So I just lost my wife and its hard for me to live on the cash we make so I go to thrift stores to buy clothes for my kids cause it helps me out so I went to the value village stort on regent today with my son number one when I walk in the manager was eye balling me and my son down like we were going to steal something then I go on my way I spent 100 bucks what was kinda of high for clothes they get donated as im about to go pay I find nice pants has few holes on the side so I thought ill ask for a discount they were 20 dollars I go up pay for all my other things 100 bucks comes up to anything else she asks I said would I be able to get these cheaper they are 20 but got holes in them she looks at me with a dirty look and says we make the price fair I will not lower it so I said np I dont want them then the casher guy says can I see those I give him them and he says they are only 12 bucks brandnew at walmart and says I dont understand why they are charging 20 bucks and there is holes in them and she says again im not changing the price why is this store such a rip off you guys get these things donated to you what was it to take off a few bucks for a single father with 3 kids im posting this all over social media to let everyone know how they treat native people
lol ok keyboard warrior keep hiding behind your screen loser lets see you say this to my face
i like how these people make fake account to attack people what a clown this guy is act your age maybe its time to get off line before you get your self hurt with all these big words lil boi keep being a clown fool
are you foreal that bored with your life you need to make fake accounts with my name on a weekend to top it off i can ytell you got no life or people that care about you you [censored]ing loser
I went into the shop feb 21 at 6pm and as soon as me and my son walked in the manager was looking at me like I was going to steal somthing so whatever I walk around spent 100 bucks on clothes I see these nice pants with few holes in them on the side I take them up and ask if I can gtet a discount because they were 20 dollars and have holes in them she then looks at me and says we make the price fair and I wont lower it so I said ok I dont want them then this other store guy says can I see them and he looks and says they are only 12 bucks at walmart brandnew why are these 20 and she says again I will not lower the price I am a single father of 3 kids I just lost my wife I have never been treated so bad in my life and I was nothing but nice to her I dont understand why you guys are double charging for clothes there number one and also selling ones with holes for that high of a price I am post all over social media to let all know how you treated me and my family and I also feel because I am native that had a part in it
dude the fact that you are making fake accounts to act out on mypost is crazy all weekend when you could of been going out with friends or doing somthing else with your time you have waisted it to act like a kid and post dumb things you dont believe in karma but i do also i feel you need help bud either your mother needs to take the computer away from you or you are old enough and just have problems in the head either way im done and over saying anything back to you im just erasing you and blocking you from reaching out to me i got better things to do with my time also anyone who wants to see how much of a troll this guys is go look on his account this is all he does is write on peoples complaints to be a troll what a sad life this is all he has in life i feel bad for you buddy i really do