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DISH Network review: dishonorable business practices 51

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

(I've sent this to the BBB, Attorney General's office and a few newspapers. I want to get the word out)

I have been a customer of Dish Network company for over five years. I telephoned them on February 21, 2007 (yesterday) and asked if I had a standing commitment to continue service with them. The employee I spoke with put me hold, checked my records, came back on the telephone and informed me that I did not. I asked again, “Are you sure? I need to positively verify this as I am planning to enlist the services of another satellite company and intend to cancel your service.” The employee further assured me that I did not have any commitment with them any longer.

With that information supplied to me by Dish Network, which I trusted to be truthful and correct, I arranged for another satellite company to come to install their system, which they did today, February 22, 2007.

After the other company finished installing their satellite equipment and left my home, I telephoned Dish Network to cancel my account with them. The first person, with whom I spoke, verified apparent notes on his computer, that indeed I do not have a commitment with them. However, they needed to transfer my call, or so they said, in order to cancel my service. I was put on hold for a very long time, approximately 30 or 40 minutes until they caused the telephone to disconnect.

I called back. After waiting on hold for what seemed an eternity, listening to repetitious music, they then informed me that I have a commitment with them for another six and a half months and if I cancel, I will owe them $13.33 per month remaining in that time frame, which amounts to $86.65.

I objected, naturally, informing them of my telephone conversation yesterday with one of their employees. I went through the whole story again with someone else. (You can never talk to the same person twice) I asked to speak to a supervisor and was put on hold again for approximately twenty minutes. Altogether, I was on the telephone for approximately an hour and a half and all to no avail. I was told, point blank, that no supervisors were responding.

Therefore, I explained the whole story again to yet another employee. This time, they denied having any notes that someone told me that I was not under any obligation to continue their service.

I again reiterated that they should honor the information that one of their employees gave me, regardless of whether I have six and a half months left of obligation to them. They refused to honor that. I explained that had I been given accurate information, I would not have arranged to connect with this other company yet. And still, they held fast.

They also demanded that I pack up their receiver boxes and satellite dish in boxes that they will send me by UPS. Then I am to take them to the UPS office and mail their equipment back to them. If I fail to do this, there will be an exorbitant monetary penalty. I am dumb struck as to why I should have to do their work for them, using my time and effort to package these items. I am a senior citizen and I am appalled at their aggressive behavior.

To sum it up, although I may have had a commitment with them and I had nothing in writing about the telephone conversation, (big mistake that I should know better than to make)I feel that Dish Network displayed very dishonorable, immoral and despicable business practices. These practices clearly manifest themselves in this company’s mistreatment of customers, with untruthful, incorrect and inconsistent information, resulting in my having to pay for two services for another six and a half months. Had I received a straightforward answer yesterday, that I am indeed committed for another six and a half months, I would not have signed up with the other company until those six and a half months were past. I am extremely displeased with this ineffective and dishonorable company.

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John Doe
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Feb 26, 2007 4:10 pm EST

Dish Network are SCAMSTERS and their business practices resemble the infamous "bait and switch" camera/video shops of Brooklyn. I signed up for a "Gold HD package" last year, the price was to be $49.99 for an entire year. After only two months, they changed their pricing scheme and raised prices (without any prior notice) and now they want $72.99 per month for the very same service. This is illegal, this is a scam,we should organize a class-action lawsuit and take on these ###s.

Loretta Darrillo
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Mar 15, 2007 2:36 pm EDT

DISH Network is the worst, hands down, when it comes to automated phone service. I've gone through the phone system instruction seven times in an attempt to resolve my technical problem. This annoying automated male voice asks me, after pressing the correct number for technical support, to "check the batteries on your remote." I do so, because I don't want to appear scatterbrained in the opinion of the automated voice. God forbid. Batteries good.

The voice begins each sentence or question with 'Okay...' or "Let's see..." in an apparent attempt to ingratiate me. I did a reboot. I reset the remote. I went through this each of the seven times I've called. I even had a new receiver sent to replace what I assumed was a broken receiver. Not the problem.
For my last foray into the beloved world of customer service, the human person (for whom I waited an astounding 46 minutes) told me I must go through the steps by phone before a technician is sent, or pay the price out-of-pocket for the call, which is $29.95 per hour, including drive time. I refused to go through the steps yet again. I asked to have a technician sent and reminded them of my warranty. I overheard this actual human person, Tiffany, speaking to another actual human person about how she finally "did" her brother's friend, and hopes no one finds out. I was almost so bored with the aforementioned 46 minutes of mind-numbing phone hell to actually care about her sex life. Really. She returns to the line to tell me that I will have to speak to a supervisor. This sounds like a fabulous idea to me. Then, dead line. Ooops, we were cut off. Damn, I won't find out who was on top and if they cuddled afterwards. I call back. This time, after chatting with automated Dish Man, a conversation sprinkled with my, "Sure thing, co*ksu*ker!" to his cheerful requests, I get a human in 22 minutes. I note that this is less than half of my original wait. I count my blessings. I tell this new human, who has just completed a weeklong community course in English as a Second Language, that for two months I've been experiencing the same problem, and I need help. I want a human to come to my home. I remind her that I’m still under warranty and throw in that DishMan has called me a valued customer at least twenty times. She is unimpressed, but schedules the human technician after two jaunts of "Um, hold on a minute...I need to,… um,...just hold on, okay?" She schedules the service call. I rejoice in that fact that although I’ve used foul language with automated DishMan, I’ve kept my actual conversations with the humans quite professional; cordial even. “Thanks for your help, honey-dumplin, I’ll be home on Thursday awaiting my technician!” (No, I didn’t SAY ‘honey-dumplin,’ I only thought it.)

I’m supposed to have a technician here between 8 am and noon today. I mean "was supposed to have..." I called in at 12:30pm to the automated system only to be told by DishMan, "Okay, I see that you have a service call scheduled for (second automated voice; this time female) Thursday, March 15th, 8 am to 12 pm. (now back to male voice) Please continue to wait for the allotted time." Then I’m rerouted to the main menu. Okay, I think, perhaps they meant Eastern time. Cool. I think I'm being quite reasonable, considering that I'm a bit limited to television programming because I live in a remotely rural area. I am also not afforded the luxury of finding and killing DishMan with my bare hands, but I digress. Now, it’s 2:40. I’ve called back, spoken to a human (31 minutes this time) and, while I didn’t use an epithet, I did become belligerent. They tell me the technician is “en route.” He must be flying right behind the monkeys that are exiting my a $$.

