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Walmart review: walmart employee 38

Author of the review
5:47 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I was in Moses Lake, Wa walmart at 1:00 pm today and marjori on till 1 was realy rude so I fo
und the floor manager and told her about being upset with the way I was treated. And the managers responce was as rude as the employee. I own a business with 12 employers and if any one of my people treated my customers like I was treated they would have been fired on the spot. Moses Lake store is known for this. A lot of locals drive 18 miles to Ephrata to shop. WHAT SO HARD ABOUT TREATING PEOPLE NICE IN THESE BAD TIMES. THERE IS A LOT OF PEOPLE LOOKING FOR JOBS. I AM SCHOCKED THAT THE FLOOR MANAGER CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE CARE OF THE PROBLEM ED WHITE 1952w. log cabin rd Worley, Idaho 83876

PS has walmart though about hiring a person to go from store as a shopper that nobody knows an see how they are treated and NO I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A JOB


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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shopper alocholic i- san pable
san pablo, US
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Aug 24, 2009 7:17 pm EDT

Walmart needs to invest in mystery shopper that uses credit cards. On they headquarters personnell is a joke as well as my locate store employeess. And they wonder why the customers are rude at walmarts. Dealing with the clerks are well as the assisant managers who want to be managers are wow--- let the mind wonder with this

shopper alocholic i- san pable
san pablo, US
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Aug 24, 2009 7:17 pm EDT

agree! customers service training would work wonders!

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Aug 28, 2009 12:03 am EDT

I just got hired at Walmart ( I lost my last job and am in desperate need of an income) and I found that during orientation they stressed how important the customers are more than any other thing. I myself am seasoned in retail, and I believe fully in helping customers. I am always friendly and courteous, and I don't bring any personal issues to work with me. I always got compliments from my last place of work, and customers asked for me on a regular basis. I find Walmart to be very different from my last job. For one thing, the assistant manager and a few of the other employees sure don't know how to treat fellow employees. I have never dealt with such rude people in my entire life! I can only imagine how they treat customers, as I have never seen them interact with customers. (Yet.) My stomach hurts just thinking about having to go into that hell hole in the morning, and I can't wait until I find another job so I can hightail it out of there as quickly as possible! Still, the bills must be paid. I just wish I didn't have to work with such hypocrites.

Saint Cloud, US
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Sep 11, 2009 9:19 am EDT

and they use mystery shoppers to harass people. I was taking too much time reading the nutrional labels of food because my husband is allergic to gluten, and the mystery shoppers were showing me the "door" out the store.

Waialua, US
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Oct 06, 2009 4:55 pm EDT

Lately, Walmart has been cutting a tremendous amount of associates that are on the floor. Where 2 years ago we would have 5-6 people in the Electronics Department, now there is only 2-3! We aren't ignoring the customers, they are just spreading us thin. We don't have enough associates to to hold hands with the customers while they shop. Every body is stressed in this ecomomy. Maybe a lot of Associates don't have their happy face on, because their hours have been cut and they are deciding if they can afford milk at dinner. Getting your hours cut 5-7 hours a week is NOT pleasant!

Las Vegas, US
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Oct 16, 2009 3:57 am EDT

Last night around 11 o'clock me and my husband went to wallmart to buy grocery here in Las Vegas Nevada by Rainbow and Spring Mountain, I am having pain and I cannot walk so I used the scooter and when we finished and leaving the building to go to our car Jill the greeter stopped us and she told us that we cannot take out the scooter, I was in pain and my husband was so upset and told me to give her damn scooter I stood up and all our grocery drop it all on the ground and she was waiting for the scooter to take it back inside and our car park right infront of wallmart by handicapped area. She didn't even ask us that when we finish unloading our groceries if we can bring the scooter back she didn't even have the guts to tell us she just took the scooter from us and my husband was very upset. We called to complaint but we waited on the phone for 30 minutes and we called twice and I asked for Wendy the co manager and no one answer for 14 minutes they keep putting us on hold.

