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Wells Fargo Complaints 1721

9:05 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Having just finished an extremely frustrating conversation with Matt from the Wells Fargo Auto Collections division. I wish to file a complaint against Wells Fargo Auto Collections and against the individual who would only identify himself as "Matt". On Saturday, April 3, 2010 I received four calls from the number [protected]. For each call I picked up...

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12:50 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo froze my bank account

Wells Fargo Bank froze my bank account today because they wanted my husband to verify his social security card at the Social security Administration. They didn’t even have enough respect for us to phone us and tell us they were having a problem verifying his number. Which we found very disturbing because we added him to my bank account a over a year ago and with his social and there was no problem. Then we opened a saving account together a year later and no problem. My husband wanted to build his credit and decided to get a secured credit card last week which he was approved for. if you know anything about secured credit cards we have to give them our money to open a credit on the credit card and then pay them interested on our own money to use. Anyways he was approved card was mailed out and then today we went to buy a car and found that our bank account was frozen. When I called the bank 1800 number they were unfriendly and rude and told me in a few words that pretty much my husband and I could have a fake ss card and committed fraud. I explained we just showed his ss card and his id(i.e. passport) to get his secured card just last week. Wells Fargo said it doesn’t matter we had to see the SS office. So we don’t have a single penny to our names because all of our saving and checking is frozen. So we don’t have a car and we have to take a taxi down to the office but we don’t have any money. Finally we found a way to get some money and by that time the social office was closed. Also the taxi will end up being 70 both ways to get the form they need to verify the ssn. Also the social office will need to just see his id to verify the name, which the bank could have just done but refused when we went to the BRANCH! It gets better not only did they freeze all our accounts, but they cancelled both our debit cards, so we will need new ones once they unfreeze the accounts. So Wells Fargo will send us new cards then and we will just have to wait but not under the loss prevention department at Wells Fargo gets the paperwork from the social office, and releases our funds. My account has things that are bouncing i.e. school payments and the bank already said they wont refund the fees and such. So my question is this...if this was done to protect my Husband and I and it turns out my Husband is who he says he is, then why are we responsible for the fees incurred because the bank thinks he’s not, and why do you have to pay for a taxi to the ss office to prove you are who you say you are. This all could have been avoided if Wells Fargo would have made a courtesy call to me so we could have handled the situation before it ruined our day and will continue to ruin everything until it is resolved. I would like to add that I don’t see why not being able to verify my husbands ssn would be reason enough to freeze an account of less than 2000.00 its not like they had loaned us that money we gave them the money. Then they took it from us like we had done something wrong with our own money. They froze our bank account our hard earned money because they couldn’t verify my husband ssn, and treated like criminals and guilty until proven innocent. It truly has ruined my faith in whatever the Banks had left to offer. When this is all resolved I'm going to pull all my money out of this HELL of a bank and keep it under the mattress guess its safer there! JK but I will bank with someone who cares about us as people not just money.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jun 03, 2016 8:14 am EDT

I had recently lost my job, because of this I ended up having the use Wells Fargo's Direct Deposit Advance to cover some bills. I honestly was ashamed of this. My paycheck from my new position was deposited on Friday and they took the whole thing to cover the advance! I advanced $400.00, my paycheck was $700.00. How does that work!?

Then, because they took my whole check and drew my account negative to cover it I've been getting harassing calls from them concerning my -34.00 account. This morning, at work I told the lady it would be paid in full and then closed as of January 2nd, 2009 and to please note that on my account and stop calling me. She told me that she needed to call me weekly to make sure I followed through. It's christmas time, I have gifts I need to by with that money.

I also have a Wells Fargo Secured Credit Card with a small limit that was linked as overdraft protection. When They overdrafted my account, they pulled money from my already almost maxed credit card and put it over limit and then charged me fees because they put it over limit. So Now, I owe them 34.00 dollars for a Checking account, and 36 dollars for my credit card.

On top of that I had a savings account with them that was closed in November of 2007 when I moved out of the Wells Fargo Area. I just recently recieved a letter (November 2008) from Wells fargo bank concerning this closed account. Confused because the letter didn't say much I called the 1-800 phone number and talked to a repsentative. She then told me that this account was "charged Off" with a balance of -107.00 and that I needed to pay!

I informed her that I had closed that account with a zero balance in November of 2007 and if the account did have a balance on it, with it didn't, why was I hearing about this now. She told me that I needed to provide proof that the account was closed. I told her that I shouldn't have to provide proof and I didn't understand where this random letter was coming from.

Then just today, I got a letter in the mail from Wells Fargo, along with my Statement saying they are financial sound.

Yeah, right.

Los Angeles, US
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Apr 22, 2011 10:29 pm EDT

Wells Fargo froze all of my accounts because I deposited a check for a large amount, and they called the school (it's a financial aid check) to verify the amount. They claim they were told by a receptionist at the school that it was a fraud check. Turns out the school records all the conversations and that never happened. The school verified the check and the money was taken out of the account and cleared. The school cannot issue me a new check, because the money has already cleared. Wells Fargo is illegally holding my assets in a freeze to collect interest. I think. I can't even get that much information on them. I'm filing a lawsuit because today I got in a car accident in a rental car and I have to pay for it out of pocket because I was not able to purchase insurance due to my accounts being frozen.

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Nov 23, 2010 11:34 pm EST

They did the exact same thing to me. My accounts were frozen and they wanted me to go down to social security to verify the number is mine. I said how in the hell are they going to know who I am down there any more than you do. This must be their new scam or game leaving people broke to fend for themselves, real nice !

Dan Bell
Pasadena, US
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Jun 03, 2016 8:14 am EDT

We are casting a documentary about unfair bank policies. Looking for stories with complaints about banks. If you are cast we will pay you. If interested contact for more information. Casting needs to be concluded by May 1st, 2009.

5:44 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo fees that were fraudently tacked on to recent closed accounts.

Attention Wells Fargo Customers that were given wrongful fees,

This is multi- million dollar criminal fraud that will with my help have a class-action law suit behind it. And there's no cleaning it up Wells Fargo because I now have irrefutable indisputable proof, beyond all reasonable doubt, that you {Wells Fargo Bank referred to here out as "you"} knowingly and with forethought and malice gave instructions to lower management to do several things. And love this, We now know why you thought you were not going to be caught --sorry!

Goes like this:
Step 1 -- Just like the gentleman that started the complaint a person closes out an account with absolutely nothing pending on it and does so with a printed receipt that he now has a zero balance.

Step 2 -- A period of silence normally goes by, or from what I can tell it may a "varied" waiting period for it to appear legitimate. But soon after the person, here is the fraud, charged a monthly recurring fee, to the zero balance. Now whereas you are going to claim, ah but I am one step ahead of you Wells Fargo, you will attempt to claim that the account was closed "during" the exact time period that the account did not have money in it, yet not fully in a closed status --if that makes sense, which it does not, though they remedied this.

Step 3 -- They in return do not call the unsuspecting consumer as this would render complaints such as this. They instead turn it over to a collections agency, and guys I love this more than ever, a collection agency owned by none other then Wells Fargo.

Step 4 -- This money is or never was meant to be collected by the consumer, as I discovered and taped a phone conversation> here is the jist of it. We, the consumer are not sent out any type of collections letter nor given any of the usual phone calls normal collection firms rely on. So here "DEBT" is created/manufactured and goes largely undetected or rather unchallenged as the monies are not aggressively sought. In fact most consumers will report of not finding this debt out till much later and usually through some kind of fluke, like calling in to complain about some charge and an attendant revealing the debt.

