BETTER BUSINESS BEURAU AS we as consumer have to alert others of companies like Sirius that will always try to make sure they meet their $$$ balances each quarter by abusing their customers.

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May 18, 2008 3:11 pm EDT

what a problem you have trying to talk to the coustomer service. I paid for another radio from wal- mart for my truck it came with my car with a one year free service well these people cut the one in my truck and car off and haven't had it 6 months. and prepaid for the one in the truck for 6 months. called in for help on the problem got some guy keep blowing in the phone and asking can i hear him. WOW what great coustomer service. I think they need to merge and spend some money on phone service and english classes for de people.

Shawn Gray
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May 28, 2008 4:33 pm EDT

The best advice I can give is to speek with an American that speeks clear English. If you don't get that person the first time hang up and start all over again. This will save time and brain drain in the long run. I found that if you talk to the right person you get problems solved the first time.

mike scott
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Jun 10, 2008 8:44 pm EDT

Here is my complaint. I purchased a brand new vehicle and it came with a 1 year free subscription to Sirius. Well, on the day I purchased the car on the following year my Sirius radio stopped working. I called their customer hotline and they proceeded to tell my that my one year free subscription was up today. Which just happens to be exactly one when I purchased my vehicle. So, I went ahead and signed up for a 2 year subscription, which was to my understanding 2 years of service for Sirius radio. Thinking once the two years is up they will drop my subscription on that day as they did when I had one year for free when I purchased my vehicle. I was sent a bill for $315 to renew for another 2 years, I ignored it because I did not want to renew it and received another bill for $28 a month later. So, I called their customer service line and asked them what the $28 bill is for because I am not going to renew. The lady, whom I could not understand, put me one hold to speak to someone else to cancel my subscription. At this point, all I can think to my self is why do I need to cancel my 2 year subscription if the ###ing 2 years is up. What’s there to cancel. Then some dude answers the phone and asks me for my address and name then made me wait for 20 mins on the line while he canceled my subscription. He tries to offer me 3 months free of Sirius satellite radio and after the three months i then could cancel the subscription. I told him no thanks I just want to cancel it. Then he proceeded to tell me that i still will have to pay the $28 renewal fee for the time that went over my 2 year subscription. This came to a shock to me. So I politely told the guy that i asked to purchase only a 2 year subscription to their radio service, which means all i want is to have their service for 2 years and not a 2 year and 15 day plan, as they proceed to tell me i used. As a reminder, I purchased the 2 year agreement over the phone and was not told about any automatic renewal process. I asked him to speak to a manager or supervisor and he basically put me on hold and came back 10 mins. later and told me that i was going to have to pay the renewal fee no mater what and there is nothing he can do. At this point, i am blown away because feel like coming through the phone and smacking the ### out of this ###. I told him that I was not paying for the $28 and that they can shove it up their ### because im not giving them any money for nothing. Its not my fault they let it run over 15 days. I told them that my attorney will be sending a letter to them and that we will be taking legal action. They told me they will send the bill to a collection agency and will have to dispute it to them.

Basically, what’s happening is that %90 of the customers of Sirius is not going to call to cancel their subscription. So, they are trying to suck an extra dime out of all of them before they leave. Their rep was quick to offer me 3 months of service and then i could cancel it if i pleased. However, after i told him i did not want the 3 free months they would told me about a renewal fee and they would not get rid of the $28 charge for extra 15 days they left my service running for over my 2 year subscription.

The bottom line is if i purchased a 1 year membership at the gym and they still let me in after that year that’s not my problem. If i order a 12 month subscription to mens fitness magazine and they send me 13 months worth, their bad not mine. If the cable company on accident had given me HBO and Showtime for the last 6 months for free. They damn sure wont bill me for their ignorance.

mike scott
Send a message
Jun 10, 2008 9:11 pm EDT

Go figure,

Sirius satellite radio 1 month subscription ----------------------- $12
Sirius satellite radio 2 year subscription------------------------- 315
Cancellation (renewal fees, collection agencies, court fees)-------PRICELESS.

