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Dollar General review: tired manager 28

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7:47 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I am at the point that I hate my job and I am certain most managers would agree. We suffer from the trickle down syndrome everyday, the people above us can not possibly make up their minds, not that would be too easy to do. I would like to know who comes up with some of these new "policies". Is it someone at corporate, divisional, regional, dm, or who? I am pretty certain that kkr is not stupid, but what i believe is happening is one person says do this, then this one adds their two bits, then the next, and the next, and by the time it gets to us well its just a gaggly old mess and near to impossible to filter and accomplish. Not to mention when kkr took over most of the old timers bailed out and now we have all these people tring to make a name for themself at our expense not to mention jeapordizing our safety. To be such a profitable company you would think that they could at least give us enough payroll to allot for things to be done as well as have double coverage at all times. Obviously, no one at corporate has ever had a gun pointed at them. Its just not right. I believe a 7% payroll is acceptable and doable but how come I only get 5% and thats stretching it. And why so many logs, model store, how is my rm and dm benefiting from this? I understand cleanliness but give me the tools to accomplish it! And give me the tools to maintain it. A stupid color coded wall is not going to help me do that, a void log isnt going to help me. Deligation isnt going to help me either when I am the only one there. And for gods sake rewrite the deposit policy where it states a non key carrier cant take the dep to the bank and you cant leave a non key carrier alone in the store so i am not at risk by having to do that off hours creating dangerous patterns for myself. If your going to write a policy write it as if it is for you, or for your childs mother. Most of us managers are women and mothers. Take care of us and stop putting us at risk.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Refugio, US
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Jan 27, 2009 11:24 pm EST

Being a DG store manager for 3years I agree with you especially with the payroll issue I can keep my store a model store if I had the payroll $ 's to allow me to bring in associates to help maintain it instead of relying on the store manager to live at the store 24/7 to do everything. Our safety is #1 priority of course and I am always by myself in the mornings and with little hours you can't bring in associates to cover the shifts for the whole day. Policy states that we can not close by ourselves but opening is just as risky for us as well as nights . So I agree with you 100% on everything and believe that whoever decides on these policies should actually come out of pretend world and walk in our shoes to experience the real thing and i guarentee some policies if not all will change .

Jeannie Hendricks
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Jun 10, 2018 9:50 am EDT

I am also a store manager in Wisconsin & have worked for DG for 5 years. I agree with both u girls. Safety, payroll, resets, labor hours, CBLs, vendors, shoplifters, truck, blah blah blah, its all terrible & as long as corporate is allowed to take advantage of their store managers with SALARY and ridiculous labor hours, things will never change. Im on my way out of the business as their expectations are unattainable with what they give us to work with, and Im tired of chasing my tail & neglecting my kids, home, relationship, health and insanity for s company that only cares about profit instead of professionalism. I think their should be a multi-state walk out and get one of these corporate big shots in a store for a week & put it on undercover boss. Something extreme will have to happen before anything will change

Donna Williamson
Bangor, US
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Mar 11, 2009 11:43 am EDT

I boughht something and when I returned the items, I had a receit, but they claim I have to show my ID. That's bull. I asked at Family Dollar and all you need is a receit. I'll tell everyone I know to shop at Family Dollar and I will too. They want to sell my ID is all.

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Sep 12, 2018 9:14 pm EDT

They cant sell youre ID, for one. And if your return amount was over $10, yes they do need an ID. I'm a manager and that is a rule.

carie witte
Lakeland, US
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Dec 22, 2009 10:15 am EST

I agree with the hpurs issue.. If you have the hours you can run the stor, get the truck done, do stock counts.. Trust me don't ever get hurt at Dollar General.. If you are a manager and you get hurt the hours do not improve.. You get 48 extra hours if you are a manager on work comp.. Yes it is 48 and not forty.. what the RM and Dm will do is cut your store hours by 48 after you get them.. If youo are in the southern region ie.. Florida and parts of GA you have David M. He looks at the almighty dollar.. The DM under hoim are so scared that they all do as he asks.. This makes them no better.. There are a few that do stand up to him and that is the only thing David unfder stands.. The Company it self wants the managers to only work what tey are required to work.. I got this from a VP at corp him self.. He told me not to work 60 hours a week, that i would get burned out.. He then increased my hours a bit and it did help.. I can tell you to contact Kathleen Geone at copr.. She will not like it if you as a manager go to other stores, work over the hours required. ie 48 to 52.. theis is by the new SOP hand book.. ###, complanr to the corp office not so much to the DM if he or she does not help..

