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Sonic Drive-In

Sonic Drive-In review: reply to all sonic complaints 135

Author of the review
5:32 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

For all those who file complaints against sonic drive-in locations-

1. All sonic locations are not owned by the corporation.
In fact, few locations actually are. Most are franchised locations which are independent of the company with the exception of branding, recipes, and marketing. That being said, each drive-in is going to differ based upon the ownership and the general manger in place.

2. All locations are not the same.
There are quite a few locations which are run exclusively "by the book" if you will. These particular locations have excellent service and great food. One thing that definitely helps with customer service is to know exactly what you want before you even consider pressing that pretty red button.

3. You can complain against any one location by calling a simple and easy-to-remember phone number.
The call is free and your next order will most likely be free (To an extent) as well. That number is simple:


This is the number for the customer service hotline which is offered through the coca-cola corporation. These are the same people that will take your complaints from wendy's, mcdonald's, or any other location serving coca-cola products.

A few little-known facts about the chain:
-sonic does not offer, nor do they endorse, warming lamps of any kind. Fries and tater-tots are to by kept for no longer than 5 minutes under a thermal glass lamp that looks exactly like a thermal glass cook top or stove. It is very hot and keeps those tots extra crispy for your enjoyment.
-our burgers and all other items are kept for no longer than 30 minutes. Don't get upset! If you like wendy's then you should know that they have been using this technology for years before us. It is called "infrared heating equipment". This equipment functions like some modern-day microwaves. There is a sensor located in this state of the art machine that measures the moisture inside a particular pan. When the product is no longer up to standard, it is discarded.
-most locations follow the "if you wouldn't eat it, don't send it out" policy. We do not ever serve anything off of the floor. All of our items are preserved at safe temperatures which prohibit the growth of bacteria and food-born illnesses.
-all locations must follow a strict sonic-safe policy that is endorsed and enforced by an independent organization known as "nsf" (National safety foundation). Each location in every state undergoes two rigorous audits each year where an inspector investigates all parts of the store and normal daily operations. The inspections are random and the store does not know when the inspector will arrive.

Most locations strive for great customer service and realize that the guests are who pay the employee wages. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly or that the location just isn't up to par, please call 1-800-ok-sonic and report the establishment directly to the big dogs. I assure you that every complaint is heard by numerous persons. The complaint process will go like this:

1. Call and speak to the representative.
2. Possibly receive coupons.
3. Rep. Files a categorized complaint which is sent first to the corporate office, second to the store owner, and last to the store manager.
4. Depending on the severity of the complaint, the owner will inspect the location. If the situation is bad enough, sonic corporate sends out either a regional representative or regional vice-president to handle the situation. If the location is too bad out of shape, sonic does what is called a full operational assessment where they come in with a full team of certified trainers. Each and every employee and manager is observed for one full week. During a second week, they are all retrained. A follow-up assessment decides whether to revoke the locations operating agreement with sonic or leave the location open.

Hope that all helps.

-a friendly sonic supervisor

Update by DHB
Oct 08, 2011 6:28 am EDT

Thanks to thevillian. I can remember the days that Sonic was booming. Unfortunately, many of our lesser locations have turned the general aura south very quickly for the good ones. I operate the store with the highest sales volume in the state of Mississippi at over $2.5M per year. I never have issues like this from my staff, management, or customers. I wish I knew what happened to those days where Sonic employees strived for achievement and customer service was #1. We still hold those values here in my neck of the woods. Apparently, some of these store operators should be coming to see us so they'll know how a location should be properly run!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Ben Thorn
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Sep 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

The Sonic Drive In located in DeFuniak Springs, Florida always gets the orders wrong, overcharges for what was (supposedly) ordered, and the service is extremely slow. Many of the waitresses are often rude.

Della Watson
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Oct 19, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was 3/4 finished with my chicken sandwich and looked down to see a small caterpillar-like worm in my sandwich. Disgusting!