Me Me
Brampton, CA
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Aug 16, 2007 12:32 pm EDT

Well Dish does suck, i switched from direct tv, to dish and in 48 hours i didn't like it so i switch back and dish charges me 300 for early termination, i said i don't like it and there pretty much like tough ###, try that on, dish sucks and i hate them...

Plantation, US
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Oct 30, 2007 5:21 am EDT

I am a customer from Dish Network for almost 2 years now. I don't have any connection problems, but I do experiencing very poor customer service care, Billing disputes, excessive fees charged into my account.

Poor attitude from Dish Network representatives and supervisors. They do not clarify OR even try your questions about your account with them.

I am frustrated and disappointed with this Company. I think we all should joint and start a 'Class Action' against Dish Network.

Plantation, US
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Oct 30, 2007 5:25 am EDT

I agree let's do it! They are giving me such a hard time as a customer. I am so tired and frustrated! Someone has to do something about it.

steve jureski
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Nov 16, 2007 11:29 am EST

A good tip. When dish overcharges you on your credit or debit card call the number on the back of the card. I did this and visa put the disputed money back in my account and some overdraft charges caused by dish the same day and after the investigation got dish to the cancel the charge. Visa said we dont' let dish network do that.

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Dec 22, 2007 6:21 pm EST

Stop complaining, you USAns always complain.

An upset Dish customer
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Jan 01, 2008 12:00 am EST

We need a CLASS ACTION against Dish Network.

I just had some horrible experience on New Year day of 2008 after receiving my statement of Dish for December 2008. It is a long but very frustrating story. Let me start from the statement of November 2008.

I received November statement with $21.95 charge for PPV (pay per view). I called Dish right away regarding this charge. Same old story as you all know: Dish was not going to refund me. The caveat here was that I recently purchased an international Dish package for my in-laws who live in a room with a dedicated TV (blue remote control). They do not even understand English. They were trying to learn how to use the remote control and I thought they probably mistakenly push some buttons that cause me $21.95 in November.

Okay, let’s move on. I called the Dish and was taught how to set password to lock it up. I set up everything in my green remote (The main one as I only have one receiver but 2 remote controls) and I even asked the tech people who told me that as long as I set up lock in the main (green) remote, my blue remote should be locked too automatically. Sounds settled?

Not really and even worse, I got the bill for this month (December) and have again extra charge of $52.95 for PPV. The funny thing is that all 5 PPV movies were charged at the same day. I called Dish on this New Year day and they basically would not refund all. After talking with the supervisor, I realized that I can use remote control and website to log in and look for PPV purchasing activity. To my very surprise, it turned out that there is a total of extra $142 to be billed in next cycle. There were 7 PPV of $11.99, 6 PPV of $8.99 and 1 of $3.99. The funnies thing is that all of them are charged between December 27-30. It seems even funnier that I had ordered 3-4 movies, even the same one in 2-4 hour of period. However, Dish is not able to refund most of them. Dish really wanted me to believe that I watched 5-6 movies in 3-4 hours period. They even told me that I could order a lot and watched them later one by one-pretty smart for Dish, Ah? Sure, Dish wanted me to believe that I am pretty ###ed. Basically Dish will make me pay a little less than I would have to pay if I would elect to terminate this contract-smart ###, Ah?

It turned out that I have a pre-teen who likes to hide in another room and change TV channels in grandparents’ room to surprise them. Sure kids are naïve and I probably have to pay for the price. The reason why I am upset about Dish is that they want me to believe that someone has ordered half dozen movies in the same day while some of the movies are even identical. Sure they want to act as a smart ###. I have never ordered any PPV during my 1.5 years with Dish. Suddenly I paid more than $200 in the last week of 2007 for all the PPV movies-Merry Christmas-Dish Network! Someone needs to see a psychiatrist!

It turned out that when I locked the green one last time after I had to pay for the first PPV, I had actually NOT done anything on blue remote which was the problem causing all my PPV fees. I called the Dish today and another tech told me some extra fact. Old dish remotes work that way. As long as you lock up the main green one, your blue one will be locked too. Then Dish heard some complain saying that customers want 2 remotes locked separately since they want the main one in living room locked but the private one in bedroom unlocked-well, makes sense too.

What I have complained to Dish is that their tech people whom I talked to at the first time insisted that I should be okay with only locking up the green one since the blue one will also be locked by default action of the green main one. I asked Dish to search phone record of that conversation but they said they do not have it. That is why I am saying they are a big fat liar by not telling the technical truth of their remote control. The bad thing for me is that this international package is not available in other carrier. Otherwise I would dump Dish tonight.

BY ALL MEANS, I would like to hear from other Dish customers so we can try to ask for a class action against Dish. I am also going to report my case to local newspaper, media, business bureau and government. Meanwhile I will call Dish time by time and tell them that I am spreading this piece of “Good” news for them until they stop those bad business practice.

PLEASE SAVE ALL YOUR STATEMENT and we will have some fun with Dish.

An upset Dish customer

Ron Reeves
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Jan 21, 2008 12:00 am EST

07/06:Upgraded from standard definition to hi-def service.Contacted Dish for disposition of old SD receiver. Reply-would send return shipping kit. Kit never received,contacted Dish again-Reply-"Don't worry about it".Odd! Stored old SD receiver 3 months to assure wasn't charged for it, then discarded the receiver.

11/07: Canceled Dish contract. Dished informed me they would send shipping kit for return of HD receiver & LNB. I received the kit and returned the items. Two weeks later I received another kit, supposed it was a duplicate.

01/08: Received a Dish bill for $200; 1 LNB & 1 SD receiver!Contacted Dish. Their reply- No recourse, owed the bill. Contacted Dish again telling them they could check the bill of lading to prove I shipped the LNB. That charge was rescinded. I then was transferred to a supervisor then to an exec on the SD receiver charge. Her explanation: My conversations of 07/06 did not relieve me of liability. They assumed I was still using the old receiver. The second shipping kit I received in 11/07 was for the SD receiver. They were partially correct about their assumption; I used the old SD receiver 3 months for a boat anchor.

