This store needs to close. The coolers are completely empty. Nothing on the shelves yet the carts with the stock on them are parked in the aisles and you can't get around them. The employees smoke at the door so you walk through a smoke cloud to get in. Trust me, I won't be walking through that smoke again because I won't be back. The employees are making a joke of dollar general corporate. A new family dollar is opening up about a mile from here and trust me, 90% of the people will not go to this dollar general... We will drive to the new store and pray that it's better.
Why aren't these employees putting stock on the shelves instead of smoking every 15 minutes. I have been there when they are smoking when I leave and I find I need to go back for something I forgot, and guess what? They're out there smoking again when I come back and the shelves are empty and climb over carts in aisles that have stock on them... Shouldn't they be stocking shelves instead of smoking in the doorway of the store!