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Goodwill Industries Complaints 481

3:28 am EDT
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I am working at the goodwill in defiance. I can honestly say not safely that I don't enjoy my job. I do however like what I do its so easy you couldn't ask for easier. But letting your supervisor tell a complete lie and not get in trouble just so that you can...isn't right. The defiance goodwill is ran by a bunch of kids that make up rules along the way...

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1:39 am EST
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Goodwill Industries goodwill does not help employees with disabilities

Report on Goodwill Industries in Renton, WA hired from 10/15/2011 to 1/12/2012
By Dick Rogers written on 1/18/2012

I had 2 interviews with Lisa before being hired were she laid out how things work and what is expected of Goodwill employees including production goals that were supposed to be met. I also disclosed that I have a disability that affects the left side of my body especially my left arm and fingers due to a head injury on my right side. Lisa was going to hire me part time but decided to hire me full time and put me in Electronics Production section since I have an avid interest in electronics at home and as a hobby, all seemed well and I went to a scheduled orientation at the downtown Goodwill store on 10/15/2011 and was officially hired at minimum wage.
From the start at Goodwill I started to see how really rigid they are about their rules and regulations, including something called Kaizon, which kind of reminds me of Feng Shuis’ twisted sister, it has to do with a workstations organization. Not having my coffee or any kind of drink at my station except water was a bummer but I could handle it, they also only let employees in and out of 1 of its 3 doors to keep down on employee thefts, which I did not see any of, they also ran inspections of lunch bags of employees twice, while I was there, for possible theft. I have no problem with any of this but they do run a tight ship. There are more but I’m not getting into all of them.
Training from my predecessor went very good I thought and after about 2 weeks he left for another job and I was by myself.
After a couple of weeks more I was starting to get the hang of my station but my numbers were low on my production goals, which were into the low to mid 170s to as high as into the 300s, which at the beginning I thought I could handle easily but proved to be much more difficult than I imagined. I could only do mid-80s to around 140s on a good day, depending on what went on during the day, well below Goodwill standards. Let me explain a little of what entails of electronics testing, I’ll be brief. I have 4 main areas. 1- Display areas (4 isles including TVs, VHSs, DVDs, CDs, Receivers and Misc. which is set up at the beginning of the day and TVs are plugged in (up to 8 TVs) and set up with a VCR to play throughout the day, then I go to the back and run my price tags for the day before going back to my station. 2, 3 & 4 are at my work station. 2- Large electronics are in their own area and are supposed to be done first, consisting of TVs, Lamps, Microwaves, Vacuums, Small refrigerators, Chilled water dispensers, Sewing machines w/attached table, Speakers, and any other large electronics, NO computers or laptops. 3- Blue carts 2 levels, top and bottom to a blue cart. They hold any electronics that do not fit into totes but are too small for the large area. 4- Totes hold smaller electronics and are stacked 5 high by 4 rows by 5 deep and are done last.
Problems that might slow me down vary and are many and make it hard to judge my price tag count I’ll try to be brief again and may not get all of them. I have never put pen to paper on these problems, so to speak, lol, but Lisa has said on several occasions they factor these in. So here we go! Setting up at the beginning, I go to the display area and plug in the power strip and all of the TVs and VCR, grab a cassette making sure it’s family friendly of course and play video for display. I have to fix any problems like missing or loose cables in back of TVs, crossed splitter cables, adjust video settings, such as TVs need to be on channel 3 not video 1 for example, adjust volumes etc. then I go down the aisles looking for items that need replenishing, looking for misplaced merchandise, open or empty packages, broken items and anything wrong in the area as quickly as I can. Then go back and run my tags for the day. Usually takes about: 20 -:30 min. After that I do my :05 min drill, part of the Kaizon procedure and make sure I have everything and stocked up, get my time and tally sheets filled out, then on to the large electronics. I try to do TVs first so I can replenish any for display, problem is if TV does not work I have to take TV to the back and get it on a pallet for TVs that are to be recycled. I cannot always tell if the picture works until I hook it up to the display, and if it does not I have to take it back and try again, only happened a couple of times but I used to try to test them in back on every TV and that took longer, so I have to go and chance it to try and save time and just plug in TV in the back to see if the picture tube works and hope picture comes on when hooked up to display VCR. I used to take out large rear projection TVs and hook up a separate VCR to them but I either priced them too high or they were just too old to sell and pretty much quit trying to sell those unless they were exceptionally good and the additional setup was too long. Towards the end of the job I feel I was starting to get a good balance of TVs out on display in both size and features at a good price, which I was told to reduce after Christmas because of the perceived influx of TVs after Christmas. Vacuums and carpet cleaners where checked to see if hoses did not leak and brush rollers worked, emptied collected residue on bag less vacuums, did not sell bagged vacuums if bags were full. Floor lamps were checked if lights sockets worked and not broken, shades were in good order, pole and base were in OK condition. Absolutely NO Halogen lamps were allowed unless they had a protected wire mesh around the bulb. Small refrigerators had to be plugged in long enough to chill and verify they work, usually: 05 to: 10 min., I checked out other items during that time. A very light cleaning, admittedly I might have taken a little too much time with this type of item since it handled food. Then I moved on to the other different large electronics to finish that section. After large Items, which usually took minimum of: 60 to: 90 min. for me on a good day.
Pretty much the same thing with the blue bins but with medium sized electronics such as Table lamps, Printers, DVD players, VCR players, CD and Tape players, Recorders, TV converter boxes, Stereo and Digital receivers, Microwave and Convection ovens, Fans, Sewing machines Etc. another :90 min at least.
Totes held smaller electronics and could either be real easy or rather difficult and hold 1 item or dozens. If it had a cord or took a battery it landed here. Cordless telephones were time consuming matching base and handsets and taping them so they did not separate, same with coffee makers and carafes. Tangled cords, Power and Patch cords, AC adapters, anything with a battery (it got to the point I wouldn’t check out stuff with batteries to save time, just put them out and hope for the best.) Electronic games, controllers and adapters, Etc. and that would finish my day out, EXCEPT FOR…….. I worked in 1 of the few areas that had to put out their own merchandise. All of the large and most of the medium electronics are put out late morning and the shiny cart (Shiny Cart holds 3 totes per level 3 levels high for 9 total totes.) needs to be started at least: 45 min before my shift ends to make sure I have enough time to stock and take care of any customer related issues at least in my case. Then I go back to my area and clean up if I have enough time, I have only: 07 minutes past my end of shift because Goodwill absolutely does not want Employees to get overtime!
Since I was hired 10/15/2011 through 1/12/2012 I have had a chance to experience Goodwill donations at its busiest and most hectic time, thankfully only Halloween and Christmas had the most electronic decorations and not the whole tri-fecta along with Thanksgiving. Along with testing Holiday electronics they had to have their own SEASONAL price tag which involves going over to the POS printer, changing that weeks colored price tag to the seasonal brown price tag and then back. I try to guestimate how many tags of both electronics and seasonal I need for the day but that’s a hit or miss deal and hard to judge what may come in, I admit I was having trouble figuring out how many to print but was always trying to get close as possible. Then there was the Customers, I like helping them but they have questions that need answering, they mess with the cables, take nobs off of equipment, open packages, break things, let kids run around screaming Etc… and these thing need to be dealt with. Again this is not all of the things that can slow me down, but a good sample of some of them.
I was taken out of electronic production 6 times. 3 for help at donations, were donated goods are dropped off, to help with the over flow of donations we were getting, sorting, moving large items, consolidating, customer service, Etc… It took several hours to complete those tasks. 3 times I was transferred out of electronics to work in the Wares production area (the production area that generally produces the most items per day to see if I could produce more there) and I was even interrupted once there to go and help out at donations. But I guess I could not produce enough there because shortly after the third time in wares I was called up to the office from my electronics station around 3pm 1/13/2012 and was told that I did not meet the standards of Goodwill and then was escorted out of the Goodwill store by Lisa after handing her my Goodwill ID card. I was called up to the office 3 times. 1st in November - To tell me they like my pricing but to try and get my production numbers up. 2nd in December – To tell me to watch how many price tags I am printing and sign a paper as the first form of disciplinary action for running too many pricing tags, but they still liked my pricing and to get my production numbers up. 3rd in January 12, 2012 To tell me that while I meet some goals I still do not meet Goodwill standards and am being let go and then escorted out the front door by Lisa.
As far as my production numbers go, I have known that I am not the fastest person in the workforce but I always thought that if I did the best job I could with the fewest mistakes as possible that I would be OK. Not with Goodwill in Renton, I did the best I could, even cut many of my breaks short to try to get my numbers up. Goodwill wants me to just glance at a product, slap a price on it, get another and so on, which is what I was trying to do but between the visual, electrical (lights work in lamp, DVDs, CDs eject, displays light up, vacuum rollers move, TVs work, refrigerators chill, Christmas trees light up, Etc..) they all just added up and cut into my numbers. My disability came into play banding electrical cords as I could just not do it as fast as other people and I was doing well over a hundred a day. When I was not producing I was stocking Items I produced, helping customers, changing TVs around, routing TV and VCR cables, cleaning up messes, attending daily production meeting, doing assignments from production meeting, Etc… But one thing I never did was stand around doing nothing. I feel I did the best of my capabilities along with my problems as I could and am not ashamed with anything I accomplished at Renton Goodwill.
The main manager, Keith, I always felt talked down to and when he asked for my help it was like he had to tell me what to do like I have never worked before, he even told me I had to line up the hole in a panel rack to the screw hole in the base like I could not figure it out, or to watch out for the bright orange extension cord on the floor on my way out to break as if I was not observant of my surroundings (there were several other people around at the time there also, but he only pointed it out to me), which is the only time I could go out the donations door that’s not work related. Yet I always heard Keith talking and laughing with the other workers away from me, he never really smiled had a conversation always business, not really complaining but it is an observation. Assistant manager, Lisa, the one who hired me. I always felt a little intimidated by. She was very direct and ran things very strict, by the book with no deviation of the rules whatsoever. The my way or the highway attitude kept me on my toes and I felt if I crossed her at all she could hold a grudge and make the job even worse. She was always telling me I had to get my production numbers up, like I was not constantly trying my best, and to not leave so many price tags at the end of the day, trust me I do not want to add to any ones work load and was trying to get my tag numbers down. I had a couple of ideas about improving my area but since they were not in the Kaizon handbook she would not even consider them.
My final thoughts about Renton Goodwill
There was one lady that could not stand all day due to age and disability, she was given the choice to quit or get fired. A rat or maybe a couple scared the heck out of 2 women who were working at their stations just days apart from one another. Renton Goodwill does not take used mattresses because of the risk of Lice or Bedbugs, my question I ask is, is the ultra-fast pace they want us to work at for our production numbers hurting our chances at spotting any little creatures in the shoes, bedding, clothes or the linens we receive, especially since they are not washed or sanitized before they go out on the floor. As a person with a disability why was I not offered any help from Goodwill as to maybe furthering my job skills so I could become a more productive member of society. I feel that if I can’t hold down a job at Goodwill then who else will hire me.
THANK YOU GOODWILL I already know I’m a disposable human being in this new society. But to know a nonprofit company (by the way, all of the Renton Goodwill Manager are ever so proud that the Seattle goodwill stores, of which they are members of made over $9 million last year, best in the nation.) who advertises helping people with disabilities let me go just so they can get their numbers up and not even try to help one of their own workers who has a disability is so wrong. (No offer of a different position or even an offer of possible job training to help with my disability.)
Gotta go, See ya, Might as well sign up with D.S.H.S. while I’m at it. If I’m so stupid how can I, even with a disability, support a family of 4 (wife, me, pre-teen and teen daughters) on minimum wage, not easily, but doable thanks to God, Family and friends. My last words are that I hope to get back to work soon because I am almost out of options and am seriously worried about being put out on the street. All this for the price of minimum wage.

