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Waffle House

Waffle House review: horrible food service! 57

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12:00 am EST
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I submitted the following on the Waffle House website...partly for my own humor and because it such a horrible experience.

To Whom It May Concern:

This incident took place last night 10/24 at around 10pm. My girlfriend and I went to a movie Newport, KY. Afterwards we were extremely hungry so I suggested we go to Waffle House, or Wa-Ho as my some of us affectionately call it. My girlfriend had never been to a Wa-Ho so I was sure that she would enjoy her first experience at your restaurant. I would consider myself a loyal customer to Wa-Ho as I have traveled over to Kentucky (From Ohio) on many a late night just so I can enjoy a mouth-watering All Star Special mmmmm... Many times before, I have been satisfied with my Wa-Ho experience, but this night things were different.
We walked into the establishment and at the time there were only two other patrons in the whole place. Our waitress started by taking our drink order. Which only took about 10 minutes to get for us. And then she took our food order. My girlfriend is a vegetarian but due to the nature of breakfast food it was no problem finding something on the menu to her liking. She ordered a cheese and tomato omelette and I of course ordered the usual delectable All Star Special (with the eggs over easy, bacon, and grits) our waitress put our order in and then proceeded to flirt with the two older gentlemen at the other end of the restaurant. This seemed to be a recurring theme throughout this experience. My girlfriend went to use the restroom after we ordered and returned promptly saying she didn't use it because it was "disgusting" and "out of order" she did not have to elaborate any more….I got the picture. After about 15 minutes or so our food arrived. My All-star Special had arrived sans grits or a waffle and my vegetarian girlfriend's omelette arrived with big chunks of ham in it. Our waitress promptly informed my girlfriend that the cook had messed up her omelette. But still proceeded to serve it! She then also informed me that the cook had burnt my waffle because (roughly translated) "those damn guys won't shut-up and leave us alone" I was thinking all along that this situation could easily be avoided if the waitress and cook did not gravitate towards these two, in our waitress' words "obnoxious" men, every time there was a lapse in service, which seeing as we were her only table this happened to be very often. After she put our food down she promptly returned to the other side of the restaurant where the cook and the two men were talking and stood with her back to us. My girlfriend and I were in shock at what had just occurred as she sat there with a ham filled omelette in front of her and I sat mourning the absence of my waffle (Which I have made a habit of eating first when I get the All Star) and my grits. After about 5 minutes our server finally turned around and we were able to get her attention. We explained to her that we would like the omelette remade since it was supposed to be just cheese and tomato. She called it to the cook who grudgingly started to make it again. I also informed her that I got grits with my meal as well, which she then got for me. About 5 minutes later she brought over my waffle which despite having been burnt the first time and then remade was still burnt. Possibly due to the fact that "those men won't shut up and leave us alone". I had already finished my eggs, hash browns, and toast when the waitress brought out my girlfriend's remade omelette. She then set is down and nonchalantly informed us "He messed it up again". The cook amazingly had made the exact same omelette! This would have been perfect, once again if the person who was eating it wasn't a vegetarian! At this point the server said she would take it off our bill, which in most restaurants means that they will remake it to your liking but you just won't have to pay for it. This is called remedying or rectifying the situation. Apparently however these employees had not been trained in this type of customer service because after about ten minutes of waiting we realized that the cook and the waitress were still over talking to those guys who just "wouldn't leave them alone". Apparently the staff did not feel they needed to make a third omelette since they had already failed miserably the first two times.

I was almost grateful at this point because I wanted to get out of this place after enduring about 45 minutes of horrendous service which not only made my girlfriend and I feel extremely uncomfortable but more importantly left her still starving! Both of us have worked in the restaurant industry and we understand the importance of tipping so rarely do I tip under 20% on a bill. However I did something I regret, but due to gross negligence and shocking indifference from the whole staff I did not leave a tip. Overall this was the most disappointing customer service I have ever received. I strongly feel that my girlfriend and I will not return because of this experience but I felt I should inform you of this experience so it can be avoided in the future. Thank you for your time.

