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DISH Network Complaints 1353

9:20 am EDT

DISH Network rebates

I was solicted for service by Dish Network in May 2007. The representative offered me free HD service for one year if I signed up. He said it would come in the form of a $20.00 a month rebate that I would have to send in once the dish was installed.

I signed up for the service, had the dish installed, and sent in my rebate. In December 2007, I received a letter in the mail from the rebate center stating they could not process my rebate. I called the rebate center and they told me they only needed my account number because I put my AT&T number on the rebate form. Apparently this was the wrong number so I provided them with my Dish Network account number and was told I would see the rebate in my next one to two billing cycles.

I waited until March 2008 to call back and check the status of the rebate. I remind you I have been paying the $20.00 each month for HD that I was promised I would not have to pay 9 months prior. When I called back I was told they were still processing the rebate and they would "expedite" it. I explained that I would be cancelling my service if I did not see the rebate on my next bill.

My next bill came and I still was not receiving the rebate. I called Dish Network on May 5, 2008 to cancel my service. I was told I was under contract and there would be a $93.00 cancellation fee for cancelling. Frustrated, I requested this be waived since I had fulfilled all of my obligations as they applied to me sending in the rebate, following up several times on its status, and sending in my payment on time each month. Though I had been paying the $20.00 each month for something I was told would be free, the representative told me there was nothing Dish Network could do and I would have to contact AT&T to resolve that matter.

I then spoke to a Dish Network supervisor who told me she could manually credit my account the $20.00 for six months at this time. She stated since she was offering to do this now (even though it has been one year since I sent in my rebate without any results) that I was obligated to pay the cancellation fee because they were "holding up their end of the bargain."

I called AT&T and within five minutes I was told they would gladly credit my account the $93.00 for the cancellation fee and apologized several times for all of the inconviences.

I do not understand why I had to call to cancel my service for Dish Network to offer to honor the rebate they promised me. Why couldn't this have been done six months earlier when they were having problems with the rebate center? I also don't understand why I send in a check for payment it is cashed within a week but a rebate takes a year to process? I also don't understand how I can hold up my end of the deal by making payments monthly on time yet when Dish Network does not fulfill their commitment to honor their rebate they penalize ME $93.00 and tell me tough luck, take it up with someone who cares (i.e. AT&T).

I don't ask for any type of response from you. I don't ask for any type of compensation from you as I have already cancelled my service. I will gladly pay more money to a company such as Comcast which may be more expensive but does not require a contract nor a rebate to get the product I am promised. I have always heard you get what you pay for. This is a lesson I have learned the hard way with Dish Network.

This email will be forwarded to,, and

Thank you for your time.

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4:41 am EDT
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DISH Network overcharged!

I agreed to a 18 month contract with Dish Network in February 2007. On the day that the technicians came to set up my service, when they were done, they weren't even out of my drive way and I called customer service to find out how to put my parental locks on. While the technicians were STILL in my driveway, there was already to adult PPV movies charged to my account. Since that day in February 2007 until March 2008, because I could not afford to cancel my contract, I was charged, without ordering 38 adult PPV movies. The last straw was in March of this, I was charged $152.79 for these movies.

I have every lock and block that can be done on this box. My husband, who is disabled, can't even erase a saved television program, because he doesn't have the code. My children, 10 year old twins, can't even watch some cartoons because of the parental blocks. (One account specialist even accused my 10 year old children of watching these movies.) We were even at my mother-in-laws funeral, out-of-state, and they were charged to my account (and no one was at my house)! I even had our credit limit, several times, put on $0.00 by Account Specialist so this would not happen. But I think the best part is, since last summer, my box has not been plugged in to the phone line and according to the Dish Network Account Specialist, thats how these movies were ordered. (Your DVR box has to be plugged in to a phone line to order movies through the remote!)

Today, April 25, 2008, I called to cancel my contract and the Account Specialist told me that she 'could' take $100.00 off of the $152.79 if I would stay with them. I told her that I would if they credited the whole $152.79 and she flat told me 'no'. Little did she know I really would not have stayed, but why should I or anyone else have to pay even one dollar for something that they did not rent.

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Update by Valerie
Feb 19, 2008 2:16 pm EST

Dish charged $500 to our credit card after we spent two and a half months trying to get those 'curtesy' boxes to send back equipment. That's right, Rebecca (8HU) said that the boxes were a curtesy. She said 'they' had been sent twice to our P.O. Box and thus were sent back. I tried on several occasions to tell her that I had told 6 of Dish's representatives my street address in the last two months, and that boxes had never arrived. She repeated that they were a curtesy. I told her that I had been charged $500 and finance fees (!) because of her actions.

Again she said that the boxes were a curtesy. I told her that our service had been terrible. That mistakes had been made on our bill month after month, that we had moved in December, and now in February would like to send back the receivers they mail us instead of remotes (which had stopped working), that the curtesy was their mistake in having sent us receivers in the first place.

They, each of the representatives, except for Brian, were rude and two of them simply hung up on me. When I asked for a manager I was given Rebecca, twice. One of them was in the 'Executive' area, she hung up on me.

Each time I have tried to explain that I am returning receivers that they sent me by mistake I am told it's a curtesy. No one listens, no one cares, but they will charge your credit card. They charged ours, and the finance fee, as Rebecca believes, is my problem. Dish has a problem now. I will tell this story any opportunity I get, and I will tell it loudly.

Dish knows nothing about customer service, they just want your money, anyway they can get it.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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6:58 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network unauthorized billing!