My experienced with wall mart employees some were very RUDE! no manners at all!


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Jan 21, 2010 6:06 am EST

*rolls eyes* Customers really need to get over themselves.

Troy, US
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Jan 26, 2010 3:04 pm EST

If you go to your local Walmart, you know, the one located in YOUR TOWN then isn't it safe to assume that the associates represent your community? THE EMPLOYEES ARE A REFLECTION OF THE LOCAL CONSUMER, not the other way around. Walmart employees are treated very badly, paid very little, and they get to deal with rude, obnoxious customers who are too cheap to shop for quality merchandise at a retailer with good employment policies. You get what you pay for and you reap what you sow. Speaking of sow - being handicapped does not entitle you to abuse the minimum wage employee at the front door, who would be written up or fired for allowing the scooter outside. Did that even occur to you? Doubt it.

Yuma, US
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Feb 23, 2010 4:22 pm EST

went to walmart today, parked my cart by the greeter @ told him i was going to mic e des thats right next to him, 20 feet, instore, mc dons, in cart was a body pillow @ 3 picture frames, came back, and thier was a different greeter, he grabed the cart and said ur not going anywere, i asked 4 a manager, and some lady came after telling her my story, all she said was, what teller did u go thru, i took her to the teller across the store, she told her, yes i sold him that stuff, i said can i go, she told me no, u need a reciet, and it will take about 15 min, she walked toward the back, with out saying a word, and i left after about 5 min, thru another exit, will never shop at walmart again!

Wallingford, US
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Feb 25, 2010 7:58 pm EST

I am work for walmart in Connecticut i was hired from the remodel and it was my first job while i help my family get through some money problems and the remodel was fine but when they keep me I did not know what i was in for they cut my hours they raise my hours they made me a meal exception on 3 different times and every manager and zms gives me something to do when ever i am in the back to go along with the running paper goods and chem and pets bye-myself on weekends i have developed knee problems and 19 years old as i go to college at the same time i want to quit but i know i will be hurting my family because i give them my check to help with the bills that mounted up when my dad got layed off and could not get a job for a year i do not know what to do everyday they think i can kill 5 palettes unload the remix truck and zone all before i go to lunch and one point they wanted me to do it on my own what should i do

Wal-Mart complainer
Newbury Park, US
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Mar 01, 2010 4:26 pm EST

I am not stupid and I know Wal-Mart can track these postings. I work there and have been there for four weeks. I was bound and determined to look and do my best work. I shopped at Macy's to work at Wal-Mart. Go figure! Blue and beige. OK. Customers have abused me and I just smile and and go on with what I am doing. GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. I work as hard as I can which is pretty hard. In the last week, I was called into the office and written up for insulting a customer. I have never and never will insult a customer and on the day in question had no reason to insult a customer. It was just another day. After that I noticed that they were "building a case against me". I asked them if they were harrasing me and the daily complaints stopped. Of course I am looking for a new job and they are looking to fire me. I thought I was their best employee! They obviously have an agenda that no other employer I worked for ever had and I can't figure out . No problems. No injuries. No lawsuits. No illness. No fights. No time off. No hardships. No senority. No benefits. No special demands. Just Wal-Mart being Wal-Mart. They have to stay in practice I guess.

Oh and Wal-Mart, when you read this, guess what I am going to collect unemployement when you fire me for no cause. You and I both know I can't afford to sue you for harrasment. You win. Congrats you have the big gun!

Wal-Mart complainer
Newbury Park, US
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Mar 01, 2010 4:37 pm EST

I have been reading a lot of things on the internet about working at Wal-Mart. I think I figured it out. They want their managers to have a cop mentality. They are frustrated wanna bee cops. A very very superficial friendliness, while some managers stare at you and give you the evil eye. Bad cop, good cop. Bad Walmart manager, good Walmart manager. Why or why did I quit Target?

