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AT&T Complaints 2161

11:42 am EDT
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AT&T termination fees dispute

I had a service with AT&T Wireless for over 1 year. I was on the highest, unlimited plan- using and paying for all that they charged me- unlimited phone calling, unlimited data plan - the works. I was always prompt with my payment which were typically over $150 per month- and sometimes even more.

I was out of the country for a month in January 2009 and downgraded to the least plan since I was using a local phone in that country (international roaming was not feasible at all). when I returned, I found out that my company mandated that we switch providers because they deemed AT&T too expensive and asked us all to switch. I called AT&T and the rep was nice enough to waive off the early termination fee. I also told her that I was on the minimum plan and if there was any overusage on my account, I would be happy to upgrade the plan back to unlimited so that I could not get hit with over-usage. But she told me that I was in the clear and fully paid up till March 6th.

And guess what happened- in the last bill- they hit me for $811- incl early termination fee and $540 for over-usage. I called them up and after much heated debate, they admitted fault and waived off the early term fee. But refused to adjust over-usage despite my impeccable history of payment with them. And the rep was so rude- she hung up on me ! They clearly do not care to get their customers back- I had no issue with them and would have happily used their services again- but NEVER AGAIN. And because I am no longer their customer, they do not care about putting fair billing practices in action for me...

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Lisa O'Keefe
San Rafael, US
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Apr 23, 2009 2:15 am EDT

I am experiencing a similar scenario. AT&T is the worst company I have ever dealt with...a nightmare!

8:36 am EDT
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AT&T lousy technical support/help

Since March 5th 2017 my AT&T Internet connection drops off on a regular basis in the evening. Every evening. I have called AT&T many times. Each time I have repeat the entire story and situation (don't they keep a history?). I get the same old line checks etc. etc. No help. Three servicemen have been dispatched, but they never show up when I'm home and they give me the same anaswers. Either "were stumped and can't figure it out" or "it must be inside your house". But they do not return when I am home. The latest serviceman left a temporary jack installed that bypasses the phone box and house wiring. Internet still drops off, proving it's "not inside my house". But now I have no voice line or Internet line at all. And after today (04/02/09) the field service techs are going on strike. Will I be left hanging with my phone wiring disconnected?

AT&T has failed to focus on a concerted effort to repair my issue. They have not offered any sort of reimbursement for downtime, and quite frankly have not made me feel like any sort of valued customer.

As soon as I can figure out how to migrate all of my email messages and folders out of the AT&T email environment I'm dropping them.

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Waynesville, US
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Jun 14, 2009 6:37 pm EDT

you call tech support for help. they need more help than you do. put on hold forever. when you get a tech, he is in a foreign country and can hardly speak english, must less understanding what he says. SUPRISE< SUPRISE< SUPRISE. you know more than he knows. he couldn't help you if he REALLY wanted to. QUESTION? why does an american company have their tech support department overseas, staffed with a ton of very ignorant people who cannot even speak proper english to help you with a problem that they know nothing about. would be nice if they actually had a degree in computer technology, rather than filling an empty chair with an empty head. ATT/BELLSOUTH internet in my book ranks as one of the most inefficient companys to come down the pike in quite some time. what else to say except you just plain "SUCK"

Alek S
Raleigh, US
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Sep 03, 2010 11:47 am EDT

I don't understand how AT&T is still in business. Their customer support sucks. I had no internet or phone service for over a week while waiting for a technician. They missed their initial service date, prolonging my down time. When the service tech finally showed up, it took him less than 5 minutes to fix the problem. If they don't have enough service technicians, then maybe they should hire some. I work from home and I need an always on connection, that is what I am paying for. I also called about my internet speed, I order the DSL Elite package which claims to have 6 Mbps downstream and 768 kbps upstream. I am getting the 6 Mbps downstream, but I am only getting 512 kbps upstream. The service tech tested my line and said that those speeds are normal. If up to 512 kbps is normal, why are they advertising 768 kbps on their website. When I had Verizon, which is unfortunately not available where I live now, I got what I paid for. With Verizon, I was getting up to 8 Mbps down and over 800 kbps up. They advertised 7.1 Mbps down and 768 kbps up, and I got what I paid for. Isn't it illegal to falsely advertise? I am currently renting a house, I hope that the next house I move to has Verizon service. Oh, and how hard is it to fix a problem that every customer is experiencing. Why does AT&T internet connection drop intermittently? Why are they still in business?

10:53 am EDT
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AT&T haven't received my $50.00 rebate

I agreed to service with AT&T the end of Jan. 2009. It took several days before I could use my phone there were problems at the pole. After three days of not using my service AT&T promised me a credit. The operator said that she couldn't credit my account then because I didn't actually have a bill due yet. I knew this was going to be a problem she said call back when I got my 1st bill. In the mean time I order internet service through AT&T. I received a bad modem so another 4 or 5 days passes can't use internet. They send me a new modem. They told me they swould credit my account for my trouble never seen that credit. Today get bill no credits for anything. No $50.00 rebate either. Call phone company only thing I could get from dsl dept was $20.00 credit no luck with credit for phone service or my rebate offer. They told me to visit the rewards website for my rebate. I dont see anyway to get my rebate offer!

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3:54 pm EDT
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AT&T fraudulent sales tactics

I called AT&T on 5/5/08 to cancell all of my phone servcs & to inquire about a dry loop DSL internet connection. The rep. asked why I was cancelling my phone servcs. . I told her that I was considering going with another provider & that I only needed internet service. She then asked me how much this other provider was going to charge, which I thought to be distasteful, but I decided to tell her it was to be $24.00 Mo. for all phone servcs. . She then told me that she could offer me a great deal, Local serv. @ $24.00 Mo., Unlimited LD @ $13.05 Mo., & Internet srev. w/ an upgrade to 6.0 @ $32.95 Mo. for atotal of $70.00 Mo. plus all applicable fees & taxes, plus she would give me a $20.00 per Mo. discount for 6 Mos. & a $50.00 cash gift voucher. When I recieved my next bill the ammount due was $98.00 & there was no mention of the $20.00 discount, I then called & spoke w/ 2 different reps. who both told me there was nothing they could do to correct this problem & that no one should have offered me this package, at that time I told them to disconnect all of my services & I hung up abruptly! Next day I noticed that all of my svcs. were still operational so I called again & told them to disconnect again, again they did not turn off svcs.. By July I decided that I might as well use the svcs. & only pay what I was originally contracted to pay. They then started sending inflated bills to which I only payed the contracted ammount. This went on until Nov. '08, at which I then called to disconnect again! But guess what, they still did no cut off! they finally cut my phone in Dec. '08 or Jan '09 & my internet in Feb. '09, I do not intend to pay them for the time between Nov. & Feb. . The next thing I recieved was a collection notice stating that I owed them $309.44. I had already registered a complaint with the BBB.