I have been trying to resolve a dispute with Dish Network since early February 2008. The date of this letter is April 22 2008. My son is disabled and on Social Security Disability and I am his assigned payee from Social Security. I pay all of his monthly bills and his payment history for the last 4 years is totally spotless. One of his receivers went out and he called Dish to get a replacement one. They delived it and sent him a return box to send back the broken one back to them. Because of his disability he was slow about returning the box and he did not inform me that that this event had even occurred. When I found out about it, I called Dish and explained his disability situation to them and had them send another box to my address so I could see that it was sent back.They said that they totally understood the situation. The box arrived and I took it to him. We packaged it up and sent it back. ( I know that he should have sent the receiver back sooner and I would not have objected the temporary charge of $100.00 on his personal account until they received the receiver back.)

(1) As of his February 02, 2008 his account was current. (as it has always been). But they debited my Sears card on 1/26/08 $100.00 and 01/31/08 another $100.00 dollars. I used my credit card to set up his account 4 years ago because he did not have a credit card. They told me that they could only debit my credit card if he was late or behind in the first year of his service to make sure he paid his bill, (of which now is in the 4th year and had never been late) so they debited my credit card without my authorization. The charge for an unreturned box is ($100.00) They debited my credit card $200.00.

(2) They charged his account $100.00 (3) more times for a total of $300.00 between my credit card and his personal bill now the total for (1) box valued at $100.00 he is being charged $500.00. (Between my credit card and his personal bill.) I know it gets confusing.

(3) I have called so many times I have lost track but I do have who I spoke with, the dates and the action they were suppose to take to resolve the situation.

(4) I was told that they would credit his account. On March 02, 2008 bill they credited his account $300.00 and then reversed $100.00 of the credit. (for what reason I do not know) so now he has a credit of $200.00 out of the $500.00

(5) April 02, 2008 bill credit card charge back $100.00 was added back to his bill but one good thing, they received the receiver and credited him the equipment fee-adjustment of $100.00. So this credit is a wash as well to $0.

(6) During the time this was going on I have continued to pay his monthly bill each month, so this would not be an issue. But they had the nerve to tell me that the money owed to him was used to pay his bill! (Now I am getting really upset)

(7) On my credit card they said that the reason it was charged was that the first attempt to charge it did not go through on 01/26/08 and they repeated it on 01/31/08. I have their statement and my credit card to prove that both charges went through.

(8) They have told me numorous times that they would send the money back to my credit card and make sure that my son's account would be credited back the money owed to him. (My credit card has yet to be credited back) and each time they credit my son's account they turn around and reverse the credit.

(9) To sum it up my son was should be current on his April bill ( as I paid $70.00) this month and each month prior it should be a normal bill. My credit card should have a $0 balance. But as his April bill stands right now he has a $22.38 credit with adding the $70.00 I just sent, for a total credit of $92.38. I still owe $200.00 on my Sears card and if they credit me the $200.00 on my Sears card they are going to take his $92.38 credit away from him and he is going to owe another $100.00 for this month according to my calculations. Where is the missing $100.00?

(10) I need some help as today when I called back Dish after calling the credit card company to see if the money had been credited back to my credit card (the $200.00) which it had not, they (Dish) spoke to me for awhile and then hung up on me after they could not explain the bill.

(11) I have all of the names and dates if needed of who I spoke to. (of course they are in India) They use American names but that is not their real names, if needed.

(12) Who can I contact for some help? I have put in a dispute with the credit card company and they are working on it but that is not going to solve the situation with Dish Network.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry this is so long, but after you spend 4 or 5 hours on the phone with them trying to get it straighted out it gets pretty lengthly.

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Apr 24, 2008 10:05 pm EDT

This is really a rambling complaint. Why are your sentences numbered?

2:19 am EDT

DISH Network very very poor customer service

I have regestored a complaint on 5 march and from on ther is no tv network at my home... I have been calling up the customer care daily n every day I get a new service centre number which is either not reachable or switched off or does not exisit... And if atall some anws he will inreturn tell to contact the customer care back..

I sugest pls be happy with ur cable tv atleast they have a better customer service.

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8:55 pm EDT

DISH Network pay per view rip off!

Our service seemed fine for the 1st year until recently. I just wanted to warn others about how disappointed and disgusted I am with Dish network and that they have flaws in their system. I contacted Dish network last month about a bill that I received that was over $200. I was upset to learn that we were being charged for X-rated movies that no one in our family knew anything about. My husband and I work 12-16 hour days with little time to watch TV and all our kids are in sports and arrive home pretty much the same time in evening. I called dish network to investigate which receiver or remote ordered these movies so I could get to the bottom of this. They claimed that they have no way of providing or keeping track of this information so there was no way for me to find out if my kids were accidentally ordering these movies with their remotes or receivers. How disturbing that they make pay per view accessible to the kids. There should be a system in which they need proof of age in order to allow the x-rated movies to be accessible. Our 4 kids are between 8-15. Furthermore, I was notified that if you remove the phone cord that is hooked up to the receiver and plug it back it, it could potentially re-charge the same movie over and over again. As a Real Estate agent, I use the phone cord to charge my super key not realizing I was procuring extra charges. So we had the same pornographic movies charged on our bills over and over again. Customer service was horrible and less then empathetic. They said the charges were valid including the duplicates. The movie charges were ridiculous over $12 per movie in some cases. If anyone knows about blockbuster online, who would be stupid enough to order pay per view movies over $12 each? I canceled our service immediately! Stay with Coaxial cable!

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Mar 25, 2009 1:42 pm EDT

It's terrible that customer service wasn't more helpful & came to a compromise on the charges. That I agree with.