Putnam tulips
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Jan 07, 2021 3:18 am EST

Was that a protein option? We do not have that in Texas. Seems like an unappetizing option

Tracy James
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Nov 29, 2007 12:00 am EST

My daughter, who is 16, was hired to work at the Q street Sonic in Pensacola around July 2007. It was her first paid job and she was excited. Although a little withdrawn at first, she was a willing worker and eager to learn. What I noticed from management staff was horrible in how they treated the employees as a whole. Most are young and school/college age and are talked to in a very bad way. Trish, the GM seemingly wanted to work with my daughter and train her, but I found out this never happened. She never received proper training and was given second hand, soiled uniforms to begin work. Ray, an AGM and husband of another drive in GM, was also a problem and seemed to have issues with the black employees who worked under him. My daughter was subjected to harsh words, bad attitudes from management and even physical harm before leaving. Ray, an AGM, was supposedly playing around with my daughter one day and kicked her in the leg. She didn't think it was funny since I had told her not to fool with him other than to do her work and handle the customers effectively. He said he was playing, but from the complaints I got in the beginning about him, this was no game. My daughter didn't even tell me until a week later to keep my husband and I from going up and showing him what was really up. After I found this out, I spoke with the GM who stated she would handle it, but of course she was friends with him and did nothing. It seemed that the white managers stick together through bad and worse and this was an example of worse. I contemplated pressing charges, but he would have gotten off too light I am sure. On a day when my daughter had been spoken to harshly and mistreated, she was handling a customer order and didn't perform as well as she should have. This happened to be a mystery shopper and received a low grade for her demeanor. I don't blame her for being in a bad mood at that time, but she should have told me sooner so I could have taken care of the problem. The GM and I both agreed that this wasn't a good environment for her and she left in September 2007. This job only lasted 2 months, but it was the worst 2 months she has ever had in her life. I didn't want her 1 st paid experience to be her worse, but that's what it was. I wish Trish and Ray the best, but what goes around... comes around... Remember that!

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Mar 27, 2008 7:09 am EDT

I ordered a chicken strip dinner and ordered onion rings instead of french fries, I did not get the onion rings and the gravy was so watery that you had to just throw it away. Stay away from this place!

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Sep 29, 2008 1:27 pm EDT

The sonic in Moberly Mo has the WORST service and the rudest workers I have ever seen in my life! The manager is even worse, he allows his employees to treat customers in this fashion. I have reported this store to the proper departments and NOTHING has been done. Example; We ordered drinks they were all wrong! My son took the drinks back inside and the girl woking said to F$%&* bad, get over it! We ask to speak tot he manager or have a number to reach him at she refused! This store is run by teenage BRATS

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Oct 30, 2008 6:21 pm EDT

A couple of my team mates and I decided to go to sonic after practice, especially since it was half-price Tuesday.(burgers are half price) So with it being 3 of us, we all ordered from separate menus so that we might get our food faster (because sonic is soooo slow.) Anywho, after the 2 of us that had got out and ordered from separate menus finished ordering, we got back in my team mate's car because it was cold outside. So finally the guy comes with one of our orders but doesn't see us waving him to the car we're in (which, mind you is right in his other customers were around) so he immediately goes back inside. We're thinking he forgot something. So when he comes back out he comes to the car and I pay for my order and get back in the car. By this time we all have our orders. So one of my team mates says "Are yall's burgers cold?" All 3 of our burgers were cold so we press the button for someone to bring us hot burgers. So this same guy comes back out and before we even say anything, he says "The burgers weren't cold, I've been out here waiting on you all to come and get your order". I am in total shock! We were all like, "excuse me?" So he's going back and forth with us and finally my team mate says "are you going to reheat the burgers or not?" He says "I'll reheat them but I'm not bringing out new ones" Then he has the audacity to say "you don't have to get rude!" So i've had it at this point. I ask for the manager so the mgr comes out and says he's sorry and will talk to the guy and asks us what we want for free. We tell him and we are waiting and waiting for him to bring out this "free" stuff to us. A female employee tells us over the intercom that he's not bringing it so we leave very upset, with our burgers still cold after all of that. Worst experience at sonic ever!