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9:39 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries filthy store

This particular store used to very clean and well-kept. Last two times I was in there it was filthy. Today a young salesperson asked if I needed help. I said no bug asked if Teresa were a lot if new employees. He asked me why. I said because the store is filthy, stuff is just piled on the floor with no sort of organization to it. He laughed and said.. oh..that's our new manager...he doesn't like to clean. Great management huh!

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1:49 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries violation of policy by vice-president

Donors should be interested in knowing where the profits from the donations are ending up. In Goodwill South Florida, three managerial employees were wrongfully and vindictively terminated after revealing how the vice-president directly violated policy and procedures during the money pickups from the registers leading to a cash shortage (captured in video putting the money in his pocket).The police was given a report of the theft, and the company ordered they stop the case. The law does not protect a whistleblower or retaliation to employees who denounce acts in an immoral or dishonest manner of the directives of the institutions. They can do whatever they want, because it is not the company acting, it is just an employee mistake. In this case was just the vice-president, protected by the president, and he is still “WORKING” at Goodwill, and remains as a trusted vice-president of Donated Goods! Unfortunately no one can stop this monstrosity; all criticize and continue for fear of losing their jobs as the three of us.

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5:21 pm EST

Goodwill Industries over pricing

I am on my soap box... I went into our local goodwill to pass the time during the new year. I found a few tops that were nice, the day was monday... This means 1/2 price day.. The tops where priced 9.99 regularly, so the tops would be $5.00. I could go to our local wal-mart and buy a new top for the same price on the clearance racks. The times are hard... And even harder in a small town. If the tops would have been priced at the regular top prices they would have been 4.99... Half price should have been 2.50. I was looking at the necklaces nicely displayed, on a window rack (Not gold) the price was 12.99, and watches that did not work for 9.99 yes... I just stepped back and shook my head. A lady who was shopping in the store stopped me and asked is these jeans 14.99 then half price today. I told her that was crazy! The jeans had a tag on them that had already turned yellow (Aged). Greed is the reason for the pricing. When you go in to the store, the only person you will see is the young girl at the check out counter. The young lady will tell you that the home office set the prices. If you ask to talk to the manager, she will call back to the back room to be told by the manager she is busy... And the price are not changable. The manager and the other staff is in the back room. Looking items up on the internet to price them. Get real! We are talking about donations, not purchased items... A resonable price. Get off the ebay stores and run the store in our area. Help the community... While I am here... Why does a family who has been burned out have to fill out a voucher... Wait... To have it approved by the home office in tallahassee florida to help a family... The wait can take about three days... These people need clothes now... Not three days. What is the manger for, if all items must be handled through the home office. Help us! We want answers.
Mrs. D. Eakins

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10:15 pm EST

Goodwill Industries bed bug problem

I feel that this is a problem that should be dealt with by goodwill. "Bed Bugs" should not be sold at any store. There's proper procedure on cleaning clothes I understand there donated but there has to be a better way to accept things. The Fairfax Goodwill on Main Street has no type of protection when it comes to dealing with full contact unsanitary items donated. There's no glovees, no protection masks, no protected clothing dealing with stuff like this especially donated items as in clothes, furniture and shoes. There should be produces on whether to accept them our not. This organization is a high risk of catching bed bugs. From my understanding they collect the donated clothes, sort them, hang them then sends them back out onto the floor.

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8:53 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries goodwill steals from a 13 year old

November 18, 2011, by mistake, I donated four new bathing suits to the Campbellsville Kentucky Goodwill store. About forty minutes later, realizing my mistake, I then returned to the donation area and explained to the supervisor working there. She looked around and through the vat from which she was working, couldn't locate them and said for me to check back the next day. My daughter to whom the suits belonged, went in the next day, and was told they could not locate the suits and the mentally "challenged" person who received the items probably put them into the incinerator.

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Update by Jeanette Wilson
Dec 15, 2011 9:04 pm EST

I am not mentally challenged. How dare you call me that. That ### who put them on the incinerator should not be working. This is what happens when you hire ###s the rest of us have to pay for their mistakes and stupidity. I asked for her family's phone number to make her parents pay for their ###'s mistakes and they refused to give me her personal information. That ### owes me four new bathing suits. I asked them to take the money out of the ###'s pay checks and they refused. The said that anyone can make the same mistake and I should have been careful of what I donated. The ### should have told her manager about the tags. Anyone who was not mentally challenged would have put them aside and knewn it was a mistake.

The point is I purposely donated those bathing suits because my daughter refused to tell her father whom I am divorced from that she does not want to visit him that weekend. Then my daughter got mad at me and refused to talk to me after what happened. The point is if that ### did not work there I would have gotten the bathing suits back. They would have put them on the side and left them there for a week or so knowing it was thrown out as a mistake or because a child was disobeying their parents. They should not hire people with the IQ of a five year old to work. Because of them my daughter won't talk to me.

Believe me I came to my senses forty minutes later and realized the mistake. I later thought of returning the bathing suits to the store and getting my daughter's money back and keeping it for her disobeying me and visiting her father.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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father of triplets
Rosemary, CA
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Dec 20, 2011 9:34 pm EST

I think Don't judge my husband has many accounts and is using them to troll Zach. Yet she accused everyone of being the same person. Interesting. Anyways she and her other accounts are just trolling. Best to ignore them.

you have no husband to judge
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Dec 19, 2011 4:51 am EST

too bad the mentally challenged didnt put you into the incinerator

father of triplets
Rosemary, CA
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Dec 16, 2011 9:18 pm EST

I agree with you Ellen, these slanderous posts are getting old.

Don't judge my husband, whom I also suspect is squibs, justice4balls, jktshff1 a, The Truant Officer and many others should know that child molestation is nothing to joke about. Falsely accusing another member of child molestation is no joking matter.

Also to the people accusing Trevor the reason he is not replying is he is not giving you the attention you crave. He is more mature than those of you who make up these sick stories for attention.

Lancaster, US
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Dec 15, 2011 9:28 pm EST

Just because the suits had tags on them. Goodwill is not going to "assume" the donation was a mistake. Some items, like underwear and bathing suits, are not returnable, especially if they've been tried on. The only person to blame here is you because you donated brand new suits to the Goodwill. Even if they had found the items when you went back, they normally would not have just given them to you. You would have had to buy them back. Next time find a cheaper way to punish your daughter. Or better yet, let her live with the mature parent.

Barbara Napel
Lee, US
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Dec 15, 2011 9:21 pm EST


Hogwarts is not a real school . So Zachary is not ditching school as you claim. It is just a made up school from Harry Potter.

As for the review itself. Seriously grow up. You are angry at your husband, that does not mean your daughter has to not spend time with him. Unless he is abusing her he has every right to spend time with her father, and you can't use her as a pawn to hurt him. Grow up. Don't bring your daughter in your fight between your husband. If she wants to spend time with him she has every right to. He has a right to see his daughter and you should not use childish tactics to stop her from seeing him. How old are you 12?

Also no one called you mentally challenged, you called her that. If she is so what she has the right to work as well. I bet your father is a better person because he does not teach your daughter to discriminate.

I normally just read the reviews but after reading about what you are doing to your daughter and husband I had to reply. Hopefully your daughter and husband spend more time together and she spends less time with you because you not only hurt her for loving her father, but you teach her to discriminate and judge those different from us.

That disabled person is much better than you are.

4:45 pm EST

Goodwill Industries misleading

The Nashville TN Goodwill states on their website that multiple orders will give the buyer "combined shipping charges" up to 20 lbs. but in fact, when it's time to pay your bill you are charged nearly double for your shipping: $14.05 is the discount from a $17. shipping charge. By the time the consumer discovers this it is too late. At these prices, it is literally cheaper BY HALF to buy two new pair of shoes from a local store--or local Goodwill where you have the option of pick-up. No matter how you cut it, this "combined shipping" is nothing more than a scam that leads the consumer to believe if they buy more they will pay "combined" shipping. Recalling that these shoes are donated in the first place, the Nashville Goodwill's practices are extremely misleading and just plain WRONG.

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New Orleans, US
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Nov 15, 2011 10:08 pm EST
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What if he is a Nazi Ilikeit39. This is America. CHEck out Stopthebs site. Nothing but complaints and bs about others complaints. Sorry, You guys girlfiend boyfriend?

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 15, 2011 3:09 pm EST
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Stop the BS. Check out leevonsmiths profile. Nothing but attacks on me.

New Orleans, US
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Nov 15, 2011 8:43 am EST
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What kind of lowlife comes to a complaints sight to make nasty comments about other peoples heart felt complaints while addressing nothing to do with any facts about a subject.. Seriously, Has anyone here gone to Stopthebs profile? This Guy, (or girl), Has no complaints in his profile, yet he has 29 comments about other peoples actual complaints. In his comments he calls people nasty cutting names and makes cruel remarks and judgments based on his own opinions which have nothing to do with the subjects at hand. This Is a complaints board. Not a complain about other peoples complaints sight. What kind of name is Stopthebs anyway? is that a spin on Stop the Hebs? Is this guy a Nazi?

Philadelphia, US
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Nov 10, 2011 5:32 pm EST
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What kind of lowlife complains about the discount given by a charity goods for their services. You are still getting a discount. I'm always amazed at the depths of hell some people come fro
When complaining about not getting what they want. Karma needs to give you something to really complain about.

3:49 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries unfair treatmenr and termination of employees

Alleged unfair treatment and termination of workers due to alleged relationship between Mers Goodwill-Marvin Washington and LRL-Linda Lawson. There are rumors of underhanded bidding on contracts and allegedly his son also works for her company. Which may be why he is not allowing fair and due consequences and reprimand's when brought forth.having to go to higher ups in order to get something done.although this is alleged allegations. Just asking for an investigation. Sincerely fair treatment and justice

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2:40 am EDT
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Goodwill Industries False image perpetuated

Over the years, I have contributed thousands of dollars to this "charitable" organization. NEVER AGAIN. Through no fault of my own, when my personal circumstances took a nosedive, I turned to Goodwill for help in locating a job. Although I contacted them on 3 occasions, I never received even the common courtesy of a reply. After reading the complaints on this board, looks like I'm better off, but I hate to seem them profit from a false image of a caring, charitable organization that helps people. Not!

