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CB Telecommunications AT&T Rebate offer is a rip off!

AT&T review: Rebate offer is a rip off! 171

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

AT&T High Speed DSL Equipment Rebate SCAM - Holland, Mich. Back in February 2007, I signed up for AT&T's High Speed DSL in answer to a promotion you were running. The deal was that you paid up front for the equipment and you would receive a rebate in the form of a $50 cash card or checking 10 to 12 weeks. You're supposed to be able to check the status of your rebate online. I mailed in the necessary rebate information immediately upon receipt of the equipment, Approx. Feb 21, 2007. On April 16th, 2007, I went to check the status of the rebate online, (, and it showed no record of my rebate application. I called the number posted on the rebate website, [protected]), and spoke with "Brook". She stated that my rebate postcard had been received by AT&T but had not yet been processed. She then told me that she would "petition" AT&T to get the processing underway so that they, the rebate center, could get the check sent out within the next one to two weeks. It is now June 6, 2007. I went online AGAIN to check my rebate status and there was STILL no record of my rebate. I called the rebate center AGAIN and this time spoke with "Angie" who told me that there was no record of my previous call to Brook but that my rebate postcard had been processed "today" and that they, the rebate center should have an answer in 1-2 weeks. "An answer to WHAT?" I asked. "I'm not asking them to approve anything". At this point i asked to speak with her supervisor and was told that the supervisor didn't take calls but that I could be put on a "supervisor call back list". I asked when he might be calling, fully expecting her to say, "In one to two weeks". To my surprise, her answer was, "Within 24 to 72 hours". Needless to say, I'm not holding my breath waiting for this person to contact me. After all, By AT&T calendars, one to two weeks equals 1-1/2 months and 10 to 12 weeks is quickly approaching the 4 month mark They promised a rebate in 10-12 weeks and I expect them to honor that agreement." She then changed her answer and told me it had been processed the day before. She actually forgot her lie within a span of about a minute. I didn't ask for a line of BS when I called your alleged "Rebate Customer Service" department. I just want you to do what was promised in your promotion. I'm no further now than I was a month and a half ago. The two weeks promised by "Brook" has turned into a month and a half. As if that's not bad enough, "Angie" told me it would be yet another two weeks before I could even find out WHEN my rebate would be sent out. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing that I'll be told my check will be sent out in... ready, Let's all say it together, "ONE TO TWO WEEKS". If I didn't know better, I'd say that your entire customer service plan is that no matter what the issue, just tell the customer it will be resolved in "one to two weeks" and hopefully the customer will forget about it or just give up.

I decided that talking to your drones at the rebate center was getting me nowhere so I decided to contact another AT&T Customer service department. This was yet another disappointing experience to say the least. This time I spoke with "Natalie" who told me that she could do absolutely nothing about it because it was a Rebate Department issue and she knew nothing about the policies or practices of the Rebate department. It soon became evident that she knew nothing about customer service period. I then asked who I could talk to to file a complaint about the practices of the Rebate department and she told me to talk to the Rebate department manager. When I told her that it made no sense to complain to the very people I was complaining about, I was told by "Natalie" that the nine minutes I had spent talking to her could have been better spent waiting for my "supervisor call back". In other words, "quit wasting my time because I'm not going to do anything or suggest anything or direct you to anyone that can help you in resolving this issue." She then had the nerve to ask if there was anything else she could "Help" me with. Totally disgusted with the entire AT&T Customer Service experience, I hung up.

Fifty dollars is nothing to a billion dollar company like AT&T, but I would guess that if this is happening to me, there are probably thousands of others out there having the same experience that are just as frustrated as I am and that would love to see this issue brought to light. I can see the headlines already, "AT&T Equipment Rebate "Scam" investigation". You might even make it onto 20/20. I know the local TV stations in Grand Rapids love doing pieces on huge corporations that are caught ripping off consumers.

Just so you know that I'm not alone in this complaint, I've included a couple of the other letters from your "customers" that I've found online which, interestingly enough, describe unusually similar experiences with you and your rebate promotion.
Incidentally, I just checked the status of my rebate claim one more time and here's the standard message that pops up...

"We're sorry, but we were unable to find any rebate claims matching the information you provided. Please make sure the information you supplied is correct and try again. Note: It takes approximately 10-12 weeks to process your claim. If you were unable to find your rebate claim status and you submitted your rebate form more than 4 weeks ago, please call [protected].

Thank you for choosing AT&T Yahoo! HSI Service!"

WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR ME TO GET MY REBATE? And please don't tell me it'll be sent out in (one more time) "one to two weeks".

Joseph C.
Holland, Mich 49423

From: Carolyn
Date: Wednesday, 15-Nov-06 08:57:30 CST

Beware when it comes to ordering a DSL service kit from AT&T/SBC. They promise you everything. The rebates and gift cards and all kinds of good stuff. However, collecting what they promise can be frustrating . I can testify to that! I signed up for the DSL promotion in June 2006, I promptly received the installation kit in the mail. I installed it... no problem there... everything is working fine. But where is my $50.00 cash rebate? It's now November 2006, and longer that 10-12 weeks. I've had to argue for every little thing. First the $50.00 visa gift card, I finally got that this week, but I've still not received my $50.00 cash rebate. I've called and spent a total of about 6 hours on the phone at different times talking to customer service people. I finally got the gift card. But still no $50.00 rebate. I contacted my local Public Utility Commission and they said they would check into it , but DSL lines is not something they current regulate, although they get plenty of complaints about them. I've also sent a letter to the AT&T chairman, Mr. Edward Whitacre, Jr., but I probably won't get an answer from him either. I was also referred to the FCC to file a complaint. I've never spent so much time trying to get what AT&T/SBC promised me. $50.00 is not a lot of money to a "BILLION DOLLAR" company. I've been a customer of theirs for over 40 years. I've always paid my bills on time. Why can't someone just follow through. You should here the stupid evasions answers I get when I ask about where is my rebate.

From: Robert
Date: Friday, 01-Dec-06 18:21:38 CST

AT&T (SBC Yahoo DSL)

I activated phone service and high speed internet service on January 4, 2006 and was promised a $50.00 rebate. I mailed my rebate activation sticker on 1/26/2006 and have not received my rebate, yet. I have spoken with AT&T representatives at least 4 times during the past year. I spoke with Merrill on 6/2/06 & was given case #92230, I spoke with an unknown representative on 10/10/06 and was told she was activating another case, but it would not have a case number & that she was forwarding this to her supervisor - she told me that if I called again just mention the word ESCALATION. I called on 11/4/06 and spoke with Bertha who could not find any notes from the unknown representative. I uttered the word ESCALATION and Bertha did know what that meant, but she said ESCALATION had not been done previously. Bertha promised she would ESCALATE this for me. I called on 12/1/06 and spoke with Crystal, she was shocked that a second case was not given a number, she did see the notes taken from Bertha and assured me my claim had been escalated, but she advised me to call back in a couple of weeks because the escalation department is a bunch of slackers and probably had not done mine yet. She said if she did another escalation that would mean I would go back to the end of the line and have to start over again. Crystal told me I might want to call billing and maybe they would give me a credit. I told Crystal that if I had to tell my story again I would just as soon tell it to

Please let others know what a crook these people are. Thank you, Debra
Barber, Escalated Consumer.

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Jun 22, 2007 1:09 pm EDT

I signed up for DSL in July 2007, and I'm still waiting for my $49.99 rebate. I've already spoken with 4 representatives, who all assured me that I will receive it in 10-12 weeks.

I guess this is part of their tactic or they are completely incompetent. Anyway, my patience is gone, so yesterday I filed a complaint with Better Business Bureau ( and with the Federal Trade Commission,$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01
I recommend you do the same, if you want to get your money back.

Good luck,

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Jun 22, 2007 1:12 pm EDT

Sorry, I actually signed up in July 2006.

Debora L. Cross
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Jun 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have been calling them for at least 4 month for my rebate. Every time i call they tell me it will be mail to you in two to three weeks. I have been with this company every since they were millions bell. This is the way they treat there long time customer.

Daniel Lind
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Jun 27, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have a similar experience to others regarding the ATT rebate program and line. I sent my rebate in on 2/7/07. I checked up on 3-31-07 at for the status (to be sure my form was received). The System could not find my status but provided a number to call. I called the [protected] number to obtain the status. A polite person checked my rebate and said she could see the paperwork had been received but "for some reason it hasn't been processed. It should have been, and I'll have it escalate this" She did, and offered me a confirmation number. Its a good thing she did, because it wasn't visible on 3/21 when I called until I offered the conf. number...upon which I found the status hadn't changed. It was still waiting for AT&T... This is escalated status? The gent had no explanation and said it should be resolved shortly. "But what if it isn't" I asked. He said to wait about 4-6 weeks.
I did call back about 6 weeks later, and found the status still hadn't changed! They couldn't explain why, but... be sure to check back and ATT would get back to them any time. May I speak to a manager? "There's none here tonight".
I resolved that if I did not have my check by the next call I would request help from the Atty General and my own attorney.

