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Walmart review: Customer mistreatment 87

Author of the review
8:07 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I was shopping in the Flora Illinois Walmart @ 8 pm Thursday December 24, Christmas eve.
I had been in the store shopping approximately 30 minutes. I had about $50.00 worth of merchandise in my cart, and was headed to the checkout.

Over the P.A. the announcement was made that the store would be closing in 5 minutes.
Although this seemed like short notice, I had completed all my shopping and was approaching the checkout anyway.
After less than 2 minutes had passed, a store employee approached me saying "you have to check out now, we are closing." I informed the employee that i was going to the check out. Another employee accosted me, rudely stating, "you have to check out now, we are closing."

As I moved within 50 feet of the check out I was again told by another employee, that I must check out immediately. Another shopper behind me was also rudely harassed in a like manner.

When I was within 20 feet of the check out I was again approached, and very rudely told "you have to check out now, we are closing." By this time I had been accosted rudely by 6 employees within a 3 minute period while going to the checkout.

Finally, I had been mistreated enough and told the store employee that they could keep their merchandise.
At the door was the store Manager Eric. I complained nicely to him, and was told, that they had families that they needed to get to. He rudely kept repeating "merry Christmas sir."

It is understandable that the store would close for Christmas eve early. It would be ok to make a 15 or 30 minute closing announcement, but this didn't happen. Myself and other customers met outside and all related having been treated rudely and without respect.

I have joined a local and nationwide boycott of Walmart, and advise others to also. Eighty percent of Walmart's stock comes from China and costs American jobs. If you want to help America's economic restoration... don't shop at Walmart... let them be rude, and keep their inferior junk!

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 1:34 am EST

Apparently you cannot read. The store announcement was that the store would close in 5 minutes. No customer needs to be harassed this way. I have been a retail manager for several years, and would never treat customers this way. It is ridiculous to announce a store closing in five minutes anyway, but then not to allow 5 minutes is poor customer service to say the least.
The reason Walmart makes "record Profits" is because it uses cheap Chinese labor and sells junk to Americans, taking American jobs.
You don't know what you are talking about that the employees didn't know I had gotten the word, because they treated everyone else with the same disrespect. You were not there and obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Your statement about planning shopping is stupid. No paying customer should ever be treated rudely under any circumstances. I have been in many stores where they make a 15 or 30 minute announcement. This store made a 5 minute announcement and didn't even honor that.
You should probably not comment on situations you know something about, not being there, you obviously have no knowledge of what happened.

Your stupid comments said I didn't have decency towards Walmart employees, but I was at the checkout to pay for my items. You are probably one of Walmarts door greeters yourself, and not capable of having a real job.

Since you weren't there, you are unqualified to comment, and obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 2:02 am EST

You obviously were not present, have no idea what happened, and are ignorantly commenting on something you know nothing about.

It is interesting that you also contradict yourself now saying that Walmart does indeed sell junk. Maybe you have a difficult time even understanding your own point, let alone the point of someone else.
Maybe once you get your meds straight you might be able to choose one opinion and stay with it?

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 2:34 am EST

I am not in a tizzy at all, and could care less if you agree or not. Since you weren't there you have no way to relate in anything but your obvious ignorance.
You most certainly do contradict yourself by stating in your former incoherent rambling that Walmart sells junk. It is hard to discuss something with someone who can't even track his own ignorant thought process.
In reply to your ignorant question, if you could read you would have known that I was previously in the store for over 30 minutes prior to the 5 minute announcement. You might learn to read and actually absorb what you read before making foolish comments.

The rest of your diatribe is equally as ignorant and irrelevant. Your incoherent rambling about nationalism and China are totally irrelevant.
Try reading (or learning to) before commenting and your comments might makes some sense. The case was plainly made that I and othesr were in the store over 30 minutes prior to the 5 minute announcement.
The other customers in the store at the time were equally as outraged because of the poor treatment.

What you say does accidentally have a small smidgen of truth in it, re: globalism. The reason America is failing economically is because it has settled for garbage and poor service instead of excellence.

Maybe you might me able to get some remedial reading classes, because you apparently are not able to read and comprehend what others say.

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 3:12 am EST

Dear Brenda
You need more assistance than I can give you here. The truth is that poor customer is poor customer service, no matter what you believe. You were not there and are therefore unqualified to comment on what happened.