PS; I still have not recieved my $50.00 cash gift voucher & I do intend to register a complaint with other state & federal authorities.

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Apr 25, 2009 10:24 pm EDT

It is the worst thing to be stuck using a phone service provider that lacks skills in telling the truth or providing quality and dependable service. AT&T is a terrible company. They promised that broadband would be offered in our area that has been almost 3 years ago and they keep saying the same thing when you call. Every time a storm or something happens it take days instead of hours to get the phone turned back on. It is very discouraging dealing with this company. If you have a choice do not choose AT&T.

3:01 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

AT&T uverse at&t rewards

I referred two people to AT & T Uverse for their AT&T Referrals program in August and October of 2008, and did not receive the rewards for them. On the website it asks for their phone number or their Ban number. I entered their phone number. After waiting 4 months, and no rewards, I called and was told that I had to enter the BAN number, the CS rep said that she would reenter with their BAN number. I waited another two months, and was now told that they registered after they had already received service, and you must do it before (I did the first time). DO NOT refer anyone to ATT Uverse. The two people that I referred have had nothing but problems with their service, and one of them is going back to Direct TV next week.

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Dec 16, 2010 10:37 pm EST

I have been a customer with att uverse for the last two years.This last november i moved to a different apartment and therefore had to discontinue my services.When i called to say that i was disconecting services i was refered to their customer retention department.I had several conversations with different individuals including two manangers who offered me some promotional credits as well as rewards that i was supposed to recieve after thirty days of re-instating services with them.All this turned out to be lies.
To start with their intial serviece instalation was so unproffesional and i had to call them 2 times within the first week for their technitians to come back and rectify some problems with the service.
When my first bill came they had charged me instalation fee which they had said they would wave and the credits they had promised were not reflected on the bill.When i called them they said that there were no such comments showing on my account.I knew i had been promised them because i had talked with their managers two times regarding the matter and it was on of the things they used to convience me to reinstate services with them.I was very annoyed that their customer service representatives includieng their managers tell such shameless lies to potential customers.They make promises they don't intent to honour and therefore do not make any notes on the customer accounts.
After urguing with them for sometime i told them that i was going to disconnect the services and thats when one of the managers said he would give me a $75 credit for the disruption of services i had had for the first two weeks.He also said that when i had the services for about 30days to go to their reward centre and claim my rewards.When i went to clam the rewards after 6weeks of service their system could not recorgnise my account number and therefore refered me to the customer service department at the centre.The lady i talked with was the most rude customer service represeantative i have ever spoken to.She kept interupting and speaking over me whenever i tried to explain what had happened.She finnally said that i did not qualify for the awards because of the credits i had recieved.She had no courtesey to even give me time to explain to her that one of the credits i was given was supposed to compasate for the interuptions i had had with the services int the first two weeks.I could tell from the way she was talking that even the managers who i had spoken with before never put any notes on the account.
What they dont seem to realise is that there are many other companies offering the same services they do and a customer has a choice to move where they feel treated with respect.It's no wonder whenever i spoke with their representatives in the initial stages each one would remind me that i was going to recieve a survey call from the company's automated system and they all solicitated me to say how well they had served me.They are a bunch of evil people who have no shame to lie to a customer and solicit for a good comentation with the same breath.
Bottom line, I'm leaving Att uverse and will never use their services again i will give the same advice to anybody i talk to who asks about them.Whan they seem to forget is that word of mouth is the most effective advertising there is.

Lake Mary, US
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Oct 05, 2009 11:25 am EDT

This is Mr. Lawrence your were attempting to help me with my rewards that I never received from att uverse. I received 1/3 of what I was promised and then the reward center only showed what I received and not what was owed to me. I was advised that it would take at least a week before it would show up and it has been a month since I and I still don't have my $100. The promotion was $100 if signed up by phone and $200 via the internet. I signed up via the internet and was contacted by Mr. Maro how offered me an addtional $125. Unfortunately Mr. Maro has not contacted me as you attempted to have him do so. I am no longer concerned with the $125 as I am about to turn off the phone line that I currently have.

I am not happy with the business division of the company you work for. When I google att Uverse rewards the fifth link that comes up is a complaint board filled with complaint of people how have not received the rebates or promotions promised on the ATT website. It seems as if I am another victim our this ATT Uverse lose leader tactic were in att breaks its promise to pay what it owes. I understand this marketing practice but the way it generally works is that the business take a lose on whatever they are promoting in order to increase sales through out the rest of the business ie $200 if you sign up online + an additional $100 if you do a three way bundle were in the company increased it's monthly income getting back the $300 with in that transaction to at most 3 months time. But it is bad when I read about people like my self who was going to take that money and put it back into the company after all dosen't get what was do. I was also promised two months at half price and was given less. Where in my bill was to be $78 for both August and September. When I spoke to you you told me this could not be done, but you did take $50 off making my bill $105. I write this to say that I see a trend which does not provide the benefits I enjoyed when I was with Directv. When I signed up with them they had a similar promotion and I received it ALL. The Uverse unit is cool but I can enjoy similar functions on their dvr and the pricing is better. for what I am paying I can get a better movie package still work out to be cheaper than you guys. If I do not get my $100 dollars soon I think I will drop the service and I know it may not concern your division of the company but I may drop att as my wireless provider as well. I Calculated Att is making around $600/month off of me in one form or the other. I don't feel good about giving my money to a company how has business practices like yours does. Thank you for you assistance in the past. I want it to be clear that this letter has little if nothing to do with your work in this on going problem as much as it has to do with the function of your Company.


Kevin Lawrence

joann fremder
Dayton, US
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Jul 09, 2009 8:44 pm EDT

I was supposed to receive money for uverse account being set up. When I check for rewards using my account number I am told no such account number is qualifed. What is the deal? My number is [protected]. Please check...I have home phone, internet and tv.

