768 Reviews matching “Wells Fargo Home Mortgage” Sort by: Natural Search Date Popularity 768 reviews Wells Fargo - multiple appraisals to deny loan Response Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is under investigation for demanding loan processing money than keeping it and rejecting the loans. All the material that Wells Fargo Home Mortgage requested was returned to... real estate - lack of communication from Wells Fargo Complaint I am a sales agent representing a seller who has been disabled and unable to pay his mortgage payments on his property. We have had an offer in front of the Loss Mitigation/ Short Sale department... Wells Fargo - beware of this company! Response I have a mortgage with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage now but am in the process of going eslse where. I and my wife have 780 credit scores and never had problems until we went to refince with Wells Fargo... Wells Fargo - phone calls inregards to their monthly payment Complaint In Oct of 2009 we recieved a statement for Wells Fargo. We were never notified that our mortgage was sold to them. When I called to find out what was going on I was advised that everything from our... Wells Fargo - credit card over Response We live in California and were forced by FEMA to purchase flood insurance on our home. First the law stated we needed enough to cover our principle owed on the mortgage. Then the law changed forcing... Wells Fargo - bait and switch Complaint Late last year, I went into a local Wells Fargo branch to speak to a "personal banker". WF holds my home mortgage, and to simplify things in the new year, I wanted to consolidate all of my accounts -... Wells Fargo - Wrongful foreclosure and sale Complaint Wells Fargo has stated in multiple letters to me, CFPB, NYS Financial Services that they were not the Owners, Investors, or could verify that they Acquired, Originated or Serviced a Loan or mortgage... Wells Fargo - potentially fraudulent advice Response I have been dealing with wells fargo home mortgage in an effort to forestall a foreclosure and revise loan terms to allow us to be current. We are in a good equity position on our home but about 45... ASC Warranty - Illegal Tactics to Steal Your Home Response I HATE, DISTRUST, SPEAK BADLY ABOUT TO EVERYONE WILLING TO LISTEN about Wells Fargo Bank and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. They should be CLOSED down. Their business practices run contrary to the... Wells Fargo - fraud and cheating Response We got behind on Mortgage due to employment change last January 2008, by February I knew we had to do something it was closing in on February due payment. I called Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and did... Wells Fargo - loan modification Response I, too, had to fall into a loan modification with the infamous 'Wells Fargo Home Mortgage" because of brief unemployment. I spent the better part of 3 months yelling and screaming at them for losing... Wells Fargo - loan modification bs Response Just another victim of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. I started the loan modification process almost one year ago. I have been tricked into making large lump sum payments that were not applied as they... Wells Fargo - wells fargo withholding insurance funds due to ineptitude! Response My husband and I agree 100% regarding insurance claim checks!!! We were told by our local Wells Fargo branch here in Arlington, Tenn. that we have to mail our insurance claim check to them!!!?? We... Wells Fargo - harassment Response Think twice about a Wells-Fargo Home Mortgage. If you are required to carry private mortgage insurance, and you pay off your mortgage loan early or refinance it, they will NOT refund any unearned... Wells Fargo - hamp Response I would really like to join a class action suit against Wells Fargo. Something wrong is going on there. I contacted them in March or April (working off the top of my head right now). We had missed... Wells Fargo - Terrorizes customer of 15 years Complaint I have been a customer of Wells Fargo for almost 15 years with checking and savings accounts, mortgages, LOC and Money Markets. I have a personal checking account, an MMA, personal savings, and two... Wells Fargo - Customer service Complaint On Saturday May 20 I made a cash deposit in the drive through ATM at the Wells Fargo location on Gulf to Bay Blvd Clearwater Florida (Clearwater Mall location) I accidentally left my debit card in... Wells Fargo - potentially fraudulent advice Response I hit hard times, like everyone else, due to the economy. Place on Disability, lost my job due to the economy and down sizing and I reached out to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage for help so I don't lose... Wells Fargo - payment Complaint During The storm (IRMA) my husband and I evacuated to Atlanta. To make a long story short. We were told that because of the storm many businesses in Georgia were giving disaster relief to those who... not legally allowed to foreclose Response ASC, First American LoanStar Trustee Services sold my house to Wells Fargo without my knowledge. According to CA State Law, I must be contacted. A notice of sale must be: 1) Recorded in the county... Wells Fargo - wells fargo holds insurance repair checks hostage Response There is so much truth in everything that has been said so far that it's scary. Their process is extremely slow and very outdated. We started their paperwork process exactly 3 weeks ago today and... Wells Fargo - pretenders of modification of loan Complaint Wells Fargo pretends to give us a home-mortgage modification... we supplied over 50 pages of documents...They claim paperwork lost. We sumitted paper work over, & over, It took many hours, of making... Wells Fargo - car loan Complaint I (David Nagel) co-signed a car loan for my Daughter (Britany Root) Account Number [protected]. When I applied for the loan (over the phone), I was told what the interest rate would be and the... Wells Fargo - loan modification Response We have experienced the same indifferent and condescending attitude from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Insurance Department. We refinanced our home in October, 2010. It took forever and frustrated the... Wells Fargo - terrible customer service Response I too am a customer of Wells Fargo, had a fire in my kitchen. Insurance was great and had us a check to do the repairs sin no time. Our misfortune was that we had Wells Fargo Home Mortgage to deal... 1 ... 12 13 14 ... 31 Recent comments Canadian Tire - Kerplunk 1 Little kid, sometimes stores put items that sell in the regular... BAERSkin Hoodie - Baerskin tactical hoodie 4.0 1 I am starting to go through what you describe. Its a good thing I... 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