I appreciate your vast knowledge of global economics, but you are still incorrect.
I made a complaint about a particular Walmart store, not about you. Since you were not there, do not know what happened, and are not Walmart this doesn't concern you. Have a nice holiday. Quite frankly, I don't have the time to continue your silly word pong. I sincerely hope you also find some better way to spend your time.

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 3:18 am EST

DUH, sorry you cannot seem to comprehend that customers were not given 5 minutes... sorry you are unable to understand something so simple.
The announcement said that shoppers had 5 minutes to bring their items to the check out. I am sorry you cannot understand something so simple...again I repeat DUH!

If you lack the ability to concentrate on something like shopping for an hour, it certainly seems to explain why you have such an obvious comprehension challenge. DUH.

Update by truthranger
Dec 26, 2010 3:31 am EST

I didn't want to mention your breeding, but you are probably correct there also... too bad.

Update by truthranger
Dec 27, 2010 7:22 pm EST

It is amazing that so many people comment onthe experience of someone else.
This site is called "complaints board" for a purpose, to register complaints.
If it had been a discussion forum it would have been entitled such.
It is obvious that those responding to my complaint don't even know what they are doing, because they are in the improper venue for a discussion.

There is no reason to defend WalMart. If you are happy with your experience at Walmart, continue to shop there. Your time might be better spent in dealing with your own lives, rather than minding the business of others.

There are many sites designed for you to practice your eloquent discussion skills, this is not one of them.
Whether you agree or disagree with my assessment pf my experience at Walmart is irrelevant.
Find a discussion forum and blow of all you want.
My complaint was regarding Walmart, and is the business of no one else. Complaints here are complaints, not an invitation for discussion by uninvolved people.

Unless you were at this particular Walmart and experienced the same treatment, this is really none of your business.
To make a long story short: get a life!

Update by truthranger
Dec 30, 2010 9:55 pm EST

Update on Walmart Complaint!
District Manager frpm Walmart contacted me. He assured me that it is not the practice of Walmart to close a store in this manner. He was very apologetic, and gave me his direct number in case of any problems in the future. I was also told that he would deal with local management personally.
Walmart also sent me a sizable gift card to compensate.
The truth is that companies do not gain from improper customer service. There should never be a time when we offer less than excellence, or expect less when it comes to customer service.

For those of you who defended Walmart (or thought you were) you are part of the problem. I am happy with Walmart's handling of the situation.
For those of you who criticized me for wanting excellent customer service you are wrong. First of all, this is a complaint forum, not a discussion forum... apparently you don't know the difference.

Having been a Manager I know that customer service can make the difference between a store's success or failure. If you really liked Walmart, you would insist on quality customer service.
Since Walmart has graciously settled this matter, I have no more complaint, and will no longer answer your replies.
In my absence, you can continue to call me names and reflect your immense ignorance as you have previously. Enjoy yourself.

Update by truthranger
Dec 31, 2010 1:50 pm EST

You all really don't have lives do you? Commenting on something that is none of your business was weird enough. Now you continue your ignorant banter after the conflict was successfully resolved. I cannot help but to feel sorry for you, how pathetic.

Update by truthranger
Jan 02, 2011 2:20 pm EST

Not that it is any of your business, but I donated the card to a very needy family. You all should consider expanding your lives, as this is a long closed issue.
Repeatedly calling derogatory names only indicates your lack of basic social skills and your ignorance.
If you want to continue displaying your ignorance on a closed issue, go ahead.
Many people come here just to be entertained by you I am certain.

Update by truthranger
Jan 02, 2011 2:43 pm EST

It would be a good suggestion if some of you were to look back over your comments and consider your method of communicating. When you repeatedly just name call and say demeaning things it damages your position.
It is one thing to stick your nose in the business of others, but then to become abusive is a sign of some basic instability.
Some of you have made very caustic and slanderous remarks, think about this. You have entered yourself into something that doesn't concern you, and then made a mini war out of it. The truth is that no one should ever settle for less than excellent customer service no matter where they shop, or what the circumstances, and Walmart agrees.
The reason many U.S. jobs have left is the diminshed work ethic in this country. Many of you have adequately displayed the mentality of people who want something for nothing. When prices are high, good customer service is all that we have to offer our customers.
So, you have shown yourself to be a group of people who cannot mind their own business, have a poor work ethic, and despise good business practices.
Hopefully and apparently Walmart has better management than some of you commenting here.
If one wonders why America is failing economically, all they have to do is to read your comments.
Lazy people (as yourselves) produce little and require little. Because you are lazy you have time to comment on something that doesn't concern you, and ignorantly call names.
The U.S. was built on ethics and excellence, people who produce and demand less are what is ruining the nation.
Your attitude is that cause of the decline of America. America will only rebound when it's people rebound.