Worley, US
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Mar 15, 2010 11:09 pm EDT

Its a shame that the CEO does 't go under cover.

walmart sucks ass
Greenville, US
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May 10, 2010 2:37 pm EDT

i was in Walmart in Aberdeen, NC and me and my sister would just spend time in there seeing as how thats all there is to do in Aberdeen and we got followed by 5 employees accusing us of stealing and when we left they even followed us to the parking lot...i was soo angry they would accuse some one of stealing just because the amount of time we were in the this day i will never shop at walmart my friends and family do not either!


Warriors Mark, US
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Jun 09, 2010 8:04 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I worked at the Wal-Mart in State College, PA, last summer, on my break from college. Overall, I must say I was very unhappy with the attitudes of people. Most of them were arrogant and grouchy everyday.

Chesapeake, US
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Jun 15, 2010 11:00 am EDT

I work at the service desk at my Wal-Mart. I must say, a lot of the associates at Wal-Mart have attitudes because the customers they interact with come in with a major chip on their shoulders. I have been lied to and lied about. I have been called every name in the book and I have even had things thrown at me. But I keep doing what I trained to do. Smile and get through my day. I do this because at the end of the day, the customer is going home still angry because he/she didn't get their way and I am still going home to my family... News Flash! I don't sleep with you sweetie. You do not sign my check, nor do you pay my bills so your little temper tantrum is just that: a show of how immature and how egocentric you are. Just thought I would point that out. Whoever came up with the cliche: THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT was a big fat liar. The customer is not always right. They lie, cheat and still and will jump at the chance to pull someone down for their own benefit and sometimes it bites them in the butt, still they press on and continue to rape the policies set by Wal--Mart. You only have the right to spend your money and get the heck out of the store. I'm gonna school you all in on some of the return policies held by Wal-Mart Stores. Besides the policies that are posted in the store and on the webstite these other things are listed for returns: 1) underwear/garments (bra, panties, boxers, undershirts, etc.) and swimsuits can only be returned or exchanged WITH a receipt. So don't try it. 2)If you do not have your receipt you will be issued a Wal-Mart gift card and NO we can not look up your purchase using your credit card this is not Sears. 3)Once you have reached your max of 3 returns within a rolling 45 day period. Stop bringing stuff back. We will not make an exception so don't ask. 4) Keep ALL receipts and ALL packaging for at least 15, 30, 45, or 90 days depending on the nature of the item in question. It makes returning items that much easier for you and helps to minimize the likely hood of you having a poor customer service experiecne. 5) Food items can be returned or exchanged up to 3 days from the date of purchase WITH the receipt. Anything later than that, and you will be out back. 6) Food purchased using SNAP or EBT can only be exchanged or returned to the original card. If the card is not in your possesion at the time of the return:tough titty said the kitty...7) If you didn't try clothes on while at the store, when you get home don't take the tags off the clothes. What sense does that make. The first thing you do is take the tags off then try the things on and decide you need another size... Noooooooooo Keep the tags on. They will not get in your way of checking how your butt looks in those jeans. It's OK. 8)Wait to be called up to the service desk. Just because the last customer has left doesn't mean the associate is ready to assist you. They have other things they need to do in order to prepare for your return. 9) Because some Wal-Mart stores are not equipped with a "Money Center" please be mindful that some customers will be cashing checks or making bill payments. It is important to remember that they would need some privacy... In case you cant take a hint, refer to #8. I think that is all I need to say at this time. Hopefully these guidelines will help to ensure you have a pleasureable experiencde at your local Wal-Mart service desk... Toodles

Austin, US
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Jun 25, 2010 5:15 pm EDT

JHOY - I can tell you that Jill is following Policy. Customers are Not allowed to take the electric carts outside. These are indoor scooters, they are not like Hoverounds where you can take them to the Grand Canyon. The problem is people take them outside and leave them there, & they get worn from the cement/gravel & weather conditions. You got inside the store on your feet - You can leave on Your feet!

