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UPS review: The truth about ups 383

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12:00 am EDT
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I have seen a lot of complaints about UPS and I have no doubt in my mind that they are correct. I work for UPS. They are the most self-centered, dishonest and discriminatory company as far as I know. As with lot of companies, the phrase “who you know is who you blow” applies here too. Having the unpleasant experience of being in the “pool” for part-time management promotion, it seems that all the candidates that are hired are young, inexperienced and should we say... less intelligent. And these people are managing the real people who are handling your packages and making the money for the upper management who decides where it is wasted... upper management of course!

It is funny to see when they are pinching minutes from the occupational (i.e. hourly employees) in order to save money and shoveling it to the management. But hey, that’s free enterprise procedure.

After having the experience of several years at UPS, they have literally liquidated my loyalty. I use to be loyal to UPS and do my job to the best, but today work is still done to the best, but the loyalty is gone. And this is due to the discriminatory and dishonest way of dealing with people. I got screwed in the process and I’m sure there are more to count. If I may say something that UPS did right, was the color they chose. It is brown, and it reflects the color of ###. BIG ###.

The troubles at UPS are endless. Employee turnover is horrible and since they are treating the people as they are, word gets around and eventually you run out of employees. But that is something that they are not concerned. Also, UPS wants to be the “safety organization of the world” but anything that is unsafe is usually ignored and even if acknowledged, it takes forever to fix it. So when you say UPS, might as well say “ooops...” .

So for all the people out there, you are NOT stuck with UPS. Use FedEx, USPS (United States Postal Services) or DHL. I was actually shocked to find out that FedEx “ground” is CHEAPER than UPS after they bought out a low cost package carrier. FedEx is more reliable in my mind and I cannot remember having complaint about them. Postal services have more alternatives than ever before and you can always check DHL references on-line. I am personally applying a job at DHL just for the challenge. I know that I can contribute to them or any other company more than I can to UPS. Knowledge increases the pain they say, and now I know what they meant by that. So please be noted that I do not like UPS just for the reason that I do know the truth.

Peace, Upser.

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Apr 06, 2017 8:37 pm EDT

If we do not complain we are allowing those who can make changes to better their company, to help their employees do better jobs reduce customer complaints. Allowing this, will give others who are paying for services to be deceived.

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Apr 06, 2017 8:40 pm EDT

Something else just like our new President we should not put up with anything just like him

Анастасия Викторовна
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Apr 20, 2017 3:12 pm EDT

I am never using UPS again. They lost my passport, returned it two months later in a damaged condition and refused to reimburse me for any expenses I incurred as a result ($500+). I almost missed an important trip because of them. FU UPS!

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Apr 28, 2017 2:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Don't mean to be spamming here but I wanted to share the link to my claim against the company. I believe those who have been wronged meet the qualifications for a class action suit. after all, there are plenty of use who are not happy with how ups treats their customers/clients.
Here is the link:

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Jul 02, 2017 5:22 pm EDT

A guy 6 house away brought me my package that ups dropped off in his yard, actually threw it over his fence according to the guy that lives there, luckily he honest took time from his day to bring it to me ofcourse everything was broken inside the box, then ups sends me an email claiming it was dropped off on my porch, the driver most b a liar, lazy no good liar, if u screwed up like that where I work id be fired, ups was once a great company but now they suck, I quit buying online if the company ships ups, and I hv told them so if enough ppl complain the to stores that use ups maybe they will use someone good that acutally delivers to your house not 6 house away!

William A. Kuneman
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Nov 16, 2017 8:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have found that ups customer service to be the most dishonest group of people that I have ever run across. it will be the last service that I will ever recommend or use in the future. I will not purchase anything that is shipped by ups and I recommend that any private person use another service.
I am 75 years old, I am a veteran, I owned and operated a business for over 40 years and I can say honestly that ups is the most dishonest company that I have ever run across. they make appointments that they do not intend to keep. they inspect packages by phone in which case they can disallow the claim because they have no intention on paying any claim. received a package that had been hit by a forklift and the product was destroyed. they took the claim gave it a false number that could not be traced. then made a demand to inspect the package and then did not turn up for the inspection. did not return phone calls... etc... still have the package which is a item paid for and they wanted to pays the person who sent it.

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Feb 03, 2018 4:26 pm EST

I am livid. I was also told that delivery was attempted yesterday (friday). well, I was working from home all day friday and the window by my desk faces the street. my doorbell never rang and I never saw the brown truck. I did receive a doortag during the week that reported that my package was in the locker. I went to the locker today and the tracking number was not recognized. I got an excuse from the customer service person about why the package wasn't there. then he said it would be delivered monday. well, I will not be home monday so I asked for wednesday. then he told me that if I wanted a wednesday delivery I would charged a fee. wtf? they lie about the delivery attempt, they lie on their doortag about the package being in the locker, they cause me an unneeded trip to pick up a package that is not there, then they have the nerve to charge me a fee? ups is a terrible delivery service and this is not the only issue I have had with them. if amazon does not either make them improve their service or fire them, I am going to cancel my prime membership. shopping in a store is easier than this, by far.