1:11 am EDT
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AT&T false advertisement

I was also, another victim of false advertisement. At the time of my subscription to ATT wireless plan, I was also notified of the rebate that I would be receiving. I was instructed by Sale Rep from ATT to log in to the site ATT/reward rebate. And, could not believe that it never prompt me to the site. I am also requesting for my rebate as promise by ATT. I feel that this was poor business and a rip off. I am very upset, and disappointed with service . I am waiting and expecting my promised rebate.

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8:17 pm EDT
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AT&T air card service

I have a att air card bought 2/9/09 was not told that I have only 5gig cap on my 60 dollar charge a month : looked on bill online about 3/1/09 and there was not a bit usage amount so I kept using card continually: on today 3/17/09 in the morning I tried to connect was rejected code 718; called att cs this evening (Akram) said over 7 gig was used and will be charged well over a thousand dollar for next bill due ; I will keep you posted on outcome of this...

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Addison, US
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Dec 28, 2010 1:53 pm EST
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My husband and I are another AT&T aircard user who only found out about the 5G cap when our internet connection was blocked. Our contract, as all these complaints, is for UNlimited service. I'm curious how they can change our contract midstream. When talked with AT&T staff it was determined nothing was sent to us to let us know we now had a useage cap. They did tell us that prior to blocking our account they sent 3 alersts ... to our Aircard device. (Can you receive 'emails' on the aircard? Where would I find them?) Our option with AT&T was to either cancel our contract and they would waive the early cancellation charge OR change our contract to the 'new' contract and they would turn us back on. No thanks, we are keeping the contract we originally signed and use it hopefully as support when a Class Action Suit is started. We've been satisfied with AT&T but this is breach of contract. I don't mind the limit BUT ONLY AFTER our CURRENT contract expires. I, like others, would be willing to start the Class Action but need support of other users, names, addresses and documents. If someone else is starting the Class Action you can notify me and I will provide you documentation to support my allegations. Thank you. Vickie Buckwalter, Anna Texas

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Oct 15, 2010 8:26 am EDT
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I just opened an email from AT&T that said I was over my limit on airtime. When I purchased my air card I was told then it was unlimited and for 2 1/2 years I have had no overages and we use our card daily all day. I called AT&T and they informed me that now I'm on a 5 gig plan (which is only 40 hours). How can any company change a contract without a persons knowledge? I am seeking a Class Action Lawsuit for this matter as well. I paid over $300 for the card that will be useless since I am dropping AT&T.

I contacted AT&T this morning and spoke to Chloe ID# RC367W and was informed that any overages this month would be adjusted without overage charges. (Oh how nice of her lol ...NOT.) This is just another way WE THE PEOPLE are getting bent over again by another LARGE Corporation.

I was never informed about this change nor were we contacted with an option to opt out. Think about it... You could use 5 gig in 2 days so what is a person to do that works remotely from home with an air card?

I also am seeking information for filing a Class Action Lawsuit against AT&T. Any information concerning this would be greatly appreciated

Joe Kennedy

Prague Okla.

Tacoma, US
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Aug 27, 2010 10:25 pm EDT

I too bought a 3 gig card from car toys in march of 2009
i have acontract does not say i only can use 5 gs of data i have proof of every month that i used 6.8 gigs to 11gs till june when the new ipad came out where att was in the paper and the article said they were changing there unlimited for customers and was going to 5gs of data
in july 4th i was kicked off the internet because of over usage and was going to charge me i called att and argued with themand asked to talk to supervisor dhe got on phone and asked her why all of a sudden i'm kicked off when iwas told i had a unlimited plan for the internet she hooked me up and said she couldnt see the mistake or why i was kicked off and said she would look into it and call me back in a few days she never called back! july 4th my plan was interuped again no service
called said i was way over my usage and i owed extra money and i asked to talk to superviser he calculated it up i would be paying some large amount over my $60 a month i said ive been an att customer since 1998 even when you went to cingular where we got screwed and then came back to att so i have been watching how many mbs i use and hate it its not right they can change to suit there needs

Harker Heights, US
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Nov 18, 2009 12:36 pm EST

I totally agree does anyone know how I can get out of this 2 year contract this AT&T mercury usb aircard is pretty much worthless! I can't get anything done in a timely manner fastest 3g network my ###! Wish my fiance would've listen when I wanted to get an air card through my carrier who is Verizon Wireless they have a map for that ;-)

Kirkwood, US
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Oct 10, 2009 12:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I too agree, I had an unlimited contract for the first year, but when I renewed, it was 5 Gig., like most of us that resorted to the aircard, I have no other choice for decent internet service. I just want to hit someone every time I see the AT&T commercials for unlimited wifi for $19.95/mo. How can customers be treated so differently? I have written and called everyone at AT&T about this, including the executives...bottom line, they don't care. I have suggested that if AT&T doesn't want to provide DSl or WIFI in an area, then they should, at least, give us true unlimited usage on the aircard, after all we are paying 3 times what other customers are paying for better connections!

Vale, US
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Aug 23, 2009 7:39 am EDT
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I have to agree with everyone. Luckily I read the net forums and discovered that my use was limited to 5G, not that I have a clue what 5G is BUT, I too was lied to. The rep said $60 a month for unlimited air time. That was in June of this year. I never got the rebate promised either.Not only that, in my area the air card is faster than dial up ( after midnight) 1/3 of the time. Slower than dial up 1/3 of the time and the other 1/3 is just don't bother since mostly I get error messages and "Internet Explorere Cannot open the Web page, " . At least with dial-up I had unlimited usage.The main problem is that I am locked into a 2 year contract. No doubt to keep customers since the service is so lousy. Still it is cheaper than dial up. I have to pay an extra $36.00 a month for a dedicated line for the computer and $20.00 for dial-up. AT&T forces you to take a "package" on any line whether you need it or not. I am really frustrated with how corporate America rips you off then whines about profits.

