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Dollar Tree Complaints 2972

10:49 pm EDT
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On April 3r, 2011 I was at the store purchasing about 15 items and there was only one cashier line open. When I asked if another clerk was going to open, she (Liz sales associate) proceed to tell as soon as she got off the phone. By the sound of conversation it did not seem she was on a business and I did asked her but she just wave me off then I mention...

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7:22 pm EDT
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There was 5 people in line so, this one lady called out hello the cashier said in a rude way i am coming. when she came the lady was very nice and the cashier was not nice . I dont like to complaine on people but I was very hurt by this lady . She was not nice to anyone. This lady had no name tag the only way I can describe her is she s about 50 years old...

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6:28 pm EDT
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I'm just going to submit a copy of the complaint I just sent to The Dollar Tree. If possible, I will update this with any news. I have discovered something very troubling at the Dollar Tree store at the following location: Red Mill Commons - Store #1750 1157 Nimmo Parkway Suite 102 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 The manager at this store, who I have identified...

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9:30 pm EST
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Dollar Tree store nasty and store personnel nasty

This store is atrocious. As well as the workers there. This store is one of the nastiest looking stores I have ever been too. Inside there is dirt encrusted everywhere. On the shelves where the items are at there are layers of dirt so that when you go to pick up the item that you are wanting your hand gets dirty. The inside of the coolers where the food is at stinks and it is dirty also. The bathrooms can only be accessed by a key and those are the worst parts of it. There is never any toilet paper and the floors, walls, sinks and toilets are dirty. The toilets often have urine on the seat even in the womens restroom. One time I went and there was feces smeared on the mirror and the wall. I have complained about this several times and just received the response "thats just how it is here, no one ever cleans up." The workers have the worst attitudes. The minute you walk in it's like you are walking into a battle zone. They all look at you with scowls on their faces and one time I was walking past two hispanic workers (I'm white) and I heard the one say to the other "white devil." I just walked past and ignored it. There is also a couple there dating. One day I witnessed them in an isle making out and the guy had his hand up the girls shirt and the girl was rubbing the guys crotch, in plain view in the middle of the store! No one seemed to care. The only reason I go to that store is because they do actually have some good things there for cheap. But I have never ever seen or experienced a store worse than this Dollar Tree on San Bernardo Ave. in Laredo, Tx. That entire crew needs to be fired.

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Update by Justme@justme
Mar 12, 2011 2:08 am EST

123321, Actually the reason why the restrooms are locked is not because they are not obligated to let customers use it. It is because we live directly on the Mexican border and they don't want illegals using the bathroom to wash up in (like they could) and also they say it is to prevent theft. Even if the restroom was only for the employees use why is that an excuse for it to be that nasty. Now yes, I could go to another store. But I don't live in a huge town. I live in a small border town. So no, there are not that many to choose from. Most places in this town are pretty dirty. So don't talk to me about pride. I have pride. I am proud to live where I live because the reason I am here is for a noble reason.

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Madison, US
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Mar 09, 2011 9:44 pm EST

Every one of the stores Ive been to in south central Wisconsin is pretty much the same way. I wont even waste my time anymore. The places are disgusting and dirty. I expect more for my shopping experience. I avoid them altogether now

7:11 am EST
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Dollar Tree Rude employee

After a hard physical therapy session ending late on valentines day, I came home upset, & found a surprise valentine.. Wanting to reciprocate, after runnin errands, in pain I walked in to store @945 to grab a card and candy bar.. Upon walkin thru the door the rude employee yells to us were only open 5 more minutes guys, so... U know...
Her words were almost enuf to make me leave immediately! But I purchased wat I needed & cheked out at 951.. Store closes at ten! What a jerk! I really didn't need that!

