WIZZ Air’s earns a 1.2-star rating from 145 reviews, showing that the majority of travelers are dissatisfied with their flights.
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Ticket booking
Dear Complaints Board,
I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to seek your assistance regarding an issue I encountered while attempting to book a two-way flight from Vienna to Rome on June 8th (departure) and June 11th (return), as depicted in the attached screenshot of our complaint.
On May 17, 2023, I made an attempt to utilize our travel credits, valued at approximately 200€, towards the total cost of the booking. However, to my surprise, the final price suddenly escalated from the expected amount of less than 400€ to 700€. Interestingly, this increase effectively nullified the application of our travel credits, as their value was eclipsed by the elevated booking cost.
In light of this discrepancy, we promptly reached out to the airline's customer service for assistance. Unfortunately, our interaction with their customer service team proved to be unproductive and failed to provide a satisfactory resolution to the matter at hand. It is important to note that we refrained from initiating any payment process, as I harbored concerns about the accuracy and fairness of the pricing.
Regrettably, despite our caution, the website proceeded automatically after a few minutes, resulting in the loss of our travel credits and a tentative booking that implies a remaining balance of over 200€. It is crucial to emphasize that I did not take any deliberate action to confirm or authorize this flight booking. I am deeply disappointed by the loss of our travel credits and the involuntary progression of the booking process.
These events unfolded between 11 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. on May 17th. Given the circumstances, I am turning to your expertise and seeking your assistance in addressing this matter. I kindly request your intervention in resolving the issue and securing the restoration of our travel credits promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this complaint. I truly appreciate your commitment to resolving customer grievances effectively and your support in rectifying this situation.
Agostino Bertolin
Desired outcome: Recovering the travel credits, ideally to our bank account
We planned a trip to Abu Dhabi, for me and my wife, our three daughters and my parents, a total of 7 tickets. Confirmation number ddy7nc and confirmation of my parents ng3qrz.
We decided to change the trip and fly to Debrecen Hungary instead of Abu Dhabi, we canceled the flights to Abu Dhabi and ordered tickets to Debrecen Hungary, confirmation number fgcltj. Despite the change of destination, we were charged for cancellation and beyond that, until now we have not received a refund for the payment for the flight tickets to Abu Dhabi.
In light of the above, we would like to refund the fees we paid for the tickets to Abu Dhabi and refund the ticket cancellation fee you charged us.
Boaz horesh
Refund request
I would like to refund a payment (433,57 EUR), which was transferred to your company the 3rd od April on the flight from Krakow to Nice code: CIC4MQ.
I transferred the first payment by mistake without the flight code. The transfer was accepted. Then I realised my mistake and resent the payment again, this time with the appropriate code. The payment was confirmed again, however, I still have not received the payment for the first faulty transfer.
I sincerely hope you can help me in this matter.
I attache the payment confirmation bellow.
Best regards,
Lenka Drahošová
Desired outcome: refund
payments on baggage
My partner and I was charged on check in baggage on 1st April from Budapest airport, please see attached copy of receipt. We were told it was free. Our baggage was 10kg and the size was normal for overhead. We weren't charged for this on departure from Luton so why were we charged for this on return. I would appreciated for a refund please.
The return flight was on Saturday 1st April from Budapest to Luton W6 2207 time 19.15pm PNR: QJNLJA.
Desired outcome: I would appreciate if you could please issue a refund and a response please explaining why the charged fee.
Online check in
I bought a return ticket from Vienna to Reykjavik. When in Vienna airport I did make a online-check-in. In the process I was offered to make the return check-in as well or leave it until later. I selected to NOT make the return-check-in because I want to do it just before leaving Iceland.
15 hours before the return flight I did try to make the online-check-in for the returned flight, but the process was not able to get my seat and therefore not able to finish the process. I did try repeatedly 10-20 times for the next 12 hours with no success until the dead line of 3 hours before the departure (then the check-in starts at the airport and you cannot do it online the last 3 hours). I thought because the process went to error all the time on the online-check-in I would not been charged at the airport. Surprisingly that was not the case. I was charged for €45 (€40 for airport check-in and €5 fee?) or else I will not being aloud to board the plain. I was not happy, and made a complain on the airline website, but after almost 30 days later was rejected for refund.