Read full review of Goodwill Industries and 8 comments
Update by Nunya2
Sep 20, 2011 2:39 am EDT

Over the years, I have contributed thousands of dollars to this "charitable" organization. NEVER AGAIN. Through no fault of my own, when my personal circumstances took a nosedive, I turned to Goodwill for help in locating a job. Although I contacted them on 3 occasions, I never received even the common courtesy of a reply. After reading the complaints on this board, looks like I'm better off, but I hate to seem them profit from a false image of a caring, charitable organization that helps people. Not!

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Kiwani Awape
Bowling Green, US
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May 06, 2012 12:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

dear nsqfdn; goodwills sole purpose is to make the most money they can, any way they can. Their treatment of workers is simply a condoned method by upper management. It gets them what they want. Nobody will stand up for anyone because everyone's job is constantly threatened. Also, the nastier the employee, the better they like it. goodwill needs to be shut down, and reorganized. new management down to the lowest level. but no lawyer on earth will ever take them on because they have the public completely fooled, they are riding on their past reputation. there are other jobs, that give raises, and treat people. labor board protection for employed people just does not look into goodwill, nor does OSHA.

Jackson, US
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May 04, 2012 9:28 am EDT

my brenda

Orlando, US
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May 04, 2012 9:27 am EDT

December 28, 2011 – Wonderful when you want to have a nervous breakdown just do it in front of the DM. So yesterday Linda S. seemed to want to give me a lecture on something I did. Which was a kissing of two fingers, like saying see you later, I love ya. That’s the Italian in me. She took it like “kiss my ###” because of an incident that went the wrong way. That incident involved a joke with several people. Starting this job it hurt. It was a lot more physical demand on this job that I am well out of practice. I have been in great pain. And the joke among my coworkers was her ### must hurt if she is working crooked. I said, “my ### does hurt and I am going to have my husband kiss my ###”. Nella thought I was telling her to “kiss my ###” and took offense. So I got a verbal warning not to do that again. Nella is such a sweetie that I don’t ever want to do wrong by her, so I do owe her an apology. Well I am worried now that my actions are taken the wrong way, so I know I wasn’t myself and Clara comes in and see’s that. I was called into the office. I swear I thought she was there to let me go. I was literally scared, and I broke down. I am not out to make friends with these people. I just want to get the hang of this job and do it well. I do my best and believe me I feel it in every muscle. But I don’t know why I can’t fit in. I have a personality that is large I do admit that. I listen to them explaining to me that they don’t know how to multitask. I see the things that can improve and the things I would like to take charge of in order to release those demands from the senior staff. But I don’t know how I can get them to do it. They are set in their ways around here. But the talk with Clara did help. I can see that I have to be me. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I can delegate and not have to try to do everything by myself. I am a strong manager. I would love to have my own store in about a year. I just want to know why I feel that this is doomed for me. Can I see the future that no one will get me and understand that I can get the things done and I am a good person to have on their team? I just have to be a regular person and bring out their regular person persona. The talk or the breakdown did help me, it gave me a confidence that I can get it done with the right people around me.

February 16, 2012 – Well my management style is I like to know where everyone is at and what they are doing. Especially when I have CSW’s and others doing the jobs I assign them to do. I am constantly asking where they are, because if I don’t see them on their jobs then I want to know what they are doing, because sometimes if you don’t see them then they do need something to do. So I commented while I was working the donation door “where is Gary now”. Well he was in the dumpster area and heard me asking where he was. He totally went off, he said “how come you always want to know where I am. Just because I am not in your eyesight doesn’t mean I am off doing something I am not supposed to do and so on and so on”. But he didn’t do it in a nice fashion. He ripped right into me. And I told him that I ask where everyone is when they aren’t doing what I need to be done. He shouldn’t take offense and if he does then “I am sorry” but it’s a part of me to know where people are at, just one of those things. Then I have Linda S. come to me and say that Gary told her he needs his alcohol to function and that he was an alcoholic. Great so I go looking around the dumpster to find out why Gary spends so much time in that area. I don’t find anything. Then Denise tells me that Gary leaves on his breaks and lunch to get him something to drink to keep up working. So that is something I will mention to Sherry tomorrow. Why do people have to tell me something on a person that doesn’t like me? It makes it uncomfortable.
February 17, 2012 – Well I had new hire orientation on the 15th and the thing I really wanted to look into is the college thing, where Goodwill would pay for my courses. I was a really excited about that program. Yet asking Sherry about it took the air out of my balloon. Because she said that if I go into that program Goodwill will do their part and pay for it until the very end, near the end of my college years Goodwill will find a reason to fire me so I would end up paying them all back for the tuition. Now that sucked to me. Really it did, because I wonder if it’s true and I really wanted to look into it and I won’t now. Then I asked her some questions about becoming a manager with the company, because I had heard a rumor that Kathy wanted to step down from her position. And Sherry said Goodwill will never let you step down. Once you accept the position of management then that is the last step. They will never allow you to go back to be an assistant manager or step down. They will fire you. Not nice things were said about the company I am working for. She definitely told me that if I really wanted to do the college thing, and then ask who got all the way through it and Goodwill paid for it and there is probably no one they came name. Very interesting information and I will have to ask Kathy about the info I got.

February 18, 2012 – Gary approaches me and tells me to watch out for Linda S., because she was coming up with a plan to get rid of me. And this is after he apologizes for the incident about when I wanted to know where he was at. So I asked Linda S. if she had said that. She of course said no, and whoever told me that was crazy. It’s a never ending theme around here where people approach me and tell me that these coworkers are after me. Alicia had even chased me down in the parking lot and told me that my coworkers hated me and wanted me out. I have no idea what is going on. But I am so trying to just do the job. I am so trying to bring my voice down some. I am trying to include them in the problems I face as a manager and what they expect from me with the discussions I have with them. I know who to not ask to do something special and who to ask to do things for me. I get compliments that I can get the coworkers around me to work when the others don’t use them and delegate. I can make them laugh and smile while they are doing their jobs. But then I make a misstep in their eyes and I have people coming to me saying I am the most hated person in this place. It’s an up and down place. It’s like you walk in and wonder if it’s going to be a good day or a bad day. It’s stressful.

February 23, 2012 – I should never be on the floor. I don’t like watching the front end. They don’t do much but talk and talk. Yet they don’t know how to talk and walk at the same time. I read the book “Zap” and I guess I wanted the opportunity to watch the front end, so I kept back pulling clothes and watched. But what I saw didn’t help me what so ever. I watched Sandy discussing something with a customer and whispering about how the manager is doing it this way and that way and it’s all her fault for this and that. The customer of course then isn’t happy with the new manager and the way things have changed. Sherry walks up and pretty much does the same thing and ends up giving the customer what she wants to smooth the sting that things have changed and they won’t be getting their way all the time now. I am just amazed I think that they can throw Kathy under the bus with customers. It doesn’t warm up customers to know things change when someone else comes into the picture. The customer of course says she would like to speak to Kathy and straighten her out on a few things. It’s crazy how they do that. I have seen a few things like Margie not paying attention when she rings up things. I am wondering if she is ringing up everything, or giving discounts that shouldn’t be given and so on and so on. Only suspect though right now have no proof of anything. She seems to like to whisper among the customers and then turn to the register to hit a discount button or to skip over something. I remember the “Daphne Incident”. This isn’t going to end up good. The whole thing is the staff needs to stop throwing Kathy under the bus with the customers. It’s a horrible thing to watch and I do feel sorry for her and she does not know what is going on.

February 24, 2012 – Going into work and going to have to talk to Kathy about transferring me to the Kissimmee. I don’t feel comfortable at this store. Between the coworkers and the Assistant manager I don’t know if I am coming or going around here. You have the coworkers hating me half the time. Linda S. is always complaining she can’t get a Sunday off to go to church and she hates this location and the rules always changing and so on and so on. You have Sherry under minding Kathy and the changes she wants to make for the better and condescending her every move. It’s a mess around here. Staff is feeling like Kathy is an office manager and so on and so on. I hate to watch. I don’t have the grips about Kathy because I am still fairly new and new to the business so I can ride a change and such easier because I never knew the old ways. This store doesn’t know how to change. All they have is complaints and misery. I want to be able to tell Kathy that she is in a uphill battle but I want a transfer. Not going to be easy. Good luck to me.

February 26, 2012 – Meeting day. Wonderful meeting. I really hope for Kathy sake this team listened and steps it up. I want it so much for Kathy as much as I want it for me. It will make like so much easier. I want to feel like a team and not the front versus the back. Or the whole store against me. It’s one of those perfect meetings that you hope for the best but then when it’s over you hear all the complaining on this and that. Please please let these people turn their ways around. This could be a great store if only, and the if only depends on EVERYONE.

March 17, 2012 – I wanted to ask Sherry if my meeting hours were going to go in for this paycheck because I didn’t see the hours had been emailed from April yet. Plus Kathy had said since I would be missing 6 hours I could come in and do them on Sunday. Sherry said “that it against policy for me to work a scheduled day off. Plus if Tammi wasn’t allowed to make up hours I shouldn’t be allowed to. Tammi had called in sick and Kathy wouldn’t allow her to make up hours. So to make up the 6 hours I would be missing then Sherry was going to put in 6 personal hours for me. I told her I had no personal hours. But she stated that I had completed my 90 days and would have personal time. I told her that I had Kathy’s permission to come in on Sunday and do the 6 hours already. Sherry said that Kathy was breaking policy and no one is to work on a scheduled day off. If Tammi wasn’t allowed then no one should be able to. It was such a big deal that I called Kathy on the matter and I was assured that I could still come in on Sunday and she would be there to do the payroll.

March 18, 2012 – Dealing with the paperwork for the “incident” I was making the “cover letter” – Sherry walks in and asks, “when so fancy”. She commented she never had done a cover letter and Kathy and I seem to become so “fancy” now. I told her that was how Kathy trained me and wants. She left the room.
I had asked Sherry about being in the room with me when I talked to Gary about the incident. And she said “she didn’t have time”, so since Sandi was there in the room counting her register I used her as the second person in the room with me. I wanted to get Gary’s story and a written statement from him. Plus I wanted to make it clear on what I thought went wrong in the situation. So we went into what was seen by Gary and his actions and so on and so on. I was talking about what I think we did wrong in the situation. I told him that “when an incident happens and a manager is called I believe that one of the team members should stay with the incident until a manager comes and takes over the situation. Nella or he should have been there in control till a manager comes to take over. Gary was very very defensive at this point asking “am I going to be fired for that”, I told him right then that I think he being defensive and even Sandy turned around and said, Gary calm down. I again told him this was not putting blame, this was my observation on what can be done better, and unless he was standing there watching the little girl jumping on the glass and didn’t stop her why would he be fired. If I should know that he did see the whole thing he can tell me. He said he didn’t and went into the story of the actions that he did see and what he did that day. Again it was defensive to me. And again I had to tell him that he wasn’t going to be fired if that is the truth and so on and so on. But I don’t think that went well because he still believed that I was stating that he would be fired for not being present till a manager got there to take over. Because all the rest of the day he kept making snide comments about how this was his last day, let me help you because it was my last day, or so on and so on. It upset me and I just didn’t know what else to do. He made comments to Linda S. and others about the situation and made it even a more big deal with others.