But seriously,
"There should be a system in which they need proof of age in order to allow the x-rated movies to be accessible."
ALL major cable/satellite providers offer parental locks to prevent your children from ordering/watching anything you don't approve of. Don't get upset because you didn't set up the parental control. That's not Dish's fault. Although customer service should have helped you set it up now, so your 15 year old stops ordering porn.

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Aug 08, 2008 7:33 am EDT

My story short... I %^& hate dish. If you don't have it ( #$%^& ) that means agonizing pain of sheer frustration and the destruction of a fist through the wall or the phone, maybe even a broken rib on your dog if you kick hard enough. But you may try it for yourself and sorry if you do. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

3:45 am EDT

DISH Network false advertising

Buyer beware - Dish Network, subsidiary of Colorado based Echostar Communications Corporation, uses deceptive advertising to lure in customers. They offer a nice promotional rate but don't deliver on their billing statements. The bills are wrong each month, with the customer being overcharged. It doesn't matter what is in your written contract with Dish Network, how many letters your write, or how many phone calls you make.

They'll do everything they can to frustrate customers to the point where they give up, rather than live up to their promises. Their promotions are scams. I am posting this because I don't want anyone else to go through what I have with Dish Network. Do yourself a favor and do not do business with this company.

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Martha A. Winishut
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Jun 05, 2008 12:41 pm EDT

We signed up for Dish Network in April from that "promotion" stating that we would get 3 months free for signing up. I had dish before but switched to DirecTv (not any better)! I checked my "statement" on TV & it stated we owed them $180.00+. I told them I wasn't going to pay them. They lied to me, & just cancel my dish. I don't know what else to do. We live in a very rural area we can't even get cable. I can't pay this much money just for tv.

4:17 pm EDT

DISH Network repeat billing errors!

I've been a Dish Network customer since August of 2007, and my bills have been wrong every single month. I signed an 18-month contract with Dish Network, which included an advertised promotional rate of $10 off for 10 months. But the $10 credit is never on the bills. So each month I call Dish and write letters disputing the charges. On the phone, their customer service reps agree with me that I should have received the rebate. They promise that the problem will be corrected on my next statement, but it never happens. To date, I've never received the promised $10 off per month.

I believe that Dish Network purposely advertised a great promotion to get people like me to sign up, but never had any intention of honoring the advertised rate. I believe they knew the average person would give up after a few complaint phone calls. Think about it, who is going to sue them over $100? If I were you, I would think twice about doing business with Dish Network. You can't believe anything they say, even if it is in a written contract.

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Mar 03, 2010 9:56 pm EST

Agreed. If they can rip you off with increased charges of $100 or so, they think you will not go to small claims court, or organize a class action lawsuit.
I am working on both right now.
Reading several hundred of these complaints makes me feel like we might have a chance in the courts against the lack of integrity of Dish Network.
Let's see if the spirit of the law survives over the letter of the law.

2:06 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network $5 monthly fee because i do not have a telephone line connected to my television

Noticing a $5 charge on my bundled bill I called Dish Network to discover that if I did not have my television connected to a telephone line there would be a $5 charge

Connecting to a telephone line would enable me to order movies on line which I do not want to do. This seems to insure income for Dish Network lost because I do not want to order movies on line. Legal Theft?

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Apr 09, 2008 6:29 pm EDT

**** $5 fee monthly fee for not connecting to the phone line. ****
I am new to the Dish Network and am very disappointment when the $5 fee appear on my monthly bill for not connecting the receiver to my telephone line. Prior to getting the service from Dish Network, I had gone online to get the quote. The quote I got online did not show the $5 fee for not connecting to the phone line. The Dish Network is very deceptive. Why does the receiver has to be connected to the phone line and why do the customers have to pay $5 monthly fee for not connecting to the line? Are they uploading the channels I wathced to their site so they can sell this information to the advertising agencies or other agencies? When I asked them this question, they said no. Can someone confirm that they are actually not uploading the information?

If you plan to get the service from Dish Network, I advised you not to get it from them. Get it from their competitors. I am planning to cancel the service.

3:53 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network contract rip-off

I had initially signed up with Dish network for dish service, I had ordered the dish installation through AllSat a dish network retailer. When I signed up with Dish network the only paper that I signed was a 18 contract agreement with Dish network which clearly stated the early termination policy. I never signed any agreement with AllSat and AllSat never mentioned that there is a $295.00 early termination fee assessed by AllSat. Now when I wanted to terminate my service I was okay with paying the early termination fee from Dish Network as I had signed a contract with them. But AllSat is also charging me a early termination fee which I was never told about. What can I do.

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Mar 04, 2008 6:44 am EST

There are several states already filing class action suits against AllSat and Dish Network.

Contact your state's Atty General.

12:00 am EST

DISH Network added charges!

I think that the Federal communications or attorney general should do an investigation on Dishnet. Like so many others complaints I have seen since I signed up for Dishnet. I too got ripped off big time! When I signed up I was told I could buy the local channels for $8 but found out the news was not local but clear across the country which I have no use for. Then I was never told if you don't have a land phone I would be charged an additional $5. The entire package I thought included the recievers and anything for a price of $49, and was to get a premium channel free for three months. Then they charged me for it for the three months stating they would remove it by the end of that time. Guess what? That never happened! The bill was every month $89! Then when I said enough and took off the premium "free" channel it did go down to $60 but now they claim they are allowed to raise it even though we were to have the same price until 10 months! I canceled after 7 months and they said they were going to take $150 out of my bank account for the remainder of the contract! I told them no they were not and put a stop check on them at the bank. The bank said it wasn't authorized by me so they have no right to take out of the account!