Garland, US
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Apr 16, 2009 1:29 am EDT

So I just went to Sonic and ordered the #8(The Chicken Wrap) and ordered it with extra ranch. Tell me why I got a Jr. Chili Cheese Frito wrap(WITH EXTRA RANCH?) How the hell do you screw that one up? They HAD to have known that it was the wrong thing when the opened it to put the ranch on(which looked disgusting). Bunch of freaking ###s, I swear. I'm going back up there tomorrow to give my complaint to the manager.

Burbank, US
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Apr 16, 2009 1:36 am EDT

Sonic hires complete idiots. There is one near my house... half the time we go, we can't order what we want because their ice cream machine is broken... they're out of this ingredient or that ingredient... et cetera. Or, like you said... they just screw up your order and act all shocked when you confront them.

Good luck seeing the manager! Reply and let us know how it goes. Although based on my experience, the "manager" you see might not be the sharpest tack in the drawer, either.

sherryl clark
Mansfield, US
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Jun 20, 2009 6:15 pm EDT

I took a client to lunch today. I was charged 49 cents for 2 small packages of ketchup! When I called sonic asking about the charge they denied it. I told them my ticket # - 220 - and they still denied charging me for it even though the price is/was on my bill. I will NEVER go to sonic again and will tell everyone I know about this. Sherryl Clark

garland, US
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Jul 10, 2009 11:34 am EDT

Ok first of all i have been a fan of sonic for a long time and have overlooked their short comings 3 times so if u wanna down play my complaint u can suck on a sock :), 1st there was a piece of clear plastic in my drink, then it happened two more times at the location that i will discuss. After the first i vowed not to get anymore shakes, second no more shakes or cream slush, third no more shakes, cream slush, slush or mixed drinks period. Only fountain drinks. Then someone ahead of me paid for my meal (the electronic pay outside) in the drive through and i had to wait FOREVER for them to take care of it. Less than 3 days later I paid for someone elses. I only glanced at the amt before i paid, trusting the machine because i hadnt really had a problem (not thinking of the other day). Then i thought to myself that seemed a little much. I thought i would wait for my receipt then see if i paid the correct amount. Well after attempting to give me the wrong order, and waiting for her to get the right one she looked at my receipt and proceeded to give me my order without the receipt attached. I had to ask for my receipt. After reviewing it and seeing that it was diff than the amt i paid i stopped at a pull in station to let it be known that i noticed what had happened. I said it had happened twice, its ok right now but they need to fix the machine. The lady who i later found was the manager decided to argue with me and proclaim that it was my fault i paid the wrong balance and i should look to see if the amount is for my ticket, unfortunately for her her worker neglected to tell me the balance before i pulled through. She cut me off in the convo saying she would fix it then cut off the spkr. The woman that brought me the diff (also the lady at the window) which im sure was inaccurate but i really wasnt wanting the diff just to voice my concern, was also very short with me saying the manager is busy. I then called and the manager, whom i realized was the original voice i spoke with, basically gave me an uh huh ok im sorry were busy ill talk to her ok "click". This just happened so i will attempt to contact a district man. But i def will not be going back to ANY sonic. The customer service is horrible. It only takes one bad experience to ruin the whole name anyone should know that. Would it have been so hard to say "I am so sorry i will fix that for you", to which i would respond "no problem dont worry about it ya just might wanna fix the machine"?

Woodward, US
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Sep 15, 2009 10:45 am EDT

i worked for sonic for 3 weeks and one of the managers, jeff, was rude and took a girks mp 3 player from her and threw it on the floor and stomped on it. he was rude to me and told me to take my earring off because i was a cook, whike the girlks who wore earrings and cooked could wear theirs. he fired me for being too slow. he us a jerk to everyone who works there and has a temper.

Dont like being duped
Binghampton, US
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Oct 01, 2009 1:06 pm EDT

Question...Why would you want to work at a place like that?