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john michael
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Oct 22, 2007 7:47 pm EDT

I too have had the worst food in this place stay away from Berts Chilli it looks like dog food at $ 4.10 you would think it to be good. Save your money go to Wendys for one of the best Chilli or get camp bells in the black can. You wont be sorry.

kelly hammond
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Nov 13, 2008 11:43 am EST

I use to work for the waffle house 1009 on airport blvrd. When i was there i got treated like a dog by my manager darlene veltre and rochelle. I had a miscarriage in june and i called darlene to tell her and she made me come into work 9 to 7am that night. I also worked all 3 straight shifts for her. She fired me because i wasn't doing my job. I never had any problems with any manager i've had except her. She's lost buissness due to me being fired. she also talks about her emploers to the costomers and about costomers to her employers. She is a bad manager. all i want is my job back under a new manager and for this to be looked into. thankyou. se has no reason being a manager and she's already ran most of her employers out the door.

Randi lin Matthews
north, US
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Apr 26, 2009 3:28 pm EDT

funny last month kelly you came in to unit 1009 and wrote Darlene a letter telling her you were sorry and that you wanted your job back that you had learned your lesson I work for Darlene and I have no problems with her. I doubt that we really have not lost any business over you I have worked for waffle house since 1993 and Darlene is one of the better managers I have had If someone had done me like you said I sure would have not wraote a letter saying I was sorry nor would I want to come back to work for her why do you not have a job at another waffle house yet BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT DOING YOUR JOB!

Stone Gold
West Columbia, US
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May 05, 2009 8:44 pm EDT

Wow! Now the 2 previous post are both funny and very interesting. I know both Kelly Hammond and Randi Lin Matthews. Both in my opinion are or were very good people and good at their jobs. Kelly is mostly correct in her comments but she didn't talk to management and give it a chance to work out. She is also right in the fact that business has dropped in that store due to management not pulling enough food for shifts to make it through or just in general causing problems but not using sound managerial thinking. Randi Lin is also correct in some aspects of her comment, however, I do not understand why Randi would defend a manager that she herself talks bad about in front of other employees and customers. Just this morning, 5 April 2009, she was talking bad about the manager and saying how she was tired of working there and was leaving soon. Was mad about the manager keeping some people employed in the store that should have been fired and the fact that someone that she doesn't really like at all got a raise. Randi, why would you do this? Why would you defend a manager and then turn around and talk so bad about her? Are you the troublemaker person I keep hearing about in the store? Are you a stooge for management? Inquiring minds would like to know!

Lexington, US
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May 22, 2009 9:14 pm EDT

That's funny Randi because to me you and Darlene are on the same wave link. You both have no business being managers at all. You both aren't people persons. You both can kiss my white american ###. I apologized to her because i thought her and i were cool then i find out the fat ### was and still is talking behind my back. It's funny the only ones that still work there when i started are angle Ceria BJ christy b sara and claudia. The rest quit what the ### does that tell you Randi? Now when Mark was there it was all good he was the best and he should've never gave up his ###ing store to a lowlife like darlene. I worked there for almost 2yrs and had never once had a problem with anyone not even daelene or rochelle until they hired michelle and michelle ###s up so they blamed me for it. Darlene was going to keep me on that's why i apologized to her. My beef is with Rochelle who wouldn't listen to what happened from three sides of the story. You ### don't know what happened on that morning i'm sure darlene told you ### what the ### ever. I did my damn job i made sure my ### was done before i left and my customers were always taken care of. What kind of manager talks about her employees to customers and other employers? What kind of manager talks about her customers to other customers and employers? What type of manager makes an employer work 3 straight shifts in a row? What type of manager makes a girl work after she had a miscarrige? I'll tell you a poor sorry asscuse for a human being a cold heartless person and a ###. Yes business has gone way down since i left that hell hole of a store. Let's see who left Cassie, Whitley, Nick, amanda, alcia, kitty, cat, brian, tom, michelle, kristy taylor, farrah Randi and tim who i guess came back but he'll leave again. now that's sad that's with you and darlene as managers. Tell me can you explain to me why customers use to tell me that Darlene is a bad manager and you're no better? Ya and that's sad to Randi i wouldn't be proud or admit to anyone that you've worked for waffle house since 1993 that's just sad. Thank god i woke up and realized i can do a hell of alot better than working at waffel house a year was long enough for me. You defend her but yet you were caught talking bad about her seems to me that you are a troublemaker. At least when i talked about someone i did it at home not on my job. So yuo both rot in hell because that's were you two ### belong. Waffle house 1009 has gone down hill and will continue to do so as long as she runs the place and frankily the food has gotten worse there. Hey look on the bright side Tim came back at least he can cook not much of a man but a cook you may get some service back until he deciedes to leave again without notice remeber that Darlene? that's why you hired tom.