Of course I will NEVER fly with them again.
Desired outcome: The company did not refund the €45 the airport Check-in fee even I was not able to use the online-check-in (problem in the airline web, not my problem)
10kg luggage paid twice
Dear Wizzair,
For W63561 flight I had on 17th of March 2023, I'd paid one extra 10kg luggage.
As it was a handbag, i took it with me in the cabin, it wasn't obvious for me that I have to make the check-in separately for this bag.
When my ID and ticket was checked just before to get in the plane, the lady from Wizzair said I had to pay again for this luggage even if I showed her that it had been already paid. She refused to add a sticker on it and let it in the cabin (even if this practice is well-known).
I want to mention that the flight wasn't fully booked (as it was on my return). So, I had to pay one more time for the same luggage: 190 lei (38 euros). Please find attached the receipt.
I would really appreciate if I get the money back, as I paid twice for the same thing, but I did not find any understanding or wish to help from Wizzair employees from Timisoara airport.
Thank you in advance!
Nicoleta Prisacariu
Desired outcome: Please refund.
Reclamatie angajata Elena Matei
Buna ziua,
Doresc pe aceasta cale sa adresez urmatoarea reclamatie la adresa angajatei aeroportului Traian Vuia, doamna Matei Elena pentru atitudinea ostila si ofensatoare manifestata in data de 11 Feb 2023.
Evenimentul s-a petrecut in cadrul procesului de imbarcare al zborului W63501 in jurul orei 05:50 cand angajata Elena Matei ne-a solicitat o taxa de 190 de roni pentru un bagaj, pretinzand ca depaseste dimensiunea admisa.
Initial am dorit sa platesc deoarece trollerul era intradevar extins datorita unei geci mai voluminoase insa sotia a insistat ca se poate restrange si ca a fost achizitionat special in concordanta cu regulile Wizz (atasat poza), mentionand cu un ton destul de cordial ca nu doreste sa ne “tiganim” pentru taxa respectiva motivand ca intra in support.
In acel moment a inceput atitudinea ostila si ofensatoare din partea doamnei Matei returnandu-mi bancnota de 200roni lasata pe pult initial pentru plata bagajului pretins neconform si amenintand ca ne va refuza imbarcarea daca nu platim pentru toate cele 3 bagaje, trollerul, geanta sotiei si rucsacul fiicei, toate acestea fiind adresate folosind un ton ridicat si rastit.
Am incercat sa imi pastrez calmul si am dorit sa ma adresez personal dnei Matei, insa am observat ca aceasta nu purta ecusonul motiv pentru care am intrebat numele. Doamna Matei si-a recuperat de pe pult ecusonul si l-a pus la gat insa nu era vizibil mentionand in continuare ca “Nu are nici o importanta cum ma numesc.” si continuand pe acelasi ton rastit si ostil intrebandu-ne: “Sunteti constienti ca va vom refuza imbarcare?” Am intrebat care este motivul refuzului si am primit ca si raspuns, citez “Pentru atitudine neadecvata.” Aceasta conversatie a fost inregistrata cu telefonul mobil si ne gandim sa o folosim pentru actiunile urmatoare.
In urmatoarele 10minute am fost lasati sa asteptam pana la terminarea imbarcarii tuturor pasagerilor in semn de “rasplata” pentru “atitudinea neadecvata” si sa cugetam la constientizarea posibilitatii de anulare a zborului. Fac totodata cunoscute aici motivele deplasarii Timisoara-Londra, aceasta calatorie fiind un cadou al sotie si fiicei cu ocazia zilei de nastere -14Feb
Dupa expirarea listei de pasageri a sosit cea de-a 3-a persoana care initial am crezut ca este un supervisor. Imi pare rau ca nu am solicitat numele dumneaei. Aceasta probabil obsevand asteptarea noastra sau panica indusa fiicei de 12 ani care luase in serios amenintarile doamnei Matei su pur si simplu din bina vointa de a ajuta a mentionat ca bagajele noastre sunt conforme. In acel moment a inceput o disputa intre “bunul samaritean” si doamna Matei, aceasta din urma argumentand ca doreste sa filmeze faptul ca bagajele intra in suport, ceea ce s-a si intamplat dealtfel. A fost necesar sa justificam introducerea fiecaruia dintre cele trei bagaje desi era vizibil cu ochiul liber iar initial plana suspiciunea asupra trollerului umflat datorita gecii voluminoase.
