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Dollar Tree Complaints 2972

9:52 pm EST

Dollar Tree employee/ assistant manager

The dollar tree on S Calle Santa Cruz in Tucson, Arizona. Store #4345 is the worst store ever my friend recently bought sonething but later realized it was the wrong color and she called to ask if she could maybe return it and the assistant manager picked up and said hold on not even a hello just hold on and hung up when she called back the assistant manger had to be called back to the front and she took forever she kept my friend waiting for a good 10 minutes then i recently went to pick up some birthday balloons and this african woman was so rude i was only checking to make sure they had the one i wanted and she said to get away from her station then i had to check out with her as she was the only cashier open and she threw all my stuff in one bag i had to ask her to please separate the stuff like i had done and she made a face and rolled her eyes at me. I now understand why my friends would rather go to 12th and valencia the assistant manager and that employee will be the reason that store goes out of bussiness. I will never go back there again

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12:23 pm EST

Dollar Tree store lack of stock and disorganization

Dear Madam or Sir:
The condition of the Dollar Tree store in Greenville, SC, Augusta Rd & Hwy 25, Zip 29605 is absolutely unacceptable. Dollar Tree usually provides a good selection and excellent savings, but this store has gradually become worse and worse for the past 2 years. The shelves are bare in many instances and does not in have in the stock the items that are supposed to be carried.

The cleanliness of the store is not good and the shelves are unorganized and in disarray. It almost looks like you are shutting down the store.

Can't something be done about this?

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6:34 pm EST

Dollar Tree dollar tree

I have a complaint about most of the Dollar Tree stores, whatever area of town or city you go to there is always only 1 or 2 lines open no matter how many people are in the store to be checked out.
I travel often and it is like that no matter where you go and no matter the client tell or area.
Also there is always a sign saying we are hiring and there is never enough people working/help I no several people who need jobs and have applied and not gotten a call.
I love Dollar Tree, because I can always find what I need but something needs to change.
I and all of the shoppers should not have to be in line forever to get those bargains your stores have. Yesterday I went to one the two lines were so long I walked out, without purchasing a thing

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11:11 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dollar Tree store 7213 unethical hiring

guess what? i overheard a conversation of one of your managers at store# 7213, sterling heights, michigan that your company…dollar tree, hired a convicted felon, kidnapper, car jacker and is on the sex offender list, as an assistant manger! antoine perkins. i looked up his name on the macomb county public offense records. check it out yourselves. how does this happen? on the application it asks: have you ever been convicted of a felon? he either did not answer the question and was over-looked by your management, district management and human resource management. really? is the dollar tree that desperate to hire people? this has gone public!
case type

fc-capital felonies


case status:


status date:

file date:


case judge:

biernat, jr, james m
dcm track:

next event:

11/21/1996 district court bindover district court bindover
12/02/1996 criminal charges entered pacc 750.520b1c ct1 csc-1st degree (during felony)
12/02/1996 criminal charges entered pacc 750.520b1c ct2 csc-1st degree (during felony)
12/02/1996 criminal charges entered pacc 750.520c1c ct3 csc-2nd degree (during felony)
12/02/1996 criminal charges entered pacc 750.349 ct4 kidnapping
12/02/1996 criminal charges entered pacc 750.529a ct5 carjacking d/c 240084 dof 10/21/96 dob 1/20/74 ctn 5096-[protected] sid 1808122j fingerprints received ret to cir from 37 dist chmura $2, 000, 000 c/s bnd not furn
12/10/1996 notes address change:perkins antoine jose 12770 strasburg detroit, mi 48205
12/18/1996 information, waiver of arraignment information, waiver of arraignment arraign:rdg, wvd, std mte, $2, 000, 000 c/s bnd cont/not furn, asn to jbb, in jail, pjm filed 12/23/96
12/18/1996 order for test for disease/infection ord for test for disease/infection pjm filed 12/23/96
12/18/1996 judge assigned manual john b bruff 12/23/96 14:19 j skrzycki
12/18/1996 notice re: confidential foc recommendation filed conference 01/23/97 at 8:30 arr: bond not furnished, hiv ord sgd, assign to jbb
12/23/1996 conference scheduled - parties notified notified: conference 01/23/97 8:30 a. m.
12/26/1996 notice of trial/conference notice of trial/conference
01/03/1997 notes ntc of trial returned r/f
01/23/1997 clerks note p/t: trial set for 2/5/97 8:30am, deft waives time delay, jbb
01/23/1997 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
01/23/1997 court reporter video
01/23/1997 trial scheduled trial 02/05/97 at 8:30 p/t: trial set for 2/5/97 8:30am, deft waives time delay sgd
02/05/1997 clerks note trial-dfts pld no contest to ct 1-csc 1 ct 2-csc 1, ct 3-csc 2, ct 4-kidnappng, ct 5-carjacking, psr req, plea tua, sent - 4/7/97, 1;30p-jbb sgd
02/05/1997 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
02/05/1997 court reporter video
02/05/1997 sentencing scheduled to be sentenced 04/07/97 at 1:30 tr pled no contest to ct 1-csc 1, ct 2 csc 1, ct 3 csc 2, ct 4-kidnapping, ct 5 carjacking sent 4/7/97 at 1:30 pm sgd
04/07/1997 clerks note sentnc-glty plea acc, as to cts 1-2-4-5; spsm 20 yrs-40 yrs, no credit, cvwf-$60, to regstr as sex ofnder, as to ct 3-spsm 10 yrs-15 yrs, no credit, all cnts on this file to run concurr w/ea other, this sent to run consectv to wayne cnty sentnc, re - pay cac fees-jbb sgd
04/07/1997 sentencing information report-sgd sentencing info report judgmnt agnst deft fr repay cac fees-sgd
04/07/1997 notice of right to timely appeal notice of right to timely appeal
04/07/1997 sentence pursuant to guilty plea sentence pursuant to guilty plea
04/07/1997 disposition of criminal charges entered disposition of criminal charges entered
04/07/1997 judgment of sentence delivered to sheriff judgt of sent delivered to sheriff jbb filed 2/14/97
04/07/1997 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
04/07/1997 court reporter video
04/07/1997 case closed case closed sent: 20 - 40 years spsm, no credit, to register as sex offender, repay cac fees sgd jbb
04/08/1997 request for appointment of appellate counsel request for apptmnt of appellate counsel
04/11/1997 notes order re: appointment of frederick m finn as appellate counsel for deft pjm
04/16/1997 notes ltr from atty dated 4/14/97 r/f
05/01/1997 notes trans of plea vol 1 bef jbb 2/5/97 r/f in file trans of sentence vol 2 bef jbb 4/7/97 r/f in file
05/01/1997 reporter's notice of filing transcript; certificate of service reporter's notice of filing transcript
07/25/1997 notes mtn to facate ord of apptmnt of appellate atty, aff in supt, withdraw of appeal, stip to dismiss appeal/vacate ord of apptmnt
08/04/1997 request for hearing finn-marlinga (dismiss appeal/vacate order) mtn to dismiss appeal and vacate ord of of appntmnt of cnsl-grnte-jbb sgd ord dsmsg appeal/vacating ord of appntmt jbb sgd (pros dispo)
08/04/1997 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
08/04/1997 court reporter video
02/22/1999 notes mtn for prod of trans & documents
04/14/1999 notes ltr frm df dated 3/29/99 r/f in file
10/07/1999 notes mtn for relief from judgmetn
10/07/1999 brief in support brief in support relief from judgment mtn to withdraw guilty plea mtn for evidentiary hrg
10/07/1999 affidavit affidavit
10/13/1999 clerks note ord fr dfts mtns re;relief frm judgmt, mtn fr evidenty hrg & mtn to w/drw glty plea are tua, pros 56 dys to file respns - jbb sgd - dft in alger corr facilty - copy of dispos mailed to dft in alger-
10/13/1999 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
10/13/1999 court reporter video
12/01/1999 clerks note dfts in pro per mtn to w/drw appeal
12/01/1999 proof of service proof of service order dsmsg dfts appeal under mcr 6.500 is grntd-jbb sgd
12/01/1999 judge john b bruff clk a ciavatta
12/01/1999 court reporter videp
01/08/2001 notes mtn for providing indigent defts with facs copies of docs and trans for post conviction remedies, brief in suppt
07/24/2001 notes per ltr dtd 7/12/01 sent cpy of file and dckt - ltr r/f
03/10/2003 notes deft mtn for relief frm jdgmt
03/10/2003 brief in support of motion brief in support of motion deft mtn to w/draw glty plea deft mtn for evid hrng
03/10/2003 affidavit affidavit of deft
03/10/2003 notice of hearing notice of hearing deft mtn for susp of fees deft mtn for cac
03/10/2003 proof of service proof of service
03/14/2003 notes ltr from r berlin to dmd dtd 3/11/03 r/f
04/21/2003 request for hearing pro per (deft) (relief frm judgmnt, w/draw plea, etc)
04/21/2003 judge diane m druzinski clk a ciavatta
04/21/2003 court reporter robert smith various mtns sched-crt req adjmnt to 4/28/03, 8;30a mtn dckt, crt to review dft brf-dmd sgd
04/28/2003 request for hearing pro per (a perkins) (relief fm jgmt, etc-adj fm 4/21)
05/19/2003 request for hearing pro per (deft) (relief from judgmnt, etc.)
05/19/2003 judge diane m druzinski clk a ciavatta
05/19/2003 court reporter robert smith dfts in pro per mtn fr relief frm judgm - hrd, denied-dmd sgd (copy given to dft in lockup)
09/09/2003 notes ltr dtd 9/9/03 to deft from judicial aid
09/10/2003 notes ltr from def dtd 9-9-03 r/f in file. sent copy of file from 7-25-01 per guil. also sent docket
06/07/2004 notes pltf appellees answr to mtn for remand
06/07/2004 proof of service proof of service pltf appellees answr to delayed app for leave to appeal
06/07/2004 proof of service proof of service
06/15/2004 copy of order from court of appeals received/filed copy of ord frm court of appeals r/f granting mtn to waive fees for this case only & dismissing delayd applic for leav to appeal & mtn for remand
04/11/2006 opinion & order signed opin/order denying dfts delayed req for apptmnt of appellate counsel — sgd
08/02/2006 motion: motion: for discovery
08/02/2006 document filed: memorandum of law in support
08/23/2006 notice of hearing notice of hearing
08/23/2006 motion: mtn for discvry
08/23/2006 proof of service proof of service
05/06/2011 caseload transferred caseload transferred the judge was changed from druzinski, diane m to biernat, james.
07/23/2012 document filed: ltr from deft dtd 07/01/12, r/f in file. req info that is not part of the file. sent ltr stating so to deft which is attached.

