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Walmart review: falsely charged with theft 25

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3:54 am EDT
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I have been shopping at Wal-Mart for years an now I have a two year old who was constantly taking my items out of my buggy so I starting using the Wal-Mart shopping bags to put merchandise in for over a year I have been shopping this way an Never had a problem until tonight I was in a Wal-Mart that I don't ever go to an while in the middle of shopping a lady with 3 officers approach me an go to office an charge me with theft in 3rd for" consoling merchandise in a bag" now this is a WAL-MART shopping bag an j always do this so my daughter don't throw things out an then go to checkout an pay an what's the problem while I was trying to explain she told me if I kept agruing with her she would send Me to jail right then she was letting me go home since I had my baby but said she was signing a warrant the next day an j would have to turn myself in an bond out an go through all this over me simply doing my normal shopping routine now of course I will have ppl from my normal Wal-Mart verify j have always done this but that's during court I still will have to pay the bond an all lawyers an court cost an missing work not to mention that my pic will be in the criminal paper after I turn myself in when AGAIN I have ababsolutely done nothing wrong an I don't think it should. be legal t put people through this unless they are clearly hiding merchandise on them torturing to leave the store this has caused me so much unnecessary bs I will not stop until she justifies what she has caused me an money that I barely am, able to give my baby what all she needs so as a mother if someone takes from their child there will be resienment especially when I had not done absolutely nothing wrong

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 5:51 am EDT

It wasn't a plastic bag it was those shopping bags they sell at the door so u don't have to deal with plastic bags ripping an etc I have even made joke with associates about how I use my mommy clip an clip th shopping bag to the handle of buggy they laugh an say that's better then her breaking or throwing your stuff out

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 5:56 am EDT

An if I was taking tags off or trying to looking around before I done this with each item, I would understand but there were plenty times associate were standing right beside me stocking an would talk my baby an go on about there business I mean I have seen countless people use these bags that's how I got the idea to buy them an have, never heard anybody say that's not what there for nor anybody in trouble, I mean I have had managers help me look for something before an see my put in the SHOPPING bag an even at self check out their is an option to hit" using own shopping bag" so that u take them from bag scan an put back in bag

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 6:01 am EDT

And my baby girl is my world i spend 24 hours a day trying 100% to be the best mom I can be for her buy she is 2 it's not as easy as oh no don't touch that an her say ok mama when people say terrible 2's that's is definitely true anything u don't want them to do they absolutely have to do no matter how many whipping, timeouts, no playtime, it's just something about this age an I promise anyone that may comment on here that has kids will 97% agree lol

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 6:09 am EDT

It is the shopping bag that you buy for shopping an not have to deal with plastic bags a store associate has even told me for that situation is a good reason they started selling the shopping bags an managers has helped me find stuff pleanty times with the bags an me put that particular item at the time in bag also I've been to customer service with return an then purchased stuff that was in the shopping bag like that's what there for an many many people use, them i seen countless people doing the same thing

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 6:12 am EDT

I commented like 2 other that isn't showing up but it was the shopping bags u buy to use while shopping an not deal with all the plastic bags

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 6:16 am EDT

I have seen countless people use them an even at self check out there is an option for. Using my own shopping bag" so u take items out of bag, scan an put back in your bag this. ...I know it's not a problem at my usual Wal-Mart they think it's a good reason they started selling the bags

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 8:20 am EDT

No that's why I'm so upset an freaking out they told me that the bags were for when you check out but I have never been told that or had problem an been doing my shopping this way for like 6 to 8 months it's just so much easier then putting one item at a time at the register with the bag u just put it up their an they scan the stuff an put back in bag an it's so much easier to load up in car an unload when u get home even if u have 2 or 3 of them it's way better then 20 plastic bags but it's just not right in my opinion for me to have not known an was clearly not trying to hide the fact that that's what i doing an omg they even seen my baby on the camera where I put a travel pillow in the buggy an she through it out an then I was getting her some clothes an while trying to decide what outfits I wanted I had hung one on the side of buggy an she started taking her clothes off to put the one hanging on so it was so obvious an clear as to why in was using the shopping bags an that I was being honest with them but I did notice when I got in the office there was a chick I went to school with a we never had problems but she just never liked me for some reason an i am, almost positive she is the cause for all this

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 8:34 am EDT

Huh? What you mean. a bad way about my attitude?