Tonight (6-27) I checked the web again, still found no record of my claim, but when I called...I was informed that my check had been mailed on 5-24-07. After confirming the envelope would have the ATT logo on it and confirming my address I was told that "the check would be reissued". How long will it take? I asked "4 to 6 weeks" he said. "Will it be here by then"? "Yes". But what if it isn't? I replied... then call us back. Is your manager there tonight?... No but there will be one here tomorrow? Thanks, I said... nothing personal, but the next call will be to my attorney. Please make a record of that for me. careful with ATT. Their third party phone center has very limited authority, and the bumbling that results in the same behaviors as real scam-sters.

Larry Freeman
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Jul 11, 2007 11:21 am EDT

Mine pretty much mirrors the foregoing complaints; signed up in Feb '07, filed rebate within 3 days but have, as yet, NOT received the elusive rebate. After 5 contacts spread out over this intervening period, I was finally told today that "the check is in the mail", BUT that if it's not received within the next 5 days, that ATT Yahoo will be happy to cancel that check and reissue a replacement. Of course, I must understand, the replacement will take 3 weeks to process.

I do understand that this is all proceeding in accordance with an ATT 'Pay As Few Rebate Claims As Possible Plan', based upon actuarial studies and tables complied by behavior specialist indicating how many of us would not claim the rebate initially, how many would forget that the rebate had been filed, how many would give up after the first call, the second call, the third call, etc., etc. They probably have an amazingly accurate estimate of what percentage, out to 6 decimal points, of claims they will ultimately pay, expressed as the number of us who will not give up, no matter how many calls it takes.

One final point, if I might be so indulged; this "Plan" egregious though it may be, is probably not illegal. They, after all, have only said that they would pay a rebate, without specification as to how long it would take to pay it or to what we would have to go through to finally be paid. Filing the Rebate Claim was obviously only the first step, of what appears to be many, required to receive the rebate. Hang in there: while it's only $50 to you and to me, it represents, in total, tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to ATT. I intend that my $50 will end up in MY pocket, not theirs.

Terry Goodwin
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Jul 13, 2007 1:09 pm EDT

If you have read the letters about the ATT (so called)rebate ,this boat seems to be full! We've all going down. My story is so close, I can't believe it. Except I was told the check looks like junk mail, and I must have thrown it out! I was told they would issue check again (six weeks ago). Maybe what we all need to do is tell ATT we want off, don't know about the rest of you, but I'm swimming for shore.

Ted Stevens
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Jul 24, 2007 2:25 pm EDT

I too am struggling to actually get my $49.99 ATT DSL equipment rebate. I also signed up in March, immediately sent in my rebate form via USPS tracked Priority Mail ( so I KNOW it was delivered two days later), then after a two month wait ,was told your "check is in the mail" as of MAY 29th. Needless to say, no check. Called again in June and -- after waiting the 10 business days (another stall tactic, and more -- implied -- blame on the USPS) request that another check be cut. Wait again. Call again. This time, check "was sent out July 2nd -- it's on its way". Today is July 24th. On hold right now trying to get through to one of the totally useless rebate "assistance" reps. THIS TIME I WILL NOT GET OFF THE LINE UNTIL I GET A $49.99 **credit** ON MY BILL.

Sc**w the rebate --there is NO such thing. Sorry about the language.


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Jul 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I signed up for AT&T high speed DSL in September 2006. I mailed them the rebate form in September 2006 and I did not hear anything from them. On May 10, I called the toll free number [protected]. They told me that my rebate form was not received, it was expired, and I should fax them a copy to [protected]. I faxed the copy to such number at 14:30 on 5/10/07. Again, I heard no answer from them. One month later, on 6/13/07, I called the 5015 number and asked if they received my fax. This time, a girl name “Meily” answered my call. She told me that there was no record of my fax and I should fax it again. She gave me the case number 200679 and told me to put her name and case number on top of my fax. I faxed the copy twice on that day and called back. She told me that they cannot go to the fax machine, and I should call back with her the next couple days to check if they received the fax. On 6/15/07, I talked to her again and she said there is no record of my fax. She told me to fax it again and this time she would talk to the supervisor and make sure to mail me the check within the week. Another month went by, she left a message in my phone saying: “the fax did not match the rebate”. When I called back on 7/10/07, I could never find her again. This time was “Katelin” answer my phone and told me that there was no record of my fax in the computer. I complained that this was a trick, that they intentional destroyed the mails and fax of the rebate form, and that was there anybody actually getting the rebate? I asked to talk to the supervisor and she told me that the supervisor would call me back within 48 hours. On 7/11/07, I called that number again. This time “Chris” answered the phone and told me that I had to fax them the copy of the “postmarked” rebate card. How do you get a copy of postmarked rebate card? Oh, he said, you make the copy at the post office.