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4:26 am EST

Dollar Tree discrimination

Hi my name is John, and I am from Warsaw, MO. I have noticed recently that your store here, has been in business for almost a year now. Not once have I seen a male employee working inside the store. Recently a job fair was taking place, at this said store. Now just a few days prior to this job fair/open interview thing. I had asked one of the employees, if the store was hiring. She gave me a very hateful look, and then went on to explain that only females work at that location. So I go to this interview / job fair, and find out there is no job application, and that the manager is just simply taking names and phone numbers. This is highly un-professional in itself and makes me not want to do business with the dollar tree, but makes me not want to be employed by such a discriminating company. I am tempted to subpoena the employment records of the establishment, and contact the EEOC, in regards to the matters of discrimination, against the male gender. I will be collecting evidence, as time goes forward, and make sure that the evidence is admissible in a civil matter. But from what I have witnessed in my experience with The Dollar Tree, is an awful company, that won't hire men.

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Aug 16, 2018 10:45 am EDT

Someone better tell the male managers for Dollar Tree that I know that they are not allowed to do their jobs anymore.

10:43 pm EST

Dollar Tree employee

Hi my name is Julie so I stopped at the dollar store today with my 9 month old daughter which I was carrying in my arms I had just gotten off work still had my work uniform on and I was going to get her a bottle because we thought we had forgotten hers at home an had errands to run and she was getting fussy well as I'm in the store I had a bottle an I was looking at the cute little socks they had and my husband comes in an says he found her bottle in the car let's go we have to be somewhere before they close so I put the bottle back and I get to the door an this rude dollar tree employee runs up an says did you put the items back I said yes an he says we'll do u mind if I look I said no problem an opened my purse he looked an walked away no apology or even another word I was very offended an most of all humiliated because he did it right upfront in front of everyone I don't steal I have a job I don't need to steal something that cost a dollar an especially with my daughter in my arms.

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11:23 am EST

Dollar Tree customer service / management

Customer service is very poor at this Dexter, Missouri store. Nichole, a cashier tends to always be on her cell phone as well as running to the restroom while another cashier David talks so much no one can get through the line and out of the store quickly. Kaitlyn is another employee who is continuously on her cell phone and is very rude to customers as well as other employees there. The restrooms tend to have crap smeared everywhere and the store itself always appears cluttered and/or dirty. The manager seems to not pay attention to anything other than going outside to talk to other managers and smoke. This store is a joke and the workers have no clue how to do their jobs or are just too lazy to care. It seems the manager has her favorites who get away with everything while others have to pick up the slack. A complete overhaul of this store is needed.

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6:49 am EST

Dollar Tree payment

Hello My name is Rogerlande Edmond
I've been working for you guys for almost 3years now, recently I've been calling from here and there, what happened was 4months ago I had got promoted to become an assistant manager, did the application 4, 5 times fine, after the application I talk to the GM, I'm pretty sure her name is Tina Gonzales, she said everything is fine, I received everything check your email, that was 2, 3 days after the application I check my email, went back to work to let her know that I still haven't received nothing she said check again, I keep on checking, when I told my associates which is also a assistante manager he told me to call corporate, I've been calling corporate for like a week now, they say they can't do nothing bout it, I have to talk to my GM, I let the lady know that Gm is the person that I have been talking to she really don't care, she's just been lying to me, please do something about it, you guys owe me alot of money 4 months, I've been working as an assistant manager and never get paid for it, I'm the type of person that takes my job serious, I never call off not even once, I never go late, always on time, please ones again check the record, do something about it, because I'm gonna take this serious so I can get justice, what she did was wrong to me please help me
Thank you

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7:38 pm EST

Dollar Tree corporate office, all of dollar tree

I just want to know why dollartree bothers to have a customer service phone # and other contact info, as they do not answer most of the time otherwise they transfer you and nothing ever gets done. Pretty sure they dont read any reviews or complaints or care one iota about the lack of professionalism and manners, as well as lack of ethics in many of the stores and higher ups. Shame on you dollar tree!

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3:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dollar Tree stockage

On 10860 S Doty, Chgo. IL, they never have Cranberry Juice, Apple. ...etc in stock. It a dawn shame that I have to go to 115th S Kedzie to get the things I need. When I inquired about the stocking of things in the store the stock clerk/ manager just looked at me, rolled her eyes and continue talking to her friends. This Store could make a great store, it in a perfect location but the Regional or Store Manager needs to check the staff or lose staff members.

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1:15 pm EST
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Dollar Tree employee

I just found out dollar tree cashiers name which I hate Jaie last name simmers I thought at first jane, jade, or something. She is always rude.

Never smiles, got pissed off face was smart comments to customers she was turned in several times. I know one lady called in saying she never turned her on. At least that is what she claimed to me. That is where i got my information she talks talks talks.

She is coming to register with mad face as if we done something wrong we annoy her. She stinks as if she don't take a bath or brush her teeth or hair. But management won't fire her.

I like Vicki Miller she is sweet lady always friendly I like all the other cashiers but for her. Can something be done?!

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8:47 pm EST

Dollar Tree current store manager

This store Manager Rosa McKinney-corn has been sending inappropriate photos to my husband and to other store employees as well as 2 frequent customers. I plan on posting all over social media how the corporate office has done nothing about it. Her current manager is Autumn and should also be terminated for failure to do her job. Employees should not feel scared that hours will be cut if something is said.