Step 5 -- This debt is conveniently kept to under a hundred dollars though besides the monthly service fee they tacked on out of thin air they now also add another charge, perhaps two extra charges: a late payment fee and a fee for being under the limit. All still less than $100.00 dollars though around the $50.00 dollar mark for each account. I had closed on the same day a personal checking account and a savings account both totaling a hundred dollars of debt. This DEBT is slated for "CHARGE OFF"and the America taxpayers are now responsible. The IRS is never alerted. My under cover bank employee has recently revealed another fact that will demonstrate malice and knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is...

Step 6 -- All debt that is sent to collections comes with an incentive to pay the bill. It is called your credit score. Wells Fargo Bank was given specific instructions that this debt would never affect the consumers credit repot and further more never reported to the Credit Bureau's what-so-ever as this event could and would be the one thing to raise the red flag. Eventually the folk seeking credit would discover their credit score had been negatively impacted, though because it is never reported it never sound any bells off. Very clever though a truly air tight case. Oh yes, my confidential informant is an impeccable non-impeachable witness. She was reluctant at first especially when I informed I wanted her to do it for the fact it was the right thing to do not for money. The money could discredit her testimony against key banking officials the day of trial. We are good to go, clean as a whistle.

Closing Comments: We need though at this point more consumers that will come forward with the same scenario. In-house documents have already been recorded and copied therefore if they get the urge to purge they are a little too late! But again we need live bodies before actual Discovery and Grand Jury summons. Wells Fargo will need to absolutely credit me back every fee they ever garnished for my entire life of having banked there for me to go away and not pursue. I find it impossible that this will happen as the powers to be are not the ones reading this and probably think they are smooth sailing. Please contact me or leave contact info. for you in the comments section here. We are talking Class-Action suit with special circumstances which qualifies in anyone's interpretation of the law as damages. This was no over-sight fellows. This was no accident. This required advanced planning and inclusion at the very highest levels of the banking corporation. It has gone on undetected for years and has effected thousands of consumers resulting in the theft of millions of dollars. Partake today in a Class-Action and get the refund you are entitled to. Do it because it is the right thing to do and stop corporate theft in America. We are counting on you to come forward. A public service announcement will be developed and aired on mainstream television so it is only a matter of time. You are by the way with a group of legal pros that have NEVER lost a case. We are at the top of our game and will collect. We are in addition seeking concurrent criminal penalties as well demanding that it be served in a Federal Correctional Institution not a suspended probation of which they will attempt a plea. No pleas -- this case is too easy, sorry.

Wells Fargo executives may contact me for reasonable solution, though time is dwindling quickly. Note: It is against our in-house legal policy and ethics to resolve case on the day of the trial or even the proceeding week, in order that Wells Fargo may be spared a full assault of charges and restitution they will not soon recover from. Now is the only time anyone will show interest in a financial resolution in lieu of filings. The Filings against your corporation could begin as early as late next week.

Call Mr Terry at [protected] All complaints against Wells Fargo should be relayed to Mr. Terry who will send you a simple form allowing you partial awards monies on a win verdict and assessed punitive damages. [We are thrilled to announce that the punitive damages in this case are well into the 7 figure bracket, according to highly respected individuals form the Rand Corporation who have counseled us on all our options and exactly the impact on our communities, should the criminal charges be victorious. They assess there never will be criminal trials as all will accept plea bargains for lesser time. A minimum incarceration time has been set at 9 months on the low end for lesser culpability and 25 years for the actual "principles" that were architect to this very elaborate scheme.

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Update by Margaret Terry
Apr 07, 2010 6:19 pm EDT

Call Mr. Terry for Class Action Lawsuit regarding any and all fees, ie. late fees, over-the-limit fees, etc. that were fraudulently placed on an account you closed.

call ASAP Mr. Terry [protected]

Bye the way -- an added bonus for the information we seek concerning this photograph that may or may not be of chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo, the nation's fifth-largest financial institution, Dick Kovacevich. He may have been "caught" in an awkward moment here seen with possible mistress, one of his rumored many.

Our iron-clad proof of banking scheme and fact that there are law offices in 3 states currently and aggressively devoted to putting this man away in Federal custody for a long time, as well as working with some Feds to devise a restitution plan and way of bailing Wells Fargo out should it be on the brink of collapse.

Just how long Dick did you think you'd get away with it? Even if we can not nail you, your buddies on top are going down. The real sad fact remains: In the end there are no winners here because Wells Fargo sought to defraud millions of dollars from just plain old Americans like plumber Joe, that trusted in you guys. You let Joe down, you let yourself down, you let all of us down.

call ASAP Mr. Terry [protected]


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Costa Mesa, US
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Dec 06, 2010 11:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

5:31 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo closed accounts and

This is multi- million dollar criminal fraud that will with my help have a class-action law suit behind it. And there's no cleaning it up Wells Fargo because I now have irrefutable indisputable proof, beyond all reasonable doubt, that you {Wells Fargo Bank referred to here out as "you"} knowingly and with forethought and malice gave instructions to lower management to do several things. And love this, We now know why you thought you were not going to be caught --sorry!

Goes like this:
Step 1 -- Just like the gentleman that started the complaint a person closes out an account with absolutely nothing pending on it and does so with a printed receipt that he now has a zero balance.

Step 2 -- A period of silence normally goes by, or from what I can tell it may a "varied" waiting period for it to appear legitimate. But soon after the person, here is the fraud, charged a monthly recurring fee, to the zero balance. Now whereas you are going to claim, ah but I am one step ahead of you Wells Fargo, you will attempt to claim that the account was closed "during" the exact time period that the account did not have money in it, yet not fully in a closed status --if that makes sense, which it does not, though they remedied this.

Step 3 -- They in return do not call the unsuspecting consumer as this would render complaints such as this. They instead turn it over to a collections agency, and guys I love this more than ever, a collection agency owned by none other then Wells Fargo.

Step 4 -- This money is or never was meant to be collected by the consumer, as I discovered and taped a phone conversation> here is the jist of it. We, the consumer are not sent out any type of collections letter nor given any of the usual phone calls normal collection firms rely on. So here "DEBT" is created/manufactured and goes largely undetected or rather unchallenged as the monies are not aggressively sought. In fact most consumers will report of not finding this debt out till much later and usually through some kind of fluke, like calling in to complain about some charge and an attendant revealing the debt.

Step 5 -- This debt is conveniently kept to under a hundred dollars though besides the monthly service fee they tacked on out of thin air they now also add another charge, perhaps two extra charges: a late payment fee and a fee for being under the limit. All still less than $100.00 dollars though around the $50.00 dollar mark for each account. I had closed on the same day a personal checking account and a savings account both totaling a hundred dollars of debt. This DEBT is slated for "CHARGE OFF"and the America taxpayers are now responsible. The IRS is never alerted. My under cover bank employee has recently revealed another fact that will demonstrate malice and knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is...

Step 6 -- All debt that is sent to collections comes with an incentive to pay the bill. It is called your credit score. Wells Fargo Bank was given specific instructions that this debt would never affect the consumers credit repot and further more never reported to the Credit Bureau's what-so-ever as this event could and would be the one thing to raise the red flag. Eventually the folk seeking credit would discover their credit score had been negatively impacted, though because it is never reported it never sound any bells off. Very clever though a truly air tight case. Oh yes, my confidential informant is an impeccable non-impeachable witness. She was reluctant at first especially when I informed I wanted her to do it for the fact it was the right thing to do not for money. The money could discredit her testimony against key banking officials the day of trial. We are good to go, clean as a whistle.

