The store mgr is one of the rudest ppl this community has ever had. She is disrespectful to customers, talks to employees like their her slaves.
The district mgr visited the store for inspection in Nov. She slept in the store 2 days trying to clean it for Mr Mark's visit. The Saturday following his visit she had a hugh temper tantrum and destroyed the alley way behind the register and well as the office. She eats pepperoni bags and monsters constantly and throws all her trash in office store all the while expecting employees to clean her disgusting mess. The store its self, Its is disgustingly dirty with trash amd mud and dirt all over store.
The biggest issue is her behavior towards customers and employees. There is a lack of respect for the short time I was employed with your store there were a dozen or more complaints about her. And every day someone complains about her.
You already loose a great deal of business to the Deweyville, Tx store. Folks are tired of dealing with her. Merchandise sits on rolltainers, and u-boats for days because its difficult to find good folks to work with her.
I could go on for days about the problems our local DG has. I pray that this gets to the right people so hopefully it will help make our only store in town a place to do business again.