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cheryl Whiteaker
McMinnville, US
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Jul 07, 2009 10:49 am EDT

My sister and I was at the Dollar Tree Store 7/6/09 we had many items because we love that store . No one was at the cash register to check us out, there was a couple people behind us. After about 5 minutes I said Could someone check us out please. And this very rude employee says loudy "When I get over there I will." And she took her time .Everyone behind us was conmenting on how rude she was. When I got home I called the manager and his response was " I know I heard her ... she was blowing up balloons". I said Well ok I guess thats how you treat your customers too have a nice day. I was so shocked not only me and my sister but when a couple ladys behind us were shocked also. I can believe any store would treat people like that. I love the store but the employees need to atlest be cnoutious... not to much to ask.

Mooresville, US
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Sep 17, 2011 6:28 am EDT

I agree the new Mooresville, NC BK used to be so nice, the employees were clean and friendly. So much has changed. I would call it fraud. We were charged more than the menu prices. The employees have a complacent attitude. The counter person during the day has a nasty attitude. The manager could care less, never smiles. We will not patronize this or other restaurants again. I notice the number of customers have dropped substantially. Rudeness seems to be a nationwide epidemic.

Canton, US
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Aug 29, 2011 5:27 pm EDT

I've worked for dollar tree and I agree they are very pleasant at first, but don't be fooled. I was there every truck to unload then stock then they would send me home after only working for two hours..cause after they were done using me they sent me home. My paychecks was being cut which still they have yet to remberce me. I seen alot of things that was not well you know. And now I'm being treated as if I didn't even exist. So if anyone knows how I can get the money owed to me that would be of great help.

dt worket
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Jun 23, 2011 3:22 pm EDT

This is because there's a ton of people who come in at 10 minutes to closing and figure because they're in the store that they can shop as long as they want. It doesn't sound like they were being rude from what you're saying, just informing you that they were closing. Stop being a self absorbed prude, you're not the only one with a bad day.

Casper, US
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May 14, 2011 11:20 am EDT

Yeah, no kidding. I agree with gkenigmatic.

RaVen Blackehart
RaVen Blackehart
Orchard Park, US
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Feb 26, 2011 3:31 am EST
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I worked at a Dollar Tree awhile ago, it was, no question, the very WORST job I have ever had in my life. They expect you to bust yourself for minimum wage and do the work of two or three people while the head office cuts corners by putting as few employees as possible in the stores. Do this, do that, blow up balloons, help stock, clean the store and at one time the one I worked in was very busy. Lately it hasn't been though. The manager was a piece of work, too, I wonder if she's gotten a DUI yet? Hmmmmm. I used to smell alcohol on her breath! Crappy cheap Chinese made merchandise that breaks as soon as you use it, smaller size name brand products (like people won't notice) no cash refunds, etc. I'm glad to be out of there, it simply was not worth it to work at the cheap-### junky store.

Warwick, US
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Feb 15, 2011 7:54 am EST

screw this place. i orderd a plant for my mom for v day and the delieverd it on time just dead.

Casper, US
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Feb 05, 2011 8:21 am EST

No, the cashier could have handled that WAY differently. It doesn't matter what job duties one has -- customer service is first. I'm in the same boat and it can get terribly busy at the store so there is never a time you will catch me sitting on my butt "resting". Sacrifices are made when it's out of our control (shorter hours, less employees working per shift, etc.), but we certainly can control our attitudes. No matter how bad it gets! Geez, people make it sound like the work is difficult. Yes, customers can make the job difficult, but it's obvious this associate isn't able to multi-task or manage time very well (or people for that matter). Then again, who knows what really happened. Move on, don't shop there. Spread the word to friends and family. Done.