They lied about everything from the beginning! They asked me to have someone go up on the roof and get the little binocular looking thing from the dish and send it back! So I guess I will charge them You got it $150 to do their work! Why should I have to retrieve there parts from the dish?

Ripped off one more time in Ohio!

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McHenry, US
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Jan 04, 2011 3:17 pm EST

In Illinois they leave the dish on the roof and when you move you get a new one and no charge. I know because I have a two year contract with them and move and they put up a new one and said no charge for the dish on the roof, So they are trying to rip you off. I wish I can get out of this contract. The customer service is the worst and they BS you.

McHenry, US
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Jan 04, 2011 3:07 pm EST

To the person above, I did not have a phone line and was not charged for not having it, so they must be making their own riles for different people. WE ALL SHOULD FIGHT DISHNET SO THEY CANNOT RIP US OR OTHERS OFF ANYMORE. I am trying to find a way to get out of my contract which is 315.00, AT&T said they would pay 150.00 for me to switch but then I would still have a balance with dishnet.

McHenry, US
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Jan 04, 2011 3:56 am EST

They are a rip off. I referred two people and did not get my fifty dollar referral for each. Now they are sending me bigger bill then I'm suppose to pay. There has to be a way to get out of the contract without paying. How can we fight this and who can we contact ?

12:00 am EST
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We had a bad receiver they told us to ship it back and they sent us a new one, this was in Dec 2007, then in Feb 2008. I had a charge on my bill for a damaged receiver, i called they said the receiver i sent back had an insect infestation, but could not tell me what insect. They made up a lie to get money. Beware of this company!

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12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network dish network has some serious issues to resolve

I have had many problems with Dish Network since signing up with them in January of 07. The Installation Tech had come out 3 times before the installation was complete (causing 3 missed days at work). Then when I signed the papers he gave me, I was not informed that I was signing an 18 month contract with a hefty cancellation fee, as well as permission to access my bank account at any time for any amount. I typically do not sign up for automatic deductions from my account.

The first thing that went wrong was I was late on my bill - they disconnected me and I was charged $180.00 cancellation fee. I was pretty surprised, and I got it straightened out. Dish Net got paid and everyone was happy, except me due to the overdraft fees on my account.

The next time we had a problem, I had been in the hospital and could not pay all of my bill (I had an outstanding balance of $12.00). The service had already been disconnected, and I called to make payment arrangements (which were accepted) The day before I was due to make that payment and restore my service, they took $120.00 cancellation fee out of my $50.00 bank account, overdrawing it again, and costing me more money in fees. I covered it the next day, and figured it was a small price to pay to be rid of Dish Net (there had been several service issues) but then they hit me for $400.00 more in equipment fees (apparently to avoid them you have to call specifically to ask for boxes). Which in the two hours I spent on the phone with them two days prior when they charged me the cancellation fee, no one told me about the equipment fee. My bad, though, it was in those papers I signed, somewhere in there.

They got me signed back up, refunded the money they took, and for I believe it was $49.00 got it turned back on. They did not give credit for all the overdraft fees I incurred when they took those fees out. I had to take care of all that without so much as an apology. What I didn't know is they recorded it as if I signed back up for another 18 month contract. I hopefully got that handled today when I found out. I never signed anything of the sort, and I will not be bound by it.

Now, the problem has been loss of service. I've been paying the bill on time and the service has been out about 50% of the time since before Christmas. I called today again, because it had been out for over 2 days. It does this all the time. Around Christmas it was out for a week! I called to try to get a credit on my account for the time that it's been without service. They don't believe me because I didn't call every time my service went out. I don't have time to be on the phone for an hour running tests that I've already run myself every two days. I have a family and a job and a very busy life. There is a screen in the system which tells how long it's been without service, but they can't go by that information, only by when I've called. So, they don't want to credit my account even though this has taken so much of my time, and been such an inconvenience, and I've only received half of the service I am expected to pay for.

Not to mention - the problem is their equipment is faulty and they are going to charge me at least $99.00 to come fix their switch. Although each time I have called, they've tried to explain it as something with the weather, the hook-up, something that has nothing to do with the faulty switch that is actually causing the problem.

What can I do? If I try to leave them, they'll hit my bank account so hard I'll never forget it!

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PhillipC@DISH Network
PhillipC@DISH Network
Englewood, US
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Dec 27, 2010 7:23 pm EST

Hi this is Phillip Chang with DISH Network's Customer Service. I have reviewed the previous posts and I would like to help. I would like to first apologize for any bad experience you may have had. We do take your feed back very seriously and continue to strive for excellence when assisting potential and existing customers alike. I would like to reassure you that when an account is disconnected we ship out return shipping labels to address on the account for the return of any leased equipment.

If you would like any additional information on this process or anything else, please feel free to let us know.

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Mar 30, 2008 12:21 pm EDT

My position very difficult to please you rent me work.

Valerie Burke
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Mar 05, 2008 2:07 pm EST

I feel your pain. I am in Dish Network Hell trying to get them to fix an account problem --it has become a very time consuming and frustrating issue. I have spoken with 6? reps now, including two "supervisors". They are threatening to charge me for a receiver that I haven't "returned" (I returned it in January). I just received another return box from them today... never requested that! I am on hold now... hopefully with someone with some initiative and who speaks English. I know, hope springs eternal.

12:00 am EST

DISH Network double charge (billing) and rude support!