Closing Comments: We need though at this point more consumers that will come forward with the same scenario. In-house documents have already been recorded and copied therefore if they get the urge to purge they are a little too late! But again we need live bodies before actual Discovery and Grand Jury summons. Wells Fargo will need to absolutely credit me back every fee they ever garnished for my entire life of having banked there for me to go away and not pursue. I find it impossible that this will happen as the powers to be are not the ones reading this and probably think they are smooth sailing. Please contact me or leave contact info. for you in the comments section here. We are talking Class-Action suit with special circumstances which qualifies in anyone's interpretation of the law as damages. This was no over-sight fellows. This was no accident. This required advanced planning and inclusion at the very highest levels of the banking corporation. It has gone on undetected for years and has effected thousands of consumers resulting in the theft of millions of dollars. Partake today in a Class-Action and get the refund you are entitled to. Do it because it is the right thing to do and stop corporate theft in America. We are counting on you to come forward. A public service announcement will be developed and aired on mainstream television so it is only a matter of time. You are by the way with a group of legal pros that have NEVER lost a case. We are at the top of our game and will collect. We are in addition seeking concurrent criminal penalties as well demanding that it be served in a Federal Correctional Institution not a suspended probation of which they will attempt a plea. No pleas -- this case is too easy, sorry.

Wells Fargo executives may contact me for reasonable solution, though time is dwindling quickly. Note: It is against our in-house legal policy and ethics to resolve case on the day of the trial or even the proceeding week, in order that Wells Fargo may be spared a full assault of charges and restitution they will not soon recover from. Now is the only time anyone will show interest in a financial resolution in lieu of filings. The Filings against your corporation could begin as early as late next week.

Call Mr Terry at [protected] All complaints against Wells Fargo should be relayed to Mr. Terry who will send you a simple form allowing you partial awards monies on a win verdict and assessed punitive damages. [We are thrilled to announce that the punitive damages in this case are well into the 7 figure bracket, according to highly respected individuals form the Rand Corporation who have counseled us on all our options and exactly the impact on our communities, should the criminal charges be victorious. They assess there never will be criminal trials as all will accept plea bargains for lesser time. A minimum incarceration time has been set at 9 months on the low end for lesser culpability and 25 years for the actual "principles" that were architect to this very elaborate scheme.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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need laws against WFB
Broomfield, US
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Apr 14, 2011 6:07 pm EDT

I have an ongoing issue with WFB for the past nine years. I have tried to call you MS. Terry to discuss this matter with you. I have made several attempts to reslove this with WFB... My account/s (having three and all three were closed the same day) with WFB was closed nine years ago. Seeing what WFB has been placing LCA monies into account (closed accounts Yes there are two of the three they are doing this with) then charging a return check fee, along with monthly service fees and interest charges. There has been no transactions on either of these accounts. My husband or I have not made any deposits, withdraws, checks written or debits to this account, thererfore the monies placed into account are totally WFB internal transactions. They add monies put back moines while adding fees to closed accounts. Now that the LCA has maxed out they now want me to pay them for all the monies they placed into these accounts for monies I had never seen, used, nor authorized. There has to be a law against this.

Annette Randolph
San Francisco, US
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Apr 26, 2010 10:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a very similar issue with wells fargo. please email me so that i can explain. my email is

annette randolph

5:11 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo fraudulent fees assessed towards recnt ly closed accounts.

Attention Wells Fargo consumers who were charged wrongful fees,

For Wells Fargo Civil Lawsuit Class Action call me at [protected] Ask for Mr. Terry.

We never charge you legal or processing fees of any kind. We will recover the fees that Wells Fargo fraudulently stole from you and people like you. In addition we have received the green light to seek punitive damages, as this case was not born out of negligence or an oversight, but rather cunning calculated financial planning and taking into account their propensity for getting caught. They actually did quite an impressive job of keeping it out of mainstream medias or the consciousness of anyone that matters. Because of the seriousness of these civil and criminal complaints we are sworn to secrecy and all Discovery is kept classified until judgment day and we can have them served. Their Oregon state financial services will be the first released indicted by the Grand Jury, as a heads up. We are close, real close.

We need you if you have a similar case or perhaps all you know is Wells Fargo charges you fees that do not seem legal or right. Perhaps you canceled an account only to find out you still owe on it.

A long haul though Wells Fargo is now about ready to pay up and be held accountable for their actions along with all the upper management personnel we can trace. The staff giving the orders and mandates of "creating debt" and subsequently charging the monies off. We have several written memorandums though to Wells Fargo credit they kept this well compartmentalized in order to assure compliance of the scheme yet for no one to piece it all together .

Theses upper management directors and principles of Well Fargo Bank are all in an active process being reviewed by our expert team and we have brought in some outside help, an ex-circuit court judge, for the purpose of sledging out any weak spots or flaws that could make for a reasonable doubt. We are not ready till every last ounce of doubt is purged from this case. We invented the term "Air-tight Case!" Their Credit Division in the state of Oregon has been the easiest to unravel with full fledged supporting documentation coupled with two highly reputable and trustworthy banking employees that have first hand eye-witness accounting of the men and women of Wells Fargo they believe were in full collusion at the highest point of this financial conspiracy to defraud the IRS and American taxpayer out of millions of dollars.

Note to Wells Fargo: Contact us should you have any ideas of solution. Time is not on your side. Act quickly, you are warned.

All others: We will prevail as we always do. Call Mr. Terry for Class Action Civil Suit, based on fraudulent fees assessed to your account. Call [protected]

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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6:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wells Fargo lost our car title

Date Phone Time Who
Mid February, 2010 Mid Afternoon Ron (Mortgage)

I entered local branch in Truckee CA. Asked to make sure our information was correct because we were going to sell our car and wanted to make sure the title would be sent to the correct address. Was directed to Ron, a mortgage banker, to check it out. Address was not correct on a few accounts. Ron had us go online in the branch and change the address to xxxx, Truckee, CA 96160. They were set to a previous physical address at xxxx xxxxx, Truckee, CA 96161. He said we were all set and all info would now be sent to our PO box.

Date Phone Time Who
February 25th, 2010 4:30pm PT Local Branch Teller

Sold the car to the new buyer. We went into the local Truckee Branch together, and at the teller window, he handed me $7200 and I deposited it into our Complete Advantage Account to pay of our auto loan on the 2004 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport. We asked the teller how long it would be until I would have the title. The teller told us we would have the title in 10 business days, but to call [protected] to make sure that was correct.

Date Phone Time Who
February 25th, 2010 [protected] 4:34pm PT Wells Fargo Customer Service Rep

I asked the rep how long it would take for me to receive the auto title for the Subaru. Was informed that it would be 10 business days.