I determined that this whole rebate thing was a scam. I searched the Internet for complains and found that many people had the same experience as me. The excuses the representatives in the rebate center used to cheat consumers are similar. I suspect that there are people in that rebate center, whose job is to destroy all the evidence of rebate. Their fax machine is always available but they could never receive your fax! If they would not receive your fax, how would they receive your mail? This trick is too dirty for such a big company as AT&T!

Bipin Baxi
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Aug 07, 2007 5:31 pm EDT

It is the same story for everyone. I hope someone can really provide information as to what can be done about it. I am going to contact Better Business Bureau and FTC. Also, I will switch the carrier for the internet service. I think, we should take their business away. That is the best we can do. Also, get in touch with the shareholders of AT&T who can contact the Board of AT&T.

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Sep 04, 2007 3:49 am EDT

I sent my rebate in January 2007. Eight or nine phone calls later, an escalation, and a missed manager phone call, my check was mailed and RECEIVED! It was the biggest rebate pain I've ever had and I dissuaded my mother from switching her service for this reason. I keep records of everyone I talked to, the date and the time. Each time I called, I would read the list to the new person and then take their name state the date and the time. I can't say if it helped or not, but the person answering the phone on the eighth call was speechless after the list.

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Sep 05, 2007 8:53 pm EDT

I sent my form in for the $49.99 equipment rebate right away in May 2007 and still no rebate in September 2007. I checked the status only to find out that the person who had my new phone number before me got a rebate and it somehow messed up mine. I called AT&T and they promised to escalate the case and said it would be another 10 to 12 weeks before I get the rebate. Guess I should wait 10 to 12 weeks to pay my bill. What a bunch of hassle.

richard biondi jr
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Sep 08, 2007 9:15 am EDT

Your DSL rebate system is the worst i have ever seen didn't get first check, you canceled it and as of to date i have not seen the replacement check. What a joke!

marie santos
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Sep 08, 2007 6:50 pm EDT

I agree with all these comments unfortunately, the same thing has happened to me. AT& T has got to have the worst customer service department ever. I have never had so much trouble for such a small rebate. Small compared to the billions they rake in every quarter. Some of which is my money. But no more. I am switching to another company. I'm convinced I will never see that rebate, since it has been 4 months since I started complaining. Good luck to all you out there still waiting, I'm glad I'm not desperate for that money, some people might be. Shame on you AT & T.

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Sep 11, 2007 8:17 am EDT

Another customer with the same complaint. We have been waiting since February 2007. First we were told that our installation didn't qualify for the rebate. Once that was seemingly straightened out, the next several calls have resulted in other excuses, so I asked to talk to a supervisor. Someone identifying herself as a "supervisor" called me a couple of days later and said our rebate claim was "escalated" and that we would receive the check in a couple of weeks. Still nothing. This is nothing more than a scam. Janice, St. Louis

Kevin McConkey Sr.
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Sep 14, 2007 8:10 am EDT

In regards to the letters that I have read they are almost exactly the same thing that ATT rebate center has told me. They keep giving me the runaround and after asking to speak to supervisor I was told no supreviser was there to handle my complaint, but that one would call back somtime early next week. After calling rebate center again and comnplaining that next week was not accectable. I was then told I would hear from a supervisor today (Fri) or tomorrow (Sat) Well we will see if that happpens. Ive been waiting since Feb 07 and here it is the middle of September 2007. We will see what happens if it is not settled I will be making complaint to BBB . FTC and Attourney Generlals office in CT.

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Sep 16, 2007 12:54 am EDT

Ack this is scary!

Our apartment complex decided to no longer offer internet service, so they told us they had arranged deals for us with AT&T and told us about the wonderful rebate that they had and blahblahblah. So I got my equipment and sent in the rebate form. I checked online later and it had not been received so I called up and the woman said they had not received it but she could take my information and start processing it. I checked back and it said my request had been received. Checking back again later I saw that it was "issuing my refund check." Except then I received a postcard saying my refund had been declined. So I immediately called them up and explained it and they checked my record and said that it had been "credited to my account." Well I had 4 months worth of bills from them and indeed it had NOT been. I got a service number and they said they would escalate the case for review. But when I called back 4 weeks later I was told that I had to wait another 4 weeks from the date I received the service number. ARGH.