508 Bedford St, US
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Jan 16, 2011 12:21 am EST
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I worked for Wal-mart for about 6 months. At the particular store I was employed, there was racism and failure to follow policies on drunkeness on the job. There were times that a certain male of color and another who was a drunk, would go on their breaks as soon as they heard a delivery truck had arrived and leave me, a 120lb woman, to unload by myself. Management did nothing. I was recgonized for working hard, but the problem was never solved. Those who work hard are expected to do more than the lazy employees. Wal-mart uses slave labor rules to manage their good employees and uses kiss-[censor] rules to manage the bums. Management wants one person to do the job of two and still get done on time or before the alloted time and do a "most excellent" job. When you get the time, why not go mto Wal-mart, when there aren't many customers and walk around the store. Why? To see how crappy the store looks. Quality? Wal-mart doesn't even know what that means.

Augusta, US
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Feb 23, 2011 10:43 pm EST
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I spent half an hour online filling out the Walmart application, recieved a call for an interview for temporary remodel work at barely over minimum wage, interviewed with 3 people, filled out numerous amounts of paperwork, went for a drug test was called and told I could start tomorrow. After kiindly explaining to the woman who called that I stated on my application I couldn't start until next week and would love to be there Monday morning for 8am, she rudely stated." oh that probably isn't going to work, I'll have to call you back." I never heard back from her again. My question is, why on an application does it ask when you are available to start if the 3 people you interviewed with are not going to pay attention to it anyway?

Salt Lake City, US
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Mar 16, 2011 6:37 am EDT

What exactly did she say or do? I am the sweetest, nicest, happiest person in the world, always smiling, eager for business, and I love my job and my customers! I always have customers complain on me all the time for being rude, when I WAS NOT being rude! I finally got fed up and asked one of my fellow employees why I got so many complaints when I'm NOT a rude, angry, and impatient person! she told me that my thick Southern accent (from Louisiana but living in Utah) sounded very much like sarcasm and some people took offense to it.

meredosia, US
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Apr 03, 2011 5:46 am EDT

I work at a walmart that has not had water for hours. They called and had 2 porta potties brought in to the parking lot. There was no hand washing facilities. They said to use hand sanitizer. They did not furnish water for the employees. I guess they didn't want to shut down because they might miss out on a few dollars! I myself thought this was totally unexceptable!

Greenfield, US
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May 03, 2011 1:01 am EDT
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This is my experience at the New Hinsdale NH Super Store just recently opened.

My experience was humiliating on my visit to your store. Cash register by the door, cashier and floor manager working in harmony. A very cordial transaction. I pay for the things while this little gremlin watched the entire transaction near the exit. I step forward right near her, even giving her a high how you doing and she watches my brother make the next transaction. He steps forward after paying to exit along with myself and the greeter or what ever you want to call them stop us to show a receipt. Now she is either there to greet people which to me seemed to be the norm, but in this case she seemed determined for people like myself from ever shopping there again.

There was no need to make your customers look like criminals when the entire process was completely observed.

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May 05, 2011 1:19 am EDT

I was at the walmart store on North Tryon, Chatlotte, North carolina. I had to return something and was standing at the customer sevice line, there was just one person ahead of me only one counter open. After the person ahead of me left, I just stepped forward in front of the counter. The lady at the service desk her name was Nique, pretended not to have seen me standing there, I stood there for 10 mintes or so and she completely ignored me and started calling the next person in line. I asked why is not taking care of me first and to that she very rudely replied, I don't know what you are stading here for, I did not call for you. My fault was I did not realize I have to wait there to be called (it was my first time at teh service desk and I did not know the PROTOCOL! of servicce desk) I said may be I stepped forward without being called, but tell me so, you just can't ignore me and make me wait for 10 minutes and call the next person in line by completely ignoring more service person came up and they both started yelling at me and showed the sign that said- 'wait till you are being called by the service rep '. That is no way to behave with a customer. All she could done when she saw me stepping forward was to say' mam I am not ready for you yet, wait and I will call you', instead of insulting me and making a big deal out of such a small thing. I asked her for the name of the manager and she was not willing to give it to me saying there are several managers, I said just give me the name of one. She pointed me to girl at a register called Anees saying she is the manager, she looked no way like a manager to me and when enquired the floor manager was someone else. She lied to me!