Date Phone Time Who
March 11th, 2010 [protected] 2:36pm PT Wells Fargo Customer Service Rep

Talked to the rep to check on the status of our title, we had not received it yet. The rep said the payoff of the auto loan posted on March 2nd, 2010, so that the 10 business day wait started then. We would receive the title on March 16th. I asked the rep to varify where the title was being sent. I was told it was being sent to XXXX, Truckee, CA 96160

Date Phone Time Who
March 19th, 2010 [protected] 4:43pm PT Wells Fargo Customer Service Rep,
4:50pm PT Customer Service Manager
4:52pm PT
4:58pm PT

Called to check status of title, as we had not received it yet. Was dropped 3 times from the call being transferred to the auto loan dept. Spoke with a customer service rep to inquire about the title. Was told we should have received it, it was mailed, and he didn't have any other answers. I asked to speak with his manager. Upon speaking to the manager, he said the title had been sent. I asked where it was sent to. He said XXXX XXXX, Truckee, CA 96161. I told him that was an old address and that we had updated our profile so that this would not happen. As he checked our accounts, he also said our Line Of Credit Statements had been going to the XXXX address for over a year and had all been returned undeliverable. He made the address change. He said he would have the title resent, and guaranteed that it would be in my hand by March 26th. I was given a reference number for the conversation of: XXXXX

Date Phone Time Who
March 25th, 2010 [protected] 3:40pm Arlene XXXX, Wells Fargo Loan Dept, Albequrque

I received a call from Arlene XXXX in the Wells Fargo Loan Dept in Albequrque, NM. She stated that the title was an "electronic title", and was being sent through the DMV. She said Wells Fargo was done with it's obligation to the account. I told Arlene that I had heard different stories from different Wells Fargo Reps saying different things. I told her that one rep told me the paper title had already been sent to the wrong address. Arlene said that I had not spoken to any customer service rep since 2009 because there were no notes on my account. She then put me on a conference call with the DMV. The DMV agent said they had gotten the lien release from Wells Fargo, and sent the title to the Northwoods address. I told Arlene that it was the wrong address, that we had already had the correct address changed before we sold the car, and then again after (see March 19th, 2010). She said we should try to intercept the mail at the Northwoods address. I told her that there is no mail receptacle there, and that it shouldn't be up to me to fix this. She said our only other option was to fill out a DMV form "REG 227", stating that Wells Fargo lost the title, and we needed a duplicate. When I asked how long that process would take, she said 2-3 months. I told her the new owner of the car is waiting for the title, and that was unacceptable. I told her that if he wrecks the car, it is still in my name and I am responsible. I then asked Arlene what would happen with the title that was sent to the Northwoods address. She said it would be sent back to Wells Fargo. I asked her how long that would take, she said she isn't the US Postal Service and she didn't know. I became frustrated and said, "do you possibly think it would take less than 2-3 months?" She said she could not speak to that. She said if I wanted her to send the REG 227 form, that all I needed to do was present it to the buyer with a bill of sale, and he would take it in to the DMV and they would process the new title in his name. I told her I needed to speak with the local branch office and my wife before I made a decision.

Date Phone Time Who
March 25th, 2010 Truckee Wells Fargo Branch Visit 4pm PT Tyler XXXX, Wells Fargo Personal Banker

I went into the local branch office after speaking to Arlene, and was directed to Tyler XXXX. I presented the whole situation to him. He told me that Ron, the Mortgage Rep who changed our mailing address in February, didn't really work at that branch and that he could only change it on the local system and that it wouldn't have changed on the Loan Department system. He also said even if he had, it would take up to 90 days for the system to make the changes. As for the title, he made a call to one of his "sources" to see what they knew about it. Tyler said his "source" said that the records showed that it was a paper title mailed to our XXXX PO Box. His advice was to wait until Tuesday, March 30th to see if it arrived in our PO Box. I was emotionally upset.

Date Phone Time Who
March 26th, 2010 [protected] Arlene XXXX, Wells Fargo Loan Dept, Albequrque

I called Arlene and asked her to send the REG 227 form to me. She said she would overnight it, but it probably wouldn't arrive until Monday. She gave me a UPS tracking number of XXXX. We received the REG 227 form on Monday, March 29th at 7pm.

Date Phone Time Who
April 1st, 2010 Truckee Wells Fargo Branch Visit 9am PT Bank Teller

I went in to the local branch office this morning to ask a question about the REG 227 form. Arlene had said that all I needed to do was give the form to the car buyer, and he would take it in. But I noticed that the form was marked for a duplicate title, and not a transfer of title with duplicate title. Page one had the lien release information filled out by Wells Fargo. Section 4 calls for the registered owners (me) to release ownership. Page 2 is where the new buyer would fill in his information. I asked if anyone could help explain this to me, but no one in the office could. The teller tried calling her help line, but they told her to speak to a different department. When she called that department, they told her to speak to the help line. The teller called over another banker, and filled her in. The banker got on the phone to try to figure it out, while I got on the phone with Arlene. Arlene said she filled the form out correctly, and that a duplicate title would be sent to me if I turned the form into the DMV, and it would take about 30 days. When I told her about what she had said with the seller taking the form into the DMV, and the title being sent directly to him, she said that Wells Fargo doesn't do that on these forms. When I hung up with Arlene, the local branch banker said that if I go in with the buyer to the DMV, that they can process it there and release my liability in the vehicle and send the new title directly to him. Unfortunately, the buyer lives in another city, and the DMV is closed today for Cesar Chavez day.

Date Phone Time Who
April 2nd, 2010 DMV, Grass Valley, CA 11am-3pm DMV Teller

I met with the car buyer in Grass Valley, CA to go in to the DMV office. When I explained to the DMV clerk what had transpired, he was puzzled why Wells Fargo had released the car into my name. He also explained that the form that Arlene had given me was in fact filled out incorrectly. He filled out a new form as a transfer of title with duplicate title. After over one month and 9 different conversations with Wells Fargo employees, the car is officially transferred out of my responsibility and into the buyer’s with the help of the DMV, no help from Wells Fargo.

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9:33 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo customer service, branch mgr.

We went to this bank to open up an account extra checking . The person that helped us made me very un-comforable as he watched me put in my pin and passwords also watched my husbands password on his debit card. He spoke to me about private matters regarding his girlfriend and money issues. He had a cell phone an d it kept going off then he left for awhile and came back. Our account was ok and we found out that this person was fired.
Then on line banking issue of a mortg. payment that either one of myself or husband did. Yet I spent 8 hours on the phone to a District Office Person and then to the Bank Manager of which was so rude and accused us of fraud! Instead of fixing the issue they dramized it so much that finally my husband had to take over and we finally told them to release the mtg bank payment to our mtg company and let it go. They thought there was fraud on our account or we were trying to do fraud I don't really know, but after that horrible day and speaking with someone who just does not care you have to wonder why so many people are sick and tired of the poor quality of customer service. This guy we found out they fired him? Get that one?

We have since opened up another checking account at another bank due to our direct deposits it is so hard to change, but I think if you have several account and keep them under control you can make it. The froze our account so we couldn't even use it! What a damm joke.

Our mortg payment still hasn't got to our bank? That's another thing do not use there on line banking it takes 5-20 days to post off your account.

You can really get screwed up if you are not careful.

I think this bank is horrible but staying with them for a while will be ok.

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1:35 am EDT
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Wells Fargo home mortage

Do not go with Wellsfargo home mortage. To start off I was approved for a $120K loan, put a bid on a $140K home depending on 20K downpayment program. Wellsfargo was recommened to use for this specific downpayment program. The program ran out of money before we closed therefore could not follow through will the contract due to being 20K short. Had given wellsfargo a check for APPRAISAL fee for $495, appraisal was never done. I was told I would be refunded the fee due to the fact appraisal was never done. Been calling for 2months talked to a total of 10 people saying my check was being mailed. Have not seen the check for about 8wks been waiting. THEN i talked to someone today saying I WILL not be receiving a check they are keeping for "Fees". Very rude and condesending attitudes. STAY WAY FROM THESE IDIOTS!

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Apr 06, 2011 1:02 am EDT

Stay away from these IDIOTS in Elizabeth City, NC. Bob Abbitt is the BIGGEST IDIOT in Elizabeth City, NC Wellsfargo/ Wachovia Home Mortages. What IDIOT hired him. He screwed up one too many home mortages. He has no customer service skills. He is very RUDE. They bill you for stuff that your not suppose to get billed for. All he says is I DON'T KNOW. He messed up my whole account. Do not do any business with Bob Abbitt in the Elizabeth City, NC Wachovia/ Wellsfargo Home Mortages.