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Feb 06, 2018 10:37 am EST

I have worked for ups for about 2 months now and have yet to see a damn paycheck. I have been given the run around nonstop. i’ve called corporate and they are no help. it’s killing my relationship because we are living paycheck to paycheck and he’s only one paying. he doesn’t believe i’m working even though I showed him my paperwork. he’s on his last nerve and is ready to break up with me. its not fair and i’m about to contact bbb about it. i’ve emailed tons of people on the ups board and haven’t heard a thing. ups is the worst company to work for. they are horrible.

belle, US
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Jan 21, 2022 7:13 pm EST
Replying to comment of dmd81180

Wow WTF is RIGHT! I know there are good hard working employees like yourself working for UPS. After all, the drivers and loaders are the face of UPS and unfortunately, the scapegoats for the clearly obvious shortcomings of upper- management. In my case the driver tried to hand me an empty bag that was supposed to be 200.00 worth of computer parts for my at home business. THIS was done by either driver himself or his loaders since my package was "delayed" for a storm that never occured. Funny they delivered my fiancee's package on the 19th from Amazon, but two days later, with my package sitting on a UPS truck, arrived STOLEN! NOT MISSING, blatantly stolen! tOP OF aMAZON BAG RIPPED OFF AND EVERYTHING! My complaint doesn't involve the GOOD ppl like yourself and both the hard worker and the scumbag thieves know who they are and one day, it's not going to turn out well for them. Hope everything was worked out. Id be damned If I would work a day past three weeks without a check. AND I'd still have a job...PROMISE! They dont rule us, we rule THEM!

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Mar 24, 2018 1:09 am EDT

Ups really does suck.

I had a package with a tracking number, due to be delivered march 15th, 2018. never got it! so, I called the ups store in brooksville, fl, where my package was being held, on the 16th. it was supposedly not delivered "due to an event in my area". hmmm, really? what event? there is nothing happening in my area! that's weird a fed-ex truck delivered a package to my house on the 12th. well, come to find out they had a part-time driver, who I was told was "probably worried about driving on a dirt road because he feared getting stuck", so he just didn't even try to deliver it. now yes I live on a dirt road, but its not a bad dirt road and cars drive on it daily, and I have never had an issue with a ups, fed-ex, or anyone else driving on it before. it's literally two blocks of dirt road.

Anyways, he returned my package to the ups customer center in brooksville, fl. so, when I called on the 16th I was told they would file the request and have the package sent out to me the next business day, which was mon. the 19th. guess what... monday the 19th comes, tuesday 20th comes, and no package! I call back and asked, "can you tell me when my package will be delivered?". they preceded to tell me the request was never made and that my package was still sitting there. "okay, well the make the damn request and have it sent to me please!" they then tell me, that it will be sent out the next day, wednesday the 21st, and I would get it then. well, they lied... wednesday comes, no package. call back on wednesday, and I was told "sorry mam, the request was made, but it was never sent, it's still sitting here." wow, just wow! i'm fuming by this point. how difficult is it to pick up a package, a small one no more that 5-10 lbs, and put the damn thing on a delivery truck. i'm mean i'm no genius, but it doesn't sound like rocket science. so, I called back and asked, "where the hell is my damn package". of course, I just got another, "i'm sorry mam, it's still here. let me put in for a request to have it delivered." at this point in time, if I could've reached through the damn phone I would've smacked the [censor] out of this woman. I said, "no, I do not want another damn request. I want to talk to the damn supervisor!"

The supervisor seemed sympathetic and immediately put me on hold to call and talk to the brooksville, fl customer service office to find out where my package was and why it was not being sent. I thought, "finally, I will get my package!" he came back on the line and told me that they still had not put the package out for re-delivery, and assured me that he had made the inquiry and it would be delivered on thurs the 23rd. I thanked him and hung up with confidence that my package would be on it way, at last! one hour later, I received a phone call from the lady at brooksville, fl ups customer center (the same [censor] i've been dealing with) and she told me she received a call from a supervisor and that she "would personally walk your package to the guy in charge of loading the delivery trucks and I will not leave until I see him load your package on a truck for delivery" immediately. I gave her the benefit of doubt and thanked her, and thought, "about damn time!"

Bahahaha! ya, that was false hope! thurs the 23rd package never came... big surprise! although, another package I ordered last week came. amazingly, it was brought right to my door, by non other than ups! guess this guy had the balls to drive on a little dirt! so, I called the [censor] in brooksville again, "where is my damn package?" thought I was pissed before? here it is 8 days after my first initial delivery date, and I still have no package. well, this time they proceed to tell me that my package is "currently in atlanta, georgia"... ummm, no its not! wtf! "why is my package, that is supposed to be on my door step right now, in [censor]ing atlanta, georgia?"