I just got charged TWICE a big amount of my bill. My bill is still outstanding on their stupid website and I got charged twice, plus they told me it will take 7 to 10 BUSINESS DAYS to get a refund. After I asked for a supervisor, some kind of rude dog talked to me asking not to interrupt him while he was the first who interrupted me. He told me that I pressed the pay button twice while I never do that, because I'm a professional webmaster. I'm sure I did NOT press their stupid button twice.

Guess what, now Dish Network blocked me from reaching their customer service. When I call them, the line goes silent and then nothing. So I'm even unable to get my money back. Finally I found a different number (1-888 instead of 1-800) and the girl who identified herself to me as "Angel" she told me they refunded the extra charge (Dish tried to overcharge me twice and that's an apparent scam/fraud by Dish!) and that it will take 7 to BUSINESS days for me to get the money back! That's way too long. I asked her why they charged me 5 times bigger fee than the phone rep. told me before, but she hung up on me. I was hung up on by Dish Nerdwork SOOO MANY TIMES, that this is my last time I deal with them...

I quit and will never use dishnetwork again. I'm going to get cable. Finally I will be able to get the local weather and no more daily disconnections and monthly attempts of adding some unauthorized fees to my account.

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Nov 18, 2008 10:15 pm EST

ASDIS Software AG are dishonest business. They don't pay for services.

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May 12, 2008 2:51 pm EDT

I signed up with Dish Network later part of 2007, since the increase of high gas prices, food prices, etc., I can no longer afford to keep my service. My service was disrupted, which was okay, until a few weeks later, I learned from my Credit Union who I bank with that they had not one charge but numerous charges applied (unauthorized charges) to my bank card. Luckily, a red flag went up and the bank did not approve them.
The only way I feel I can alleviate future charges will be to block this card, and get a another card. Consumers if you signed a contract with them, please, keep an eye on your bank statement. This company will try to deduct unnessesary charges!

12:00 am EST

DISH Network fraudulent charges!

Dishnetwork and their fraudulent activities must be confronted and every consumer affected by this horrific company must stand there ground and defend themselves. I have done many web searches to discover overwhelmingly that I am one and hundreds that have been defrauded by this company and I will not rest until justice prevails.

My ordeal began in November of 06 when I terminated services after many years with dish. Once I terminated services, I was told that boxes would be sent for me to return the equipment. After a month, still no boxes, so I phoned on several other occasions and the boxes were finally sent to me. I immediately wen to fed ex and returned every receiver and remote in my possession. About a month later, I received a bill for about 175.00, of which 75.00 I did owe, but, amazingly they were trying to say that I did not return one of the receivers--a lie, after I called and called and called and after them trying to say that the charge was for an outside piece on the receiver, etc., they finally agreed that i only owed 75.00-Okay-- I wanted the charge credited and a final bill sent to me. They kept giving me the run around, first they said I had to pay the whole bill and they would credit me (crazy) and so on. I got so frustrated and tired of calling till about several months later, around Oc.t of 07, I went ahead and sent a check for the 75.00 and wrote a long letter explaining what the deal was and asking for the 100 credit. Okay, I never heard anything else from them until, low and behold in November 07 I noticed a 100 deduction from dish network from my checking account-UNAUTHORIZED I MIGHT ADD-- I called and called and called restating my story each time to hear oh the check is in the mail, etc., oh the refund was rejected, etc. TO THIS DAY I HAVE NOT GOTTEN MY MONEY! I am currently discussing the issue with state and government authorities and have contacted a lawyer as well. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE AGAINST THESE FRAUDS AND CHEATS! I ALSO NOTICE THAT EVERY TIME I CALL I END UP REPEATEDLY DISCUSSING MY ORDEAL---WELL ONE THING IS FOR SURE--I WILL NOT GIVE UP ! I WILL GET MY MONEY, AND ONE DAY DISH WILL HAVE TO ANTE UP TO ALL THE CONSUMERS THEY HAVE DEFRAUDED.

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Jared Heath
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Feb 06, 2008 10:40 am EST

I have a similar problem with dish network. I was not able to pay my bill due to unfortunate circumstances. I cancelled the account, still owing a bill of 175.00. I discovered over the last 6 days 6 charges from dish network on my account... UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES. The charges are 200.00, 259.00, 61.75, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00.

I have called dish network many many times, with no results. Oh and did I mention, none of this was applied to my bill of 175.00? Yeah, they say I still owe that. I have been trying to find a number for their corporate offices, but nobody seems to have that number, all they can give me is an address.

The CSR's are telling me that the charges are for equipment which was unreturned. Well, I was never given an opportunity to return the equipment, which I would be glad to do, but after many requests, still no box to return the equipment. They said I signed a customer agreement which authorized them to charge my debit card. I beg to differ. When the tech came out to install the equipment, he gave me a WORK ORDER to sign, said it allowed him to drill holes and hang the dish and what not. If that was their customer agreement, allowing them to charge my account? THEY MISREPRESENTED THEMSELVES IN A CONTRACT THEN. I have filed all these charges with my bank as fraudulent charges, I have also listed my debit cards as "Hot Cars". They will not be able to take any more off my debit card. And I will continue to fight with this company until I get adequate results. Thanks for listening

12:00 am EST
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In December 2006, I moved into a new home. I had always been a loyal Comcast Cable subscriber. But, at my new home, cable was not available. We decided to go with Dish Network. Everything was fine for the first 6 months. In June 2007, my monthly bill had increased $30. I called to inquire why the increase in the bill. Dish Network said that I had...