12:02 am EDT
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Wells Fargo unauthorized levy fee, ssi money

A couple months ago 100 Dollars was with held from my account for a levy charge to do with a bill collector getting a court order. I called the levy dept. at Wells Fargo Bank twice to try to get them to return my hundred dollars, they flat refused both times. After researching, Federal law prohibits them from taking SSI money. I have had an account at Wells Fargo for years and years and the only money ever deposited was SSI money only! My question is: Do I have any recourse to get my 100 dollars back? I barely survive as it is, why can they take money from SSI money in my account when Federal law says they can't? I would appreciate any help or advice on this matter. Thank you very much.

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Un-Happy with Wells fargo
Folsom, US
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Apr 14, 2011 5:18 am EDT

I had a levy against me and a letter was sent to the bank by the IRS. I didnt know this until I was talking with an IRS agent. She said it was already sent out but she would send them a release letter to stop it. Since the original levy notice wasnt recieved yet by the Wells Fargo Levy department my release that I had in hand and the levy department also had the release in hand, they said they had to honor the levy and I would have to then recall the IRS and have them send out another release to lift the levy. What a crock of [censor]. Try to be pro-active and this happens. The guy had the release letter in hand and knew the levy notice was going to asrrive any second/day, he still said he had to apply the levy. Wells Fargo sucks for not helping me. So i sit and wait for my account to be levied, then I have to make another call and battle the IRS to get it released. [censor]

Angry Wells Fargo Customer
Glendale, US
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Aug 02, 2010 5:55 pm EDT

Wells Fargo Bank are a bunch of crooks and now they have figured out how yet to tack on another outrageous fee $100.00
out of your account. You see they are not satisfied with screwing you on the little interest they pay the have Tax Boards giving them a license to steal. 53 minutes on hold I guess their first line of defense is to wear you out on hold..but be patient. I was current on my child support and had an agreement with the court on the arrears which also had a payment plan with the courtthat was in compliance.
Child Support sent a request for information on my account and for some schmook looking up my balance and letting them know I was broke as a hoe on crack they charged me $100.00. I'm fighting this and I will make them work for those hundred dollars. And when I'm done I'm closing down my account. Banks are just plain thives these days.

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Mar 27, 2010 12:11 am EDT

Call Wells Fargo back, be very nice to the first person that will listen to your situation. You are trying to get past the first to speak to the Supervisor. Approach them like this "You have a legal question and you would like to know yor options."

If you choose to follow my advice, please keep me posted. I HATE when these financial institutions have illegal procedures!

10:48 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo refusal to modify mortgage

Wells Fargo and other lending companies are denying HAMP loan modifications from one end of the country to the other in violation of TARP. Go to [url=]Freddie Mac Home[/url] and [url][/url] and see if either lender owns your mortgage. If they do, then you can file a complaint against Wells Fargo with the company that owns your mortgage online. Wells Fargo has signed an agreement as a recipient of TARP money to provide customers wtih HAMP modifications. However, Wells Fargo is doing everything possible to avoid providing customers with HAMP modifications. Instead they are foreclosing on properties after customers have asked for HAMP modifications, denying qualified applicants modifications without explaining why or without providing an appeal process for the adverse decision. They are scheduling sales of properties after receiving qualified applications for HAMP modifications.

The best protection if Wells Fargo is proceeding with foreclosure despite repeated applications for a loan modification is bankruptcy court before the sale of the property is complete. You can also file a complaint with your state attorney general office for fraud and abuse against Wells Fargo. In addition you can file a complaint with the Office of the Special Inspector General for TARP at [url=]U.S. Office of the SIGTARP : Contact Us : SIGTARP Hotline[/url] You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at [url=]Federal Trade Commission[/url] You might be really interested in reading the following legal memo about Wells Fargo from a MN case at tp://

Do what you can to protect your home and your property rights from Wells Fargo - they are a predator - preying on their own customers and refusing to comply with federal law regarding mortgage modifications. It's my own personal experience Wells Fargo would rather foreclose and sell your property than grant a HAMP modification or any type of loan modification for that matter. Bankruptcy court is the only protection you have against Wells Fargo to protect your property if the company has filed foreclosure against your home. Wells Fargo is very adveserial regarding home modifications and will do just about anything to avoid granting a mortgage modification including violate your civil rights, your right to an appeal and right to due process. They have no intention of following federal law related to TARP and AMP. You cannot trust what you are told by Wells Fargo employees when you have applied for a mortgage modification and can expect to be denied several times without reason and to be forced to reapply - all the time while the clock is ticking against you in foreclosure. If the company repeatedly denies your application and makes you reapply, then they are buying time for themselves so that they can sell your property rather than give you a mortgage modification. Do not expect to be approved for a mortgage modification request with Wells Fargo before your house is scheduled to be sold at sheriff's auction. Do not expect Wells Fargo to help you save your home.

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stressedout customer
McKinney, US
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Nov 24, 2010 9:57 pm EST

My husband and I are also victims of wells fargo. It has been almost a year now since we have been trying to get a modification loan thru them. We have been good customers since 2001, always paying our mortgage on time until last Jan, 2010, when we had unfortunate circumstances out of our control come up. They have been telling us they are working on a modification plan, and yet we have seen anything. I have ms and fibormalgia that has worsened, that prevents me from working a regular job. My youngest son was diagnosed with crohns, and had a very rough time getting it regulated, to were he could function at a normal pace. We have done everything WF has asked us to do, and still no one can tell us whats going on. I'm not sure they even know. After doing what they said, we are now facing losing are home. I have never dealt with a company that seems to care less as they do. You never speak to the same person when you call. You get told different things from each person. I started keeping notes a few months ago, such as the representives name, id #, and what was said. This stress has caused my health to decline greatly. I'm wondering if I file a lawsuit against them, if that may wake them up. I doubt it, as I have read they are doing this to people all over the USA. They need to take responsibility for their actions and the grief they have caused so many families. Never again will we ever use them for any kind of loan. They are crooks and all my faith in them is gone. Its doesn't take rocket science to figure out what needs to be done in order for us to stay in our home. Just a few brains, which they apparently dont have!

5:21 am EDT
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Wells Fargo renege on written word

In 2009 my son entered into divorce, financial problems began, he contacted Wells Fargo for assistance on loan payments. They denied him help. He could not meet payments and once again called them for help, they offered him a short sale or foreclosure he didn't want either. Paid payment as could. Went to ESOP for help and told Wells Fargo representative he was doing so. WF then offered help..a 3 month payment plan..Dec 2009 thru Feb 2010. They said if he could make those payments then they would see what could be done. WF at the exact same time foreclosed on my son. They sent a letter saying if he kept the contract of the 3 payments they would disregard the foreclosure. He kept the contract. They kept going on the foreclosure and want to add a total of almost $8, 000. to his loan AND have him make a cash contribution of over $2, 000. up front to do this. The $8, 000. includes some fee in the amount of $2, 600. that WF says has been accumulating since 2004 even though another foreclosure was settled in January 2008 with all fees etc. paid in full where they added over $10, 000. to his loan and made him make a $5, 500. cash contribution up front (this was handled by an attorney who now says WF is in breach of contract concerning the $2, 600. because all fees etc. were covered in that Jan 2008 foreclosure contract.) My son and I went to mediation at the local court house but when my son says 'wait, I have a letter from WF that says they will stop the foreclosure if I keep my contract' the mediator says yes, companies do this. Well, this cannot be legal and if it is, who is to say WF won't say in a month or so that they want to change his interest or some other part of his new contract..or assess some new pent up fees? Is there anything we can do? He was contacted Thursday, March 25, 2010 by the mediator (original meeting was March 2, 2010) and told he has until this Monday, March 29, 2010 to make a decision between two offers: the one above or a new loan that encompasses the same things (he now owes approx $71, 000. the new loan would be for approx $79, 000. the interest would change from 7% now to 5.3 something with him paying the over $2, 000. now being called closing costs and the new payment being $675. (old payment was $713.). Once more this includes the elusive $2, 600. fee that no one knows what it is or where it came from since the last forclosure. Bottom line? Can anyone stop WF from cheating people this way? How about a class action suit..I see on the internet there are thousands of people being cheated by WF. Thanks, Millie Carneal.