I'm a student so I can't really afford all this crap and with all the downtime that my DSL has been giving me I'm tempted to switch services. The line shuts down like clockwork at 9:30pm for the past week, whenever their line service technicians are gone. How convenient, huh?! Since when is DSL offered between the hours of 8am-12am EST, Mon-Sat?!?!

karin coudriet
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Sep 17, 2007 4:52 am EDT

I too am having the same problem. I first had my service installed in dec 2006 in 4 months i did get a check. in june 4 2007 i was told if i upgradd i would indeed get another 49.99 rebate. well I have called 4 diferent times and still no check. I always here it will take up to four wekks.. HELLO? its ben over 3 months. I get one that says they cant find it and another that says it is being processed. the website says it cleared for $0.00 what the heck? I will be changing services as soon as I get my 50.00 they owe me. o and I will let them know they will get paid in the next 10 to 12 weeks. This company is awful!

Diana Theroux
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Sep 20, 2007 2:13 pm EDT

I received my DSL months ago, I've called and tried to look up online to locate my rebate but so far nothing. I agree that AT&T has the worst service known to man/woman on this planet. They won't even send me a paper statment so I can determine what my charges are each month and they very by as much as $20 per month without long distance charges. Their policy of only billing online with no explanation doesn't cut it for me.

Nashville, US
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Sep 26, 2007 7:27 pm EDT

Same thing happened with me. AT&T mailed me my phone and on the rebate they said you need your cash register receipt...WELL, no receipt since it was mailed to me and they said "oh so sorry"...they knew ahead of time they did not mail me the receipt so i'm the one out. The online help said to send them a copy of your credit card showing transaction, which I did but you have to have the original receipt to get the rebate...RIPOFF! I will cancel AT&T /CINGULAR when contract is up.

David Jon Palmer
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Sep 28, 2007 12:00 am EDT

If you go to you will see there is alot of people that have been ripped off including myself. I think this is in need of a class action lawsuit! I have been denied a rebate check even though I qualified back in June 07 and they issued me a check twice only to cancel them before they were mailed and now they say I don't qualify because I moved? I used there service over the 60 days as per our agreement and they had no problem sending me three "final bills" {one for 1cent} as I gave them my forwarding address! This is wide spread across the US. Sincerely DP

David Jon Palmer
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Sep 28, 2007 10:05 am EDT

I too have been ripped off by this scam! They even issued me a check twice, only to be cancelled before they were mailed. I got the same runaround that these other folks got so I don't need to go into that! I too filed a complaint with the FTC as of two days ago, and now I am going to complain to the BBB when I am done here! I strongly urge everyone do the same and that this is deserving of a class action lawsuit! If I owed ATT $50 since june as is my case,they would have destroyed my credit and I would now owe them hundreds! This is an invite for any hungry lawyers out there. There must be thousands of us that have been burned!

Chad Schroeder
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Oct 04, 2007 4:54 pm EDT

Same thing has happened to me. I submitted my rebate coupon in January 2007. I began to call them every few weeks starting in March 2007. I was told a variety of lies (yes, this is what they are): awaiting processing, in the finance department, etc. Apparently they issued me a check in July 2007, which I never received. I made a call to them in early September 2007, they said they were going to re-issue my check. I called them today, and was told that my rebate was denied! I have spent probably six hours on the phone about this. At this point, there is nothing I can do, except complain loudly, notify the BBB, and cheerily support any class action lawsuit. As other posters have noted, fifty dollars is nothing to a multi-billion dollar company. I would love to make the ### pay.

james hughes
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Oct 09, 2007 2:30 pm EDT

I have been waiting for my rebate going on five month now. Every time I called they always says that it will be sent out in 4 t0 6 weeks.

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Oct 16, 2007 10:09 am EDT

GOOD NEWS! We finally got our rebate check for $49.99. This only happened because we filed a complaint against AT&T with the BBB in St. Louis, Mo. A representative from the AT&T Executive Appeals Office called us and checked into the problem. It was cleared up in about 3-4 weeks.

JP - St. Louis, Mo.