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12:00 am EST

DISH Network recordings are being set by others

While we are gone, someone is setting our channels to
to Spanish channels and setting the DVR to record Spanish events. I have complained to Dishnet about this and the best they can do is tell me how to delete the events, which I already know. I want the events to NOT be recorded or accessed from my receiver. We are 2 senior citizens and the only 2 to occupy this house and pay for the dishnet programming and receiver.

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Mar 03, 2008 11:25 am EST

I am so upset with DISHNet right now, I want to quit, but am locked into a contract. Somehow they changed the way the dvr schedule works with no warning. It will change what I want to over-rides my choices at any given moment! It has a priority something or another that makes no sense to me at all. It was just great the way it was. I have complained but to no avail. Also, beware, if after 90 days anything at all goes wrong with their system or products... too bad, you pay for the fix! I will never contract with them ever again. Big mistake!

12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network unauthorized charges!

Dish network promises one thing and delivers another. they promise rebates they do not give, they promise good service which they do not give, and they promise they are better then the competitor which they are not. Dish networks service is a far cry from a good. you sign the contract and they do not live up to there end of the deal.

They came to my house 2 times because of bad reception and promised the problem was fixed. I called approximately 6 times without customer satisfaction. The bills are much higher then they promise on the phone. My contract was supposed to be 39.99 a month and ended up being 70.00 a month. After rounds and rounds on the phone with the rude customer service we decided to disconnect.

They ended up charging the credit card we used for connection and this particular credit card is does not belong to the person who signed the contract. they neglect to inform you of this information when you are signing up there services. They did not send a bill for the $200 dollar disconnection fee and they took it from someone else account.

They are nothing but rip offs and when you see there fliers the best thing to do is turn and run.

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Arley, US
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Oct 01, 2021 10:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am very upset with dish. The account was in my fathers name and he passed away a few months ago. They took 380 out of my moms account for an early termination fee they said. My mom can not afford dish since her money was cut in half and now they have pretty much taken her food money for the month. I will never ever use them and I will be posting all over social media about what they just done to my mom. The account was not in her name, she barely watched tv and this is just insane.

Skip English
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Aug 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Although the following is lengthy, hopefully, it will help you avoid the same costly mistake I made.

April 30, 2007 - Received a telemarketing call from Dish Network representative “Allen” stating that since I'd been a stellar customer for almost 4 years, if I agreed to contract 18 more months with their service, they would cancel my account and open a new account. At that point, I would initially incur a one-time activation fee of $49.99, but that amount would be refunded to my MasterCard account. Additionally, I would receive a new state-of-the-art receiver since the one I had was obsolete and I'd be able to receive satellite TV on two TV's instead of just one for 10 months at $19.99. After that, my monthly charge would revert to what I'd been paying all along. Hey, since this was a no-brainer, I agreed. A major mistake on my part! Why? Read on:

April 30, 2007 - MasterCard charged $49.99 “one-time” activation fee
May 4. 2007 - MasterCard again charged $49.99 “one-time” activation fee
May 10, 2007 - MasterCard credited $49.99

May 15, 2007 - Called “Shane” at Dish Network and explained three times the $49.99 double-charge and asked that it be rectified. However he told me that the extra $49.99 charge was not showing on my account nor did it appear on the Dish Network billing statement; however, my MasterCard was clearly billed $49.99 twice.

May 15, 2007 – I emailed Dish Network explaining the overcharge and requested that the error be rectified, No response.

May 16, 2007 - I again emailed Dish Network requesting assistance to correct the overcharge. No response.

June 12, 2007 – Realizing that Dish Network would not assist me, I emailed to my credit card company and requested they remove the erroneous over charge. After several email exchanges, phone calls, and furnishing written documentation, they removed the $49.99 overcharge in question.

July 24, 2007 – I received a bill from Dish Network citing a $49.99 “chargeback” (rejection of charge by my credit card company) and again charged me $49.99. I called Dish Network and finally reached a person, whom I could barely understand, and was told that although they now admitted the overcharge, ($49.99 was charged twice; one to the old canceled Dish Network account; one to my current account), that I would be required to pay $49.99 and then receive a full refund. Completely exasperated at this point, I decided to pay the amount which by this time totaled $106.24. So much for that $19.99 monthly fee!

August 13, 2007 – When I attempted to make the payment by credit card via Internet, instead of the $106.24 bill, they said I owed $37.60. What?!? However, no complaints from me on that aspect. Then when I clicked "pay" I was notified that due to the “chargeback”, that I would not be allowed to make any payments by credit card for a period of 6 months. After finally reaching a Dish Network representative and being told that nothing could be done, that I would have to make all future payments for 6 months by check, money order, etc. I explained that since Dish Network admitted to being in error for the double charge, I should not be punished for their mistake. The representative again explained in a scripted fashion that nothing could be done. At this point, I demanded to speak to a supervisor or anyone who would have the authority to rectify the problem. The representative absolutely refused to transfer me to another person and the conversation was subsequently terminated.

August 16, 2007 – MasterCard again charged $49.99 “one-time” activation fee.

Since I was unable to talk to any person at Dish Network who had the authority to rectify their error and was very concerned that my pristine credit rating may have been negatively impacted by their incompetence, I recently submitted this complaint to the Florida Department of Consumer Services and received an acknowledgment, but no further feedback to date.

Please be extremely wary about Dish Network because it's all too clear they don't have a clue what customer service is and it's readily apparent that their billing department is utterly incompetent.

Tracy Conine
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Jan 18, 2008 12:00 am EST

I had Dish Network installed last spring. I was given the usual promise of free installation, if I sent in the proper paperwork to the proper place within a specified time, and 3 months of my choice of movie channels. I missed the deadline on the installation rebate and just as they counted on I forgot to call to remove Starz after my trial period was up. I finally got around to canceling these channels and have been told there is a $5 fee of changes to the account unless it is for a upgrade or addition.