You have crooked politicians because you allow it, just like you allow less than excellent business performance.
Go on and compose your drivel. I have a friend who is a college professor and he is copying your replies. He is using them in his economics classes to show what has happened to our once great economy.
I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to supply my professor friend with all the material he needs to make his point.
Congratulations, in your ignorance you have helped to provide the next generation with guidance towards the solution. Please continue your comments as they assist greatly in showing that the demise of the American economy is due to the lazy and unethical standards of it's people. Good job.. please keep it up.

I no longer am checking this blog, but my Professor friend is constantly checking and copying it. Many of your comments are appearing on a big screen and being discussed (and laughed at) by college students.
On behalf of the Professor and his class I want to say thank you! You have provided us with some perfect and very funny material.

Update by truthranger
Jan 02, 2011 2:52 pm EST

Thank you for the material.. very good and proves the point well. End of discussion.

Update by truthranger
Jan 02, 2011 6:41 pm EST

Thank you very much for the great material, it will be used very well. You have done a great lob of illustrating a point, very good.

Please continue providing the class with examples of what has caused the demise of the American economy.
Your attitude of laziness and providing less than excellence is precisely what the Professor needed. He is quite happy and the students are learning about the free loaders of society very well... again thank you... please keep the ignorance coming... applause ...applause.
It is interesting when he shows them your comments and they all laugh at your ignorance... keep up the good work!

Update by truthranger
Jan 02, 2011 6:45 pm EST

Please, more ignorant name calling... the class loves it. Could you please also tell me again about how stupid I am for requiring good customer service?
You are doing the next generation a great service in showing them what it has taken to destroy the economy of the greatest nation on earth.

They are seeing that the consumer and worker can do more damage to the economy than a foreign source or even government waste could ever do. One student stated in his return blog "ignorant and lazy people like this have destroyed the American economy... it's that simple."
Thank you and please keep the lesson material coming.

Update by truthranger
Jan 05, 2011 1:30 am EST

Keep it coming... the show is great and the lesson material is priceless.

Update by truthranger
Jan 08, 2011 1:42 am EST

No one lied, I just like a good laugh... and you all are funny... pitiful but funny!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Dec 26, 2010 3:01 am EST

This discussion is interesting to me because I was one of the customers at the Flora Il. Walmart on Christmas eve also.
As the original complaint stated there were several people in the store at the time. I had been in the store over an hour when the 5 minute closing message came over the loud speaker.

As the gentleman stated, the employees rudely rushed us to the checkouts after less than 2 minutes had passed.
It seems odd that others who were not present would argue what happened... you weren't there!

After the ordeal many of us met outside and discussed how we were treated. It seems ridiculous to me that someone not present has anything to comment about. The customers there were treated very poorly. I have contacted a personal friend with upper management at Walmart, and am assured that action will be taken.
No one who wasn't there has any reason to comment, because it didn't effect you and is therefore none of your business.

According to my friend, this is a breach of Walmart's operational practices and it will be dealt with. I personally will never enter this particular Walmart again. As far as the quality of merchandise, it probably is not the best, but most foreign made stuff is lower quality than what we are used to.

Lexington, US
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Dec 26, 2010 5:42 pm EST

Brenda is a stupid b****. She has nothing better to do than to put people down. She is the one that needs a life.

Lexington, US
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Dec 27, 2010 12:19 am EST

Immodest is such a comedian and the only it knows is troll.

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Dec 27, 2010 4:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

this truthranger is a ###. i bet they kept on coming up to him because as he was on his way to check out he probably kept on stopping to look at other things. thats what it sounds like to me. tell the truth truthranger. you know what you was doing, everybody else does the same thing.