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Jun 09, 2008 8:05 am EDT

I have the similar story. I have been a Dish customer for past 7 years. Just the other day I called thm to ask why I am not getting local channels in HD even though I have been paying for them for past 2 years. I was told that they need to replace my Dish to mpeg4 version and they made an appointment for Friday. Friday came I received a call that they were really busy today so is possible to re-schedule for Saturday. Reluctently I agreed to screwe off my Saturday. I sat and waited all Saturday and no one showed up. I called Dish and was told no one had my appointment. I was furious and tried to cancel my service. After a long discussion and aplogies I decided to give them another chance at the promice that someone will be there on Monday. Well, Monday came a technician showed up but told me that my roof is too steep and she cannot climb it. My house is a standard colonial in Chicago land area. I was told that she needs to go to another job and didn't know when they can come back. I called again Dish and spoke to a customer service supervisor. She apologized agian and promised that a install team's manager will call me with 5 minutes and set something up. It has been 4 hours and no one has called. I think I will cancle them.

Joe McAllister
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Jun 30, 2008 5:28 pm EDT

I had to move from Jenner, California this April to Everett, Washington. I knew when I was going to move, so I called Dish about 30 days before and told them the move date, and asked to be sent a box or label to return my HD-DVR. No box arrived. I called a few days before the move and said I only needed a label, as I had packed the receiver in it's original box. I gave them my new address in Washington. I will say that they did NOT charge me for canceling my account early, as they agreed they could not provide internet and phone service with TV in Everett, while Comcast could.

About two weeks after I had moved and taken the receiver with me, I received a forwarded carbon copy post card from UPS telling Dish they could pick the (empty) box up in Santa Rosa, as I no longer lived there. I called Dish again, gave them the new address again (it was not in my account) and asked that a label or box be sent to me. A week later I received a second carbon copy post card forwarded from Jenner telling me the same thing, that the customer had moved and to pick up the box in Santa Rosa.

At that point I called Dish again, and asked for a supervisor. I had him repeat back to me all the information I gave him to get me a box here in Everett. I had to do that because my account still had no record of my new address.

Soon, the box arrived. I unpacked the receiver from it's original box and boxed it into their carton, applied their pre-printed UPS label, and dropped it off at a UPS approved shipping point.

A week later, while checking my bank account, I saw a $2.00, then a $23.85 debit from Dish. The next day they took out $384.34. (I had more than sufficient funds for the whole amount the first day).

It had taken them more than 75 days to get me a shipping box, yet after my final phone call about it they had immediately debited my checking account for more than $400.

I spent more than 5 hours today trying to get that money refunded to me, only to hear the same song over and over. We're so very sorry for your inconvenience, but equipment not returned within 30 days must be paid for.

And, because I merely applied their UPS label and dropped the box off at a local UPS shipper, and therefor had no tracking number, they could not refund the money until they received the receiver. They apparently do not keep a record of the customers shipping label numbers that they print, only those they use to get the empty box to you.

I asked how could I possibly get the equipment back to them within 30 days if they could not get me a box or at least a label to ship the equipment back to them within 75 days.

They're "so sorry for my trouble", but not so sorry that a 66 year old on a fixed income has to do without $400 for 3 to 4 weeks.

Very frustrating dealing with overseas representatives who have their hands tied (they cannot call other departments, like shipping, who would have the reference numbers from the labels that were printed for me)(And shipping, by the way, does not take calls!) I never did get to speak with anyone who was in the USA, or could have seen the folly of their service and helped me.

Not only here, but wherever I can, I will trumpet the failings of organization within Dish/EchoStar, and the lack of customer service they exhibit.

Pasadena, US
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Aug 01, 2008 7:59 pm EDT

We have been so totally screwed by Dish Network! It all started about four months ago when we decided to upgrade to HD (and the highest, most expensive HD tier) because we discovered that Dish Networks carried the Voom HD channels including Monsters HD, which was a channel that we really loved. After about only a month of HD service (with poor picture quality), Dish Network suddenly and without warning pulled all of the Voom HD channels from their service. We work up one day and turned on the TV and discovered that these channels were gone. In there place were a few new HD channels that are much cheesier (and not as good), along with a few new HD feeds of "basic channels" that didn't look any better than the SD feeds.

We finally decided to drop the HD channels completely, since there were no longer any channels offered that were really good. But, strangely enough, Dish insisted on still charging us $7.00 a month just for the privelege of having an HD receiver, even though we no longer received any HD channels!

And it gets worse. We were long-time subscribers to Dish Networks' Club Jenna adult channel, which we really enjoyed watching. Then again, suddenly and without warning, Dish dropped the hardcore feed of Club Jenna (July of 2008), opting instead to carry the softer core feed of Club Jenna, which is not as good and is heavily edited (poorly) with shorter movies that are not as erotically stimulating. We tried watching movies on Club Jenna for the entire month of July before we finally realized that something was wrong. I contacted Spice Networks/Club Jenna to complain about their recent poor programming changes and they informed me that Dish Network had given us the old switcheroo, changing the Club Jenna feed to a softer feed (a.k.a. "boring")

I feel like Dish Network has given us the "bait-and-switch" at least three times now, and I am totally disgusted with their inconsiderate and unscrupulous business practices.

s thom
Jacksonville, US
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Aug 03, 2008 5:29 am EDT

I ordered a dish from Dish Network for 19.99, with locals for another 5.99 totaling 24.99, in speaking with the sale person she asked if I wanted a DVD recorder I said no I already have one, forgive me she didn't ask she said that I would get a DVD recorder I asked what was that!, she explain, I told her I didn't need that, than she said I would get 100 channels, I asked how much was that she said something like 39.99, I told her that I didn't want that, I just wanted the family package for 19.99, she acted like she didn't hear me, so I said it again, she than said I could call and down grade. They came to install on 08/2/08 the man said he wanted to know what room I wanted the recevier in, I pointed him to my den. At the end of this situation he gave me all this paper work to sign, I became confused, the contract didn't sit well with me so I told him I wasn't going to sign it, so he told me I didn't have to sign it and they left in a hurry, he did tell me that I needed to call the 1800# Customer Service number, so I did and this is when I found out that I would be billed 39.99, plus 5.99 for the Dvd. I told the customer Service rep that I didn't order it, she told me that I allow the installer to install and to leave, I in turn told her that I didn't know what he what he was installing he told me that he needed to install a receiver . The long and short of this story is they will not come back out and remover it, if they do it will cost me 50.00 to remove something that I didn't order in the first place, I called again and ask to speak with their supervisor she came on the phone saying the same thing, that I allow him to install it and that I allow him to leave, I called again and again each time they would put me on hold and never come back to the phone. This is the worse business dealing I have ever had with a company, stealing money from people, lying to get business and making you seem like you are the bad person in this situation, now am in this situation for the next Two years, because they will not come back out and if I cancel they will charge my credit card 200.00