Irene M Kreitz
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Oct 20, 2007 5:26 pm EDT

I learned my lesson. Why didn't I check the internet first? Why didn't I see all the complaints? I just trusted ATT. I had never a reason not to with the "old" AT&T. I will never trust the "new" Att again.

Qiwen L.
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Oct 22, 2007 9:38 am EDT

It has been more than 4 months and I have not received my rebate. I too have called the Rebate Center numerous times and the answer that I got each time was, "your rebate is still being processed." I will call them again today and if I get the same answer again, I will go ahead and file a complaint to the BBB. I am beginning to lose my patience.

Chad Schroeder
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Oct 22, 2007 2:42 pm EDT

I finally had time to file a BBB complaint today (10.22.07). I am encouraged to see that someone else on this list received their refund by doing this. I'll post again if I see the money.

I would advise EVERYONE reading this to file a complaint with the BBB.

To make sure that you file through the correct office, use AT&T customer care telephone number [protected]) when attempting to locate the proper office branch for AT&T.

Good luck!

Greg Bell
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Oct 27, 2007 9:02 am EDT

I have purchased 5 phones with $100.00 rebates each. I have received only one “100$ debit card”. It was assigned to a phone number that I did not have; they said it would take 7 to 5 business days to get a replacement PIN so I could use the card. 2 months later NO CARD PIN, No rebates! I think if enough people have experienced the problems I have we have a Class Action Suit! They own me 500.00!

Laura Huren
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Nov 01, 2007 3:12 pm EDT

Same thing here. I finally contact my dept of consumer protection. They should be dealing with this. It's a total scam.

John Doe
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Nov 01, 2007 6:45 pm EDT

Hey guys! Instead of bashing people at a company who try and help you, how about you first try something many of you have trouble with. READING. Firstly these rebates are payed out as VISE GIFT CARDS. clearly stated on the rebate form. many of you have most likely received your rebates from ATT and thrown them away thinking they are applications for a credit card. Secondly, if rebates are filled out correctly and completely the rebates should be processed without any problems and you should receive them within 10-12 weeks. Instead of trying to hire a lawyer to sue ATT or calling the BBB just try reading the form! 1 rebate form per envelope, put the wireless number for the phone you are applying for the rebate on, include the IMEI bar code and the rebate form filled out correctly. this is not a complicated process and yet you call in mad at people in a call center and a good part of the time ITS YOUR FAULT! Dont staple anything together.. I know it doesnt say that on the form but trust me it helps. And just remember, when you are calling the rebate processing centre be polite, they are the people who can either help you get your rebate or tell you to resubmit Everything.

Christi Smith
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Nov 06, 2007 5:15 pm EST

Not to make you hate me... but I filed for my rebate over the phone and the lady said you should get it by Dec 7th, this was last Wed. I got it and my signing 100.00

Rebate yesterday! Try again you might get someone with brains next time. I just hope they send me the $300.00 more they owe me for signing everything over to them!

Christi Smith
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Nov 06, 2007 5:23 pm EST

"John Doe" FYI the rebates from Att/Bellsouth are in check form or Visa. You can get it other way. I got 2 checks so far.

larry edwards
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Nov 12, 2007 11:19 am EST

Got they same run around with att they are a bunch of lairs just to get business!

Anne H.
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Nov 14, 2007 6:50 pm EST