Send a message
Dec 30, 2010 10:13 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

yes jdh i did and i hope you did as well. to truth ranger: haven't you noticed we are allowed to leave comments after someone's complaint? if so then you should realize that in a way that does make it a discussion forum. so since you like to use the term "eloquent" i am gonna be eloquent by saying get a life and if you don't want the comments then don't complain and then don't respond to any of the comments with a comment of your own. simple as that...eloquently speaking.

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Dec 30, 2010 10:23 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

yes i comment was also directed at truth ranger...nice to see you also brenda.

Burlington, CA
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Dec 30, 2010 10:54 pm EST

Were store hours not posted on the front door? Those employees have families to get home too! Take some responsibility here, you should have been aware of closing times. Should the credit card companies shout announcements five minutes before you have Maxed out? Go back to wallmart and buy a watch!

lala marie
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Dec 31, 2010 1:58 am EST

learn how to spell

Minneapolis, US
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Dec 31, 2010 3:03 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Truth, I thought you were done responding...?

An Average Communist
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Jan 01, 2011 11:49 am EST

Truthranger, I insist you point out any ignorence you can find below. Maybe after you find that you are the ignorent one, not us, you will perhaps take one step away from your hypocracy.

Seeing as this is a PUBLIC forum on a PUBLIC domain, I am allowed to post here. Also, you tell us you have "joined a local and nationwide boycott of Walmart, and 'advise other to also.'" which once again makes your post very much our business.

So to start off, you are a hypocrite and a jerk. Despite being so incredibly upset about people being rude to you, you do seem to be quite an ### with your infantile name calling. And if WalMart sells cheap, foreign made junk that no one should buy, why were you there for your own Christmas shopping? Also, if you were the manager of a WalMart, then perhaps you would have an adaqute amout of expirence in such matters as to complain, as you seem to demand that much from everyone who has posted in response to you here. And finally, if you do not believe anyone who was not present during your incident could possibly understand what occured, do not attempt to post the story here.

Springfield, US
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Jan 01, 2011 6:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Brenda is correct. You are a hypocrite and a jerk. You are satisfied because you were compensated in the form of a gift card (from the DM) of a store that sells junk? From a store where you felt you were mistreated? From a store that you plan on boycotting? If you are going to boycott Walmart, then why would a gift card satisfy you?

If you actually meant what you said then you would do what I did, refuse the gift card. My letter, their follow-up phone call from store manager, DM, Corporate didn't work. What finally worked was when I returned (certified mail), the unused, destroyed, gift card. I guess I should have donated the card to a needy family; I really SHOULD have as a matter of fact. I was just so furious with this particular store, one particular supervisor, and the fact that the "problem" was not being addressed. I stressed to all of the above that I was not seeking a financial solution to my problem; that was not the point of my complaint.

The first offer, from the store manager $25 gift card which I verbally refused. Next, a phone call from DM asking ME what should be done, which I found odd and caught me off guard. I lamely answered something like "better management/employee relations" would be a start; another offer, a $50 gift card. Again, I verbally refused and explained it wouldn't be necessary since I wouldn't be returning and that I had already canceled our Sam's Club membership. Finally, a somewhat boilerplate letter from Corporate including a $100 gift card. (In hindsight, I regret not donating the card; poor excuse for my anger in the moment.)

You should be ashamed that you so willingly accept this gift from the DM. It negates your whole complaint and makes you look like a cash seeker. Believe me, you're on their "list", every list that Walmart keeps. What a joke.

Springfield, US
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Jan 01, 2011 6:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Excuse me, I guess I'm agreeing with An Average Communist on the hypocrite and jerk part, but also agree with Brenda's post. Need to quit multi-tasking right now.

But Truthranger is not seeking the truth on this point, IMHO.

Springfield, US
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Jan 01, 2011 6:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Truthranger, either return the card or donate it. Donating would be the best choice, IMO, not making the same mistake I did (destroying the card and returning it, certified mail). Even in these sad economic times, I'm sure there's someone you know who could use it more than you right now.

Minneapolis, US
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Jan 02, 2011 3:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I absolutely love when people assume the real life qualities of others based on internet personas. It is the most uneducated way to classify others.

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Jan 02, 2011 10:42 pm EST

They employees have families to get home to and just because you weren't paying attention to earlier announcements doesn't mean they weren't made. You are the horrible kind of person who ruins Christmas for people who work in retail. Merry Christmas Scrooge!

