I got behind one of the dollar general truck drivers... lake of the ozarks in Missouri July 4th at 2:30 pm... swriving all over the road. Idk if he was tired or under the influence but I call emergency personnel... he was not being safe and I feared for myself and others on the 2 lane road. I hope he got pulled over to figure out why he was driving unsafe. The number on the box truck was 11222 I assume he was headed for the distribution center in Fulton but do not know for sure...
I was behind a dollar general truck on a back road in Zebulon, that apparently missed its turn. This was around 3:40 on 1/19/2021. It was coming from hwy 109 and was probably trying to get back on hwy 19. It stopped with no signals and decided to back up, WITHOUT BACK UP LIGHTS OR WARNING SOUNDS, IN THE MIDDLE OF A ROAD! I was laying on my horn, trying to get out of the way, but panic set in and almost didn’t make it. Literally missed my car by inches! I had to go off roading to get out of his way.
On the way home from picking my brother up for school I was cruising down 27 in bremen Georgia, a dollar general 18 wheeler started coming over on me and forced me to drive off the road in to the median. There was no one around us for miles, Thank god no one was harmed but what if there was no median and I was forced into a ditch. He then sped up well past 85 mph because I was going 70mph (the speed limit) and he was gone. It wasn’t until the red light at the Walmart that I got his tag number 056857T. He is also driving with an illegal tag cover making it almost impossible to see the tag. Continuing down the highway he was laying on his horn to people that were not going the same speed as him forcing those drivers to get over. Very unsafe driver. I can’t imagine if his unprofessional behavior took a turn for the worse! I pray he gets this message. Be safe!
I was in the outer lane of a double left turn lane in webb city Missouri and the dollar general truck was as in the inside left turn lane. I had to maneuver carefully because the driver clearly did not know or care that I was also turning left and he was completely in my lane. Ridiculous. I just got home from California and this is behavior I expect to see there, not here in Missouri. What if my children were in the car? I had to brake so hard to not hit the guy and swerve into the other lane. DG needs to train and hire more well trained drivers!
No you missed the point. The guy almost collided with me. He would of been at fault, so thank you for attempting to defend the guilty party but you’re both wrong. He should not have tried to turn left from the inside turn lane if his vehicle is too big to make the turn within his lane limits. You recheck your handbook.
You are the guilty party.
Do you understand how physics work? Trucks are a lot longer than cars and they have to swing wide to make turns. Unless you're a new driver you should know this.
Truck #11433 is a terrible driver he pulled out in front of me and another car and than cut right back over in front in front of me. I think he needs more training.
Iast Saturday i had an 18 wheel come down my neighborhood and they cause damage to my home electrical mast. I tried four diffrent time to reach someone to no avail. I have left voicemails to the people incharge of the trcuks haven't heard back yet.My information is on several voicemails.hope to hear from someone soon.
Truck f3227 pulled out in front of us and oncoming traffic all had to stop. Glasford il mon march14 2022 4.pm
I had a dollar general truck just pull out infront on me & others in wisccasset maine on a main drag. He made it so we had to slam on our breaks so we didnt go up under the truck for him to flip us off! People like him shouldn't be driving a big truck! Mind you I have kids in the car and I'm not [censored]ing impressed at all! Just very thankful my breaks work and he wasnt able to kill us but who's to say it's not gonna happen esp with him!
Dollar General delivery driver truck # 81516 parked right in the middle of a crowded parking lot in Santee, SC Dollar General. He parked in everybody's way and blocked one young lady in leaving a few inches between his truck and her car. She asked him to let her out but he was very rude. There's a designated area for trucks to park.