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4:39 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo wells fargo reo office non response

Our all cash offer accepted and entered into a real estate sales contract to purchase a foreclosure from Wells Fargo REO Branch in Los Angeles through their agent ReMax in October, 2009. No contigencies and all as is basis both acceptable.

Also offered a quick close of 15 days - all cash, left a substantial deposit with title company.

It has been six months and still no word from Wells Fargo REO. Their response stated they have not vested the title. Meanwhile Wells Fargo is paying the property tax at $1, 200/month, HOA fees + Mello Roos at $580/month and general house utilities. Plus their own insurance on the house probably at $200/month.

So that is about $2, 000/month for six months is $12, 000.

Can someone else comment on this situation as being "normal" for an Wells Fargo REO Foreclosure?

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6:34 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo refinance

Upon closing I had a 6.375% interest rate on my mortgage. I was on the lookout for a lower rate, but was told by my rep at Wells Fargo (DP*), that I needed to wait three months after closing to go for a refinance. As luck would have it, the mortgage rate dropped to its lowest days after that 3 month period ended and I was on-the-ball and locked in a 4.75% rate which would have been wonderful. I paid for the appraisal and my end of the paperwork was quickly resolved.

Wells Fargo and their representatives on the other hand, proceeded to drag their heels for weeks and no progress was made. Finally, the week before the rate and appraisal were set to expire, Wells Fargo began the work on my refinance. I got frantic calls from DP* needing info,
or checking info, that I was told I needed to return 'immediately' in order to get the re-fi. I did as was told and hoped for the best.

This is where the story takes a negative, questionable, twist. The following is what I was told happened. The Wells Fargo mortgage underwriters made a math mistake which made it appear that
my condo association did not have enough property insurance. This caused them to void my re-fi application. Since Wells Fargo had waited until the last second to begin the process, my locked-in rate and appraisal both expired. This was now about Feb '09, and the value of my condo had dropped with the rest of the market and I was now underwater and as such, couldn't qualify for any re-financing.

I find it ridiculous that a loan could be rejected based on a figure without anyone checking the math first. These are people who do this everyday. Do they truly let one person do all themath? I would expect them to doublecheck their figures. My condo association is 599 units and has been around since 1988. Wouldn't that make the normal person suspicious that an association like that wouldn't have the
right amount of property insurance? It certainly feels like I got scammed out of getting an incredible rate which was rightfully mine.

Wells Fargo certainly didn't make any mistakes or drag their heels on the initial loan, when they took my money. But this time around, when they were going to have to cut me a deal, they dragged their
heels and then (I believe intentionally) made mistakes which resulted in my loan being rejected.

That re-fi would have save me almost 600 dollars a month, or 8400 dollars to date.

After a month or two of complaining to WF that got me nowhere, I heard about the Making Homes Affordable program. I checked, and indeed my loan was backed by Freddie Mac. Also, my wages have slipped almost 40% with the economy. The best deal they offered was to delay paying certain taxes, which would of course result in more compounded interest going into their pockets later and did me no real good as a soltuion.

I personally believe that they should make good on the original offer of 4.75%. We had a deal, and I fulfilled every possible obligation that I had to make the deal happen. I don't accept that they could let one person's math mistake be the sole reason for rejecting my loan. I believe that this was an intentional business decision by WF in an effort to save the company money. I believe that if you were to investigate you would find many other people like me, mysteriously denied in a way that
works outrageously in WF's favor and screws people like me, the taxpayers.

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Thomasville, US
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Feb 16, 2010 8:10 am EST

we have been resubmitting the paperwork for 8 months, the terms were for 4 months then we woukld be locked in at a lower payment because my husband lost his job. we now have no clue what they are doing, every time we call, we have to resubmit all of our financials.. is there someone out there keeping up on all of this? we are afraid they will call the loan.. as it has happened to friends of ours..

Riviera Beach, US
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Feb 18, 2010 12:42 am EST

This is Not a complaint, let me repeat, this is NOT a complaint, this is for people that need help and got theirselves into jams w/ company's that took money upfront w/o helping them with a solution for their home, please check out this company, JK-Liberators Delinquent Mortgage & Debt Relief Program, . They really helped me out when i was in a terrible jam AND i had little faith in them b/c i've been in 4 different loan mod programs, including Nationwide, and was ripped the hell off. BUT i prayed about it and decided to give it another try and i received really great results and i'm finally happy with the results. I highly recommend this company to anybody.

So far I've recommended this company to a couple of my neighbors and they are happy too. I know that working w/ another company my be hard, especially for me, just pray and put a little more trust in this people. U can call these people and get to speak w/ somebody(a REAL person) almost all the time, and receive and update. most of the time u would get a call before u can call them. there are really good on communication. so yes that is a plus.

If you would like to try them, the website is and remember **NO UPFROUNT FEES!**

12:19 am EDT
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Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

In June of 2009 I had opened several business banking accounts at the Wells Fargo in Fountain Hills, AZ. At the time the representative suggested we can open a merchant account and suggested we can rent the equipment from their affiliate company. She disclosed the cost of the equipment. However, failed to inform me this was in fact a 36 month lease, non...

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1:48 am EDT
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Wells Fargo mortgage fraud

After defaulting on my mortgage for 10 months, (1846.00) monthly payment, I gave Saxon Mtg servicer for Well Fargo $30, 000 to make my account current. They continue to keep me in default and forced me into Ch13. I had no other debt other than the mortgage. I am a full time pharmacist and what ever I paid them never went to the principal or interest. They have been keeping me indefault for 4 years. I have contacted the attorney general for Ct and have kept very good records so we will be comparing documents next months. I also hired a mortgage analysis who is also an attorney who will be an expert witness. I will not let them take my home. Kim

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12:47 am EDT
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Wells Fargo federal home loan modifications not being done fairly

I have been working with wells fargo since about july 2009 to get a home loan modification, as outlined in the federal program (www.Makinghomesaffordable.Gov). I finally received my paperwork this week, and it is as if they "rewrote" the modification the way they wanted to, not following the federal guidelines, which are clearly written in a 17-page memo to lenders.

Also, they did not offer me the $1000 per year "incentive" that I am eligible for, for up to 5 years, if I enter into the agreement and make my payments on time. This helps "pay down" part of your principal... They totally ignored that... Probably since the guidelines (To lenders) , states, "borrowers are eligible for (The $1000 a year incentive)... " instead of saying " (Lenders) , you must include this in your loan modification agreement. "

Here is what has happened with my loan modification, so right now I am wondering whether to sign or not to sign... And they gave me only 10 days to sign and return... While it took them almost 8 months to get my loan modification through a trial period. !
But here is what happened with my modification:
My mortgage should have been reduced by about $250 - $280... But was only reduced by about $98! Borrowers are supposed to bring your payment down to 31% of your gross income, and are supposed to reduce your interest rate (As a first step in something the gov. 't calls the "waterfall procedures", which are specific steps lenders are to take to reduce the mortgage so the correct amount of modification agreement can be determined... This is not what was offered in my case.