Columbia, US
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May 23, 2009 1:50 pm EDT

Kelly you rock and this is why you were one of the best waitresses ever on third shift. To Randi and Darlene this young lady didn't have to come in to work on her days off. She didn't have to work after her miscarriage. She didn't have to work 3 straight shifts in a row. She didn't have to come back to work after she got second and third degree burns on her chest from a fight between christy b and a customer but she did. That girl never said no. But yet darlene expected her to kiss her ### screw that. Darlene sucks as a manager so do you and so did Rochelle. Kelly got took the blame for something another sorry asscuse for a waitress named michelle did. that's because Kelly is a bigger person then you four put together. That girl always had her ### done before the 6 oclock girl came in and if it wasn't she stayed and helped out until it was done. She always made sure her customers were happy. It's funny that you say she didn't do her job. Then can you explain to me and you can ask the ups guys to back me up on this why the hell did a customer leave Kelly a $93.00 tip when his bill only came to $6.53? And why did a group of women leave her a $100.00 tip one time? But yet she wasn't doing her job? The girl was raised in restaurants all her life her mom owned two and Kelly was taught well. Kelly's own mother and sister use to be Kelly's managers they never had a problem with her. The only problem Kelly had was with michelle a waitress everyone hated because she sucked and ###ed up every order and refused to clean her tables. When she talked to you she spit on you how gross is that? But yet darlene keeps the slow slacker waitress that everyone hated over the better waitress that would bust her ### for a boss she couldn't stand why is that. Someone should tell Darlene that it's not the waitresses job to go clean the parking lot it's the grill operator's job. Yes you dumb stuck up ### waffle house 1009 has gone way downhill since kelly left. The place sucks, the service is bad, the foods nasty as hell, and management is poor. I so agree with Kelly if I were you I be so embarrased and ashamed to say that i've worked for waffle house since 1993. It's called get a life that's so pathetic it makes you look like a loser Randi. Oh wait you are a loser just like darlene and rochelle you all suck and you're all pathetic. Learn people skills because if you don't have that when working with other people you ain't got ###. Kelly was the bomb and still is and can and would run circles around you rochelle and darlene any day. If i was her you can bet i'd be suing the hell out of darlene rochelle mike rogers and waffle house cooperation. Hell i just may talk her into doing so. It's funny how you stick up for darlene in your complant but yet a customer heard you bad mouthing her. You all need kelly back as a 3rd shift waitress and not happy about hearing that tim jenkins is back but at least you'll have a real cook. all your new people suck ### the only ones that are good are christ b sara bj claudia angle and ceria. I hope bad karma takes over and teaches you darlene and rochelle a lesson for how you all treat others. people like you 3 shouldn't even exsist in the world. You all need the bible and the consitution read to you. Haven't you 3 ever heard treat people equally or treat people how you wanted to be treated? You all need to learn respect and Randi you don't know what happened that morning Kelly left it's none of your business and you had no right to write that about her or read the letter. You and darlene are nothing back lying backstabbers and ### of the earth. You're snakes that need to be caught and tortured like you do to your customers and employees. At least Kelly has a big heart and would do anything for anyone. Here's how stupid darlen is as a manager. I could give the names of the people who did and are still doing this currently but i don't rat people out. Darlene has no idea that drug dealing is going on in her building with her employees. She had no idea that one of her past employers brought moonshine to work and was drunk the whole night. Darlene has no idea that prositution went and probabally is still going on out in the parking lot and the bathrooms of waffle house 1009 between employees and customers. Hey that's what you have to expect for hiring ex drugies and criminals. A manager should be on every shift not just two. i've been to plenty of bad waffle houses in my days but i have to rate waffle house 1009 to be the worst do to management. I refuse to step foot in there as long as you and darlene are running the show.