Lisa Gonzin
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May 04, 2018 8:00 am EDT

Please I beg of you go back to school. You can not spell.

jonstown, US
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Feb 04, 2010 1:23 am EST

Dollar General is the worst employer I have ever had. I accepted an assistant store manager position while I was attending college. At first it was fine and I got scheduled fourty hours every week as that was part of the conditions of employment. I had a full time job that paid quite a bit better but the store manager asked me to come work for him as he needed an assistant and he and I knew each other for many years and worked together before. Within a few months payroll was cut and we never had cashiers due to lack of funds. That manager quit eight months after I started and the new manager cut me to 30 hours a week as I was the highest paid employee at a lousy $10 an hour. I cant believe most assistants work for $8-$9 an hour. I would never do that job for that. Anyway, we went through employees all the time because the few good ones we could get wouldnt put up with the b.s. The work is far too much for the payroll and the client base, for the most part, is very unpleasant. I finally quit just a couple weeks after my one year anniversary after blowing up at my store manager for being brought into the office for foolish and pointless reasons. The stress there is ridiculous, the money is terrible, and there is no support from the DMs or RMs for store issues. They care about how they can make numbers look on paper because that makes them look better. I understand the importance of meeting budgets and such but when there are serious issues they need to be addressed and ignoring them will cause problems for the company in the near future. I have not set foot inside of a Dollar General since I quit because I am so disgusted with the company and there are six Dollar General stores within a 15 min drive of my home.

Coastal GA, US
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Jun 12, 2010 7:26 pm EDT

As a "new" Dollar General Store Manager, my first day in my own store, I am in complete agreement with idontcare. I trained in a model store with 4 key carriers, and was ill prepared for going into a dump like the one they placed me in. Not to mention, there is only 3 employees, and Im having to beg and borrow help from other stores to stock shelves. What [censor]s are running this organization? I have no district manager, only these "temporary" or "training" district managers, which breeze in to yell at the only 2 people in the store about stocking shelves and recovery, on a Saturday-the busiest day of the week. Oh, you can get people from every other store Im told, only to discover that most of these stores have no managers, keyholders and staffs less than 6. Add to that-who is the [censor] that decided to bring freight in on a friday-when your store should be most prepared to handle the customer?
I came into my store today with 1800 cases of freight waiting to be stocked, an entire sales floor in dire need of recovery, and had only 4 people to work all day. Add to that, not one sack to bag purchases. Add to that a restroom filled with shopping carts of open food and merchandise that I have no idea what it is. Add to that a payroll budget that is incapable of meeting the demand of waiting on your customers. I feel as if I am being set up to fail from the start, with no support. And then to have some [censor] training dm that has never worked retail in his entire life to come in and use this attitude with me about stocking shelves, and scrounging help from other know that is what a district manager is supposed to do, help out the stores in his district to run successfully, and when need be, roll up his sleeves and get in there and help to get the job done. Im giving this place a week, and Im praying that I can find something new quickly.
You know Dollar General isnt a bad place to shop, if you feel comfortable shopping in a cluttered, filthy environment, and dont mind waiting in line for 30-40 minutes, just to save a few bucks. But it is truly a terrible place to work. Everytime I read one of these complaints about a rude manager, I have to hold my breath, because some of you consumers should put yourself in these poor underpaid employees shoes, and have to deal with the workload that they are being given at the miserable amount of pay they are receiving. Just so you can save a buck on some laundry detergent. Add to that, no paid holidays, in fact NO HOLIDAYS. Youre working Thanksgiving, Easter, July 4th. And in stores open until 10 pm, in less than safe neighborhoods. (IE-closing at 10 means 11pm out) I think this is abominable that in this day and age an American corporation that began with such clear and earnest values is ruining themselves with their public by treating their employees so terribly.
If you have ever questioned shopping at Walmart as being unsavory because of the way they treat their employees...drop the level down by 20, and add Dollar general to that list.

Anonymous Manager
Jacksonville, US
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Oct 30, 2010 1:21 am EDT

I totally agree. I was hired as a Store Manager and given a store that like some of yours had not had a Store Manager for some time. The employee's were lazy, the inventory was out of control, and the customers were/are complete [censor]s and trash. In 20yrs management I've never dealt with a worse class of customer. I'm talking about hoodrats and hobo's and people who want to cause a scene for .10 cents. Or because their too stupid to check their EBT card's balance before they go shopping. And our DM is as many of you have complained about yours. He praises the SOP and Model store process but doesn't get that it isn't possible without proper staff and man hours. I think the company itself has some great principles and wants to help people while making an honest dollar but all that get's screwed up some where in Senior Management. As it stands I would NOT recommend this company as a career to anyone!