Bradford, US
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May 22, 2011 10:43 pm EDT
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I work in the deli in our store. This past sat. we were really busy, there were just 3 of us scheduled. My problem is when is enough enough. were suppose to be #1 customer service right-how can they expect us to do orders {200 pc chicken} keep up hot case, slice meat for the cold case and wait on customers when we have lunches that we have to take. They schedule one at 5 and two at 7am. no one else till1 :00when i leave. I dont understand it. I spoke to management the next day, they say its all corporate. Well I think someone had better start looking at the big picture here ... quit cutting hrs. and hire help in these customer service areas. This is why we are losing customers.

renton, US
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Jun 23, 2011 6:00 am EDT

I work at walmart there still cutting hours then they tell us to not go over our scheduled hours but at the same time there hiring people, or for sake the store manager may not get his 50, 000 dollar bonus while we get crap, puyallup wa

Manassas, US
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Jul 20, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

Are store is attempting to force us to run a cash register, most of the floor associates do not feel comfortable doing this for various reasons. Personally I am on Medication to for a chronic condition, and although I am able to function doing things that require actual thought and concentration are difficult and i tend to be slow while doing it, not an ideal situation for handling transactions invovling money. I don't feel comfortable doing this and have made that obvious, and furthermore running a register is not in my job description.

Wilda J Carr
Williamsburg, US
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Nov 13, 2011 8:49 pm EST
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I just left the Williamsburg Ky. Walmart store #1048. The Assistant Mgr, Jeff Jones was extremely rude to my sister and me. My sister is 63 years old. She has been writing checks at Walmart in our area for 15 years and NEVER had a problem. We went through aisle #6. The check reading machine is in need of repair. A few nights ago, I went through the same lane and the machine chewed on my check, causing it not to read. The girl called the CSM and she quickly told me the machine was in need or repair and she keyed in the numbers across the check and off I went very satisfied. Today, my sister used the same register and again the check machine is still in need of repair. It bent her check to where it was not able to be read. The CSM was called and would not key in the numbers because her boss had told her they cannot do that! She took the check to another register and because it was so bent (from the machine) it would not read there either! After several tries and several minutes, the Asst. Mgr., Jeff Jones, who was standing there the whole time, decided he would override the transaction and told the CSM to key in the numbers! They should have done that to begin with. My sister, very politely, asked him, what do you do if a customer's check will not read at all? He said (in a very rude tone), they just have to find another form of payment! She said, what if you don't have another form of payment? He replied, then I guess you won't get the merchandise! How obnoxious is that?! He kept throwing out smart remarks and I spoke up and said, just let it go. We are the customers and you shouldn't be trying to get the last word in. You should just be trying to remedy the situation! We walked away with him still saying smart remarks to us! Therefore, I am filing a formal complaint against Jeff Jones, Assistant Manager, Walmart Store #1048, Williamsburg, Kentucky.

hermitage, US
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Nov 27, 2011 10:03 am EST

I have a certain Walmart that I shop at faithfully for years on nolensville pike Nashville TN and I went tonite to return a couple of things and I couldn't find my receipt and the clerk refused to refund my money not even on a gift card I ask for the manager and she just rolled her eyes at me i was very affended I ask what her name was and she gave me her first name when i ask for her last name she rolled her eyes at me and walked off she said her name was Diana if Walmart corporate office reads these I do hope you do something about this manager she was very rude and had no respect if something like this happens again Walmart will lose mine and family's business

david wilgus
wanatah, US
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Dec 10, 2011 7:10 am EST

f*** walmart you killed my dog a husky you ### walmart knew hartz flea and tick drops were 99% poison they did not warn me I am out $800.00 plus the lose of my dog walmart says they are not responsable there were over 33, 000 deaths from this product this is no 100% sat guarntee they tell me to go to hartz thats wrong please go to hartz problem, or hartz victim .com this product him in two days