Lexington, US
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May 24, 2009 8:21 pm EDT

I totally agree with you Kelly I've worked for both Randi Rochelle and Darlene. If I ever treated people like they do i'd shoot myself. Their all disgraces to the human race. I can't believe Randi would brag about working for waffle house since 1993 what a loser. Waffle house is ok for a day job but as a career yeah right not cool at all. The way Darlene treated you was aweful you should be glade to be out of there you have talent and you know your good. I can't believe Randi would write that about you when she wasn't there that day and when it's none of her business at all. That was between you and Darlene no one else what a stuck up ### she comes across as. I thought she was a ### when we worked with her but she's a bigger one now. Congrads on your pregnancy hope things go well and if you ever need a higher paying job then just making $3.00 an hour as a waitress for waffle house. You got my number and we'd love to have you on board helping us run things. I can't believe Darlene is that stupid not to be aware of what goes in her store. You're right a managers job is to be on every shift not just two. No wonder all that ### goes down there. Randi here's some advice keep your mouth shut, backoff and stay out of other people's business ming your own ###. You don't know Kelly you didn't work with her all the time like i did and you didn't see what she got put through with her ex tim and darlene that girl took alot of ### and alot of pain and faught through it all. She's strong and she always did her job so don't say she didn't. Ya that night she sat down alot but you know what her customers were taken care of and she had everything done by 6am. It was ### what rochelle and darlene did to her. Frankliy i don't blame her for not wanting to wear that nasty assed uniform. The tie was dumb that visor gross and the aprons come on can't you do a half apron. That outfit makes you all look old and disgusting and if your fat it makes you look fater. Why would you want that? Kelly isn't the one who sucked doing her job you randi and darlene and rochelle are. none of you are manager material. So get a life and learn respect and how to treat others because you 3 are ### of the earth nothing but lowlives that have to knock better people then you down because you all know you suck ###.

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Jan 05, 2011 6:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

wall of text hits person, person dies from internal bleeding.

Stephanie Moseley
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Aug 15, 2018 5:26 am EDT

The manager Joe made some very explicit remarks to some employees of a sexual nature. I felt sorry for the employees themselves. It was uncalled for and talking about thier breasts and buttox are uncalled for. He should be fired. In this day and age that is sexual harassment. Shame on him.

Paul Careathers
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Aug 15, 2018 6:53 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It was so so cold in Waffle House . I had a guest of twenty. It's was so cold we had to leave.

Please view frost on windows

Paul Careathers


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Evan dickens
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Aug 15, 2018 9:20 am EDT

Ordered a Chili burger. With no onion there was onion I don't like onion no syrup for the hash browns and there was a dead fly in my sweet tea floating it was a to go order and in about half an hour from waffle house so driving would be a wast of time I will not be back

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Aug 15, 2018 10:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wiped gloves that was on the hands on towel over and over the bad thing after raw meet handle veggies

brad sullivan
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Aug 20, 2018 2:09 pm EDT

Employee brought personal music and speaker to work and blared it throughout my meal. We were having to holler over it to hear each other. It was not a relaxing experience. I just wanted to finish eating and get out of there as quickly as possible.

Franco B
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Aug 20, 2018 2:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This link will show you exactly what took place! Such horrible treatment in TN, AGAIN in light of what just happened there.

I already made a complaint several days ago and have someone yet to get back with. So it continue..

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Aug 20, 2018 10:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I order a all star meal the grits were clumpy the 2 waffles were hard as hell when I walked in they were sitting down on their phones didn't even speak when u came in the door

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Aug 21, 2018 12:47 am EDT

I order a sandwich this morning & they didnt give me the correct sandwich. Instead of making me another sandwich, they added what was missing on the sandwich which is unsanitary. I dont plan on going back.

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Sep 01, 2018 5:58 pm EDT

I came in had steak and eggs my eggs was raw hash browns tasted awful had a bad taste and the server was rude

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Sep 01, 2018 8:38 pm EDT

The food was very cold and just presented so distasteful. View pictures how could they serve something like that! I walked out

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Send a message
Sep 08, 2018 11:51 am EDT

Our waitress Kimberly was very rude. She slammed our drinks down took forever to take our order. She was on her phone the whole time. She wouldn't refill our drinks unless we asked serveal times. Our food was made wrong. There was four of us and all of our meals we're made wrong. It was ridiculous we will never come here again.

Natural Heart
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Sep 19, 2018 2:27 am EDT

Store number 1573 charge you for an adult waffle but give you a kids waffle. It is always very thin. None of the other waffle houses fix their waffles like this. I hate to complain about a waffle but when I go to the other places and they never do this it's hard no to mention it.

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Oct 02, 2018 9:53 am EDT

After hours of driving back home to Beaumont Texas I turned into a waffle house to use the men's room, order my meal, drink a little coffee then be on my way. However, I was blocked by Waffle House staff would not let me pass and go to the restroom with the hollering and yelling I looked around and I was the only white person there I urinated

Benny C
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Oct 03, 2018 4:59 am EDT

Server said these black spots were the sugar in the bacon. I don't think that is right.

