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Aspen Dental Complaints 1637

1:01 am EST
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Aspen Dental failure to provide

went in to have all teeth pulled and two full dentures put in.included was 4 posts in bottom jaw.everyone was informed that was my plan from start .now 10 months and 11, 000 dollars later i find out the posts wern't included and they want 2200 dollars lower jaw doesn't hold plate in so i wasted the time and money in this whole process.oh yes the pain these professionals put me thru.beware their dental terms are not in plan english

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barbara cichocki
New Britain, US
Mar 15, 2015 8:28 pm EDT

Thousands of people are suffering as a results of Aspen Dental scam.I lost my teeth, money, pain and self confidence.I am suffering from depression as I cant eat, go nowhere, ashamed.I was lured intu as money others .Why nothing is done to help us, victims and punish Aspen Dental.They are aboht making money, nothing elase.Who can help me.I feel like my life is over as I cannot enjoy anything.I lost lots of weight, can't eat with plate I never asked for, I cant eat without.Where I shohld go for help to get my money back and be recompansate for my pain and suffering .Please help me.All I do is staying home as I am ashame to go without teeth.

5:08 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental fraudulent practice

Please, please please... Do not go to these franchise dental groups! They are fraudulent with high pressure tactics. It is a rip off!

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Scituate, US
Jan 10, 2012 8:10 pm EST

PLEASE HELP us with a class action lawsuit. Your contact info would be helpful which I will forward to the attorney filing the case. Your help would be appreciated. Please forward to

4:22 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental poor care

I went to see Dr Samantha Pack at Aspen Dental in Brookfield, WI on 9/1/11 for a simple check up and cleaning. This was the start of a month long ordeal. The cleaning went find and I was advised I would have some slight pain for a day or two. Well the pain was not slight, after 5 days of severe pain I called the Aspen Dental group and asked to speak to Dr. Pack, unfortunately she was busy and advised the receptionist to tell me to use Advil for the pain and buy some Sensidyne tootpaste. I had already done this and advisted the receptionist, she then advised to give it couple of more days. After 5 more painful days I called again, I was advised to come in and have the doctor take a look at it. I came in and Dr Pack advised it appears doing the cleaning we got a little debris under your gums and we will do a deep cleaning and apply some antibiotic. After the Hygenist finishd this procedure I advised I was still in agonizing pain and wanted to speak with Dr. Pack, I was advised she was busy and I should continue to take Advil. I then advised the Hygenist to let the Dr. Pack know I needed to talk with her and I would wait until she was available. I sat in the waiting room for another 20 minutes and then the receptionist came out and advised Dr. Pack has written a percription for pain relief. I took the perscription and had it filled and begin taking the medication. After a day the pain continued to get more and more severe. I then looked up the drug she gave me on and found it has a severe interaction with another drug I take, which was on my dental records. It appears Dr. Pack didn't bother to review my records before perscribing this medication for me. Two days later I was in so much pain I called the Dr. Pack's office and spoke to the answering service, they advised Dr Pack was on call and would call me back in 45 min, after 1 hour and no call back, I called again, they told me to wait another 30 min as Dr. Pack had not answered her page. 20 min later the answering service called me and advised Dr. Pack had advised them to call me and tell me if the pain was so bad and I couldn't wait until Monday to go to emergency. She Never called me back, I went to emergency and was provided antibiotics as my entire mouth was infected and I had lesions on my gums. The Doctor I saw could not understand why Dr. Pack had not perscribed antibiotics for me. Today, I'm still in pain and calling around to find another dentist to determine what is going on.

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Nov 30, 2011 3:47 am EST

I have seen Dr. Pack and I disagree with these comments. It is unfortunate that these two patients were unhappy with their experiences, but I think she was very caring and thorough with my care. I also feel that if a complication occurs after a procedure, as can happen with any medical or dental procedure, it is best to speak with the doctor in person rather than post angry comments on the internet. I hope that anyone who reads these posts keeps in mind their one sided nature, and remembers that these sites are not monitored by anyone for vailidity.

Kansasville, US
Nov 19, 2011 9:04 pm EST

Dr. Pack, should not be allowed to do anything but pull teeth. I weny in for 2 bridges. 3 root canals later and 2 infections in 2 of the root canals, they called me to tell me my bridges were completed. When I got there they said they made a mistake and the bridges were not correct, What really pissed me off was Dr. Packs big smile she gave me like "who the ____ are you...

Never again. Unless you need a tooth pulled stay away!

East Troy, US
Nov 09, 2011 12:52 am EST

See Dr. Jenness in Brookfield. He's great. His address is 4040 n. Calhoun rd. [protected]

7:40 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Aspen Dental dental malpractice