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 23, 2014 8:35 am EDT

I'm sorry i was looking at the wrong thing didn't mean to send that ;)

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 24, 2014 3:55 am EDT

Well thanks anyway I got it taken care of with fact that on the commercial advertising these bags a lady is putting fruit in the shopping bags an had many associate say they have people come an checkout all the time using the shopping bags an turns out the lady thought I was trying to steal an already had police there but didn't send Me to jail because she knew she was wrong an didn't want to admit it an have the officers feel there time was wasted an my daughter is AGAIN 2 YEARS OLD an of course I discipline my child but no actually a child is nothing like training a dog bu thanks for the helpful feedback though

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 24, 2014 4:42 am EDT

Well in mobile Alabama I have went to every Wal-Mart an got plenty of, signature and letters from associate and managers saying they have numerous people checkout using there bag an actually I found out she thought I put something in my purse an that's why she did this but obviously when she couldn't find anything because it was only my grocery list she didn't want to admit she was wrong an never signed the warrant for theft because just like every one I spoke to how did I steal anything so NO I wasn't wrong an here people do this all the time an I'm a very good parent an my child discipline but I'm, sorry no I'd rather not have to beat my baby in the middle of the store,

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 24, 2014 4:51 am EDT

I honestly thought these post were, to help people an give positive advice because I damn sure wouldn't post this if I felt I was wrong when a employee gave me the idea to use them this way but once I got signature an letter from numerous associate saying they have people all the time cone check out with there bags of items I, found out the lady thought I put something in my purse which WAS MY GROCERY LIST, but did, want to admit she was, wrong so thanks, for all the un needed parenting tips an negative comments an for those who actually commented with understanding helpful opinions I really appreciate you not just assuming the whole world is always bad people doing wrong even law enforcement are human an I no Jesus is the only one who is perfect in my book so she maybe a mistake so thanks, again

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 24, 2014 4:56 am EDT

Turns out I wasn't, wrong numerous associate stayed they had plenty people come through there line using there bags an it was easier not dealing with plastic bags so turns out the lady saw me put MY SHOPPING LIST in my purse an thought it was merchandise but didn't want to admit to being wrong an she never signed the warrant so thanks for comments that wasn't parenting tips an actual people who was understanding that all people aren't bad an only Jesus is perfect in my book so thank you

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 25, 2014 1:04 am EDT

Turns out she saw put something in my purse which was my SHOPPING LIST but she didn't want to admit she was wrong so thankfully I wasn't rude to her from her the beginning an totally understand she has a job to do an if she would have just told Me what she stopped me for we could have resolved then but I wasn't going to get charged with something I didn't do without at least trying to prove my innocent an I didn't stop until I figured out why she did this which. every one, makes mistakes

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 26, 2014 10:44 am EDT

Well probably because I was in the kids clothes dep which was the last thing I had on my list an yea they searched everything an that's when she watch the camera back An got a better look an realized it my list which I didn't find this out until a few days after it all happened but why she didn't just say that I have no idea another employee told, me this because everyday I was calling an emailing people because yea I was upset that I didn't do anything nor did I plan on taking anything so I just wanted, to try my best to do whatever it took to prove that

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 27, 2014 3:49 am EDT

Yea the people that actually comment supporting you an understanding that I'm not a thief so I don't think like one an meant nothing more then grab a few things I needed an go pay for them, an go home like any other time

Update by innocently charged this cant be legal!!!
Jun 27, 2014 3:51 am EDT

I definitely didn't post this to be bashed or to get parenting tips my baby is my world an she knows it sorry I'm just don't beat kid in the middle o Wal-Mart an just a reminder a Wal-Mart employee gave me the idea to do this but t anyone who tried to post positive comments I really appreciate it

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West Seneca, US
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Jun 23, 2014 5:41 am EDT

Teach the child how to act... It is part of being a parent... Putting items in a WalMart bag while in the store makes it look like you are taking things without planning to pay for them.
They did nothing wrong here and you are in the wrong.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 7:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