mom of 4
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Aug 06, 2008 9:54 pm EDT

hey, i am a mom of 4 small children ages 6, 5, 3 and 4 months. we have been getting outragous charges of xxx ppv movies on our last 3 or 4 statements. we are in debt of $500 plus on porn movies that we would never even think about renting but dish tells us they have to be our charges. we are in the same situation where some of the movies are rented around 2:30 in the afternoon and some 5:00 a.m and accasionally more than one with in a few hour time span. i know one thing for sure at 2:30 in the afternoon my husband is at work and I had better be taking a nap with my kids. and you had better believe that once we get to bed we are not going to be up by 5 for an early am pornathon the only time during the night you are getting us out of bed is if one of the babies is crying. we have called and had them lock our ppv and argued and fought wiht them over taking them off of our bill but like yourself, they just talk to us like we are dumb as hell and have no idea what we are talking about they say there is no way someone else could have ordered the movies because they would have to have our phone # well, how hard is that to get a hold of! lots of the time the movies are rented on nights or days when we are no where around the house or gone for the weekend somewhere and even though we have people who can vouge for that and have told dish network that they still don't believe us. we don't know if we should pay the porn charges or what to do. we are an average struggling american family, sometimes it is hard to even keep food on the table and buy diapers and formula i surely could think of a lot better things that dirty movies to spend 500 dollars on . let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for me. thanks, mom of 4

Ken Cullen
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Oct 03, 2008 10:31 pm EDT

I am too pissed off to even begin to express my displeasure towards dish network. After being promised local netoworks, I recieved local channels for about 30 days, after which, they removed CBS locally (I watch SEC Football) and they had no answer for me. Screwed once. I kept the service for the remainder of my contract, then disconnected and went with cable. I recieved the boxes to return my equipment yesterday and then today I noticed a $600.00 equipment charge on my Checking account. Screwed twice) Nowhere in my contract is this specified. After HOURS on the phone with dish network, all they could say was "we are sorry that you feel this way." Please, everyone stay away from dish network! It is a total scam! My family really needed that money! Dish network took it!

Georgetown, US
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Feb 12, 2009 12:40 pm EST

Infinity Sales Group, LLC - performs installations for Dish Network
I was a victim of infinity group yesterday and I was so mad I called Dish Network directly to complain. Guess what? After being transferred 3 times I spoke to someone who identified herself as Executive account manager and she gave me a $100 credit on my account for the gas card I never received (I should have said the card was $200 (lol)). If enough of you call and hold Dish network accountable and they spend enough money, they will stop doing business with low-lifes like Infinity group and put them out of business for good!

I also filed a complaint online with the Better Business Bureau.

CALL DISH NETWORK NOW! and let them know how pissed off you are and that you are not going to stand for it.

Overland Park, US
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Aug 25, 2009 3:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow! I'm glad I read all of these. I will never go with them. The only reason we went with a different service when we moved into our new home about 4 months ago was that Dish Network wanted us to sign a contract and I refuse to do that. I won't even sign a contract for cell phone service. Thank you all for posting. I will heed these warnings.

Beverly Hills, US
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Feb 22, 2010 9:11 pm EST

Do not order dish network...after just a few months of service they will drastically hike up your monthly charge and since your in a contract you have to pay! Their customer service is horrible ! I hate this company!

Richlands, US
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Mar 18, 2010 3:49 pm EDT

I an my husband are being charged for a reciever we returned 2 years ago. Come to find out they have been charging us and extra 6 dallors a month. My husband has been fighting them on and off for a while now becuase we didn't know we were being charged this extra 6 dallors and they waited until we had already moved a few times an no longer had the information to prove we sent the reciever back to them. Now we are about to be charged a $100 for a reciever that they have somewhere.

Drasco, US
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May 03, 2010 11:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On April 29, 2010, I called Dish Network because I was having trouble receiving certain channels that are part of my package. I went through all the trouble-shooting with the Tech support. Nothing worked. Then I was told that I would need a Tech to come to my house. That I would be charged $15.00 for the Tech to come out and fix whatever the problem may be. At first, I didn't understand how could I be charged a fee when I pay $6.00 a month for what Dish Network calls a "Service Plan" for if there is anything that happens to "ANY" of the Equipment it could be replaced and/or fixed with out any further charges. So I thought since I all ready pay a $6.00 fee a month that having a Tech come to my house would be covered. I was wrong. So you pay $6.00 a month and $15.00 every time you need a Tech to come out. Since, I felt that the $6.00 a month is not worth having if it don't help cover cost of any equipment malfunction and Tech Support coming out to the house, I wanted to cancel paying for something that would not be working for me. Then I was told that if I didn't keep the "Service Plan" and keep paying the $6.00 a month I would be charged $95.00 Every time a Tech would need to come out to my house. So I decided that I would need to keep paying the $6.00 a month because I can not afford a $95.00 bill on top of what I pay a month to Dish Network. Also, I decided to go ahead and let a Tech come out to the house to resolve what ever issue the Equipment was having. I agreed to go ahead and be charged the $15.00 on top of my monthly bill. Which is $57.48. So my total should have been $72.48. I was wrong. Because on top of the $15.00 Service Charge I had to pay, I also got charged $1.14 in tax for the service fee. At this point I am so angry with Dish Network. I want to cancel the service with them. But, again I have been reminded that I would have to pay $400.00 dollars just to get out of the contract with them. Dish Network really knows how to stick it to someone. I am disabled and on fixed income. This is bad business. I can't believe a company is able to charge on top of another charge then tax it. I am just blown away by this. Because I have always liked Dish Network. It's sad to see business's treat people this way. That is why America is in the state that it is in because of bad business. Please any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I have paid all these charges even though I don't think they are right. My current amount due is : $0.00. I keep my account in good standing. But, If I continue to be treated badly by Dish Network then I will cancel with them and since I am disabled I don't care about my credit at this point. Thanks for listening.