Waverly, US
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Jan 05, 2012 6:10 am EST

the problem with walmart as i have experienced it, ( i work for walmart) is they hire friends of a friend and they reward those lazy ### workers for being lazy and not doing the job that this FRIEND who is in management got them hired to do. So that poor unsuspecting soul who gets hired in to do the same job, who is not a friend of any of the managers, or assistant managers there seems to be 6 to 8 assistants needed to run 1 store. God only knows why that is needed hummm... maybe the store manager could answer that only he or she wont speak about that because, well lets face it it makes their job easier and there is more people to blame ### on. Anyway that 1 employee who believes in an honest days work, gets to do all the work in that dept. while the friends of the manager, get to walk around with a shopping cart and will blatently say "I'm not doin that i don't care what our supervisor said."' all day, or send text messages to the boss who happens to be the one who got them hired in the first place. So if there happens to be a complaint from a customer about their service, maybe the employees are trying soooo hard to keep a somewhat level head and not loose control, that it is hard to be happy and smiling all the time. Imagine if every time up walked into work you had to climb a hill, watch your back and carry 3 people just to get your lousey minimum wage paycheck, while you watch the others backstab, text and kiss ### with your boss and get the pat on the back, when you are working for all of them to get the job done and trying to keep the customers happy.

dow, US
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Jan 18, 2012 10:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i don't mind wallieworld wife works there the employees for the most part only do there jobs i have seen people treat people working there so bad and blaming them for the Co. policy and the Co. treats the employees bad bad hour threats of write up even for an honest mistake one time all employees got wrote up when a customer stole something no one helped them just a shoplifter took it off the floor she was not even working we were on vacation that week and they still wrote her up she is not a manager just an hourly worker been there awhile and they call her on vacation days off cause they need help change her hours after posting then write up for not being there on time one lady i now was threaten job if did not stop talking about her treatment on Facebook to her Facebook friends of 45 people the cut back in hours the cut back in employees i have never worked for a Co. that a family ins. policy did not cover family wall marts does not cover spouse unless you pay very high amount then it has to be the worst on the planet well see if they do something for me writing this

doesn't matter, US
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Apr 21, 2012 11:12 am EDT

Funny thing is walmart treats the customers better than they treat their employees i am an employee and I've been one for five years and they treat you like slaves. when you work for walmart you're just a number literally. They treat you like ###. Being in walmart at night is like being in a suffocation tent. the air goes off and it's stale air you're breathing in with all the germs and crap too. the vents don't get cleaned so you're breathing in dirty air but when you call off they give you all hell cause you're suppose to be a slave to them but when they call off it's alright. the people who work their ### off for this company get treated like ### but the people who call off and don't show up on a day to day basis get employee of the month. ###ed up right. I was the nicest person you could find before i employed with walmart now i try to stay the same but it's hard when you've got managers telling you five different things and breathing down your back you'd be grumpy too. I'm from a small town but within 30 miles of my home I've got 5-6 walmarts and it's like they're taking all the economy away. they suck up the money and when the area is dry and dead they move on! I'm not gonna say walmart sucks cause there's a lot of positive things about it but there's more non-positive things about walmart than meets the eye!

Florien, US
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Aug 14, 2012 10:35 am EDT

My wife worked foe walmart for YRS they went super center hired BLACK WIDOW to come in and run all the full time workers out of store.
this way they don't have to pay INS or benefits .
they took every thing off her death long & short term disability cut hours back to part time to do this.