Perth, AU
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Nov 12, 2009 2:47 am EST

Baught sonic produc for mi computer on 22-09-09 but from the begginning cant get it downloadet.After
several complains to sonic with E-Mails telling them I cant get it downloaded.Some of the E-Mails Isend them
I had to wait 7 days for respons from them.So I ask them for a re-fund on Mi money because till now Icant get the program they say.Mi request for refund have past our 30 days policy upon purchasing this product, ant cant get refunded. But i ask them for a refund weeks ago.

kt20 5jg, GB
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Nov 12, 2009 4:24 am EST

next time, dont download from a website that yo udo not know about.
just get the game from

Kinder, US
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Nov 13, 2009 2:59 pm EST


lafayette, US
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Dec 04, 2009 12:40 am EST

Funny thing is I worked for sonic a few years ago and one of the most annoying things, aside the know it all customers who think they could do any better, is to be in a hurry and trying to get the food to one guest so you could get the next taken care of but you get stuck at the first guests car bc hes taken forever. Then finally he gives you the money for the order and sits there and watches while you fumble to get his change of 53 cents from the changer all while balancing everything in your one hand and while sometimes even wearing skates. Then after all that you go to hand him the 53 cents and he says “keep it I don’t need it!?” Oh my God really? 53 cents and you made me stand there and dig it out only to act as if you gave me a couple bucks? That is why we ask! Not to be rude but bc we are trying to hurry up and get to the next person before he gets mad and files a complaint! I hear so many people complain about things and they have no idea. For example, did you ever stop to think that EVERYONE pulls up to a sonic and pretty much hits the button at the same time and demands service….. Goto McDonalds drive thru and try that? You can’t! Its one car and one order or maybe 2 if they have a double lane however its still only one transaction at a time! On top of that if you actually take a stopwatch and goto another place like BK or McDs and time yourself when you pull up during a busy time like lunch you’d be really surprised how long you really wait. Your perception is it’s the person in front of you taking forever so you blame them but at sonic you don’t see that person so you blame sonic.. You speak of things you have no idea about. Go put yourself in other peoples shoes before you assume the worst in someone or a place!

Stephanie Newman
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Dec 16, 2017 9:49 pm EST
Replying to comment of jinla

Boo hoo!

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Dec 22, 2009 11:29 pm EST

The machine was not broken in any way. It just works a little weird because the Drive-Thru is very odd at Sonic. At my Sonic in particular, if you park in a stall, it sends us a number and, on the switchboard, we press the number of the stall, and then hit a button that says "stall #". However, the confusing part about that, if for some reason, it does not take that you hit the stall number, or some other weird occurence happens, hitting "stall #" without a proper number before it is how we ring up drive-thru orders. Now it is easy to accidentally ring up a stall order to drive-thru and we do it about once a shift. People have the possibilty of someone paying for the wrong order.

Now, they didn't tell you a total, meaning that they did something wrong as it is. One way that they could have fixed the problem was to give you a refund in cash. Covering you for the accidental charge, however, what SHOULD have happened was that the ticket cancel, a receipt handed to you saying that they Credit was voided, and then the order rung back up and charging you for your order properly.

Bellmead, US
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Jan 03, 2010 5:59 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh, SHUT UP! I've had some horrible experiences at "Sonic", and I'm going to let the world know about it. I've called before, and they gave me the run-around.

Midland, US
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Jan 21, 2010 7:42 pm EST

sonic drive in of midland, texas has no respect towards its employees. they refer to their employees as special, ###s, [censored]es, dumb, and etc. always yelling for anything that happens. always cussing at everyone and embarrassing them in front of every one. you can work up to 10 hours a day or more and all u get is a 15 minute break to sit down and eat. carhop (waitress) are on their feet all day long walking around the entire area delivering orders and only a 15 minute break is given. the cooks dont even recieve a break at all.

Midland, US
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Jan 21, 2010 7:43 pm EST

very horrible

little rock, US
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May 02, 2010 6:10 pm EDT

HAH! This cracks me up. I am an assistant manager at a sonic in Arkansas and let me tell you...People that work there could care less about customer service and all of that crap. We do not get paid enough to care. Me as an assistant can tell you this straight out because it is true.

The reason:

-customers are slow and dumbfounded and flat out RUDE. I had to deal with an idiot today who wanted me to give him money back for something he paid with on his debit card. i was like wtf? NO. I voided the transaction and that was all i was going to do.

-We do not get paid enough to care.

-we are treated like crap.