March 22, 2012 – Linda S. pulled me to the side today to speak to me about the sexual harassment toward Gary and how it needs to stop before he uses it against Denise, Blanca, and myself since I am usually laughing and not correcting them. She felt offended when Blanca did her booty dance on her day off, and how even Kathy had nothing to say about it. She thinks even if Gary seems fine with it and joins in on the talk, he will eventually use it when he is mad. And if I was a manager I should speak to Blanca and Denise about it and make them stop it. That way Gary wouldn’t have ammunition on them. Especially if he gets mad at me he may target them as payback. So she told me as some advice to speak to the girls and get them to stop it. I couldn’t do anything about the booty dance but it was ridiculous to watch and something that shouldn’t have been done. So I told her I would speak to them and she was right. It wouldn’t be a good idea to continue with it. It may be fun and games now but it could be bad if it continued. CSW Shermiya came to work with a T-shirt on with a quotation on the shirt that read “skilled in every position” and Sherry didn’t notice it, because she told me “if Kathy doesn’t care about T-shirts then she doesn’t care anymore neither. I guess from what she said Kathy didn’t back her up with a customer when it came to a blouse or T-shirt then she didn’t care about the rules anymore neither. But when I noticed the quote on the shirt I called Kathy to confirm if I should send the CSW home to change. Kathy said “yes” but the CSW bought a shirt to put over the one she had on.

March 23, 2012 - Denise gets a personal phone call from her boyfriend and I call her to the phone. Sherry comes into the office to tell me I have to tell Denise that she is getting to many phone calls and they need to stop. I called Sherry back to the office when she is leaving to ask her to come with me to tell Denise that. And having 5 kids I didn’t figure it would be wrong. Sherry said that we take messages and give it to the employee and they call back on their own time. Unless the caller says it’s an emergency. I said okay. That just means Sherry doesn’t want to come with me to talk to Denise. And I went to do it. But I feel like Sherry does it quite often. When someone does something she tells me to tell them the right way and this and that. But it’s awkward sometimes….because it makes me the bad guy a lot more often then I like. I feel like each manager should enforce what they need to and stop making me do it. And Sherry does it too often. Denise’s thing wasn’t the first time and it was the easiest to handle. But other times it just makes the staff think I am the only one who tells them they do something wrong, while Sherry babies them I get the pleasure of be the enforcer of the rules, when most of the time it’s her sending me to tell them or correct them.

March 24, 2012 – Well I shouldn’t have gone to work today that is for sure. I was called into the office where Sherry, Kathy, and Linda S. were all there. Kathy wanted to know about the incident that happened the day before. I asked “what incident” and she said the incident with the comment to the front end. I explained that “Linda S. called me to the cubicle she was working and told me that the front end needed to do their jobs and put up the racks. If she had a quota then she needs the racks in order to make that quota or she was going to call corporate office and tell them why she wasn’t making the quota. So I went up front and told Margie what the processors said. Boy did that get them to put up the rack quickly. At least Tammi did. But when I told them that I also owed Linda S. and apology because not wanting to throw out names I didn’t think there was only one processor and of course they would know who said it. So I went to Linda S. and told her that and she may take some heat from the front end. She said no she would stand by what she said, because even with Sherry up there all they do is stand around and talk instead of putting the racks up and it seems like I am the only one that can get them to do any work. So I went outside to get some air and when I came back in I asked Dorothy is she was still complaining and she said “yes”. I then went back to the office. Linda S. even came back to the office to offer me a tea. She bought it for me and gave it to me with a thank you for helping her. She told me that she was going to go ahead and have a meeting with Kathy and have Sherry and I there to tell Kathy that if the front end can’t do their jobs then they can’t be expected to have a quota. So everything was good again. Now I am in the office defending myself and Linda S. is saying she never said those things to me. It became a heated discussion. Back and forth accusations, she mentions I am the one that starts all the gossip in the back and that she doesn’t want to be in this store if I am in the position of 3rd key in this store. She brings pricing things or hiding things for employees, and I told her are you kidding you do it all the time. So Blanca’s cage is brought up. This cage arrived in donations and Blanca wanted to buy it. She even told Kathy and Sherry she wanted it. That cage was not hidden in the back room. It’s just the wares people don’t price the big things right away sometimes. And even one of those days that the cage was back there Blanca was off and the cage still didn’t make it on the floor. Well when Blanca came in she said she still wanted it and if I could price it and put it out onto the floor she would buy it on her lunch break. She borrowed the money from Elaine and others I think and I priced it and put it out on the floor. Linda S. mentioned I shouldn’t be calling Kathy when she is off telling her this or that, Kathy defended me when she said I could call her anytime and it was my job to let her know things or ask questions.
Kathy also asked me to go to a class on handling how to talk and deal with employees, and she also asked me to use “could you” instead of saying “can you do this for me” or “I need you to do this”, so I am going to try so hard. I did try “would you” and there has been incidences where they said “no I will not”, but it was a joke (I hope) because they did get it done.
Discussion is over with. And Blanca comes in not knowing about the discussion. She makes a comment to Linda S. did she purchase the items she had hidden for herself. I overhear that and ask Blanca about it. She said Linda had a couple of things hidden to purchase later. Now isn’t that calling the kettle black? Then while I was covering Tammi’s lunch I find out that Linda S. took Blanca outside to ask her if I said anything to her. Blanca said “no” and “why”. Then she came to me and asked me why Linda took her outside to ask her that. Got to wonder who starts what right. Especially while in the heated discussion Kathy mentioned she can get sound on the cameras. So why take Blanca outside for the questions, because there is sound. Great work Linda. Blanca even mentioned to me how Gary approached her and told her that “everyone hates her and she better not trust anyone”. Wow really sounds like something he tells me. Like today on the day of all this happening he approaches me and wants to say something to me and I don’t want to hear it. Here we go again. Warnings and accusations and heat seeking missiles coming my way, do you know what I honestly felt. I feel totally bullied in this work space. I want to go to another location to test my skills and to see if it’s me or not. I don’t believe it’s me but these people around me that I might as well wear a T-shirt with a target on my back. I have a totally different personality. I have a silly humor. And I see that people have to get used to me. But yet they don’t want to and fight me every which way. They make me question my ability and question my sanity. Yet what they accuse me of they are the biggest 2 faced human beings I have meet in a long time. And they use me as their target practice. The accusations they bring my way they do every single day can’t wait for the next day of work. Anyway I left Kathy a note about this.

March 26, 2012 – According to the managers meeting we had on the 24th we are to check their racks when we count for hanging order. Linda S. did not do her rack right. Sherry was outside for lunch. After asking Denise to go over it with me, (I am still learning too), I went outside to confirm with Sherry what we are to do if the hanging order wasn’t right. She thought the same thing, we take it back and explain the hanging order, and I told her I needed her to stand beside me to explain that to Linda. So I rolled it back to wait for Sherry to come back from lunch. Linda S. must have understood why it was rolled back because she was redoing the hanging order with Denise’s help. Then Denise rolls it back to me to go over it. So Sherry and I presented a united front when I went to talk to Linda S. about the order and she had other categories she wanted to know about and Sherry added it onto the end of the list, till Kathy gets those categories added into the list. Besides that one road bump I got over, I had to tell Margie that when she wanted to do a dressing room check I would like her to announce it over the speaker, “6:00 dressing room check”, so I can know I have to go behind her to check the dressing room. It worked so well. I can’t believe it, had to tell her though that the rack that was sitting up there for a few hours needed to be completed to. But everything else seemed to be fine today.

March 27, 2012 – Today was like walking into the twilight zone. I am trying to learn the rack while Nella is totally confused. Denise is saying that a shirt that is in solids and has designs is still supposed to be in solids. It depends if the one solid color is throughout the shirt and it’s only a little design. Where I thought they should be in multicolor and not in solids. Now to make matters worse Sherry says, “when she goes to those training meetings she is going to ask about the rack situation to see if it’s policy.” I told her, “I would think it’s the manager’s decision and trying to make our lives easier”. She said, “I don’t think so. Then I go back there and where Gary had put school manuals that have people’s names and addresses on them in the salvage wares. I had put them out of Dorothy’s way because she would have tripped over them bringing in a donation, and I went on break and was going to take care of them when I got back, putting them in the dumpster. But Sherry told Gary to put them in Salvage wares, Gary knows better I would think……or I am wrong and they don’t go in the dumpster if they have the names of the individual and addresses. Sherry said, “If they are dumb enough to donate something with their names on it then it’s out there now.” Another thing that is confusing me is…..why the hell is incoming text going right into salvage. I watched Sherry dumping bags right into salvage text. That’s not right, I did that once and got told that is the carnal rule never to do that. I get that she made the comment not to take long sleeves or jackets in, but she was dumping bags of incoming donations into the salvage text. And they are definitely not all long sleeves or jackets. They aren’t even nasty clothes….I even asked her if that tag should have read incoming text and she said no. I just want to know how when I walk in we already have three crates as salvage text. CONFUSING…….so I just stayed on the floor and did busy work today. I did call Kathy and tell her and ask her if that was an order to put donations into salvage text. It was just one of those confusing days that you know things were just being done because and no rhyme or reason behind it.
*** Complaining about a coworker's personality usually reflects more poorly on you than on the coworker. Don’t make these kinds of conflicts your boss’s problem. Of course, management is interested in problems that jeopardize the company's ability to function. If you have to speak to HR about a problem such as a colleague's threatening, illegal or unethical behavior, keep your tone professional and the focus on work -- not personal issues. (Never Say This to Your Boss)

March 28, 2012 – Showed Sandy and Rufus the hanging order for the clothes rack. Wanted to show them that the rack is easy if its hung right. And that Kathy would like Sherry and I to confirm the hanging before we bring it out. But if they feel we are not doing our jobs then they need to say something. Because it’s a process we are still trying to learn. But like Margie I watched Sandy do some of it then slow down, where the rack stayed on the floor for 2 hours. But it eventually got done, had to round the women’s short sleeves because they were tight. Had Elaine and myself redo the window displays, had Elaine check in the music CD’s. I am staying out of the warehouse because Linda and Gary are back there dishing up a storm. I went in once and Gary said “here comes Kathy’s lap dog”. Fine with me don’t really care. 11:20 am furniture dept. noticed the back door of the furniture dept. open and went to investigate. I notice Rufus first and then Gary coming up the sidewalk. I asked why is the furniture door open and Gary says, “Because we are taking furniture in dummy”, that is when I noticed the truck pulling up. But Rufus looks at me and then Gary and I replied that’s fine I will step back and let you get on with it then, excuse me. So Gary and Rufus proceed to take in the couch but they put it in the middle of the floor and I say we can’t leave it here you know. Rufus see’s the two TV’s in the area and wonders do we move them. I told him to check if there is room and they can move. So he leaves the furniture dept. and checks that out. Gary is asking me tell him how I want to move things around and then looks me dead in the eyes and says, “you know I don’t even want to speak to you so why are you here.” I said, “Did you say that to me” and he said “Yes I did”. Damn now I leave and go call Clara. I just want out of this mess. After talking with Clara, she was going to have Kathy call me. I go back and ask Rufus to come to furniture with me because I didn’t want to deal with Gary alone. And when I tell Rufus to go ahead and work with Gary to straighten up the furniture dept. Gary says what’s wrong Mylinh, what do you think I said, and Rufus leaves again and Gary turns to me and says “now prove it, it’s your word against mine”, total ###. And now I think he is a total ###, ruined my day. Already I am staying out of their way on purpose and now he gets to get away with it. He’s right and it will be a never ending crap shoot.