I have been trying to get my home loan modification with them for about 6-7 months... I did everything they asked, sent all forms, resent forms, resent proof of income, the signed affidavit. About 4 months ago, they sent the amount of my trial payments, which was encouraging because the payment dropped from about $1250 (Which I can no longer afford, due to a sharp decrease in my income. ; my payment for the trial period was reduced to about $980.

I also want to note that I did not have a sub-prime mortgage, that I have always been current on the mortgage, and that my home in austin tx is worth about what I owe on it. Also, I do pay private mortgage insurance (Pmi) , and i'm reading from many with problems, that some banks are not working with them... Preferring their home to go into foreclosure, since the home has pmi.

The "making home affordable" gov. Website calculators show that i'm eligible, and that $980 (Trial payment) was actually somewhat more than the 31% of my income. I thought I was "good to go... " and made every trial payment.
Now... This week, I get a letter from wells fargo that offers me something they call a "home affordable modification agreement", and they only gave me until 3/23/10 (Less than 10 days) , to sign and return it to them. The terms are not as outlined on the gov't site at all! To reduce my mortgage, they offer to extend the term of the mortgage, and only to lower the interest rate by about one-half percent. This is not how the gov't site said as to mortgages being modified. My total monthly payment only went down $98, if I sign this, and again... This payment is much more than the approx. $960 that my loan modification should be (According to the calculator on the fedeeral "making homes affordable.Gov" site and other federal web sites. ). Do they think we don't read or multiply ? Also... They didn't make my escrow payment with my trial payments, and so they informed me I now owe escrow of $1876 ! (This is something the government guidelines to lenders also tells lenders, that they must make the escrow, if the funds are there... Which mine were, as part of my $980 trial period payment. !

They did write in something they call a "borrower incentive" that if I make payments on time, I will "accrue " a "benefit" equal to $54.58, which is 1/2 of the reduction in the monthly mortgage payment. There is nothing that I can find about this being in the government program - - it reads that with a home modification you no longer have to pay the pmi. (Because the government is in effect insuring your mortgage, at least that is my understanding of why you no longer have to pay pmi).
I feel wfargo has "rewritten" that program benefit more to their benefit, in their legal terms... Saying, "if your modified mortgage loan ever becomes 90 days delinquent, you will lose all accrued but unapplied principal reduction benefits (The $54.58)... And will no longer be eligible to accrue additional principal reduction benefits... " that is not in the government guidelines at all.

I don't know what I am going to do at this point, because it seems as if wfargo is really trying to screw me. That is not a word I ever use, but it fits with this situation.In my opinion, they are purposefully ignoring the government guidelines on how the federal home loan modification program was written, and have written their terms... Much more favorable to them.
If anyone has any suggestion, please contact me at my email:
[protected] Thank you... And good luck. We need it.

Yours truly,
Lsb / austin tx

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Mar 22, 2010 11:03 am EDT

They screwed me also. I was put on a trial period for 3 months. (January, February, and March) They told me not to pay December. Prior to that I was current not in default. What happened next is a nightmare. I was told that I was about to go into foreclosure because I was not current in my mortgage payments. What they said to me was that the trial amount was not a reduced mortgage rate - but just the amount that NACA suggested I could afford. They would apply the amounts to December and the interest and late fees that accrued for December through March. I now owed close to $3000 to bring my account current. I AM LIVID. This bailout to banks just made them richer - but they will reap what they sow!

6:13 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo rude customer service

You were reading a complaint about Wells Fargo.

Filing a new complaint about
Hi, We bought some furniture on a buy now pay 12 months deal and Wells Fargo was the company we had to get the finance through. Well its 9 days till we have to clear the balance before interest is due ! so we went to the local WF branch to be told we cant make pay there so we rang them to pay over the phone `but you cant do that` and was told by a rude / difficult to understand accented person to pay online. So fine we tried that through our bank HSBC but they are not set up to do so. So we rang again to again speak to a very rude foreign person whom told me to send payment but because there is now only 7 days left we would probably have to pay the full interest !because of the length of time they allow for their system. I tried to explained to this rude person we have been trying to pay for 2 days in person / over the phone / online rather than post but am unable for her to say `look you have had since Feb last year to pay you should have done it then` ! LOOK lady the reason we took this deal was the fact we could hold on to our money for a year rather than pay for the goods then and waiting till 9 days before its due to pay is not unordinary and that just because your system is out of the ARK is not my fault. LET ME PAY OVER THE PHONE OR ONLINE ! grrrrrrrr we are sending it now by express registered mail ! they really do need to catch up to the 20th century..

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Mar 13, 2017 11:26 pm EDT

When ever I call the mortgage department they are rude and never want to listen, do they have a class called ###ed up attitude the CSR are required to pass, I am tired of the people acting like they are right and better than you. I am rude back intentionally just so they can see how it feels. If they hate their jobs so much then quit. Ohh and I did not pick Wells Fargo my LOAN was sold. I wont go within 50 feet of none of their businesses now. I HATE WF.

1:19 pm EDT
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Wells Fargo unethical bank practices

Wachovia Bank now a part of Wells Fargo is using an unethical and boderline illegal activity to take my biggest printing customer. When my customer of 13 years asked for a bigger loan to expand their business, Wachovia came by to check on their operation. They discovered that all 60, 000 of their customers pay by check or credit card. Two days later the loan officer came back with a proposal to do everything including printing over 5000 books a month. They will use equipment that they use to run bank statements on to do any book for a flat price of $2.00 regardless of the number of pages. On many of the books it will be below my cost. I'm confident it is also below their cost. Paper prices only go so low. A former Wachovia employee told me that they will lose money on the printing if they can increase traditional bank products with the customer. They can borrow money from the FED at almost 0% and then compete with me in my printing business by doing things at a loss! This is a total abuse of their power. I can't understand how they can mix loan approval with printing.

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7:15 pm EST
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Wells Fargo wells fargo home mortgage has the worst customer service

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has the worst customer service... I have been trying to modify my loan for a year... they keep asking for documentation (which i have faxed and mailed already, and every time you speak to a customer service rep they keep asking the same qauestions...I am about to give up on my modification... But to top everythig off my home had water damage( a pipe burst when i was out of town), my insurance company sent me a check to fix my property, and since it was endorsed to Wells fargo I sent the check to them and I been trying for whole week every day being on the phone and I am still not getting a draw of 30% to fix my home..I have been on the phone since monday and today is friday... their customer service is incompetent and they don't care about their customers...Yesterday I spoke to a supervisor named Brandy and she assured me the first draw would go out I called them to verify and the check and I was told that it wasn't even ordered, this after the supervisor assured me that this had been taken care of...