Walmart store, MANY LA

English Ian
English Ian
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Aug 14, 2012 10:54 am EDT

@tasha09... this complaint is 3 years old... why bother?

Circleville, US
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Aug 25, 2012 9:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i was employeed at this company for around 1yr. i was expected to carry my entire depts work load for all 3 shifts. and unload trucks. and "bin" the merch. which is scan in merch into steal using a hand held computer. I was attacked by another employee in the dairy cooler. i was squated down putting bacon in bottom bins which is where it should goe because of being a raw food. a second shift employee who had worked that day and left at 10ish. came back in at 115am went into the dairy cooler sneaked up from behind me and wraped his arm around my neck pulling me to my feet (while choking the bejezzuz out of me) screamed in my ear "give me all of your f***ing money". i elbowed him in the stomach. and ran to the manager. told him what happened and who did it. The entire situation was ignored for 6weeks. i had to continue to work with him an hour every day. walmart tried to shove this situation under the rug because said employees mother is a dept manager and is activly engaged in a sexual relationship with a higher up mngr. so go figure i had to get home office involved. causing said employee to be fired. and the beginning of totally treating me like dirt. i did not envoke or friend or even have anything to do before or after with the ### that choked me. i eventually quit because of choker guy still came into store and stocked me nightly. they wouldnt even make him leave. because oh he is just shopping. he would watch me work for hrs on end never buy anything. so f*** WALLY WORLD UP THERE ###! they really let the ball fall on me.

Betty farmer
Sylva, US
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Sep 17, 2012 3:25 pm EDT
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I would like to know if you work the night shift and you have a supervisor from 11:00 til 8:00 how can a day supervisor come in and tell you that you have to do something and it"s your time to go home?

Former Seasonal Worker
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Dec 29, 2012 12:36 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was hired as a seasonal employee. I have to say that as of tonight i was told that i was no longer needed with the season being over and I am happy to have been let go. I was hired December 4, 2012 so I only worked there a little under a month and i swear it felt like a month from hell! I was hired on the third shift which is 10pm til 7am and I must say that there is a monstrous Shift Manager named Sam that is seriously in need of training on so many levels. This person (I refuse to cal him a man since he doesn't even act as a decent human being) is rude towards employees and customers alike. His authoritative decree is that third shift should be deaf mute lemmings. We are not allowed to help customers because " we are stockers". If we assist a customer he considers us not doing our job, although i went through two and a half days of CBL's which are computerized tests that stated "Customers are always right" and "Customers come first". Apparently that is only for the first and second shift associates as I was told. Sam is mean, rude, condescending, embarrassing and will put a person down for no reason at all. I actually asked a few of the associates why he was so mean and why it seemed as if he had it out for me. I was told that my first mistake was being nice to him because he saw me as an easy target. I feel so sorry for alot of the employees that i got to know because if he treats them half as bad as he treated me then they are going to have to live in pure hell. I cannot stress enough just how horrible this particular work environment was. I have never in my life been so belittled and humiliated while working my ### off for a company. The location i worked at is Lansdowne Station in Baltimore, Maryland. I would suggest that if anyone attempts to get a job there that you do not under any circumstances apply for the third shift. I was warned on my first day that there had been a multitude of complaints against this man, and I asked then why is he still there? I was not given a response, just a look. I guess I should have asked who were the complaints from and what were they in reference to. I can honestly say that i shall never work for this location ever again unless major changes were made (which I can almost guarantee that won't happen) and I will have to make a big decision as to whether or not I will ever shop at this location again. I will say this much, while defying the ludicrous demands of not helping customers, I enjoyed every single customer that I encountered and never found any to be rude or mean.

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Sep 04, 2016 11:10 am EDT

I have an idea ... what if everyone who came in contact with each other inside the store has to be nice ... no matter what ...
I know it is a concept some can not do but maybe it should be a law because on both sides we have some down right nasty people

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