March 29, 2012 – Drama yesterday and good day today. I needed to be in the warehouse today. I needed to do the shoes. I needed to be able to work in peace and get the job done. I knew I was going to be working with Gary and I came up with a brilliant plan. Move him into the store so I can get my things done. I had him partnered up with Brian and had them pulling wares. That solved my problems for the day, yeah me. That was brilliant of me I think. I got a lot of shoes done and I even got three buggies of wares out onto the floor. The truck came and I worked that and everything went well. I didn’t talk much working with Linda and kept it quiet. So that was good of me. Then Denise came in so I had a friendly face and the after Blanca came in it was fun again. It was the best after that. Was able to laugh and do the job and work hard like I should be doing and not have to worry about the crap. Kathy called to check on me. And I do like that when she does because it makes me feel like someone actually watches out for me. Sounds so two year old but I just need a boost of confidence again. But somehow I think these people are crazy because they don’t want me to talk and when I am silent they don’t like it and act up. So can I win or lose. Probably not, but I am going to do the job. I want to get a handle on the wares dept. though. But I think it will be at least a three day project and then training everyone to keep it right would take another month. But it was a good day and I accomplished a lot. Linda did say something at the end of our shift though. She wants to go to the orientation meeting to, I personally think they are up to something especially since Sherry made that comment about checking with corp. about policy on the racks. First of all why is the rack suck a big deal? Does it have to be? So since Linda heard that does that give her a license to go and put Kathy under the bus? Pretty crappy if you ask me, if they don’t start trouble for people are they bored or what. Two days off, yeah me. Can’t wait to go back to work to find out what changes are made by then. And what crappy stuff they can come up with next.

April 1, 2012 – I love Sunday’s and working by myself. And the good thing is I had a great team around me. What is fab is Linda S. was a part of that team. When she isn’t in one of those complaining moods which is quite frequent she is such a pleasant person to work with. It’s weird that she can actually be enjoyable. I didn’t or couldn’t accomplish much because of the overwhelming donations we are getting. But I delegated and had the pulls done. And used the people I had to accomplish what little I could do and had to apologize for not being able to accomplish the miracle of having the cave done right. But I love Sundays with the right people, so no drama.

April 2, 2012 – Can you imagine two days in a row being good? I can until I messed up again. Or maybe it’s not me but the crap I start. I didn’t mean to start the crap I really didn’t. Linda S. again was in a perfect mood, she actually volunteered to help in wares. I was amazed because every time I wanted her to help in wares or such I would get complaining. But she once again surprised me and was working in wares when I arrived. And another surprise was that she was pleasant all day long. I don’t know sometimes it has you wondering “why”. But why I say I messed up is that I had asked Kathy why I am not working on the schedule Sunday by myself and she said she messed up and wanted to even tell Sherry to, so to go ahead and ask Sherry if she wanted to use personal time or vacation time and take the day off, so I did. The look on Sherry’s face was interesting. And Tammi was in the room counting down her till. But Sherry said, “I can’t believe she said that because when I knew you wanted to work all Sunday’s I thought for sure I would have Easter off and bought $150.00 in food and told my family I would cook and such and when I saw the schedule I returned all the food and got my money back, had to piss off my family about Sunday. I then told Kathy what happened I thought you were going to work every Sunday and she said she didn’t want to start that yet. So now she does this to me and tells me to take it off and use my personal time or vacation time.” I told her to get the food again and get the family over again and she said never mind. See I messed up. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to Kathy and start this. But I want to know that I can be trusted to work Sunday’s by myself and do a good job and seeing Sherry’s name on the schedule I figured I would just ask and see what’s up. So I hope I am not the one starting the animosity with Kathy and Sherry. But I messed up I think. What’s funny about today is that Sherry lost the manager’s gun and we looked everywhere. After she left I asked Kathy does she want me to check the boxes Sherry was packing because if they get shipped out tomorrow without anyone checking the gun would be gone for sure. She said “yes” and I found it in the very last box with books all the way at the bottom of the box. But again I had the most fantastic day. Hopefully it’s not the calm before the storm. And dear god I wish Linda S. will stay like this for a long long time. Just wish the front end would keep up their jobs….like checking the dressing room every hour like they are supposed to. I wish they would say something to Kathy when they are about to run out of bags and just do their jobs. WONDERFUL LAST COUPLE OF DAYS…….

April 4, 2012 – Denise calls Lonnie to get me a message that Michelle Bentley is looking for me to speak to me about a promotion, and I am thinking it’s about moving up to the assistant manager position at Apopka. And I am ready to turn it down, because even though the last couple of days were nice in the store with Linda it’s still not back to normal with Gary. So I call and the first thing is, “do you want to transfer?” God yes I do. I want out of the nightmare, and prove that it’s not me that is causing the problem. It’s going to be the “Main” and that is the store attached to South OBT Corporate office, never thought about that situation. I want to have fun and joke and just have fun and I have no idea what I am going to do that close to corporate. What was explained to me was that I would be a good fit for the “main” where I am not a good fit at Apopka. I don’t have a problem with “work ethic” but I do have an expectation where I want everyone around me to be up to my level in work ethic and not everyone is. That now makes sense to me. It really does make a lot of sense to me. I do try to work hard and I like to observe my surroundings, plus I like to delegate to everyone. That way the job gets done and I thought I was good at running a staff. But I have been having so much trouble here at Apopka to motivate people. They have an excuse for everything and why it can’t get done. It just sucks and it’s unnerving to me. There was other things that got said and how they perceive me. But I would like the chance. I am just afraid that I won’t be able to dance around have fun and just do the job and do it well. So I finish out the week here at Apopka and then I go to South OBT on Monday.

April 8, 2012 – What a great weekend. See that is why I like the job. It can go so well and everything runs so smoothly. Gary and I even worked so well this morning. And when everyone else came in it was even more fun. Since we were the chosen to work Easter we made the best of the situation and worked it. We got a chance to clean up the backroom from Saturday’s donations and take the chance to clean up the store some. We did end caps and window displays and do the pulls. I didn’t use the processing section because I put them all out onto the floor to get that done. The one CSW Bonnie who was here I used her to put the wares and shoes up that we were processing. That kept her busy and out of my hair from all the complaining she does about the aches and pains she likes to complain about. So it was a productive day for us and I am very very happy with the things we got done. Tomorrow is my first day at the “main” and I am praying that it goes well for me. I just want to work and do the job that I like. I really really do like it.

April 9, 2012 – Wow what a day. I didn’t work much just learning the register over there, but that was really simple, meet two women, one if Marilyn and the other is Latoya and they were nice. Marilyn is more open then Latoya. The manager is Tanya and she is a little framed woman with such a serious aurora about her. Her asst. is very serious to. But it was a good day and fun day. The part I was at was in “As Is” and it’s a total eye opener. Tomorrow is another day there, bright and early at 10 am. I am not used to not doing much. I am used to doing the cave, donations and such and its crazy that you don’t have to do those things here. Latoya is popular with the men in the back, which is good to see some flirting going on. Heard the word “p****” from one of the girls today which was refreshing that they talk normal and have fun talking about their lives and their sex lives. It’s quite funny to me the difference between Apopka and the Main. But will write some more tomorrow.

April 10, 2012 – I like the personalities but the work is not hard what so ever. It’s different from that stand point. If life for me is the Main and I am going to come here permanently then I have to have more to do. It’s a strange store to me. I am out of practice with the lingo and the talking about anything and everything. Would like a conversation with Tanya about what she expects from me if I do come over but that woman is a little dynamo. She is never in one place. The “As Is” section empties their table from the day before twice a day and reloads the table with new product that comes in those two times. It’s not new items; it’s the items that the other locations pull at the end of the week. Like the color of the week might be red, that is 50% off, and the end of the week they go through the whole store and pull that color. Then they send it to us “As Is” and we put it out to be sold by the pound, which it is sold for 99 cents a pound in our section. What is amazing is that the Haitians are there to buy for the flea market to sell or to send it back to Haiti, I think. And they all come early in the morning just too basically stand around and wait for the clothes to come out. When the clothes are put out and we allow them to go shopping and it’s like the adrenaline rush from hell. These women go crazy grabbing and grabbing till they find a corner of the store to sort through their things and buy what they want. It’s a crazy scene, and so much fun to watch. That’s the only two times that there is excitement in the place. I am dying of boredom and I want to get my hands on other things, but Marilyn and Latoya go off and do the table changes themselves and I just want to get my hands on it. What is interesting about today is that I took a walk around the store and guess what I saw in the shoe section. Apopka had sent in size 15 to 19 shoes for the “Shop Goodwill” site for auction. But they were on the shoe racks of the Main and I know Kathy is not going to be happy about that for sure. Those shoes weren’t sold in Apopka because Kathy and Sherry thought they would fetch more on the website. But they didn’t make it on the website but the racks in the Main for $29.00. Going to have to stop at Apopka and tell Kathy. She isn’t going to be happy. Well this is some more insight to the Main and “As Is”.

April 12, 2012 - So I come to the realization that my time at Apopka is done. I had visited Kathy on the 10th and told her about her sneakers and how bored I am at the Main. Well today Michelle Bentley came by to speak to me about the opportunities I would have at the main and such. I explained to her I feel like it’s a punishment and not the opportunity I wanted. But Kathy told her about what I said about being bored and added the comment “what are we going to do now”. So my time is up in Apopka, and I am glad for it but scared to death about it also. I have no idea what I will be able to do in the Main. They are a well-organized oiled machine. And I have to start all over again. But I start there again Monday and I have a week to decide. Got to figure out what I have to do there and my notch there.