Bennie Stewart
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Aug 06, 2008 12:30 pm EDT

My complaint is that they changed the programming after they got my money. The music they play you can hear for free on any of the local radio stations. I tried cancelling my subscription, but was renewed without my consent, trying to get compensated for the credit has been a nightmare. I'm going
to XM...

D. Baumwell
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Aug 15, 2008 4:59 am EDT

I had the same terrible experience with the billing practices of Sirius. I had the service for 1 year and was disappointed with the programming; did not feel it was worth paying for. When my year was up, I did not renew. (I did not realize I had to actualy cancel)
Apparently they tried to charge my credit card, but the number had changed. So after being without the service for several months, suddenly I was called by a
collection agency stating I owed $165 to Sirius. I called Sirius and was basically told "there's nothing we can do now that it was turned over to the collection agency". I called the collection agency and advised them that I am disputing the charge and do not intent to pay. They simply stated "I'll let t hem know" and hung up.
I too immediately contacted the Better Business Bureau. I will say that these kinds of tactics on the part of Sirius will not encourage someone to reconsider returning to the service.

carlisle, US
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Jan 22, 2009 2:12 pm EST

Got sirius starmate 5 for christmas. DO NOT BUY A STARMATE 5 SIRIUS RADIO THEY DON'T WORK AND SIRIUS DON'T CARE EITHER! Don't believe it when they say you can get alacarte on it. They can't activate mine they can't activate any of them so I am told and they are chargin me $16.95 a month, when it should be $6.99. I have been trying for over a month to get this radio to alacart. What joke. What a rip off! False advertising and I am starting to hate a gift that costs me money and aggrevation! I have been on hold for over 45 minutes again and all I am doing is getting bounced around the departments. Now I still am told I have to wait another 5 or 6 days and call back! Don't buy a STARMATE 5 for alacarte! It is a rip off. I am filing my suit for false advertising! I want ALL my money back. Too bad I found out after it was installed in my car. ALACARTE, yeh right they only thing alacarte is the telephone operators at Sirius!

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Jan 22, 2009 7:39 pm EST

I had the internet radio service. When I decided to call and cancel I was on the phone for 30 minutes. (2 phone calls) I was told that I'm lucky thats all I had to hold on for. I in turn told them to offer discfontinuation of service as an option and no one would have to be going thru the wrong people.

What a nightmare...

Ruther Glen, US
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Feb 08, 2009 10:09 pm EST

I am a Lifetime member of Sirius having signed up in 2006. When I signed up with my one time fee they said I could have 3 additional Radios with a fee of only 6.99 per month per radio. Now that XM and Sirius have merged Sirius has NOW CHANGED the deal so that you cannot get the 6.99 subscription rate any longer.

They also changed the fact that ALL radios now purchased ONLINE via CC or Checking account are now subject to Automatic Renewal and you have no say so in the contract you sign with them.

They also put this in the "fine print" of the contract. So BE AWARE of what you are getting into before you jump into anything.

As for me, I think I will hold off on getting anymore subscriptions right now because the promises that were told to me when I extended them payment for lifetime services ; have been recently edited by their merger with XM.

Seeing how their stock is a 'penny stock' now selling for below 50 cents I am not sure that the merger of XM will be the last merger.. I believe I have seen Echostar/DISH buying up the debt of this company.. soon it may be another be continued..

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Sep 18, 2009 10:39 pm EDT

I'am a SiriusXM rep. I do see lots of error the Customer have be told. It is a good idea to read to Terms and Conditions. I do deal with this issus everyday.Auto renew and invoice renew. Lifetime Terms and Conditions..If cancel ask for userid&password to see if there is no service or its going to be cancel on the nexts billing date. Also if you order a radio deal for $9.99 it does have a 3 months plan that will auto charges the credit card or debit card..also you must keep the radios for 6 month..Customers radio breaks and offer the $9.99 deals will add a second radio on the account. Cancel one will charges the credit card and debit card the full cost of the radio and a cancel fee of $75.00 if you sign-up 1 year or $50.00 under 1 year. also it can't be transfer after 6 months.. order radio, please ask for the order number. also if radio breaks you may offer one time 2 months to place your radio inactivate pre year, but watch out there is a reactive date will not send you a notice.