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7:04 pm EST
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Dollar Tree cahier will only bag items with purchased plastic bag

Today (1/24/18) I was informed at the Dollar Tree located at 10820 S. Doty Avenue in Chicago that they will only bag items purchased with plastic bags brought at the store. As I'm sure you are aware Chicago has this law that you must purchase a plastic bag or bring your own. How is it fair, that if I purchase your bag my items are bagged by the cashier, but if I bring my bag I have to bag. Your policy should be the same for everyone, bag for all or everyone bags their own.


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12:40 pm EST

Dollar Tree refund issue


My name is ** (withheld for privacy reasons),
I placed an online order # EC3978646( not my first have done this several times in the past as my acct will show), and it was charged to my visa card and then backordered.
When I tried to contact CS via the phone number [protected]) with this issue and to request they cancel my order, as they had improperly charged my account according to your terms and conditions regarding online orders not be charged until that order is shipped! ref*

When I pay for my online order with a debit or credit card, when will the charge appear on my account?
Once your order is placed, we will put a Pending Authorization on your credit/debit card account for the entire amount of your order. A Pending Authorization means your card issuer will hold the funds pending shipment of your order. This will show up as a "Pending Transaction" on your account.

Once we´ve shipped your order, your credit/debit card will actually be charged. If your order is being shipped from multiple locations, you may see separate charges on your account for each shipment.

Your Customer service reps were rude, would not listen to this simple issue, switched me 3 times to various depts, and then they hung up on me. This occured on january 18, 2018 @ 11:54 am EST.

Out of frustration to get my refund, I decided to post this issue to your Facebook account, as I had no other resort until further research allowed me to find this contact area of your corporation.

The facebook acct responder once again started the entire process of Q & A with me in private messenger, and to avoid redundancy, I merely referenced my order number.

I recieved a voicemail from a Cecelia Jolley and a return phone number to call which was a cell # and all I got was a voicemail with a guy'[s voice on it.

Then these emails are the final result from this Cecelia Jolley, which has not resulted in my refund to my visa card ( it is not a bank related card) and I would like to get a refund of $24.00 from your company before this goes any further. here are a copy of the correspondence between cecelia jolley and myself,

Re: Order EC3978646

Still waiting for my refund as of this letter posting!

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9:22 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dollar Tree managers in ottumwa, iowa

I am complaining about management in Ottumwa, Iowa. I am not leaving my name or number cause I know that I will be fired if I do. I am sick of management the Store Manager you tell her one thing and the whole store knows your business and she is constantly complaining about the other workers how lazy they are.

Let me give you a example the office is right by the registers and you can hear her and the other assistant manager complaining to each other about wanting time off and how they are sick of it. Well, first off the cashiers are trying to ring people out and you have to hear them bickering back and forth to each other in the office or they will all gather in there and start laughing meanwhile you are out there trying to check people out and hearing them complain to you about not having more cashiers.

Recently I overheard another cashier tell the manager that she had another job and she can not work certain hours and come to find out that they she has her working the same hours that she told her she could not work and it is not her responsibility to find workers to take your shift you have to find someone yourself to cover for you. All she does is do boxes and that is basically it she does not do register and if she does she blames everything on corporate. They told us not to fill the balloon coral they said we cannot put paper to the door saying use the other door, we cannot keep the other door locked.

We can not use carts for our cardboard cause it is unfair to the customers that needs carts. We cannot buy food without the managers ringing us out for associate sale and if you call them up for one they act like you are bothering them if that is such a hassle then allow the cashiers to ring them out give them the right to make the associate sale. Shannon Evans Assistant Manager she is another one that is constantly bickering about everything is corporate she has to do this and that and then when you look she is either in the office or she is just doing boxes.

All the jobs that they can be doing they are leaving to us cashiers and putting we have to Wash the windows, fill the balloon coral, we have to fill the pop cooler, we have to do impulse, we have to fill the batteries, we have to do uboats of candy, we have to put brooms and mops together, we have to make announcements, we have to clean the registers, we have to sweep and mop the store, do the bathrooms, recover, we have to do go backs, glasses and sunglasses we have to fill, basically have a list of things we have to do and you see them just putting out boxes or sitting in the office and eating.

They are saying that Ottumwa is a model store, yeah no thanks to the manager or the assistant manager. Amy Hartman another Assistant Manager. She was only suppose to be seasonal assistant manager they fired Carman McElroy cause she got sick and then they said cause she was a no call no show and they could not get ahold of her. I know for a fact that they can not reach Amy all the time she is either drunk or bringing alcohol to the store and she has no drivers license. Recently I closed with her this past Saturday and she we were in the office she had me count the till and then she told me that I did not have to follow her to the bank or that I did not have to stay at the store. She let the position go to her head she thinks that she is all that and a box of cherrios. She is the only one knows how to recover and making a remark that Jen said you must forgot how to recover cause you are not doing a GOOD JOB in front of customers in the store.

I don't want that one told cause I am the one she knows who told and I know that Sharon Fitch was selling her hydrocodone to the other workers cause they would go out to her car all the time and come back in and go in the office and shut the door. You fired one of the other workers Gina Young cause she was caught stealing, she is not the only one. Recently there was a Christmas bag in the back full of the items from Dollar Tree and they were all complaining it was Sharon Fitches and I was not working for a week or two cause of my schedule but the bag ended up gone.

They are still leaving items in the office for them to purchase and back to Amy she never did have money before she came manager and then now she is taking money out of her own purse and then using it to make the till right and so does the other managers. Amy took some boxes home and she did not ask me to look inside to make sure they were nothing in them and it is Jennifer always saves me boxes and stuff cause I use them. That is fine but when it comes down to bag checks mine is always searched and I have a see through bag you can see all my items. But I don't hear them asking anyone else, I have not given them any single hint to suspect me taking stuff but they are always on my behind.