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Aug 20, 2009 5:52 pm EDT

I am a former dollar tree employee, and I completely disagree with what you are saying. Selling products for one dollar or less each, the company does not make very much money off of each product it sells. Therefore, most stores only have enough hours to pay one cashier for opening, mid-day, and closing shifts, along with one manager. Most of the time, there are only two employees in the store. This is an issue for Dollar Tree stores across the U.S. As the only cashier on a busy day, I have been in the same position as the cashier you described many times and I do my best to help all customers out. However, single-handed, I can only do so much. Put yourself in the cashier's shoes. Can you fill up ballons, run the register, answer the phone, watch the floor, etc. all at the same time without any inconvenience to the customer ALL BY YOURSELF? For the great deal you are getting, the company must sacrifice something. That is the good customer service that customers deserve, unfortunately. You don't like the customer service? Go to Safeway, Longs, Walgreens, etc., pay three times a much, and you will get the customer service that you long for.

12:49 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Dollar Tree wrongfully banned!!

I was talking with my girlfriend who works theres before work, we had been fighting and recently broke up,
We get into an arguement and she runs inside screaming shes scared, I go in to try and calm her down as her shift is about to start. The manager has police there in 30 seconds and im banned and tresspassing, I cant beleive I used to work there!

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4:24 pm EST
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Dollar Tree Rude store manager

i went to dollar tree store at olivers crossing on petters creek parkway.the manager was jumping over the counters. when jumping he almost hit me.he didnt even say sorry.i got wrongfuly accused of stealling. i was told not to come in his store.or i was going to be arrested.the manager is rude.a girl was trying to do her job her line was very busy .she asked to get help she was agnored by her manager. he sayed im busy do it yourself. she was very upset.i told her why not leave instead of being abbused by him.she sayed she had to have the job because she was a single mom raising a babby.i told her he was very rude.she says he always like that. she says pepole complain abbout him.but it dont do any good.please help get rid of rude manager please.they say his name is jason.sincerly dollar tree coustomer.not ever shopping there again.

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Kianna T.
Snellville, US
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Mar 28, 2015 9:27 pm EDT

Shopping at Dollar Tree on Hwy 124 in Snellville.Geogia..I observed the assistant manager being rude and patronize to a customer..The cashier didn't comprehend that he was suppose to give a customer back cash..After it had been debited from her account.Farther more, A young gentleman came into to talk to the manager about a job..The assistant manager and cashier was not only rude to this young gentleman..They were also condescending towards him..What I observed..these peoples action was racist and discriminatory.If I had the money..I would have walked up to this young gentleman..offered to pay for a lawyer ..If he wanted to file a lawsuit against this Dollar Tree.I wonder..if this happen because this young gentleman was white and gay.With these types of employee's it is just a matter of time I think before something like this happens to Dollar Tree.

Mrs. Merlinda Rodriguez
Riverside, US
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Jun 01, 2010 8:35 pm EDT
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I have a complaint agasint your store in Riverside, Ca. on Chicago ave.I am a senior citizen who is handiecapped.I use a walker and I was refused to use your restroom because of vandalism issues.This is a cruel and mean practice.Other Dallor Tree stores have useable restrooms.If I get a urine infection, you will be hearing from my attorney.This store is disrepectful and discriminating to senior handiecapped patrons.Please fix this situation. Thank you

Customer 101
Houston, US
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Jan 19, 2013 5:04 pm EST
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Manager is lazy David doesn't care to help you don't want to be bothered! doesn't care to give you the right information! several trips to store on ulverd and no hel from him!

samath jones
wilkesbarre, US
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Dec 06, 2014 11:33 pm EST

i over heard manager speaking with attitude telling workers to do stuff i waited in long line and complained why dont some one open register i had spoke to cashier jenn she said i will open and assisant manager said very rude i dont have a till to open and i told her i was gonna complain about her she said to me do what you got to do. she always wears sweatshrits so its hard telling she management i was in store shopping one hour and she went on break outside 3 times its not fair to good workers i love store please take care of this matter prices are wonderful and i spend alot of money at your stores

Hope Johnson
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Oct 29, 2010 9:24 pm EDT


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Apr 21, 2013 6:23 am EDT

Most people do not realize that a lot, if not most, of expense is paid out in salaries. Dollar Tree minimizes the number of employees on duty. They are a 'no frills' store. That's one of the ways to keep the cost down. I am an employee, and understand that those who help after they have 'clocked out' do so out of the goodness of their own heart. If anything would happen during that assistance (injury, etc.) they are on their own. When we are 'clocked out' on breaks or at the end of the shift, Dollar Tree is not responsible for any mishaps. If you check, most stores follow this same policy. The difference is that most other stores have more than two employees on and there is someone who can assist.