Sumarizand editarea acestui mail, consideram ca “atitudinea neadecvata” provine de fapt din partea dnei Matei si solicitam atentia dumneavoastra asupra situatiei semnalate. Lipsa orientarii spre client printr-o astfel de atitudine pune o grava pata neagra asupra serviciilor oferite atragand consecinte nefaste asupra profitului companiei. Avem convingerea ca astfel de situatii nu sunt singulare.
Nu in ultimul rand tinem foarte mult sa ii multumim pe aceasta cale doamnei mediatoar pentru modul de abordare asertiv cat mai ales pentru profesionalismul de care a dat dovada in astfel de situatii.
Sa auzim de bine,
Pasager nemultumit
Boarding pass
Veuskens Erwin
Flight Gllyuh
Flight Tirana - Eindhoven
automatic check in ordered
after check in I received a boarding pass stating this is no boarding pass
The chat bot of Wizz air mentioned ; no problem. Don't worry Your boarding pass is valid bu tcan be corrected at the airport 3 hours before the flight. No extra fee
First problem : the Wizz air desk is not open 3 hours before
2nd problem ; when open they charge you with a fee of 45 euro
Same problem for flight 6627 - 19/01/2023 Tirana - Eindhoven
Desired outcome: reimbursement of the extra cost on my Wizz air account
Cancellation and return flight delay
Please find below our claim and kindly pay within 30 days, Copies of receipts attached.
Travel Insurance Claim re: Policy No: WIZGBT021649
Booking Reference: XFJSHM
Issue Date: 5th December 2022
Traveller’s: Claire Granahan & Stephen K Johnson.
Date of Travel: Luton to Malaga 21 Dec 2022 at 07.10 hrs - Flight Cancelled
We left our home in London at 04.30 – arriving at Luton airport approx’ 05.30.
By the time we had got to the terminal the flight cancelation was already on the display board, we cued for the information desk to be offered a alternative flight 26th Decemeber {Boxing Day}
This was not suitable to us as we had a family reunión organised on Christmas Eve’
May we point out – we were advised we could book with another airline and claim it as additional expenses.
We found an alternitive flight the following day although this was from Gatwick Airport. We also had to book into a local hotel and incured futher costs of meals, Train tickets and taxi fayes.
Loss of the hotel booked for that evening in Malaga.
Return Flight
Date of Travel: Malaga to Luton 6 Jan 2023 at 11.15 hrs - Flight delayed to 17.15
1. Flight – Wizz 21 December 2022 £726.18
2. Hotel – Malaga, Soho Boutiaques Los Naranjos 21 December 2022. £53.92
3. Dinner – Gatwick Manor on 21 December 2022 £72.43
4. Train – Luton to Gatwick Airport on 21 December 2022. £16.20
5. Flight – Easy Jet replacement Flight on 22 December 2022. £747.90
6. Taxi – Gatwick Airport to Premier Inn Hotel on 21 December 2022. £15.00
7. Hotel – Premier Inn Gatwick Airport 21 December 2022. £86.70
8. Dinner – Gatwick Manor on 21 December 2022. £72.43
9. Taxi – Premier Inn to Gatwick Airport on 22 December 2022 to get flight £15.00
10. Date of Travel: Malaga to Luton 6th Jan 2023 at 11.15 hrs - Flight delayed till 18.00
11 Per Table of Benefits – Cancellation compensation £500 x 2 Flights £1,000.00
12 Delayed return flight £50 x 2 Flights £100.00
Total Claim for Expences for Claire Granahan & Stephen Johnson £2,833.33
Desired outcome: refund
Customer service and extortionate call rates
I have purchased privileged boarding for both my husband and myself last August. I have tried to book flights, but only my membership is being acknowledged.
I have tried sorting this via your live chat, but can never get on to a live chat! I have called your call center on several occasions and either get left on hold or get cut off. One lady I spoke with stated that she could see the membership, confirming it is valid. I asked if she could reactivate it so the website and app could recognize its existence and I could book my flights.