Janine Park
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Dec 31, 2016 9:43 pm EST

Listen you entitled jack wagon, most of us have worked food service at one time or another. Myself, I did it for years, put myself through nursing school while working three jobs. Those rude customers pay your wages, it would be good for you to make them happy. I know, there are some really truly sucky people who come in for service, kill them with kindness! Go above and beyond, make them eat their words and come back for more great caring service, you don't treat them like they owe you anything, because they don't. I worked long hours, multiple shifts, at both fast food, and sit down restaurants. I think you'll find me very appreciative of good service, but like many people who formerly made a good living working in the food industry, I do know how it's supposed to be done and how it can be done. So I'll be a horrible person to treat badly if you're my server. I tip well for good service, and I'll complain as high as necessary for bad.

byrtown, US
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Jun 02, 2010 1:13 am EDT

Sonic upper management doesn't give a [censor] about their employees. Being a shift manager, i make the same amount as my crew, with the added responsibility of opening and closing, running labor, and being responsible for everything that goes wrong during my shift.

Don't work for Sonic. Your better off being working anywhere else

Algona, US
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Jul 22, 2010 2:36 am EDT

I went to Sonic tonight and im visiting from iowa and I asked for two Cherry limeades and they said no cause i was with a group of locals that threw a rattle snake at the drive threw. I did not do that. so they said yes we will get ur limeades after this guy helped me get them and once he pulled away they just stood there and never made them insted the asst. manager sent someone to look at my uncles license plate im very ticked off about this.

clarksville, US
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Sep 07, 2010 7:19 pm EDT

thats exactly right but he may have paid for the wrong order because the drive thru attendant was clocking her orders off early to make it look like she has good drive thru times

Roff, US
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Dec 09, 2010 1:44 am EST

All these stories really break my heart. I guess I am just too, "Old School Sonic" I have been with the company since June 1st 1984. And not all Sonics are this bad. And it's not even Sonic that is bad. It's poor people skills training. And lack of experience by many managers. And this isn't isolated to Sonics alone. I have heard the same stories from many food chains.
All this being said, I have been at the same location for 20 years. My average employee has been with me over a year. Which is unheard of in this industry. There is not a day goes by that before I leave I tell all of them just how awesome they are and how much I appreciate everything they do for me. Because of them we have one of the highest volume Sonics in the state.
I remind them daily, "Don't come to work, Come to play". If they are not having fun, they are not going to enjoy their work and give that, "Wow" to the customers. So please don't condemn Sonic. The name still means something to me.

San Marcos, US
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Jan 13, 2011 3:49 am EST

Although I agree that Sonic usually has idiots working, this happens because the buttons on the order board are so close together that the wrong numbers get pushed easily and too often. I used to work for Sonic, and I'm not an idiot, but this happened on occasion. If they didn't say the order number back, this was clearly their fault. I always caught myself if I pushed the wrong number because I always repeated the order back.

Floresville, US
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Feb 01, 2011 7:24 pm EST

Ordered the BLT and Tots Special. The grease was bad that the Tator Tots were fried in so I sent them back. The second order came out and they tasted the same but I found some fried black stringy stuff stuck in the box so I called the manager out. He said it was fried apron strings and said "Sorry about that" and walked off. I have a family of 4 and ate at Sonic atleast once every two weeks-------------------NOT ANYMORE------------------------------. The manager walked off with my receipt and the box!

Big Stone Gap, US
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Aug 31, 2011 11:49 pm EDT

I am currently an employee at Sonic, I was excited when i first received my first job. However, I have been having problems with assistant managers who want to do nothing but sit on their phones and text and complain when they have to work. I often hear of how they hate their jobs and how they wish they could quit. The managers are not the only problem, I have a co-worker who has done nothing but make up lies about me and sweet talk the managers so they have to do nothing. I am about to quit because all of these problems make me extremely frustrated, however, it does make me feel disappointed being this is my first job. I would like to see this place prosper but I do not see this happening with management and working conditions as they are.

Heywood Jablowme
Atlanta, US
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Sep 02, 2011 12:39 am EDT

"assistant managers who want to do nothing but sit on their phones and text" I would like to see how they sit on their phones and text. Is the phone standing up or lying flat? Does the text scratch their ###?