Why The Long Faces
Why The Long Faces
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Jan 20, 2013 11:53 am EST

What kind of help could you possibly need at the dollar store?

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Apr 05, 2012 9:37 pm EDT

efingsimple - you're a [censored]. .Re-read what you typed.

Casper, US
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Feb 05, 2011 9:05 am EST

Did he "spell" as bad as you "smell"? You know you can call the customer line after you confront him with this issue and he doesn't take care of it, right? There IS policy on cleanliness but I have not seen it enforced at any store. You're right, just don't shop there.

Your mom, US
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Jun 01, 2010 11:51 pm EDT

Stealth: I think the bathroom was probably closed because people had been vandalizing it, and they don't want more people vandalizing it. Where I work, we had to put locks on the bathroom doors and we have to let people in when they ask because last summer, some kids kept coming in and putting pockets-full of rocks down the toilets.

3:19 am EST
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Dollar Tree music

I have always loved going into the Dollar tree in Cortez. My mom gets a kick out of me for the reason I love the music they play. It was always hip and up beat not to loud but uplifting. I would dance and sing to myself. I hate going to Wal Mart because it was so inpersonal. Lately when I go to the store it is gloomy no music it just feels dead in there. What has happened? Your store is no longer uplifting. Is your manager a stick in the mud? What happen to the life in there? Not to mention you can hear the conversations of other people in there it is so quite, to much info on people you dont want to hear. You should really check into it. Your store was so much better in years past. I miss it. Could you please see what happened?!

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dt worket
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Jun 23, 2011 3:07 pm EDT

Its a corporate decision to save money across all dollar trees and there's nothing we can do about it so get over it.

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Dec 13, 2010 7:00 pm EST

i love a store with good music on. especially around the holiday. when ur happy everything is just better.

Bronx, US
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Dec 10, 2010 9:10 pm EST
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Walmart plays music?

3:04 pm EST
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i am a frequent customer at this paticular location been shopping there for years when the other day i observed a manager being real nasty with a cashier, that cashier rang me up plenty of times and was friendly and social everytime i went threw her line the way that manager belittled that poor girl in front of the entire store was uncalled for i feel a...

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8:55 pm EDT
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I was in this store on Nov. 5th and purchases 2 door mats. I called on the next day, Nov. 6th and reported that I had left the mats in the store. The cashier, April, said she remembered me being in the store but there was nothing she could do. I gave April one of the mats for her to scan the price. I don't know if she gave the mat to me or not. However...

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3:42 am EDT
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Dollar Tree foul and vulgar language on job

I happened to be in the area, needed some things, and visited your dumfries store, I encounted two female at work and one off-work male employee, the male and one female were in an aisle, in a private personnel conversation, to the point of a customer needing help at the check-out, the one female told the other, go help ring-up the sale, in which she responsed very loud, why she had to get on the register, as she was using her personnel phone.
Moving through the store, the female who I did'nt see at the time, was doing re-stock, and this same male who was still there, engaged themselves in a conversation, that was loud, and vulgar. None of these employee were being mindful of customer service at all. Nor of their professional attitude of their job. From what I heard, the male address her as Carol. At this point I really had no interest in shopping there. I mostly shop at the Woodbridge store, or Lorton store.

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9:47 pm EDT
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Dollar Tree employees and store manager

I often shop in dollartree on clearview pkwy, and the store manager is very rude. I needed to ask him a question the day I was in there, and he not once turned to face me to answer my question. He continued doing what he was doing while talking to me with his back turned facing me.
That was very rude!