Marj Young said one day straight to my face cause I said you can clearly see I am not taking anything and she said well we think you are. Really, my bag is clear and you can see everything where am I hiding it? I know that Vicki Miller one night took some cups off the shelf and used it as a coffee cup and nothing was done to her cause I told the assistant manager. The managers in there are rude and make snide remarks to the customers and to the workers but we are not to say nothing.

I was getting 8.00 a hour last year in April of 2017 I was told that I could take the summer off it would not be a big deal and I would be rehired cause it was okay. Fine, I come back to the job and I was told corporate will not allow me to give you 8.00 a hour we can only let you have 7.25 a hour. Really, cause everyone else is still making 8.00 and I am being pushed back to the lowest pay. Sharon comes in clocks in on her days off even though she worked that day she comes in at night and works cause they say they got hours to fill and she does it no matter what. Cause I was standing there listening checking out when they checked her paycheck and one of the assistant managers said well you make that you need to take me out.

Really, I am working my behind off and I am doing what I am suppose to be doing and I make only 7.25 for 17.85 hours and getting 195.00 in pay and she is racking in the money? I am not jealous or anything but I want back the 8.00 a hour like everyone else in the store it is bad enough that people who flip bugars are making more than us a hour. We have to put up with more abuse then them on a daily basis, and we do twice more work then they do.

Back in October 2017 we were all getting over 30 some hours and yes when Christmas rolled around we were getting close to 50 to 60 hours and making good pay checks now we are getting 17 to 13 hours for every two weeks I went and go another job to make up the difference and now she is not wanting to work with me on the hours I told her and please do not let her know I told you I am working 4-12 shift every single night. I told her this two weeks in advance that I was training for this and next week January 27 I would be doing hands on training in a house. In front of the other workers she basically called me a liar.

And back to the workers and management: Brenda Morrison worked there a year ago and then Jen in front of the customers went up to her and basically told her off in front of the entire store she could have politely asked her back in the office instead of yelling at her in front of people. They all have a problem doing that they will tell you off basically any time they seem fit to do it and they call themselves a model store. The manager Marj knows that this one woman Mary G. is a thief and she IS BEST friends with her and they check her out and do nothing about knowing she is a five finger.

They tattle on each other as little children cause the lines were all full we were slammed and then Amy H tells me that I can not check out my step dad or mom cause we are slammed everyone else had to come to my line and she had to check them out. I checked them out cause they want out of there to like everyone else but I had him take over the receipt and the bag to make sure everything was in there that was suppose to be in there. I know I was in the wrong but they have a right to be checked out in a timely manner to and in front of the store she said, why the hell do I want to look at the receipt I don't care. I am doing my job checking people out we were slammed period what was I suppose to do say get out of my line. Then she tells Jen that I checked out my family and blames Bev a {Manager Trainee for another store} turned me in and she does not know my family from anything but she turned me into Jen for doing it. And she said well Bev goes by the book she said she did not want you into trouble but you should not checked out your family. Amy was the only one up at the counter and got pissed off.

Then why make a big freaking deal out of it you check out YOUR friends, your no immediate family and no one bats a eye that is all managers period but when us workers go to check out someone in our family we are in the wrong. Another thief in there is Silver she was hanging around Gina and now she is fired she is all over the other workers and they check her out all the time nothing is said I know she is a thief cause I worked with her and the money accidently dropped in her bag for 2 days and she did not bring it back to where we were working at another store?

Then today January 23 Lori Woolums comes to the front of the store after coming in and says what Amy did and blamed Jen and Jen blamed corporate for saying this. Cashiers, needs a refresher course in recovering cause they do not know what they are doing it does not look nice if you are pulling one item up front all the time. Really, we are not suppose to spend hours recovering you are to pull items up front and then move on. But they are making snide remarks and I am the only one standing there when they do it. I know what I am doing I worked several jobs were you have to recover, and never had a problem. But with these nip picking ninnys they are getting corporate said, corporate said. We can't do this we can't do that we cannot have drinks at the counter we can not.

Come on DO YOU WANT cashiers or certain cashiers seems to me that they have their favorites and the rest of us are just there to be there cause we are being pulled one way or the other. Lori does nothing but freezers and she is coming in on her days off and she gets days off cause she sucks the management behinds so bad same with Sharon, Donna and Lactricia they call her Kish. I mean I know they have grandkids but come on getting more hours than the rest of us cashiers is not even funny.

Today I heard the two main Manager and Assistant Manager bickering about getting time off again take mini vacations. Really, how are you able to take mini vacations cause I know that Jen is saying she is getting over 60 hours in every single week and so is the others they are that high while the rest of us is getting as I said only 13-17 hours. I bet their pay is not no 7.25 a hour, when all they do is lay in the office or doing boxes and I heard they get paid for how many boxes they do. Where is that fair?

Amy was telling me that they get paid for taking the money at the end of the night to the bank? Really, we follow them and we don't get no money for no extra work. It is as if we are being slaves we do all the work and the managers get praised how the store looks or how things is done and we are just there. I feel as if they do not appreciate all the hard work we put into the store it is just words of Oh you done a GOOD JOB, or you are doing good or thank you for working. What?