Just some insider tips on the best way to get your rebate:
1. BE POLITE. the agents are much more willing to help and push for you case more if you're polite and respectful to them. Besides, it makes the experience much less painful and frustrating for both of you!
2.Send in the form like it says and call in about 2 weeks later. If they haven't received it they can process it over the phone for you with no problem.
3. There are two different numbers for rebates: [protected] is for visa gift cards and everyone who gets a rebate after the 1st of September. Yes, some of these prompts are confusing and take you in circles, so just hit 1 for all of them and it will take you straight to someone. The other number is [protected]. This center handles all the rebate claims before september 1st of 2007.
4. Make it very clear which rebate you're looking for, especially when talking to other departments because a lot of the rebates sound the same and you might be in the entirely wrong place, which is very frustrating.
5. If you have had/done any of the following, make sure you contact the rebate center 60-65 days after you start your service to make sure everything is okay because these things can cause complications: moved, changed number, temporarily disconnected your service (you have to have service for 60 days to get the rebate, as it says on the post card and in the policies), received a credit...for anything really (a lot of the credits att issues nowadays aren't recognizable by the system that scans for equipment credits so it causes a lot of problems), or had a defective modem so sent it back and received a new one. Checking for these things as soon as they show up within the 60-65 day area is the quickest way to getting them solved.
6. Know NOW that if you did not order your equipment directly through att (over the phone or in an att store) and instead got it through another company's store (for instance, best buy) that you are not eligible for a rebate through att but through that store if they have a rebate for you. Also remember that you are required to have the service for 60 DAYS or you're not eligible.
7. Escalations take 4-6 weeks. Plain and simple. When the agent says they're making an escalation for you, ask for the case ID number. Also be aware that what that means is that the rebate center is sending the rebate to a completely different department of att who has to research the claim, verify it with att corporate and send it back to the rebate center. That's why it takes as long as it does. There's no way to change that and although it's very frustrating, it's the best the rebate center has the ability to do. Most of the time it will approve occasionally it will not. If it does not, then the rebate center is contractually not allowed to escalate it again and you must go to customer service to get take out your claim.
8. If you call in and the rep says that they received your postcard but information was missing, this is true. What it means is that the billing department didn't send them your information for the rebate and so all the info. and so all the info they have is what was sent on the postcard. NO, the billing department agents cannot fix them, so there's no point in calling them. YES, it can be fixed through an escalation. This is one of the reasons you should call in that 60-65 day period, to find out if your info is 100% not coming, though usually the agent will escalate early before that time to get your claim going (this is one of the reasons to be patient and polite with the agent).
9. If you call and the agent says that they couldn't find ANY of your information, this is also true. Make sure, however, they try a few different ways to check the system than just your phone number. Have them search by your last,first name. This slows the system slightly so be patient while they're waiting for the results. If they still can't find it then you must call the billing department. The trick to this is most of the billing department doesn't have any clue what to do about it. Request to speak to one of their supervisors and if still unresolved have them 3-way the rebate department.
10. If you request to speak with a supervisor and you're told that they don't have any supervisors taking calls on the floor, this is true also. ATT pays that department so much for incoming calls, outgoing calls, and supervisor calls/call-backs, so the supervisors are not contractually allowed to take calls on the floor. The supervisors will also only be able to tell you exactly what the agent told you, though their answer might sound more intelligible or understandable. Call backs are permitted and do occur within 24-72 hours. Usually they call back around the same time the request was placed. However, you can request a better time and a better phone number for them to reach you at.
11. If you call in and the agent tells you that your check has been mailed a while back, this is most of the time true. Some times agents will see that it's verifying, which means that the check should be mailed out about a week from that time. The trick is "verifying" is the stage where they either approve or deny you. this is that 60-65 day period in which you should call. If you are denied in that stage and were told the check was mailed then you were merely pre-mis-informed. Yes, not your fault. Yes, frustrating nonetheless. If it was mailed and you never receive it then the rebate center can send you a new one. If you want to go to a different address than the one their database has then it will take 4-6 weeks to get to you. If you want it to go to the same address it will take 2-3 weeks to get to you. It takes 4-6 weeks when changed because they have to make sure it's a valid address and therefore must contact billing and att corporate and then, once approved, make the check and mail it out again, after canceling the first check. the 2-3 weeks is because they have to cancel the old check, make a new one, and send it out. Remember it takes 5-7 BUSINESS (mon-fri) days to reach you. It is also best to wait about another week after that. It is fully in the hands of the US mail when it's been mailed, so be patient.This includes US Mail returns. Those mean that the US mail had trouble locating your address and therefore sent it back to us. These need to be escalated and take about 4-6 weeks.
12. If you are told by an agent that the case is uncommon and that they therefore need to email it to the supervisors, this is most probably true. It usually only takes 2 weeks to get those type of situations fixed, though a few end up in escalations so they take about 4-6 weeks.
13. If you want to speak with the same agent you spoke to last time (for whatever reason) you can ask for the agents extension number. All agents have one. You should also make a note of what time/day their working so they're not off when you call in next.
14. Don't call the agents liars. Very rarely do the agents lie, and calling them liars will actually encourage them to. Agents can be very helpful and cut a lot of corners if you call at the right times and have reasonable requests ("I WANT MY REBATE CHECK TOMORROW OR AT THE LATEST BY THIS FRIDAY!" would not be consider a reasonable request). If you're rude they can easily do nothing, though dishonest.
15. If you are told your rebate expired it most likely has. Before blowing up a storm however, ask the agent if their postcard was accidentally placed in a similar account (usually in the account of the old owner of your number or in an old rebate account you had) because those can be escalated (4-6 weeks) and fixed. If they still say no there's honestly not much the rebate center can do. If you track the postcard you sent in, then you can fax it to them (they'll give you the number) and most likely you'll get your rebate. If you didn't (which, frankly, is more common by far) than the only thing you can do is take it up with billing/customer care.
16. NO, the rebate agents can NOT transfer you to other departments. It may sound ridiculous, but it falls under the contractual agreements regarding the different pay for different calls. The rebate agents, however, usually have the correct numbers to send you to, so be patient and take the help they can offer.