There's also a man who is handicap operating the register who too is very rude. That took me by surprise because being handicap as he is, I would have thought someone like him would be ever so kind to people, but no... This guy is very rude. He also wets his hand with the saliva in his mouth to open the bags because the bags are tightly closed which is hard to open with dry hands, so that too is nasty.

When ever there's a group of employees who all practice handling customers in the same manner and the manager allows them to provide rudeness, it continues and everyone do the same thing over and over again making it okay to provide bad customer service.
The manager him self is at fault for letting this go on as long as it has, and he should be fired along with everyone else; and there should be whole new group of people operating that store because that store generates a lot of business in that location.

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3:46 pm EDT
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While checking out cashier (Karen) and manager (Lynn) were gossiping loudly about another employee, and a older woman asked where something was and the cashier was very rude to this woman and kept pointing to the isle saying "its right there, I cant believe you dont see it", mean while while cashing out they were yelling across the store to eachother very...

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12:59 pm EDT
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Dollar Tree Working off-the-clock/ unpaid overtime

Our lawfirm has filed a complaint against Dollar Tree on behalf of all current and/or former employees who have worked, or are currently working, for Dollar Tree and was required to perform work off-the-clock, such as working through lunch and going to the bank - without being paid for it. Further, you may also have worked over 40 hours in a given week and not been compensated at the overtime rate of time and one-half. You may be entitled to unpaid back wages, unpaid overtime, damages, etc... Contact our firm if you or someone you know may have a claim. 1-877-FLA-INJURY or [protected].

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South San Francisco, US
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Mar 04, 2013 5:30 pm EST

how bout you guys work 56 =hr week and get paid for only 25=hrs. and i just worked 40 =hrs and havent seen a dime so yes this lawsuit needs to be put to action.

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Mar 10, 2011 5:32 pm EST

I work at Dollar Tree and we stoped playing music cause of buget cuts. You should call the compliant hotline. Cause I miss the music to.

Mark Bilsby
idaho Falls, US
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Feb 17, 2011 7:27 am EST
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Funny how so many people spend so much time and energy trying to make a buck off of a company. How about move on and get a job..

Mark Bilsby
idaho Falls, US
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Feb 17, 2011 7:24 am EST
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Why wont you say who you are?

3:56 pm EDT
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Dollar Tree dollar tree won't give employees a day off for a death in the family

I worked at the Renton Highlands Dollar Tree for a year and a half. I always went the extra mile. They would give me digusting and difficult jobs like scrubbing grime off the window sills and dusting the banner that runs around the store is at least ten feet off the ground. But I never complained until a few weeks ago. One of my really good friends was involved in a horrible car accident that left him in a coma. I had mentioned this to my co-workers and managers so they knew I was going through a difficult time already. Then, two days later, my brother passed away. I called in to tell them that with everything going on I just couldn't come in. My friend was in a coma and my brother was dead. I was told by the main assistant manager that I would have to come in because she had already called everyone else in this morning for a project. She was very rude and inconsiderate about this. I went to work completely stressed out and on the verge of a panic attack all through my shift. I spent my entire lunch break in tears. But did they care? No. After all of this unappreciativness, I went in to speak with the store manager about it and put in a two weeks notice. I told him I was being disrespected. I couldn't even take one day off when my brother died. He told me "This is a job. We don't have to." So I was forced to quit. Going to that job everyday was putting me over the edge in stress when I already had enough to worry about. The Dollar Tree is a horrible corporation. I've known this for my entire employment experience and this was just the last straw. Trust me, you do not want to work there.