In a court of law, you are innocent til proven guilty. The accuser bears the burden of proof. They have to prove that you stole or were in the process of stealing with the EVIDENCE that makes sense. It also has to be REASONABLE. Also they have to prove true and reasonable INTENT to steal or commit a crime.
But you were not doing it with any intent to leave without paying. I think that will be a huge part of your case, t hat you had not left the store nor was your INTENT to go without paying. Because the judge will look at your intentions and you have to show him that you put it into the STORE'S OWN SHOPPING BAGS which they sell and provide for that very purpose, to carry your things to checkout in. NOT intending to steal. And that the security people had NO actual reason to think you were stealing. The witnesses could really help you if you can get their word in writing, with their name written and signed, or calling the witness to court via subpoena, or have them testify by phone, that they allow this in the other store and saw you use the bags at checkout.
You did also NOT leave the store with the merchandise and that is a big point for the judge to hear. SOME store security are over the top and VERY unprofessional, like these. You might have a chance, might need a decent lawyer who already handled some cases successfully. The store "security" made a mistake about your INTENT. Intent to steal/ commit a crime is at least half of any charge of theft.
No actual theft occurred, as you did not remove any merchandise from t he premises nor attempt to even leave the store at all. You didn't even try to pass thru the checkout with any unpaid merchandise nor was it your plan to do so at all. They were acting completely unreasonable, unprofessional and PARANOID, since that company sells those bags for shopping in their stores..
Plenty of paranoid unethical and abusive jerks in uniforms believe me. PS it might not be a cop that said they would arrest you, it might have just been private security guard. They wear cop looking uniforms and badges too. If they hassled you for using a regular shopping bag with handles that is for the purpose of carrying the merchandise to checkout, well then they have overstepped their bounds and you should call a lawyer, and ask if they can be sued over this false charge and harassment. Filing a false complaint or charge, to or by the cops is in itself a violation of law in most places. Even falsely threatening to arrest someone who has not committed a crime, might get them into hot water. Talk to a consumer advocate attorney over the whole matter and see if the attorney can threaten to sue them, and make them pay his fee at least, if they drop the case.
ps i am just a layperson, not a lawyer, i have some ideas that attorney sometimes listen to though, haha. "strategy" ---turn this [censored] on its head.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 8:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

they were wrong to harass you and falsely accuse you. get an atty and go after them for it. you should win your case if there even is one, it might just have been rent a cops not real cops. they might have stepped over a few lines, ask a consumer advocate attorney about it - tell them everything.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 8:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i also placed 2 comments in support of you on here and neither one showed up!

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 8:39 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

in my opinion you have been subjected to undue harassment, which you did not deserve, so get an attorney and tell them everything. you may have a case against the store and the persons in charge who initiated the harassment. they may have stepped over some lines and may have violated certain laws in making unsubstantiated threats of arrest, etc. etc They may owe you money out of some nasty people's paychecks for a while.
hmmm it seems that a neutral attitude checkmarked will get a comment posted? the "agree" one doesn't post.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 8:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

someone on here does not want us to post comments in support of this victim it seems.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 23, 2014 8:42 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

maybe comments are held for moderation if they are more than one line long?

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Jun 23, 2014 10:13 am EDT

Often I have remembered a forgotten item while checking out. Then I must go back in the store with a cart full of bags of paid purchases, (when I am too tired or too late or it is too hot to take everything out to melt in my car and return). That is what you were trying to make this look like, as if you had already paid for those items. I've raised 3 kids and I don't see how a 2-yr old, BELTED in the baby seat could even reach items in the basket (unless it was piled sky-high). Plus just how would putting stuff in bags stop your kid? Wouldn't the kid just take items out of the bag or even just grab a whole bag? I did have to keep my cart in the middle of the aisle, inconveniencing others because my kids would try to imitate me and help by taking random items off the shelves and adding them to my basket. I have seen other parents with the same problem. That is what kids do, they IMITATE what you do. I don't believe your lame story for a minute. Walmart and all retailers have to increase their prices by a lot to make me pay for what is stolen, and the costs of security to catch people like you.

West Seneca, US
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Jun 23, 2014 10:56 am EDT

I have never heard of a bag you use while shopping... I understand that you can use your own bag at cash out but if you put it in a bag BEFORE you cash out you are just looking for trouble.

out of pocket investor
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Jun 23, 2014 10:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE TRAINED THE BABY NOT TO MESS WITH YOUR ITEMS. (MAYBE EVEN PUT THE BABY IN THE WALL MART BAG? It's a little bit like a dog owner blaming the dog for pulling him along the street.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 26, 2014 9:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

IN MY AREA MOST LARGE STORES HAVE "GREEN ECO" TYPE reusable BAGS THAT ARE FOR USING INSTEAD OF A SHOPPING BAG. some people DO put stuff in them instead of a shopping cart. However this store staff no doubt has their own experience and agenda. So just let the judge decide after you have presented all your evidence tot he contrary that shows you had no intention of stealing. Such as, that you didn't even try to get past the checkout, didn't leave the store, etc. And your other store's observations of how you shop in their store.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 26, 2014 10:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

"why would someone put a shopping list in their purse while shopping"? really? can't believe someone asked that! I DO IT ALL THE TIME. why? because that's where it belongs if you don't want to lose it. They will fall out of the cart, and besides then you can't push or steer right (AND manage a baby! )if you try to push your cart holding your shopping list. GET REAL!