On or about September 29th I went to Aspen Dental in Mesa for a free consultation with x-rays and we set up a plan for the extraction of three teeth and the placement of a denture. They took x-rays and a mold of my teeth for the dentures. They gave me antibiotics because of an infection.
On October 1st I went in to Aspen Dental for a wax bite fitting, On October 6th I went in for a wax mold fitting. Finally on October 12th they were ready to extract the three teeth and place the temporary denture in place.
Immediately I knew there was going to be a problem. I tried to explain to the dentist that "I have roots that curve back so that he would have to wiggle and pull towards the back of my mouth to extract them". He replied that he "knew what he was doing" and wrenched at the first tooth pulling towards the front. He snapped the tooth off at the gum line. He then proceeded to wrench and pick at the roots pulling again towards the front, which only made them break again. I reiterated that "I have roots that curve back so that he would have to wiggle and pull towards the back of my mouth to extract them". Again he replied that he “had been doing this for some time and knew what he was doing". He began to try and pick out the pieces he had created. He then began wrenching hard on my jaw and even hammering at my upper jaw. I was feeling a lot of pain, even though they had shot me several times with Novocain. He finally finished with that tooth. The extraction had taken over 45 minutes and he still had two more to go.
I asked him if he had "gotten it all" and he replied that "he had". I told him "I didn't think he had because I didn't feel the tell tale relief that one feels after a sore tooth is removed". He told me "he had been doing this for years and knew what he was doing". He called to the assistant to get him the x-rays off the view screen. She brought them over and he studied them. He commented to his assistant that "I had roots that curve back so that he would have to pull towards the back of my mouth to extract them”.
The next two teeth went real fast he wiggled and pulled towards the back of my mouth and they popped right out no breaks and no grief. I felt a lot of blood coming out of the first extraction site and as I ran my tongue over the area I could feel sharp pieces that were still inside. I told the doctor that "I thought there might be pieces of root left". He scoffed at me and told me that "he was a professional and never left pieces behind". I asked if he could "put a stitch in because it was bleeding a lot more than the other sight". He refused and said "he wanted it to heal naturally". He then went and got the denture and placed it in my mouth. He said "it would act like a bandage and that the wounds would be closed within a week". I requested some antibiotics. He refused saying that he did not like to prescribe antibiotics after oral surgery, because he liked the sight to heal naturally. I asked for some pain killers because I was going to be in pain after the Novocain wore off. He refused saying I could take aspirin. I said "aspirin was a blood thinner". He said "then take ibuprofen instead". I said "don't you mean acetaminophen, because ibuprofen is also a blood thinner". He gave me a rude look, sighed and said "yes".
I went home and was in a lot of pain. I returned the next day and saw the dentist again. I told him that I was in a lot of pain and that I could feel that there were still parts of the tooth left in the first extraction sight. He told me that he "had been doing this for years and never left parts behind". I requested some antibiotics and pain relievers he again told me "no" and said "he wanted it to heal naturally". I asked about the pain and again he told me to "use aspirin". I went out to the front desk and told the receptionist that I was in pain and needed antibiotics and pain medicine. I asked to speak with a different doctor. The receptionist was very kind she went in the back and spoke with different doctor and came back with prescriptions for pain killers and antibiotics.
I nursed the antibiotics and pain killers over the next 14 days. The other sights had healed and closed but the first extraction sight was still wide open, it continued to puss and bleed and I was still in pain. I returned to the dentists on the 1st of November I again saw the dentist and told him that "I was sure that he had left pieces of the roots behind because the sight was still infected and bleeding". He told me "Some people take longer to heal than others, and that there was no way he had left pieces behind". He gave me a prescription for a medicated mouthwash and told me to "cleanse the area twice a day. It should close up in no time". I was very upset at that point. I immediately made an appointment with my primary care physician.
I saw my primary care physician on November 19th. He told me that he believed that the dentist had indeed left pieces behind and instructed me to go back and try again to get him to remove the pieces. If the dentist still refused then I should see another dentist. I went in and saw the dentist one last time and told him what my primary care physician had said. The dentist replied that a primary care doctor is different than a dentist. He said that he “has been a dentist for many years and never left pieces behind". He asked me "If I had used the mouthwash?" I told him I had but it hadn't helped. He then told me that "Some people take a long time to heal and that he was sure that it would close up any day now."
I went home and began calling around to see another dentist. At first I tried to explain the story to the intake person and was told that no dentist would touch a person that had faulty work done by another dentist. I stopped explaining the issue after the second time I was told this. I scheduled an appointment for January 5th with a dentist in Scottsdale and when I went in to see him I then told him that I wanted him to extract the pieces that had been left behind by Aspen Dental. He refused and told me he could not touch the work of a different dentist and that he would waive the bill for that day as there was nothing he could do for me. I would have to go back to Aspen Dental.
Two more months passed while I tried to find a dentist that would remove the pieces left behind by Aspen Dental . I finally just scheduled an appointment with a local dentist saying that I was in pain from a broken tooth. I saw the dentist on March 30th. I didn't say anything to him about Aspen Dental, I just complained about the extraction sight and asked if he could x-ray the sight and see why it wouldn't heal.
The new dentist took x-rays and upon looking at them it was clear that there were still roots left behind as well as chunks of tooth and jaw. He also pointed out that there was a tiny fracture in my upper jaw from the extraction site. He asked who had done the extraction. I told him. He told me that I should go back and have the dentist extract the pieces left behind. I explained that they refused and said that the area was fine and would heal in time. The dentist called his colleague in to the examining room they looked at the x-rays then examined the sight. They told me that they would be happy to remove the pieces but that I would probably have to pay cash as my insurance would probably refuse to cover a second extraction of the same tooth. They told me that in case that happened they would waive the x-ray and appointment fees and only charge me $95 for the extraction. The dentist apologized for my difficulties and told me that I should seek a lawyer or at the least make Aspen Dental pay for the second extraction.
The new Dentist set an appointment for the 6th of April and extracted the pieces left behind. He extracted two chunks of root and a lot of smaller pieces. He placed all the pieces in a small clear envelope and gave them to me he told me to hold on to them in case I needed them for a law suit or to make Aspen pay for the second extraction.
My insurance carrier did indeed refuse to pay a second time for an extraction of the same tooth and I was forced to pay for the second extraction myself. The new Dentist did not prescribe any pain killers or antibiotics, but within a week the area had healed and is now doing fine.
I was often sick to my stomach, during this time, from the combination of the pain and all the puss and blood I was inadvertently swallowing. Additionally I had breath that smelled so bad from the infection that at times people would comment on it, but no matter how often I rinsed with mouthwash the stench remained. I have no idea if I damaged my liver or other organs as the pain forced me to take 2 painkillers every 4 hours for almost 6 months. At times my upper jaw would swell so much and the pain would be so bad as to prevent me from even going to work. I literally spent almost 6 months in pain and agony, because of the negligence that I was put through.
I feel that because of the doctor's negligence I have suffered gravely. I have suffered monetary losses as well as pain and suffering. I missed a total of 8 days of work because some days I was in so much pain I couldn’t go to work. In addition I was left in pain and suffering from malpractice for a very long period of time. For 176 days I suffered with a mouth full of blood and puss. I was forced to purchase several bottles of antiseptic mouthwash and many bottles of pain killers over this time period which cost me financially, not to mention the cost to my health from taking that many pain killers for that long. Being infected that badly for that long affected my work and private time. Additionally, I had to pay to fix the problem because my insurance would not cover the extraction of the same tooth twice.
I have had several dental procedures in my lifetime but have never had an experience like this. I wanted to contact your company in an attempt to at the least get the word out that if you need dental surgery DO NOT GO TO ASPEN DENTAL. They are very uncaring about patients’ needs or complaints. This whole matter could have been resolved at anytime if they would have just believed me or checked out what I was saying. My complaints were valid but were not acted upon. I have spoke with several dentists throughout this ordeal. I asked them all one simple question. “What do you do when you have done an extraction but the patient is still in pain and insists that there is still something wrong?” There answers were almost identical. Every dentist I asked told me that they would simply examine the area and perhaps x-ray to identify the problem. Sounds so simple.
I can only assume that Aspen Dental does not care for its patients or they would have gone this simple extra step to assure that no real problem existed.