Brandon, US
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Nov 06, 2010 5:08 am EDT

I remember being excited about the opportunity to be a store manager, but slowly they will tear you to shreads and leave you for dead. I was a store manager for over 16 months, with the company for almost three years and have been in retail for over 12 years. This is by far the worst company i have ever worked for, I took over a store that was a complete disaster and brought my store up to near model conditions, but even though i had nothing more than a closet for a backroom, it was always a problem that my Dm and RM would never take blame for but were happy to tell me it was my fault. My customer scores were always above my goal, but my Dm would never give the support that was needed, Dan Hall tried to intimadate his managers, but for some reason he could never realize that all we wanted to do was be given the help needed to do what they were asking, but all he and the RM Leori could do was belittle the managers push them down every chance they could. I asked the Dm MR. hall that i needed some hours to get the store deliveries completed and his words to me were your getting it done, just keep doing what your doing, only problem was i worked 70-80 hours a week to get the two 1000 piece trucks done with my sweat, and it never ended, it just keep coming, If you want to feel abandoned this is the place for you, but i would not suggest anyone work here or shop here. Most of the stores are a complete mess and every store manager is shorthanded, overworked, and tremendously underpaid. Check to see how many lawsuits are out there because managers are not allowed to manage but are no more than a stocker or cashier, which would intitle us to overtime pay, its almost like they are asking you to dig holes but dont give you a shovel to do the work, very frustrating, and when i reported to Mr. Hall that My store was leaving his district he stormed out and got into a shouting match with the Rm and i overheard him say how dare a Store Manager know more about his stores than he did, and then i was told to worry about my four walls, guess what sherlock it was my four walls, until Numnuts Hall came in two days later and told me that i was being relieved of my duties and needed to leave the store, he then ran behind me and prevented me from saying good bye to my staff that was working that day, and chased me around the store. Keep in mind that my store was in better condition then i got from his own statements, including all goods on my yearly review, but apperently that was not good enough for him. Funny thing though is that since leaving the store, it has now gone through two managers and the store is a complete mess, and is in worse shape then when i got it two years ago, boxes everywhere, rolltainers blocking aisles, backroom full of stock, trip hazards everywhere, Manager on Phone and ten people in line. Guess that was what they wanted and not a store that was run with plus sales, happy customers, and a store that had conditions that were getting better every day. Again i will tell you to keep walking by these jobs, there is a reason they are always available and stores managers jobs are always empty. Good for me though, i went to winn dixie and I'm getting paid more than DG and dont have to work an extra 30 hours a week, Thank YOU LORD for getting me out of there.

sharon n. k.
Brownsville, US
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Mar 08, 2012 1:13 am EST

my complaint is that i have been working with dollar general for 3 years now. i use to like my job but now i hate going, the manager there is a female who has her favorite, i can be putting the truck out and her and the male stocker take off to the break-room and sit around break-room and carrying on, now i thought that we were a team, well not at the store i work at, i have just started a night job and told my manager about it and she tells me i have to choose between one or the other. now how come i am the only one she is telling this to, there are others that have either night school or a side job and nothing is said to them. now i bust my butt while I'm working and the assistant manager even sees it, this woman is unfair, she is not management material. something should be done about her and the way she treats people.

Ider, US
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Jun 07, 2014 1:24 pm EDT

Our store manager puts everything off on her key carriers so she can stand around and talk to customers all the time if she is not talking to customers she is flirting with the vendor's. But then again she lets her husband tell her how to run her store so we work for the husband not the manager.

Have Questions
Opelousas, US
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Aug 12, 2014 10:56 pm EDT

I have recently starting working for dollar general about 4 months now and moved up to be assistant manager. My manager does work hard helping put the truck out when she is at work, not to mention its about the only thing she does do. She works maybe half of her scheduled hours but always says how there needs be examples set by management yet the main example of working your scheduled hours she is not setting an example. When anyone tries to tell her about the situation she thinks she is never wrong and does what she needs. She never trains anyone, you better learn on your own or ask someone else. I have talked with our DM about this situation in fact I am the 2nd person to do so and nothing ever happens about it, he doesnt even speak with her about the situation. My question is that as an assistant manager am I required to close the store a certain amount of days a week (required by corporate not the manager setting her own rules so she doesn't have to work)? And also, what is the minimum hours I am required to have as full time assistant manager? I have so many questions because I asked my manager certain questions before accepting the job promotion and now she has changed things like she forgot what she answered and I really need help. I read the entire handbook a couple times but its no help with what I need.