That is absurd!

Denver, US
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Aug 24, 2011 10:15 pm EDT

I found your post interesting, Attorney girl, and I would be more than happy to assist you with that issue! Have you been able to speak to any one of our representatives since you posted? In the event that you haven't, let me know as I can do some research to find out where that charge went toward and work on getting it fully refunded to you!

Attorney girl
Lenexa, US
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Aug 12, 2011 6:22 pm EDT

Dish network charged my debit card a one time fee of 100.00. I have NEVER had an account with them. I have made 3 calls so far and no one can explain. I will have to have a new debit card issued and either I have to wait a week to receive (which I can't) or pay my bank 20.00 to have card expedited in 2 days. Might not seem like a lot of money but I'm a college student and shouldn't have to incur fees because they are somehow getting card numbers and charging people.

class action 2010
Santa Clara, US
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Oct 06, 2010 9:17 am EDT

Dish Network is by far the worst of the worst in every aspect, whether in be number and type of channels, billing, service, you name it and they are number 1 is being the worst at doing it.ANYBODY WHO SIGNS UP WITH THIS FRADULENT COMPANY IS GOING TO BE SO SORRY AND i FEEL FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO GOT SCREWED BY THIS COMPANY.
where is the OUTRAGE, people

Los Angeles, US
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Mar 21, 2010 6:37 pm EDT

Didn't Notice the Charges because of electronic statemet delivery. (Changed that to regular Mail)

Spent most of my Sunday on the Phone with Dish Network. Spoke with 2 reps & one supervisor.
Advised to lock all dvr's (TV'S-EACH REMOTE).

No Time Available for Pay Per View Movies, because they run all day. (Total 2 in 3 Months in One Statement) DECEMBER 2009
VOD Movies were ordered in very early hours like 3am, 4am, 5am & in between.

No Credit was provided.

Only happened after I connected my DVR's to Internet (Connected DVR to Internet, according to Dish Network, 10/02/09)
First Charge appeared on Nov-28-2010.

3 Movies were watched twice in 3 months overbilling period (within 2 days)


Contact Info:, Shawn Michael

Allen Park, US
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Sep 25, 2009 1:10 pm EDT

There was an unauthorized "one-time" charge on my debit card/ checking account of $4.99 from Dish Network. I do not, nor have I ever done business with Dish Network. I contacted my bank immediately and had my debit card closed and they are issuing me a new one. I don't know where this charged stemmed from, but I was afraid that they were testing my account and could have come back later and hit my account with a larger fee. The number listed next to the debit charge was [protected]. I called Dish Network at this number and they said they didn't know where the charge came from either.

Angola, US
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Feb 07, 2009 4:01 am EST


Larry Cargal
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Dec 19, 2007 12:55 pm EST

I was lured away from Direct TV by AT&T telling me I would save money by bundeling all services together. I was happy with Direct TV and regret changing .About all I have gotten from Dish network is a bunch of double talk about the 100 dollar rebate that I now don't qualify for I sent in all the forms and was assured that I would recieve it as a10 dollar per month discount off my bill. What a bunch of lying you know whats.I have learned never to buy any service over the phone unless they sign in blood & fax it to you. Worst customer relations that I have seen in my 63 years.

12:00 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

DISH Network dish network tricked me

I responded to an ad for a Dish Network package at the rate of $42.99 + $5.00 for local channels. When the installer was finished with the 6 hour installation, he asked me for a phone line to plug into the box. I explained that I did not have a land line phone ( I use my cell phone only). He then told me that it was going to cost an extra $5.00 per receiver. When I called Dish Network I was informed that my monthly charges were $75.00. Turns out they are charging additional fees no phone lines, having dvr revievers and even more because my particular dvrs record more than 100 hours. I wasn't told about any of this. They claim that it was all in the agreement that I signed, however, they did not leave me a copy so I have no way of knowing. If it was there, it was in very small print. I had Dish Network installed just 48 hrs ago and they have no interest in helping me. The account specialist I spoke with laughed at me, told me to make sure I bring a copy of the agreement with me when I go to court to file my suit and then flatly refused to allow me to speak with a Supervisor. If you are thinking of doing business with any satellite company, BEWARE! There is no cancellation period. These guys have no obligation to make me happy at all!

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Ray C@DISH Network
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Dec 21, 2010 2:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My name is Ray Calo with Dish Network. I saw your post. As a new customer, you get $15.00 credit off your programming for the first year. If you have HBO/Showtime, you will also get $24.00 credit for 3 months. Also, we no longer have the $5.00 charge for not having a phone line connected to your receiver. It is possible when you spoke with the customer service rep, he or she did not quote you the credits that should be applied to your account. Depending on the number of receivers installed, there is additional monthly charges for any additional receivers. I would call back and have the customer service rep give you a break down of the monthly charges with the credits. If you need more information on this matter you can contact us on Twitter or Facebook.

Thank you,

Ray Calo

tammi hillman
Jacksonville, US
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Jun 07, 2010 11:00 am EDT
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i had sent my bill late, and i had called to let them know, that it would b late, i was told to call on sat.the 5th and ask for an extension, i did that and then today (6-7-10) my service has been terminated.this is not fare on my part.i was told to call in on sat, to prevent this from happening, so i did, and i am still with out tv servicewat do u intend to do about it?

12:00 am EST

DISH Network beware!