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hillsda, US
May 08, 2012 9:58 pm EDT

May I ask how the dentures were...did they look good

Lancaster, US
Sep 29, 2011 11:15 pm EDT

I hope you have documentation of all that you have written. It was wrong for the first dentist to refuse to even look at the tooth in question. I think my next inquiry would be to a lawyer. At least to pay for your out of pocket expenses.

3:45 pm EDT
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My husband (Travis) had a schedualed appointment for 2 root canals. He was at Aspen for 2 1/2 hrs with an appliance in his mouth to hold it open the entire time! The dentist left Travis several times to visit multiple patients. When Travis was left unattended the saliva would build up and need to be suctioned out, when an assistant finally came around and...

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7:22 pm EDT

Aspen Dental stupid oral surgeon

I went to aspen dental to have my wisdom teeth cut out the oral surgeon was rude from the begining! then he said he was gonna put the iv in my arm and I stopped him explaining no one has ever been able to find a vein in my arm his comment was”well I will just pretend u never told me that” and proceeded to put it in my arm. needless to say I ended up in the er due to iv infeltration I was awake during the whole procedure at one point I pushed the pulse oxygen monitor off my finger since the moaning wasnt a clue to him so he grabbed my arm shoved monitor on my finger slammed my arm onto chair and strapped it down. since I was awake during the procedure I also know during the surgery he took the blood pressure cuff off my left arm and put it onto my right arm that was already filling up with iv fluid. when he was done and the nitrus wore off a bit I was in extreme pain they brought back my mom and sister and my sister had asked why my arm was so swollen the doctor proceeded to be a complete jerk to my family and got smart with them SO UNPROFESSIONAL!

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Sep 19, 2011 10:48 pm EDT

So are you going to post this every month under a different name?

4:45 pm EDT

Aspen Dental $130 free toothbrush

Went to Aspen dental for tooth fillings. They told me I have first to do teeth cleaning and then they can do the fillings. They did the cleaning and the hygienist gave me a tooth brush to clean my teeth every night. The hygienist never told me about the price of the tooth brush and I never asked. While looking at the bill I found something odd. Aspen dental DID CHARGE ME $130 for the TOOTHBRUSH. I went to their office and told them that I do not want the toothbrush and want my money back. I did give them the tooth brush back and they told me they will put the $130 back to my credit card. Till now, after several weeks, Aspen Dental did not pay me back the $130!

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Sep 02, 2011 6:51 pm EDT

Was it an electrical toothbrush? If so, when hygienist gave you the toothbrush, didn't it seem strange to you that they would give you an electrical toothbrush for free? I would start asking questions right there. Normally they would give you a regular toothbrush, if it is free.

2:43 am EDT
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Aspen Dental my crowns

I went in to have my two front teeth fixed, , I needed crowns, , my initial visit consisted of an exam, and ex-rays that was May 5th, , , my second visit June 15th, , I was told I had in infection in my mouth, , they started to procede with "I need a root canal in order to put crowns in my front teeth, this procedure was horrendous, , I have never, ever endured that much pain at a dentist in my impressions were taken on this day before the root canal
which was done by (THE X-ray Technician)not the dentist(I found that out at a later visit that she wasn't even qualified to be working in my mouth.) She left the mold in my mouth for aproximately ten minutes, , i had this stuff stuck in my teeth for about a week, , even floss wasnt getting it out, , needless to say I was definately not happy. The temporary crowns that were put in my mouth was ridiculous, , they had a space in between the two teeth, one tooth was longer than the other, , they rubbed against my top lip, , and touched my bottom lip CRAZY, I got a phone call saying the temporary teeth did not come out right and I had to go have another impression done, , I did this on June 29th, ., another fiasco, , whatever, , my next appointment was scheduled on august 18th, , I got a phone stating my appointment was being cancelled to the 20th due to fact that the dentist couldn't make it on the 18th, , , , Then I got a phone call stating my appointment on august 20th was cancelled due to a problem in the lab, , they would call me when the teeth was done..Here we are August 25th, , low and behold I finally get that phone call at 8:57 pm, , , , Am I wondering what the hell I should do, , YES I AM, , SCARY, , do I want more of that pain?

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5:13 am EDT
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Aspen Dental a dumb oral surgeon

i went to aspen dental to have my wisdom teeth cut out the oral surgeon was rude from the begining! then he said he was gonna put the iv in my arm and i stopped him explaining no one has ever been able to find a vein in my arm his comment was"well i will just pretend u never told me that" and proceeded to put it in my arm. needless to say i ended up in the er due to iv infeltration i was awake during the whole procedure at one point i pushed the pulse oxygen monitor off my finger since the moaning wasnt a clue to him so he grabbed my arm shoved monitor on my finger slammed my arm onto chair and strapped it down. since i was awake during the procedure i also know during the surgery he took the blood pressure cuff off my left arm and put it onto my right arm that was already filling up with iv fluid. when he was done and the nitrus wore off a bit i was in extreme pain they brought back my mom and sister and my sister had asked why my arm was so swollen the doctor proceeded to be a complete jerk to my family and got smart with them SO UNPROFFESIONAL!