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Casper, US
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Feb 05, 2011 6:49 am EST

Wow, so sorry about your loss. 2010 was a horrible year for me too. I lost my father, best friend, close professor, 8 year relationship, and my house. I still came in to work. I agree with the store manager -- it's still a job and they still have a business to run, but I totally understand that some people just can't deal with their insides and need that time off to just think and mourn. I did a lot of my tearing up on breaks and before and after work; I know it sucks. But they still expect the smile as I walk into that store until I leave and I sure gave them that but it tore me up. I'm a strong person so I dealt with it well, but sometimes I did wish things could have been handled differently. Oh well, life goes on and still just another day and awakening at the Dollar Tree. Yay!

5:30 pm EDT
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My boyfriend and I went to dollar tree in willingboro to go get a few things for his children a few days ago. When we arrived there we asked an employee by the name of crystal to help us find a few things. Not only was this woman rude, ignorant and unaware of where things were in the store she works in, she was also under the influence of alcohol. As we...

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12:22 am EDT
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I love shopping at the Dollar Tree in 4555 N. Pershing but after today I will never go back in there because I just felt so angry I felt like hitting the wall. I went in there with my roomate and two boys too look around for silly brecelet that everyone is wearing. I had brought two last week for my sons girlfriend and the kids in our colplex wanted my son...

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1:30 pm EDT
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Dollar Tree discontinue store music

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a very regular shopper at your Dollar Tree stores throughout the State of Maryland, and up until recently, have enjoyed my shopping experience - the staff's attitude, orderliness of the merchandise on shelves, merchandise, etc.

As I began my shopping this past Sunday morning, I noticed there was no background music. An employee pointed out that corporate orders had been given that all music should be discontinued! Just how selfish and inconsiderate is this. I realize that many business are cutting back where possibe given today's economy, but listen, the employees are people to! It was like shopping in a Morgue! The experience was terrible. This one consideration has so adversely affected the employees' morale and overall well-being to the point of complaining. Please reconsider and continue the simple enjoyment of having music for the employees as well as the Customers!

It is a welcomed distraction for us all. While shopping and listening to music, I can tell you as a loyal customer that, I'm more distracted by how much I'm spending and the economic realities of today's times. With the music, I can enjoy my shopping experience and the pleasant disposition of the employees. Don't punish your employees for working hard at not the greatest salary during these times. The music is but a small consideration for both the shoppers and most importantly, your employees.

I will personally be asking shoppers to complain about the music issue in the immediate future. I would like to continue shopping at the various Dollar Tree stores, but in support of the employees and a favorable work environment, I will become the greasy wheel to get the oil! This is but a small consideration.

Bree Scott-Jackson

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Casper, US
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Feb 04, 2011 8:30 am EST

I work at the Dollar Tree and I'm so glad that happened. Better environment for the employees?! Please. I happen to like it quiet. I like to be able to hear customers come in or who are in need of help. We are too busy at the store as it is to worry about stupid music being played. Bring your ipod or something. And who needs "comfort" at work? YOU'RE AT WORK! That's the problem with a bunch of people these days.

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Oct 22, 2010 7:26 pm EDT

I am curently a Dollar Tree employee, and have been for the past 3 yrs. I was used to the music and it was a comfort at work. Them shutting it off makes work pretty boring and the customers alwyas complain..
As much profit as this company makes they should bring music back..

Lubbock, US
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Sep 20, 2010 4:49 pm EDT

The corporate office received complaints about the music and decided that not only was it a nuncance with a few customers, they demed it a distraction for the employees. This is why the music was shut off.
Former DT employee
Lubbock, TX

1:24 pm EDT
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Dollar Tree I was cut at the store and they did not follow up well.

I had recently been to this store and was hurt. I cut my hand on a plastic piece that was broke off a shelf. I went to the store manager and asked if I could wash my hand in the bathroom. She was hateful to me and told me where the bathroom was. When I got there to my surprise there was no soap to clean my wound. She had never even offered me a bandage and I was forced to buy my own first aid kit. I told the people over Dollar Tree about it on their "contact us" form online. A man called me and just said he was sorry and never followed up with me. Nobody from this store location called me and I feel I should have been reimbursed for buying my first aid kit. I was a good customer but now they have lost me as a customer at Dollar Tree as a whole.