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Jan 02, 2011 11:42 pm EST

The employees of Walmart have families to get home to just like you. Everyone says they are done shopping until they try to grab just a few more things they need. The employees have to be very direct and even forceful when clearing out the store or they would never get to go home. Walmart doesn't need your $50 and is better off without you. It is horrible people like you ruin Christmas for retail employees. You would rather waste your time complaining to management and then standing around outside complaining with other people instead of spending time with family. I've worked at Walmart for years and I can tell you we hear the same complaint every year and we laugh about how jolly everyone is during the holidays. Go ahead and check in on your local Walmart. You will see no one has lost their job- even after the horrible experience you were put through. Merry Christmas Scrooge!

Minneapolis, US
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Jan 03, 2011 12:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have to assume this class is not real or not accredited, as such material as this provides no real life examples or facts. Everything here is a matter of opinion. I find it humorous that this professor has nothing better to teach his students than to read the comments on an internet forum. Is the exam on FaceBook?

Anyways, truthranger, aren't you the foolish one that stated we were no longer worth your time, yet you came back? Please note what I said about judging the real-life characteristics of individuals known solely through the internet.

Mizz America
Lansing, US
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Jan 03, 2011 9:10 pm EST

This is why I shop at meijers, Walmart has dirty and nasty and filled with white trash!

Epping, US
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Jan 05, 2011 5:04 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

NO ONE should be treated rudely! i work at walmart and im all for the truthrangers problem. if u see a customer heading to the checkout then shut the ### up obviously there leaving. walmart is suppose to be about great customer service. truthranger im deeply sorry for your horrible experience, its people like that, that put walmarts to shame. people get fired for poor customer service in my store, as it should be. nasty people should look for jobs where there not surrounded by the human race. and i bet the rest of u have no lives that u come on here to dispute everyones comments. heartless lowlifes!

Epping, US
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Jan 05, 2011 5:07 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

waste of time im going back to my life now

Springfield, US
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Jan 05, 2011 2:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I call ### on the whole post/professor/gathering info through comments and responses. (You should still be on your Winter break, right?) After reading back through the original post and comments following, I still call ###. (You would probably be classified as a Class 2 troll; look it up.)

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 2:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Brenda is a ###. We've seen her idiocy before.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 3:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

How mature of you. And no, I'm not referring to your impending weight to our already burdened social security system. Go chug some Drano. It will only take a few minutes, and we will finally be rid of your inane prattle.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 1:55 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Unfortunately the collective opinion of several ###s does not outweigh the facts and logic of the few individuals with common sense. (That's not jdh55, Brenda, foxfyre, or any of her other pets. I thought I'd clarify that due to your collective lack of reading and comprehension skills.)

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 2:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ah, Brenda. Back from the social security office so soon? I have some time before my first patient arrives today so I thought I'd return to further explain how you are a ###. Your continued interest in my penis is not a welcome advance. I have been happily married for 23 years now. However, based on your posts, my eldest son thinks you are "###ed liberal bulldyke." I want you to know that I defended you. I don't believe you are a homosexual. As for the other points of contention, you are on your own. I hear carbon monoxide poisoning is painless. Give it a shot, Brenda! I'm sure your Prius gets great gas mileage in the garage with the windows down! I'll even pay for the gas.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 2:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can not tell a lie, we barely get by on our combined salaries. We would have never been able to afford our second house on Cedar Creek Lake and the new boat we got for Christmas this year. You seem to have the interest, Brenda. You are the only one who is still mentioning my penis. Again, I am happily married and not interested. Thank you for your interest in my "deficit". Schoolyard antics amuse me. Start the car, yet? :)

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 3:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You're right. I'm sure yours is much bigger. Hey, I put a scratch and sniff sticker on a brick and deposited it at the bottom of the lake. Do the world a favor and dive down and tell us what it smells like! It will be a great time!

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 4:00 pm EST


dont worry about that clamlicker ### brenda. shes dumb as ###. lol.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 4:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Thank you for your input in this matter. She is indeed a ###, but her sexual orientation is of no consequence to that inherent stupidity she wields. I can only hope she works up the courage to jump off of her government subsidized apartment building for the less fortunate and miss any vehicles that honest, hard working people have worked to own. Although insured, they deserve the convenience of not having trash littered upon their car.


