Every time I trIed to talk to the district manager or store manager dont even remember the one above all the little dept. Managers. They kept preventing me from speaking to her and I met her as well but all info was hidden to contact her. and they would avoid or hangup up on me if I tried I followed up with a police report. I had gotten illigally fired from a witch because she pulled a shirt out of my hand like a savage psycho. So I asked her nicely what is wrong with her? that ghetto as caucasian witch apparently owns the entire macys store, because she just shouted directly in my face "leave my store"! she was those managers that dress up the manicans and carrys a bunch of keys like a butch truckdriver. I left and never looked back although I could have sued because I was over 40 and a veteran. All the managers are lazy and leave secretly and cover for eachother, and the newbee is left constantly harrassing me over folding clothes just to make herself look busy. That place is so getto my standards were to high and I was a threat to that dungeon of evil lazy control freaks, and oh 2 of those women sat me down to talk as if I was in grade school rude and violent aggressive, I told her that as a veteran with degrees she is so outdated and to watch herself and I will speak when ever I want, she is not going to indimidatme me. by saying over and over in a psycho way."I am speaking! I am speaking! with her evil eyes demanding I need to shut up when she speaks. She is so full of it. I did not tolerate this intimidation and abuse. I wrote and called to HR. Of course some drunk responded in an email and couldnt even spell her words and just kept saying I am sorry hope you feel better. But that group of evil can stay managing that dungeon the turnover rate is a joke. And apparently they love it that way because they cover for eachother verrrry very well. THIS HAPPENED BACK IN 2022 you know who I am!