Kingstree, US
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Sep 21, 2011 5:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ON 9/15/2011 around 1:10 p.m i visited my local Sonic Drive Thru. i ordered onion rings. when i emptied the bag onto a napkin, to my surprise and disgust, there were wet sunflower seed shells. apparently, someone was snacking on sunflower seeds and used the bag to dispose of the hulls. i complained to the manager and he apologized and gave me 2 $2 coupons. he assured me he would get to the bottom of the situation. i called later, and the manager said he had no luck on finding the person who did this. i am very dissatisfied at the outcome of my terrible experience. please see the picture i attached.

View 0 more photos
Shad f.
Idaho Falls, US
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Jul 16, 2012 10:44 pm EDT

Ordered an egg and cheese breakfast burrito with no meat. Came home, checked to make sure no meat was in it and found a bug! Called to speak to manager who was rude and accused me of putting it in there myself. Then he went as far as to say "well we do have a lot of bugs flying around here maybe one landed on it". Basically did nothing! I sent my husband back right before they closed and he had to beg for a refund. No apology or refund was offered initially. I told him to have general store manager to call me in the morining .

McKinney, US
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Nov 09, 2012 6:25 am EST

Sonic in Howe, Texas should be closed until they can hire a general manager that knows how to manage a business. Not only is the service terrible but when you ask for a problem to be corrected they will tell you if you don't like it go somewhere else, we don't give a ###.
Really ? This is the person in charge and the one who sets the example for the rest of the employees ? How can you run a business like this and expect it to be successful? What a bunch of incompetent idiots ! This location is losing business daily and its a small town. I will never spend another dime here !

Andrea Hudson
Andrea Hudson
Fizzyville, US
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Dec 27, 2012 8:57 pm EST

It sounds like you should have stopped going some time ago.

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Dec 28, 2012 12:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If its that bad then why are you still going there? Not that bright are you?

Hot Springs, US
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Mar 13, 2013 10:18 am EDT

This isn't the first time I've experienced slow service at this sonic. Every time I've gone there, (maybe 4 times) there is always something wrong with equipment and it takes a long time to get my order. One time, I ordered a breakfast burrito and the person taking my order cuts me off in the middle to say "sorry we're out of salsa, we're just out".. I hadn't even completed my order.. I may be from the old school, but in my experience with fast food, condiments are to be discussed closer to the end of the conversation. Then he didn't get my order correct because he couldn't shut-up about the salsa issue for two seconds to listen to my order and push the correct corresponding buttons... One time I used the drive thru. I thought maybe things would go faster if sense my order was a simple one.. Nope.. I got up to the window to pay and saw little high school students playing and flirting and eating.. and this was before anyone ever came to the window to actually take my cash.. That's just rude and there are too many 'kids' working in our food chains, that behave this way. Seems like everyone thinks that they should receive a paycheck without actually earning it.. The younger generation seems to believe that people are indebted to them simply because they 'exist' in society. I disagree with today's youth on this matter. I do work, very hard, for the money that I have; and I deserve service with a smile. This mornings experience takes the cake.. I ordered (breakfast burrito and Java Chiller), paid my total with my card at the kiosk (the card reader beside the speaker), begin my wait for my food about 5.. FIVE.. minutes when a voice came over my speaker.. "Ma'am, I'm sorry, we cannot serve ice cream at this time".. My response was "OK that's fine, just remove the java chiller" ( from my total and refund my card).. Then I'm still waiting for my food for a couple more minutes then a man approaches my window to inform me that the ice cream machine had been repaired and if I still want my java chiller it'll be out in a few moments.. and I made sure to ask for an estimated time.. the guy said should be "just a few".. I'm still waiting for my food at this point (I'm not sure what is taking so long with a breakfast burrito).. a few minutes later a lady (I thought car hops needed to be a little more energetic than that), reminds me of a sloth, brings my burrito and then walks (waaaalllks like 'Mountain-Man' talks) back inside.. I'm under the impression that my drink will follow shortly.. Then after a total of 20 TWENTY minutes (this is sonic with a small order; not a brick oven pizzeria or sit-down restaurant). The girl that brought my burrito comes back without my drink and said your drink will be out as soon as the milk freezes.. Really? THAT's the 'problem' with the ice cream machine? If the person that told me in the first place and not came out and TOLD me the problem was fixed then I could have eaten my food and been where I needed to be, by this time.. This is ridiculous. I understand that there aren't many mature adults that want to work at sonic and sonic must staff their restaurants to meet the demand.. but there has to be better training or something for this. Maybe better management? Maybe better management training? Maybe a course in ethics? I'm not sure what can be done or what should be done, I just know that I'm tired of this.. I'm boycotting Sonic starting now. Word of mouth is the best advertisement. I have lots of friends :D. Have a great day Sonic employees.