I hope this Info may help you.

From, James..

Tammy and Shawn McClure
Zeigler, US
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Jan 06, 2010 6:58 pm EST

We purchased sirius back in 2007 and the life time membership. When we subscribed they said we could have up to five recievers. So christmas of 2009 we bought two stalettos and tried to activate them and customer service said we also misunderstood what they said and could only have one reciever. They said to return the merchandise which we did since we were lied to and that we needed to make sure we got a tracking number when we sent it, to call back with the number and they would credit the credit card back the money so we did that. Well when we called with the tracking number they said we were mislead and that it would take two days to get the money back on our credit card. So today which was the second day we called back and they told us it would take 6 to 8 weeks to get our money back. Sirius Satelitte are liars about everything. They are scamming everyone and please be careful with your money. They never give you what they tell you. I think everyone should get lawyers and start a law suit and get back the money they have taken from everyone. I know this cannot be legal.

Ooltewah, US
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Feb 18, 2010 7:49 pm EST

Stay away from Sirius Radio, they will charge you bank account without your permission and then when you ask for a refund they will only give you a portion of it in return. Customer service is horrible. No time for them and tell everyone you know to stay away from them...

Glace Bay, CA
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Mar 05, 2010 12:15 am EST

I'm also a Sirius|XM rep, and to be frank with you guys, the terms and conditions are very clear, if you bother to read them, which 95% of yous most lilkely haven't.

Here's the rundown on how we, at the customer satisfaction department work (We're the ones who cancel the radios).

a) If you're nice, we tend to treatyou alot better, and help to get the resolve you wish & possibly even more.
b) If you call in, or get transferred to us, for starters, don't complain about the hold time, for the last 4 weeks, we have been in DEEP QUE. Aroud 145 people or so, non stop. And besides, you've been on the phone what? 10, 20, 30 minutes? We spend around 8-10 hours a day on the phone, so don't complain about the wait time, each customer has a different reason for cancelling the service, and some people are even transferred to us, inappropriately ; and yes, we look after those calls the best we can, and not just transfer them to other deparments, as in my site, we're the one stop shop. SO yes, we're busy. Learn to deal. If you call during your lunch break, get over the fact you might be five minutes late. If you're calling from a cellphone, or in your vehicle with the windows down, wind blowing like a maniac, we won't be able to hear you, as disruption is nobodies BFF.
c) If you're a ###, screaming on te top of your lungs, we also won't be able to hear you, as we have feelings as well, and well drown you out with the sirius radio playing in the background.
d) if the background suddenly does go quiet, don't scream "HELLO ARE YOU THERE"? We have a mute button, and we use it, either theres somebody asking us a question, we cough, sneeze, or take a drink, we're still there, and if we aren't going to be there, we tell you, just one moment, im just going to check this out. The building I work at, is huge. It takes time, and 2 departments are 1 floor below me, so sorry if I bother to take the stairs, to go talk to them, and review your account, than walking all the way down to the other side of the floor, waiting 4 minutes for the elevator (6 floors, mind you) walking to them, than walking back, waiting for the elevator again, and going back to the phone. So I;m sorry for being considerate of the already possibly long wait time.
e) Our prices are subject to change, and we honestly don't need to inform you of the prices, which are updated regularly on our website.
f) We have a search bar, along with a channel guide. We're busy as it is, do the search yourself, we have to many channels to know which one your vaguely describing.
g) Not all of us, kno who the ### Bubba is, other than some bald burly black guy who wants to ### any twink in their tight hole, while serving a lifetikme sentence for man slaughter.
h) When we tell you, you're receiving a set refund, don't fight with us, when we say its a pro rated amount for time not used, and the only reason you aren't receiving a full refund is because 2 months has past (Please reffer to A and C) We have a max credit to the account of 38.85 (3 months) as a SERVICE CREDIT, and a $10 amount for refunds. DOn;t argue with that either. Our supervisors do hat we ask them to do, they only moniter, not control the calls.