How about you give us a reason to do more at the job more pay or extra money for doing boxes, selling your drive items, being on the money, not using the button cause they did not want something or it rung to many times we get into trouble for doing that it is a habit they said us doing that? Really, can we control that people don't have enough money, or they change their minds when they are up at the counter? Now we have to keep the receipt with the items that are being returned? What? Managers have to see that you are returning the items? Huh? Are you kidding me? I called the manager up to do a credit card and she acted as if she was annoyed with the whole thing.

When you get slammed takes them forever to get up to the other counter to help you check out so no I don't even call them I allow them to look for themselves to see that I am slammed. Cause I don't want yelled at why didn't you call me or why did you call me look. They put on a front to anyone and everyone in the store that they are so friendly to everyone. Shannon was fired for making fun of people for stinking and she has not changed she is trying not to be caught this time but her attitude is always there and her husband goes in the office, their friends goes in the office, basically anyone can go in the office if they are friends with the management.

Jen Selix {Manager} Marj Young {Assistant Manager} Shannon Evans {Assistant Manager} Amy Hartman {Assistant Manager} bicker about one another to each one of us cashiers.

I heard Jen and Marj complain that they should never hired Amy as a Assistant Manager cause she was contantly a no call no show all the time but she got manager.They complain about her work that she does not do go backs she is checking her own drawer out without anyone in the office how she counts the till without anyone in the office. (But I know for a fact that she drinks beer in her truck when she comes to work, or leaves work she does not have a drivers license) how she is allowing the position go to her head now. She is now the closing manager or Shannon all the time not Jen or Marj they are strictly mornings or afternoons.

Jen and Marj complain about Shannon cause she does not do the assigned things that they want her to do in a timely manner or how she just sits in the office. Shannon is to busy running the customers talking about her new grandbabies or her grandchildren or saying how she does not like how certain one of cashiers are working or the other managers.

Shannon and Jen complains about Marj, how she does not like doing anything or she is contantly sick or wants to go on vacation. ( they don't have anyone check their bags or handbags.)

Shannon, Marj, Amy complain about how Jen does not do anything but complain about how they are working or how they are not getting anything done in their she always has projects for them but not herself.

Lori Woolums is a stir the pot kind of woman she nit picks on how people do stuff and complains she used to be management at Breadaux Pizza and this is how she was taught how everyone else should be taught to do something or constantly bickering about her daughter how she does stuff her or grandkids, how corporate does not like the glass display or the sunglasses or the batteries or anything. She is constantly stirring the pot.

Sharon is constantly complaining about being sick she had cancer she got her hydrocodone taken from her or that someone else won't clean won't sweep or nothing and how she has to come in and do their job. I see her like I said having each manager go to her vechile and come in and go into the office. I am not saying she is selling but I was in the office one night her and Gina was talking about buying hydro's on the black market.

But I know that Marj and Amy are nothing but drunks and go dui's several of them inbetween each other. I know that they all take hydro's if they can get them cause Gina told me that cause she was fired. And how they all take stuff and then bring it back and say they want their money I have a feeling that they take it out when no one else is in there cause they come in at 4 or 5 in the morning. I can not prove it but I have a sneaking suspicion that is what is going on. Lori is always got new stuff for her grandkids and herself and she is always got money and she gets paid just like me.

Same way with the rest of them I know that they do not have any other income but they are able to have money left over on their cards? I pay my bills and try to make a living but nothing is left on the card never. I am getting minimum wage and they are getting 8.00 a hour. How come we are not getting the big hours no more we are told corporate is not allowing nothing it is always the fault of corporate.

Why is it that we are getting the shaft right now? We are not trying to lose our jobs over a $1.00 but the way we are being treated as if we are the problem. I think the whole Ottumwa Store should have new management, period I know that they are good but when they are constantly bickering about one another other employees or customers it is nerve racking. The Managers are about to get the rest of us to walk out due to their favorites period it is not fair to the rest of us how they are treating us.

Like I said I don't want to leave my name or anything cause I am a worker and I don't any of their vindictive actions against me. I know that I would be getting more jobs that are so called just meaningless and aka [censor] jobs threw on me. Cause they won't clean the bathrooms or they won't clean up spills or they won't clean up messes they are allowing all the cashiers to do it only.

Plus you go on a 10 minute break and when you hit the button and fix your lunch you are back up to the register and you are not able to eat but the other's can take a 11 minute cause they smoke and they can get smoke breaks every time you turn around you don't smoke you are stuck at the register or if you are checking out and leave the register and they are checking out they call you back up real fast if you are in the bathroom break.

They take about 4 to 5 breaks in a shift and they say it is manitory that they take it. Really, how about we get the same breaks that they can get being management? I was told to check out and sign out the other night and I didn't and then Amy told me when I was going to she yelled, don't do it cause we are late getting out of here. I was cleaning and doing go backs but she does not want us to clock out.

Why can't we be a little late checking out if we are working in the store? I know it is set for us to clock out at the right time and then all sudden you are told to not clock out. I know that I was hearing we got hours and then all sudden when you are standing there the other assistant managers are crying we don't have hours to give and you see Sharon or Donna or Lori is working more than anyone else. But yet they don't have any other hours.!

Amy----I was getting ready to clock out and I put my cup up on the counter and Amy began yelling in front of customers we told you cashiers that you are not allowed to have your cups or drinks on the counters it is against corporate rules. Huh? I was getting ready to clock out they are getting ready to check me out and she is throwing a fit like a child about my cup being on the counter and my plate cause I was leaving.