April 16 – 22, 2012 – Well the week was an eye opener to me. I was told that I would be trained and tested and stuff, plus get more responsibility. We will see, because I have a week to be here. What is funny is this, Latoya asked me why the men all flirt with her and I told her because she is pretty and single so of course they were going to flirt. But to be totally honest it’s those low tops she is wearing in the place. Those puppies are going to pop out any second. I had to watch her puppies and make sure they aren’t going to pop out. Even Tee made a comment about LaToya’s tops. What bothers me the most is not the top but the shoes the employees are wearing to work. I look at people’s feet because of Apopka; I didn’t catch a couple of CSW’s and their footwear and had to send them home after someone else took notice. These employees do not wear the proper footwear. And no one seems to notice here. I did tell NaNa about her footwear and I hope that she doesn’t get mad, but since she is new I thought telling her wouldn’t offend her in anyway. Oh did I forget that I took a counterfeit 20 on the 16th. I was so badly embarrassed. So I went out and bought a little flashlight to take a look at the bills better. Hopefully that helps me because my eyes suck if I missed a 20. It’s the salvage people I know that gave me the 20. But which one I have no idea. Really sucks that I missed that, could have sworn that I checked well except that my eyes aren’t as good when it comes to reading the bills. The little lights are going to help though. Eddie the AARP worker came up to me on the 16th and just announced how I was the subject of conversation and that I would have no chance to fit in because of all the “clicks” around here, well at least I was the subject of conversation. Now let’s see about the news I collected from the Main, they are party girls around here. They like clubbing and going out with each other and they have their groups that I may never fit into but I have to try. Now clubbing is out of my league, and I do take all my 15 minutes breaks for cigarettes. And I have no idea what I am doing here, “As Is” is exciting two times a day and then it’s all non-work. Toya had an incident when a salvage customer handed her the ticket folded and she pretty much flung it back to the customer and told her to open it herself and hand it to her, the customer opened it and flung it back which made Toya mad and she went off about how that customer is always rude and so on and so on. It was so disrespectful on Toya’s part. And how can you blame the customer if Toya started it. Really not having the ticket unfolded is no big deal is it? But how do I bring that up to the girl. How do I correct them and their behavior if they don’t see anything wrong with it? I have no idea. I am on next week’s schedule and I never put in a formal request to come to the Main. I had requested once upon a time to go to Kissimmee and was turned away from that by Kathy, but never the Main. On my next schedule I am doing all the closings and I am so very very excited about that. I want to get into the Main so bad; I have to show that I am the work horse I claim to be and get to know the people. I have learned that booty shorts are always on the subject line and getting me into a dress. It’s funny I know but they are good girls and I like it here unfortunately for me I guess. Tanya is funny to. A strong woman I can learn a lot from if she would stay in one place. And Tee I find even has a sense of humor. Marilyn does laugh at me for keeping my hours, but I was ripped off for 4 hours at Apopka and I don’t plan on losing my hours anymore. So next week will be a great change for me and I relish the stuff I am going to learn that I am not doing right because of Apopka.

April 24, 2012 - I find the only two people that I cannot read is Lorraine and Toya. You can never tell if they are in a good mood or not. Toya likes to laugh at me, not with me but at me. It’s a little unnerving and unsettling to me. I don’t get the inside jokes much so I must sound like a ###. So I guess I should be made fun of and laughed out. But Lorraine is hard to read. I don’t know if I can have fun with her and joke and tell her what I might need or question her when I want to learn something. Because I did ask her a question about some clothes that look brand new and all the same and I think I was bothering her. I know I am new but I ask a lot of questions and I am sure that they don’t want to be bothered. I am scared though that what I need to know isn’t going to come easy. I feel like I am doing a good job but it’s like the more I want to get into the more resistance I get. I know for a fact that they take long breaks and leave me by myself and won’t let me do much, but why won’t they? I ask them, I try to join in the work but they won’t let me. I get the bits and pieces but not the full picture. I did get to ask Eddie (I think that is his name) some questions on salvage tickets and that sounded so interesting to me. So how do I get to see that? I asked Tee and Kim (the other assistant manager) about the clothes that look brand new and what that is. It’s “surplus” and bought from other major stores to sell in Goodwill. So I did learn something new. I just have to do more, I even suggested that we sweep up before Willemina mops so it will be nice for her to mop and I was told no why should we it’s her job. What is crazy is that I don’t tell them their job at all. I ask a lot of question trying to learn and when I suggest more work they shoot it down. It’s the same here as Apopka in the sense that they say that the Main store makes fun of them because they don’t make “plan” but consider that we sell by the pound and the Main doesn’t. Tanya wants more shoes out from what I hear. And that is good because the shoes do go out for $1.99 a pair and would make the bulk of the plan if we did have more. I find that Toya and Marilyn are a little ruder to the customers in the “As Is” sections. Actually nothing makes me cringe more than when they belittle a customer. It’s quite horrendous at points. It’s strange to me to watch the customers who are friendly and nice getting belittled. Believe me they don’t act right sometimes but why belittle them. They are customers and Apopka would never talk to customers like they do sometimes. I don’t know how to change that because they think it’s okay to do that. I have had no problem with the customers and they are nice to talk to. But that has to be figured out in the near future.

April 25, 2012 – So you know what I like about Kim is that she is cool. She is a little flaky and adorable, but she is very nice. Unfortunately when it comes to Marilyn and Toya she acts like she is scared. Why do I say that, we’ll let me get into that? I have seen some incidents, but this one happened today and I figured I would write about it. Of course once again I walked into work not knowing how to read Toya’s mood and if I should step back or go all in. I missed stepped and heard that Marilyn and Toya wanted to go to lunch together and I wanted to ask if that was okay with Kim. I did not want Tanya walking into the store and ask where they were and find out they went to lunch together and be in trouble. So when I asked Kim she said “no” and I needed to put my foot down. I was the third Key after all. You know I have to put this out there but I am so damn tired of them reminding me that I am a third key, because I had confidence in my job at Apopka and have lost all that confidence coming here. Will get into that more because I really need to write what is on my mind about this situation with Kim. Anyway so I go back to work and again it’s mentioned that it was time for lunch and I asked isn’t Marilyn supposed to go first since she arrived first and Toya says Marilyn has no concern about this and they were probably going to lunch at the same time. I explained that since I didn’t know if it was alright I asked Kim and she said it wasn’t allowed. That did not settle well with Toya and even though she didn’t take out her frustration on me, I sure heard all about it though, how everyone else does it and how come all of a sudden they can’t, lots more was said and it wasn’t calming words, and I didn’t like it at all. I only try so hard to follow the direction I am given. Yet this is where I get frustrated, you give me an order I follow up on the order yet when Marilyn and Toya went to Kim she backs down and makes me look like a fool and I was making it up. Well when the ladies came back from lunch I went to Kim and told her that wasn’t fair at all. I went through that in Apopka and I wasn’t going to do it here to. I wasn’t going to be reminded that I am a third key and then be put under the bus when I am told to follow the direction they give me. And these girls aren’t girls that you mess with because it ends up in angry words and screws up the day for me and the work. Plus I just didn’t want to be put into that situation. Kim did apology and that was very nice of her. But yet I had to apology to the girls before things could get back to normal. Okay I did apology and everything was okay after that. I just don’t know where my confidence has gone. I guess it’s time to admit that I might not be made for management with this company. I have to seriously think about it some. But it’s okay to eat humble pie not to have the angry girl’s right next to me working. Because it’s just a little space where only the three of us work and it can be very very uncomfortable. I wonder though what they have against NaNa. Because they speak of her being lazy and such and I don’t find that at all. She does everything I ask her without the arguments and the complaints I won’t be doing that because it’s not part of my job and so on and so on. She is nice to the customers and just because she is one of those employees that need direction doesn’t make her a bad employee. They tell me that she goes on her lunch and eats starch. Right out of a box and eats it. Strange and kind of weird but I wonder why? Have to ask….or maybe not.

April 28, 2012 – It’s a never ending theme around here that when I come in I take one of the girls down usually Marilyn and she goes to the back to work the back room and get things organized or so on and so on. I don’t know why this happens. I wonder why I cannot just not get a till and go to work in the back and do the organization. So today I did get the till and take down Toya this time and then I went to the back and got it organized and pulled up crates and just relaxed some. I even got to wait on some customers in the Main since their line was around the corner and that was feeling like home to me. I was so happy and thrilled. But of course that didn’t make Marilyn or Toya happy at all. The tension you could have cut it with a knife. So I again I ate humble pie and backed myself up and allowed them their space and day together. Only the whole time I have been here I have gotten along with the customers and I had a young lady wanting the purses she heard that might be coming out. She did ask Marilyn and I jumped in (which I admit was a mistake) and tried to answer her question. I think she took offense with that and made a snide comment that she didn’t really want to hear it because she used to work for Salvation Army and knows how it goes. Then she left. I told Marilyn well that pretty much told me to kiss her petunia (yes I did say petunia), alternative word, Nella taught me that. That broke the ice some more for the day with Marilyn. She got a good laugh about it. She commented how the customers are like that and I will have more and more like that. I told her I do know that because of my years in the business, but if a customer wants to ask a question you would think they would also like an answer. But at least the young lady did help break some more of the ice with Marilyn. So it ended up okay. I even told the story with Marilyn and the black woman with the false eyelashes from the Main on how I got into some trouble at Apopka, with the kiss my ### comment, and got a little more of the ice broken. So it ended up a good day to me.

April 29, 2012 – Wow how something like backing up team work can make your day go bad very very quickly. Such a good mood I was in. I picked up Esther for work and she could even tell you I was in a good mood. Yet when Marilyn saw the bins full of hangers and clothes from the Main in the “As Is” she got upset and told me how she was tired of having to move them into the warehouse. I explained to her that I was told that was where they normally leave the last of the bins because no one was allowed in the warehouse after it was walked through and if they did the door might not get closed properly and then the alarm would be affected. Thought it was squashed, until Toya got there and Marilyn got into her rant again. I did interrupt the conversation (not a good thing to do) and told her the reason again. She took offense that I interrupted the conversation according to Toya a few hours later, and Marilyn said I guess we have different opinions and I basically can shut up. Well she used a hand gesture that I won’t even allow my own children to do, now what the hell there goes the day. I went to Tee and confirmed why we leave the bins. She confirmed it but then it still makes Marilyn my enemy for the day again. So the minute I come back she is off and running with Toya to do the back and the half of the room. And you can hear those two talking and how Marilyn has something to get me with, stress and smiling though the crap is really hard to do. So here comes Tanya and Marilyn is called to the office. Here we go and I have to get ready to defend myself. I am then called to the office when Marilyn comes back and says Tanya wants to see me. Do you know what she told Tanya? Really I am even amazed by the balls, she told Tanya that I told a customer “to kiss my ###in ###”. ARE YOU KIDDING ME……NEVER IN MY LIFE…….AND THAT HURT……THAT PUT ME DOWN FOR MY INTEGRITY FOR TREATING CUSTOMERS….. Okay calmly I want to say never never never…….I just felt like I couldn’t get to my computer and I know I wrote it out the day before. I couldn’t believe that she could twist my words to benefit her. I couldn’t believe telling her team work was important and just move the bins if it’s needed, got her to the point. Then stupid and idiot me remembered I told the story about Apopka and basically buried myself because she knows what could be used to get me into trouble. At that point I broke down, because I basically set myself up to fail. I AM AN IDIOT!