Truthfully, are people this stupid? I live like 45 mins from brooksville, I should have just driven to brooksville and picked the damn thing up. since these [censor]es cannot do their jobs. why pay for shipping, if they cannot ship it to your [censor]ing door. I mean come on! needless to say, I was told that it was an error and it was "out of their control". of course, I asked them since they [censor]ed up are they going to pay to re-ship my package back to me? the supervisor (one I had never spoken to before) told me that they "may pay for it", they would have to look into the case. so basically, these [censor]ing [censor] are going to claim that my area was "inaccessible for delivery" and probably more than likely not pay for the re-shipping of the packaged item I ordered on e-bay. it's not the sellers fault and it sure as hell isn't my fault, and neither one of us should have to pay for this. the fact that I received multiple packages from both ups and fed-ex all week long proves that my area is in fact accessible.

Ups sucks big time! i'm done shipping with them. stick with fed-ex, they're more reliable!

And to brooksville, fl ups customer center... you my friends are a bunch of [censor]ing [censor]es! thanks for absolutely nothing!

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Jan 06, 2019 6:29 pm EST

I too am a Victim of UPS changed delivery options. They used to leave a Slip to let you know they were there and after a 2nd attempt they would take it back to their distribution center. Now they just leave it at the Door and claim the Seller requested them to leave it there. Now I have had many packages stolen by them leaving it at the door even though I have specifically requested them NOT to do so as I live in an area thats not very safe. I try my best today to leave a message to ANY online Seller to use ONLY USPS as they will delivery my package securely in my mailbox or leave a slip for me to come and pick up! Do NOT use UPS unless you are home. They (UPS) are derelict in their delivery duties and try passing the buck off to the Seller. SHAME on UPS!

Neil Bond
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Apr 19, 2019 10:46 am EDT

I’m a 66 year old man who has been legally disabled since 1990.

I’ve discovered UPS (United Parcel Service) is willing to collect money (shipping charges) yet haphazardly abandons responsibility when delivering packages to residential properties on a gravel road at speeds in excess of two times the posted limit. As a result, the road must be repaired often and ultimately repaved.

I asked the UPS driver(s) on multiple occasions to slow down on camera. I explained the children, horses and dogs residing on the properties. I explained the wild rabbits, javelina and deer that frequent the road, yet the UPS driver(s) ignored my requests. I telephoned the UPS local office and call center registering a complaint numerous times… to no avail.

Since a UPS driver has already struck and killed a deer, I am calling for all businesses and residents to take notice on behalf of the children, horses, dogs, rabbits, javelina and deer. The UPS corporate office has exuded prejudice and discrimination; continuing to condone the UPS driver(s) immoral actions and lies. A class action lawsuit is in order to establish resolution of abuse.

Toronto, CA
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Nov 07, 2021 1:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Worked for these @$%^s for three days.

Day 1: Watch 2 hours of safety stuff. Lifting, whmis, and some other corporate fluff. Then an open book test where there are no wrong answers. Then I had to help these twits pick up a rental van. That took a few hours. Then more corporate BS. Met the loser plant manager. What a terd. I'm given a photo copied instruction manual for the DIAD. Zero training on the thing. Just HERE. Study this off hours without pay.

Day 2: Job Shadow some guy. He was nice etc. Had no beef with him. We finished our route at 3:30. Only to see a message on the DIAD, "We have more for you to do. ACCEPT / DECLINE. Had to meet another guy, and take another 50 drops off him.

Day 3: Loser plant manager assigns me a route. He goes on to say, "This is the worst day of your life. Don't email me, don't call me. I'm not available."

My phone died mid shift. I had all the damn addresses in the route mapper which built me a route. Had to navigate dark, and under extreme stress. Hated it. My DIAD locked up for 25 minutes. Wondering if they did it to me just to screw with me. I could not get this stupid thing to unlock. it froze. Nothing in the book mentioned how to get out of that.

They don't care about your safety one bit. NOPE! Get this done as fast as possible, and be sure screw up your body so Jimmy gets his stupid Iphone case.

Took me 3 months to get paid for that. I had to keep chasing HR, and the other plant manager. They ignored me for months and I emailed day after day after day until they finally gave in. Threatened legal action too. Never ever work for this company, or ship with them.

This is a 1950's industrial slave pit where you are not important. They give two $#!&s about their employees.

Ocala, US
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Mar 26, 2022 7:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Horrible. Never deliver Saturday packages when supposed to then say business was closed. Funny I live in a residence. Get phony [censored] bills from them for 15000 shipping [censored] from Vietnam to Vegas. A holes I live in florida. Then they totally smash a 900 apothecary unit I had shipped and the balls to send me a bill for the shipping extra charge. Hell no.

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