Samone Johnson
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Sep 15, 2014 9:48 pm EDT

I am a previous employee at this Store; I've worked about 3 and a half weeks here and I received a pay card upon my first day and activated it but when pay time came around I didn't receive any funds and thought nothing of it so I waited till the next pay day when I realized that I wasn't receiving my paychecks. I tired calling the store as well as the manager's personal line but received nothing but delivered messages that she was unavailable or not in. So I have now looked to help from James Smiley a local lawyer here in SC and he told me to take the first step of talking to corporate so here I am after speaking to one of your Payroll agents and was told I would receive a call back on today but still NOTHING. So now who do I have to talk to in order to receive my 2 missing checks for my labor at Dollar General?

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Jan 27, 2017 12:52 am EST

Hi, I would really appreciate if you would contact me by my facebook page. HJ DollarGeneral I have some information you might want.

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Apr 01, 2017 5:53 pm EDT

Labor Department for you county you live in. Dollar General are horrible as employers

pennsylvania, US
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Jul 07, 2015 9:30 pm EDT

Yea I was hurt on the job . and they won't pay worker comp . on top of that I crushed inventory saved the company almost one hundred grand from last years inventory .now I don't even know if I will get my bonus because the placed me on FMLA wow I can't believe this company

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Apr 01, 2017 5:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of kknj127

I would contact an attorney. Dollar General does alot of crooked thing and get away with it.

say it as it is
Yakima, US
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Jul 07, 2015 9:32 pm EDT

Donna williamson you should have told them you are a child and do not have proper ID. Kknj1 if your injury was due to you not following precedures they are not required to pay you.

Former KeyHolder
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Sep 23, 2015 8:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The store manager is a middle aged lady from the Philippines who acts like a childish, petty 15yr old. She talks to and treats her employees like trash, even in front of customers. She ranges 56-60hrs per week then complains nobody else is working. She Does absolutely NOTHING but walks around giving orders. Almost everyday her till is $1.50sh-$20 SHORT! She takes $ out of her purse & puts in her till before running her full reports. Whenever someone's till is a lil over, she puts the $ in a container in the bottom safe & uses it towards her till when short, instead of putting it in the "Literacy Fund" like she tells everyone else to do. When the DM is coming the employees does all of the work & she takes all the credit for the store's good report. Inventory, sales, last chance aisle, cleaning & preparing the store is always done at the last min & then she freaks out on the employees because she wants it done in time before the DM stops by. This store has been previously closed for having rats & they still have them. Under the registers there are always rat droppings that she makes the cashier clean on their hands/knees when the Agricultural crew is stopping by. She follows/harasses the customers that she "thinks" & "looks like" they could be stealing w/o any proof. She talks about you to the other employees so you can never talk to her about anything. When you complain or address something she tells you to your face "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE HERE, I CAN SEND YOU HOME" & cuts your hrs/ takes you off the schedule for a week as "PUNISHMENT ". Talking to the DM never helps, they don't do anything. She saves penny items in the back room & later buys them to send to fam in the Philippines. The company is just as backwards & crooked. They look at the employees as if they are all thieves & can't be trusted, when you should watch the manager & customers closer instead. Employees have to be searched including aprons when going to the bathroom, break & outside. I don't recommend DG

Karen Shinn
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Mar 27, 2017 8:41 am EDT

I worked for DG for almost two years. I was a key carrier. My store did not have the nightmares quoted by others, but...We did not have enough hours in the budget to get the jobs done, the manager and asst manager did not ever close (that was delegated to the key carriers). Often times during the day the store was single coverage. Our manager had to wait until someone with a key came in for the evening shift to take the deposit to the bank. That meant that yesterday's bag sat in the store until after 3 or 4 o'clock, sometimes 5 o'clock. We, as employees were never encouraged or recognized, only criticized. It became a drain on me physically and mentally. If I stocked I was told "why didn't you recover". If I recovered I was told "why didn't you stock". If I was on single coverage I was chastised if someone had to wait at the register because I was stocking or answering the phone. DG is ok to work at if you just want to cashier or part time a few hours in the evening. But, once you accept a key or get into ASM or SM positions, be prepared to be overworked and blamed for anything the DM wants to focus on. And BTW, they are NEVER happy with anything.