What is it going to kill the customers to see you have a cup or a drink cause your throat dries out or you have a snack like everyone else being up at the counter cause you are not able to leave it cause you are stuck there just checking out. But on their counters they are cups their cigarettes are out and their purses are in the office but ours have to be in the back in lockers and the door is wide open and I have caught several people trying to go in the back of the store. I close the door and it gets cold back there or it is hotter than all get out.

I put my pad lock on my locker some of the time and I have had money come up missing but I don't yell about it cause they would say where did you come up with your money?! Then the icebox that is left in the back is suppose to be cleaned out every single night we are not to leave pop or anything in there for ourselves. We are not suppose to leave food or utensils in our lockers they are to be cleaned out every single night.

It is to much we are being ruled out we are being taking advantage of by the managers they are allowed to do stuff but the workers are not able to do anything anymore. I not saying we don't need rules but we need to hear sometimes that they are relaxed we have to wear shirts with collars why? Some of us don't have money for shirts with collars or we can not wear joggers or leggings we have to wear dress pants that is corporate we can not wear shirts with like Christmas durning the week. What? What is it hurting if we wear shirts for the month for Christmas or head bands for that month or that holiday?

I was told by Shannon cause I wore the Grinch shirt one night and she said that is not appropriate its only on the weekends? Why can't we support our football team on weekends? Or college teams? Why can't we wear something different and if we don't wear anything for that weekend for the holiday we are told to wear our normal work wear. Hum, some of us don't have the money to buy dress pants or if your stomach is bloated we are to wear dress pants and shirts with collars. It is professional if you don't wear collars with green shirts we all wear that but we are looked down on if you don't have a shirt with the logo.

If you want us to wear the logo on the shirt then provide the shirts for us plain and simple we wear the gawd aweful green shirts. We can not have different colors in our hair we can not express ourselves in any kind of manner at the store I can understand that you don't want earrings in the face but if you want a color in your hair why not? I had a necklace that had a symbol on it and I was told that I can not wear it to work cause it is not proper. Really it was under my shirt and no one could see it only if I moved a little.

Then we are told we have to have our tags on that is able to see and know the meaning to Get. I can understand but when a lady called Jen and told her that " I DID NOT TURN HER ON" and I got told by Jen that I had to be more friendly and smile toward the customers. How can you be that friendly what am I suppose to hold her hand and make her feel so special? I mean I am not there to turn her on I am there to check her out and get her out of the store in a timely manner. Then another lady I was checking her out and she was still unloading her cart and her daughter did not want items in the bag I gave them to her and kept checking and all sudden the little girl yells, I want it in the bag. I said kindly...I will in a minute you have to wait.

The mother screamed at me Stop being [censor] rude to her daughter I don't have to yell at her. What? I said Wait, a minute how is that being rude? I was checking out and there was 2 people in head of a old man during shift change and they were in the office the man was screaming this is [censor] why isn't there extra checkers. I said kindly we are during shift change we will have another one out. He yelled, That is why people is leaving they can not stand waiting in line we are wanting out of here. I said its okay she had a doctor's appointment he called me a liar.

I mean I was trying to be nice to him and the other guy said it was fine cause one of managers came out to check out to make him happy he stayed in my line and then when he came up to pay I said he had $2.07 he called me a cheater and the store was a rip off and how we are rude and then he went to leave he said a apology can go a long way I said sorry and he said your a smart [censor]. I was told to shrug it off don't say something maybe he was mad or something. Really, guess we are suppose to blow sunshine up everyone's back side and not have any feelings what so ever.

I know this is long winded but I am tired of the management and how we are being treated as cashiers. I hope and pray that something is done we are able to do associate sales, we can go back checking each other out without a ticket for everything for what we bought and it can not be on one ticket it has to be on several tickets. If we worked that day or not we are told to give our associate numbers for our purchases.

I am working less than 4 hours or 5 hours a day and only getting 13 hours for two weeks and only 195 dollars it is unfair cause I have to pay bills too and keep my house and my car insurance and my house insurance and my car fixed. But with a paycheck like this is bad. Tired of management bad talking each other is sick period. I love the job believe me I like the hours but the pay is really bad. I like all the customers but I am tired of being treated like a little child and being belittled in front of the customers it is embarrassing.

I got one more thing to say Jen and the rest of the management knew that Carman McElroy is sick her kidneys were failing and she was in the hospital and they fired her for no call, no show knowing she was sick . They were unable to get ahold of her and then they hire Amy Hartman as a Assistant Manager soon as she went to be Seasonal Assistant Manager they knew they were firing Carman for her and she is no better she is no call, no show's but she is being praised for being a good manager. Really, cause they were screaming about her not calling Jen or texting Jen one day. They were saying they were not wanting to hire her as a Assistant but they had no choice.

The truck people is being just as bad Jen is suppose to help with the truck and then Shannon is saying she needs her leg operated on again for being injured and she has carpal tunnel and she will be taking time off for the surgeries. Jen does not do nothing but do boxes and then she is not the manager she keeps saying call someone else. Really you are the manager the main manager and if I have a problem she says call for someone else? Then why are you the manager? If your not wanting to do your duties then leave it to someone else.

Then again why not give us some instentives to do our jobs or extra jobs for money?! We are doing boxes, we are doing all the jobs and they marking all the boxes for us to do but we don't get any kind of recognition or extra money for our hard work. Plus we sweep the floor and they were suppose to have a guy come and wash it and I was told off that I did not know how to sweep I was suppose to be fast and then the next day the floor was nasty and dirty still but they were there way past 11:30 at night and nothing seemed as if it was cleaned. And then Lori cried that Sharon came in about two nights ago and she mopped the entire store for no money she does it just to have something to do at night. Thank you for reading this and giving this consideration.