She stated that she couldn’t do that!
So I’m stuck! You have the worst and most expensive customer service!
Don’t think I’ll pay for any additional
Memberships and not keen to fly Wizz Air again. Pity, as you impressed me to start with!
Desired outcome: Refund my phone call charges & activate my husbands membership so I can use it and book some flights for this year at least!!!
Price reduction
Ma numesc grun gheorghe si in 5 inauarie am primit un mail prin care mi se oferea o reducere de 23 % cu conditia sa cumparar un bilet in aceeasi zi. Stimate ca atare am procedat in 05.01.2023 la rezervarea si plata a doua locuri pentru zborul din 23 ianuarie beauvais - timisoara in valoare de 289.49 euro (zbor kjgya) fara sa primesc nicio reducere fata de pretul initial!
In acest caz, oferta de reducere ramane doar o publicitate mincinoasa! Va rog sa aveti bunavointa de a ma lamuri care este situatia cu oferta de reducere pe care mi-ati transmis-o in 5 ianuarie si care nu a fost pusa in practica? Va multumesc pentru bunavointa si va doresc un an nou fericit.
Ing grun gheorghe
Flight W64498 booking ref: EB5MWI Williams
Request for full refund of £205.27
Customer reference 40-[protected]
Reykjavik Keflavik International Aiport London Luton on 23rd Dec10.50 to 23 Dec 13 50.
Our fight was cancelled on Dec 21st flight Flight 1471 from Gatwick Airport UK at 09.30 am when we got to Gatwick. The flight was due to go at 12 midday. The fight on Icelandair booking reference 23JXMG LGW KEF was cancelled by the airline due to severe weather, snow storms from 5 days before and again on the 21st Dec. Therefore we could not physically get out to Iceland. To get on your flight wizz Air W64498. on 23rd Dec.
That's was extendeding circumstances due to Life treating weather. The airport and roads going into the airport and out of the airport was closed due to safely reasons due to the snow storms weather. Please can we have a full refund. My email is [protected]@yahoo.co.uk and mob is [protected]. I can send you the email from Icelandair cancelling the out bound flight. Regards, Ronald & Jaiwantie Williams
Desired outcome: Full refund .
cancelled flight
10/6/21 our flight W95723 was cancelled Gatwick to Malaga
I have submitted two claims for compensation one with my old email address ;
[protected]@rancefamily.co.uk - which is no longer in use and also from my existing email address [protected]@gmail.com
(this was on 14/9/21)
I have rang on 14/9 25/9 1/10 and 18/11
And I have emailed too last one on 7/11
I am getting very frustrated at still not having any response.
Please can you reply to me as soon as possible at
Desired outcome: I would like compensation for me and my fellow travellers
for refund
This is to inform you that I booked a ticket on wizz air from Auh-Beg.
And when I reach at check-in counter they denied to give boarding pass to me
and they just advised to me that i can not travel and when i asked the reason that time they didn't give me valid reason and they just told me that just raised online complaint for refund and I emailed you lots of the time but no response from your side.
Kindly find the details of my booking:-
DATE:- 26 NOV 2021
Wizz Air Staff did not provide a denied form; they told me that just do it online & raise an online complaint for refund.
Please make a refund as soon as possible.
Thanks With Best Regards
Desired outcome: Kindly do the needful bcz it's very long time aproxx 1 year
Missed connection because of Delay
Hello I travelled on 15th of October from Gatwick to Vienna for connection going forward to Jordan
The flight was heavily delayed and as a result I lost my connecting flight with Ryanair.
I had to book a hotel room at the airport and fly the following day and as a result incurred costs for which our request a refund
€729.46 for new flight (£636.39)
£80.64 for baggage
£179.74 for overnight stay at Vienna airport
Desired outcome: Full Refund of £896.77
overcharge payment
Hi,I been traveling with wizz air in 03.10.2022 and I made an purchase on the board but after few days, in 14.10.2022 exactly i been charge three times without using any wizz air services, i was not even traveling in that date! this looks like a fraud to me and i want my money back or i take this further!
I will atached a copy of bank statement to prove everything i said !
