Have worked for racetrac for two and a half years . Definitely can be fun but is a hit or miss with the store you are at . My current store made me hate working at racetrac overall . I come in early stay late and they take advantage of me constantly I get sick and medical issues come up they won’t accept my hospital papers they don’t write me up back to back for not feeling good yet others get a pass. They’ve never asked for proof or did any digging when others called out or just didn’t show up for ridiculous little reasons and when I have a serious health issue they want proof won’t accept the paperwork and talk behind my back and speak poorly of me to others while they get away with coming and going as they please. Will leave the store horrible and expect me to put it back together but when after over a year of this and me constantly reporting and speaking to my Gm about it to no avail. It’s taking a toll on my health . Which causes me not to be able to do extra or more as I used to ,cause if then to actually do their part and that leads to more trash talk on me and more stress to prove my health issues because they just won’t accept me not doing it all for them anymore.
Desired outcome: I don’t want any other good employee to have to go through this it’s inhumane.