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 28, 2014 4:02 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Good Lord. really? you push the cart, manage the baby, and all the while are still holding your list? well, ten goody two shoes stars for you! DID IT EVER OCCUR TO ANYONE THAT SHE WAS DONE WITH HER LIST AND DIDN'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT ANY MORE FOR A WHILE? in which case she has it together better than some, and i will speak for myself, who often loses the shopping list in the cart somewhere and it disappears. please pull your head out of that dark place where the sun doesn't shine for one second, stop condemning humanity for being human BUT without any bad motives.. thanks.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 28, 2014 4:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

wow look the troll is calling the OP a troll, that beats all. NO, a troll is someone who gets onto someone else's post and trolls it, opposes it, belittles the original poster, puts them down, harshly criticises the original poster., etc. oh, that would be YOU doing it, you know who you are.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 28, 2014 4:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So, if it was about them thinking you put something in your purse: we can assume, that they saw you put something in your purse.-THEN they checked your purse? and found NOTHING of theirs? in which case they would have to drop their complaint if that is what it was based on. They would have to produce EVIDENCE of finding one of their merchandise items in your purse still with tags, brand new, etc. . So do they have any evidence of this? Like, a surveillance video or other documentation from that moment?

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Jun 28, 2014 4:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

you know, doctors say that you should NOT slap your child's hands as the bones are very delicate.

Outofhere, US
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Jul 01, 2014 1:16 am EDT
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You should have been charged with Abuse of the English Language. I got a headache just trying to read this complaint.

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Jul 03, 2014 9:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

While this story is sketchy cause of missing data, i am ROFL at the people calling the op and mrs.irate saying they are trolls. A troll is someone who purposly belittles someone who starts a tread and continuously posts in a row or to incite a uproar of flaming. also called flamers and flaming trolls. using a reusable shopping bag is NOT GROUNDS for accusation unless you look suspicius while shopping and/or head right for the exit without paying

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Jul 03, 2014 11:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

wrong troll. i mean the board troll not the riddle troll.

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Jul 07, 2014 9:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

wow its funny the ones who are trying to help the op are given -votes just for being helpful while the flamers are being +1ed. anyway the story that we have seen shows she was innocent of a crime and was wrongfully detained. end of story.

Ashish Pai
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Jan 09, 2016 11:44 am EST

My name is Ashish Pai. I am holding Walmart master card [protected]. I am been charged 2 times so far on 1st & 6th of Jan. I don't remember for what I have subscribe. So can you help me to get detail on that.

mrs irate
pdx, US
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Mar 10, 2018 2:00 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ashish Pai

get your card number off of here! you NEVER put your whole card number on a public posting site ! you are inviting ID theft!

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Sep 16, 2018 2:05 am EDT

Mrs. Kidd Rights were Violated: If no, human, (Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell, and Officer C. Campbell) sees, what Walmart surveillance video footage sees, then no one rights have been violated. Three men (Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell) violated Mrs. Kidd Rights. They all saw what Walmart surveillance video saw. Not one of the men went against Walmart surveillance video even though Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell looked at the video, as soon as, they walked into the Access Protection Room. As you will see on the second video, my family privacy was violated, as well, which could have been avoid if Pat McCaster, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell had told the truth, as to who they saw in Walmart surveillance video.

Walmart Supercenter Store Inc. in Saraland, Alabama, employee, Pat McCaster, who works in the Access Protection Room and Saraland, Alabama Police Officers, Lieutenant O'Dell and Officer C. Campbell Falsely Accused, and Interrogated, Mrs. Kidd, a 64-year-old Mother and Grandmother, who never walked into the store, of Stealing a cell Phone.

Check out the Videos...Second Video coming soon

They were unnecessarily humiliated, embarrassed, which brought on anxiety, depression, fear, worry, frustration and insomnia, as people walked in and out of the store, stopping, watching and coming back inside of the store to get a better look at the accused victim, her daughter and her three grandchildren.
During the recording of the first video in the outer section of the store, Mrs. Kidd was actually marked by a bystander. Mrs. Kidd said to her daughter and Officer C. Campbell, I am going to sue. The bystander repeated, as to what she had said to her daughter and Officer C. Campbell, I am going to sue.

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