Cancelled flights
My family's flights home from Malaga were cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances 4 hours before we due to fly home to Doncaster airport in June. Received a text, nothing more, no offer of help, no advice, nothing. We were literally leaving our accommodation with bags packed to go home. The hire car company refused to extend so we had to drive back to Malaga and return the car which then left us stranded at the airport, no flights available with any airline and no contact with WIzzAir. After a couple of hours of frantically trying to sort out next steps we booked a Hotel and off we went to at least have a place for us and the kids to stay for the night. The next day we got hold of WizzAir on the phone and they explained that all welfare costs, Hotel, food etc etc would be refunded by them and they had a flight for us in 4 days' time but not to the airport we left from, to Luton of all places, 140 miles and 2.5 hours away from Doncaster where our car was parked!, Not at all ideal as we are both key workers, my wife in teaching and myself a Police constable, however, we were somewhat relieved that at least we could get home. Anyhow, it's now been 4 months and guess what? Nothing has been refunded at all, no statutory compensation, no welfare, nothing. I find this totally appalling, how can any company treat customers like this and survive? Frankly, they don't deserve to and anyone who uses them must be crazy..
Desired outcome: Welfare costs, statutory compensation, loss of earnings
Wizz Air is Despicable
In July 2022 my flight was canceled literally right before it should have boarded. There was absolutely no customer service and when speaking on the phone to the company they purposely confused information to hinder the refund process.
My checked bags were lost for five hours, again I was left with absolutely no customer service help. I had to sit and wait while continually checking baggage arrivals.
I called and requested my refund be returned to the payment method used at the time of booking. The person on the phone reassured me this would happen within 14-21 days. The next day I received a notification that they put my refund on my Wizz Air account. An account that I do not have! I did not create any account with the company, and I specifically requested a refund not a voucher.
Since this time I have constantly gotten the run around. Their website is completely unhelpful, anyone I speak with is completely unhelpful, and it has been three months with no refund or the additional 250 euros owed for the cancellation.
This company is fraudulent and should have a class action suite brought against them.
Desired outcome: I expect to receive the full cost of the flight refunded in addition to the basic 250 euros legally required from the company. After the experience I expect an additional 500 euros for the fraud.
Online check in service would not work prior to flight so had to pay £142 at check in this then allowed us totake on extra luggage on to plane that I hadpreviously paid £231 for the day before( yes how strange this service worked!) so I have paidtwice for the same luggage to be checked in on the plane. This is poor service form wizz air and really disapointed us before our holiday, I will be avoiding wizz air in the future it is a rip off.
Desired outcome: some of my money back that i paid for twice for the same luggage
Wizz Air Cancellation!
This is the code, VCVNKS
Wizzair was so horrible! They cancelled both of my flights coming back and forth to greece and Abu Dhabi.
They are the worst! They didn’t say anything why they cancelled the flight!
For the customer service here in UAE, they we’re not very helpful!
I do want them to compensate for everything!
1. Rebooking the flights again which became more expensive cause its urgent!
2. All my expenses because i need to wait for a way cheaper flights to go back to Abu Dhabi because i was stuck in Athens! (Hotel and food are also extra expenses!)
And you know what I phoned them and daid that they will refund the money after 40days! Imagine that? They should have returned my money back when they cancelled my flight on the same day!
Wizzair, you were my worst nightmare that i could never imagine!
Desired outcome: Compensation
WIZZ Air Reviews 0

If you represent WIZZ Air, take charge of your business profile by claiming it and stay informed about any new reviews or complaints submitted.