BEWARE! I have dealt with many companies in my lifetime, but without a doubt this is the worst experience I have ever had. I should have known when the set-up of satellite TV and internet took 2 hours. Every time I have contacted anyone with this company I have been hung up on at least once and sometimes twice. Customer service at this company SUCKS. Now I am being told that I cannot cancel service without paying a penalty. I can take it down to a bare minimum but cannot cancel. In other words I will be paying for something that I will never use again in my lifetime. Not only that but every time the wind blows the transmission is interrupted. Do they compensate the customer for the outage? NO! And their affiliate that installed the satellite for the internet is even worse. BLUESKY is even worse. They tell me I have to keep paying the regular monthly charge for something I am no longer using. All of this happened because at the time it was the only company available in the area unless I wanted to fork over $400.00 to install Direct TV. As it stands I gave them $199.95 at set-up and have been getting grief since. I told the last person I talked to that I wanted a copy of the "contract". I probably will not get it anytime soon. So please beware, if I had read some of the complaints for this company I would not be writing this now.

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12:00 am EST

DISH Network dish steals your money - beware!

I had Dish Network as part of a bundled package with Sprint-Embarq. I called to cancel my account and was told that boxes and shipping labels would be mailed to me. Two weeks later, nothing had come, but I discovered that Dish had debited $58 from my checking account. At the time I only had $20 left (I am disabled on Social Security). They had overdrawn my account. I called various times and someone told me my money would be refunded, but I should hurry and send the boxes back. Six days after that conversation, when my Social Security check came in, Dish withdrew $600 from my account, the value of the equipment. I called, sent e-mails, faxes, left messages, everything.. today is one week later, UPS confirmed that Dish did receive all the boxes, and I am still here with no money at all. My account is overdrawn. I have no money for food, gas or medicinesl. My husband is also disabled with a kidney transplant, very sick, and I have no money for his refills. Dish Network is doing this to many customers. I never gave them my bank information. I never paid them directly. They got this information from Embarq, my phone company. My contract with Dish did NOT state they could do this. The manner in which they withdraw money from your account is, first a debit of $2, then a debit of say, $58, or $69, something small and easy to miss. They will repeat this over the course of 2 or 3 days until they have taken what they feel is the fair cost of their equipment. It is impossible to put a stop payment on their transactions because they are never the same amount. Your only recourse is to cancel your card or your entire account, and open a new one. They have put my husband's health in jeopardy with no regard whatsoever. We have no money and no one to turn to. They will do this to you too. This is not an exaggeration. If anyone reads this who can help, please e-mail me. 11/14/07

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s polzin
Republic, US
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Jul 20, 2015 5:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree. I had dish shut off 1 1/2 years ago. I had used auto pay . I had not used the acct for 2 years except for dish, for 6 months, and Netflix. I get a call today from my bank saying I'm overdrawn and have overdraw charges. I knew that was impossible. I looked online and dish had reactivated my acct without my knowledge and have charged $500 over the last 3 months . I called and they said to bad I only paused my acct they said read the fine print. I had called and told them to shut it off and never heard another thing from them. I thought it was a done deal. now with bank charges I have over 600 because they didn't do as I told them. I had dish for over 20 years. this is how they treat customers.

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About DISH Network

Screenshot DISH Network
DISH Network is a leading provider of satellite television services in the United States. The company offers a wide range of programming options, including sports, movies, news, and entertainment, to millions of customers across the country. With a focus on providing high-quality content and exceptional customer service, DISH Network has become a trusted name in the industry.

One of the key advantages of DISH Network is its extensive selection of programming options. Customers can choose from a variety of packages that include hundreds of channels, including popular networks like ESPN, HBO, and CNN. The company also offers a range of international programming options, making it a great choice for customers who want to stay connected to their home countries.

In addition to its programming options, DISH Network is known for its advanced technology. The company offers a range of features that enhance the viewing experience, including DVRs that allow customers to record and store their favorite shows, as well as mobile apps that enable customers to watch live TV and recorded content on their smartphones and tablets.

Another key advantage of DISH Network is its commitment to customer service. The company offers 24/7 support to its customers, ensuring that any issues or concerns are addressed quickly and efficiently. DISH Network also offers a range of resources and tools to help customers get the most out of their service, including online tutorials and user guides.

Overall, DISH Network is a top choice for customers who want high-quality programming options, advanced technology, and exceptional customer service. With its extensive selection of channels, innovative features, and commitment to customer satisfaction, DISH Network is a leader in the satellite television industry.
How to file a complaint about DISH Network?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with DISH Network. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Billing by DISH Network" or "Poor Customer Service at DISH Network".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with DISH Network. Mention key areas such as customer service interactions, technical issues with the service, billing discrepancies, contract disputes, or installation problems. Include any relevant information about transactions, such as dates, amounts, and service details. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, the steps you have taken to resolve it, including any communication with DISH Network, and the company's response or lack thereof. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, such as any inconvenience, financial loss, or stress it has caused.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as bills, emails, or service agreements. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information like your Social Security number, bank account details, or other confidential data.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue with DISH Network. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, service correction, or an apology.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your description clearly conveys the issue and your desired resolution.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint against DISH Network on

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint, regularly check your account on for any responses or updates. Engage with any follow-ups or requests for additional information to help resolve your complaint.

Overview of DISH Network complaint handling

DISH Network reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 16, 2006. The latest review I'm tired of gay men kissing on commercials, this is uncalled for was posted on Feb 15, 2025. The latest complaint Services not working as promised was resolved on Oct 14, 2021. DISH Network has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1357 reviews. DISH Network has resolved 281 complaints.
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