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Cute girl X
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Oct 14, 2018 9:22 am EDT

Please bring back hot chocolates. They should bring it back because otherwise it is so stupid! You know that everyone loves hot chocolate.

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Oct 15, 2018 2:53 am EDT

Bring back blueberry waffles people! Barnesville Waffle House has the best blueberry waffles and I was just told they won't have them again until next year! They should be on the menu year round!

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Oct 15, 2018 9:40 am EDT

Employee charfged me extra for tea bag refill when coffee and sodas get a free refill. Discrimination. Tea bags cost 10 cents
This employee claims she trains other employees. She is going by an old training manual. Highly offensive. Waffle house james city nc

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Oct 15, 2018 9:21 pm EDT

Stopped in for lunch at waffle house on tyndall parkway Callaway there no one else was there sat down asked for 2 teas and ordered hashbrowns s/c/d/c and an all star hashbrowns were not right no cheese asked them to fix threw a slice on and gave back never melted didnt recieve tea till we asked again no butter for waffle overall sucked ...

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Oct 21, 2018 3:31 pm EDT

I was leaving the Waffle House lot and a male customer that was previously inside the restaurant was in his car taking pictures or recording two employees taking a cigarette break while the restaurant was slow. One of the employees was a female so it seemed a little odd.

Brandon elder
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Oct 22, 2018 10:14 pm EDT

I was trying to call my order in I was on hold for 10 min I wait until got there to let them see I was still on hold and that was bad customer service. I never experience anything like this. I was very dissatisfied with the way they went about it.

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Donna Stanfield
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Oct 22, 2018 11:49 pm EDT

waffle house on watson blvd warner robins GA the names are cherry and greg they refuse to wait on some people cause they dont like them [protected]

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Nov 11, 2018 10:16 am EST

For the past week I've been calling to place orders but they forward all of the calls. Or they just don't want to answer the phone. Because it's not really that busy at that store.

Michael casperson
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Feb 11, 2019 12:14 pm EST

He is vary rude and has no manners and needs to be tought some manners and respect and all the food was burnt so if you want my services back do something about it

Kimberly West
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Jul 21, 2019 9:20 am EDT

Location #2189 Everytime we come in to this location it is always dirty and the employees are always sitting down and some sleeping. The food is Excellent but the restaurant need cleaning real bad. The employees are very friendly but this area of cleaning need attention

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Tamela Malone
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Jul 24, 2019 5:46 am EDT

The managers at this waffle house are outrageously disrespectful to their employees. I can't see how the people the work their tolerate the disrespect from someone that is above them. Managers are so unprofessional and need to be fired! the people their need to be more respectful towards each other while on the floor, so rude so nasty.

Connni L Woods
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Sep 24, 2019 4:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi, The sausage made me sick.I recived a kidney infection, staff ingection of the throat.I need a bottle of bactrin 500 mg 30 pills orderd to wallgreens phone number 8600 camp bowie west fort worth, texas.76116 phone [protected].Have them call me at [protected] when the order is ready please.

Thank You
Connie L Woods

Dazmin Granger
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Sep 28, 2019 7:20 am EDT

I worked there for a month and left because of personal reasons earlier this year but the University location wants me to work for them but now I can't because I'm on the do not hire list! How can I get taken off so I can start work?

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Feb 29, 2020 6:30 pm EST

Acqunetta Rodney has been stealing for years I used to work there she got others fired an she had lie on mangers for years now she stealing money

John Caron
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Sep 01, 2020 1:32 am EDT

Waffle house in mccomb ms 39648 most rude people ever super bad service and a filty place ill never go. im not the first to say really sorry for this our church really like waffle house so please check in to this good luck youll need it with that crew thank you, didnt stay long enough to order good day to you

laura farmer
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Oct 26, 2022 5:16 pm EDT

i need to cancel my check n get a new one i was in the hospital 2 months n couldnbt get it cashed

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Knowledge Power
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Dec 12, 2022 5:55 pm EST

Roaches in my wife food and we took it back and what u know roaches climbing up the wall while they are cooking straight nasty. And get video of roach in my wife food.

Myra Wilson Webb
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Dec 14, 2022 1:08 am EST

I can’t believe Waffle House charges 20% to go charge . My last time going there

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