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2:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Aspen Dental terrible service

if you want to get treated like cattle, get the wrong teeth worked on, have horrible work done, share the dentist with at least 1 other patient(s) at the same time (but its okay because you are all in the same room), doctors who have changing prices and procedures, make you wait in the waiting room, the second waiting room and then a half hour in the chair while they care to someone who is *obviously* more important than you... Then you should check out Aspen Dental in Vestal, NY. If you don't fear the dentist, you will after going here!

How do they get away with it? Absolute scam...

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Former employee 911
Oct 11, 2011 3:16 am EDT

It's corporate dentistry, they overload their schedules and burn out their employee's. They demand more work at faster turn-around times. That's why they have a high turn-over too. Quantity over quality

9:22 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental dentistry

Dentist convinced me that I had bone loss on the top and we pulled all teeth on the top, they suggested I get bottom dentures as well since I had bone loss there. The second dentist I went to took x-rays and I got to see first hand that I had no bone loss, and pulling of all the teeth were not necessary. After my six months was up for my permanent dentures, they told me they were not putting in the permanents that I would need to go somewhere else. The reason was because of the unnecessary times I came in for complaints on the temporary dentures they had molded. So as a patient, I was not suppose to come in for adjustments, nor make complaints regarding the pain I was feeling, the roughness of the dentures? This was a long stressful process with rude personnel who do not treat their patients with kindness, respect, or dignity. I would NEVER RECOMMEND ASPEN TO ANYONE. Worse experience of my life.

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Sep 02, 2011 4:53 pm EDT

I think the real reason why they did not want to make you the permanent set of the dentures was that you went to another dentist. It is your decision to go for a second opinion and it is perfectly fine to do that, but if you do that in the middle of the treatment, at least stick to one dentist, the one you really trust. Do not go back and forth. It is not good for you and the treating dentist (dentists).

11:10 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental billing practices

As the mother of a dental assistant at the local Aspen Dental office, I was told that I was entitled to 2 free cleanings/year and discounts on other services. Believing this, I received a porcelain crown and paid the $454 charge at the time of the service in January 2011. My account balance was then zero as shown on their paperwork. In May 2011, I received a bill for $619.00. Their explanation was that they decided that the mother did not qualify as immediate family and I should not have received any discounts. I am now receiving mail from a bill collector.

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Lisa Oinportland
Portland, US
Feb 14, 2014 7:18 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

had the same kind of billing issues and took all money from prepaid care credit card then took 4 months to process the bills to insurance, took over a year to get my money back

10:16 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental combination of malpractice and consumer fraud

i went in for a consultation thats all .they took xrays and told i needed to have all my teeth taken out and new ones put in .they described the procedure to me and my wife and ask which procedure i would like to do if i decided to do it .i picked one and they took impressions and immediately wanted to set an appointment to have the work done i told the office manager i would get back to her with my decision.the very next day i called to tell her i chose not to do it i got a receptionist who said"she would have the manager call me back"one week later the receptionist called to tell me my dentures were in.i said i told you last week i didnt want to go thru with procedure and that the manager never called me back so i assumed it was taken care of.two days later office manager calls and tells me that i have to pay for the dentures anyway so i may as well have "at least some of the work done"i felt threatened so i said i would have ONLY the bottoms done .made the appointment had the bottoms taken out and AS SOON AS the doctor put the dentures in he said they are not going to fit and that i have to have the tops done A S A P .I was very dissapointed in the whole process i went thru from the HIGH PRESSURE tactics to the HUMILIATION of walking around with no bottom teeth in because they dont fit and are my eating habits have changed drastically because of this nightmare at aspen dental.FORGOT TO MENTION that during this whole nightmare the office manager applied for a CARE CREDIT card for me which was approved and CHARGED the same day i was in for the consultation i actually had to contact the credit card company who told me to conatct aspne dental and have them refund the money to them which at some point was actually refunded to the credit card company however i still have an oustanding balance on the credit card and now aspne dental sent me an additional bill which i feel i should only have to pay the care one credit card why should i have to pay twice anyway that is my story i may have left a few things out but that most of it THANK YOU

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GE Money US
GE Money US
Phoenix, US
Aug 08, 2011 10:07 pm EDT

I'm sorry you're experiencing problems with your CareCredit account. We'd like to help. Please email me at with the following information:

- The full name associated with the account
- Mailing address associated with the account
- Your contact phone number
- Reference code DM 080811_ccad

For your security, please do not include your account number in your email.

GE Money

Aug 05, 2011 7:25 pm EDT

Honestly, I feel sorry for you, but you should not have gone forward with your work if you did not want to. If you called them and told them you did not want to precede with the treatment, they can not charge you for those dentures that they made because you did not give them your consent to make them. Unfortunately since you went and got the work done, it gets more complicated. It is the bullying tactics that they use to get patients to do the work. It is sad...

Aug 05, 2011 1:31 am EDT

Why in God's name would you give you credit card info? Sheesh! If any company asks for credit card info, YOU DON"T GIVE IT. Everyone knows that. They saw you coming from a mile away.

8:42 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental up charges for even cleaning teeth

I booked an appt with Aspen to get my teeth cleaned and after getting through all the xrays they poked at my teeth and gums for about 5 minutes and said give us another minute and a hygenist will be in. She came in and said are you ready to talk financials now. I was in shock I explained I hadnt had my teeth cleaned yet and they said they never do that on a first appt because 90% of their patiencents need something more. I was then shocked even further when they took me into the next room to tell me that they felt I needed a special cleaning service and that it would cost me $291 additional over my insurance. I asked do I have a cavity? NO Any other medical issue? No I said my teeth were just cleaned 9 months ago and they said because I have a couple teeth with level 4 gaps that they wanted to do this. So I said no thanks lets just stick with what my other dentist has always done. I havent had a cavity in 30 years. They then said no you dont understand once the dentists recommend something this is now your only choice. So after a lot of heated conversations I left and called another dentist who laughed and said they had never heard of such a thing. A cleaning is a cleaning. They basically are Sears in the 80's trying to break peoples arms with fear to make them pay more for what they dont really need. Making them feel like they have no choice at all... All I can say is steer clear of these people ... Also all you ever get on the complaint line is a recording to leave a message. It always says they are to busy to talk right now...