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Whittier, US
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Jun 03, 2016 8:34 am EDT

I went to this Wells Fargo Bank that is a nightmare to deal with to begin with requesting to close my safe deposit usual you would have to kill half a day to make any transaction at this branch...After over half an hour waiting and going back and forth, I was referred to a manager who was extremely rude and abnoxious to begin with...She asked me to pay $65.00 instead of $45.00 the cost of the box... Eventually she told me because I have a late fee for $25.00 since I did not pay for the renewal...I told her that I never received any mail and asked what address did they send me a notice to, her response was, ( the address on file) and she refused to even tell me what that was, ...I began to lose patience and raised my voice and said that was a rip off, she was very sarcasdtic and disrespectful and got me angrier and angrier with her no responsive answers or ( shut up and wait type of answers)...I just wanted to get out of there, and offered to pay cash to make it quick, she asked me to pay $65.00, after she receives the $65.00, she would give me back $25.00 which was my deposit for the key...I was angrier and raised my voice saying I could just pay her $40.00 instead, she refused and threatened to get security to escort me out of the bank for raising my voice...I asked how much longer this transaction was going to take since she was taking forever, her response was(I will let you know when I am done). I have never encountered anything like this or anyone as rude and unprofeessional as this woman...I asked for her card, she refused to give it to me until she would finish the entire thing...She claimed to be the bank manager, turned out she was customer service manager...It is beyond me how someone with this attitude that makes a good situation a disaster and has the nerve to threaten to have security escort me out when she is the only one that should be escorted out of this bank for her extremely unproffesional managerial skills and rude attitude.
Eventually the Vise president came, and as soon as she did, Lily seems to have changed her attitude to a normal person...
Tis is the wordst bank I have ever dealt with..I run a business for the last 28 years, and never encountered any one like this or any bank with such horrible customer service as Wells Fargo...
They are a ripp off...I never received anything in the mail, and they refused to even give me the address that the mailing for the renewal notice was sent to...If this is not ripp off, I do not know what is...But I do know this should stop, and wells fargo cannot abuse people this way.

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Aug 24, 2010 11:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a 15 yr. re-fi loan with them and whenever I call customer service, I always pray that I don't get stuck with a rep that is incompetent as the last. No luck.

It seems like everyone there is a recent graduate from the University of Stupidity.

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Apr 06, 2010 4:23 am EDT

I use to work for WFHM and YES...thier customer service does suck. Customer service is non-existant. They dont believe in helping the customer, its all about making sales and getting more money from you. As a rep you are required to finish with the customer within 345 seconds. If you cannnot sell them anything you are to get them off the phone or dump them to another dept. I cant tell you how many times I've taken calls and I would be the 4th, 5th, or 6th person the customer has spoken too. Its all about making money NOT helping the customer. They dont have "customer service reps"...they have 'Sales Reps". ALL large banks (Wells, B of A, US Bank, Citi) they are all like this...they are sales driving not service driven. My advice to anyone is find a small bank where they actually treat people like people. Small banks can give you the same products any large bank can and they will treat you with respect. I have been in the banking industry now for 20 years, I have always worked for smaller banks due to this. I unfortunatlly had to work for WFHM through a temp agency until I found my new job with ...yes, a small bank...NOW Im happy again!

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Mar 15, 2010 1:48 pm EDT

I called WellsFargo Home Mortgage to stop the auto draft of my payment. Well the associate did not follow through. I refinanced my house...NOT through wellsfargo. This is another story, but I called three times to refi and they never called me back. So anyway, I have been given the run-around for the past week. I have been lied to as well. I was told that my wrongfully drafted payment would be placed in my account four days ago. I called the representative 15+ times, but no one answered. I escalated apparently to an supervisor, but she has not returned the phone call either. I called today and talked to another supervisor. She told me that they can not put the payment amount back into my account since the mortgage has been paid off now. So now they have to cut me a check. So I am most likely going to have to wait another 7 to 10 days. I feel like my own bank stole from me. Also the supervisor today told me that she has no idea why those other supervisors would have told me that my payment would be reimbursed and straight to my account...thats not the process. Again...just another lie. For this reason, the lying and horrible customer service I will be closing out all my accounts and moving to another bank.

5:49 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Wells Fargo outrageous fees and confusing on-line banking

This bank charges outrageous fees. They charge a $5 fee every day your account is in a negative status, only making it even more negative, digging you in a deeper hole! The fees are incredibly horrible. Besides the fees, my biggest complaint about them is their online banking system. When making a purchase using your check card, you will find it in the "Pending" section the same day you make the purchase, then the next day, the transaction just disappears! It is neither in the "Pending" or "Posted" section! This causes serious confusion to customers who rely on online banking to do check and balances. Then a few days later, you will find the transaction appear in the "Posted" section, after you've forgotten about the purchase and wonder why your balance is all of a sudden not what you thought it should be. I emailed customer service about this, and their reply said that because of the system, there is no way for a transaction to remain in the "Pending" section while it is being cleared. This is such B.S. because other banks I have been with keep the pending items showed as pending. I feel this just screws consumers up and is Wells Fargo's way of collecting more fees.

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Casper, US
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Apr 15, 2010 5:05 pm EDT

1) Wells Fargo will charge a fee that CAUSES an overdraft
2) This causes an overdraft fee all alone
3) A purchase following the fee that causes the overdraft leads to overdraft fee's
4) By the time it is realized, they can have you for hundreds of dollars.

Of course this will happen on a Friday night, then if you make any purchase, lets say you make 10 $1 purchases over the weekend...they nailed you for $350...$35 each.

When all you did was spend $10!

Wells Fargo LOVES IT!

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About Wells Fargo

Screenshot Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo is a renowned American multinational financial services company that has been providing banking, investment, and mortgage services for over 160 years. With its headquarters in San Francisco, California, Wells Fargo has a strong presence in the United States and serves millions of customers across the globe.

The company has a rich history that dates back to 1852 when it was founded by Henry Wells and William Fargo. Since then, Wells Fargo has grown to become one of the largest and most respected financial institutions in the world. It has a strong reputation for providing reliable and trustworthy financial services to its customers.

Wells Fargo offers a wide range of financial products and services, including personal banking, small business banking, commercial banking, wealth management, and investment services. The company's personal banking services include checking and savings accounts, credit cards, loans, and mortgages. Its small business banking services include business checking and savings accounts, credit cards, loans, and merchant services.

Wells Fargo's commercial banking services cater to the needs of large corporations, middle-market businesses, and small businesses. The company offers a range of services, including treasury management, international banking, and commercial lending. Its wealth management services include investment management, trust services, and private banking.

Wells Fargo is committed to providing its customers with exceptional service and support. The company has a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to helping customers achieve their financial goals. It also offers a range of online and mobile banking services that make it easy for customers to manage their finances from anywhere, at any time.

In addition to its financial services, Wells Fargo is also committed to giving back to the community. The company has a strong corporate social responsibility program that focuses on supporting education, community development, and environmental sustainability.

Overall, Wells Fargo is a trusted and reliable financial institution that has a long history of providing exceptional financial services to its customers. With its commitment to customer service, innovation, and community involvement, Wells Fargo is well-positioned to continue to be a leader in the financial services industry for many years to come.
How to file a complaint about Wells Fargo?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Wells Fargo. Make it specific and clear, such as "Unauthorized Wells Fargo Account Charges" or "Wells Fargo Mortgage Application Delay".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint details section, provide a thorough description of your experience. Include key areas such as:

  • The type of service or product you were using from Wells Fargo.
  • Specific issues with account access, transaction problems, customer service interactions, or any other grievances.
  • Chronological order of events, including dates and times, if possible.
  • Any communication with Wells Fargo representatives, including phone calls, emails, or in-person visits.
  • How the issue has personally affected you, such as financial loss or stress.
  • Steps you have taken to resolve the issue and Wells Fargo's response or lack thereof.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as correspondence, receipts, or statements. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information like social security numbers or full account numbers.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial losses you have incurred due to the issue. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, clearly state what resolution you are seeking from Wells Fargo, whether it's a refund, apology, or another form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is true to the best of your knowledge and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint against Wells Fargo on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep an eye on your account for any responses or updates regarding your complaint. Be prepared to engage in further communication if necessary to resolve your issue with Wells Fargo.

Overview of Wells Fargo complaint handling

Wells Fargo reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 18, 2006. The latest review Business checking account was posted on Nov 18, 2024. The latest complaint Refi of home mortgage. was resolved on Jan 23, 2021. Wells Fargo has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 1752 reviews. Wells Fargo has resolved 624 complaints.
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