I just want to know if these charges are justifiable ? Is it okay to be charged on top of another charge and then be taxed on top of the other charge ? Does this sound like fair business to you ? Would you keep this service if this is how you were to be treated ? Nothing makes sense with Dish Network and their so called "Charges". So I think it fully needs to be investigated. I also think Dish Network should be more fair and honest about "ALL" their Charges. Don't continue to do bad business it just turns people away. This whole experience has left me feeling really bad about Dish Network. All I am asking for is Fairness and Honesty from this company.

Johnny J
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Jun 13, 2010 2:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dish networks' company policy is shifting toward less response to customer complaints. They have several formulas they use to figur how much they are accepted as ok by most customers and therefore how much they can ignore others and let them fall by the wayside. Any custoemr service rep that spends too long actually trying to sort out one of their horrendous [censor]ups is counseled severely to not spend so mych time on the phone. There are hundreds of sales reps--most contracted out--that are ignorant and/or greedy enough to just outright misinform the customers to get them off the phone, and then front line agents who are too poorly trained to deal with the complaints so that the problems get bigger, mand about the third or fourth time you call you finally get someone who knows what they are doing but they end up spending the time to help out but get punished for spending the time! The Phillipines agents get paid about 1/4 as much but it takes 3 of them to do the job right that one good agent could have done the first time. Phillipines probably don't get the bennefits either. Not to mention the Indian agents. Starting today, if you call for tech support after midnight you will be talking to someone in India or the Phillipines. Good Luck!

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Jun 16, 2010 6:02 pm EDT

I ordered Dish last Tuesday (June 8) and was billed $26 for the first month (free installation). I agreed to $26/month until the 2nd year. I was supposed to have them install on Friday between 12-5. They called at 5:30 pm and said it would be more like 8:30 pm. I waited until 9:30 pm and called customer service. They told me they were going to put a not on my account to set up service in the morning (the next day, Saturday).

I called Saturday morning to see what time they were coming out and they claimed they had no available slots. After dealing with them for about 45 minutes I, reluctantly, agreed to have them come out the next day (Sunday) from 8-noon. At 12:30 with no call and no show I got on the phone again with customer service. They told me they would not be available today and nothing was set up in their computer for installation. I was then transferred two or three times, spoke to a "supervisor" and they said on my account there was a note that I refused service on Saturday! The day they told me they had nobody avaialbe. I was stunned. I have never dealt with a company like this before.

I was then transferred again to cancel my account. The woman offered me 2 months free service and I declined. She said I would be reimbursed my $26. I just spoke with them online so I could print of the conversation and the woman assured me I would be reimbursed and that I will not have any outstanding fees. I am nervous after reading all of these complaints that they will try and debit my account.

NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH DISH! I wish I would have done a little more research before signing up with them.

Billy Crabtree
Cohutta, US
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Jun 27, 2010 11:54 am EDT

Dish Network SUCKS and I am fixing to call the better business bureau on monday about my account!

Billy Crabtree
Cohutta, US
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Jun 27, 2010 12:00 pm EDT

Dish Network called me a week ago to see when I would making my payment, I have been a valued customer since 2005 and even before that. They have been playing this little game of switch the price game to my monthly bill long enough, plus I am supposed to be getting a military discount AND I AM NOT! The last thing that has me going is that I get paid every month from Army, and I have told these people that as soon as I get my check I will pay it up but they always turn it off right before I get paid so that I have to pay the late fee and or reconnect fee. Well GUESS WHAT IT ISN'T GOING TO BE LIKE THAT AGAIN I WILL CONTACT BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU ON MONDAY AND WE WILL SEE ABOUT ALL THESE FEES!

Ganges, CA
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Jun 27, 2010 12:01 pm EDT

wow. so many unhappy customers. direct tv will be pleased.