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5:49 pm EST

Dollar Tree district manager tracy medlock

This dm is in the habit of breaking dollartree policy and making impossible work consitiond for the managers she supposesly oversees. I have witnessed her discussing with cashiers and asst. Manager how to sabotage a store manager and the actual store . She speaks with asst. Manager daily on personal phone discussing and planning her next move, rather than work with the store manager and rather than for the benefit of dollar tree all together. I know for a fact she has falsified reports to corporate concerning the manager and this has resulted in suspension then termination. Which is unjustified and a huge loss for the company. This has gone unchecked and has already been detrimental to this particular store . She Tracy has a duty to dollartree which she has disregarded and lied about time and again . If she is allowed to continue this she could seriously damage an already shaky reputation . The company should look at dates and times with questions re: former impeccable manager

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12:42 pm EST

Dollar Tree not getting paid

I worked at a dollar tree on federal hway in Delray Beach FL, the last nite I worked at this location their was a heavy set Spanish manager from the military/Atlantic Ave store covering for the the end of the nite this manager tried to get me into his car, i had to threaten to call 911 on him.needless to say I quite.ive left messages for the store manager Barbara I think her name was, & I've contacted corporate because I never got paid.dollar tree is refusing to return my calls & refusing to pay me

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11:57 am EST

Dollar Tree lack of workers managers, discrimination, violation of employees rights, and favoritism

Im reporting this complaint about the store on 32nd St manager Dena has been showing favoritism to workers who are no show she hired people and they never showed up the back room is hazardous boxes fell down on a Assistant manager in which Dena takks bad about n upon she's the only Mexican worker and the best but always getting blamed on for everything there's another Assistant manager that hardly shows up and she never gets written up for it and my opinion States because she is white she gets away the store manager is been having personal issues that she brings to work and takes it out on the workers who actually do their best District manager Shawn never listens to employees or returns calls this isn't a work environment with everyone is against each other and not thinking about the store it's self I've been there alot n this Mexican assistance manager Blanca is the best they got why would they blame her or yell at her if she hasn't been properly trained but is giving everything she uptained she learned by watching I'm a manager myself and see potential y does the store manager discriminate because she is late but she calls to let them know she is running late do to car problems managers are supposed to write theses down if a explaination is needed I feel u need to look at the problem n not make problems ill be filing a OSHA complaint too have a great evening

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7:14 pm EST

Dollar Tree inadequate supply of certain products

Dollar Tree store #6558, Lilburn, Ga

On several occasions within the past three months, I have not been able
to purchase loaves of Bread, 6-pack water bottles, and Jolly Time popcorn kernals. I'm being told that management do not have control of ordering the products / supplies. I would prefer to continue shopping at Dollartree,
however, if inadequate supplies continue I will go to the competition.

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Aug 16, 2018 10:51 am EDT

We only receive product that is at the distribution center. We cannot order anything in the store unless the store has a cooler/ freezer, and sometimes supplies run low on those items. If the distribution center doesn't have it, neither do we.

5:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dollar Tree the assistant manager, I guess that's what her job is

I don't even know if I have a job anymore. Paulette is very rude. She is rude to customers as well as her employees. I am a grown woman so we can talk like grown women. And I get paid to cashier. Not stock, cashier, break boxes down, etc. While she does nothing. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind helping one bit. But that's not my job. And to keep customers happy that's what brings them back to shop. I'm tired of apologizing to customers for her actions. It's not fair to them or the business. I was hoping I could get a transfer to another store? That's all. Dickerson Rd, or Madison square that's all. And why you guys don't have a number to call? I hope you are reading this. I worked in the 3409 Gallatin pike. In Nashville TN 37216

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Aug 16, 2018 10:53 am EDT

For your information, it is your job to assist with stocking stuff on the shelves of you are not handling a customer at the register. You don't get paid to just stand around.

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About Dollar Tree

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Dollar Tree is a retail chain offering a variety of products priced at $1 or less. Their inventory includes household items, cleaning supplies, party essentials, seasonal decor, and snacks. They cater to budget-conscious shoppers seeking value for everyday goods. Services include in-store shopping and online ordering with in-store pickup options.
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3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Dollar Tree. Make sure it is specific and indicative of the problem, such as "Overcharged for Items at Dollar Tree" or "Expired Products Sold at Dollar Tree".

4. Detailing the experience: Provide a detailed account of your experience with Dollar Tree. Mention key areas such as customer service, product quality, pricing discrepancies, store cleanliness, or any other relevant aspects of your interaction with the company. Include specific details about transactions, such as dates, store locations, and items purchased. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including any steps you took to resolve it, such as contacting customer service, and the response you received from the company. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, whether it be a waste of time, financial loss, or any inconvenience caused.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents such as receipts, photos, emails, or correspondence with the company. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial loss you have incurred as a result of the issue with Dollar Tree. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it be a refund, exchange, apology, or any other form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint or review to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors, and verify that all information provided is correct.

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Overview of Dollar Tree complaint handling

Dollar Tree reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 25, 2008. The latest review Roblox game gift card was posted on Feb 21, 2025. The latest complaint An employee of your company is allowing her friends to steal while she turns her head. was resolved on Oct 08, 2021. Dollar Tree has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 2975 reviews. Dollar Tree has resolved 92 complaints.
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