The world.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 4:09 pm EST

hahaha shes probably a fat ### that would crush any vehicle.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 4:18 pm EST

the size of that dumb [censored] post is the size of brendas fat ### lol

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 4:19 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It appears Brenda has one heck of a fan club. The amusement continues.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 5:46 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thanks for joining the conversation Mellen67, your keen intellect is astounding us all. Although not as eloquent as some, the crux of jaycalhoun's message remains intact. Stealth Pilot adequately addressed the post, I adequately addressed the ### (Brenda) that made inane efforts to rebuke it. Back to your cage, Mellen67, back to your cage.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 5:51 pm EST

go ### yourself mellen. brenda is obviously an idiot ###, and somehow you sound dumber. do the math [censored]head.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 6:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I happen to be a clinical psychiatrist. I'll give you a hint, free of charge. Material wealth is not an issue for me. I could, in theory, teach at a University, but I find that private firms are more lucrative. My worth is not the topic of discussion here, however. The fact that Brenda, and now you, happen to be complete and utter ###s. I don't much care how you raised your son, nor do I care about your social class. I can only hope that your son decided to educate himself (as he received little to no help from you) and climb out of the perimeter of "###" that you have built for your family. As far as a "therapist" bill, I could sharply discount my rates and $50 wouldn't get you past my receptionist to use the bathroom. And please, I know my spelling and grammar has a hiccup now and then (mostly attributed to the fact I'm laughing so hard reading your prattle), but should I really have to spell it all out for you? "Which I have no doubt outweighs yours" Hmmm, sorry Socrates, but that doesn't form a complete sentence. And "Cleatus" is spelled "Cletus". You are a ###.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 6:56 pm EST

shut the ### up mellen67. brenda is a ### and so are you. i dont need big words and fancy language to understand you are a ###ing [censored]. too bad your mom wasnt in the mood to give head the night you were conceived.

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 6:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Excuse my typographical error. The fact IS that you and Brenda happen to be complete and utter ###s.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 7:07 pm EST

i guess if chinko reposts this enough these dumb ### will finally understand it

Tyler, US
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Jan 07, 2011 7:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Strong and independent women certainly aren't the issue. My wife is a successful businesswoman an avid mariner. Our relationship is founded on mutual trust (and disdain for ###s like you). Congratulations on being a hermaphrodite. I don't much care about your genitalia, regardless of composition. Again you profess further interest in mine. I am not threatened by strong women, I'm irritated with stupid ones. You sound like you have quite the complex, Brenda. I can counsel you for a nominal fee. I don't think your salary will cover it, but perhaps we can work something out. Although, my aforementioned suggestion for jumping off of the public housing building you reside in would be the best option. I repeat for clarity my request that you do not land on someone else's vehicle by accident. They work hard to support the social program leeches that pollute our society. If that scares you, try some antifreeze in your morning tea daily. Within a week, cardiac arrest should take care of the problem.


The world.

Morgantown, US
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Jan 07, 2011 7:34 pm EST

hahahahaha owned again. stupid feminist ###.

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  2. Walmart phone numbers
    +1 (800) 966-6546
    +1 (800) 966-6546
    Click up if you have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 966-6546 phone number 36 36 users reported that they have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 966-6546 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 966-6546 phone number 25 25 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 966-6546 phone number
    Confidence score
    Customer Service
    +1 (800) 925-6278
    +1 (800) 925-6278
    Click up if you have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 925-6278 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 925-6278 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 925-6278 phone number 8 8 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (800) 925-6278 phone number
    Customer Service
    +1 (866) 925-2432
    +1 (866) 925-2432
    Click up if you have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (866) 925-2432 phone number 4 4 users reported that they have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (866) 925-2432 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (866) 925-2432 phone number 3 3 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (866) 925-2432 phone number
    +1 (877) 937-4098
    +1 (877) 937-4098
    Click up if you have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (877) 937-4098 phone number 12 12 users reported that they have successfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (877) 937-4098 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (877) 937-4098 phone number 13 13 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Walmart by calling +1 (877) 937-4098 phone number
    More phone numbers
  3. Walmart emails
  4. Walmart address
    850 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, Florida, 94066, United States
  5. Walmart social media
  6. Olivia
    Checked and verified by Olivia This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 24, 2025
  7. View all Walmart contacts
Walmart Category
Walmart is ranked 1 among 124 companies in the Retail Stores category