Spokane, US
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Jun 25, 2009 11:26 pm EDT

I have you beat - I signed up for an "unlimited" contract - AT&T had BIG green and other signs posted all over the country - $68 and change for UNLIMITED Internet. I heard NOTHING about a cap. I had to "hot card" my bank card a while back when it got lost. I called on 06/11 to pay my bill, and set my new card up. Thank GOD they screwed that up! 12 days after paying $166.87, my Internet was off - the ol 718 error. Two days later, I called them, and was informed that I owed over $8000 - I kid you not - and had to pay HALF of it to get my card turned back on. Are you on drugs? I subscribe to Netflix, and do download eBooks and such, but this is nuts. First off, I never received any letter as they claim that our "unlimited" service was being castrated to 5 gigs. If I HAD, for one thing, I wouldn't have been watching movies and such over the Internet as I was, and more importantly I would have probably had them cancel the contract, because like others, I signed up for UNLIMITED Internet. Altering the terms of the contract a BIT is ONE thing, but this goes to BREACH - nowhere near the ORIGINAL terms. would think that if someone was going over, they would have shut it off or notified you at, oh, I don't know...500? 1000? But working full-time (driving over the road) they're trying to claim I used over $8, 000 worth of usage here in the 12 days since I paid the LAST over-inflated bill?
This just started transpiring last night. Went to verizon today and got one of THEIR aircards - at least they were honest about the 5 gig limit. AT&T says someone will contact me after the 4th of next month, and try to "work things out" after my account closes. I told them all that was going to be "worked out" was for me to contact the SAG, FTC, BBB, an attorney, the media...

mili, US
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Jun 12, 2009 5:05 am EDT

Oh, I guess I am the most worst case here, been charged for over usages $3000.00. I downloaded images or videos a lot, of course I didn't know there was limitations of usages. I have been shocked all these days, don't know what to do. I can not believe there is limitations of uses for internet. I have to blame myself not reading my contract or lack of languages, but I can't recall that I was informed about 5G, either...

Mr. C
Lake Park, US
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Jun 04, 2009 6:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also just found out that I have a 5GB Cap. That is not what I was told when I got the AT&T Air card 3/08. I was told for $60.00 a month was for unlimited use...And the card really isn't worth $60.00 a month in the area I live in. It's nothing like AT&T Rep said it would be...

akeema m
Brooklyn, US
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Mar 28, 2009 3:58 am EDT

omg i so agree with you guys on this. i am planning on doing a lawsuit but need some more people with the same problem to back me up. if interested call me [protected]. This problem needs to be address

6:44 pm EDT
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AT&T at&t network degrade service for 2g phones

Fewer Bars in More Places: AT&T Network Upgrades Degrade Service for 2G Phones
By Timothy R. Butler | Jan 2, 2009 at 22:45:2

In an act affecting owners of 2G cell phones on AT&T Mobility’s network, including the highly visible, and originally highly expensive first generation iPhone, Open for Business has learned that AT&T has been quietly sacrificing 2G signal strength in an effort to speed up the build out of its next generation 3G network. The first generation iPhone was trumpeted by the company as recently as seven months ago; many 2G phones continue to be sold by the Dallas-based company today.

Cell phones, like other wireless communications devices, have certain radio bands they communicate on. While previously the company had been primarily relying on the 850 MHz band that offers a more robust signal, including superior indoor reception, company technicians confirmed to OFB that transmitters for the 2G signal used by the original iPhone and most other handsets, including most AT&T offered BlackBerry and RAZR models, have been shifted to the weaker 1900 MHz band in some areas.

This shift has resulted in customers past their 30-day return policy, but still with relatively new phones, finding themselves stuck with equipment no longer able to pick up signals properly in previously strong coverage areas, even though the equipment itself is without defect.

OFB was able to confirm this situation for itself using multiple devices in St. Louis, MO, and also obtained information on similar cases across the country. Reports suggested the problem started to appear as AT&T ramped up its 3G network in preparation for the iPhone 3G in early 2008. Each AT&T technician OFB talked to concerning this problem offered the same solution: that the customer should purchase new, 3G-enabled equipment at the customer’s own expense. This has created a troubling situation for many owners of the original iPhone, a device that was as recently as May of 2008 selling for $400. These users are being told their expensive phones should not only be replaced at the subscriber’s expense, sometimes less than a year after purchase, but also at an increase in the monthly service rate of $10 for data and $5 for text messaging.

While the iPhone is the highest profile device impacted by the network change, other high profile, higher-end phones, including all but one of AT&T’s BlackBerry phones, feature 2G GSM/EDGE radios that could be impacted by this switch. In all, nearly half of AT&T’s phones available on its web site are 2G models incompatible with the newer 3G technology.
OFB/T.R. Butler

When I contacted AT&T’s technical support seeking a solution to the problem, the company did offer a $200 one-time credit, a helpful offer, but not nearly enough to offset replacing my family’s two perfectly functional iPhones and additional Nokia handset (equipment totaling about $1, 000 in value over the last two years), nor did the company offer to offset the additional fees attached to the new phones (a cumulative total of $30/month). The standard upgrade offered was pursuant to a new two-year contract on all three lines. Over the course of the next two years, AT&T’s offer would cost an additional $920 plus tax to restore the level of service previously available.

As an alternative, OFB was also advised by one AT&T customer service representative to consider terminating AT&T service. The representative then suggested using unofficial information on the Internet to unlock the iPhone for use on another cellular network.

OFB’s staff collected other similar stories across the country, including the Midwest and both coasts. A serious question arises for those considering purchasing higher end equipment like the iPhone 3G or Blackberry Bold going forward, either as a new customer or as a customer attempting to escape the 2G problems. As AT&T looks forward to yet another network upgrade to the 4G LTE network in the coming years, is there any guarantee that new equipment purchased now will not suffer the same fate before its respective contracts expire as well?

AT&T’s executive director of analyst relations, Mark Siegel, “categorically” denied to OFB that AT&T was advising customers to dump 2G equipment such as the iPhone for 3G versions. In a follow-up message, Siegel added that the company was not requiring anyone to switch to 3G equipment. Although that is technically true, customers in affected areas are all but required to upgrade due to the dramatic signal strength drop over the last few months.

OFB also attempted to reach Apple for comment, but had not received a response from the company by press time.