April 30, 2012 – Of course now the break schedule won’t work. Tanya told me to start making a break schedule for “As Is”, which they have never had one made in this section. When I first started I asked about the “Daily Personal Schedule” and no one knew what I was talking about, so when Tanya told me to start making a break schedule I was speechless. It felt like I was going to be put into a situation again to make Marilyn and Toya even madder at me then they already are. And guess what the famous last words, you’re a third key. I am beginning to hate those words. I feel like I am the joke of “As Is”. And let me tell you what it felt like to present that break schedule to Marilyn and Toya. I felt belittled and made into that joke of a manager. I don’t know what to do. It sure in the hell wasn’t followed and when they went on break or lunch they made sure I was belittled even more. I was called a fat red tomato (I was wearing a red top), made fun of the way I talk in front of the Haitian woman, which hell gave them a good laugh. It’s just one of those things right to make me feel like the joke and I hate it. Didn’t speak much today, but with Toya and Marilyn together does it really matter if we speak. They do enough of that on their own among themselves and talking on the phone with the employees at the main. Got to sign my write up today for the counterfeit $20. Guess that was the highlight of the day for me.

May 1, 2012 – Can you really believe that with all the talking I did with my therapist and getting the nerve up all night long that I went to the Corporate Office to speak with the HR Dept. and they were in a meeting. Can you imagine the nerves I had standing there in the lobby and praying no one would come out and see me standing there asking Laura to see anyone in HR. Then when I got back into the car I had to take a moment and just breathe. So it’s back to work tomorrow, yeah me.

May 2, 2012 – Keep quiet, head down, and butterflies in my stomach. I figured it out today, they are the mean girls I dealt with in middle school. And I take myself back to those days when I had to hide in the bushes just to survive. I know that I can be strong and deal with it, and I know that I am a strong person. But I also know my temper, and I have to keep that in check because that is what they want me to do is react negatively. I refuse to step to their level. Shelia helps me so much in giving me encouragement and loving ways to look at things. She makes me smile. The customers are another thing that makes me smile. A couple of them have come up to me and said I am doing a good job. I wonder why they did that though, and when I asked it’s because they hear what Marilyn and Toya say about me behind my back or when I am not there. You know what I didn’t write about on the 29th and that was my breakdown I had in the restroom right in front of Toya. I was so angry that Marilyn could lie so about my character with the customer that I couldn’t take it when it was constantly playing in my brain. It was so humiliating to be called to Tanya’s office for that. She doesn’t know me, so why would she defend my character. But it was humiliating never less. I don’t mind the silent treatment or the snickering…..okay I lied it bothers me. Yet I have to be me and be the manager I worked so hard to be. I have some news though; I got to close the Main all by myself. Let me tell you what kind of high that was. I came home so relaxed and happy. I was thrilled to have that opportunity. It was the greatest. It ran so smoothly. I was proud of the work the ladies who were with me did. Let’s see if I can remember all their names, it was Madeline, Esther, Linda, Lorraine, and an AARP worker (the only one I didn’t know her name). Tina O. was there but she had to leave at 5:30 because she had no babysitter after 6 pm tonight. It would have gone either way but it was FANTASTIC. Now back to Shelia a little bit, she doesn’t say “you’re the third key”, she says “keep your head up high, and what they do to you is their personal problem and not yours”. She should be a manager with her encouragements. Not that Tanya isn’t a good manager but the warnings that are coming from coworkers you have to watch your back with her also…please god let that not be true. I just want to do the job and do it well. And I went from wanting to slit my wrist to doing a good job closing. So if I can have more days like the end of my day then I will do so well for the company and my self-esteem. Plus I need Tanya to see my potential and not allow the others to sabotage me. Going to try to go to Corp. tomorrow again to the HR people and speak with them still. Oh yeah did I say that I finally asked Marilyn and Toya about the shoe’s today. Of course they got a little testy about it, no as long as the feet are covered they will not be wearing shoes like me because have I seen what they all wear, why would they have to wear shoes like me. I told them I thought it was policy to wear no slip shoes and not the slipper shoes they are wearing especially since we move the crates and the shoes I am wearing would be more safe then theirs. Oh no that won’t be happening because they cannot wear shoes like me or they would quit…….oh please let them. Sorry couldn’t help that thought and it was only a thought, I did not say that out loud.

**** conclusion is that I was discharged today for not fitting in...

Orlando, US
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May 04, 2012 9:24 am EDT

Definition of workplace bullying by Amicus-MSF trade union
"Persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, which undermines their self-confidence and which may cause them to suffer stress"
MSF Union, 1994

Definition of workplace bullying by Tim Field
Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully.
"Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, ignorance, indifference, silence, denial, disbelief, deception, evasion of accountability, tolerance and reward (eg promotion) for the bully."
Tim Field, 1999

I was just fired today from Goodwill of Central Florida after enduring humiliation in so many ways by two one wanted to hear it...once I was fired they will do an investigation...I am now blogging about my experience and out of work with no confidence in myself after being belittled, made fun of, crying everyday and so on and so on...and the other employees know what kind of treatment I was getting from the two individuals but who wants to lose their jobs by standing up for lonely me...guess if I [censored] now after being made to feel like a failure I will bring attention to the work place bullying that Goodwill sanctions...

Jasmin Rey
Houston, US
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Apr 04, 2012 9:41 am EDT

Even if you have not noticed
excessive rise in prices than Goodwill.
These are reaching levels of stores with new prductos.

Kiwani Awape
Bowling Green, US
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Mar 26, 2012 4:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dear Anon: People in general are prone to whine about the work place. I am not a young person, and worked for goodwill for several years. I was horrified by the treatment of employees. Regular employees have no advocate within the company. You are abosolutely right.

Albuquerque, US
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Mar 26, 2012 12:47 am EDT

Goodwill is the worst place to work. I tend to take complaints about workplaces with a grain of salt, since it's the most whiny people who are the loudest, but it really is the worst place. Never work for this company. Never.

Kiwani Awape
Bowling Green, US
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Mar 15, 2012 11:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

goodwill has the public completely fooled. They retain their :non-profit" status by remaining "privately owned". Their mission statement is a lie. Thier main goal is to maintain massive growth and profits on the backs of underpaid employees and through the ignorance of the public. Their success is from totally from donations from the public, and monetary donations (250, 000.00 or more) from companies like walmart. most of what is donated by the public is "baled" or simply thrown away. A very small percentage is actually sold in stores. Better items are "auctioned" on line.
Management is corrupt and is encouraged to treat all employees like they are thieves from the time they are employed. Most employees are paid minimum wage, with never a raise in pay, unless required by law. (this is not told to employees when they are hired)

9:19 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries my husband got scabies here

My husband has worked for goodwill for two years. On july 29th 2011, he became so ill, and was covered with sores, and oozing sores. I took him to the emergency room and he was diagnosed with crusted scabies and eczema!
I had taken him to a doctor some nine months ago to get answers on why he had this rash when he came home from work, and after working there his (3) days, it was just horrible. The dr. Said it was nothing but heat sweat. I am going to sue this doctor and goodwill as well as goodwill does not have one ounce of compassion for their "slave laborers"
Nor does goodwill have one ounce of compassion for the customers that come in and buy clothes, especially for children. With the new school season beginning, there are many folks, that are struggling and outright poor due to this economic system, that have purchased clothese for their kids to wear and don't have a clue as to what they may have exposed their children to. These clothese are not washed, they are just put on racks to purchase and unsuspecting people buy them and are exposing their children as well as themselves to scabies and lice.
How goodwill, or any other 2nd hand retail store, is not forced by law, to have posted signs to wash these items, first, before wearing or using any cloth material item, in hot soapy water prior to wearing or using these items is utterly despicable!
Worse than that, when I called horry county dhec, to report this, I was told they do not have the resources to do anything about this. Folks, are tax dollars to pay the salaries of these individuals that are supposed to be protecting the general public do nothing! There could be such an outbreak of scabies in this community and beyond! No one, no media, will do anything to do the basic, of common sense, prevention and warn people that these clothes are donated and maybe very dirty, so wash them in hot soapy water before wearing them or using cloth material items. Scabies can live for (48) hours on cloth material. Scabies is a very dangerous and contagious mite!

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8:48 pm EDT
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Goodwill Industries refusal to refund money even though it is their fault

I paid for an item. I paid for the delivery of the item by UPS. UPS misdelivered the item. UPS could not find the item and closed the investigation. Elsie Narvaerz of Goodwill Long Beach [protected] x279 gave me the runaround by insisting that the item was delivered to me when clearly it has not. Elsie told me that UPS told her that the item was delivered to my address. It was not and UPS never informed her that the item was found and delivered to the correct address. UPS closed the investigation and told me to have Goodwill file a claim it them. I called Elsie and she informed me that she has reopened the investigation with UPS. This is nothing more than stalling tactics on her part and I will never buy from this organization again. The cost of the item? $17.00.

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6:25 pm EDT

Goodwill Industries scam

Additional information Shenzhen goodwill
MSN/Email : [protected]

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7:09 pm EDT
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Goodwill Industries reversed race discrimination - harassment

Since February of this year, I have been faced with harassment from black employees at the Chester, Virginia Good Will Store. Merchandise has been witheld from me, but saved until black customers come into this store. Yesterday I had tried to purchase of real silverware, but a black cashier grabbed it from the checkout counter and rushed to the back of the store since she said it might belong to a set. The peices of silver was mixed up in 4 or 5 boxes of cheap utincils. I had made a complaint and anotrher employee ( White ) had verified where I had gotten the silver forks, and spoons. When the black returned to the checkout, there were several peices gone. I have complained of many problems at this racist store, but apparently Goodwill doesn't recognise white males as having equal rights. This would never have happened to any black that entered the store.

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Update by Gwoods
Aug 10, 2011 5:29 pm EDT

The Entire Goodwill Industry should be investigated for theft and racial harassment of white customers. Whre are the donations goin to? It it to the hands of thugs who feel that we aqll owe them something? I hear that a lot of valuable mercahndise never reaches customers.

Update by Gwoods
Aug 10, 2011 5:25 pm EDT

The headquarters for Goodwill Industries is located on Midlothian Turnpike in Richmond. I have desperately tried to communicate with several white female employees at their level of incompetence to the fact that blacks at the Goodwill Store in Chester harass and ripoff white male customer. In addition, harassment is an ongoing problem, but unfortunately the lower class at the Midlothian offic e feels that white males deserve trash from blacks. I have heard rumors that the racist store in Chester steals merchandise that has been donated by individuals and from businesses. Valuable jeewelry, furniture, clothes, etc., never reaches the floor for customers. Management tells staff not to allow certain white males who have complained not to allow them to purchase certain items.

Update by Gwoods
Aug 10, 2011 5:19 pm EDT

Chester, Virginia would be a very classy town except for many low class trash moving here. They should stay where're they're welcome and practice their racist daily rituals around their own kind. Our country and town owes these trash absolutely nothing!


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Napa poem
North Hollywood, US
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Oct 23, 2012 8:36 pm EDT

I totally. Agreed with you . I have my 3 items $150 left with the supervisor as the item mis lead or mis represent. Those would return for refund that we both agreed. Then the true what left for donate when I asked is pretentious as no time or busy until 4 months past. If those items are gone with no one response to them. I wii sue the company with small claim court . Goodwill is non profil but they are greedy employers.