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Aug 05, 2011 9:23 pm EDT

I would not say that Aspen did not try to get you in for a more complicated treatment than you needed, but the dentist who said that "the cleaning is a cleaning" is not telling you the truth either. There is a regular cleaning for people that have healthy gums and there is a cleaning that is done for people with periodontal problems. And there is nothing to laugh about, unless you want to be unethical and make the other dentist look bad. Anyways, no two dentists given the same patient will ever come up with the same treatment plan...

1:59 pm EDT
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From the moment I walked in the door it was a high pressure sales speech to get me to buy a $149 Electric toothbrush! They took 22 x-rays and the dentist literally looked at me for 60 seconds and that was a "comprehensive exam" according to my bill. When I questioned the Office manager about this he said "oh he looked at your xrays before he saw you." And...

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4:55 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental rip-off artists

Whatever you do, please do not go here, or to any Aspen Dental for that matter. I wish I would have checked the reviews before my first visit, but thankfully I did before I had any work performed, so I was luckier than some of the other poor people. They took far too many x-rays and then wouldn't even clean your teeth or do any work, so I hope you're not hurting! They went over your x-rays and developed a treatment plan, which was outrageous. Hope you have money to blow, because this place overcharges A LOT. I don't know where they came up w/ their prices, but they were ridiculous! They wanted to give me 3 crowns, a root canal, several fillings, and pull out one wisdom tooth...all for the bargain price of $7500! But hey, since I had "really good insurance" (which seems to be a common theme among the reviews), it'd only cost me $3800! Then they wanted me to open up a care credit card. I ran for a 2nd opinion and glad I did. I don't need crowns or a root canal, just some fillings and my wisdom tooth removed, costing a little over $400, with my portion being $160! What is wrong with Aspen? They need to be closed down for doing this to people, and they're a nationwide company? STAY AWAY! Warn others! My other friends and family members had problems with them too!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Scituate, US
Jan 04, 2012 4:58 pm EST

There is a class action lawsuit being filed against them. Please email me at if you would like to help us with information about their business practices. There are numerous complaints all over the country and they need to be put out of business.

Thank you,

Nancy Leathers, PI

Orchard Park, US
Dec 13, 2011 2:25 pm EST

Sounds very similar to what they tried to do to me in Hamburg, NY. Same song and dance about needing root canal with crown; also was told that all of my old fillings needed to be replaced. Sat me down with the 'Finance Manager' .. btw .. i've never seen a finance department at any other health care organization ... anyway, she told me that with my insurance, it would cost me about $1600 out of pocket. Chump change i suppose. So I went home and did some research on Aspen Dental and found many complaints, so I got a second opinion. I did need root canal, no crown, no fillings replaced. I had one cavity and needed new x-rays done because the ones I retrieved from Aspen were so faint that the Dentist couldn't even read them. Long story short .. it cost me $5 copay ... I saved $1595 by not going to Aspen. They really should be shut down ... preying on innocent people ... ###!

7:40 pm EDT
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I'm not satisfied with the dentures that I paid $2300.00 for and the dentist won't fix the problem! The teeth are too short and they make me look like i'm 70 years old!!! I would like management to respond to my problem because i'm very dissatisfied with these dentures! Karen vanholt from south haven mi. My patient id #[protected]

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2:30 pm EDT
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Aspen Dental horrible service

I needed an affordable dental office that was close by. After my other dental office closed I decided to try Aspen in January of 2011.

My last appointment, which was yesterday is my last appointment ever at Aspen. I waited for 45 minutes in my chair in the back and watched people walk passed me. I was there only because I had some pain in my tooth where my cavity was filled 2.5 months prior by the mentor Ohio office and I thought something wasn't right because it felt funny. When I made the appointment the lady on the phone told me that they would look at my tooth and then discuss what needs to be done if there is a problem. When the dentist Finally came over he was like I need x-rays and I said no, that is not what they told me on the phone. He REFUSED to look in my mouth. It would of taken 2 minutes. I just had my x-ray's 2.5 months prior, why on earth would I need them again. I refused and the 2 guys just looked at me like I was an idiot. And the Dentist actual said he did not tell me he wouldn't need x-ray's. So the dentist is suppose to answer the phone at your office? He was rude, and so I told them, they lost a customer, and walked out. I can't believe they made me wait in the chair for 45 mins and then told me I HAD to get an x-ray. They were rude and I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THAT OFFICE AGAIN! I can take my money somewhere else.

I also want to stress one more thing. I'm shocked that they refused to look in my mouth. Absolutely refused. It's a dental office? I'm trying to get pregnant and I know that I can't take x-ray's if I'm pregnant so for me to refuse the x-ray's (I shouldn't have had to explain that to them) and for them to stare at me like they couldn't do anything without the x-ray is absolutely ridiculous. The service was horrible and can't believe they treated me like that.

Another appointment I had at the same office. I walked in, signed in and sat down and Waited 30 mins and all of sudden my cell phone beeped that I had a message so I listened to it while in the waiting room and it was a Message from the Aspen Dental office asking where I was. I thought it was a joke, I walked up to the front desk and I told them I have been here for 30 mins, see I signed in and pointed to the sing in sheet. The lady was on her cell texting and apologized, but seriously. Do your job. I should of known then what a horrible place the Mentor Ohio office was. Everyone was rude except one person, who ever cleans the teeth, she was really great and was the reason I kept coming in. But no more.

I have an appointment in September and I will NEVER be coming back so please cancel and delete my email from your reminders. I'm happy to go somewhere else, anywhere else!