Timothy R. Butler is editor-in-chief of Open for Business. You can contact him at [protected]

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Jan 20, 2011 2:58 am EST


7:41 pm EDT
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AT&T extremely poor customer service

Think twice before ordering at&t u-verse!
I bought an hdtv in11/2008 and decided to order at&t u-verse. I already had at&t dsl, so I was going with the cable/internet/digital voice bundle. I was scheduled for installation on 12/19/2008. They callled to cancel and reschedule because it was snowing outside. Ok, fine, no problem. So, they reschedule for 1/9/2008 between noon and 3pm. 3 o'clock comes and goes with no sign of at&t and no cancellation phone calls. At 4 o'clock I decided to call at&t and they told me that I didn't have an appointment scheduled. I guess that the phone call on 12/19 was all my imagination. So, after about an hour on the phone with the "customer service" rep, I am rescheduled for the very next tuesday between noon and 3pm. However, they cannot install the digital phone until that friday. Whatever! I agree. On tuesday, 1/13 I had the cable installed and it worked fine. I had all of the channels and the hd looked great. So it worked for about a week. I get up the following monday, and guess what, no hd! I immediately call at&t "tech support." he asks what the issue is and than reads the standard "we're very sorry that this happened... Yada yada yada." he tells me that he cannot figure out what the issue is and has to send a technician to my house. Well, I guess I sounded angry enough that I was able to get a technician out the very next day (Between 3pm and 6pm). The technician shows up around 6pm and asks me if I ordered hd and if I am paying the extra $10 a month hd fee. I replied in the positive and he immediately made a phone call, reset my receiver and, bam, I have hd again. Oops, I forgot about the digital voice that was to be installed the previous friday. Ok, they were supposed to show up between noon and 3pm to install the digital voice. Again, no call and no show. If I were to do this at my job, I would be fired. So, I call the useless "customer service" reps and get the usual we're sorry mumbo jumbo. Apparently, the appointment was made but the local dispatcher messed something up. Than, the rep proceeds to tell me that she needs to investigate and cannot make an appointment until the following monday. She told me that she or someone would call me to set an appointment up. Well, what a surprise, they never called. So, I decided, forget it, i'm gonna get the smallest phone package that at&t provides (Not digital) and add minutes to my cell phone and use it as my primary phone. Btw, I didn't bother calling them to ask what happened. I figures that it just wouldn't be worth it. Wouldn't you know it, a couple of weeks later, on a friday (I forget the date) my cell phone rings while i'm at work. I answer and it is an at&t technician telling me that he is at my house because I have an appointment to have at&t u-voice installed. I laughed and told him that I did not place an order and to cancel. I actually laughed because I was able to no call and no show them. I'm almost finished so please bear with me. Everything is going well for a couple of months and on saturday, 3/14/2009, i'm watching tv and it keeps freezing up every 2 to 5 minutes. Also, while surfing the internet, error keep appearing that there is a problem with my internet connection. The errors clear after a couple of minutes but would appear again a few minutes later. I reset the hd receiver and the picture would still freeze every 2 to 5 minutes. I reset the router and this also did not fix the issue. So I called at&t support and they checked my line remotely and found an issue. They said they could send a technician out the next day between noon and 4pm. I accept. Well, the next day, I receive a call from an at&t rep around 3:40pm stating that the technician is running late and that he or another technician will be there after 4pm. Well, 4 o'clock comes and goes. At 6pm, I asked my wife to call, because I was too irate. Guess what, they are not coming and weren't even going to call. After my wife ranted and raved, they said they will be out on monday between 4pm and 6pm. This is where I stand right now. When I decided to switch from satellite to u-verse, I thought I was getting a great deal for the price. What a mistake! If I had it to do over again, I would have stayed with satellite. Actually, I will probably go back to satellite because this is just way to ridiculous. If you have good service with your current cable provider, stick with them.

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Aug 02, 2012 6:08 pm EDT

u-verse tv and internet are scams I had high speed internet with at&t for only 19.95 per month, then I order the u-verse tv service and they tell me I have to get my internet along with the u-verse sewrvice. ok so they say it's 19.95, but it's only for the internet pro service, which is their slowest. plus I have to pay $6.00 per month for the modem rental, even tho it's the same one as for the u-verse tv. Plus all sorts of access fees. Now my service has jumped to $38.00 plus the $6.00, which means I am now paying $44 for the lowest internet service they offer. I started out trying to pay approx. $100 for cable tv and internet, I pay nearly $200 plus my att home phone which is seperate runs close to $50. This is ridiculas! We are being robbed by these people. I am going to go to some other service!

Donna Wackerle
Houston, US
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Jan 20, 2011 11:20 pm EST
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I have tried for over a month to resolve a charge that they made to my bill that I did not authorize. When I first called them about it over a month ago, I was told that they would take it off my bill. I called back last week and they told me that they would now only deduct the labor part, but would charge me for the P-card. When the technician came to my home, he came for another reason not related and while he was there told my son that he "gave him" a P-card...never mentioned anything to me about a charge and left. Now U-verse tells me that they will charge me for this because it is a valid charge. They even read to me in their records that the technician that came to my home said that he "gave me" the P-card. How clear does it have to be? I am canceling my service with them...b/c they refuse now to take this off my bill after I was told the first time I called that it was a miscommunication and they would take it off as a one time thing. I have called a total of three times now and never get this resolved. Can anyone tell me how I can get in touch with an executive at that company to let them know of the way they lie to their customers.

Los Angeles, US
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Dec 17, 2010 1:08 am EST
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[censor] happens

leola foster
Round Lake Beach, US
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Oct 10, 2010 7:22 pm EDT

I am fed up wsith your customer service. I hVE BEEN HAVING trouble fpr weeks and I keep getting a run around and no one has the ability to do the right thing but they sure can lie .I guess I will be looking into getting someone else

unsatisfide customer
San Jose, US
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Apr 17, 2009 5:44 pm EDT

100% agree

unsatisfide customer
San Jose, US
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Apr 17, 2009 5:43 pm EDT

I agree, AT&T U-verse should not even try to compete with comcast or any onther TV services. Their servces sucks, they do not even know how to repair or troubleshoot their own hardware. They have left a 72 year old lady without a phone line after switching over to AT&T Uverse. She can not make or recieve any calls. If her house was to catch on FIRE AT&T would be a fault since they are not willing to fix their equipment. They should be hung and should not even try to compete with Comcast or satelite TV. They Suck...

5:05 pm EDT
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AT&T I did not receive my reward

i referred my daughter to at&t uverse for computer, telephone and television it was installed on9-23-08 my daughter registered with her phone number on line which is what it said to do .i called after eight weeks and was told it would be coming soon each month after that i called and was told the same thing i spoke to supervisors. they all told me they were working on it i called on march 3 2009 and was told after all this time i was not eligable they never told me this before and i think this is a scam i feel they cheated me out of my reward because we followed the directions on line why didnt they tell me 3 months ago that i wasnt getting it they are supposed to be a reputable company i think i should consider changing companies and not referring anymore people for this service this is the second referral i got nothing for

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Antioch, US
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Jun 01, 2015 5:40 pm EDT
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I find it so funny that AT&T places their ads on this site posting their false and impossible rebates and rewards cards! Your daughter should call and tell them she will cancel if they will not give you the promised rebate! Shame on them!