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Apr 01, 2017 5:46 pm EDT

it is against the law for mental and emotional abuse. be careful with those deposits just sitting because dollar general can say it just disappears and you will b responsible for it and even charged with theft even if it never went missing in the first place. they know how to corrupt there system and make this disappear especially on the computer system. there pos system. so be careful especially if your a key holder. and Dollar General will NEVER BE HAPPY ITS ALL A SCAM! DOLLAR GENERAL IS A SCAM! Worst employers to work for

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Aug 06, 2018 6:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can't speak for what you went through. There are good DG people out there. My ex store manager ( Jessica in North Myrtle Beach, SC) was good people and worked herself to the bone. I am actually looking forward to reapplying to company once my adoption is final, and I have completely closed my business at years end.

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Apr 01, 2017 5:41 pm EDT

Dollar Genral does alot of crooked tings to there employees and get away with it.
I was a key holder at one of the locations in New York and with No proof whats so ever only assumptions. they accused me at first was one deposit two 2 deposits down to one deposit know to 3 deposits are missing... know im fighting a criminal case which will show and prove that i am innocent. I will then take it to legal matters because i gave my all to this piece of #### job for them to get upset that the LABOR DEPARTMENT was called. You Dollar General shouldn't steal hours from your employees you wouldnt be in that type of situation. There New York D.M. suck! Dollar General should Be shut down/ out of business for the fraud theft and lies!

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Feb 19, 2018 1:39 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

No wonder no one ever looks happy or wants to offer help to me as a customer when I come in a DG store. I had no idea there was such an internal issue going on! Shame on this Corporation for such slack policies on serious issues, people's life, customer retention, I'm in a wheelchair & when your big truck comes in I can't even shop in even the nicer of the DG store which is against the law! I should have access just like someone walking on 2 legs. I've thought often of complaining but it's as if it just runs off the mgr shoulder if you EVER complain as they couldn't care less. I have just about stopped going there all together. No wonder there are rumors that the DG market is out there for sale but with their corporate values & the way they are treating their staff, clients, products are having expired dates on them, products don't work, substandard products really, not worth standing(sitting--which us just as hard-I barely got up to register in my chair!), in line for 30 minutes, of course listening to every customer being asked do you want to donate $1 to something over & over with a complete bored voice!'s time for you to give up retail don't know what you're doing! Shame on you for treating employees that way! Very dangerous!

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Sep 12, 2018 9:30 pm EDT

I am a key carrier at a store in PA. The DM is worthless. The new SM has no idea whats going on, and the whole "this is my fathers company" has gone to s***. His father wouldnt have been runnimg the company this way. The company could care less about the safety of their employees. They would much rather fire a good, hard worker than to lose an a**hole customer that had done that employee wrong. They will fire the employee for defending themselves. They don't replace any equipment that breaks, but if money is "missing" (which its usually not), they are quick to write people up. Like, fix your s*** and we will know for sure the money isnt missing. When you have to count a $5, 000 deposit by hand, yes, mistakes are bound to happen. At a yearly income of $1.1657 billion, Dollar General has the means to fix things, pay their hard working employees more, and update their systems. But why would they do that when the CEO wouldn't be able to pocket that?!?! This is the worst company I have ever worked for in my life. My LIFE.

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Sep 12, 2018 9:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Boybye12

Edit: sorry guys. Typo on my comments. I used to work for DG. I am a nurse now. No, I was not fired. I left on my own. It was not a healthy place to work.

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Jun 16, 2019 4:16 pm EDT

I've worked for dollar general for almost 2 years, In 4 different stores, I've had managers deduct a break from employees payroll when no break was taken. Then turn and giggle like they think its funny, and I've personally heard the DM tell managers to that that. Please if your looking for a job, look away, this is not a job you want. Everything that everyone has stated is true and there is more that they aren't telling.
They would rather hire people off the street to be store managers ( that have know clue what they are getting into, ) than promote from within...…..especially if you've gone over the store managers or the district managers head. I've seen it time and time again.
They won't pay you what your worth, and will make out false promises that will never come true. The only future you will ever have as a dollar general employee will be your burnout and replacement.

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