I) Think we're bad for wait times? Try product support. Ask for a manager there, and you may even get "Hi, My name is _______ I'm a non technical manager on the floor"
J)The floor roamers, are there to help, they are senior agents, they run without a manager, talking to them, is generally better than a manager any day, and some are even from the Corporate team, and try their hardest.

SO all in all, Sit down, shut up, do as we say, DOn't scream, fight, ### or be a general ###, and you'll get along the process alot faster.

Have a good day -- btw, we moiter these sites, and we laugh out loud at each comment.

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Apr 09, 2010 3:52 pm EDT

Sirius radio has absolutely the worst customer service of any company I have ever called. In December I informed them that I traded my car that had the Sirius radio and the new car did not come equipped for their service. The girl literally huffed and puffed like I was disturbing her. When I asked her how I can get service in the new car I bought she obviously didn't want to waste her time with me & so I ended up telling her to forget it. There goes a sale!
In March I received a bill stating I owed the last few months of service for when I didn't even have the car anymore. I always paid a year in advance & did not realize they automatically start billing you once the year is up, regardless if you call them like I did in December. The girl obviously didn't follow through with canceling my service.
In March I phoned them to waive this fee. The air headed customer service employee told me the fee was waived and even provided me with a confirmation #. Well, a couple of weeks later I received a bill again, phoned them and was told I still owe the fee and that the confirmation number was invalid. I did inform them to listen to the recorded phone call of me being told that the fee was waived, but they said they were unable to do this. Unfortunately I did end up paying the $36 owed, because they will report you to a collection agency, which will affect your credit.
I'm going to do everything I can to warn people of their terrible service & that if you don't want Sirius anymore, please don't think your account is closed if you don't pay them another year in advance. I didn't sign a contract, it came free with my Jeep for a year, and I paid another year over the phone without signing anything with any contractual obligations.
Really, I found myself listening to only the same few stations and now I realize it was not worth it. Times are tough & if they are going to provide terrible service & try to screw people, then they don't need our business.
I'm not just going to stop here. They'll hear more from me and so will everyone else that I can get to listen.
Thanks for giving me a platform to vent!
To sum it up: Don't get Sirius radio! I'm going to celebrate the day I hear they are out of business!

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Apr 09, 2010 4:17 pm EDT

When you read the comments from the customer service employees like gillmackenzie you can clearly see how negative the people that work at Sirius are. Anyone that uses the "C" word so frequently has to be jaded. You're the ones that work there, not us, so give good service to those of us who pay your frigging measly pathetic low salary.

minneapolis, US
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Jun 23, 2010 9:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sirius is just awful. It must be part of their strategy to lie about how much they will charge. When you catch them in a lie they require you spend 1/2 day on the phone and be bounced from one person to the next. Finally they agree to a refund and when I asked for documentation they said they would send an immediate e-mail. That was three days ago and of course nothing. It's absolutely disgusting that these crooks should be able to cheat and lie.

Columbus, US
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Jul 27, 2010 10:08 am EDT

I cancel my accout since back in October of last year and just notice that Serious was still charging my accout. When i called their rep and ask for a refund they refunded me for one month. Serious Sucks

Dallas, US
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Aug 21, 2010 12:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I disconnected after 4 years, bad experience in over billing over stupid crap, and then get transfered like 9 times to finally get my services disconnected, i dont recommend them at alll... go digital!