***The above is mostly for the rebate center that handles everyone before 9/1/07

17.A hint for the post 9/1/07 calls. Make sure you call [protected]. Hit 1 for all of the prompts (I know it sounds dumb and that att should fix it, but for now, that's the only way to get through). Remember to do this even if it sounds wrong. when you get an agent tell them you're looking for your visa gift card even if you're certain what you're looking for is called your equipment rebate. This will get them to look into their system without throwing a fit or sending you away. Once they've looked you up they'll find you and you'll be taken care of.

A quick wrap-up:
-be polite
-call about 2-3 weeks after you sent it to make sure it was received
-call around the 60-65 day mark to make sure it was approved after verifying so if it wasn't the problem can be fixed as soon as possible
-be patient
-remember it takes 10-12 weeks (though normally only about 8) to get the rebate and that escalations take 4-6 weeks.

***I know calling at the recommended times is causing some of you to wonder why the heck you should have to call for the rebate THEY promised YOU. the truth is you don't have to call. But calling at those two times and remembering the amount of time it takes for certain processes will save you from having to spend 6 hours or whatever people said they spent on the phone, later.

Hope this helped. Trust me, an extremely large majority of customers get their rebate in the end, it just takes longer depending on the situation and of course no one hears about all the easily and quickly received rebates. Just the bad ones.

john doe
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Nov 14, 2007 10:04 pm EST

FYI Christi Smith I work at the AT@T rebate processing centre and they are payed out as visa gift cards.(it says so on ANY rebate form) . and trust me your 300 dollar rebate for activating 3 lines is as much of a pain for us in the rebate centre as it is for you. (except of course were not out $300) and we do our very best to get them out to customers. Also, the store many store reps need to learn how to read as well. As far as Im concerned giving out the incorrect rebate form is not acceptable. I understand how it could happen but not when I get +or - 20 rebates a day that need to be corrected. Then again if everything ran perfectly I wouldn't have a job. If anybody has any questions feel free to call and ask or just post them here.

Veronica CA
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Nov 16, 2007 1:49 pm EST

11/16/07 I've been going through this for months, now, AT&T's favorite answer is 8-10 weeks.

The rebate center then transfers me to another department that can't help me with the rebate...

Sujay Bangarulingam
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Nov 18, 2007 1:30 pm EST

Some people were lucky at least you got some internet connection, but I was never able to get the modem let alone the rebate, repeated calls to ATT will be directed to the collections department for payment, ATT is good at collecting money but not providing service!

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Nov 21, 2007 8:33 am EST

I have a friend who set in his rebate card 12 WEEKS AGO and still no rebate! The card was received but now the site shows NO status. Luckily, he took a screen shot. AT&T's latest excuse is that a "bad" set of rebate checks went out, banks were refusing them. Was told to to give it more weeks. This is becoming a scandal. Habitual liars!

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Nov 22, 2007 12:28 pm EST

Update: I talked to my friend last night -- 11/21/07 -- and I can tell you he has NEVER read one word about a VISA gift card... NOT ONE WORD! His order was for a ATT/YAHOO EXPRESS DSL line 3 MONTHS ago. And, the rebate center said a ton of checks were not being accepted by banks due to printing errors. EXCUSES! I find it suspicious that there is talk of a gift card by some posters. Could you people be working for AT&T?

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Nov 22, 2007 7:09 pm EST

I had gone thru bad phase in my life struggling to get the mailing rebate of $50 which is the ATT's promotion plan of Equipment rebate on the Yahoo High speed Internet service agreement. I mailed the rebate forms and was able to track the details on their site, but once it was due, i called them and the customer representative lied that the check was mailed according to their records and now they would cancel that check and issue a new one this would take 3 weeks t cancel and 2 weeks to deliver. Its been past 6 months and there is no change. Though the equipment is too expensive i am not sure if I could have purchased another router from any of the store for half the price and would have been more merrier. Now, I would like to know from this complaint board whether any of our friends here have been eventually successful in getting the rebate, either thru complaint petition or otherwise, if yes, then I would be glad if they share there opinions.

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