Casa, US
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Aug 10, 2010 5:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dish Network is crooked and there should be a class action suit against them! They have poor business practices and flat out lie.
In 2004 I leased 2 receivers and a dish on a promotion they were having for first time customers. Dish Network handled the set up. A couple of months later I PURCHASED 2 receivers which came with a dish as a kit. I set up the receivers myself. A year later my home was broken into while I was on vacation. The thieves took one of the leased receivers on one of the purchased receivers. I called dish to have the stolen receivers deactivated. Since I did not know the RO numbers of the receivers I told the customer rep (from New Delhi) what the RO numbers were on the 2 receivers that I still had. The rep looked up the other 2 receiver numbers on my account and gave them to me for the police report and to deactivate them so they could not be used. I then went out and PURCHASED 2 receivers to replace the ones taken of which one was a leased receiver and one was a purchased receiver. I called to have them activated and was told I would have to pay for the stolen receiver. I told the rep that I already had and I gave him the number of the one I just purchased. I was very frustrated when he told me that 2 receivers were leased and I would have to pay for them. He spoke in such broken english I could barely make out what he was talking about so I asked for his supervisor. Her english was not much better but she explained that each receiver is different and they cannot just trade. Fine I told her, I will pay for the stolen receiver. She said her records indicated that 2 leased receivers were stolen. We argued for about half an hour until I gave in and paid with a credit card for both receivers, even though one was mine.
They then transferred me to tech support and hooked up the 2 new receivers that I purchased. So now, technically, I had one leased receiver, 3 purchased, and now had just paid for 2 that did not exist.
A couple of years later Dish Network sent out smart cards with instructions on how to install them and that it was important that each card be installed in the receiver that matched its serial number.
I followed the instructions and continued service.
In January of 2010 I unplugged 2 receivers that I was not using any more. In Feb I get an email saying that Dish Network was sending me a box for me to return their equipment since I had breached the contract by turning them off. After I received the box I called the customer service dept to straighten this out and explained the whole thing again from the purchase, robbery to the unplugging. I thought that I had a good rep this time. She spoke perfect english and she went through each receiver number by number with me. I told her how I had already paid for the stolen receivers and what a hassle it was. I decided to disconnect since the box was here. She talked me into going on a "vacation hold" in which I pay 5 dollars a month to keep the service active. At the end of 6 months it would re-activate automatically and I would be again billed for it. Since I was paying for 2 leased receivers I decided to go on the vacation hold and return the 2 that Dish Network claimed were leased. She gave me the numbers of the receivers to return one did not match the email Dish Network sent me. I was told not to worry about that. I did exactly as she directed including returning the remote controls. Everything was packaged and sent back as instructed. A few days later I received an email confirmation for equipment returned with the RO numbers. I was left with 2 receivers and a $5 a month hold. I paid it for 2 months then received a bill for over $200. I called customer service and was bounced around for 2 hours. Finally someone higher up the food chain came on the line and said I was being billed for not returning the equipment. We were then cut off. I called back and got a rep. I explained the whole story to him even giving him the phone name of the rep who helped me earlier in the year. He could have cared less. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was cut off. I called back and got another rep, repeated the same thing, got the same response, asked for a supervisor, got cut off.
After a couple of days I called back again, explained everything again and was told that the computer showed I did not return the original equipment and that is what I am being billed for. I became angry and told the rep to discontinue my $5 a month service and cancel my account.
A day or two later I get a notice that a box is being delivered to pick up my equipment. I looked at the RO numbers and one was for the receiver I had already returned and the other was for one I never had.
I called customer service again to find out what was going on. I was bounced around for two hours until a supervisor in one of the departments explained in broken english that I gave dish network the wrong numbers when my house had been burglarized and would still be responsible for the equipment loss. One of the reps I had spoke to earlier in the month told me I would need to produce proof of payment for the stolen equipment from 2005. I searched high and low to see if I could find any statements or credit card receipts to no avail. I did however, find the original dish network contract for the 2 leased receivers. So I was able to give the supervisor I was speaking with, the original dish numbers and tell her I had confirmation that dish had received one of them. SHE DID NOT CARE! But I have a contract, I argued. It gives the numbers of the leased equipment. At the very worst case I should only pay for one receiver even though I shouldn't! She told me unless I produced the 2 receivers I would be billed for lost equipment. I tried to reason with her that I have a receipt from dish for one of the receivers and the other one dish demanded back, I never had. She became almost as agitated as I was. My wife was sitting in the office during all of this, she was reading the documentation and could not believe that a customer service company would treat customers this way, especially ones that have been with them for so long and put up with so much.
Since they have my SS number and will turn me over to collection I have no choice but to pay them for the equipment. I know that after I do this they will bill me again and again for more fees missing parts, etc. I have a feeling this nightmare is only beginning. If you are not a dish customer yet, DON'T BECOME ONE! It is better not to watch tv than to deal with this kind of unscrupulous business.

Channahon, US
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Aug 13, 2010 1:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Here's one for the books. My brother passed away in June I have done the right thing and contacted Dish Network even faxed in the power of attorney and death cert. Ended up faxing it 3 times to the same Executive Care Department. This has been the process since July 24th. Now today Aug 13th I have found out that the 7 agents I have talked to lied to me. They stated that switching the account to my SS# wouldn't be a problem. Now Im told they have to cancel the account ( my brothers) which sure I understand but I have to drive 8 hours away and take the equipment out of his house and have it reinstalled w/possible installation fees into the same house I am supposed to take it out of. This is the most craziest thing. Not only do I have to emotionally pull myself together to do what they want I have to drive 8 hours to my brothers house which I am keeping to tear out the equipment and return it within 2 weeks of the cancellation. What kind of company is this? The supervisor at the Executive Care Dept also had the nerve to ask me why am I keeping the service if he is dead? WHAT! Then another supervisor told me a story about how if I was to lease a truck and died then the heirs would have to return it and requalify for the same lease. Once again I am struck speechless with the uncaring, demoralizing attitudes of these supervisors. I work for a major airline and would never talk to someone who lost a loved one like that. Trying to get the name of the CEO is a whole issue altogether apparently they have strict instructions not to release any information on the coporate executives and how to contact them. Thank goodness for the internet. But my question is why would Dish Network want to take the chance of loosing a paying customer when all they have to do is switch the equipement numbers over to my account which the 1 supervisor said would be in question as to if I was even qualified for. Well Dish Network I am sorry that my brother dying was an inconveince to you and your staff. I just wanted to keep the service in honor of my brother with as little disruption to my family as possible. I am willing to keep paying for the service as now the property is my summer home and future retirement home.

I hope that someone from Dish Network Reads this blog.

Denver, US
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Sep 17, 2010 1:35 pm EDT

Mr. Ergen:
I want to bring a potentially damaging situation involving Scott Brashear (sp) in Dispatch to your attention:

At 1430, on August 11, 2010, I received a call from Scott Brashear, regarding a Dispatch Supervisor role, for which he asked me to come in at 1000 the following day for "assessment testing". I advised Mr. Brashear that I'd taken some assessments for Dish Network in early 2010, and he reassured me that these were "different tests", and that I needed to complete them. Due to the short notice, he apologized. He then asked me a series of behavioral and technical questions, said he was pleased with my responses, and said he'd see me the following day. He did not provide a contact phone number, but told me to ask for him once I arrived at the River Front Center in Littleton.

The next morning, I arrived at 0945, announced myself at the lobby desk, and then patiently waited for Mr. Brashear. The receptionist told me that she had called him, and that he would be out shortly. Within a minutes, I saw a male Dish Network employee escorting a female visitor to the glass walled area behind the lobby desk. I continued waiting for Scott.

At 1035, I approached the front desk again and asked if Mr. Brashear was still going to be able to meet with me, and I also mentioned that he said I needed to take an "assessment test". The receptionist said Scott was the only one who could give the approval for the testing, and told me she would check with him. She then left the area for about 5 minutes and returned saying that he would be out shortly.

During the next 30 minutes, I continued to see the same male Dish Network employee escorting visitors in and out of the area behind the lobby desk. I also overheard him say individually to visitors, "Okay, thanks for coming in. We'll get back to you regarding the position." The male employee played out this scenario with another 3 candidates over the next 40 minutes.

At 1110, I considered that Mr. Brashear was probably too busy to see me that day, so I asked the receptionist if she could let him know that I would come back at another time if that was more convenient for him. The receptionist left the lobby and then returned to tell me that Scott would be out shortly.