Glace Bay, CA
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Nov 27, 2010 6:31 am EST

I have alot of knowledge about sirius and i know the ways they work with and the mistakes that get made
heres all you need to know, theres no way around an activation fee if you are a first time sub because they cant credit you until an acct is made so forget about that... a life time plan is the life of 4 radios so your first is one and if your radio breaks you can change it to 3 more radios max unless its a warranty issue or some diff issues case by case basically... the only dep that can really help you and gave a credit that can make a diff is the cancelations dep... bit bare in mind they do have a credit limit and there is only so much they can do... radios on sale such as the stratus 6 for 19.99 also has to come with a min of a 3 month sub at first purchase after that you can basically do what ever you want... there is alot of issues with overseas sites so if you are unsure ask to be transfered to the cxl dep more then likely you will get some1 you can understand and if they are from the site in cape breton you hit the jackpot... also you have to go to the cxl dep and wait a moment for them to cxl if you tell the first person you talk to and hang up it prop wont get cxl... if you ask to cxl you will get save offers and for quality perpuses so basically its the reps grade on the line so just hear them out... also the survey you do reflects on the last rep you spoke with so if you liked them give a good grade there is a sep spot to rate the company...they have very little info on programming changes or channels being removed so dont waist your breath... each radio needs its own sub no questions asked its just not possible to put 2 radios on 1 sub so dont put up a fuss because it wont happen... so basically the rep for grading puposes has to try and inforce all charges bit for most things if you threaten to cxl or highly diagree you can get it waive except for the first act fee as previouly explained...
the summurize if its a fee that needs to be waived or a better deal your after just call to cxl it does not hurt sirius
reps get paid comistion for saving cust
I hope this has been informative

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Jan 12, 2011 12:57 pm EST

I worked as a rep for sirius. They had us work in a specific department called Saves. you know this department as customer satisfaction. when you call to cancel your subscription, you are speaking to someone whose sole purpose is to keep you subscribed. why? because each rep is paid commission based on the percentage of subscriptions they retain! a rep must have over a 50% Saves Rate in order to receive their commission check. I can personally testify that representatives WILL PURPOSELY KEEP YOU SUBSCRIBED, EVEN IF YOU WANT TO CANCEL just so they will receive their commission. I HAVE ALSO SEEN EMPLOYEES TAKE DOWN CREDIT CARD NUMBERS AND MAIL CUSTOMERS RADIOS THAT THE DO NOT WANT TO ORDER just so they will have radio sales. The company gives away daily prizes such as gift certificates and even nintendo ds systems to reps that sell the most radios. Also, when you call Sirius you are NOT speaking to s sirius employee. You are speaking to an employee of Stream Global Services, and outsourcing company. Also, any employee can take a supervisor call. Thats right people, WE HAD NO SUPERVISORS ON THE FLOOR. Kids as young as 17 have full access to your account with absolutely no supervision. If you ask to speak to a supervisor we just place you on hold for about 10 mins, play our gameboys we won from stealing your credit card info, and ask one of the people who sit next to us to take the call. While you are on hold we [censor] about how stupid you are and how you didnt read the fine print, which we have all had drilled into our heads.

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Jan 12, 2011 1:00 pm EST

"Your subscription will continue until you cancel and you will be automatically charged on renewal for the term you select at our then current rates."

this is a verbal contract. you agree to it when you sign up for service over the phone. most people don't understand what it means, but they don't want to say anything because they are in a hurry or don't want to sound stupid.

The contract states that you give Sirius your credit card info and they will charge it based on the subscription you choose. If you choose monthly, they charge it once a month. If you choose a 3 year plan, they charge it every 3 years. There is NO way to opt out of Automatic Renewal. The contract is the same as Netflix, or a cell phone or cable bill. If you cancel your services within the first year you WILL be billed a $75 cancellation fee. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your credit card expires and you do not renew it you still receive service for 3 months. After the 3 month grace period the service will shut off and a bill for the past 3 months will go to collections. at that point the employees at Sirius can no longer access your account. it becomes shut off to us. it gets turned over to another company called CCS Financial. You have to call them and pay the bill or it will ruin your credit!

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