Thanks for horrible customer service,
Mentor, OH

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Ana Anthony
Mar 27, 2017 9:14 pm EDT

Horrible experience there today. First they tried to change the time of my office visit to 11:45 on Tuesday instead of 11:45 today I told them that was not going to happen I have another doctor's appointment. So they told me they'd squeeze me and I said thank you very much for squeezing me in the my scheduled appointment. It took them not time at all to pull my tooth out it was a baCo upper molar which I'd already had one removed before in the past by another dentist when I left they put gauze in my mouth immediately and when I left there I took thr gauze out and felt with my tongue and all I could feel was sharp shards of my tooth. I turn the car back around and went back in there within 5 minutes and I said you didn't get all my teeth you didn't get all the tooth out and they said that's just your bone and I said will you please take a look at it ?no it will just grow over the bone you're fine they were very rude to me now I'm in terrible pain I'm going to consult a lawyer on this my name is Deanna Anthony and my phone number is [protected] if anyone else wants to give me any advice about how to handle this without losing my mind. Thank you

May 24, 2017 12:34 am EDT

Can you please tell me which dentist pulled your tooth? I am looking for a dentist that will knock me out, and this place seems to be the only one covered by my lousy dental insurance . :( Thank you..

Mentor, US
Jul 16, 2013 1:03 pm EDT

I waited for 20 minutes out front. No-one there. Finally got called and nasty woman says they need x-rays. I tell them no. -even on the phone before I went there I told them this. She said they charge insurance for X-rays like I don't have to pay. Since I refused, she said I can wait in the chair for an estimate in a nasty tone of voice. Then she talks with the nasty tatood office manager and they both chuckled. Then, 20 minutes later nasty woman says he will be right with you. 15 minutes later I walk to the front and she smiles and says he is busy -sorry with a fake smile. i said, yea, your sorry -and went back to sit down. 15 more minutes later he says to come with him to his office smiling. I sit down and he says this won't take long. then he says I will have to go somewhere else with my business. After 70 minutes, this is the kind of unprofessional service that I get from that tatooed office manager. Then he says don't you ever talk to a member of my staff like that again. I started yelling about what a rip-off this place was and then he even pushed me ! -while I was walking toward the door. He is dangerous and the MENTOR, OH office is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. NEVER AGAIN! BE SAFE!

Ana Anthony
Mar 27, 2017 9:18 pm EDT

I w wish I would have read this before I went to them today. They were terrible and left shards of bone and to in the holes in the back of my mouth and wouldn't even look at it again when I complained about it 5 minutes later

Scituate, US
Jul 17, 2012 7:19 am EDT

Please join the class action lawsuit being filed. We need your testimony. You can email me at
I am a paralegal and private investigator working on the case.

Ana Anthony
Mar 27, 2017 9:21 pm EDT

Is it too late

Mentor, US
Feb 29, 2012 3:30 am EST

I had a terrible experience with Aspen dental, I waited for more than an hour and half, when the dentist started working on my tooth, he did not refer to any notes made in my previous visit, he did not even refer to my xrays until I told him that he is not working on the right tooth. He tried to numb me on the right side when he is supposed to do it on the left side and finally did not treat the tooth which had cavity, he started working on the one right beside it (which is not what I wanted), this is such a crappy and cheap dental office, never visit Aspen if you want Quality service. The dentist who treated me dint even talk me to walk me thru my treatment plan before working on my teeth, they act as if they are playing with some plastic toys not real people. Bottom line is NEVER NEVER visit ASPEN in Mentor Ohio.

dont go!!
Ashtabula, US
Feb 24, 2012 7:14 am EST

we also have had nothing but problems with aspen in mentor! husband went in for an infected font tooth, after waiting 3 hours they sent us home with he wrong antibiotic, got worse! told him when he came back they would have to pull it, said also severe bone loss! now missing a tooth, they said most of the other upper ones were bad, pull them all and get upper denture, again waited hours, miss quoted price and then half way through pulling them all, other dentist says "most teeth good, bone looks good, why are we doing this?" WOW! to late, now the upper has been remade twice in a month, still to big, rockn in mouth, cant talk or swallow, or eat! they treat us like crap, herd us like cattle and really dont seem to have a clue how to fix this! wont be long before we see our lawyer and end up somewhere else!DO NOT GO TO ASPEN DENTAL ANYWHERE!

11:04 am EDT

Aspen Dental scam

Both my mom and I went to Aspen dental a month ago for various reasons. She needed dentures and I needed a cleaning. They gave her dentures that don't fit (and never will no matter how much they work on them) and said that I had 7 cavities and needed lots of work.

Today, I went to another dentist because I knew there was no way I had 7 cavities with the amount I clean my teeth. The other dentist said that the only issue I had was a little worn enamel on only TWO teeth. Not only that, they also said I had the healthiest teeth they've ever seen.

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Mike Snow
Apr 29, 2008 8:06 am EDT

I called Aspen dental and made an appointment for a cleaning and check up. They gave me a whole battery of x-rays and then the dentist gave me a cursory exam. The dentist then sends me to the Office Manager who proceeds to set me up for a deep tissue cleaning, replacement of 4 fillings, and 4 new crowns. I have no pain or sensitvity issues. I never got the cleaning.

I told them I wanted the 4 cavities taken care of and made another appointment. when I got there, they had me set up for a deep tissue cleaning first. I was upset because that is not what I set the appointment up for. They then had to check with the dentist to see if was able to do the fillings without the deep tissue cleaning. He said yes. They asked me for the payment before services were rendered. when I got in the chair, they started to give me a whole new line of sales crap.

Aspen Dental has no interest in you as a patient. It is not a family dentistry office. They get you in under false pretenses and then try to up sell you on everything under the sun.

They do not practice dentistry in the best interest of the patient. They should be investigated by the Attorney Generals Office for their business practices.

Jun 06, 2008 3:10 pm EDT

I sure wish I had read these complaints before going today for "free x-ray" and consult at Aspen dental. My wife and I went because we have not been for a cleaning for a few years so we thought that if we get the x-ray we could get a cleaning on the next visit right? Wrong.