North Platte, US
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May 13, 2013 9:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We had supper on Mother's Day night at sonic in North Platte ne..we ordered at six in the evening and finally at one half hour latter we got our food, We ordered two crispy chicken sandwiches, fries and one pop and ice tea. Our sandwich had a TOASTER bread around the meat...not a bun that was advertitzed..we complained, and all that was said was we will tell the cook..our fries were cold, and my pop cup had to be wiped down with a napkin, for the there was pop all spilled aroung the outside and down the cup...we spent $13.41 for our meal and was not happy with the service, or the food this time. We like Sonic, and this was the worst service and food we have ever gotten at this location.

El Paso, US
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Jun 29, 2013 1:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just a little side note about the salsa. I also work at a fast food restaurant (not Sonic) and have had my fair share of rude customers, not to say you were rude, but the reason I mention that is because a lot of times, believe it or not, customers will sometimes cancel their orders if certain condiments are out. They absolutely must have them or they don't want the food at all. Anyone who's ever worked at a drive thru knows this and I believe this individual was simply trying to save your time and theirs by telling you up front there was no salsa. Apart from that as foxygrandma mentioned not everyone working fast food is in high school, and to make matters worse, they're most likely working for minimum wage for less than 40 hours a week. Not much incentive there to kiss every customers @$$ AND put up with their rude demands and complaints over every little thing, is there? Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done since fast food is considered unskilled labor and therefore workers are paid accordingly. The end result? Mediocre service at best. Take it or leave it.

sonic scams
Baltimore, US
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Jan 16, 2014 12:18 pm EST

We were excited to get a new sonic in our neighborhood on patapsco ave in Baltimore maryland. The lines were long and people were eager to try it. That was until everyone realized how horrible the service is and they always screw up the orders. They recently sent out coupons to get people to come in. The coupon was for two quarter pound burgers, two med tots and two drinks for $6.99. Sounds great right? NOT! When I tried to use the coupon, they tried to get over on me by giving me a Jr burger. I told them they got the order wrong and they said that the manage told them to "bait and switch" the customers and give them the smaller burger. The coupon also said the you could choose a soda, slush, tea or limade for your drink, but they insisted on charging me extra for a slush. Why even put out a coupon to get customers, then rip them off? What a scam! We eat out everyday and had not been there in months. Now I remember why.

Jena, US
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May 16, 2014 10:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ok I thank the not taking a 100 dollar bill is dumb after we ordered are food wife had
Realized that she had forgot her wallet at home and all I had was $100 in mine so after
Waiting 30 min. And got are food I explained that all I had was a 100 the girl told me she could accept it and took the food back F N dumb so SONIC will miss a
Sale just because if that and not to add waste food on top of that needless to say I want
Ever go to a sonic again ever

Mrs. Vela
San Antonio, US
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Jun 16, 2014 11:07 pm EDT

I go to a sonic in San Antonio tx on Ingram rd. and what they do there is wrong and basically stealing. The last few times I've gone they have gotten my order wrong. They tell me it's gonna be awhile maybe about 30 mins. And being that I've already waited upt to 45 mins I complain then leave. I've even told them so I have to wait more for something I've already paid and waited for. They do that everytime they get an order wrong. They'll tell you that it's gonna be a long wait. That's just another form of stealing and it's wrong.. I'm going to FB my experiences so it won't happen to those I know.

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