Antioch, US
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Jun 01, 2015 5:37 pm EDT
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Yes, they don't tell you that you have to apply for it online and you can't apply for it until you have had the service for one month and then they will send it to you within 60 days. Also note the expiration date as if you do not use it right away it will expire and they are banking on the fact that most people will forget to apply and will not use it right away and then the fish and bait method will work exactly like they planned. Good luck on trying to get someone to help you as those days are gone!

4:11 pm EDT
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AT&T u-verse installation

Earlier Feb 09, I ordered U-verse to be installed. Got a installation date of Feb 28. About 2 weeks wait time. Fine, so I waited. The scheduled installation time was between 12 and 2 pm. I received both a card and email to remind me of the installation.
On exactly 1:59pm that day, I got a call saying the tech is behind schedule and has no idea when he will make it today. I was not too happy, of course, because one has to wait around hours and hours for a technician. And people have plans. You screw up one plan, you screw up the whole day. So I asked for re-schedule.

Guess what, another 2 weeks. The installation time, 12 to 2 pm., same.

I waited again, like a dumb puppet. I made all the efforts to move my schedules around and waited, waited... until 2:30, I lost my patience and called customer service. Surprisingly (or NOT), I was told the order was canceled. At first the customer rep had no idea what happened but after I pushed further, and after numerous transfer, hold, hold, 40 mins went by, and it turned out that the order was NEVER officially assigned to the dispatcher, due to some "technical" errors. The order was "cancelled" after 14 days.

I was getting at least 2 automatically placed calls before that installation date, to remind me of this installation. And right in the morning of the installation, beautifully, the order was nuked. And the beauty of it, is that no one is at fault!? because it is all system's problem!

The bottom is that my time is simply worth zero dollars because I lie on the couch watching TV everyday anyway. Well. NO. my billing rate is $ 200 per hour. We had a deal, to make a sale which requires that I commit to a schedule, sit and wait, and the other party show up to perform the service. By screwing up like this, it is an epic failure of business trust, integrity, and simply disgraceful.

This will be almost 2 months, for U-verse to be installed.
Shame, I mean, concentrated shame, mixed with lead and mercury. Sometimes I really don't get this, do they still want customers or not? Because seems to me, no one gives a [censored] any.

They put me down for another week. Maybe I need to get my fingers crossed for someone from AT&T to really make his appointment. It's like, playing lottery. You need very very very good luck to win, to get installed.

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Nov 05, 2009 8:47 pm EST


8:22 pm EDT
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AT&T false advertising

ATT solicted my company for a website with a banner ad guaranteed to get 60 clicks a month and put me on and other search engines . After 3 months of trying to get in touch with their web designer, the sales representative, OR the sales representatives manager, none of my phone calls were ever returned, I received a contract and my credit card was billed. I called customer service and they found no record . I sent their information back, registered mail, with a letter stating that their "no service" was cause for my not signing any contract with them. Instead of responding to my letter they put up a banner ad with incorrect information about my business causing me financial harm 4 months after I was solicted and 2 months after they received my cancellation letter. I have called them many times trying to get them to stop advertising my business and they state there is nothing they can do. Customer service is smug and inconsiderate. I have had customer service representative tell me there is nothing they can do because it has been billed to my credit card and I voiced verified the information. I had one representative from the Riverside, CA office hang up on me. If you are thinking about advertising with ATT YELLOWPAGES - STOP NOW - THEY DON'T PERFORM WHAT THEY PROMISE AND THEY TREAT YOU AS THE ENEMY!

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Mar 31, 2011 3:11 pm EDT

The GSM does have the authority to cancel the contract but it would go against his commissions. I used to work for the company and its a very fraudulent company.

Y,Llc Lawsuite!
Tacoma, US
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Feb 01, 2011 6:39 pm EST

I want to thank all the wonderful individuals who have taken their time to respond to our comment/complaint. and, apologize to those whom we have not returned contact. Your response (needless to say) has been over whelming. AT& and Blue Ribbon Auto Glass, Llc. have mutually agreed to terminate the contract and we have received a full refund. This does not excuse AT&T's misrepresentation of their product or unconscionable behavior. Nor does this make-up for our total financial losses. However, at this time we are not pursuing our law suite.

If I could pass on what this experience has shown me, I would say to, "Not go quietly into the night" let your voice be heard. File your complaint with as many organizations outside of AT&T's control as possible. The BBB, Federal Trade commission, State Attorney Generals Office etc... If you are paying with a credit/debit card, STOP PAYMENT NOW! And dispute the charges with your card company (AT&T must prove their charges are valid to the card company and are not allowed to contact the person or business disputing the charges about the amount disputed until it is settled). If the do so, file a complaint with your card company (Visa/MC/AMEX/DC) not your bank. If you have been sent to "collections", dispute the validity of the original bill. Make AT&T prove they provided the service. Your "contract" is for "clicks" not calls. AT&T must show a preponderance of proof that your "clicks" are in accordance with your specific contract. The plain and simple truth is they can not. Finally, USE the experience and advice given on the complaint board. It is a great resource!

Mathew Korba
Blue Ribbon Auto Glass, Llc.

Y,Llc Lawsuite!
Tacoma, US
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Sep 16, 2010 4:20 pm EDT

My name is Mathew Korba. I am the owner of Blue Ribbon Auto Glass Llc in Tacoma, Wa. I too attempted to advertise with the YPConnect program (yellow pages on-line), marketed by AT&T advertising. We are currently seeking businesses and individuals who have not received the services promised by Llc as sold by AT&T Advertising Solutions to partipate in a class action suite. The purpose of the suite is to recover financial losses incurred by mis-leading sales tactics and Llc's inability to deliver it's product as advertised. You are encouraged to participate.
Please cal [protected] or email for more information

Las Vegas, US
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Feb 15, 2010 11:57 am EST

I am sorry that you are not happy with I was looking online found a website that you can have a ebillboard for FREE. Just go to I was talking to my friend Bill he sign up for a ebillboard. He told me that he is glad that he got a ebillboard. His business just moved to a new building he went to change this info with yellow book and was on hold for 35 Minutes waiting for someone to talk to. When he went to his ebillboard and change his info and it took him just few minutes.