At 1120, I saw the same male Dish Network employee who had been going in and out of the lobby area. However, this time he stood next to the lobby desk and stared at me for about 30 seconds. He then slowly walked towards me and said, "Suzanne?" I stood and extended my hand, introducing myself. He told me he was Scott Brashear.

Scott continued looking me up and down, and then flagrantly said, "I'm caught up in an important management meeting and snuck away to see you for just a moment." However, I watched him over the preceding 90 minutes enter and exit the lobby with at least 5 employment candidates.

I said, "Is this a bad time for you to meet with me?"

He answered, "Well, let's do it."

I asked him what he meant, and he said, "Let's reschedule the assessments and our meeting."

I told him I had time during the remainder of the week, and he said, "Good. Let me call you and arrange something." Unfortunately, he has never called back.

I tried to reach him, but was told he doesn't have a phone. I then called the main number [protected], and was instructed to contact "4" Security and ask for Recruiting. I got through to that department and was told that the message would be given to Scott Brashear, who works in Dispatch. The woman in Recruiting aske which recruiter had initially contacted me regarding the Supervisor position, and I explained that Scott was the only person who had called. She said, "That's strange. Usually, Recruiting contacts people and then sets up testing and interviews." (That has also been my experience in the past with Dish.)

Mr. Ergen, I have been out of fulltime work for quite some time, and really looked forward to interviewing for the Dispatch Supervisor role. However, Scott Brashear has removed all hopes of that happening. I suspect he called me in to see what I looked like, didn't like my appearance and then lied to me, saying he was in an "important" management meeting when, in fact, he was interviewing other candidates and parading in front of me not realizing who I was. Even though I am an exemplary team player, am highly organized and detail oriented, I've given up all hope of ever working for Dish, and just hope that you will have a few words with Mr. Brashear regarding his questionable attitude towards others.

I don’t have much hope that he’ll change his ways, but perhaps it can help Dish Network down the road.

Joe Chang
Aurora, US
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Oct 17, 2010 1:19 pm EDT

I ordered Dish Network and they came to my house between 10am and 1pm. I was not home since I KNEW I would be on vacation. I called and re-scheduled. Again, on the appointed day, I was not home. They charged my credit card the monthly rate even though I did not have the equipment installed yet. Since I work for the credit card issuing company, I went into the batch-ncc account and backed-out the charge on my credit card and CREDITED my credit card $250.00. I then changed my account to LOST CARD and re-sent this into the system.

A week later, I did allow the installer to install the equipment. Since I am not "American" looking, I acted as if I did not speak english very well. It took the installer THREE hours since I was asking dem to repet what they say.


I got my bill for $95 for installing and the monthly charge notice as well as a mention that I need to update my credit card.

A week later I found my new card in the mail from the credit card company.

I called the credit card company and cancelled this NEW card. Cancelled my account all together.

I called DISH and told them I was cancelling. They told me they were going to charge me $400 to early terminate my account. I told them to go ahead and charge me. They mentioned the credit card was bad. They asked for a new account to use. I put them on hold.

A week later they sent me a letter. I called. I put them on hold.

They sent me a threat letter that they are going to turn this over to collections.

They are asking for their equipment back. They sent me UPS boxes. I placed baby diapers (used) and a dead squirell in one box and dog poop in the other.

I called the PICKUPS and they picked it up.

A collection company sent me the standard letter. I called them. I worked with them and then asked if I could put them on hold.

The collection company sent a second letter saying they are going to damage my credit.

I had given them a bogus social that banks use to test certain systems so they will find they cannot damage anything.

I sold the DISH equipment at a flea market to a dude who can hack them and get FREE Dish.

I made $100.

DISH network made me $500.00

Indialantic, US
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Jul 09, 2023 8:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Joe Chang

Good for you! LOL!

Sanderson, US
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Dec 06, 2010 10:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've had Dish Network for years and years now and never had any trouble like you all are complaining about. Every time we've had problems with the service we get a very nice person in the tech support section -- of course they read you the script and have you try everything you've already tried before while they wait on the line. I have only the basic package with local channels added. No HD or anything of that sort, so maybe that is why I'm having pretty good luck. No you all have me paranoid that things are going to start going to Hell. I sincerely hope that is not the case.

Ahwahnee, US
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Jan 06, 2011 7:04 pm EST

I completely agree.. They tried the same exact thing with me and now I am getting billed for incredibly high shipping bills for thier equipment. They left a huge hole in my house and the equipment is on the ground outside! BE AWARE OF DISH NEWWORK!

j marvelle
Clearlake, US
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Feb 04, 2011 6:10 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

last year my boyfriend and i got dish. that was the begining of one of our biggest nightmares.
after having dish tell us we would be set up with an agreeable package for 24.99 a month and free instalation we set an appointment.
the installer came out took a look and told us we would need 100 dollar deposit then charged us for instalation and on top of that our monthly rate was going to be higher as well. regaurdless we got hooked up.
three months later we moved and where told we would have free dish mover. needless to say they then wanted to charge us 100 dollars for moving even though we reset and alligned the dish ourselves.
we cancled our service with them on the first of the month. yet still dish refuses to close our account with them until the middle of the month all the while charging us for the service. on top of all that they are trying to tell us that we have to pay them another 315 dollars for who knows what.
the whole thing has added to my grey hair and redused my nails to bloody little stumps.
we all need to come together in a big class action law suite against these modern day but just as ruthless pirates.

Albemarle, US
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Mar 01, 2011 11:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dish network is awful I purchased their HD package this week and I am totally disappointed in it...You cannot use your VCR with thier system. their picture quailty is not as good as Directv's without HD ( what does that tell you about Dish?) they want about 200 bucks to cancel...what happened to teh 3 day right to cancel that ALL states had in force as well as the US had? What is going on here? Has Dish Network found a way to "cheat" and obtain money illegally? I mean come on...if your service isn't up to par you should remove your equipment with no questions asked ( within the 3 day period anyway) Directv runs circles around Dish Network...I ma sorry i am stuck for 24 months, BUT Charlie Ergan ( or ergen however it is spelled) I can promise you this sir I will tell everyone I meet about your sorry service and how you steal people's money...How can you sleep well at night knowing all the people like me you have ripped off, claiming your service is better than directv? You sir are no where close to Directv..and the way you keep going, you never will be...Downloading every 24 hours? what is that? receiver turning off right in the middle of watching a program just because you haven't "touched" the remote in a couple of hours Directv NEVER does any of that! NEVER EVER...Dish Network is a JOKE and we the public have to pay for it!~!