We got the x-rays done (the dentist barely did an oral examination, 30 seconds or less). I had no cavities and was told by the dentist that i needed a thorough cleaning (Great! just what i needed!) We were then called in to the consult for the services that were to be provided. They quoted us for more than 3500 dollars of services (some which were legit for my wife-cavities). I was told that i needed deep-cleaning, antibiotics, and extensive home care to take care of my stage one perio disease. (hmm i wish the dentist had mentioned that). The treatment cost 600 dollars and my insurance was not covering it but it was mandatory despite the fact all i wanted was a cleaning(regular cleaning was not an option). I would also have to come back every 4 months to repeat this procedure. This was discovered from an x-ray and a half-### 30 second oral examination. Conveniently, my wife also has the same condition that requires this deep cleaning procedure (1200 total out of pocket). The fact is that neither of us have any gum issues (no bleeding, swelling etc) that would lead to this diagnosis (possibly small amounts of gingivitis). So we agreed to do this and went home pissed off. I then called my insurance company to tell them about this. They gave me some ADA codes that they cover this procedure at 100%. I called aspen back and asked how they were planning to bill this procedure. Of course they gave me a ADA code that was covered at 0%. I then asked if they could bill under the code my insurance company had provided and i was greeted with a resounding no. At this point, i was going to be a charged 100% for a procedure that was not properly diagnosed or justified. I then told the receptionist that I was changing primary care dentist and to cancel my appointment. She responded with a lack of caring and made no attempt to persuade me otherwise.
What a scam! I am so happy that I did not do this. I am just waiting for them to bill my insurance company for the advertised "free x-rays" which i will then call BBB to make a formal complaint.

Nov 24, 2008 1:42 pm EST

I had my initial visit with Aspen Dental and the Dr. told me that my teeth looked pretty good and scheduled me for a routine cleaning. When I returned for my "routine cleaning" I was told by a dental hygenist that I needed a deep cleaning and that I would have to have a couple more visits to do a total debridement and that my insurance company would not cover the entire costs. I said that I came for a cleaning and that is what I wanted done. I was told that they could not do a cleaning without doing these other procedures first. I felt like things were not right and this sounded like a scam and a major upsell. I decided to leave and do some research before committing to such things and I am glad I did. After reading all the other complaints about Aspen Dental and hearing about the other scams this company has perpetrated upon others I am so thankful that my internal alarm went off about this company.

Westerly, US
Oct 14, 2009 12:30 am EDT

My husband chose Apsen after checking other places because his teeth were bad and he needed dentures. After all was said and done, he was given a sheet with a total of $3400, with discounts for cash payments and insurance. We decided to use our tax refund to cover the cost. That was in March of 2009. Now in Oct of 2009, he has dentures that make him look like Mr Ed, and today, the upper broke! He went to the office where they told him they can't fix them because he supposedly still owed $1200! He paid everything owed and then some, and now he has teeth he can't use, and our new insurance won't cover repairs because the teeth are less than 10 yrs old! These teeth have never fit right. Numerous calls to Aspen get us nothing but assurances that "the gums need to heal" Sub par work, by sub par dentists, guess we learned our lesson. We are out $3400 and my husband is reduced to eating mush until our next income tax refund. It's about time something was done about this company!

Franklin, US
Dec 14, 2011 10:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I had mini implants put in 2 weeks ago, I made them take them out as 2 of the posts were infecting my lower gum, the dentist I had slipped while drilling the holes and tore into my gum, nothing heals. I am still on pain meds and mouth rinses. Gums are swelling and now I have pain along my entire lower left jaw. I wasnt numb when he began drilling the holes, he kept giving me more needles but may as well have been water. So painful... removing them was no easier. Still in severe pain a week later. Avoid these dentists.

Johnny l
Blakely, US
Nov 16, 2011 5:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just left the Dickson City office. Very glad I read the reviews while in the waiting room with my wife. My wife called these people up on a second opinion about getting her mouth fixed. Every thing on the phone prior to the visit seemed very good. My wife retrieved her x-rays from the dentist who took them the day before to take here. Once she was called back, the girls and the doctor tried to take more x-rays. My wife was firm in not letting this happen. After 3 attempts from 3 different workers, she just got up out of the chair and we walked out. Absolutely insurance fraud when the service was NOT necessary. This place reminds me of a high interest loaner who only prey on people with bad credit, and no money.

Allie at Aspen Dental
Allie at Aspen Dental
East Syracuse, US
Oct 14, 2009 8:38 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm very sorry to hear about your and your husband's experience with us. We want to help you resolve these issues as soon as possible so please don’t hesitate to call our patient satisfaction team at [protected]. Or, you can e-mail us at and we’ll get back to you right away.

Aug 14, 2009 7:28 am EDT



Jan 30, 2009 2:00 pm EST

I had my husband take my daughter to Aspen Dental in Middletown, NY for a pulpotomy. I'm a dental assistant so I'm familiar with the procedure. When my husband told the dentist that my daughter needed a pulpotomy on tooth #B the dentist said "what tooth #B"? THERE IS NO SUCH THING! Where do they get these dentists and WHERE did they get their degree? I'm sure they got their degree ONLINE! As soon as my husband heard the dentist say "there is no such thing" they left the office.

Plainfield, US
Oct 07, 2008 12:02 pm EDT


I am related to two lawyers...and the intent of doctors and dentists is to do no harm and to heal.

These Aspen offices are bad!. The feds also need to get involved to see WHY all the problems getting simple billing practices done.


6:32 pm EDT

Aspen Dental false charges and false diagnosis

So while I posted a pleasant review for Affordable Dentures, I listed the fact I had an awful experience with Aspen Dental:. Well here it is:

I went to the scheduled appointment with my grandmother|. My grandmother is the most patient person in the world". Rarely do I see her impatient or even pissed off". When this appointment was over and we walked out she called them "***, incompetent fools"

We arrived 10 minutes early'. There was a lady behind the desk!. Sitting there eating chips and wiping the residue on herself (unprofessional, get a napkin)

According to the little sign "If you do not receive service 15 minutes past your appointment, please see receptionist" which is what I did?. I cheerfully went up to the receptionist and let her know my appointment was 15 minutes prior. At this point with potato chip residue on her pants, and fingers she's on her own cell phone and is offended I'd interrupt her. She told me either to leave or sit down. Rudely.