John Simmons
San Francisco, US
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Mar 23, 2009 4:46 pm EDT

I was called by a representative to place an ad. I was told that I would have a week to cancel if I changed my mind. After a couple of days, I did change my mind (I was shutting down that business), but was told that my representative was not available and that the new rep did not have authorization to cancel. I told them then and there that I would stay on the phone and escalate the call until my cancellation request was honored as advertised. The rep talked to her manager and then said that "I guarantee you that it will be taken care of today". She dropped the ball, and the ad appeared anyway. I was afraid of getting a lot of calls for a non-existent business, but during the whole year, I only got one call - someone looking for a job. I have been fighting one very long legal battle that started when they tried to bill me. In short: DON'T USE AT&T YELLOW PAGES - YOU'LL BE SCREWED, YOUR AD WON'T BE WORTH THE MONEY, AND YOU WILL BE DEALING WITH AN EXTREMELY SLIMY COMPANY.

4:07 pm EDT
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AT&T billing, customer service

After a gross overpayment of my monthly wireless aircard fee, I was put through hell trying to get the money returned. After intitiating action their "Trust Dept" (good name huh?) closed the case (CMA) after requiring more info on the payment but never tried to get in touch with me to request the info. I opened another "CMA" to proceed and got shoddy customer service, one service rep (Kathryn Berman) told me to fax the info for the Trust Dept. to her and she would take care of it. I found after trying to follow up, she did nothing but leave lie on a pile of papers.
After 5 weeks and no money to pay my bills I incurred a few late charges and AT&T never offered interest for the time the held my money.
Five weeks ago I called to terminate the contract and after explaining it all for the umpteenth time the service manager agreed with me and it was canceled. AT&T continued to carry a balance and just turned it over to a collection agency. I called AT&T customer service just now about it and I'm told by the supervisor the only thing she can do is waive the late fee.
At&T and especially the "Trust Dept" does not care about customer relations. This is not the first time in many years I have had bad customer service and/or trouble with this company, I should have learned my lesson. Stick with Verizon

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Swansboro, US
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May 08, 2009 10:31 pm EDT

Another ATT complaint. Before they took over Cingular I never had a problem, however, once ATT took over I started having many dead zones. Most particular and peculiar was as soon as I got near Washington DC and area north of there, I could not make or receive calls on my cell phone. When I got back here to NC I called ATT to complain. The lady asked me to call the next time I got close to the areas that were dead, so I did. They were suppose to track me or something and then connect me to the towers. It did NOT work. The next time I traveled to NJ I went to an ATT store at the Freehold Mall. The person there told me I had to upgrade my phone. I asked what? He said you need a new phone. At that point I just wanted to be able to make my phone contacts so I sprung for a new phone at about $250. I had the phone for about one year and it got wet, so I had to pay another $115, Okay so what. Well when I called the ATT operator to find out why my phone wasn't working she told me to put the SIMI chip in the old phone and it should work. Well, I guess I was dupped by the ATT store because apparently all I needed was a new SIMI chip which should have been given to me for free!

4:02 pm EDT
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AT&T anything to do with u-verse!

This is a warning to anyone getting involved with the ATT U-verse system! Everything they tell you is untrue, the persons on the help lines each seem to have a different story about getting help, and the billing is very deceptive. We had service installed on January 31st, 2009 and as of today (3/9/09), it has been an absolute NIGHTMARE! I have been verbally lied too, verbally abused, and we have had probably less that one half service during the entire time it has been installed.
We have been customers with ATT for many years, and have had all services "bundled" for the past several years, but this has completely turned us off from this company. They are ripping people off left and right... do not even consider getting this service or you will be sorry!

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5:16 am EST
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As a former employee of AT&T, I was guaranteed the use of my AT&T Universal Card for life with no annual fee. They have recently cancelled this card with the excuse that it is because I live overseas. I have lived overseas for over 16 years and have been using this card with no problems until now. I want to know why they can suddenly decide not to honor their guarantee of a card for life with no annual fee.

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12:02 pm EST
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AT&T charges

Going to make this short. We got a go phone from wal-mart for our son to use just in case, the throw away type. Got home with it & after jumping thru the numerouse hoops to get it to work... We discoverd that it gets no service where we live. Cancled it out. Was to get a refund... Never did called a few more times to get it cancled never happend. Still being charged $43.46 per month & sometime I see it get charged to my account two times per month.
Called thier wonderful number [protected] just to have the automated answering service hang up on me. Credit unoin tells me I can do a stop payment but it would have to be on a month to month bases. So $26.00 per month to do the stop payment & it would have to be done each month in order for it to work. So now we have approxemently $300.00 wraped up in the thing & tried to use it once but it never trully worked. Left a message on the answering service but no one has called us back as of yet. I personally think that this is a scam with at&t/vesta & go phone. Looks like a nother letter off to the bbb for our area.

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MissPhinzgurljojo Heat Kelly
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Sep 02, 2017 6:55 pm EDT


MissPhinzgurljojo Heat Kelly
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Sep 02, 2017 6:39 pm EDT


Darline Subervielle
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Aug 01, 2017 9:01 pm EDT

I had a terrible experience with Vesta agent today(8/01/17). Had been talking to my Sam's Discover card thru Synchrony Bank, and found I had three fraud charges (2) Papa Johns, (1) Vesta AT&T. Papa Johns was nice as was but the lady Chasity with Vesta was rude, told me even though this charge showed up on June statement and my payment was due 7/23/17 the charge in question was 5/23/17 which she said was over 90days and can not be removed. She also told me that I must have had my card where someone had access to it. I told her no, only myself, and I do not have AT&T phone service. She said this was a one time payment to an account that had AT&T phone service. I told her repeatedly that I did not ok this but she said nothing she could charges staying, When I talked back to credit card company they couldn't believe she wouldn't take the complaint and at least process it so they can process on their end..Thankfully my credit card company was more understanding and closed the account an issued a new card, , I do have AT&TU-Verse which we just got this July and have to say if this is the kind of customer service they have I might not be a customer long.