Overview of WIZZ Air complaint handling
WIZZ Air Contacts
WIZZ Air phone numbers+36 690 900 555+36 690 900 555Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +36 690 900 555 phone number 89 89 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +36 690 900 555 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +36 690 900 555 phone number 64 64 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +36 690 900 555 phone number16%Confidence scoreHungary & International+44 330 977 0444+44 330 977 0444Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +44 330 977 0444 phone number 72 72 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +44 330 977 0444 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +44 330 977 0444 phone number 75 75 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +44 330 977 0444 phone numberUnited Kingdom+43 900 373 729+43 900 373 729Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +43 900 373 729 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +43 900 373 729 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +43 900 373 729 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +43 900 373 729 phone numberAustria+32 90 315 005+32 90 315 005Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +32 90 315 005 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +32 90 315 005 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +32 90 315 005 phone number 5 5 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +32 90 315 005 phone numberBelgium+359 90 063 949+359 90 063 949Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +359 90 063 949 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +359 90 063 949 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +359 90 063 949 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +359 90 063 949 phone numberBulgaria+385 60 502 022+385 60 502 022Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +385 60 502 022 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +385 60 502 022 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +385 60 502 022 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +385 60 502 022 phone numberCroatia+357 90 019 009+357 90 019 009Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +357 90 019 009 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +357 90 019 009 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +357 90 019 009 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +357 90 019 009 phone number100%Confidence scoreCyprus+420 900 140 809+420 900 140 809Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +420 900 140 809 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +420 900 140 809 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +420 900 140 809 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +420 900 140 809 phone numberCzech Republic+45 90 111 114+45 90 111 114Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +45 90 111 114 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +45 90 111 114 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +45 90 111 114 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +45 90 111 114 phone numberDenmark+372 609 4141+372 609 4141Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +372 609 4141 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +372 609 4141 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +372 609 4141 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +372 609 4141 phone numberEstonia+358 60 019 053+358 60 019 053Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +358 60 019 053 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +358 60 019 053 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +358 60 019 053 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +358 60 019 053 phone number100%Confidence scoreFinland+33 899 860 729+33 899 860 729Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +33 899 860 729 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +33 899 860 729 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +33 899 860 729 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +33 899 860 729 phone numberFrance+49 302 178 4016+49 302 178 4016Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +49 302 178 4016 phone number 14 14 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +49 302 178 4016 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +49 302 178 4016 phone number 30 30 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +49 302 178 4016 phone numberGermany+30 901 140 0693+30 901 140 0693Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +30 901 140 0693 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +30 901 140 0693 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +30 901 140 0693 phone number 12 12 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +30 901 140 0693 phone numberGreece+354 539 0620+354 539 0620Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +354 539 0620 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +354 539 0620 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +354 539 0620 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +354 539 0620 phone numberIceland+39 895 895 4416+39 895 895 4416Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +39 895 895 4416 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +39 895 895 4416 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +39 895 895 4416 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +39 895 895 4416 phone numberItaly+371 90 200 953+371 90 200 953Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +371 90 200 953 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +371 90 200 953 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +371 90 200 953 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +371 90 200 953 phone numberLatvia+31 202 625 762+31 202 625 762Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +31 202 625 762 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +31 202 625 762 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +31 202 625 762 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +31 202 625 762 phone numberNetherlands+47 82 059 032+47 82 059 032Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +47 82 059 032 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +47 82 059 032 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +47 82 059 032 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +47 82 059 032 phone numberNorway+48 703 703 003+48 703 703 003Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +48 703 703 003 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +48 703 703 003 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +48 703 703 003 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +48 703 703 003 phone numberPoland+351 707 500 209+351 707 500 209Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +351 707 500 209 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +351 707 500 209 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +351 707 500 209 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +351 707 500 209 phone numberPortugal+40 900 310 020+40 900 310 020Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +40 900 310 020 phone number 14 14 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +40 900 310 020 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +40 900 310 020 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +40 900 310 020 phone number27%Confidence scoreRomania+7 499 500 5676+7 499 500 5676Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +7 499 500 5676 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +7 499 500 5676 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +7 499 500 5676 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +7 499 500 5676 phone numberRussia+34 807 403 359+34 807 403 359Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +34 807 403 359 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +34 807 403 359 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +34 807 403 359 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +34 807 403 359 phone numberSpain+46 900 111 2029+46 900 111 2029Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +46 900 111 2029 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +46 900 111 2029 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +46 900 111 2029 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +46 900 111 2029 phone numberSweden+41 900 000 178+41 900 000 178Click up if you have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +41 900 000 178 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have successfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +41 900 000 178 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +41 900 000 178 phone number 2 2 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached WIZZ Air by calling +41 900 000 178 phone numberSwitzerland
WIZZ Air emailscustomerrelations1@wizzair.com100%Confidence score: 100%Supportpilotrecruitment@wizzair.com92%Confidence score: 92%odr@wizzair.com92%Confidence score: 92%
WIZZ Air addressBUD International Airport, Building 221, H-1185, Budapest, Hungary
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