Send a message
Mar 04, 2011 6:09 pm EST

It was good to find that other people are as discouraged by the very poor and very timing consuming customer service of this company. We didn't have service for over a month; we live 30 miles out of town in the mountains. They didn't install our dish to sustain the winter weather. Once a repair agent came out - which one of us had to stay home from work to meet with, the reception has been fine ever since. The company would only credit us for the days they had documented and only at a partial rate. Factor in a days loss of wages for my husband to meet with this repair service it was an expensive decision to agree to this service. We in essence payed for a service we couldn't access due to their installation failure. The representative was rude and it was apparent that my satisfaction was not the priority. I am tied into a ridiculous 2 year contract, so we are forced to deal with this nonsense unless we want to pay to get out of it. It is a terribly unethical catch 22; a complete absense of integrity in this company.

Rockville, US
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Apr 05, 2011 4:47 am EDT

Hi, An improperly installed satellite DISH From DISH atop my roof caused a gaping hole in my roof and it was discovered in FEB 2011 (8 years later) by a technician who discovered it, concealed it from me, photographed it and concealed that, and then left my home with the DISH hanging off my roof atop my bathroom window.
For four days I spent five hours a day on the phone trying to get a supervisor to call me concerning the alleged damage on my roof and I warned them that the dish could further damage my property and fall off and hurt someone and that we were expecting extreme weather. NO ONE responded. I finally escalated it via a secretary to a VP, Mr. Kelly and she connected me with a claims manager. Well when my contractor went up to roof
he confirmed the damage left by the contractor and the fact that the dish was never installed tar to protect roof. It rained in my home due to d ish hanging off roof..into two levels causing severe water damage.
My contractor fixed roof hole and when he opened dry wall..there is was, MOLD. Years of accumulation and new
wet damage. DISH from that day forward over one month failed to respond and put it in the hands of their
insurer Gallagher Basset who ignored me. The contamination spread to my entire home and me and my dog are ina hotel. They've refused to respond, haven't paid me, and remediation is a 16-30 K ticket. They must be made accountable. Further I was billed for two months of not having a satellite or home!

disappointed with DishNetwork
Cary, US
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May 03, 2011 9:29 pm EDT

I am so frustrated with Dish Network. Their customer service is horrible. When choosing whether to go with cable or Dish, Dish assured me that the fee would be a certain amount each month. I explained to them it was for my parents who are on a fixed income. After two months the bills would come in higher. Each month I would have to call and they would issue a credit that would last for 12 months. This went on for about 4 months. The last statement, as usual, the bill was higher. Each month I call I'm on for a least 1 hour, they are condesending and arrogant. The last "supervisor" I spoke with basically told me if I didn't like it tough and said that he would take the credits away! What is the matter with these people and why are they still in business? I told him that I was going to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and he basically said "they have a copy of our contract and it doesn't guarentee any price and we were committed for 2 years!" The contract was signed by my 87 year old father on a small computer the installer gave him. If he had said he was going to read through the whole thing the installer would have been there a long while. It was bascially sign here, here and here. What a scam. HATE DishNetwork. Most horrible customer service ever! Avoid them at all costs!

MikeJH@DISH Network
Englewood, US
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May 04, 2011 2:16 pm EDT

Hi there Disappointed with DISHNetwork! I happened to read your post & I'm extremely sorry to hear about all these issues you have experienced with
DISH Network! I'll introduce myself, my name is Michael Hurst & I work for DISH Network, in our
Executive Resolutions Department & I would be more then happy to help you get this resolved. Since this is a public
forum you can e-mail me if you'd like with any additional information & then you & I can work together and definitely make sure
we get this all fixed for you! My email is Take care & Hope to hear from you soon! –Michael

Albemarle, US
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May 11, 2011 3:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Friends, I wrote to Michael Hurst about Dish Network, explaining the problems I was having...And asked why does their system shut down every day at 3 am to "download" stuff and that their guide also has to be downloaded every day or so to see what is on tv. AND with their can only find out what is on TV for about 2 days. I explained to him that with don't have to download is all automatic..not Interruption of your TV viewing...and that thier guide is for 7 to 10 days. Now if Directv can have a system like that...whay can't dish? Also I can use my VCR with directv to record programs...can't so that with Dish network. I guess they think I will pay extra money for a DVR? WRONG. Why pay for a DRV when my VCR works jsut as well AND it doesn't cost me money to use it. DIRECTV here I come asap. Dish Network...the ONLY thing you have going for you is the price! Directv beats you in EVERY other catagory!

Mona Harnish
San Bernardino, US
Send a message
Jun 28, 2011 5:05 pm EDT
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I cancelled my Dish Network 2/2011- when I called to cancel & they could not sell me additional programs they transferred me 3 times to try & convince me to keep them, which only made me more determined to cancel. A supervisor then told me they wouldn't cancel the service until my bill was paid in full. Since I was overpaid $178.27 fine, refund my money & cancel. She then became very snippy & said my service was cancelled- that took less than a minute to shut off. The refund check however did not come for 2 months. Then it was only $134. I called & was told they keep so if I chose to sign up again they have the deposit. Told him didn't want to ever sign up again, give me my money. End of May received $42 (still not the full amount of $178.42 due), by this time original check had expired (did not want to cash any checks until full amount received). Called again & hung up on 3 times. Advised original check no longer good, reissue and should be for $136.27-was on the phone for 45 minutes.
One June 27 received a check for $42. Called & was hung up on when transferring to supervisor 3 times. Finally put me thru to Danette Hughs [protected] ext 70379.). She told me first $42 check was voided and a new on reissued (no idea why). The check for $136.27 was processed on June 15th and I should received in another week or 2 seems it takes 2-3 weeks after processing. She at least was friendly & the first person to give me her full name & direct number. Will see if I get the check now.

Albemarle, US
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Jun 30, 2011 1:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have tried and tried to get dish network to send me 2 "standard" receivers inplace of the HD receiver I go. The only difference I see between HD and regular tv is with HD you get a smaller screen...I want to watch TV without having to get glasses or binoculars to watch it...Why Michael Hurst can't I get standard equipment and why am I forced to watch something I don't care for? I want regular everyday TV I don't care for HD!

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