San Jose, US
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Oct 20, 2014 4:05 pm EDT

I found the same Vesta charge on my account for $35.00...I don't know these People, nor did I ask for their services. I called my Bank and had them issue me a new card. Next month they, (Vesta), can't charge me again. When I purchase my next monthly Go Phone minutes I will use cash ONLY...They will never get my account again...captphrank
P.S.My Bank returned the $35.00

Vesta eCustomer Support
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Sep 23, 2009 5:33 pm EDT
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Vesta processes millions of prepaid recharge payments each month on behalf of telecom companies and their customers. We continually monitor orders for unauthorized or fraudulent use of payment devices, and actively work with customers to resolve any issues or disputes promptly and fairly. This is evidenced by our “A” rating by the Better Business Bureau.

If you have questions regarding a charge from Vesta on your credit card bill or bank statement, email
or call toll free [protected]. A representative will be glad to assist you.

Livonia, US
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Apr 20, 2009 3:35 pm EDT
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Vesta began making unauthorized deductions from my checking account after I mailed one of my own checks to pay my cousin's AT&T bill. Apparently they took the info from my check. Not sure what they were billing for either since I do not have an AT&T phone and the billl I was paying was a year old balance on a phone no longer in use. They did 2 deductions after my initial check, both in the same bank statement period so I didn't notice after the first one. I went right to my bank and signed an affidavit stating that I did not authorize the ACH deductions. They said I should have my money back in 2-3 days.

maria greenhalgh-olson
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Apr 15, 2009 6:51 pm EDT
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they charged my acct 20 times in one month (jan.'09)& i have proof that i only charged 7 times for that one month.

10:38 am EST
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dear sir I am craig j cirrincione I was sent is letter from your Law offices. It states that I owe you 433.99 and you will settle for 238.69 I payed this bill over 10years ago.So you show me the exact bill that I need to pay. thank you : craig j cirrincione e-mail me at [protected] refernce #[protected]-11

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8:54 pm EST
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AT&T sales man fraud me

A man represent at&t came to my shop want me to change land line carrier. he promised me lower my telephone bill.
but i get doubled phone bill this month.
I call AT&T but that computer machine make me angry, also
the person received call doesn't care because its not their department job. i tried call million time this sales person, leave million time recording didnot answer.
what am i have to do?

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Blacksburg, US
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May 26, 2009 8:14 pm EDT

Complaint very accurate. I had a man come into my house told me the same line. I also went to AT&T office each point was gone over; It was a special deal they said. My phone bill has been twice as high as before and I cannot get anyone do anything about it. As with this person I get the automated system which goes around in circle, and after an hour going through one thing after the other, I'm told it's not their problem.

3:04 pm EST
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AT&T combining cell phone accounts

I have been an AT&T customer for over five years. I recently rolled my sisters account under my account. I called customer service twice to ask questions about the details before I made the switch. The rep did not note any of my questions or any of the responses to my questions. I specially asked about the rollover minutes and was assured we would keep all of them. Now I get my first bill and they have taken away all the minutes and say they can't do anything about it even though their representatives are giving out incorrect information. This is very poor customer service and when my contracts expire I will not be renewing any of the. They also said that one of my contracts has already expired this is contrary to what I was told when I was combining the accounts in February. AT&T needs to give me back my rollover minutes and retrain their customer service agents.

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Flint, US
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Feb 20, 2009 9:15 am EST

My debit card was blocked due to overdrafts and when I recieved a print out I discovered that At&t had submitted an ACH against my account fraudulently. I have not done business with At&t since 2000 and my bank account has only been opened a month. The draft was submitted with NO ACCOUNT attached, nor phone number NOTHING! I called and spoke a rep who couldn't find anything that matched the amount, GO FIGURE! I can't understand how a compnay as large as At&t has no tracking system for payments they've recieved via the telephone. I am completely ticked cause I'm left holding the bag until it's been resolved!

2:33 pm EST
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AT&T internet service

i need to update my complaint. It is very important for me to let everyone know about a billing specialist named ASSUNTA WESBY, she was very helpful, very polite, and even cared enough to tell me that after we disconnected that she would make sure my account was how i had requested. Please ATT praise her, but i would let some of the customer service taking orders for new service maybe take some training from her. all of you out there take the time to do the steps it is worth it if you get the pleasure to speak to her; ASSUNTA WESBY.

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Update by wade croft
Mar 02, 2009 1:06 pm EST

I'm so glad that i'm not the only one having trouble with att. I had problems from the beginning promises of when they would show up to connect my service and they were a no show. The biggest problem of all is that when i ordered internet with the agent i told her that i wanted the basic dsl service with no regular telephone line, she said that was possible basic dsl with760kb would be 14.95 amonth with a added 5.00 because i do not have regular phone line with them. Because i am a new customer they had to charge me immediately debiting my checking 50.00 and they also had to debit my checking for 6 months to pay my monthly bill.. Now they tell me that they will debit my checking 42.95 each month because they claim i have the highest speed dsl that they offer.. Please tell me if you agree that sounds like a scam or illegal. att you should be ashamed we normal people cant fight you big dogs especially when you play tricks like that. so so wrong


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AT&T is a leading telecommunications company that provides a wide range of services to customers across the United States. With a history that dates back over 140 years, AT&T has established itself as a trusted provider of wireless, internet, and entertainment services.

One of the key strengths of AT&T is its extensive network infrastructure, which includes both wired and wireless connections. This allows the company to offer reliable and high-speed internet services to customers in both urban and rural areas. Additionally, AT&T's wireless network is one of the largest in the country, providing coverage to millions of customers across the United States.

In addition to its internet and wireless services, AT&T also offers a range of entertainment options. This includes its DirecTV satellite television service, which provides access to hundreds of channels and on-demand content. AT&T also offers streaming services through its AT&T TV and HBO Max platforms, which allow customers to access a wide range of movies, TV shows, and other content.

Overall, AT&T is a well-established and reliable provider of telecommunications services. With its extensive network infrastructure and range of offerings, the company is well-positioned to meet the needs of customers across the United States.

Overview of AT&T complaint handling

AT&T reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jul 19, 2006. The latest review Business practices was posted on Mar 5, 2025. The latest complaint They sold me misrepresentation service was resolved on Nov 30, 2022. AT&T has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 2176 reviews. AT&T has resolved 644 complaints.
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    575 Morosgo Dr., NE Rm 14f67, Atlanta, Georgia, 30324-3300, United States
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    Mar 10, 2025
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