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dt worket
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Jun 23, 2011 3:33 pm EDT

I just want to point out that the restrooms in most of the dollar trees are not public and you have to go through the stockroom or breakroom to get to them. You don't say in your complaint that you told the manager that you cut your hand, you just say you asked to wash your hands. I stock at a store and have come across broken plastic before and haven't cut myself on it, its kind of hard to unless your really trying. I'm not sure how you expect them to follow up on it. You just cut yourself, its not like you broke a leg or something.

Mesa, US
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Jun 16, 2011 11:18 pm EDT

Effing is a dumb ###. You should have called to see how it was handled. If they did nothing or will not answer questions call an attorney. No soap in public bathroom, call health dept. Keep on complaining until something is done.

Casper, US
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Feb 05, 2011 9:17 am EST

Oh my gosh! Did you get a disease over this? No? Probably not. Get over it. They apologized and I'm sure they fixed whatever "cut" you in the first place. If not, THEN you can say something. Watch where you're walking next time.

6:41 am EDT

Dollar Tree manager was talking loudly on her cellphone

The manager was supposedly arranging stock on a shelf in the Easter section but she was on her cell phone from the time I came into the store until I left (approximately 35-40 minutes) and it was very annoying and she very obnoxious. I mentioned it to the lady at the cash register but her reply was.."she's the manager". Others in the store were making remarks and were amazed at how loudly she was talking and at one point she even spoke profanity.

I feel this practice with a store manager is totally uncalled for and should be dealt with appropriately. If I talked on my cell phone for even one minute in my workplace I would be reprimanded and possibly terminated.

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About Dollar Tree

Screenshot Dollar Tree
Dollar Tree is a retail chain offering a variety of products priced at $1 or less. Their inventory includes household items, cleaning supplies, party essentials, seasonal decor, and snacks. They cater to budget-conscious shoppers seeking value for everyday goods. Services include in-store shopping and online ordering with in-store pickup options.
How to file a complaint about Dollar Tree?

1. Log in or create an account: Ensure you are logged in to your account. If you do not have an account, please register by providing the necessary details to create one.

2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with Dollar Tree. Make sure it is specific and indicative of the problem, such as "Overcharged for Items at Dollar Tree" or "Expired Products Sold at Dollar Tree".

4. Detailing the experience: Provide a detailed account of your experience with Dollar Tree. Mention key areas such as customer service, product quality, pricing discrepancies, store cleanliness, or any other relevant aspects of your interaction with the company. Include specific details about transactions, such as dates, store locations, and items purchased. Clearly describe the nature of the issue, including any steps you took to resolve it, such as contacting customer service, and the response you received from the company. Explain how this issue has personally affected you, whether it be a waste of time, financial loss, or any inconvenience caused.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents such as receipts, photos, emails, or correspondence with the company. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy or security.

6. Filling optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial loss you have incurred as a result of the issue with Dollar Tree. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, specify what resolution you are seeking, whether it be a refund, exchange, apology, or any other form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint or review to ensure that it is clear, accurate, and complete. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors, and verify that all information provided is correct.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to formally file your complaint or review on

9. Post-Submission Actions: After submitting your complaint or review, regularly check back on for any responses or updates. You may receive feedback from other users or from the company itself, so it is important to stay informed about the status of your complaint.

Overview of Dollar Tree complaint handling

Dollar Tree reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 25, 2008. The latest review Roblox game gift card was posted on Feb 21, 2025. The latest complaint An employee of your company is allowing her friends to steal while she turns her head. was resolved on Oct 08, 2021. Dollar Tree has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 2975 reviews. Dollar Tree has resolved 92 complaints.
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    500 Volvo Pkwy, Chesapeake, Kansas, 23320-1604, United States
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    Feb 27, 2025
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