I sat down. Another 15 minutes and finally the dentist aide came to see me. I felt rushed. And several times I felt like it was MY fault that they were 30 minutes late for my appointment. Even though I got there on time.

They took x-rays which they told me will be no cost to me. (I'll get on that later) then after the x-rays I sat in a room for about 10 minutes. They finally came in and checked my mouth. The lady barely looked inside my mouth. She immediately said I had a fungal infection of my mouth. And was going to prescribe me a mouthwash to get rid of it. (I'll get to that later as well)

So finally they make me sit in a room. That was more like a makeshift lounge. It had a coffee area and a table, and there was trash and paint cans and all sorts of stuff littering it.

I watched the clock go by. My grandmother texted me. She said "are you done yet?"

At that point I was in that room for 25 minutes. I got up in a bout of frustration and left. The receptionist begged us to stay, that she apologizes for the delays. That wasn't enough. I really wanted to drop a few f-bombs but that's not appropriate. I told my grandmother the entire thing and she said "***, incompetent fools"

Even though we left, I still was curious about the supposed fungal infection. So we went to the pharmacy and had the prescription filled. Come to find out, Aspen Dental never made a request to have the prescription authorized. Meaning what? There was never a diagnosis. Obviously their entire point was scamming me out of my money.

I went to my family dentist, and she confirmed there was no fungal infection.

Couple days later I get a bill for $50 in the mail for those x-rays. I called Aspen and they told me I was mistaken, that since the appointment took longer than 30 minutes that I have to pay a fee? What? That was THEIR fault. Even the receptionist admitted it.

I haven't paid the fee and I haven't heard anything from Aspen. Its been 3 months. I think they were just looking to scam more money off me.

I'm not planning a lawsuit or anything either. Not worth the time.

Avoid at all costs. They don't care about you. Only your wallet.

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Jun 30, 2011 7:46 pm EDT

I went to Aspen for a yearly cleaning. The first visit they took x-rays and then sent me back to have a dentist look at my teeth. The dentist told me I had gingivitis, a cavity, and my filling needed to be replaced with a crown.
My background story: 24 years old, only had one cavity my entire life, never had braces. Brush and floss multiple times a day.
After the dentist chatted with me, they immediately took me to an office to sit down and have a "consultation". They gave me a break down on what my insurance was paying for and what I had to pay for. Total (with insurance) was $650. I looked closely and noticed in fine print they were also charging me for a $150 toothbrush! Once that was taken off, the price was down to about $530. They set me up with a "payment plan" and got me approved for a loan. Everything went so quickly. I was completely confused and did not know what they were even talking about. With my past experiences, I have never been told I had multiple problems in my mouth.
I left feeling so uneasy and upset with the entire situation. I felt like they were scamming me. I scheduled another appointment with another dentist in the area (private practice). I picked up my x-rays from Aspen (for $10). I took my x-rays and had my cleaning and exam with the other dentist. They laughed when I told them about the gingivitis. They said my filling was done perfectly and they would never place a crown on it. Also, NO cavity.
If I had not had the second opinion, I would be spending loads of money on things that weren't even there. DO NOT TRUST ASPEN DENTAL! I saved myself a lot of money and time by getting that second opinion.

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About Aspen Dental

Screenshot Aspen Dental
Aspen Dental is a leading dental care provider in the United States, with over 850 locations across 42 states. The company was founded in 1964 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most trusted dental care providers in the country.

Aspen Dental is committed to providing high-quality dental care to patients of all ages and backgrounds. The company offers a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery. Aspen Dental also provides emergency dental care services to patients who require immediate attention.

One of the key features of Aspen Dental is its commitment to making dental care accessible and affordable for everyone. The company offers a variety of payment options, including financing plans and insurance coverage, to help patients manage the cost of their dental care. Aspen Dental also offers free consultations and second opinions, as well as a satisfaction guarantee to ensure that patients are completely satisfied with their dental care experience.

In addition to its commitment to providing high-quality dental care, Aspen Dental is also dedicated to giving back to the communities it serves. The company has a strong philanthropic program, which includes partnerships with organizations like the Oral Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Overall, Aspen Dental is a trusted and reliable dental care provider that is committed to providing high-quality, affordable dental care to patients across the United States. With its extensive network of locations, comprehensive range of services, and commitment to patient satisfaction, Aspen Dental is a top choice for anyone seeking dental care.
How to file a complaint about Aspen Dental?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary information and verifying your email address.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Aspen Dental. Make it specific and clear, such as "Billing Dispute at Aspen Dental" or "Poor Quality Dental Service at Aspen Dental".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience with Aspen Dental. Mention key areas such as customer service, quality of dental care, billing and insurance issues, appointment scheduling, hygiene practices, or any misrepresentations. Include specifics like dates, locations, and names of staff involved if possible. Describe the nature of the issue, including what you expected versus what you received. If you attempted to resolve the issue, detail the steps you took and the response from Aspen Dental. Explain how the issue has personally affected you, such as financial loss, stress, or health implications.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as receipts, emails, or photographs. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking from Aspen Dental, whether it be a refund, corrective treatment, or an apology.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and verify that all relevant details have been included.

8. Submission process: After reviewing, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint. Ensure that you receive a confirmation that your complaint has been successfully submitted.

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your account for any responses or updates regarding your complaint. Be prepared to engage in further communication if necessary to resolve your issue with Aspen Dental.

Overview of Aspen Dental complaint handling

Aspen Dental reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 28, 2006. The latest review Implants was posted on Sep 25, 2024. The latest complaint Reimbursement back on my credit card was resolved on May 24, 2023. Aspen Dental has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1660 reviews. Aspen Dental has resolved 210 complaints.
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    Oct 01, 2024
Aspen Dental Category
Aspen Dental is ranked 2 among 134 companies in the Dental Services category

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