Waterville, US
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Jul 13, 2012 11:48 am EDT

The same issues are apparent at the Waterville Store in Maine. I had a chain that the lady took to the counter and I never received it. On top of that I am discriminated against, often. I've been keeping a journal of all the incidents for the last 2 years, and its over-run with: thievery, mistreatment of customer, and embezzlement. Store staff makes piles for themselves to take home as donations arrive. Some re-sell these things to make profit (against store policy). I am followed and stared at, called Tinkerbelle, harassed and treated like a piece of poo. They also call friends to buy items. Most customers don't have much of a chance to purchase items of any value, Items are: chipped, broken, and labeled misleadingly. An item of value is taken, in some shape, fashion, or form: by it's employee's. I believe most Goodwill Stores are riddled with things of this nature happening. It's just scary how common and frequent it occurs

98660, US
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Aug 20, 2011 8:56 am EDT

To answer Gwoods's question of where donated valuable merchandises are going at Goodwill Industries. They all go to the online auctions, The undervalued items go to all Goodwill retail stores. Most of those stores don't stock higher end for customers to be able to afford anymore. The stockrooms screen the best and low qualities. Most of the customers who frequent Goodwill could not afford winning or higher bid prices on items they would like to have. Unfair practice, totally!

12:42 pm EDT

Goodwill Industries scam

Dear Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that, you have won a prize money of Two Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds (GBP200, 000.00) in the Ongoing 2011 year International E-mail Draw which was Organized by Coca-Cola Company Of England.

Coca-Cola Prize Redemption Center collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo, Aolmail, Rediffmail, Gmail, Russian Mail, window live mail and few from other e-mail providers. Winners were selected through Electronic Random Ballot System (ERBS) without the candidate applying or any ticket being sold, Six people are selected yearly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners.

Winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Center, Coca-Cola Award must be claimed not later than 15 days from the date of Draw Notification. Any Prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited.

The following PIN NO: has been assigned to you and you are required to quote it in every mail that you send to us: Coca-Cola - 2011

This numbers fall within the England location file, you are requested to contact our fiduciary agent in England (Dr. Goodwill Alex) with the
details below and send your winning Reference numbers to him;

He shall immediately commence the process that will facilitate the release of your fund to you.

Name: Dr.Goodwill Alex (Fiduciary Agent)
Tel: +[protected]
E-mail: [protected]

You are warned to keep your winning information to yourself until your fund is released to you, to avoid double claim which will lead to absolute cancellation/termination of Award. We also do not tolerate Laxity and inconsistency in claim.

NOTE: This Draw is solely conducted by COCA-COLA COMPANY UK. and cannot be claimed through any of our Regional Offices in your Country/Area. all communications must be through COCA-COLA COMPANY UK. We will try to respond to every mail You Send as soon as we can.

Once again, We congratulate you for this landmark achievement and implore you with the responsibility of ensuring successful claims. He shall get back to you with the Fund release Directives on our receipt of your personal details as requested Below;

Please, Kindly provide us with the following information for Verification of your Prize;

Full name...
Home Telephone #...
Pin #...
E-mail address...
Marital Status...
Mobile Telephone #...

"Congratulations Once Again''


Copyright [protected] Coca Cola International.

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10:38 am EDT
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Goodwill Industries rude management

I was thrown out of goodwill as is store with no explanation given. I did absolutely nothing wrong as i was supplementing my unemployment with e bay sales. The store manager uses profanity and has had 400 customer complaints. The management above her says we don't care, that store makes a lot of money

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1:53 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Goodwill Industries the manager ella

On Friday I was shopping in this location, I shop there quite offen. I was at the jewery counter and I saw new bags of jewery under the register that had not been put out, the cashier said she was not going to put it out(for some reason she was very angry) I ash the manager Ella, she lied and said they did not get any, then she went and ambushed Christina accusing her of telling me, they did have jewery, while me and another customer was watching(so unproffessional). Then Ella instructed another emp to take the bags of jewery, hide them under a stack of Fossils purses that the emp had in a buggy to take to the back. When I checked out I told the cashier that Christina did not say anything to me about the jewery I SAW IT MYSELF.

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Update by baps
Feb 09, 2012 5:37 am EST

The manager (Ella)for Goodwill, at Gus Thomas, Dallas tx, should be fired, she is rude, loud, unprofessional, steals merchandise/money from the store. She has her picks of like/dislike when it comes to certain customers, these are the ones she gives the lower prices to, others she raises them up. You can catch her in a lie or when she is wrong, she makes up her own rules, never uses the rules of Goodwill JUST ELLAS RULES She lets her favorite employees break all the policies by letting them bring their boyfriends, husbands, baby daddys to help do her employees work. Ellas boyfriend has the run of the place. I have never seen such a bunch of bullcrap. people complain to Corp. but no one does a thing to get rid of her, just a good old gal slap on the back, treat the customers like ###, we do not care, just sell you . Maybe We need to boycott Goodwills, all of them, to let them know we are not happy with management


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Dallas, US
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Jun 17, 2011 8:16 am EDT

The manager Ella at Gus Thomas is such a big lier, . In the past we were friends, friends enough to talk about her sister/family issues, friendly enough for her to call me at home and ask me to volunteer at the store, without going through the training, she said she needed someone helping her, she could trust, that had her back, I came in to help her. Then for no reason I can think of she started to talk about me behind my back, maybe she thought I told the other gals what she said about them, no, I did not . Now she uses every opportunity to defame me . Giving a rattlesnake to much power is deadly, so I will watch my back when dealing with you, Ella referred to us as vultures, but you failed to realize we spend a lot of money in the store. Kylie you better be careful how you react to what Ella tells you, I know its so easy for you to just believe your managers do not lie. So I will pray for you all

3:36 pm EDT
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While I worked as a supervisor at the Hendersonville Career Connections, I was told repeatedly to double enter and sometimes triple or quadruple enter the number of people "served" through the center. They inflate their numbers by counting them if they register at one center and then go to another center, they count them up to four times if they register...

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11:59 pm EST
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Goodwill Industries management

It makes me so mad to see this one manager treat her the employees under her so badly at the Goodwill donation sites in the Reno and Sparks area. Pam Alexander-Neihart was hired with no knowledge of GOODWILL and has no knowledge of employee relations. She lies about employees and before you know it the employee is terminated. Employees that have to deal with her are beginning to fear her because she is creating a hostile work environment. If she doesn't like someone she makes there life at goodwill very difficult be changing schedules and ignoring requests. What is sad is employees are to scared to say anything. How can Goodwill allow someone with such bad work ethics work in a management position.
When I think of goodwill I think of a great company that strives to help individuals with various employment barriers stay employed. Then Neihart comes along and does whatever she can to get that person terminated. She doesn't try and help that person or talk to that person. She is uncaring, self absorbed, and simply mean.
Here is some information about Goodwill... Maybe Pam should read it.
Goodwill Manasota is accredited by CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
Core Values - What We Believe
Our People. They are our greatest asset. (THIS IS ONE SHE OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T KNOW)

Honesty. We work together with integrity and with the highest ethical standards.

Effectiveness .We are dedicated to making the right things happen with superior results.

Stewardship. We accept responsibility for the care of our mission, guiding principles, resources and people.

Continuous Improvement. We are better today than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow.

Teamwork. No person is as smart as all of us.

Open Communications. We create a safe environment for quality communications as well as quality listening.

Responsibility. We value our personal and professional obligations; we keep our promises.

Spirit. We bring a passion for our mission in all we do.

Acknowledgement. Our people will be coached and know where they stand. We recognize work well done.

Empowerment. We provide skills, resources and authority to assist people in making informed decisions.

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Update by where are all the honest people
Mar 06, 2011 1:44 am EST

I agree the items are way overpriced and it does not appear that the company itself even cares about what they stand for anymore.

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2:24 pm EST

Goodwill Industries stay away

My wife bought a wedding dress for her daughter at the Pepper Ferry Rd Goodwill near Blacksburg Va. It turned out to be too large for her daughter and she took it back to the same store the next morning. The girl at the checkout called the manager to see if she could get a refund. When hte manager arrived she began fussing at the checkout girl because a plastic hanger had been included with the dress.

MY wife was polite and respectful of this woman, but since she only had the credit card receipt for the purchase, was told that she could not get a refund or store credit either. My wife threw te dress on the counter, told the manger to keep it and stormed out.

A few observations - Goodwill wants to portray themselves as a legitimate and even upscale operation - but this kind of behavior shows what a second class act they truly are. If this manager thinks that we will ever walk in another Goodwill - she is wrong. If she thinks we will donate anything else - she is wrong. If she thinks this kind of behavior will not effect her bottom line she is wrong - if she thinks we won't try to take this up with the credit card company and the better business bureau she is wrong. If the company thinks that his sort management won't effect them overall they are wrong. If they think they can succeed with this sort of management then they are wrong - especially in these times what goes round comes round. Go on Badwill! Keep it up We will witness your demise. The local thrift stores are a hundred times more pleasant and reasonable to deal with.

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Hollywood, US
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Mar 16, 2011 2:05 am EDT

Goodwill is horrible I agree with your wife. Just check out all the MILLIONS of complains, this isn't the first time its happened.

Minneapolis, US
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Feb 22, 2011 7:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Why didn't your wife keep the regular receipt? Anyways, it sounds like she had a temper tantrum.

"My wife threw te dress on the counter, told the manger to keep it and stormed out." How very mature of her.

Norfolk, US
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Feb 22, 2011 3:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would hardly deem "throwing the dress on the counter, telling them to keep it, and storming out" being polite and respectful to the manager...
Goodwill Industries is a charitable organization. The monies received through the thrift outlets are used to fund multiple programs for those in need. Just something to think about...

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About Goodwill Industries

Screenshot Goodwill Industries
Goodwill Industries offers a variety of services, including job training, employment placement, and other community-based programs for individuals facing employment challenges. They also operate thrift stores nationwide, selling donated goods such as clothing, furniture, and household items.
How to file a complaint about Goodwill Industries?

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2. Navigating to the complaint form
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3. Writing the title
Summarize the main issue you have with Goodwill Industries in the 'Complaint Title' section. Be concise but descriptive to capture the essence of your complaint.

4. Detailing the experience
Provide detailed information about your experience with Goodwill Industries. Mention key areas such as any transactions you had, steps taken to resolve the issue, the nature of the problem, and the personal impact it had on you. Ensure to include relevant details to support your complaint.

5. Attaching supporting documents
If you have any additional supporting documents related to your complaint, remember to attach them. However, avoid including sensitive personal data in these documents.

6. Filling optional fields
Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses you incurred and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking from Goodwill Industries.

7. Review before submission
Before submitting your complaint, review it for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all necessary information is included to effectively communicate your concerns.

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Overview of Goodwill Industries complaint handling

Goodwill Industries reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2007. The latest review The New Evil Empire was posted on Mar 13, 2025. The latest complaint don't work or shop at goodwill was resolved on Oct 22, 2014. Goodwill Industries has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 489 reviews. Goodwill Industries has resolved 47 complaints.
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    5810 Indianola Drive, Derwood, Maryland, 20855, United States
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Goodwill Industries is ranked 35 among 124 companies in the Retail Stores category

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